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 '23 Flowering Tree Collection
Cornell Plantations Plant List
Last Updated 8/3/12
flowering crabapples
scientific name
common name
Malus baccata '62-­‐130'
Malus 'Candied Apple'
Malus 'Centzam' CENTURION¨
Malus 'Chrishozam' CHRISTMAS HOLLY
Malus 'David'
Malus 'Glen Mills'
Malus 'Guinzam' GUINEVERE¨
Mike Yanny comments that this has exceptional disease resistance and should be further evaluated (431). Lovely large, pure white flowers with no hint of pink; very profuse; really stands out in the landscape; quite upright as a young tree (MH)
Heavy textured foliage on arching branches is tinged with red. Red buds open to pink flowers, followed by small, fleshy, bringht cherry-­‐red fruits that last into wonter.
Columnar tree reaching 20' in height and 15' in width. Leaves dark green and glossy. Flowers single, rose-­‐red, the fruits cherry-­‐red, about 0.6" across, effective for 2 months. Disease-­‐resistent (Nichols).
Plants reach 15' in height and width developing a rounded habit; flowers are bright red in bud opening to single, white flowers; fruit very small, 1/4"-­‐3/8" across, bright red , holly-­‐like, unusually profuse, extremely showy through December, persistent. Disease resistant (Nichols).
Rounded, compact, small tree. Flower buds light pink opening to single, pinkish-­‐white 1.5" diameter flowers. Fruit scarlet-­‐red, 0.5" across, showy, persistent. Alternate bearer. Excellent disease resistance (Nichols).
Small to medium-­‐sized upright-­‐rounded, spreading tree with single, white flowers. Fruit red, very small, persistant. Good disease resistance.
Dwarf plants reach 10' in height and width developing a rounded form; flowers are single, mauve and white; foliage is extremely dark green with a deep wine tint; fruits is bright red, 3/8" across, persistent. Disease resistant.
scientific name
common name
Malus 'Henning'
Malus 'Hozam' HOLIDAY GOLDª
Malus hupehensis
Malus hupehensis 'Wayne Douglas'
An upright to spreading tree reaching 25' in height with very shiny leaves; flowers are white, single, exceptionally profuse; fruits small, 0.6" in diamater, orange-­‐red. Disease free (Nichols). An excellent crabapple of outstanding upright form.
Small tree to 18' tall and 12' wide with a rounded shape. Flowers are white and fragrant, flower buds are pink. Bright gold fruit cover the branches and are persistent into winter.
Open, irregular tree reaching 16' in height and 25' in width with straight, upright-­‐spreading limbs studded from the short trunk to the tips with countless, very short, lateral twigs of equal length on which flower spurs are formed. Flower buds pink, opening to single, white, fragrant flowers. Fruit greenish-­‐yellow with a slight red cheek, 0.4" across, not very showy. Good disease resistance.
A medium-­‐sized, upright but somewhat spreading tree with a rounded form, not like the long-­‐
branched form of the species. Flower buds pale pink opening white, single; fruit purple, 0.5" in diameter, borne in small clusters, not particularly showy. To date appears to be disease resistant.
CRABAPPLE Malus 'Leprechaun'
Malus 'Louisa'
Malus 'Makamik'
this plant has better summer color and appearance than any other purple foliaged crab. Has good resistance to fireblight.
A small disease resistant tree, growing to 8' tall with thick dark green leaves. Flowers have red buds which open to white flowers with red reverse. Fruits are red, 1/8 -­‐ 1/4" in diameter. Fruits heavily.
An umbrella-­‐shaped weeping tree reaching 15' in height and width. Foliage is a dark glossy green, buds are rose-­‐pink opening to true pink; fruit is lemon-­‐gold with a small rose blush.
Upright to rounded tree with bronze-­‐green to dark green leaves. Flowers dark red in bud opening to single, purple-­‐red flowers about 2" across, very showy. Fruit red, 3/4" across, not very showy. Mild scab but otherwise good disease resistance. One of the few rosyblooms that can be recommended although fruit is large and messy. scientific name
common name
Plants reach 14' in height and 10' in width developing a vase-­‐shaped to spreading habit; leaves are medium green; flowers deep carmine in bud opening single, blush pink-­‐white, extremely prolific, blooming on the spurs once established; fruits brilliant orange-­‐red, about 0.4" across, persistent until December. Good disease resistance (Nichols).
Malus 'Ormiston Roy'
Broadly spreading tree reaching 20' in height and 25' in width. Flower buds rose-­‐red, opening to single, white, 1.6" diameter flowers. Fruit yellow with pale orange blush, 0.4" across, rather weak in color and ripening very late, persistent all winter. Excellent disease resistance (Nichols).
Malus 'Prairie Maid'
Malus 'Pumpkin Pie'
Malus 'Robinson'
Malus 'Royalty'
Malus 'Michael'
Malus 'Satin Cloud'
Malus sp.
A compact, rounded medium-­‐sized tree with profuse, deep pink single flowers and small, orange-­‐red fruit. Disease resistant.
Bright, lime-­‐green, deeply lobed leaves. Well branched at a young age.
Upright spreading tree reaching 25' in height and width. Leaves emerge reddish, maturing to bronze-­‐green. Flower buds crimson, opening to rose-­‐mauve. Fruit 0.6" across, glossy, dark wine-­‐
red, hidden by the fall foliage. Excellent disease free rating (Nichols).
Dense, mound-­‐shaped tree reaching 15' in height and width. Leaves dark purple, of excellent color. Flowers single, crimson to dark purple, not showing up well against the dark foliage; fruits dark red, about 0.6" across. Subject to severe scab and fireblight (Nichols). FLOWERING CRABAPPLE
Named for its appearance in bloom, as a rounded satin cloud. One of only three known octoploids. A very rounded (as if sheared) tree to 10' high and as wide, with very fine branches; leaves very heavily textured, like leather, rich deep green during the summer, turning to brilliant shades of orange-­‐red and purple in the autumn; Entirely disease resistant over a period of many years.
CRABAPPLE A mature apple tree, small in size, writhing limbs, grey crinkly bark. In Spring before leaves are out, flowers are pinkish white, September comes golden red apples
scientific name
common name
Malus 'Sundog'
Malus toringo
Malus toringoides
Malus 'White Angel'
Malus 'Winter Gold'
Malus zhaojiaoensis
A columnar tree producing single, rose-­‐pink flowers and dark red fruit that is about 1" in diameter. Subject to very mild scab but resistant to fireblight. A fine crabapple that has been overlooked. Introduced as 'Morden No.453'.
Small shrub-­‐like tree. Flower buds deep rose opening to small star-­‐shaped, 0.8" diameter, light pink flowers that mature to white. Fruit globose, red, or brownish-­‐yellow (Rehder) or yellow (Siebold), 0.6"-­‐0.8" across. Subject to slight scab and fire blight (Nichols).
Shrub or small tree to 8m, shoots soon glabrous. Leaves 3-­‐8cm, ovate and crenately lobed or simple and elliptic (the latter less common and irregularly produced), glabrous except for downy venation beneath. Flowers 2cm diameter, in bunches of 3-­‐6, white; pedicel virtually absent; calyx felted. Fruits numerous, 1.5 cm, globose to pyriform, yellow flushed red, retained into winter.
A compact vase-­‐shaped tree reaching 20' in height and width with dark green glossy leaves; flower buds pink opening to single, white flowers about 1" across; fruit about 1/2" across, glossy scarlet-­‐red. Subject to very mild scab, cedar-­‐apple rust, and fire blight (Nichols). Synonym = 'Inglis'
Somewhat rounded, oval to vase-­‐shaped tree reaching 25' in height and 20' in width. Flower buds carmine-­‐red, opening to single, white flowers, 1.25" across. Fruit bright lemon-­‐yellow, 0.4" across, keeping its color despite frosts, persisting through January or February. Subject to mild scab and in some regions mild fire blight and powdery mildew.
taxonomic status uncertain
flowering cherries
scientific name
Prunus 'Accolade'
common name
Open, spreading small tree reaching 20'-­‐25' in height. Foliage dark green, margins serrated; flowers 1.5" across, semi-­‐double with 12 to 15 petals, deep rose-­‐pink in bud opening to blush pink.
scientific name
common name
Prunus 'Dream Catcher'
Prunus 'First Lady'
Prunus incisa
Prunus 'Okame' AGM
Prunus sargentii 'Princeton Snowcloud'
Plants reach 25' in height and width with upright-­‐
spreading branches and high quality dark green summer foliage that turns a good orange to reddish-­‐purple in fall. Flowers are light pink, borne early in the spring about one week after its parent 'Okame'. Tree to 27 feet tall with a crown spread of 14 feet wide at 20 years with a strongly upright, almost columnar habit. Leaves are glossy, heavy-­‐
textured, and large. Flowers abundant, dark rose-­‐
pink, single, opening in late March in the Washington, DC area, Requires no pruning to maintain its upright shape.
Generally shrubby, but occasionally a small tree, blooming profusely in March. Leaves small, inciselytoothed, beautifully tinted in autumn. Flowers small, white, pink tinged in bud and appearing pink at adistance; fruits only occasionally produced, small, purple-­‐black.
A small tree with masses of carmine-­‐rose flowers opening throughout March (in southern England). Foliage attractively tinted in autumn. An upright-­‐
branching, oval-­‐shaped tree reaching 25' in height and 20' in width. The foliage is fine-­‐
textured and of an attractive green. Fall color is varies from shades of yellow-­‐orange to orange-­‐
red. 'Okame' is at its best in bloom, when it is covered with a solid display of clear pink flowers; it is an early blooming cherry. After the petals fall the floral display is continued by the bright red calyx.
Selection with a rounded vase shape, 20-­‐25' tall, 15-­‐20' across with white flowers, purple-­‐black fruits, orange red fall foliage . The ornamental reddish-­‐brown bark contrasts well with the summer foliage.
Prunus 'Snofozam' SNOW FOUNTAINS
Plants reach 6'-­‐12' in height with an equal spread with gracefully cascading branches and a rounded form; flowers are white, single; fruits black, sparse; fall color ranges from yellow through orange to red. Heat and drought tolerant.
Prunus 'Snow Goose'
Upright in youth, becoming wider with age, reaching 18' to 20' in height. Flowers single, pure white, borne early; foliage bright green.
scientific name
common name
Picea omorika AGM
Picea orientalis Gold Medal
Pinus densiflora x nigra
Pinus nigra
Pinus nigra ssp. pallasiana
Pinus parviflora 'Glauca'
Tree with remarkably slender trunk and short ascending or drooping branches forming a very narrow, pyramidal head. Plants 50-­‐60' tall, 20-­‐25' wide after 50-­‐60 years; can reach 100' in height. One of the most graceful and beautiful of spruces.
Large, densely branched tree of broadly conical habit with branches down to the ground. Young shoots pale brown; leaves to 8 mm long with blunt tips, dark shining green, densely pressed on the upper surfaces of the branchlets. Cones to 9 cm long, purple when young.
none available
Densely pyramidal when young, becoming a large, broad, flat-­‐topped tree with a rough, short trunk and low, stout, spreading branches. Plants reach 50' to 60' in height, 20' to 40' in width; can atain 100' inheight. Bark with dark brown furrows, usually with gray or gray-­‐brown mottled ridges.
Medium-­‐sized tree with broadly ovate, dense crown; needles 12-­‐18 cm long, 1.6 to 2.1 mm thick; cones 5 to 12 cm long.
A wide-­‐spreading tree with glaucous blue-­‐green foliage; can reach 45' or more in height; cones heavily inyouth.
additional trees
scientific name
common name
Ptelea trifoliata 'Aurea' AGM
Salix elaeagnos
A large shrub or small tree of a bushy, rounded nature; Leaves are yellow when young, later greenish-­‐yellow; Fall color can be a good yellow. Flowers are small, greenish white, 1/3 to 1/2" diameter, fragrant, borne in terminal, 2-­‐3" short lateral branches, in late May to June. Fruits are compressed, broadly winged, 2 sided, to 1" diameter; brownish at maturity; effective August through September.
Tall shrub or small tree to 6m. Twigs grey-­‐velvety for first year, then glabrous, red-­‐yellow to brown. Leaves 6-­‐15x0.5-­‐1cm,Catkins 6x1cm, appearing just before leaves, bracts lanceolate, to 2mm; stamens 2, filaments fused at base; ovary glabrous, tapering toward apex.
scientific name
common name
Syringa reticulata ssp. amurensis
Syringa reticulata ssp. pekinensis
Syringa reticulata ssp. reticulata 'Ivory Silk' GOLD MEDAL Urban Tree of the Year
Syringa wolfii
Viburnum sieboldii
Large shrub or small tree with stiff, spreading branches developing a somewhat oval to rounded crown. Plants reach 20' to 30' in height, 15' to 25' in spread. Flowers perfect, white, fragrant, borne in large, terminal, 6" to 12" long, and 6" to 10" wide panicles, in early to mid-­‐June, effective to 2 weeks; extremely showy in flower. Bark cherry-­‐
like, reddish brown to brownish on young and old stems, marked withprominent horizontal lenticels, becoming gray and scaly on older trunks.
Somewhat similar to S. reticulata, but smaller (15-­‐
20') with a more informal (multi-­‐stemmed) habit, and finer texture throughout. The leaves and stems are smaller and finer. The flowers are creamy white and appear before those of S. reticulata in 3-­‐6" long panicles. Habit bushy, spreading and rounded. Bark often quite handsome, being sometimes similar to that of S. reticulata, or on some trees, may exfoliate in rich brown flakes or sheets.
Plants have a densely rounded, compact habit and reach 20'-­‐25' in height. Leaves are very dark green; flowers are abundant and produced at a young age.
An extremely hardy species related to S. villosa. A medium-­‐sized to large shrub with pale, ash-­‐gray branches and elliptic-­‐lanceolate, taper-­‐pointed, 8-­‐
12 cm long leaves. Flowers fragrant, pale violet-­‐
purple, borne in wide, loose panicles in June.
Large shrub or small tree of open habit, Foliage lustrous dark green, with fetid odor when crushed; fall color usually green, occasionally red-­‐
purple; Flowers creamy-­‐white, borne in late May in 3" to 6" diameter Fruit a 1/3" long rose-­‐red drupe, changing to black, effective for two weeks in August through early October; although inforescences are a handsome rose-­‐red, and remain effective for 2 to 4 weeks after the fruits are gone.
scientific name
Viburnum sieboldii 'Seneca'
common name
Selected for its abundant, large, firm red fruit on red pedicels stay on the plant up to 3 months before turning black at maturity and falling, and massive creamy-­‐white panicles produced in May to early June as the young foliage unfolds. Although 'Seneca' is tree-­‐like, and has attained a height of 14' and a width of 13.5', the plant can be trained with several branches from the base and kept as a large spreading shrub. The cultivar will undoubtedly equal the species in size and be as tall as 30' with a gnarled trunk.