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Team Developer – Quick Start Guide to Building
Business Applications on Windows and Linux
By Raj Parmar
November 2004
Introduction ..............................................................7
Executive Summary ...................................................7
Team Developer components...................................12
Overview of Team Developer ....................................... 12
SQLWindows................................................................ 12
SQLTalk ....................................................................... 13
Deploy ......................................................................... 13
TOM ............................................................................. 13
SQLBase ...................................................................... 13
The GUPTA Client/Server-System............................13
SQLWindows ...........................................................14
Graphical User Interface.............................................. 14
The Outline Editor........................................................ 15
Tabs............................................................................. 17
Layout View ................................................................. 18
Controls Tool Bar ......................................................... 18
Coding Assistant .......................................................... 19
Attribute Inspector ...................................................... 19
Database Explorer ...................................................20
Programming Basics in SAL .....................................21
Overview ..................................................................... 21
Datatypes .................................................................... 21
MDI - Form .................................................................. 22
Form - Container for Child Window .............................. 22
TableWindow - Normal Form Window with a built-in
Table............................................................................ 23
Dialog box ................................................................... 23
Non-modal Dialog Windows ......................................... 24
Dialog elements (Child Windows) ................................ 24
Object Attributes ......................................................... 26
Exercise: Form building, compiling and running apps .. 26
Constants .................................................................... 27
Variables ..................................................................... 28
Declarations and length of existence................................. 28
Visibility ............................................................................ 29
Referencing ....................................................................... 30
Arrays................................................................................ 31
Object Variables ................................................................ 32
Naming Conventions.......................................................... 33
Operators .................................................................... 34
Expressions ................................................................. 34
Statements .................................................................. 35
Functions ..................................................................... 38
Internal Functions ............................................................. 38
External Functions............................................................. 39
Function event................................................................... 39
Function Parameters ......................................................... 40
Exercise: Coding in the Outline .................................... 41
Working with Windows Objects ................................... 42
Windows Properties .......................................................... 42
Exercise: Coding the Outline – global functions ........... 43
Event-oriented Programming ..................................44
The Concept of Event-Orientation ................................ 44
Events –Messages -Methods ..................................... 45
SQLWindows Internal Messages .................................. 45
Message Variables ....................................................... 46
Programmed Events / Messages in SQLWindows ........ 47
Functions Used for Sending Messages ......................... 47
SalPostMsg() ..................................................................... 47
SalSendMsg() .................................................................... 48
SalSendMsgToChildren() ................................................... 49
Exercise: Events and messaging .................................. 49
Debugging ...............................................................49
Tools............................................................................ 49
Testing the content of Variables ........................................ 49
Viewing / Evaluation of Expressions ........................................ 52
Breakpoints .............................................................52
Administration of Breakpoints ..................................... 53
Overriding the normal Program Flow........................... 53
Special Features .......................................................... 54
Assignment of Variables .................................................... 54
Animation .......................................................................... 54
Database connections in Team Developer ...............55
Database Access Cycle................................................. 55
The Binding of SQL ...................................................... 56
Exercise: Database access and retrieving information . 56
SQL Error Handling ...................................................... 57
Error handling at the statement level. ............................... 58
Error Handling at the Global Program Level....................... 58
SQLWindows Standard Error Handling............................... 58
Exercise: Error handling .............................................. 59
Table Objects...........................................................60
Table as a self-standing window with a toolbar. .......... 60
Table as a Child Window within a Parent Window ....... 60
Table Columns ............................................................. 61
Table Properties .......................................................... 61
Runtime-adjustable Properties .......................................... 61
Context Rows and focus .............................................. 62
Marking Row Flags....................................................... 63
The Table Window Cache ............................................. 63
How the Table Window Cache Functions ........................... 64
Filling a Table Window with Data: ............................... 64
Tables in the Application.............................................. 65
Exercise: Using and populating Tablefields .................. 66
Short glance at Report Builder.................................67
Properties and Options ................................................ 68
Connection to SQLWindows ......................................... 68
Basic procedure ................................................................. 68
Exercise: Reports......................................................... 70
Multi-user Programming..........................................72
Introduction ................................................................ 72
Locks ........................................................................... 72
Granularity ........................................................................ 72
Type of Locks..................................................................... 72
Transactions ................................................................ 73
Isolation Levels ........................................................... 74
Read repeatability (RR) ..................................................... 74
Cursor Stability (CS).......................................................... 74
Read Only (RO) ................................................................. 75
Release Locks (RL) ............................................................ 75
ROW-ID ....................................................................... 75
Safeguarding of the Result Set .................................... 75
Exercise: Database locking and isolation levels ........... 76
This document introduces Team Developer’s features and benefits when
used to write business applications. Team Developer is an extremely
powerful and wholly integrated visual development environment
available both on the Windows and Linux platforms. It boasts an easy
and intuitive learning curve with compelling features allowing
applications to be coded approximately 40% faster than other tools in
the marketplace. In addition, the code written is truly cross-platform,
with only the need to recompile on different environments. No code
changes are necessary.
Industry leading features and benefits are pointed out before tunneling
down to the basic components of the visual development environment
and taking the reader through many exercises to solidify the
understanding. Sample answers to exercises are also available.
Executive Summary
Enjoy true Rapid Application Development (RAD) of business
applications on Windows and Linux Desktops with Team Developer.
Experience rich and easy-to-use user interfaces while having the benefit
of faster development of nearly 50-100 percent faster than if done in
Java and other visual development tools.
Cross platform development and deployment ensures the investment
you are making can be leveraged in the Linux as well as the Windows
market - greatly enhancing your return on investment and profitability.
The source code of your application can be written on either platform
then simply re-compiled on the other platform to create the same
Time and money saving RAD software development
Rapid Application Development means smart software development.
Team Developer speeds up software development and enables you to
win projects as you can deliver faster and with less cost than your
competition using Microsoft tools or Java.
Quickly react to new customer requirements
You have all experienced a similar situation - you are presenting your
software to a prospect who is very interested, however, there is this
one workflow that needs to be different in the software to better
support the customer’s organization. How fast you can deliver the
change determines whether you win the deal or not. With Team
Developer you can deliver changes faster than your competition.
Protects code investments through backward compatibility
GUPTA works hard so you can move from one technology platform to
the other without constantly rewriting existing code. This enables your
Page 7
organization to concentrate on improving your solution - not on keeping
pace with changes in underlying technologies. Java forces
approximately 20% code rewrite when moving from one version to the
other. Microsoft® tools require an even higher rewrite percentage for
existing code. For example, about 40% of existing code has to be
rewritten when moving from Visual Basic 6 to Visual Basic.Net. For
Longhorn release, independent software magazines predict a rewrite
rate of 100%.
Easy Protyping
During the initial phase of a project, your customer might not be clear
about all their project requirements. Creating prototypes with a few
mouse-clicks ensures the workflow; requirements and expectations are
defined at a very early stage in the project. The risk in delivering
something that does not meet expectations is greatly reduced.
Quick coding
Team Developer’s outline editor is well known as the best possible code
representation and new employees will understand existing code
Keep the project cost low and provide your organization the opportunity
to increase your profit margin.
Page 8
Projects and solutions continue to grow over the years and developers
on a project keep changing. The well-structured outline format of Team
Developer source code is very simple to read and understand. The
graphical outline editor increases productivity of new developers quickly
due to its intelligence in allowing only appropriate objects/segments in
specified places. This coupled with an Active Coding Assistant (ACA)
reduces errors and increases developer productivity.
Renowned database connectivity and development database
Team Developer supports fast and effective database connectivity to
GUPTA SQLBase and many other industry databases. This database
connectivity is now available to Oracle and ODBC in Team Developer for
Linux. Oracle databases can be accessed natively, and all other
databases can be accessed using the Linux ODBC interface. For
example, ODBC can be used to access MySQL and other databases that
offer Linux ODBC connectivity. Team Developer includes a Developers
version of the fast and powerful SQLBase database. With SQLBase
included, it is easy to develop complex multi-user applications using a
non-network connected laptop and still have full industry strength
database features and support.
Complete source-code management including a class browser
Manage multiple developers’ working on the same source code with
Page 9
complete check-in and check-out facilities. Have a true picture of the
object hierarchy with the class browser
Includes comprehensive reporting tool ReportBuilder
Ad-hoc and application reporting are the strengths of ReportBuilder.
End-Users can define new queries with just a few mouse clicks. The
graphical query designer gives users an overview of existing tables and
views and allows them to create joins using drag and drop technology.
After the query has been designed, the report design module offers all
the tools to create stunning reports - including multiple break groups,
easy formatting, graphics support and a lot more.
ReportBuilder includes full support for printer trays and enables the
user to assign changing trays for the pages of the report. Developers
can include reporting into their business solutions. All the advanced
user features are also available and can be programmed from within a
Team Developer application. Your business applications can include
complex reporting such as printing of invoices or complex multi-pass
reports for management information systems
An example report showing conditional formatting
Page 10
Full and comprehensive debugging facilities
Team Developer supports major Desktop Linux distributions
GUPTA is partnering with Novell/SUSE and Red Hat to create best of
Page 11
breed Linux products that integrate well into world leading Linux
Novell SUSE Desktop 1.0 (SLD 1.0)
Novell SUSE 9.1 Professional
Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8
Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9
Red Hat Enterprise Linux v3 (WS, ES, Enterprise Desktop)
Installation on both Windows and Linux are Java Virtual machine (JVM)
based. There is no need to configure and use the ‘make’ tool to build
and use the product – just follow the installers simple steps.
For Linux, the installer ships with a custom build of Crossover 4.1,
which is based on a specific build of the Wine environment on Linux.
If you already have Crossover 3.1 installed – the installer will detect
this and allow you to use the existing binaries. Linux distributions
supported are noted in the Executive summary.
Team Developer components
Overview of Team Developer
Team Developer consists of various components that are divided up into
the following broad areas: Development Environment, Software
Distribution, Team Support and Development Server.
SQLWindows is the name of the 32-bit Programming environment for
Team Developer. It’s in this environment and language where
programmers design and develop in a 4GL Object Orientated
The CDK (GUPTA Developers Extension Kit) is also integrated into
SQLWindows. It serves to expand the GUPTA Team Developer
environment (e.g. the creation of assistants and utilities within the
development environment).
Page 12
SQLTalk is the SQL Shell used for direct queries and Administrative
tasks involving a connected database. It allows both Data Definition
Language (DDL) and Data Manipulation Language (DML) commands.
Team Developer Deployment contains the Runtime Environment for
programs developed with SQLWindows. It contains all the files that are
needed for the distribution of written applications. A deploy executable
is copied to the user environment and run to install the runtime on a
specific machine. Due to licensing restrictions, the SQLWindows
Development Environment itself cannot be circulated.
Team Object Manager (TOM) is the component used for team-oriented
project development. The project-related files (SQLWindows, Source
code, Documentation, etc.) can be stored in a Repository. Full sourcecode management features are available for development teams
working on the same applications. The repository database can be
user-specified e.g. SQLBase, Oracle etc.
GUPTA’s SQLBase database is included with Team Developer. It is
provided to allow development of client applications in a context where
either there’s no SQL Database Server available, or the development is
simply not intended for a Production Server.
The GUPTA Client/Server-System
Team Developer is a development environment for the creation of Client
Software in a Client-Server Environment and for Web development
using Web extension classes. The Server side of the system is either a
SQL Database Server or an ODBC/OLEDB compliant data source.
Typically, in a network, there will be several clients connected to a
All client applications access a common interface, which in turn
accesses a network interface. These interfaces are implemented in the
form of DLL’s (Dynamic Link Libraries) on Windows and Shared Objects
on Linux.
The SQL/API Application Programming Interface is responsible for
database communication. The named dll for this function is
SQLWNTM.DLL on Windows and the Shared Object on
Page 13
Graphical User Interface
The graphic surface of the development environment contains all the
components that are needed for developing SQLWindows applications.
The construction of the development environment is contained within a
Multi-Document Interface (MDI). This allows for several views of the
Application in various Windows within the environment. Each view is
divided up in two sections similar to MS Windows Explorer: On the left
side the components of the view are shown in the form of a tree
structure. (Tree View) on the right are shown the details of the
components that were chosen on the left.
Tabs are used to switch between the various details on the right panel.
Page 14
The graphical surface of SQLWindows
Left Panel:
Hierarchical of Viewing.
Quick location of Objects via icons.
Right Panel:
Detail view of the Objects chosen in the left panel.
Various views (large Symbols, small Symbols, Lists, Details)
Several sort options
Scrollable tabs on the bottom window border for changing
standard categories.
The Outline Editor
Page 15
Each component (e.g. Function, Class, Window, Childwindow) or
subcomponent (e.g. variables, constants) have associated
Outline code
Structural layout
Enhances Programming
Improves Clarity
Visual block building through Indentation
Specific Coding elements can be displayed or hidden
Standard elements/views accessible via tabs
Active Coding Assistant (ACA)
The Outline Editor facilitates the editing of source code within each
view. The structure of the source text is predetermined and aids the
developer. The Outline is intelligent in that it will not allow incorrect
code to be placed at a point where it does not make sense, for example,
if the developer tries to put code for a click event (On SAM_Click) into a
variable declaration or class definition then it will be disallowed. The
Active Coding Assistant (ACA) helps reduce errors further by only
presenting choices that are specific to the appropriate part of the
Outline as well as detailing required parameters and function
Programming blocks are defined by indentations within the Outline
therefore eliminating the need for brackets or the typical “Begin…End”
The standard elements of the Outline, accessible via the tabs at the
bottom window border, are tailored towards the context of the
components chosen within the left panel.
The Active Coding Assistant only showing allowable calls in the
Outline editor
Page 16
Tab 'Layout'
Tab is only visible when a window component is in focus.
The window is firmly positioned in view.
Window can be previewed
Child windows nested within MDI Windows and Menus are
only shown in preview mode.
Page 17
Preset tab sequence
Positioning of window location and size for runtime.
Code cannot be edited while the preview window is open
A view can display only one window at a time.
Layout View
Layout View of a Window Object containing a Child Window.
The Layout section of a view can only be activated when there’s a
window component is highlighted in the left panel
Controls Tool Bar
Page 18
Tools collection
Contains all Child Window Objects
Shows all the Classes for Windows Objects
Integration of Custom Controls
Integration of ActiveX Components
Display and exit with Alt + 4
Docking (Can be prevented by using the CTRL key)
The Controls Tool Bar makes available all Child Windows and their
respective classes. One can then use their mouse to drop and position
a chosen Object onto the surface of a Parent window.
Coding Assistant
An additional coding assistant (from earlier versions) can be turned on
aid in developer productivity.
Supports the coding of the following elements:
Functions, Constants, Variables
SAL Functions
User-defined Functions
Class Definitions
Show and exit with Alt +2
Docking (Can be prevented by using the CTRL key)
Context- sensitive limitation of the selection based on the
position of the cursor in the code.
Attribute Inspector
Page 19
Setting of Object Attributes (Properties)
Docking (Can be prevented by using the CTRL key)
Database Explorer
Page 20
Display and Management of Tables, Views, Indices, and
Stored Procedures.
Makes it possible to run SQL Scripts directly from
Explorer – User Interface
Is represented as an MDI Child Window within SQLWindows
Supports diverse selection of Databases
Programming Basics in SAL
Scalable Application Language (SAL) is the language used for
Programming SQL Windows
The language encompasses:
Object Orientated techniques and capability
Special Support for SQL
Strings of variable lengths must always be placed in apostrophes
Long String -This special type is used for accepting values of LONG
VARCHAR database columns. They can be of arbitrary length and
content (BLOB)
Boolean - A variable of this type can accept either TRUE=1, FALSE=0
Number - Numeric type with a range of precision of up to 22 decimal
places (for use with both Real and Integer datatypes)
Date/Time - Date/Time entry. The ISO description must be used when
assigning date/time within programming text
File Handle - Is needed for File operations
Sql Handle - Identifies a database connection. Every communication
with a database requires that one provide a SQL Handle, which is
delivered via SqlConnect( )
Windows Handle - Serves to identify Windows objects. Must be
specified using functions that involve editing Windows.
Objects - The GUPTA Window Objects provided by SQLWindows greatly
facilitates the programming of the user interface (Windows, Dialog
boxes, Buttons, etc). The collection of Objects consists of the basic
Objects found in all Standard Windows Components.
Page 21
MDI - Form
Form - Container for Child Window
Page 22
TableWindow - Normal Form Window with a built-in Table
Dialog box
Cannot be resized
Has no System menu
Cannot be minimized or maximized
Modal Dialog Box
Page 23
Has to be closed before the rest of the application can be
accessed again.
Can be used to start/initiate other applications
Non-modal Dialog Windows
Can remain open
Does not lock the application
Dialog elements (Child Windows)
Dialog elements, also called Child Windows, are objects that are located
within the Parent window. Parent Windows are Dialogs, Form Windows,
Table Windows, or MDI Windows.
They can only exist within these Parent Windows.
The Toolbox aids in placing the Dialog elements in a Parent Window.
Page 24
Dialog element
Background Text
Exit pushbutton
Multiline Field
“This is a test with a
wrapping Multiline Textfield.”
List Box
Scroll Bar
Group Box
Radio Button
Check Box
Combo Box
Table columns
Page 25
Group File format
Produce report
Object Attributes
For every Object there are certain Attributes, also known as
A distinction is made between those Attributes that are set at Design
Time, and those that are set at the Program Functions Runtime. The
Attribute Inspector assists in setting Attributes at the Development
Attributes that are set at the Development phase deal mainly with the
Name of the Object
Text of the Object
Font Style/Size
Data Types
At the Runtime of the ProgramActive/Inactive
Text of the Object
Font Style/Size
Exercise: Form building, compiling and running apps
During this course a Company Information System will be programmed
that tracks the company’s employees and their hire dates.
Page 26
Create a Form Window and place the Objects onto the Form
Window with the help of the Tools Window.
Go through the various properties of the Object and assign the
default properties.
Look at the window in Preview Mode (Ctrl-L)
Choose a sensible TAB order and functioning Accelerators (Alt
Save the Program
Compile, start (F7) and test your application.
Your running application should look something like below:
Constants come in the following types:
• String
• Number
• Boolean
• Date/Time
Page 21
Page 27
Example of Defining a Constant:
♦ Application Description: SQLWindows Standard Application
♦ Libraries
♦ Global Decl a rations
♦ Window Defa u lts
♦ Formats
◊ External Fu nctions
♦ Constants
◊ System
♦ User
◊ Number: PM_ New = SAM_User + 1
◊ Date/Time: DT_Start = 1998-12-31
◊ String: MSG _New = "Anlegen eines neuen
◊ Boolean: B_ OK = TRUE
Declarations and length of existence
A Variable can be of any of the aforementioned datatypes.
can be declared in various places within the source code.
♦ Global Decl a rations
♦ Window Defa u lts
♦ Formats
♦ External Fu n ctions
♦ Constants
♦ Resources
♦ Variables
♦ String: sUs e rName
Global declarations exist during the program’s entire
In Functions
♦ Function: f U serFunction
♦ Description :
♦ Returns
♦ Parameters
♦ Static Vari a bles
♦ Number: nCo u nter
♦ Local Varia b les
♦ String: sUs e rName
♦ Actions
Local Variables exist during a functions cycle.
Static Variables retain their value during two function calls.
They are initialized with 0 in Windows
♦ Dialog Box: frmMain
♦ Description :
♦ Tool Bar
♦ Contents
♦ Functions
♦ Window Para m eters
♦ Window Vari a bles
◊ String: sUs erName
♦ Message Act i ons
Page 28
Windows Variables exist only as long as the window in which
they reside. Existence does not mean necessarily that they are
In Classes
♦ Pushbutton C lass: cpbGreen
♦ Description : Grüner Button
♦ Derived Fro m
♦ Class Varia b les
◊ Number: nCo unt
♦ Instance Va r iables
◊ String: sWi ndowText
♦ Functions
♦ Message Act i ons
Class Variables exist only as long as there’s an Instance of a
Class available.
Instance Variables exist only as long as the Instance itself.
Variables have a certain period of validity (Scoping Rules). One also
speaks of a Variables visibility.
Global Variables
Global Variables are visible within the entire program Windows and
Functions can call them alike.
Windows Variables
• Can be called from anywhere, (like global Variables) provided
they exist.
• Windows Variables exist only as long as the window in which
they reside.
• No compiler warnings.
• There’s a danger of runtime errors anytime windows Variables
are used as global Variables.
♦ Form Window : frmForm
◊ ....
♦ Window Vari a bles
◊ String: sNa me
♦ Dialog Box: dlgDialog
♦ ....
♦ Message Act i ons
♦ On SAM_Crea t e
◊ Set sName = " Education Center"
In the event of a name conflict between global and local Variables,
the local Variable will be called.
♦ Variables
◊ String: sNa me
Page 29
♦ Window Vari a bles
♦ String: sNa m e
♦ Message Act i ons
♦ On SAM_Crea t e
◊ Set sName = "EC"
A naming conflict between names at the same level will result in a
translation error.
♦ Form Window : frm1
♦ Window Vari a bles
♦ String: sNa m e
♦ Dialog Box: dlg1
♦ ....
♦ Window Vari a bles
♦ Message Act i ons
♦ On SAM_Crea t e
♦ Set sName = "EC"
♦ Form Window : frm2
◊ ....
◊ Window Vari ables
♦ String: sNa m e
Local Variables
• Can only be called from within the function.
• An attempt to call a local function from outside the function will
result in a translation error.
♦ Function: f T est
◊ Description :
◊ Returns
◊ Parameters
◊ Static Vari ables
♦ Local Varia b les
♦ String: sTe s t
♦ Actions
◊ Set sTest = "Hello"
External Referencing
An external reference is a reference to a Variable, an object, or a
function that is defined in a given parent window but is also
referenced from another window.
In order to prevent naming conflicts due to the visibility of Objects,
Variables, or Functions inside of a program, it’s recommended that
one use a fully-qualified reference anytime one is going to access a
value or function outside of its own parent window.
Qualified Reference
The object will prefix the name of the surrounding Parent Window.
Syntax: Template.ObjectName
◊ Set frm1.sN ame = "Hello"
Page 30
Goal: The Object can then also be referenced, even though an
Object of the same name exists in another window.
Window Semi-Qualified Reference
The Objects will be prefixed to the Window Handle.
Syntax: WindowHandle.ObjectName
◊ Set hWndFrm .sName = "Hello"
Goal: To be used for the programming of general functions without
having to use a specific window name (i.e. for use with an array of
Windows Handles).
◊ Window Hand le: hWndArray[*]
◊ ...
◊ Set hWndArr ay[1].sName = "Hello"
Fully Qualified Reference
The object will prefix the name of the surrounding Parent Window,
as well as the Window Handle.
◊ hWnd1 = Sal CreateWindow ( frm1, hWndOwner )
◊ hWnd2 = Sal CreateWindow ( frm1, hWndOwner )
◊ ...
◊ Set hWnd1.f rm1.sName = "Hello"
◊ Set hWnd2.f rm1.sName = "Hello"
Goal: The Object can also be referenced; even though several
Instances of a window exist that have the same name.
An array is an ordered list of Variables of the same type.
Limitations: Every type except Long String
• Multi-Dimensional Arrays
• Dynamic Size (With multi-dimensional arrays, only 1
dimension is dynamic)
• Borders (scope) can be specified.
• Indices usually begin with 0.
• Min/Max Indices can be defined.
Page 31
String: strAngestellte[1:10,1:3]
String: strAngestellte[1:*,1:3]
◊ Set value = nPosition [5]
Functions used for editing arrays:
SalArray* (e.g. SalArrayMin, SalArrayMax,...)
Object Variables
All Dialog Elements / Objects have in addition to their visual
characteristics, their value as Variables (Object Variables) as well.
Limitations: Push Button, Background Text, Group Box, Line, Frame
• The Variable name is the name of the Object
• Every Object Variable has a datatype.
• Some Objects can have several datatypes.
Object Variable Datatypes
Data Field
String, Longstring, Date/Time, Number
Combo Box
String, Long String
Radio Button
Check Box
Scroll Bar
Multiline Field
String, Long String
String, Longstring, Date/Time, Number
Bitmap (Icon-) File oder OLE Daten
Object Type:
Page 32
Class default
Class default
Class default
Class default
Group Box
Class default
Dialog Elements can also be used as Variables in assignment
◊ Set dfName = "GUPTA Education Center"
◊ Set sbScrol l = 10
Naming Conventions
Hungarian Notation: Small letters precede Variables to denote their
type. The expanded name consists of a word chain that begins with
capitol letters.
• Using this notation you can read example programs easier.
• Your programs will be easier to read for colleagues and
coworkers, not to mention more easily maintainable.
With Objects:
Data Field
Multiline Text
Push Button
Radio Button
Check Boxes
Combo Box
List Box
Form Window
Table Window
TB – Column
Scroll Bar
Window Handle
Sql Handle
File Handle
With Variables
Page 33
With Constants
• Messages, SQL Statements
• Similar to Hungarian Notation
With respect to System Variables, there’s a division of Constants
into groups through the use of a prefix in Capitals followed by an
Type of Constant
SQLWindows Application
Table Window Constants
File Open Constants
User Defined Messages
+, -, *, /
basic arithmetic operations
=, !=, >, <, <=, >=
Comparison operators
bitwise AND
bitwise OR concatenation operators
Expressions are built using Function outputs, Variables,
Constants, or Expressions bound together with Operators.
Interpretation from left to right with AND, OR, NOT
Interpretation with AND, OR
◊ Set bOk = T RUE
◊ Set nCount = 1000
◊ Set sSelect = "SELECT " || sFields ||
" FROM " || sFrom
Page 34
Page 31
A statement consists of a line of programming
Statements are edited in the Outline
Only one statement per line
Choose using Outline-Option
The ENTER key adds blank lines
Exclamation marks indicate commented lines
Break lines with CTRL-RETURN (For statements encompassing
several lines)
A RETURN terminates line editing
Lines / Blocks of Statements can be staggered / relocated by
pressing ALT with either a DOWN or UP arrow.
Enter one line at a time.
A second line enter and with the ALT + UP ARROW combination
move upwards into the first position.
SAL Statements
• Setting the value of the variable.
• Variables can also be set using the result value of a function.
◊ Set sName = "GUPTA Education Center"
◊ Set nCount = fCounter(nCount)
• Calling functions
• Recursion possible
• Nesting of functions is possible
Call <Functioname([parameter1,parameter2,...])
◊ Call SalQui t()
• Coding documentation
! Description Text
◊ ! this is a comment
If...Else/Else If
• Conditionals in the programming code.
• Blocks are set apart using indentation
• No Begin and End is needed
Page 35
If <expression>
Else If <expression>
♦ If i = 0
◊ ! further S tatements
◊ Set nCount = i
♦ Else If i = 1
◊ ! further S tatements
◊ Set nCount = -1
♦ Else
◊ ! further S tatements
◊ Set nCount = 99
Select Case...
• Of a numeric expression
• A Break has to be placed at the end of a Case
• Default should always be included
Select Case <numeric expression>
Case <numeric Constant>
♦ Select Case i
♦ Case 1
◊ Set sIdenti fier = Company
◊ Break
♦ Case 2
◊ Set sIdenti fier = Partner
◊ Break
♦ Default
◊ Set sIdenti fier = General
• Looping construction without Break criterion
• Has to end with a Break, otherwise it’s endless.
• Can be nested
Loop <[Name of Loop]>
Break <[Name of Loop]>
♦ Loop OUTER
◊ Set nCount = nCount + 1
♦ Loop INNER
◊ Set i = i + 1
♦ if i = 10
◊ Break INNER
♦ Else if nCo u nt > 10
Page 36
◊ Break OUTER
◊ Set nCount = nCount + 1
♦ If nCount = 10
◊ Break OUTER
• Looping construction with a Break criterion
• Can be nested
While <boolean expression>
♦ While i < 1 0
◊ Set nEvent = i * i
◊ Set i = i + 1
• Defines the handling of a message
• Can only be used in either Message Actions or Applications
On <Message>
◊ On SAM_Clic k
• Ends a function or the handling of a message
• Must always return a value.
• May only be used when a return value is defined in the head
of a function.
Return <value>
◊ Return TRUE
◊ Return sNam e
◊ Return 0
When SqlError
• Local SQL error handling.
• Must always be located before the SQL statement.
• Must always be located before the SQL statement.
When SqlError
◊ When SQLErr or
◊ Call SalMes sageBox( SQL Error, Beware,
Page 37
Internal Functions
Internal Functions - Internal functions are defined and coded within
Team Developer.
Function Template in the Outline
When a function’s added, a function body is created that has to be
filled out.
♦ Function:Fu n ction: <Name of a function>
◊ Description :
◊ Returns
◊ Parameters
◊ Local Varia bles
◊ Actions
Global Functions
• Can always be addressable and valid
• Should only be used for global tasks.
♦ Application
♦ ...
♦ Global Decl a rations
♦ ...
♦ Internal Fu n ctions
♦ Function: f A dd
◊ Description :
◊ Add 2 Digi ts
♦ Returns
◊ Number:
♦ Parameters
◊ Number: pnD igit1
◊ Number: pnD igit2
◊ Static Vari ables
♦ Local Varia b les
◊ Number: nEv ent
♦ Actions
◊ Set nEvent = pnDigit1 + pnDigit2
◊ Return nEve nt
Local Functions
• In Parent Windows (Form Windows, Dialog boxes, MDI Windows,
Table Windows)
• Table Child Windows
• Are valid or exist only as long as the window in which they
• Should be used only for local functionality
• Must be referenced when being addressed externally.
♦ Form Window : frmCompanyInfo
♦ Description :
♦ ...
Page 38
♦ Functions
♦ Function: f A dd
◊ Description :
◊ Add 2 Digi ts
♦ Returns
◊ Number:
♦ Parameters
◊ Number: pnD igit1
◊ Number pnDi git2
◊ Static Vari ables
♦ Local Varia b les
◊ Number: nEv ent
♦ Actions
◊ Set nEvent = pnDigit1 + pnDigit2
◊ Return nEve nt
External Functions
Are imported from DLL’s
External functions are only defined within Team Developer.
These functions’ coding is contained within DLL’s and is written,
for example, with C++
♦ External Fu n ctions
♦ Library nam e : sqlwntm.dll
♦ Function: s q ldbn
♦ Description :
♦ Export Ordi n al: 0
♦ Returns
◊ Number: SHO RT
♦ Parameters
◊ String: LPC STR
◊ String: LPC STR
◊ Receive Num ber: LPUSHORT
Function event
The Return Value is always of a certain type.
The Return Value is requested using the keyword
• Return without a value creates a translation error.
• The Return Value can be transferred to the program that called
the function.
Also, simply because a Return Value’s specified during the definition
of a function does not mean that it has to be processed by the
program. Calling a function is something different.
◊ Set nEvent =
fAdd (1,1)
◊ Call fAdd ( 1,1)
Page 39
Function Parameters
Function parameters are specified during a function’s definition.
Function parameters are of a certain type.
Parameters can be handled from within a function just like
normal variables.
There are 2 different types of Parameters to pass:
• Parameters as a copy of a variable.
• Parameters as an address of a variable.
Parameters as a copy (Call by Value)
• A copy of the value will be given to the function upon being
• The value as original in the surrounding program cannot be
• Any changes are lost upon termination of the function.
♦ Parameters
◊ Number: nDi git1
Parameters as a copy (Call by Value)
• The address of the value will be given to the function upon
being called.
• Any changes in the values of the parameters will be passed
onto the surrounding program.
• Only variables can be passed to a function, not constants.
• It’s possible to pass several values from a function to the
♦ Parameters
◊ Receive Num ber nDigit1
Page 40
Exercise: Coding in the Outline
Modify the starter program in Exercise 6.6 to add an internal function
that deletes all of the form’s data fields.
• Pay close attention that you only display those parts of the
programming code that are immediately needed, by choosing a
sensible level of detail. (Double-click on )
• Use the SQLWindows function SalClearField()
You should insert a popup menu called “file” in your window, with
the menu choice “new” so that you can test the function.
Definition of the function:
♦ Global Decl a rations
♦ .....
♦ Internal Fu n ctions
♦ Function fC l earForm
♦ Description :
♦ Returns
♦ Parameters
♦ Static Vari a bles
♦ Local Varia b les
♦ Action
Calling of the function
♦ Form Window : frmCompanyInfo
♦ Description
♦ Named Menus
♦ Menu
♦ Popup Menu: &File
♦ Enabled whe n :
♦ Status Text :
♦ Menu Item: & N ew
♦ Status Text
♦ Keyboard Ac c elerator: (none)
♦ Menu Settin g s
♦ Menu Action s
Page 41
◊ Call fClear Form()
♦ Menu Separa t or
♦ ....
Working with Windows Objects
Next to the database connections, the user interface is the most
important thing in a Windows program. The interface is most frequently
implemented using windows. Therefore, it’s really important to know
the windows properties, and the relationships between the various
windows objects.
All Parent Windows and Dialog Elements are treated as Windows by MS
Thus, for example, Data fields and Radio Buttons are windows as well.
Windows Properties
Parent/Child Relationship
All windows underlie a hierarchy every dialog element has a Parent
Window as its superior in the hierarchy. The dialog element itself is
then designated as a Child Window in this relationship.
Window Text
Every window has window text, the display of which is dependent on
the type of window.
Window Handle
Every window within Windows has a unique number or ID, which is
known as a Window Handle. If one wants to work with this window,
he/she must know its Window Handle. SQLWindows simplifies this
Page 42
concept, in that it equates the name of the Window with its Window
Visibility of Windows
Windows can be visible or invisible. It’s possible to either hide or
show a window at the runtime of an application.
Windows can be active or inactive. An inactive window does not
react to the actions of the user. We can query through SAL what
the state of a Window is.
Windows have a position on the monitor/display. This can be set in
absolute relation to the monitor/display or relative to the Parent
Message Receipt
Every window receives messages. Every message effects, as with a
function call, the execution of a block of programming code. In
SQLWindows these program blocks are formed in SAL. The cause for
sending messages is events occurring.
Exercise: Coding the Outline – global functions
The internal global function
• fClearForm(...)
should now be implemented for every class.
Therefore, don’t use the name of the individual window, but rather
locate with the help of functions.
• SalGetFirstChild(
• SalGetNextChild( )
The designated Data field, and delete the respective field from within
the loop. One can use the SQLWindows constant hWndNULL for the end
of the loop.
Consider which of the Parameters are actually needed and make sense
in terms of the global implementation of this function.
♦ Internal Fu n ctions
♦ Function: f C learForm
♦ Description :
♦ Returns
♦ Parameters
◊ ???
Page 43
♦ Static Vari a bles
♦ Local Varia b les
♦ Actions
◊ ???
Event-oriented Programming
The Concept of Event-Orientation
The program was responsible for handling I/O for the OS’s
Under MS Windows, the OS takes on this task to a certain
The OS recognizes keyboard or Mouse events. A message is
generated that is sent to the program.
The program waits passively for messages from Windows. No
code is executed (e.g. Loops)
If it encounters a message, it reacts to it. The handling occurs
independently from other messages.
The program waits passively for the next message.
The appearance of messages is not foreseeable and thus there’s
no way to presume any particular sequence.
The reaction to a message can be understood just like to a
function call within a large program.
Page 44
Events –Messages -Methods
A normal program processes its assignments actively and
SQLWindows program waits passively for an event.
If an event is encountered, a message is sent.
Every message can effect the execution of a method, which is
responsible for the handling of this message by the receiver.
The program controls the sequencing of events and messages.
The receiver can process this message, but it doesn’t have to.
The messages are sent regardless.
The user doesn’t communicate with the program per se, but rather
the objects of the program. (Events: Click on a button, Enter data
into a text field, etc. The messages generated by these events are
sent directly to the objects.
To program with SQLWindows = to react to the desired
message with the right code!
The approach:
1. Which event is important to me?
2. When am I going to receive a message about this?
3. What is the message called?
4. How should I react to it?
SQLWindows Internal Messages
Next to OS messages that are triggered by user events, there are also
SQLWindows messages that are triggered by the runtime environment
itself. These messages correspond to the application and its objects.
Some Messages:
Page 45
Event, Trigger, Point in Time
Program starts, first message overall.
End of program, last message.
Object is created.
Object is destroyed.
An altered input field is exited.
Question: Is the field’s content ok?
Field becomes the focus of input or entry.
Message Variables
Just as with parameters for functions, there are four variables that exist
for messages. Their purpose is to transfer data to the message routine.
The values of the variables are set by the System.
(Window Handle)
(Window Handle)
The values of the variables are a property of the message and are
included with their description.
SAM_Click with a Push Button
Handle of the surrounding window.
Handle of the push button.
Not used.
Not used.
SAM_Click with a picture
Handle of the surrounding window.
Handle of the picture.
x-coordinate of the mouse click within the
y-coordinate of the mouse click within the
The following is valid for programming:
Only think about the current object in scope
“I” = hwindItem, hWndForm, hWndMDI
Page 46
Programmed Events / Messages in SQLWindows
SQLWindows system and MS Windows can only create and send
messages based on system events.
One can simulate events, in that he creates messages that belong to
an event.
• Definition of the event (Form window has to be rebuilt)
• Definition of the message (PM_Build Form Window) as numeric
constants. (PM_...= SAM_User + x )
• Sending of the message to the Form Window
SalSendMsg(hWndForm,PM_Build Form Window, …)
• Form Window reacts to the message and rebuilds itself. (On
PM_Build Form Window)
Functions Used for Sending Messages
SalSendMsg( hWnd, nMsg, wParam, lParam )
SalPostMsg( hWnd, nMsg, wParam, lParam )
The receiver of a message is always a Window (addressed via its
name or Handle)
The window that receives the message
“Event” relative to the type of message
Additional information, if needed
Additional information, if needed
Call SalSendMsg ( hWndForm, PM_Build Form Window, 0, 0)
Call SalSendMsg ( hWndForm, PM_Build Form Window, 0, 0)
Page 47
Enters the message into the application’s message queue.
The call ends immediately and the program processes the next
Asynchronous, Cooperative Anweiswungen
Always in situations when the event’s not immediately needed for
the next assignments.
The message is sent immediately
The caller waits until the receiver executes his actions.
Synchronously, just as with a function call.
Message, Processing
Always in situations when the event’s important to and needed for
the next assignments.
Page 48
Functions like SalSendMsg()
The addresser is not the window itself, but the parent.
The message is sent automatically to all Child Windows.
Exercise: Events and messaging
Replace the internal function fClearForm() in exercise 6.14.2 with
Events Messaging’ to achieve same result.
Should work with a Developer-generated message, PM_CLEAR
Which SAL functions make sense?
Do we pass any parameters?
In what kind of functions would using wParam and lParam make
Does this approach even make sense?
An important element of any Programming environment is tools that
serve to diagnose programming code for mistakes as well as expected
application flow control. The search for errors within a program is
known as “Debugging” GUPTA SQLWindows provides the following
described tools to aid in this purpose:
Testing the content of Variables
The window for viewing the value of Variables
With the help of this tool one can view the content of Variables at
runtime. It can also be checked whether or not Variable assignments
are to be executed as expected.
This tool can be accessed via the menu:
Tools / Variables or just Alt+5 in the IDE
or via the toolbar symbol (Toolbar “Debug”)
Page 49
The ordering of the Variables shown is done using the pushbutton in the
upper right corner of the window. It’s here that one comes to the Form
Window for selecting the Variables to be analyzed.
Fig 9
Selection Window for Variables
In the window shown in Fig 9 one can select among the available
Variables; their referencing corresponds to their respective context.
From the selections made here one can also modify the value of the
For example, an expression can also be viewed (e.g. nCount > 0)
The Viewing of the Call Stack
Fig 10:The Viewing of the Call Stack
The Call Stack shows the actual functions that are being implemented
relative to Messages and their context. With nested function calls, the
calling hierarchy will be shown. The hierarchy shown in Fig 10 looks like
the following in code:
1 Form Window: frmMain
1.1 Functions
1.1.1 Function: fSave
Page 50
... Actions Call fSaveStandards( )
1.1.2 Function: fSaveStandards
... Actions Call ...
! Actual
1.2 Message Actions
1.2.1 On SAM_Close
Call fSave( )
The viewing of the Call Stack is accessed via the menu:
Tools / Call Stack or just Alt+6 in the IDE
or via the toolbar symbol (Toolbar “Debug”)
Call Stack
Viewing of Messages
Fig 11: The window for viewing messages.
Since the principle of event-control /orientation is one of the basic
concepts of Windows Programming, it’s also necessary to have a tool
for monitoring all occurring events.
All the events that occur during the running of the program are shown
in Fig 11 as messages with their assigned Variables (Window Handle,
wParam, lParam).
The view is restricted to the GUPTA SQLWindows-defined SAM
The viewing of the Messages Window is accessed via the menu:
Tools / Messages or by Alt+7 in the IDE
or via the toolbar symbol (Toolbar “Debug”)
Page 51
Viewing / Evaluation of Expressions
Fig. 12: Window for Viewing / Evaluating Expressions
With the help of this tool it is possible to monitor or execute any
expressions, function calls, and assignments during the running of the
program. Next to that is the executed line of the evaluated expression
appearing as a Combo Box, in the Window lying beneath that appears
not only the type of the event, but the event itself.
Note: Using this tool it is possible to interfere with running of the
program. For example, should any manually executed changes to the
contents of Variables occur, this changed content is then available to
the program.
The environment that is applicable to the tool, is always the context of
the actual position within the program
The viewing of the tool for evaluation of expressions is accessed via the
Tools / Expressions or Alt+8 in the IDE
or via the toolbar symbol (Toolbar “Debug”)
The tool mentioned in the previous Chapter may only be used in the
framework of a controlled, running program. Manual control of the
running of the program is obtained by using what is known as
Breakpoints are specific markings in programming code. They interrupt
the running program and can be set within the Development
environment to take place before the start and during the execution of
a program. They are usually marked in red in the source text.
Should a breakpoint be encountered during the running of a program,
the developer can manually override whether further execution will
occur (towards the next breakpoint or end of the program).
Page 52
Administration of Breakpoints
A Breakpoint can be set at a marked line in the source code via the
Debug / Breakpoints / Toggle or F9
Or by choosing the Standard Toolbar symbol
Toggle Breakpoint
In order to remove a previously set Breakpoint, one follows the same
Besides setting and removing individual breakpoints, the following
options exist:
• Deletion of all breakpoints in the programming code.
• Deactivation of all breakpoints. (The breakpoints will still exist, but
will be ignored during the program’s execution.
• Activation of all breakpoints. (The program will stop at the
Overriding the normal Program Flow
Several tools are available for manually controlling a program’s flow
(after reaching a breakpoint).
• Continuation of the program until the next breakpoint (if one exists,
otherwise until the end of the program. via the menu): Debug /
Continue Debugging or CTRL F7
Interruption of the program flow via the menu: Debug / Break or by
choosing the following symbol in the Debug Toolbar:
Single step execution (detailed) executes the next statement and
then returns the control to the Debug Toolbar. Should the
statement involve a function, the function will be activated and then
one can move through the various statements within the function.
Thereafter the Debugger returns to the original statement.
This function is accessible via the menu: Debug / Step Into, F10, or
via the symbol
Step Into
Single step execution contains the current statement of a program;
should this be indeed executed. In contrast to the detailed singlestep execution, the individual statements within the function will not
be shown.
This function is accessible via the menu: Debug / Step Over,
(Ctrl+F10) or via the symbol
Page 53
Step Over
Special Features
Assignment of Variables
Just as described in Chapter 8.1.4 (View/Evaluation of Expressions)
it’s also possible to control the content of variables via the
“Expressions” window. Since all valid statements can be executed
via this tool, the explicit assignment of Variables can be made here
as well.
The following illustration shows an example of this:
Fig 13: Assignment of Variables in the “Expressions” Window
Note: The assignment of Variables in this way serves only to test
for possible corrections. Should this process lead to the desired
results, it naturally has to be expressed in the adjusted code.
Should the execution of the program continue after a breakpoint is
reached, it’s normally not possible to view the continued running of
the program. But the GUPTA SQLWindows Development
Environment offers altogether three options for viewing the running
of a program.
Page 54
No Animation (Menu: Debug / No Animate, standard setting)
Slow Animation (Menu: Debug / Slow Animate) Here the
individual statements in the program flow will be shown for a
predefined duration. This interval is set using the menu option
Tools / Preferences.
Fig 14 The “Preferences” Window
Fast Animation (Menu: Debug / Fast Animate), Fast Program
Flow (Speed cannot be changed)
Database connections in Team Developer
Database Access Cycle
SQLWindows provides a set of commands that allow for connecting to
SQL databases. This connection follows a certain cycle that is called the
“Database Access Cycle”
• SqlConnect creates a database connection. The connection is
addressed using its Handle (Sql Handle, Cursor.) Prerequisite for a
successful database connection is that the corresponding system
variables were initialized with valid values. (SqlDatabase, SqlUser,
Page 55
SqlPrepare translates a SQL statement at the server and connects
it with the Handle.
SqlExecute executes the SQL statement bound to the SQL Handle
and creates a result set for SELECT statements.
SqlFetchNext reads the individual datasets of the result set created
by SqlExecute. (Only with “SELECT” statements)
SqlDisconnect terminates a database connection.
Fig 15. The Database Access Cycle
The Binding of SQL
SQLWindows offers the option to use Variables in SQL statements. This
occurs via Into and Bind Variables. Variables are integrated in a SQL
statement using a colon prefix.
• Into - Variables specify which program defined variables the
results of a SELECT statement are placed.
Bind - Variables transport values from the program into the
SELECT company_name, address, city
INTO :dfName, :dfStreet, :dfCity
FROM company
WHERE company_name = :strCompanyName
Into Variables: dfname, dfStreet, and dfCity
Bind Variable: strCompanyName
Note: A frequent source of errors is a missing colon before an INTO,
BIND variables.
Note: The content of INTO Variables will be filled with the respective
actual result set of every FETCH statement
Exercise: Database access and retrieving information
The form window labeled Company Information now has to be filled
with data.
Page 56
Search all records. Use the country field as search criteria.
Page through all the records found.
Data in the form window will be entered into the database.
Changed data in the form window will be played back by number into
the database.
Data in the form window will be deleted from the database.
Program the scrollbar so that a ‘down’ click gets the next row of the
result set and ‘up’ click gets the previous row of the result set.
Necessary functions/Messages:
SqlConnect, SqlDisconnect, SqlPrepare, SqlExecute, SqlFetchNext,
SalEnableWindow, SalDisableWindow, SalSendMsg, SqlCommit
SAM_Create, SAM_Destroy, SAM_Click, SAM_Scrollbar, SalMessageBox
The meaning and parameters of the functions are best found in
the SQLWindows Online Help.
SQL Error Handling
The handling of errors relating to database statements can take place in
3 areas: As a basic principle, a runtime system error is intercepted with
standard error handling. However, it can also be intercepted at the
global program or statement levels (Cascaded error handling). It is
Page 57
important to remember that these error handling routines are for
‘database errors’ and not general SAL statements, e.g. when SQLError
will register and error in SQLConnect( ) but not in SQLPrepare( ).
Error handling at the statement level.
The ‘When SqlError’ statement at the statement level handles
errors. This has to be placed directly before the statement that’s to
be executed and on the same programming level.
♦ Pushbutton: pbEnter
♦ Message Act i ons
♦ On SAM_Clic k
♦ When SqlErr o r
♦ Set nSqlErr o r = SqlError(hSql)
♦ Call SqlGet E rrorText(nSqlError, strErrorText)
♦ Call SqlGet E rrorPosition(hSqlError, nErrorPos)
♦ Call SalNum b erToStr(nSqlError, 0, strSqlError)
♦ Call SalMes s ageBox(strSqlError || '-' ||
strErrorText, 'Message-Box', MB_Ok)
♦ Return FALS E
◊ Call SqlPre pare(hSql, sINSERT)
♦ If SqlExecu t e(hSql)
♦ Call SqlCom m it(hSql)
♦ Call SalSen d Msg(pbSearch, SAM_Click, 0, 0)
Error Handling at the Global Program Level
This is error handling that’s executed generally, for the entire
program. It takes place at the “Applications Actions” level. Here the
response will be a special message SAM_SqlError.
The system variables wParam and Iparam give information about
the error.
♦ Application Actions
♦ On SAM_SqlE r ror
♦ Call SqlExt r actArgs(wParam, lParam, hSql,
nSqlError, nSqlErrorPos)
♦ Call SqlGet E rrorText(nSqlError, strErrorText)
♦ Call SalNum b erToStr(nSqlError, 0, strSqlError)
◊ Call SalMes sageBox(strSqlError || '-' ||
strErrorText, 'Message-Box', MB_Ok)
♦ Return FALS E
SQLWindows Standard Error Handling
Whether an error to a SQL Function is intercepted at the statement
level or at the global program level, the standard SQLWindows error
handling takes place.
Page 58
Fig 16 Standard SQL Error handling under SQLWindows.
Note: SQL Errors should always be intercepted whenever possible,
for only then is it possible to run the rest of the program in a
controlled manner. Should a user encounter a standard error
message and have to make a decision on exiting or continuing the
program, an uncontrolled event may still exist.
SQL Error Handling Flow Chart
Exercise: Error handling
Expand the functionality of the ‘Customer Information’ application.
• Add Global Error Handling routine to catch all SQL errors.
Page 59
The Search and Insert functions both require a database connection
to be set up. Add a specific Local Error Handling routine only to the
‘Insert’ and trap for the following errors locally:
o 9268 : Cannot connect – SQLBase server is down
401 : Database does not exist
Test your application with (a) no SQLBase server (b) Incorrect database
Notice the difference in error message for the ‘Search and
‘Insert’ buttons.
Table Objects
Table Objects were created in SQLWindows to display data in a table
format. There are table objects in the form of Parent Windows and Child
Table as a self-standing window with a toolbar.
The entire window surface area is a table.
A toolbar can be incorporated as well.
The table expands and contracts with the window.
Table as a Child Window within a Parent Window
Page 60
The table is located only in the Parent Window.
The table will not be automatically resized at Runtime.
Table Columns
Table columns are the only content of a table.
Every column has a designated data type (similar to a data field)
Every column behaves like a Variable (Input Mask, Format, Data
Type, Editable…)
Columns can be interchanged (also by the user at Runtime)
Table Properties
A table, like any Object, has certain properties. Many properties are
designated during Development time (Visible, Position…) but can only
be adjusted during Runtime with the aid of SAL functions.
Runtime-adjustable Properties
Installation Description
Interchanging columns
Column Selection
Horizontal column browsing
Vertical roll bar.
Appearance of the Column and
Changing the column width
Line headers like Pushbuttons.
The following function is used to set the properties:
• SalTblSetTableFlags (hWndTable, Flag, Boolean)
Page 61
Context Rows and focus
• The focus row is the line that contains the fields for entering user
• The focus row receives a focus.border
• The focus row can be set directly by the user.
Context Row
• The content of the Column Object Variables is always set via the
Context row.
◊ Set colName = "Parmar"
Page 62
The context row will automatically be set to the focus row
anytime a user changes the focus row.
The context row is not, however, always the same as the focus
Marking Row Flags
Table rows can be seen with the following markings:
Row in Table is
selected by the user.
marked for later deletion
newly entered
not visible.
There can also be several flags set for a single row. For example, a new
row that was edited:
ROW_New und ROW_Edited
Search for rows with certain markings:
• SalTblFindNextRow( )
• SalTblFindPrevRow( )
The Table Window Cache
Table data is held locally on the client machine in Table Window cache.
Not to be confused with the result set of a database, even when the
content can be the same.
Page 63
How the Table Window Cache Functions
Every row of the result set is read only once, provided the
cache is large enough.
The Table Window will send a SAM_FetchRow message,
should there be data needed in the cache.
SAM_FetchRow must be responded to in order to transfer
data into the Table Window.
Filling a Table Window with Data:
Resetting the Table Window and the designation of a row count
◊ Call SalTbl Reset (Tbl1)
◊ Call SalTbl SetRange (Tbl1,0,nRows-1)
Use of the SAM_FetchRow Message
♦ On SAM_Fetc h Row
◊ Call SqlFet chRow (hSql,...,lParam)
With this message one will be instructed to fill the row “Iparam” with
Method of functioning:
1. The Table Window is assigned the task to display x-number of
2. For every record that fits on the screen …
2.1. ... the table sets the context row on record y in which the
record is to be shown.
Page 64
2.2. …and sends itself SAM_FetchRow with Iparam = y.
2.3. …the program uses SqlFetchRow in order to fetch the y-th
record from the result set.
3. Should the user browse back and forth, steps 2.x are re-executed.
This cycle is completed with SalTblPopulate().
Tables in the Application
Database Functions for Tables
Page 65
Fills the Table Window with a SELECT query’s
result set. "SELECT * FROM..." is possible! (Can
use for a table that has no predefined columns)
Searches through the Table Window for new
records and then inserts them with a SQL INSERT
statement into the database.
Searches for altered records and then transfers
them via SQL UPDATE into the database.
Searches for records marked for deleting and
then also deletes them via SQL DELETE from the
Exercise: Using and populating Tablefields
Task 1:
• Create a Table Window as the Parent Window
• Expand the frmCompanyInfo with the button “Communication
• Create the new window at runtime with the command,
• Create Table Columns in order to build the database table
CONTACT. Ensure that you have the right data types.
• Fill the table with help of the SAL Function SalTblPopulate()
• Process the data in the table and pay special attn to the
markings of the record heads.
Task 2:
• Place the buttons, delete, new record, exit, and save onto the
window’s toolbar.
• Program the designated menu items.
Use the SalTblDo….()..Functions to accomplish this.
Your application should look something like below:
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Short glance at Report Builder
Report Windows is needed for the formatted output of data to a printer.
It developed itself from a tool used for creating reports to a complete
query tool with the possibility of defining database queries.
Here the functionality for simple template definition is explored.
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Properties and Options
If the
Use of all Fonts (?, Formats)
Use of Graphics (Lines, Rectangles…)
Data Grouping (Breakgroups)
Calculation of Groups
Automatic Page Break
Preview Option
report is used in this way, the program delivers the data.
The use of any data is possible.
No limit on data tables.
Connection to SQLWindows
Basic procedure
Tools collection
Report Template Creation
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Start Report Builder
Import a Standard Template Menu Edit / Import Template
Open the file NEWREP.QRP
Define the input item in the Input Items area (right mouse click
/ New…)
Enter every new input item with NEW, and note the data type
Place and format the Input Items onto the empty lines of the
template using Drag&Drop.
Programming SQLWindows
Parameters of the Function, SalReportView:
The window that receives the message
SAM_FetchRow Normally, the window that
calls SalReport.
Window for the Report. The Report creates
it’s own window using hWndNULL
Name of the Report (filename)
List (String) of the SQLWindows variables,
separated by comma.
List (String) the input items, separated by
Return of the error number The variable
must be set to 1 before the call.
Additional parameters of SalReportPrint:
Reading values from the database
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The number of copies to be printed.
Output options:
Print everything, partial print, fast print
With partial printing: 1st page
With partial printing: last page
The data must be read and input items assigned using the message:
SqlPrepare() binds input items with Variables.
SqlExecute prepares the reading of the data.
SqlFetchNext() replaces input items with their values.
Exercise: Reports
Template Creation
• Define 8input items: COMPANY_ID, INVOICE_ID, COMPANY_NAME,
• Look at the ‘Invoice’ table in the ISLAND database and choose
appropriate datatypes.
• Place the input items in the report. Use COMPANY_NAME in the
• Enter meaningful background text
• Control using Report-Preview
• Save the Report
Now modify the previous ‘Company Information’ application:
Add a new menu item called ‘Invoice Report’
Make use of the following SAL functions / Events:
1. SalReportView
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Code this in the new menu item. Use parameters:
Name of the report file
Names of the SQLWindows variables
Names of the Report Windows variables
2. SAM_ReportStart
To translate the required SQL SELECT statement:
Use SqlPrepare() in the designated Message Action Section of the
3. SAM_ReportFetchInit
To execute the SQL statement: Use SqlExecute() in the designated
Message Action Section of the window.
4. SAM_ReportFetchNext
In the designated Message Action of the window, fill the SQLWindows
variables with values using SqlFetchNext()
Report Builder will use the names of the SQLWindows variables to
receive its values.
This will be repeated until SAM_FetchNext is ended with Return FALSE.
Your final running report should look something like below:
This exercise covered the basics of using Report Builder. There are
many more features that make this tool very powerful and flexible. You
should investigate its full potential.
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Multi-user Programming
In a Client/Server environment there are several users communicating
with the server. The server has to process each request with as little as
possible side effects on the other requests. To that end the server uses
locks that are partially automatic or set intentionally and can be
removed later.
A database system uses locks to guarantee a multi-user operation.
Locks differentiate between the granularity and the type of locks.
Locks are designed to prevent further access to an Object.
Granularity specifies the size of the Object to be locked.
exist on:
Database level
Table level
Page level
Row level
Field level
The whole database can be locked with the access of one user. That
surely prevents any side effects, but other users aren’t able to work,
should they also want to work with the same data. It’s similar to
locks on the table level. The best compromise is locks on rows or on
the record/field level. For that, a user locks one or several records
for editing. In theory, one could also lock individual fields, but rarely
do two users work on a single field. Also the administrative
overload on a database would be very high if one or more locks had
to be placed on each field.
For reasons of efficiency, SQLBase implements locks on a page
level. Collected data is administered in pages of 1024 bytes.
Whatever complete pages the desired record needs will be locked,
independent of how many records a page actually contains.
Naturally, this can lead to “uninvolved” records also being locked.
But the risk of this in everyday practice is by far smaller than one
would imagine.
Type of Locks
There are several different types of locks used. In practice, there
are two types of significance:
Shared- or s-locks
Exclusive or x-locks
When a user reads a record (using a SELECT command) he does this
by being assigned an s-lock. Other users can do this as well, so that
several users can read this record simultaneously. That is, several
s-locks can, by all means, exist on the same record.
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Updates or deletions of records will always be assigned an x-lock.
“Exclusive” means that no other user can update or delete the
record. That is, this type of lock can only be set 1 x per record.
Indeed, the update or deletion of a record by a user also prevents
the setting of any s-lock. Conversely, this applies to SQLBase as
well: If a record’s been assigned an x-lock due to updates being
made by a user, that record cannot be read, not even in its old
SQLBase always sets locks indirectly. There’s no command or addon that exists in the scope of the standard SQL language that can
explicitly set locks (like “lock-record”). X-locks are always set when
any of the following commands are executed:
• Update
• Delete
• Insert
Obviously this is assuming that no other locks exist on the records
at issue. S-locks are set with this command:
• Select
How exactly SQLBase handles locks can be set using one of four
isolation levels.
Generally, every action on the database is put in execution using
transactions. Transactions are one or more SQL statements that are
either completely executed, or not at all. This gives the Programmer the
security of knowing that the database will not end up in a state it’s not
supposed to be in, or for which it’s not intended. An example for this is
an order: The Operator chooses articles by which the inventory is
lowered. That worked flawlessly with the first seven articles, but now
with the eighth article he has to cancel the whole order, since the item’s
no longer available. A transaction can be reversed while in process
without any effects using the command “rollback”. That is, the seven
articles up to that point are again fully available and counted as
Transactions are also important internally. Should SQLBase malfunction
in the middle of a transaction (for example, due to a defective hard
drive), SQLBase makes note of that during a restart and reverses the
state of the database back to the state it was in prior to the
Transactions are started implicitly anytime data is updated, deleted, or
entered. They’re ended using the “commit” command, or as the user
may, reversed using the “rollback” command. SQLBase first logs
updates without directly altering the original value as a rollback would
not be possible.
Read operations also proceed in the framework of Transactions. These
don’t cause any changes to the database so they are “unimportant” to
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either a restart or a “commit/rollback” SQLBase does not need to log
any of this activity.
When a transaction cannot be carried out, due to the desired record
being locked, SQLBase waits for a preset amount of time for the record
to be released (timeout).
The following applies as a rule of thumb for programming:
• The shortest possible transactions, time-wise.
• To always end transactions with a commit or rollback. That is,
never hold transactions “open” unnecessarily.
• Define transactions. That is, to always stop the program in a
transaction-based state. That applies especially to an idle state
(nothing will be shown).
• Use a short “timeout” period.
• Lock only those records that are absolutely needed.
Isolation Levels
Isolation levels designate how SQLBase is to place locks during read
operations, e.g. (selects). Every read causes the creation of a result
set. Even if this set contains only one row or column. Normally a result
set consists of several rows. The cursor always specifies the current
field or row. All reads in a program are handled by this cursor.
The use of s-locks is specified and implemented using Isolation Levels.
The Programmer can choose for this between 4 levels:
• Read repeatability (RR)
• Cursor Stability (CS)
• Read Only (RO)
• Release Locks (RL)
Read repeatability (RR)
With this setting, the user is guaranteed that he can always read
any record that has already been read. It’s impossible for another
user to delete or update any of these records. For that reason, every
record will be locked with an s-lock, for that will prevent any x-lock
(via update or delete) from being set on this record. There can
certainly be more than one s-lock on this record!
This setting is not well-suited for multi-user, as there will simply be
too many locks placed which will lead to “timeouts”, since there will
always be a lot of records locked (whether needed or not).
Cursor Stability (CS)
After the Server has created the result set for the client, it will
position the cursor on the first record. With SQLBase, any record
within this result set can be read without limitation. It doesn’t
matter which one is read last. The cursor always positions itself on
the last read record. Precisely this record will be set with an s-lock.
If the cursor wanders to another record, this one will be “taken with
it”. It can certainly happen that suddenly no more records exist or
that none have been updated. Example: All customers are read
whose names begin with a “K”. There are ten in all, from which the
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first customer is shown. The program jumps one to the last
customer, after which one would like to view the first again. Another
user updated one record while the other ten were being displayed.
That works flawlessly, since it’s only the current record (the one
shown here) that was protected from x-locks with an s-lock.
Read Only (RO)
With this setting only reads are possible. The advantage here is that
absolutely no locks are set, and therefore no obstruction of other
users is possible. Reads are always executed, even when records
are locked with an x-lock (no timeouts). In this case, the value is
simply read before the transaction. This setting is very suitable for
analysis and statistics.
Release Locks (RL)
In this situation no locks are placed during read operations. S-locks
are set only very shortly during the creation of result sets, and then
immediately re-released, hence the name. This setting is specific to
SQLBase, but also very well suited for multi-user programming. It
should always be used as the Standard.
Please note that x-locks are always set independently from the
isolation levels. It’s impossible with RL as well, that two users
update the same record at the same time.
It’s possible with the RL setting programmed, that the record shown is
updated or deleted by another user (there’s no s-lock that would
prevent this). As long as this transaction’s in effect, this record will be
locked with an x-lock that will prevent the first user from updating it, or
even re-reading it, as records locked with an x-lock are not readable).
What is then, if the second user has terminated the update with a
“commit” and therefore the x-lock was deleted? SQLBase offers in this
situation the elegant process of a ROW-ID validation. With read
operations, not only will the actual data be read, but the ROW-ID as
well (select rowid, …from…). This will be saved on the Client, but it will
not be displayed. If you wish to do an update, the record will be
retrieved using this ROW-ID (update …where rowid = local_rowid).
Since SQLBase also changes this ROW-ID with every update of the
record, SQLBase can tell as if using a timestamp that the record has
been changed in the meantime (as the ID’s are different). SQLBase
then warns the Programmer using an error message to which the
Programmer can react appropriately. In contrast to a timestamp, it’s
not necessary to re-read “the old” stamp before the update and
compare it to the local one. SQLBase does this job automatically.
SQLBase is normally programmed using the RL setting with ROW-ID
Safeguarding of the Result Set
Unfortunately, the confirmation of a transaction (commit) also causes
the result set to be discarded. When there are many updates within a
result set, the result set has to be recreated and reread many times.
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For example, should one have to reassign a new Salesman to a certain
PLZ area, first all the customers have to be selected. Then the update is
committed for the first customer for whom the Salesman has changed,
so that the x-lock has been removed. Thereafter, one wants to update
the second customer. To do so, one would simply read the next record
in the program. This is no longer possible, as a commit has since
deleted the result set, and it has to be recreated.
Result sets are not deleted [upon commits] (that is, the content
remains visible) when the “context preservation” setting is used. This
setting is indeed a very comfortable way to program, but the
transaction recommendations are nevertheless still valid.
Exercise: Database locking and isolation levels
Open up 2 SQLTalk sessions. Session-A and Session-B
1. In Session-A
a. Connect ISLAND
2. In Session-B
a. Connect ISLAND
What behavior do you see?
Session-B is ‘hanging’ as it is waiting for the shared-lock to be
released by Session-A
3. In Session-A
What behavior do you see?
Session-B now completes as the transaction has now been
committed and the shared-lock released by Session-A
4. In Session-B
Now both Session-A and Session-B have completed their
transactions and have committed.
5. In the SQLTALK Session-A, choose the ‘Options’ menu-item then
‘Session Settings’. Change the ‘Isolation Level’ to ‘Release
Locks’ and hit ‘OK’
6. Repeat steps 1b and 2b and observe the behavior with the new
‘Isolation Level’.
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Can you explain why Session-B was now allowed to complete the
UPDATE operation?
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