Download laser production and characterization of metal

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D. Catone, A. Paladini, D. Scuderi, A. Mele, M. Speranza, A. Giardini, Dipartimento di Chimica, Università di Roma
“La Sapienza”, I-00185 Roma, Italy, M. Satta, CNR-Istituto Materiali Speciali, I-85050 Tito Scalo (Pz), Italy.
The interest in the synthesis, structure, and reactivity of clusters of organic molecules with metal
atoms is steadily rising due to their importance in biological processes and in many
biotechnological applications.
Insights into the energetics and the dynamics of metal-bound biomolecules under solvent free
conditions can be obtained by using advanced methodologies like Pulsed Laser Ablation - Mass
Spectrometry (PLA-MS), Mass-Resolved Resonant-Two-Photon-Ionization (R2PI-MS) coupled
with a supersonic molecular beam, and ElectroSpray Tandem Mass Spectrometry (ESI-MS2).
Here a study is reported on the photochemistry and spectroscopy of isolated complexes between
metal atoms and biomolecules, including nucleic bases, amino acids, heme derivatives, produced by
laser ablation in supersonic jets. The produced clusters are ionized by one or two tunable dye laser
and eventually mass analyzed in a TOF mass spectrometer. Alternatively, the clusters are produced
by laser ablation of solid metal/ligand mixtures using intense Nd:YAG laser pulses and mass
analysed by a reflectron mass spectrometer. The experimental results are compared with theoretical