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Plate 403
EPIDENDRUM ACRORHODUM Hágsater et Dodson, sp. nov.
Type : ECUADOR : Zamora-Chinchipe: Yangana to Valladolid, beyond pass, Apr. 1985, D'Alessandro
416. Holotype : RPSC! (illustration voucher).
Epidendro indanzensi Hágsater & Dodson simile sed floribus minoribus roseis usque purpureis, petalis lineari-oblanceolatis
uninervatis et labello bicalloso divergens.
Hierba terrestre, cespitosa, 16-72 cm de alto. Raíces basales, carnosas, gruesas, 2.0-2.5 mm. Tallos tipo caña, ancipitosos, 8-23
x 0 .6-1.4 cm. Hojas 6-10, distribuidas a todo lo largo del tallo, equidistantes; vainas ancipitosas, 5-36 x 6-14 mm; láminas ovado
elípticas, agudas, con una quilla dorsal prominente, 20-85 x 8-28 mm. Espata ausente. Inflorescencia apical, alargada, racemosa
a paniculada; pedúnculo ancipitoso en la base, erecto, más largo que el tallo, 10-29 cm de largo, cubierto por brácteas ancipitosas,
agudas, progresivamente más cortas, 10-50 x 2-9 mm, raquis arqueado a nutante. Brácteas florales más o menos del mismo largo
que el ovario, triangulares, acuminadas, 1-4 mm de largo. Flores 5-86, sucesivas, 2-3 abiertas a la vez, una por rama, dísticas, el
labelo siempre cercano al raquis, no resupinadas, de color rosa brillante a morado; fragancia no registrada. Ovario corto, grueso,
no inflado, 2-7 mm. Sépalos entreabiertos, carnosos, elípticos, redondeados, mucronados, dorsalmente levemente pustulosos,
3-nervados; el dorsal 6.2-7 x 2-2.5 mm; los laterales 6-7 x 3-4 mm. Pétalos entreabiertos, carnosos, linear oblanceolados,
redondeados, 1-nervados, 6 x 1 mm. labelo entero, cordiforme, redondeado, conduplicado en posición natural, los lados erectos
y ocultando la columna, apicalmente con el margen revoluto, 5.5-6.2 x 8-8.5 mm; bicalloso, los callos prominentes, paralelos y
juntos. Columna recta, corta, gruesa, 3.2-3.6 mm de largo. Clinandrio reducido, entero. Antera y polinios no vistos. Rostelo
apical, hendido. lóbulos laterales del estígma casi del mismo largo de la cavidad estigmática . Nectario penetrando un poco
menos de la mitad del ovario, no inflado, no ornamentado. Cápsula elipsoide, cuerpo 14-15 x 10.3-10.7 mm, pedicelo 2 x 1.3-1.8
mm, cuello apicaI1-1.6 x 1.7-2 mm.
Terrestrial, caespitose herb. Stems cane-like, ancipitose. leaves distributed throughout the short stem, sheaths ancipitose, blades
ovate-elliptic, acute, dorsally keeled. Spathe absent. Intlorescence apical, racemose to paniculate, the peduncle elongate, longer
than the stem, ancipitose, covered by progressively shorter bracts, these ancipitous, acute, rachis arc hing-nutant. Floral bracts
triangular-acuminate, about as long as the ovary. Flowers ca. 25, successive, 2-3 open at one time, distichous, the lip always close
to the rachis, non-resupinate, bright pink to purple. Ovary short, thick, not inflated. Sepals partly spreading, fleshy, elliptic, apex
rounded-mucronate, dorsally ornate, pustulate, 3-veined. Petals partly spreading, fleshy, linear-oblanceolate, apex rounded, 1veined. lip entire, cordiform, apex rounded, conduplicate in natural position, the sides erect and hiding the column, the apex
margin somewhat revolute, bicallose, the calli prominent, parallel and close. Column straight, short, thick. Clinandrium reduced,
entire. Nectary penetrating nearly half the ovary, not inflated, unornamented.
OTHER SPECIMENS: ECUADOR: Azuay: Between Oña and the Río Yacuambi, F. Prieto P-272 NY! S! S of El Pan, 5teyermark
53392, AMES! loja: Numbala Alta, D'Alessandro 181, SEL! Zamora-Chinchipe: Pass on road from Laja to Zamora, at km 14,
2800 m, 22 March 1988, A. Hirtz, C. &). Luer, & w. Flores 2287 RPSC! slide AMO! km 14 Loja-Zamora, just beyond the pass,
Madison et al. 7423 SEL!
DISTRIBUTION AND ECOlOGY: Known only from south-eastern Ecuador, at 2700-31 00 m altitude, epiphytic in elfin forest.
Flowering in December-April, June.
RECOGNITION: Epidendrum acrorhodum belongs in the frutex group and has a caespitose habit, ancipitose stems, ovate-elliptic
leaves about 3:1, an erect, elongate peduncle with the paniculate rachis arching and nutant, flowers bright pink to purple, sepals
7 mm long. Epidendrum indanzense Hágsater & Dodson has the same habit and elongate inflorescence, but the rachis is erect
and the flowers green, sepals 15 mm long.
ETYMOlOGY: From the Greek áKpO~, at the tip, end, summit, in
reference to the fact that the species is found close to the pass in the
eastern Andes, and póóov pink, the bright color of the flowers.
NOTE: The flowers are of a strikingly vivid pink color. There are a
number of bright pink flowered Epidendrum species at high altitude in
the Andes, at about 3000 m altitude.
Authors: E. Hágsater & C. H. Dodson
Herbario AMO
lIIustrator: M. lópez R.
Apartado Postal 53-123, 11320 México, D.F., MÉXICO
Editors: E. Hágsater & lo Sánchez S.
ICONES ORCHIDACEARUM 4. 2001 . Plate 403