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JUNE 2014
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1. Paragraf yang berisi pendapat disertai alasan kuat dan masuk akal adalah paragraf ….
2. Apakah ciri-ciri paragraf argumentasi?
3. Sebutkan pola pengembangan paragraf argumentasi!
4. Badan Perpajakan telah melakukan kegiatan penyuluhan, seminar, dan penataran untuk
meningkatkan jumlah wajib pajak. Juga ditempuh kerja sama dengan perbankan berupa
persyaratan memiliki NPWP untuk mengajukan kredit dalam jumlah tertentu. Setiap instansi
pemerintah, lembaga, dan asosiasi siap memberikan data kepada kepada Dirjen Pajak. Namun,
persepsi sebagian masyarakat belum berubah terhadap pajak, baik dalam pemungutan maupun
pengunaannya. Oleh karena itu, sistem self assessment menjadi alternatif terbaik guna
membentuk kesadaran masyarakat bergotong-royong membiayai pembangunan melalui pajak.
Berdasarkan isinya, paragraf di atas digolongkan sebagai paragraf...
5. Sebutkan ciri-ciri paragraf argumentasi!
6. Bacalah contoh paragraf argumentasi berikut ini!
Selokan ini sangat kotor. Sampah-sampah berserakan di sana-sini. Nyamuk senang bersarang
dan bertelur di sini karena airnya menggenang. Oleh sebab itu kita harus membersihkan selokan
ini supaya air lancar mengalir. … (?)
Kalimat yang tepat untuk mengisi bagian yang rumpang/kosong (yang bertanda ?) dari paragraf
argumentasi di atas adalah…
7. Bacalah dengan saksama kutipan paragraf argumentasi berikut ini!
Pemakaian bahasa Indonesia di seluruh daerah di tanah air dewasa ini belum bisa dikatakan
seragam. Perbedaan dalam struktur kalimat, lagu kalimat, ucapan kalimat terlihat dengan mudah.
Pemakaian bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa pergaulan, sering dikalahkan oleh bahasa daerah. Di
lingkungan persuratkabaran, radio, dan televisi, pemakaian bahasa Indonesia belum lagi dapat
dikatakan sudah terjaga baik. Para pemuka kita pun pada umumnya juga belum memperlihatkan
penggunaan bahasa Indonesia yang terjaga baik. … (?)
Kalimat yang tepat untuk mengisi bagian yang rumpang/kosong (yang bertanda ?) dari paragraf
argumentasi di atas adalah…
8. Paragraf yang berisi pendapat disertai alasan kuat dan masuk akal adalah paragraf ….
9. Apakah ciri-ciri paragraf eksposisi?
10. Kecenderungan sistem perkuliahan yang masih didominasi ceramah, yang dosen sentris, perlu di
alihkan kepada adanya penciptaan iklim baru yang mengerikan suasana dan gairah membaca bagi
para mahasiswa, strategi ini tidak akan berjalan baik jika pengelola perpustakaan tidak cekatan
dalam segala hal. Pihak pengelola perpustakaan di tuntut untuk berperan aktif di dalamnya, antara
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lain, dengan lebih memperkenalkan berbagai pembendaharaan literatur yang dimilikinya,
disamping melengkapinya dengan literatur-literatur yang lebih menjamin.
Berdasar pola pengembangannya, paragraf di atas termasuk bentuk paragraf....
11. Apakah tujuan paragraf argumentasi?
12. Bacalah paragraf argumentasi berikut dengan saksama!
Sebagai orang awam, menurut saya kenaikan BBM ini sangat meresahkan dan menyulitkan
masyarakat, terutama masyarakat kecil. Bagi masyarakat yang mampu mungkin itu tidak akan
menjadi masalah, tetapi bagi masyarakat kecil, hal ini akan berakibat fatal. Biaya hidup mereka
akan lebih besar, padahal kemampuan mereka sangat minim. Kondisi sebelum BBM naik saja
sudah kembang kempis, apalagi setelah BBM naik, mungkin mereka hanya bisa makan pagi.
Bahkan, mungkin banyak yang kelaparan secara terselubung.
Berdasarkan isinya, paragraf argumentasi tersebut termasuk jenis ….
13. Bacalah paragraf argumentasi berikut dengan saksama!
Penumpukan sampah kian hari kian tidak bisa diatasi. Ditambahkan dengan kebiasaan warga
membuang sampah secara sembarang yang semakin memperburuk keadaan. Pemerintah pun
terkesan tidak sigap mengambil tindakan mengatasi problematika bersama ini. Dan hasilnya,
banjir tiap tahun merupakan menu wajib di ibukota Jakarta. Banyak rumah yang terendam. Dan
juga alur perekonomian pun perlahan mati suri.
Berdasarkan isinya, paragraf argumentasi tersebut termasuk jenis ….
14. Bagaimanakah cara membuat judul cerpen menarik?
15. Urutan plot/alur maju dalam cerpen yang paling tepat adalah….
16. Bacalah kutipan cerpen berikut dengan cermat!
Musik melankolis mengalun sayup-sayup mengisi segala sudut kamar ini. Peti mati yang masih
terbuka dibaringkan di tengah. Wajahnya penuh rias untuk terakhir kalinya, keriput tulang pipinya
tak terbendung, kerut dahinya masih tampak jelas. Selembar kain picisan menutupi tubuh
ringkihnya, berikrar untuk setia mendampinginya dalam penghabisan lelakonnya. Aku duduk di
pinggir, menatap ke peti mati itu dari kejauhan. Tak jua air mataku tumpah. Aku merasa menjadi
pusat sorotan tatapan mereka—semuayang hadir disini, yang berpakaian serba putih. Mereka
pasti heran melihatku, mungkin mereka menganggap hatiku telah membatu. Atau mungkin, diriku
yang telah dikutuk jadi batu?Ah sudahlah, kenapa aku harus peduli.
(Harapan itu Rapuh, karya Clarissa Tania)
Latar tempat dan suasana dalam kutipan cerpen di atas adalah….
17. Bagaimanakah sumber penulisan cerpen yang tepat?
18. Bacalah kutipan cerpen berikut!
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Kuingin kau berbohong padaku. Seperti yang kau utarakan kemarin, dan yang kemarin dulu
itu. Ketika mentari meredup berpendar di pucuk daun sebelah barat rumah dan ketika
kerumunan itu tak lagi bersamamu, kau mulai dengan kisah kebohonganmu yang pertama
Bukti bahwa kutipan cerpen tersebut berlatar waktu sore adalah .…
19. Bacalah kutipan cerpen berikut dengan baik-baik!
Parjimin adalah tukang batu, tetangga Kurdi. Lumayan bagi mereka, mendapat proyek baru.
Rupanya, proyek rumah gedong itulah yang selalu diperbincangkan Kurdi di setiap kesempatan.
Di tempat perhelatan nikah, di tempat kerja bakti, sarasehan kampung, sampai ronda malam.
Dia senantiasa tidak lupa menceritakan rencananya membangun rumah gedungnya itu. Ini yang
membuat Parjimin tak simpatik padanya.
Berdasarkan kutipan cerpen tersebut, Kurdi bersifat ….
20. Ciri cerita rakyat adalah . . . .
21. Bacalah kutipan cerita rakyat berikut!
. . . . Dengan rasa jengkel dan kecewa, Sangkuriang lalu menjebol bendungan yang telah dibuatnya
sendiri. Karena jebolnya bendungan itu, maka terjadilah banjir dan seluruh kota terendam air.
Sangkuriang juga menendang sampan besar yang telah dibuatnya. Sampan itu melayang dan jatuh
tertelungkup, lalu menjadi sebuah gunung yang bernama Tangkuban Perahu.
Dari kutipan cerita rakyat tersebut termasuk dalam cerita rakyat berjenis . . . .
22. Persamaan sage dan epos adalah . . . .
23. Fabel, mite, sage, epos, cerita sejarah, cerita pelipur lara, dan cerita jenaka termasuk dalam cerita
rakyat . . . .
24. Bacalah kutipan cerita rakyat berikut!
. . . . Keesokan harinya, waktu Bandung Bondowoso mengetahui bahwa usahanya gagal, bukan
main marahnya. Dia mengutuk para gadis di sekitar Prambanan -- tidak akan ada orang yang mau
memperistri mereka sampai mereka menjadi perawan tua. Sedangkan Lara Jonggrang sendiri
dikutuk menjadi arca . . . .
Amanat dari kutipan cerita rakyat tersebut adalah . . . .
25. Secara umum, hal-hal yang menarik dalam cerita rakyat adalah . . . .
26. Isi puisi dapat dipahami dengan berbagai cara, salah satunya dengan . . . . .
27. Perhatikan puisi berikut!
Air sungai mengalir.
Gemercik suaranya menambah asri suasana.
Burung kecil bernyayi beriringan
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Puisi tersebut menggambarkan citraan . . . .
28. Perhatikan puisi berikut!
Manakah yang menunjukkan citraan penglihatan . . . .
Karya Chairil Anwar
Di masa pembangunan ini
tuan hidup kembali
Betapa dinginnya air sungai
Dinginnya! Dinginnya!
Betapa dinginnya daging duka
Yang membaluti tulang-tulangku
Karya W.S. Rendra
Puisi tersebut menimbulkan citraan . . . .
30. Gubahan
Karya Muh Yamin
Beta bertanam bunga cempaka
Di tengah halaman tanah pusaka,
Supaya selamanya, segenap ketika
Harum berbau semerbak belaka.
Puisi tersebut menimbulkan citraan . . . .
31. Marilah Kukawani
Karya A. Mustofa Bisri
Lihatlah langit begitu kelam
Malam telah menelan bulan
Dan bintang-bintangnya
Siang tak lagi punya mentari
Bumi tergolek sendiri
Tak brenti meratapi nasibnya
Bait puisi yang bergaris bawah menunjukkan. . . .
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32. Bacalah kutipan artikel berikut dengan saksama!
Jerman merupakan negara pertama di Eropa yang mulai mempelopori penggunaan hidrogen
sebagai bahan bakar pengganti bensin untuk kendaraan bermotor. Para peneliti di pabrik BMW,
misalnya, terus memfokuskan penelitian pada penggunaan hidrogen 100%. Saat ini penggunaan
bahan bakar alternatif ini masih diakomodasi dengan bensin.
Kritikan yang tepat terhadap kutipan artikel tersebut adalah...
33. Bacalah kutipan puisi berikut!
Pengemis kecil
Tubuhmu yang kumal
Kasihan dirimu
Sudah dua hari belum makan
Padahal aku di rumah selalu berlebihan
Sungguh malang nasibmu
Tema puisi tersebut adalah….
34. Bacalah kutipan cerita rakyat berikut!
(1) Sepeninggalkedua orang tuanya, anak itu sering terlihat duduk termenung di pinggir sungai
sambil memandang ke arah riak air. (2) Benar saja seperti yang dikatakan oleh oraang tuanya. (3)
Pada suatu hari yang panas, hujan turun rintik-rintik dan ada pelangi. (4) Terlihat air di sungai
berubah menjadi putih seperti air susu. (5) Itulah tanda bahwa kedua orang tuanya telah menang
dalam perkelahian maut dengan naga putih. (6) Namun, anak itu tak dapat hidup sendiri tanpa
orang tuanya. (7) Oleh karena itu, ia tetap duduk termenung sampai akhir hayatnya.
Bukti latar tempat digambarkan pada kalimat nomor….
35. “Tuhan, tolonglah aku, beri aku kerendahan hati untuk mengakui bahwa aku punya masa lalu yang
sulit,”bisik hatinya. Mata Lestari menerawang. Laju kereta tertahan. Yogyakarta, masih empat jam
Pesan yang tersirat dalam cuplikan cerpen di atas adalah…
36. Bacalah contoh paragraf argumentasi berikut ini!
Selokan ini sangat kotor. Sampah-sampah berserakan di sana-sini. Nyamuk senang bersarang
dan bertelur di sini karena airnya menggenang. Oleh sebab itu kita harus membersihkan selokan
ini supaya air lancar mengalir. … (?)
Kalimat yang tepat untuk mengisi bagian yang rumpang/kosong (yang bertanda ?) dari paragraf
argumentasi tersebut adalah…
37. Sebutkan ciri-ciri paragraf eksposisi!
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Bacalah dengan seksama berita berikut untuk menjawab soal nomor 38-41!
Memantau dan Mengukur Gempa Bumi
Gempa bumi di seluruh dunia dipantau oleh seismolog (ilmuwan yang mempelajari gempa bumi).
Mereka menggunakan alat yang disebut seismometer untuk mengukur getaran gempa. Beberapa
seismometer ditempatkan di daerah-daerah terpencil dan informasinya ditransmisikan ke statsiun
pusat pengamatan. Sebagian besar seismometer modern merupakan alat elektronik. Alat tersebut
memantau getaran secara digital (dalam bentuk angka). Informasi tersebut kemudian diubah ke dalam
bentuk catatan visual gelombang gempa yang disebut seismogram.
Seismometer nonelektronik sederhana menghasilkan seismogram dengan menggunakan alat
perekam, seperti pena, yang dilekatkan pada sebuah pemberat. Pena dan pemberat digantungkan
pada sebuah bingkai. Sebuah silinder yang berputar kuat juga dilekatkan pada bingkai yang diletakkan
di tanah. Saat bumi berguncang, pena dan pemberat masih tetap diam, tetapi mencatat pergerakan
saat bingkai dan silinder beerguncang.
38. Informasi yang terdapat pada bacaan tersebut adalah ….
39. Pertanyaan tersebut yang jawabannya terdapat dalam bacaan tersebut adalah ….
40. Istilah seismometer berarti …..
41. Kata saat pada paragraf kedua kalimat terakhir dalam berita tersebut merupakan jenis konjungsi
…. dan menyatakan ….
42. Sebutkan strategi dalam memahami informasi!
43. Pembahasan mengenai konjungsi merupakan salah satu pembahasan dalam ilmu bahasa …..
44. Anita sibuk membersihkan rumah …. Yadi duduk santai
Konjungssi yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah ….
45. Buatlah kalimat yang memiliki konjungsi sebab-akibat!
Bacalah teks berikut untuk nomor 46 dan 47!
(1) Biografi adalah buku yang menguraikan riwayat hidup seorang tokoh. (2) Buku yang
menguraraikan riwayat hidup seorang tokoh yang ditulis atau disusun oleh tokoh itu sendiri disebut
otobiografi. (3) Membaca biografi atau otobiografi tokoh –tokoh terkenal banyak sekali manfaatnya.
(4) Selain kita mengetahui perjalanan hidupnya, kita bisa belajar mengenal kegigihan semangatnya
untuk mencapai sukses. (5) Kita bisa belajar tentang falsafah hidupnya. (6) Kita bisa menirukan
keuletan tokoh itu dalam menghadapi banyak kendala atau kesulitan hidup sampai akhirnya bisa
meraih keberhasilan. (7) Bagi remaja biografi orang terkenal sering menjadi sumber ilham bagi sebuah
cita-cita. (8) Jadi, biografi dan otobiografi memiliki persamaan yang tidak dapat terpisahkan.
46. Kalimat yang berupa fakta pada paragraf tersebut adalah:
47. Kalimat yang berupa opini pada paragraf tersebut adalah nomor …
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48. Bacalah teks berikut!
(1) Peserta Perusahaan Inti Rakyat (PIR) kelapa sawit, di desa Suka Makmur bukan hanya
memerlukan rumah yang layak huni. (2) Mereka tahu betul arti rumah yang sehat dan indah. (3)
Untuk bisa memilih rumah, mereka sebaiknya melakukan arisan di antara kelompok tani. (4)
Sekarang di desa yang ditempati tahun 1986 itu telah berdiri 200 rumah permanen dengan ukuran
rata-rata 12 X 14 meter. (5) Dua puluh anggota kelompok tani Bunga Kantil memiliki rumah baru
dan permanen.
Kalimat yang berisi fakta terdapat pada nomor…………
49. Cermati paragraf yang rumpang berikut!
Jika dilihat dari jauh, bangunan itu seolah-olah akan ... karena tiang-tiang kayu yang tua
sudah tak tegak menahan atapnya. Bangunan itu merupakan ... tua yang menyimpan sejarah
perkembangan Islam di Pulau Jawa. Pemerintah Daerah setempat akan segera merenovasinya
namun arsitektur dan bentuknya tidak akan ... .
Kata baku yang tepat untuk melengkapi paragraf tersebut adalah ... .
50. Cermati paragraf yang rumpang berikut!
Penataan ... kamar tidur sering memusingkan kepala kita. Tujuannya tidak lain adalah
untuk mendapatkan tidur yang ... . Ada dua hal yang berpengaruh dalam meningkatkan
kenyamanan tidur, yakni waktu tidur dan kasur yang digunakan. Setiap sudut ruang tidur juga
dapat berperan sebagai pendukung kenyamanan dengan sentuhan rasa seni dan ... yang tinggi
Kata serapan yang tepat untuk melengkapi paragraf tersebut adalah …
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1. It was really ____________and I couldn’t stop laughing.
2. Sandiaga is very ___________ and he never thinks of others.
3. Do your coat _____________! It’s very cold outside.
4. I usually shower and get ____________ before I have breakfast.
5. I’m cooking dinner now and we’ll eat soon. Please be ____________!
6. These jeans are ____________ and they’ve got holes in them.
7. The people in his books are ____________ and they are not like real people.
8. Kevin has decided ____________ a scooter.
9. They offered______________me a job.
10. Do you fancy _____________ a DVD this evening?
11. Kirsty wants to _______________ a judge when she leaves university.
12. We don’t mind ____________for you to arrive.
13. Swimming in a sea full of sharks is playing _________.
14. The bus stopped to set _________ a passenger.
15. Be careful with that knife! It’s very _________
16. The name of the club’s ________ is now part of the team’s name.
17. There were some great waves for _______ last Sunday.
18. It was her ________ that made her swim to the beach.
19. Only ________ players can hope to play for the national team.
20. Paula is ________ for a very successful career in tennis.
21. He needed two months to _________ from the accident.
22. The bad weather set _________ on Friday and continued for two weeks.
23. We were late for the match so we ________ home to watch it on TV.
24. Could you play the interview …………………….? I want to hear it again.
25. The natural landscape near my village is really beautiful.
26. The ________ near my village is really beautiful.
27. My uncle is a person who travels a lot.
My uncle is a ________.
28. We had to throw out our old, useless things before we moved house.
We had to throw out all our ________ before we moved house.
29. The block of flats where we live has 18 floors.
The block of flats where we live has 18 ________.
30. Governments are sending aid to the people who have left their homes.
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Governments are sending aid to the ________.
31. My father’s business is growing successfully.
My father’s business is ________.
32. Go to the end of the road, then turn left into the small road.
Go to the end of the road, then turn left into the ________.
Read the text and answer the following questions.
Life in a big city
With approximately fourteen million inhabitants, Mumbai is the most populous city in the world,
and India’s largest city. Mumbai is the financial capital of India, although New Delhi is actually the
capital city. Mumbai has a deep natural harbour, so it is an important seaport. Two of its most
important industries are engineering and I.T. Mumbai is also the home of the movie industry,
Bollywood. However, there are many problems in Mumbai. About 60% of the population live in slums
such as Dharavi. The majority of commuters (88%) travel by train, but the cheapest and most
convenient way of travelling around the city is by taxi or by rickshaw.
33. The city of Mumbai has . . . population in the world.
34. The capital city of India is . . .
35. Bollywood is part of the . . . industry.
36. Dharavi is a very . . . area.
37. Most commuters in Mumbai travel by . . .
38. Andrew doesn’t like 1________ cities, so he lives in 2________ town. There are 3________
beautiful old buildings in 4________, so 5________ tourists go there in the summer. There aren’t
________ cars in the centre of the town, so there isn’t 7________ noise. All the cafés have
________ tables outside for people to enjoy 9________. There aren’t 10________ houses for sale
in Andrew’s town because everybody wants to live there.
39. There are many new houses in this urban area. The underlined word has the same meaning as
40. She felt unhappy after she lost his new digital camera. The underlined word means _____
41. Complete the text with the correct form of the word in brackets.
When I read The Kite Runner, I was 1________ (astound) by the 2________ (loyal) that Hassan,
one of the main characters, showed to his childhood friend Amir. At first, Amir showed great
________ (patient) when he taught Hassan to read, but this didn’t last. One day, Hassan’s
________ (generous) towards Amir caused the local bully, Assef, to set on Hassan. Amir saw the
attack, but showed his 5________ (coward) by not going to help the 6________ (frighten) Hassan.
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In fact, Amir found the incident so 7________ (embarrass) that he committed an act of enormous
________ (mean). He accused Hassan of theft, so Amir’s father sent Hassan away. Because of
Hassan’s 9________ (modest), he never complained. But at the end of the story, Amir made up for
everything through his 10________ (persevere) in rescuing Hassan’s son.
42. Tere Liye’s books are very interesting.
Tere Liye’s books are ______________
43. Robert made a brave attempt to rescue his sister.
Robert made a __________ attempt to rescue his sister.
44. A person injured or killed in a serious accident or war _____________
45. What is the adjective of “technology”?
46. Where can you find a submarine?
47. An invisible object is a thing you ____________
48. If someone sobs, they are _________________
49. He's been a bit dizzy and confused since the accident. Do you think it's __________?
50. She ________________her boredom at home by learning how to type.
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1. How many of the following are polynomials?
 2
1   x2
2 x 2  3 yx  2
x  2x2  4
2. What is the degree of 3x 2 -2x 2 y3 -4x 2 y3z 4 +x 5 +4 ?
P ( x )  3 x 4  ( m  1) x 3  ( n  1) x  6 and Q ( x )  ax 4  bx 2  6 x  c .
If P( x)  Q( x) , find m+n.
4. How many possible integer values of n exist if Px )  2 x 9  n  5 x n  4  x  5 is a polynomial
5. What is the constant term of the polynomial P ( x, y )  (3 x 2 y  5 xy 4  2) 4  2 x  7 ?
6. What is the sum of the coefficients of the polynomial P ( x , y )  (6 x 4 y 5  3 xy 2 ) 3  5 ?
7. What is the sum of the coefficients of the polynomial P( x) , if P (2 x  3)  4 x 3  5 x  6 ?
P ( x )  6 x 4  3 x 3  5 x  4 and Q ( x )  2 x 2  3 x ,
What is the degree of P( x)  Q( x) ?
P ( x )  2 x 5  4 x 2  3 x  1 and Q ( x )  4 x 3  3 x 2  5 ,
What is the degree of P( x)  Q( x) ?
10. What is the coefficient of the term with degree 4 in the product
(5 x 3  2 x 2  4 x  3)  (2 x 2  4 x  7) ?
11. When P(x) is divided by D(x) quotient is Q(x) and remainder is R(x).If degree of P(x) is 8 and
degree of D(x) is 5, which one of following can not be the degree of R(x)?
12. What is the remainder when P ( x )  3 x 3  2 x  4 is divided by x  1 ?
13. If the remainder is 14 when x  mx  4 is divided by x  2 , what is m?
14. What is the remainder when x  2x  x  4 is divided by x  x  2 ?
15. What is the quotient when 2x  x  3x  2 is divided by x  2 ?
16. When P ( x )  8 x 3  ax 2  5 is divided by x+1 the remainder is 23. Find a.
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17. When P(x) is x+1 and x-2, the remainders are 9 and 12 respectively.What is the remainder when
P(x) is divided by(x+1).(x-2)?
18. What is the remainder when 2x  3x  x  2x 1 is divided by x 1?
For the questions 19 and 20.
If 4 x  3x  6 is divided by 2 x 1.
19. Which one of following is the remainder?
20. Which one of following is the quotient?
21. Which one of the following is the factorization of 2ax  by  2ay  bx ?
22. Which one of the following is a factor of 4 x 3 y 2  2 xy 5 ?
23. Which one of the following is the expansion of ( x  2 y ) 3 ?
24. Factorize 4 x 2  9 y 2
25. Factorize a  8b
26. Which one of the following is the factorization of x  2x 15 ?
27. Which one of the following is the factorization of 2x  5x 12 ?
28. Siplify the rational expression
63a 2b4
29. Siplify the rational expression
x2  2 x
x2  x  2
x 2  3x x 2  2 x  3
30. 2
x  4 x  1 x2  9
31. Simplify
x 1 x  1 x 1
x2 16
0 .
32. Find the solutions of
33. Solve
34. Solve
3x  6
5x  7 2 x  1
x2 x2
35. Solve the equation
x  4 x  21 x  7
36. Solve 3x  6 x  0 .
37. Solve 9 x  25  0 .
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38. Solve x  x  2  0 .
39. Find the discriminant of 2x  x 1  0
40. Solve x  4x  3 .
41. In which one of the following equations are there two different real roots?
42. Which one of the following is true for the equation 2 x  3x  5  0 ?
43. If the equation 3x  2 x  m  0 has one root, find m.
44. If the equation ( m  2) x 2  3 x  1  0 has two real roots, find values of m.
45. If the equation 2x  x  m 1  0 has no real roots, find values of m.
46. Find the sum of roots of 2x  6x  5  0 .
47. Find the product of roots of 3x  4 x  3  0 .
48. If x1 and x2 are roots of the equation 3x  2x  6  0 , find
1 1
 .
x1 x2
49. If x1 and x2 are roots of the equation 2x  4x  9  0 , find x1 x2  x1 x2 .
50. If sum of the roots of the equation mx  6x  m  5  0 is 2, find m.
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1. Give 3 examples of work used in the scientific sense of the world!
2. Give 3 examples of work used in the everyday sense of the world?
3. A force does work on an object if a component of the force….
4. Work is done when….
5. What is the common formula for work? Assume that W is the work, F is a constant force, v is
the change in velocity, and d is the displacement.
6. If the sign of work is negative, that means….
7. Give an example of work done?
8. Give an example of no net work done?
9. A child moving at constant velocity carries a 2 N ice-cream cone 1 m across a level surface. What
is the net work done on the ice-cream cone?
10. A worker does 25 J of work lifting a bucket, then sets the bucket back down in the same place.
What is the total net work done on the bucket?
11. A horizontal force of 200 N is applied to move a 55 kg television set across a 10 m level surface.
What is the work done by the 200 N force on the television set?
12. A child pulls a balloon for 12 m with a force of 1.0 N at an angle 60below horizontal. How much
work does the child do on the balloon?
13. What is kinetic energy?
14. What is potential energy?
15. Which of the energy forms is not involved in hitting a tennis ball?
16. Ball A has triple the mass and speed of ball B. What is the ratio of the kinetic energy of ball A to
ball B.
17. What is the kinetic energy of a 0.135 kg baseball thrown at 40.0 m/s?
18. What is the potential energy of a 1.0 kg mass 1.0 m above the ground?
19. A construction worker pushes a wheelbarrow 5.0 m with a horizontal force of 50.0 N. How much
work is done by the worker on the wheelbarrow?
20. Express the work-kinetic energy theorem1
21. What is force?
22. A late traveler rushes to catch a plane, pulling a suitcase with a force directed 30.0above the
horizontal. If the horizontal component of the force on the suitcase is 60.6 N, what is the force
exerted on the handle?
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23. A waitperson carrying a tray with a platter on it tips the tray at an angle of 12below the
horizontal. If the gravitational force on the platter is 5.0 N, what is the magnitude of the force
parallel to the tray that tends to cause the platter to slide down the tray? (Disregard friction.)
24. If a nonzero net force is acting on an object, then the object is definitely….
25. What is acceleration of an object?
26. According to Newton’s second law, when the same force is applied to two objects of different
masses, ….
27. Two perpendicular forces, one of 45.0 N directed upward and the other of 60.0 N directed to the
right, act simultaneously on an object with a mass of 35.0 kg. What is the magnitude of the
resultant acceleration of the object?
28. According to given figure, what is the acceleration of the system?
29. According to given figure, what is the tension of the system?
30. A frictionless system consisting of masses m1=3 kg and m2=2 kg is shown in the figure. If
the system is released from rest,what is the tension in the string! (g=10 N/kg)
31. A plumber pulls perpendicularly with a force of 100 N on the handle of a wrench with an
effective length of 40 cm. What torque is produced?
32. A 2-meter metal bar that weighs 50 N is in equilibrium. The net torque on the bar is:
33. To produce the greatest amount of torque with a lever arm, force:
34. To open a door with least amount of force, push on the door:
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35. A beam of negligible mass is attached to a wall by a hinge.
Attached to the center of the beam is a 400 N weight. A rope
supports the beam as shown in the diagram. What is the tension
in the rope?
36. Two students sit on either end of a uniform teeter-totter. Student 1 sits 1.0 m from the pivot
while Student 2 sits 0.7 m from the pivot. If Student 1 has a mass of 35 kg, what is the mass of
Student 2?
37. Two masses (m1 = 3 kg, m2 = 2 kg) hang from the
ends of a meter stick as shown. If the mass of the
meter stick is negligible, at what distance from
the left of the meter stick should a pivot be
placed so that the system will be balanced?
38. A 5-meter uniform plank of mass 100 kg
rests on the top of a building with 2
meters extended over the edge as
shown. How far can a 50 kg person
venture past the edge of the building on
the plank before the plank just begins to
39. Object moving with 10 m/s and with a mass 4 kg. What is the momentum of an object?
40. Object moving with a velocity of 10 m/s and bounced back from a wall with 5 m/s in opposite
direction. What is the change in velocity of the ball?
41. If the time of bouncing is 0,2 seconds for question 12, what is the force applied to ball by the
42. What is the impulse applied to a baseball if its mass is 02 kg and its change in velocity is 20 m/s
43. The torque of the 300 N girl on the see-saw in the
figure below is 900 Nm.
Wgirl = 300 N and Wboy = 600 N.
Assume the see-saw is not in motion (i.e., it is in
equilibrium). What is the distance from the boy to
pivot point?
44. A system of two wheels fixed to each other is free to rotate about a frictionless axis through the
common center of the wheels and perpendicular to the page. Four forces are exerted tangentially
to the rims of the wheels, as shown. The magnitude of the net torque on the system about the
Page 17 of 24
axis is:
45. What is the formula for momentum?
46. What is the formula for Impulse
47. A 600 N block stands on a 200 N uniform beam that is supported by two supports as shown in the
diagram. If the supports are 6.0 m apart and the student stands 1.5 m from the left support:
a. What is the force that the right support exerts on the beam?
b. What is the force that the left support exerts on the beam?
48. If boy is 1,5 m from the corner, than what is the mass ratio of boy and girl Wboy/Wgirl = ?
49. Explain finding center of gravity of a triangle.
50. Write the formula of center of gravity. Cx and Cy
Page 18 of 24
1. The cuticle layer of plant has function to . . . .
See characteristics below !
1) Parallel veined leaves
2) Net veined leaves
3) Xylem and phloem are arranged in circle
4) Xylem and phloem are scattered
5) Tap root
6) Fibrous root
2. Monocot plants have characteristics . . . .
3. Dicot plants have characteristics . . . .
4. What is the characteristic of Phyllum Porifera?
5. How can the porifera get Oxgyen?
6. The example of porifera is ….
7. What is the characteristic of Phylum Cnidera (Coelenterata)?
8. What is the charachteristics of Medusa form of Phylum Cnidera (Coelenterata)?
9. The example of Cnidera (Coelenterata) is...
10. Sponge bodies do not have organs, instead they have masses of cells supported by
11. The flagellated cells that line the canals of the sponge are called?
12. The interior cavity of an asconoid sponge is called the……….
13. Cnidarians have which two basic body plans?
14. Cnidarians have which type of symmetry?
15. The characteristics of Phylum Platyhelminthes are...
16. Phylum Platyhelminthes are devided into 3 classes. What are there?
17. What is the example of Class Tubellaria?
18. What is the characteristic of Phylum Nematoda?
19. What are the lifestyle of Phylum Nematoda?
20. I am parasitic in human digestive system. My body is cylindrical, smooth, colorless, and waterproof.
I have three body layers (Ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm). I found in poor personal hygine and
poor sanitation. Who am i?
21. The characteristics of Phylum Annelida are...
22. Phylum Annelida is distinguished into 3 classes. What are there?
23. What is the example of Phylum Annelida?
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24. What is the name reproductive organ of earthworm?
25. What is the example of Hirudinea?
26. What is the example of Polychaeta?
27. The characteristics of Phylum Arthropoda are...
28. Phylum Arthropoda is distinguished into 5 classes. What are there?
29. What is the example of class Insecta?
30. What is the organ of excretory system of aquatic Arthropoda?
31. What is the organ of respiratory system of terrestrial Arthropoda?
32. What is the example of insect that have complete metamorphosis?
33. What is the organ for respiratory system of Phyllum Mollusca?
34. The soft organ lying from thorax into abdomen of Mollusca is called ....
35. Inner ends open into the coelom via a ciliated funnel is called
36. What is the organ of excretory system of Mollusca?
37. Primitive, segmented shell, head is reduced, no eye, and has a broad food are the characteristics of
class ....
38. Habitat in marine water, has two shells, and no cephalization are the characteristics of class ....
39. What are the characteristics of Phyllum Chordata?
40. Phylum Chordata is distinguish into 3 Subphylum, there are ....
41. Tunicates is sessile animal, what is the meaning of sessile?
42. One of the characteristic of Suphylum Urochordata is below ....
43. Has vertebral column, closed appendages, and paired of appendages are the characteristics of
Subphylum ....
44. Vertebrate is distinguish into two superclass, what are there?
45. The hard bony flap covering and protecting the gills is called ....
46. The median fin at the rear end of the bod, provides propulsion, moves-side-to-side is called ....
47. Gas-filled sac that allows regulation of buoyant density is the function of ....
48. A canal along the body filled with sensory organs that detect pressure changes is the function of ....
49. A pair of fins generally located in the shoulder region of the fish, give directional movements and
brakes is called as ....
50. Located at back of pharynx, supported by arches of cartilage, and allows the gas exchange are the
functions of ....
Page 20 of 24
1. What is the meaning of (s) in the chemical equations?
2. What is the sign of aqua solution in the chemical equation?
3. Balance the equation.
CdS(s) + O2(g)  CdO(s) + SO2(g)
4. Balance the equation.
Al4C3(s) + H2O(l)  Al(OH)3(s) + CH4(g)
5. H2(g) + O2(g)  H2O(g)
Which of the following is wrong for the above reaction?
6. xN2 + 3H2  2NH3
What is the x ?
7. C3H7OH + O2  CO2 + H2O
If the coefficient of C3H7OH is accepted as 1; what would you expect for the coefficient of O2?
8. 1CxHyOz + 3O2  2CO2 + 3H2O
What is the value of z?
9. Which reaction(s) is (are) not balanced?
a. CO + O2  CO2
C + O2  CO2
C + CO2  CO
10. Al4C3 + H2O  Al(OH)3 + CH4
What is the coefficient of Al(OH)3 in the reaction?
11. Al(s) + H2SO4(aq) → Al2(SO4)3(aq) + H2(g)
(unbalanced reaction)
Balancing the reaction above, what will be the ratio of coefficient number of Al and H2 ?
12. N2 + H2 → NH3 (unbalanced reaction)
The skeleton equation of the combination of nitrogen and hydrogen gas which produces ammonia
is given above. What will be coefficient number of nitrogen, hydrogen and ammonia when the
reaction is balanced?
13. 1.12 lt Ar gas how many mole?
14. What is the number of moles CH4 that contains 2.24 lt CH4?
15. How many moles are 9,03x1023 of SO3 gas at STP
16. What is particle number of 0.5 moles of a gas?
17. C3HX + 5O2  3CO2 + 4H2O
What is x in C3HX?
Page 21 of 24
Na + Cl2 
What is the product for the above reaction?
19. When sulfur react with oxygen, sulfur dioxide is produced, the reaction of 3,2 g of sulfur found
to give 6,4 g of sulfur dioxide. What is the mass of reacted oxygen?
20. The mass proportion of carbon and oxygen in carbon dioxyde (CO2) is 3:8.
How many grams of carbon can be reacted with 24 grams of oxygen?
21. Chlorine gas (Cl2) and oxygen gas (O2) can form four different binary compounds. Below is the
composition mass of O and Cl in each product compound.
Mass of O (g)
Mass of Cl (g)
Find that the couple proportion law for its compounds!
22. Look at this equation reaction below:
C3H8(g) + O2(g)  CO2(g) + H2O(g)
If the C3H8 reacted is 0.8 L, then on the similar T and P, how much is:
Volume of O2 reacted, ?
23. According to 4th question find Volume of CO2?
24. The total amount of matter of the reaction compounds remain constant. And Total mass of
reactants will be equal with the total mass of products is the law of?
25. What is the molar mass for C6H12O6?
(Ar C=12; H=1; O=16)
26. What is the molar mass for C12H22O11?
(Ar C=12; H=1; O=16)
27. Which one will have biggest mass in one mol?
(Ar Cu=63.5 g/mol; Au= 197 g/mol; Zn= 65.4 g/mol ;Fe=56 g/mol; Ca =40 g/mol)
28. What is the volume of 0.3 mole of CO2 at STP?
29. What is volume of 0.5 moles of Fe2O3 molecule at STP?
30. What is the number of moles CH4 that contains 11.2 L CH4?
31. How many oxygen atom in 2 mol CO2?
32. If we have 1.204x1024 molecules of water, the mass will be? ( H; 1, O;16)
33. If 0,5mol of CnH2n is 28 grams, what is the value of n,? (Ar C=12; H=1)
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34. “Volume of gases that reacted and volume of gases that produced are in simple number
comparison, if it’s measured at same pressure and same temperature”.
Statement above came from….
35. 10 grams of metal ore contain 2.9 grams HgS. Percentage of Hg in the ore equal to…
(Hg=200; S=32)
36. At reaction below!
4 Fe +3O22Fe2O3
To get 3.2 grams Fe2O3, how many oxygen molecule need to react?
(Ar Fe=56; O=16; Avogadro’s number=6x1023)
37. Among of the following solutions, the strong electrolyte is….
38. An electrolytic solution can conduct electricity because….
39. Covalent compound which is an electrolyte is…
40. Given that data of an experiment as follows....
Other Observation
There are gas bubbles
There are gas bubbles
There are no gas bubbles
There are gas bubbles
There are gas bubbles
The weak electrolytic solutions are
41. According to table above ,strong electrolytic solution are
42. 0,1 moles of HF is dissolved into the water, so that 0.01 moles of F- ion is obtained in the
solution. Determine the ionization degree of HF ?
43. Oxidation number of S in H2SO4 is…
44. Find the oxidation state of permanganate KMnO4 ?
45. The oxidation state of chromium K2CrO4 ?
46. Indicate wheater each of the following is an oxidation-reduction reaction?
i. NaOH(aq) + HCl(aq) → NaCl(aq) + H2O(l)
ii. Fe2O3(s) + 3CO(g) → 2Fe(s) + 3CO2(g)
iii. Zn(s) + CuSO4(aq) → ZnSO4(aq) + Cu(s)
47. According to the following reaction,
2Fe(s) + 2H2SO4(aq) → 2FeHSO4(aq) + H2(g)
Which of the answer(s) is /are wrong?
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48. Find the oxidation state of the following underlined element!
a. Fe2(SO4)3
b. Ca(ClO3)2
c. S2O72d. Fe(CN)6449. Determine the oxidator and redactor for the following reactions!
a. CuO + H2 → Cu + H2O
b. 2KClO3 + 3S → 2KCl + 3SO2
c. 2KMnO4 + 5H2C2O4 + 3H2SO4 → K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 10CO2 + 8H2O
50. Draw the structure for the following compounds!
a. 2,3-dimethyl butane
b. 2-bromo-2-methyl propane
c. 1,2-dichloro ethene
d. 4-methyl-2-penthyne
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