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NetVault®: Replicator
version 5.6.4
Database Configuration Guide
for SQL Server
Version: Product Number: RPG-106-5.6.4-EN-01
RPG-106-5.6.4-EN-01 09/20/10
NetVault: Replicator Database Configuration Guide for SQL Server
Software Copyright © 2010 BakBone Software
Documentation Copyright © 2010 BakBone Software
This software product is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. The distribution and sale of this
product are intended for the use of the original purchaser only per the terms of the License
Agreement. All other product trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
The NetVault: Replicator Database Configuration Guide for SQL Server documentation is
copyrighted and all rights are reserved.
This document may not, in whole or part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated,
reduced or transferred to any electronic medium or machine-readable form without prior consent
in writing from BakBone Software.
© 1999-2010 BakBone®, BakBone Software®, NetVault®, Application Plugin Module™, BakBone
logo®, Integrated Data Protection™, SmartDisk™, Asempra®, and FASTRecover™ are all
trademarks or registered trademarks of BakBone Software, Inc., in the United States and/or in
other countries. All other brands, products or service names are or may be trademarks,
registered trademarks or service marks of, and used to identify, products or services of their
respective owners.
BakBone Software
9540 Towne Centre Drive, Suite 100 Š San Diego, California 92121 Š 866.484.2663
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
• NetVault: Replicator and SQL Server – An Overview .................................................... 5
- Write Order Fidelity for Database Integrity ....................................................................................... 5
About this Document ....................................................................................................... 6
Target Audience ................................................................................................................ 6
Recommended Additional Reading ................................................................................ 6
Basic Terminology ............................................................................................................ 6
Technical Support ............................................................................................................. 7
Documentation Updates ................................................................................................... 7
Chapter 2: Installation
• Prerequisites ..................................................................................................................... 9
• Installing NVR ................................................................................................................. 10
• Licensing NVR ................................................................................................................ 10
- Verifying NVR Licensing ................................................................................................................ 10
Chapter 3: Configuration
• Creating the RCF ............................................................................................................ 13
Prerequisites .................................................................................................................................. 13
Creating and Saving the File .......................................................................................................... 14
Transmitting the RCF to the Standby Server ................................................................................. 16
Starting the NVR Server ................................................................................................................ 17
• Verifying the Configuration ............................................................................................ 17
• Verifying Replication Status .......................................................................................... 18
Chapter 4: Replication
• Initial Synchronization ................................................................................................... 19
- Step 1: Initiating the Synchronization ............................................................................................. 19
- Step 2: Post-Synchronization ......................................................................................................... 20
Table of Contents
• Ongoing Replication Operations ...................................................................................20
Chapter 5: Recovery
• SQL Server Recovery ......................................................................................................21
- Using the Standby SQL Server as the Primary Server .................................................................. 21
- Additional Notes ............................................................................................................................. 22
NetVault: Replicator
Database Configuration Guide for SQL Server
Chapter 1:
NetVault: Replicator and SQL Server – An Overview
Write Order Fidelity for Database Integrity
About this Document
Target Audience
Recommended Additional Reading
Basic Terminology
Technical Support
Documentation Updates
NetVault: Replicator and SQL Server – An
NetVault: Replicator (NVR) is installed on SQL Server to provide continuous data
protection. This application can be installed on these servers in the data center or
on remote servers in other offices or data centers. Once installed and configured,
NVR continuously replicates changing byte-level data to dedicated standby
servers located anywhere on a network. NVR continuously maintains an on-line
mirror backup on another server for increased protection and faster recovery.
NVR is an efficient software that replicates only the changing bytes, independent
of the underlying storage. This unique capability allows the solution to scale to
protect any size of data.
Write Order Fidelity for Database Integrity
NVR continuously replicates changing byte-level data to dedicated standby
servers located anywhere on a network. NVR offers hybrid byte-level differencing
technology that is optimized to provide reliable replication of a SQL Server
database in real-time while preserving write ordering fidelity and the transactional
integrity of the underlying database. The software preserves the order of the write
operations to guarantee changes are applied consistently on the destination
server to guarantee data integrity.
Chapter 1
About this Document
This guide is intended to instruct Windows Administrators on any considerations
and specific configurations for NVR when installed on Windows Servers running
SQL Server software.
The procedures outlined in this guide will allow you to target a single SQL Server
and replicate its full range of database data to a second system. This second
system will then be usable as the SQL Server in the event that the primary server
is to fail.
Target Audience
This guide is designed to assist a Administrators in setting up NVR to run in a SQL
Server environment. Only users with Administrator-level knowledge and access
should attempt any of the procedures outlined in this guide.
Recommended Additional Reading
NetVault ®: Replicator Installation/Upgrade Guide – This guide provides
complete details on installing and upgrading NVR.
NetVault ®: Replicator Administrator’s Guide – This guide provides
comprehensive information on all NVR features and functionality, and
describes how to initialize and administer NVR.
For complete NVR product documentation, visit:
Basic Terminology
Following are some common terms used throughout this document, and a brief
definition for each.
Server/SQL Server/SQL Database Server – Terms used to describe the
machine with the SQL Server software installed o which a SQL database is
configured. This machine will serve as the target of the replication, that is, the
Primary Production Server.
Primary Production Server – This is the SQL Server that will serve as the
“source” of the Replication, that is, the machine being replicated.
Standby Server – This is the machine that is configured to serve as the
destination of the replication, that is, data is replicated from the Primary
Production Server to this machine).
NetVault: Replicator
Database Configuration Guide for SQL Server
“Live” vs. “Idle” – These two terms refer to the intended “end result” state of
the Standby Server. If the system is to be set up so that it can immediately
assume the role of a new SQL Server upon failure of the Primary Production
Server, it is considered “Live”. If the Standby Server is intended to serve
simply as a target for replicated data (e.g., individual SQL database data is to
be stored on the machine for later recovery to the Primary Production
Server), it is considered “Idle”.
Replication Sets (“Repsets”) – Repsets define the relationship between
hosts and data sets that are to be replicated. A repset contains information
that defines which machine is serving as the Primary Production Server (the
replication “source”), and which machine is acting as the Standby Server (the
replication “destination”). A Repset must consist of one source and at least
one destination.
Replication Scheme – This phrase is used to describe all of the systems
involved in the replication process (e.g., a Primary Production Server
replicating its SQL Database data to a Standby Server would constitute a
“Replication Scheme”).
Technical Support
BakBone Software is dedicated to providing friendly, expert advice to NetVault
customers. Our highly trained professionals are available to answer your
questions, offer solutions to your problems and generally help you make the most
of your NetVault purchase. Log on to our web site for more information.
Documentation Updates
For the latest documentation updates, refer to the BakBone Software Knowledge
Base. BakBone’s Knowledge Base article for NetVault: Replicator v5.6.4 can be
found at the following link:
Chapter 1
NetVault: Replicator
Database Configuration Guide for SQL Server
Chapter 2:
Installing NVR
Licensing NVR
Verifying NVR Licensing
NVR Administrator Privileges
Before installing NVR, ensure that the following requirements are met:
Note: If you have already installed NVR on any of the machines in a Microsoft
SQL Server replication scheme, without first performing the pre-requisite
procedures outlined below, it may be necessary to remove and re-install NVR from
all relevant machines. In this instance, contact BakBone Software Technical
Support for further instructions.
Primary Production Servers and Designated Standby Servers Must Be
Online and Properly Configured on the Network– The Windows Server
operating system software must be installed identically on all servers and
patched according to Microsoft's recommendations.
All Machines in the Replication Scheme Must Have Identical Versions of
Windows/SQL Server Installed – This applies to both the primary
production server and the standby server. In the event that the standby server
is to be used in an “Active” role (i.e., set up so that it can immediately be used
in the event of failure of the primary production server), identical versions of
Microsoft SQL Server must be installed and licensed on both machines. In
addition, Microsoft Windows and SQL Server service packs must also be
identical. To check the SQL Server service pack level on a Microsoft SQL
Server, perform the following (based on version):
Microsoft SQL Server ver. 7.0: Perform the following SQL query:
Microsoft SQL Server ver. 2000/2005: Perform the following SQL query:
('productlevel'), SERVERPROPERTY ('edition')
Chapter 2
SQL Server in a Non-running State – Prior to installing, ensure that SQL
Server is not running on any system that is to exist in the replication scheme.
In addition, ensure that SQL Server is not configured to start upon boot.
Once you have successfully synched all instances of SQL Server in regards
to installation, stop all SQL Server services on all machines in the replication
Installing NVR
With all of the pre-requisites discussed in the previous section completely met,
review and perform all of the steps outlined in the NetVault ®: Replicator
Installation/Upgrade Guide in order to install the NVR application on all machines
in the replication scheme.
Licensing NVR
Once installation has ben completed successfully on all relevant systems in the
SQL Server replication scheme, you must install a NVR license for each. Refer to
the NetVault ®: Replicator Installation/Upgrade Guide for complete instructions on
obtaining and installing licenses.
Note: NVR must be licensed with at least its 45-day evaluation license Failure to
do so will result in an inability to use the software.
Verifying NVR Licensing
Use the following steps to verify proper installation of a license key for NVR on
both the Primary Production Server and the Standby Server:
Note: License keys for NVR must be properly installed on both machines,
otherwise the software will not function.
1. Initiate a terminal session.
2. At the prompt, input the following command:
Versionary information and the current status of the license will be displayed.
If the result reveals an invalid license (i.e., the license has expired or is not
installed), refer to the NetVault®: Replicator - Installation Guide for details on
obtaining and installing a valid license key.
NetVault: Replicator
Database Configuration Guide for SQL Server
NVR Administrator Privileges
NVR Service must be set up so that it uses a local or domain Administrator-level
log on account for both the source and destination servers. This can be
accomplished by performing the following steps:
1. Log into the NVR Server using an Administrator-level account.
2. Access the Control Panel window and launch the Administrative Tools
3. Launch the Services utility.
4. In the list of displayed services, locate the NetVault: Replicator Transport
Daemon service and double-click on it.
5. Select the Log On tab.
6. Select the This account radio button and input "Administrator" in the
associated field.
7. Input the relevant password for the Administrator account in both the
Password and Confirm Password fields.
8. Click OK.
9. Right-click on the NetVault: Replicator Transport Daemon service and
select the Restart to apply the changes and restart the service.
10.Repeat from Step 4, selecting the NetVault: Replicator Server service
instead of NetVault: Replicator Transport Daemon service.
Chapter 2
NetVault: Replicator
Database Configuration Guide for SQL Server
Chapter 3:
Creating the RCF
Creating and Saving the File
Transmitting the RCF to the Standby Server
Starting the NVR Server
Verifying the Configuration
Verifying Replication Status
Creating the RCF
NVR requires that you first establish an RCF and save it on the Primary
Production Server. Among other things, the RCF is the file used by NVR to specify
what is to be replicated on the Primary Production Server, and where it is to be
replicated to on the Standby Server. In order to properly replicate a SQL Server
Server, you must create an appropriate RCF file.
Prior to using either method to create the file, you will need to gather various
points of information:
Note the Path to the SQL Server Database “Data” Directory - You will
need to make note of the complete path to the data directory that SQL Server
uses to store database files on the Primary Production Server. With a default
installation of SQL Server, this directory will be as follows:
For SQL Server2000: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data
For MSSQL2005: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
where n is a numerical value
Note the IP Addresses and Resolvable Network Names for the Target
Systems - You will need to make note of both of these values for the
machines configured as the Primary Production Server and the Standby
Chapter 3
Creating and Saving the File
This procedure requires the use of a text editing application to create the RCF
with the proper settings, followed by saving the file on all relevant machines in
the SQL Server replication scheme. Follow the steps below to create the file:
1. Launch a text editing application (e.g., Notepad or Wordpad).
2. Create a file to appear as revealed in the image at right, where “[x]”
refers to a variable, whose letter designation is explained in the points that
Figure 3-1:
Sample RCF
[a]: Global Multiwrite Parameter - Input the complete path to the SQL
Server Database “Data” Directory that is to be replicated here. For
<global multiwrite = “C:\Program
Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data” />
[b]: Source Hostname - Input the resolvable network name or IP address for
the machine serving as the Primary Production Server here. For
<source hostname = “MSSQLSvr1”>
[c]: Host (Source) - The “<to>” tag in the RCF must include its own case of
the “host” parameter, which is used to name the Standby Server that
will receive replicated data. This is accomplished by accompanying the
“host” parameter with the IP address or resolvable name of the system
that is to serve as the target Standby Server. For example:
host = “” / host = “”
NetVault: Replicator
Database Configuration Guide for SQL Server
[d]: Repset (Source) - This value is how NVR will recognize this specific
configuration, and associate the intended Primary Production and
Standby Servers. The repset parameter can be set to any value that is a
legal filename (i.e., it should not contain backslashes, colons, or other
characters that are invalid in a filename). For example
repset = wholedb
[e]: The “includeregex” Value - This value tells NVR specifically what data
is to be replicated. In this instance, you want to include all SQL Server
data, so the complete path to the SQL Server “Data” directory should be
included as this parameter’s variable. However, each directory and subdirectory in the path must be separated by a double backslash (e.g.,
“\\”), and the entire variable must be enclosed in quotes. For example:
includeregex = “C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SQL Server\\MSSQL\\Data”
[f]: Destination Hostname - Input the IP address or resolvable network
name for the machine serving as the Standby Server here. For example:
<destination hostname = “MSSQLSvrStby”>
[g]: Host (Destination) - In the same manner as the “<to>” tag in the RCF,
the “<from>” tag must also contain an instance of the “host” parameter.
This parameter is used to name the Primary Production Server that will
target the Standby Server for replication. Input the “host” parameter
within the “<from>” tag, and accompany it with the IP address or
resolvable name for the Primary Production Server. For example:
host = “” / host = “”
[h]: Repset (Destination) - As noted earlier, Repsets are used to create an
association between the desired Primary Production Server and its
intended destination, the Standby Server. Therefore, when naming a
Repset in the “<from>” tag, ensure that you use the same value set for
for the Repset in the “<to>” tag in the RCF. (i.e., the same value input for
Chapter 3
Figure 3-2:
[i]: The “destdir” Value - Input the complete path to the directory on the
Standby Server to which data is to be replicated (i.e., the Destination
Directory for the replication). This can be any directory large enough to
accommodate the replicated data. To successfully replicate the Primary
Production Server, input just the directory letter to which data is to be
replicated. NVR will analyze the directory path named as the
includeregex variable and replicate data to that same path on the
Standby Server. For example, if SQL Server is installed and configured
on the “C: drive” on the Standby Server, simply input “C:\” for this
variable. Once replication is started, data will be taken from the full path
named as the includeregex variable on the Primary Production Server
and replicate it to this same path on the Standby Server:
destdir = “C:\”
3. Save this file as “master.conf”.
Transmitting the RCF to the Standby Server
With the RCF properly created and saved on the Primary Production Server as
“master.conf”, the next step in the process is to transmit the details of this file
to the Standby Server. To accomplish this follow the steps below:
1. From a terminal session prompt, navigate to the following directory (where
“...” refers to the complete path to the NVR installation):
.../NetVault Replicator/bin
2. At the prompt, issue the following command:
nvr_pushconfig master.conf
NetVault: Replicator
Database Configuration Guide for SQL Server
This command will then review the content of the RCF, and push out a
copy of the file and its associated configuration settings to the Standby
Server, where it will be saved as “nvr.conf”.
Starting the NVR Server
After the RCF has been successfully created on the Primary Production Server
and its contents have been transferred to the Standby Server, you must start
the NVR Server service on the Primary Production Server.
From a Terminal Session Prompt
1. From the machine acting as the Primary Production Server, initiate a
terminal session.
2. At the prompt issue the following command:
net start nvr_srv
From Windows
1. Access the Administrative Tools utility on the Primary Production Server
(i.e., Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools).
2. Scroll down the list of Services displayed until the NetVault: Replicator
Server service is located.
3. Right-click on this item and select the Start command from the pop-up
Verifying the Configuration
Use the steps that follow to verify that the configuration established in the
“nvr.conf” file has been properly recognized on both the Primary Production
Server and the Standby Server.
1. Initiate a terminal session.
2. At the prompt, input the following command:
nvr_verifyconfig -vr
By appending the “v” and “r” arguments to the command, you are asking
NVR to perform a test (“r”) of the configuration for the entire repset,
including all remote servers (i.e., both the Primary Production and Standby
Servers) and return the result in a verbose (“v”) format (i.e., in order to
receive as much information as possible). As an end result, the current status
of system’s configuration will be revealed, based on the system being
Primary Production Server - This machine should return a result of
“This host is configured as a replication source”.
Standby Server - This machine should return a result of “This host is
configured as a replication destination”.
Chapter 3
Note the following:
An improperly functioning configuration will result in error messages similar to
those shown below:
Unable to create socket
STATUS: Connection to repset MSExchSvr1/wholedb failed
(exit with code 1).
STATUS: Check that the remove side can be reached and is
configured correctly.
If these messages are received, review the procedures described in the
section, Creating the RCF on page 13, to ensure that the “nvr.conf” file was
properly created and saved.
Verifying Replication Status
With all previous procedures completed, the last step in the configuration process
is to verify the replication status. To do so, perform the following steps:
1. From the Primary Production Server, with a terminal session launched, input
the following command:
nvr_stat -l
2. The resulting output should reveal the following:
Remote_Host = <Primary Product Server Name>
Pending = 0
Progress = 0
Rep_Event = 0
Status = Active
Repset = <Current Repset Name>
NetVault: Replicator
Database Configuration Guide for SQL Server
Chapter 4:
Initial Synchronization
Step 1: Initiating the Synchronization
Step 2: Post-Synchronization
Ongoing Replication Operations
Initial Synchronization
The first step in beginning replication is to perform an initial synchronization of the
SQL Server database files and log files. This will sync all SQL Server database
files between the Primary Production Server and the Standby Server. The
processes outlined below are to be used, regardless of how you set up your RCF
(i.e., either via the GUI or manually).
Step 1: Initiating the Synchronization
The initial synchronization can be performed using the procedure outlined below:
Important: QL Server services must remain disabled on both the Primary
Production Server and the Standby Server during this procedure
1. From the Primary Production Server, initiate a terminal session and perform
either of the following:
Navigate to the SQL Server Database Data Directory and Issue the
Abbreviated Version of the Command - With a default installation of
SQL Server, you would navigate to “C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
Server\MSSQL\Data”, and then issue the “nvr_sync” command in the
following format:
nvr_sync -d .
Issue the Complete Command - Rather than navigating to a specific
directory, you can issue the “nvr_sync” command in its entirety, from any
directory prompt. This requires that you include the complete path to the
SQL Server “Data” directory along with the command (e.g., “nvr_sync -d
<path to “Data” directory>”). With a default installation of SQL Server,
the command would be input as follows:
nvr_sync -d “C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data”
2. To monitor the progress of this initial synchronization, input the following
command at the prompt:
nvr_stat -l
Chapter 4
While replication is active, the number of pending and in progress items in the
replication queue will be greater than zero. When the initial synchronization
finishes, these numbers will reach zero.
Step 2: Post-Synchronization
With the synchronization completed, the following must be performed:
Restart SQL Server Server on the Primary Production Server - After the
initial synchronization has completed and verified, Microsoft SQL Server
should be started on the Primary Production Server. Consult the relevant
SQL Server Server documentation for complete details on starting these
Leave SQL Server Server Disabled on the Standby Server - Because the
Standby Server is only to be used in the event of a failure of the Primary
Production Server, the SQL Server should never be started on the
destination server during replication.
Ongoing Replication Operations
The day-to-day operation of NVR requires little if any user intervention. The
“nvr_stat” tool may be issued from the Primary Production Server to monitor the
status of the replication service, including the number of replication events that
have occurred, the number of items currently being replicated, and the number of
items that are pending replication.
NetVault: Replicator
Database Configuration Guide for SQL Server
Chapter 5:
SQL Server Recovery
Using the Standby SQL Server as the Primary Server
Additional Notes
SQL Server Recovery
In the event of a system failure on the Primary Production Server, the replicated
database files and log files may be used to recover the state of the SQL Server on
the Standby Server. This requires that administrators follow the same basic series
of steps that would be required when bringing a backup SQL Server back online
from a backup.
Note the following:
It is the responsibility of the end user to take any actions regarding recovery,
rollover, etc. BakBone Software does not provide such functionality. Consult
your service vendor for the procedures required for application recovery and
As the database applications keep state information in the system's memory,
they should never be running on the system configured as the "standby" node
during the "primary" to the "standby" replication. Ensure that such services
are started manually only after the "primary" node failure and the promotion of
the "standby" database to the "primary" database is required. Any database
recovery should be done prior to startup of the "standby" database, to prevent
data corruption.
Using the Standby SQL Server as the Primary Server
In the event of a Primary Production Server failure, perform the following steps to
set the Standby Server as the primary database server:
Note: Note that this summary discusses the use of the SQL Server Server
Enterprise Manager utility. Review the relevant SQL Server documentation for
details on accessing the utility and its full use.
1. From the Standby Server, launch the SQL Server Enterprise Manager.
2. Navigate to the Databases folder and right-click on it.
3. Select All Tasks > Attach Database.
Chapter 5
Figure 5-3:
4. A file browser will open, allowing navigation to the database directory that is
to be mounted. Select the MDF file for the database to be mounted, and click
on OK. A dialog box will appear indicating the database has been
successfully mounted.
Additional Notes
To ensure the transactional integrity in environments where the Source Host is
simply to be replicated to the Destination server, and not part of a traditional
failover scenario, use the following procedure to test recovery:
1. Launch a terminal session, and issue the nvr_srv command to stop
replication on the source.
2. Verify that the Destination server is operating normally by starting and
stopping SQL Server, etc.
3. Delete all database files on the Destination server.
4. Stop SQL Server on the Source server.
5. Restart replication using the command: net start nvr_srv
6. Perform synchronization.
7. Wait for replication of synchronization to complete.
8. Restart SQL Server on the Source server.