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SQL – STRUCTURED QUERY LANGUAGE Dr. Raj Sunderraman Computer Science Department Georgia State University . TABLE OF CONTENTS SQL – Structured Query Language Table Of Contents * DATABASE APPROACH o Database/Database Management System o Database Approach vs. Traditional File Processing * RELATIONAL MODEL OF DATA o Terminology o Sample Database Instance o Integrity Constraints o Relational Rules o Relational Algebra o Querying database using Relational Algebra * DATA DEFINITION IN SQL o Schema Definition in SQL o Simple Inserts o Data Types Dr. Raj Sunderraman 2 SQL – Structured Query Language Table Of Contents * QUERYING IN SQL o Simple Select Statements o Subselects o Union and For All Queries o Aggregates/Group By/Having o Group By/ Having clauses o Full Select Statement Syntax o Conceptual Order of Evaluation of a Select Statement * UPDATES IN SQL o Database Updates (insert, delete, update) * ADDITIONAL FEATURES OF SQL o Views o Indexes o Tips to increase query efficiency o Transactions o Triggers o Catalog o Security and Sharing * APPLICATION PROGRAMMING o Embedded-SQL (E-SQL) Dr. Raj Sunderraman 3 DATABASE APPROACH SQL – Structured Query Language DATABASE APPROACH This slide intentionally left blank. Dr. Raj Sunderraman 5 SQL – Structured Query Language DATABASE APPROACH Database/Database Management System • A database is a large collection of persistent inter-related data. • A database management system (DBMS) is the software that maintains and provides access to the database. It allows the user to – Define the structure of the database, and – Manipulate the database (query and update) Dr. Raj Sunderraman 6 SQL – Structured Query Language DATABASE APPROACH Database Approach vs. Traditional File Processing • Self contained nature of database systems (database contains both data and meta-data). • Data Independence: application programs and queries are independent of how data is actually stored. • Data sharing. • Controlling redundancies and inconsistencies. • Secure access to database; Restricting unauthorized access. • Enforcing Integrity Constraints. • Backup and Recovery from system crashes. • Support for multiple-users and concurrent access. Dr. Raj Sunderraman 7 RELATIONAL MODEL OF DATA SQL – Structured Query Language RELATIONAL MODEL OF DATA Terminology • Relation Scheme: list of attribute names. Example: R = (CID, CNAME, CITY, DISCOUNT). • Domain: set of values. Example: set of integers, set of character strings of length 10, set of real numbers. • With each attribute name A, we associate a domain referred to as domain(A). Example: domain(CID)=char4, domain(CNAME)=char13, domain(DISCOUNT)=integer • A Tuple over the relation scheme (A1, ..., An) is (a1, ..., an) where each ai is an element of domain(Ai) or null. Example: (’c001’,’TipTop’, ’Duluth’,10) is a tuple over scheme R. • Relation: over a relation scheme (A1, ..., An) is a finite set of tuples over the same scheme. Example: {(’c001’,’TipTop’, ’Duluth’,10),(’c002’,’Basics’, ’Dallas’,null)} is a relation over scheme R. Dr. Raj Sunderraman 9 SQL – Structured Query Language RELATIONAL MODEL OF DATA Basically, • A relation over scheme R=(A1, ..., An) can be viewed as a table consisting of n columns and a finite set of rows. • Each column corresponds to an attribute name and • Each row corresponds to a tuple within the relation. Relation Attribute Name Tuple Dr. Raj Sunderraman --- Table --- Column Name --- Row 10 SQL – Structured Query Language RELATIONAL MODEL OF DATA Sample Database Instance customers CID CNAME ---- ------------c001 Tiptop c002 Basics c003 Allied c004 ACME c006 ACME Dr. Raj Sunderraman CITY DISCNT -------------------- ---------Duluth 10 Dallas 12 Dallas 8 Duluth 8 Kyoto 0 11 SQL – Structured Query Language agents AID ANAME --- ------------a01 Smith a02 Jones a03 Brown a04 Gray a05 Otasi a06 Smith Dr. Raj Sunderraman RELATIONAL MODEL OF DATA CITY PERCENT -------------------- ---------New York 6 Newark 6 Tokyo 7 New York 6 Duluth 5 Dallas 5 12 SQL – Structured Query Language products PID PNAME --- ------------p01 comb p02 brush p03 razor p04 pen p05 pencil p06 folder p07 case Dr. Raj Sunderraman RELATIONAL MODEL OF DATA CITY QUANTITY PRICE -------------------- ---------- ---------Dallas 111400 .5 Newark 203000 .5 Duluth 150600 1 Duluth 125300 1 Dallas 221400 1 Dallas 123100 2 Newark 100500 1 13 SQL – Structured Query Language orders ORDNO MON ----- --1011 jan 1012 jan 1019 feb 1017 feb 1018 feb 1023 mar 1022 mar 1025 apr 1013 jan 1026 may 1015 jan 1014 jan 1021 feb 1016 jan 1020 feb 1024 mar CID ---c001 c001 c001 c001 c001 c001 c001 c001 c002 c002 c003 c003 c004 c006 c006 c006 Dr. Raj Sunderraman AID --a01 a01 a02 a06 a03 a04 a05 a05 a03 a05 a03 a03 a06 a01 a03 a06 RELATIONAL MODEL OF DATA PID QTY DOLLARS --- ---------- ---------p01 1000 450 p01 1000 450 p02 400 180 p03 600 540 p04 600 540 p05 500 450 p06 400 720 p07 800 720 p03 1000 880 p03 800 704 p05 1200 1104 p05 1200 1104 p01 1000 460 p01 1000 500 p07 600 600 p01 800 400 14 SQL – Structured Query Language RELATIONAL MODEL OF DATA Integrity Constraints Integrity Constraints are conditions that must be satisfied by the database at all times. Some commonly used Integrity Constraints are: • not null: Certain columns in a table may be prohibited from having null values. • primary key: is a set of column names which uniquely identify each row. Example: {CID} is the primary key for customers table. The primary key constraint indicates that the table cannot contain two different rows with the same values under primary key columns. Dr. Raj Sunderraman 15 SQL – Structured Query Language RELATIONAL MODEL OF DATA • candidate key: A relation (table) may contain more than one key. In this case, one of the keys is selected as the primary key and the remaining keys are called candidate keys. The candidate key constraint indicates that the table cannot contain two different rows with the same values under candidate key columns. • foreign keys (referential integrity): Many a times, it is necessary to include column names from one table in another table. Example: CID, AID and PID are included in the orders table. CID is a primary key of the customers table and its inclusion in the orders table makes it a foreign key in the orders table. This constraint forces every CID value in the orders table to be also present in the customers table. Dr. Raj Sunderraman 16 SQL – Structured Query Language RELATIONAL MODEL OF DATA Relational Rules 1. First Normal Form: Domains must be atomic. i.e multi-valued fields are not allowed. Example: The following relation is not in First Normal Form: Emp-Id Name Phones Dept. 1001 Smith {689-3922,689-3919} Computer Science ... ... ... ... 2. Access rows by content: There is no ordering to the rows of a table, i.e., we cannot access the first row or the fifth row or the last row etc. 3. Unique row rule: Since a relation was defined as a SET of tuples (rows), there should be no duplicates. 4. Entity integrity rule: Primary Key columns in a table CANNOT contain null values. Dr. Raj Sunderraman 17 SQL – Structured Query Language RELATIONAL MODEL OF DATA Relational Algebra • Set Operations: – union – difference – product – intersection • Relational Operations: – select (horizontal slicing) – project (vertical slicing) – join – division Dr. Raj Sunderraman 18 SQL – Structured Query Language R A B C ------a b c d a f c b d RELATIONAL MODEL OF DATA S D E F ------b g a d a f R intersection S A B C ------d a f Dr. Raj Sunderraman R union S A B C ------a b c d a f c b d b g a R - S A B C ------a b c c b d R x S A B C D E F ---------------a b c b g a a b c d a f d a f b g a d a f d a f c b d b g a c b d d a f 19 SQL – Structured Query Language R A B C D ---------a b c d a b e f b c e f e d c d e d e f a b d e RELATIONAL MODEL OF DATA S C D E ------c d e c d f d e f project[A,B](R) A B ---a b b c e d Dr. Raj Sunderraman T C D ---c d e f R join S A B C D E ------------a b c d e a b c d f e d c d e e d c d f a b d e f select[B="b"](R) A B C D ---------a b c d a b e f a b d e R div T A B ---a b e d 20 SQL – Structured Query Language RELATIONAL MODEL OF DATA Querying database using Relational Algebra (1) Get cnames of customers who live in "New York" and order product "p01". T1 = customers join orders T2 = select[city="New York" and pid="p01"](T2) RESULT = project[cname](T3) (2) Get cids of customers who do not order part "p01". T1 = project[cid](select[pid="p01"](orders)) T2 = project[cid](customers) RESULT = T2 - T1 Dr. Raj Sunderraman 21 SQL – Structured Query Language RELATIONAL MODEL OF DATA (3) Get cids of customers who order "p01" and "p02". T1 = project[cid](select[pid="p01"](orders)) T2 = project[cid](select[pid="p02"](orders)) RESULT = T1 intersection T2 (4) Get pids of products for which orders have been placed by agents in "Dallas" or "Duluth" T1 = agents join orders T2 = project[pid](select[city="Dallas"](T1)) T3 = project[pid](select[city="Duluth"](T1)) RESULT = T2 union T3 Dr. Raj Sunderraman 22 SQL – Structured Query Language RELATIONAL MODEL OF DATA (5) Get cids of customers who place orders through ALL agents located in "New York". T1 = project[cid,aid](orders) T2 = project[aid](select[city="New York"](agents)) RESULT = T1 div T2 Dr. Raj Sunderraman 23 DATA DEFINITION IN SQL SQL – Structured Query Language DATA DEFINITION IN SQL Schema Definition in SQL drop table customers; create table customers ( cid char(4) not null, cname varchar(13), city varchar(20), discnt real check(discnt >= 0.0 and discnt <= 15.0), primary key (cid)); drop table agents; create table agents ( aid char(3) not null, aname varchar(13), city varchar(20), percent number(6) check(percent >= 0 and percent <= 100), primary key (aid)); Dr. Raj Sunderraman 25 SQL – Structured Query Language DATA DEFINITION IN SQL drop table products; create table products ( pid char(3) not null, pname varchar(13), city varchar(20), quantity number(10) check(quantity > 0), price real check(price > 0.0), primary key (pid)); Dr. Raj Sunderraman 26 SQL – Structured Query Language DATA DEFINITION IN SQL drop table orders; create table orders ( ordno number(6) not null, month char(3), cid char(4) not null, aid char(3) not null, pid char(3) not null, qty number(6) not null check(qty > 0), dollars float default 0.0 check(dollars >= 0.0), primary key (ordno), foreign key (cid) references customers, foreign key (aid) references agents, foreign key (pid) references products); Dr. Raj Sunderraman 27 SQL – Structured Query Language DATA DEFINITION IN SQL Simple Inserts insert into customers values (’c001’,’Tiptop’,’Duluth’,10.00); insert into customers values (’c002’,’Basics’,’Dallas’,12.00); insert into customers values (’c003’,’Allied’,’Dallas’,8.00); insert into customers values (’c004’,’ACME’,’Duluth’,8.00); insert into customers values (’c006’,’ACME’,’Kyoto’,0.00); Dr. Raj Sunderraman 28 SQL – Structured Query Language DATA DEFINITION IN SQL Data Types CHAR[(n)] VARCHAR character string of length n string of upto 256 characters; variable length SMALLINT -32767 to + 32767 INTEGER or INT -2 billion to + 2 billion DECIMAL[(m[,n])] decimal floating point numbers with m digits (n decimal digits) SMALLFLOAT real numbers (upto 8 significant digits) FLOAT[n] double precision DATE dates (12-MAR-96) MONEY[(m[,n])] money ($12.30) TEXT upto 2 GBytes of textual data BYTE upto 2 GBytes of binary data Dr. Raj Sunderraman 29 QUERYING IN SQL SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL Simple Select Statements The simplest form of select statement has the following general syntax: select [distinct] expression {, expression} from tablename [corr_name] {, tablename [corr_name]} [where search_condition]; Dr. Raj Sunderraman 31 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (1) Find aid values and names of agents that are based in New York. SQL> select aid, aname from agents where city = ’New York’; AID --a01 a04 ANAME ------------Smith Gray Dr. Raj Sunderraman 32 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (2) Print all rows in Customers table. SQL> select * from customers; CID ---c001 c002 c003 c004 c006 CNAME ------------Tiptop Basics Allied ACME ACME Dr. Raj Sunderraman CITY DISCNT -------------------- ---------Duluth 10 Dallas 12 Dallas 8 Duluth 8 Kyoto 0 33 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (3) Get pid values for parts for which orders have been placed. Eliminate duplicate answers. SQL> select distinct pid from orders; PID --p01 p02 p03 ... ... 7 rows selected. Dr. Raj Sunderraman 34 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (4) String Comparisons: Get customers whose name begin with letter "A". SQL> select * from customers where cname like ’A%’; CID ---c003 c004 c006 CNAME ------------Allied ACME ACME CITY DISCNT -------------------- ---------Dallas 8 Duluth 8 Kyoto 0 Underscore(_) : wildcard for any single character Percent(%) : wildcard for any sequence of zero or more characters. Dr. Raj Sunderraman 35 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (5) Get cname, aname pairs such that the customer has placed an order through the agent. SQL> select distinct cname, aname from customers, orders, agents where customers.cid = orders.cid and orders.aid = agents.aid; CNAME ------------ACME ACME ... ... ANAME ------------Brown Smith 10 rows selected. Dr. Raj Sunderraman 36 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (6) For each order, get ordno, cid, aid, pid values along with profit made on that order. Profit is calculated by selling price minus customer discount and agent commission. SQL> select ordno, x.cid, x.aid, x.pid, .40*(x.qty*p.price) .01*(c.discnt+a.percent)*(x.qty*p.price) profit from orders x, customers c, agents a, products p where c.cid = x.cid and a.aid = x.aid and p.pid = x.pid; Dr. Raj Sunderraman 37 SQL – Structured Query Language ORDNO ---------1011 1012 1019 1025 1017 ... ... CID ---c001 c001 c001 c001 c001 QUERYING IN SQL AID --a01 a01 a02 a05 a06 PID PROFIT --- ---------p01 120 p01 120 p02 48 p07 200 p03 150 16 rows selected. Dr. Raj Sunderraman 38 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (7) Get all pairs of cids for customers based in the same city. SQL> select c1.cid, c2.cid from customers c1, customers c2 where c1.city = c2.city and c1.cid < c2.cid; CID ---c002 c001 CID ---c003 c004 Dr. Raj Sunderraman 39 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (8) Get pid values for products that have been ordered by at least two customers. SQL> select distinct x1.pid from orders x1, orders x2 where x1.pid = x2.pid and x1.cid < x2.cid; PID --p01 p03 p05 p07 Dr. Raj Sunderraman 40 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (9) Get cid values for customers who order a product for which an order is placed by agent "a06". SQL> select distinct y.cid from orders x, orders y where y.pid = x.pid and x.aid = ’a06’; CID ---c001 c002 c004 c006 Dr. Raj Sunderraman 41 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (10) Get cid values of customers whose discount is between 5 and 10. SQL> select cid from customers where discnt between 5 and 10; CID ---c001 c003 c004 Dr. Raj Sunderraman 42 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL Subselects • The where clause search condition may contain a select statement. • A select statement within a search condition is called a subselect statement. • The whole structure is often referred to as a nested select statement. • SQL supports several built-in predicates which will be used to test the sub-selects for certain conditions. • We shall consider the following predicates: in, not in, quantified comparison θany and θall, exists, not exists. Dr. Raj Sunderraman 43 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL The general forms of in and not in predicates: expr in (sub-select) expr in (value {, value}) expr not in (sub-select) expr not in (value {, value}) Dr. Raj Sunderraman 44 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (1) Get cid values of customers who place orders with agents in "Dallas" or "Duluth". First we get aids of agents in "Dallas" or "Duluth": SQL> select aid from agents where city = ’Duluth’ or city = ’Dallas’; AID --a05 a06 Dr. Raj Sunderraman 45 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL Then we use the previous select in the search condition of the following select statement: SQL> select distinct cid from orders where aid in (select aid from agents where city = ’Duluth’ or city = ’Dallas’); CID ---c001 c002 c004 c006 Dr. Raj Sunderraman 46 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (2) Get all information about agents in "Dallas" or "Duluth". SQL> select * from agents where city in (’Duluth’, ’Dallas’); AID --a05 a06 ANAME ------------Otasi Smith Dr. Raj Sunderraman CITY PERCENT -------------------- ---------Duluth 5 Dallas 5 47 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (3) Multiple nesting: Get names and discounts of customers who place orders through agents in "Dallas" or "Duluth". SQL> select cname, discnt from customers where cid in (select cid from orders where aid in (select aid from agents where city in (’Duluth’, ’Dallas’))); Dr. Raj Sunderraman 48 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL CNAME DISCNT ------------- ---------Tiptop 10 Basics 12 ACME 8 ACME 0 Dr. Raj Sunderraman 49 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (4) Correlated sub-select: subselect that uses data from an outer select. Get names of customers who order product "p05". SQL> select cname from customers where ’p05’ in (select pid from orders where cid = customers.cid); CNAME ------------Tiptop Allied Dr. Raj Sunderraman 50 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (5) Scope of variables: outer select cannot refer to variables inside inner-selects. SQL> select cname from customers where orders.aid = ’a03’ and ’p07’ in (select pid from orders where cid = customers.cid); ** ILLEGAL SQL SYNTAX ** as outer select refers to orders.aid Dr. Raj Sunderraman 51 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (6) Get ordno values for orders placed by customers in "Duluth" through agents in "New York". SQL> select ordno from orders where cid in (select cid from customers where city = ’Duluth’) and aid in (select aid from agents where city = ’New York’); ORDNO ---------1011 1012 1023 Dr. Raj Sunderraman 52 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL The general forms of quantified comparison predicates: expr expr expr expr expr expr <any <=any =any <>any >any >=any (sub-select) (sub-select) (sub-select) (sub-select) (sub-select) (sub-select) expr expr expr expr expr expr <all <=all =all <>all >all >=all (sub-select) (sub-select) (sub-select) (sub-select) (sub-select) (sub-select) Dr. Raj Sunderraman 53 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (7) Get aid values of agents with the smallest percent commission. SQL> select aid from agents where percent <=all (select percent from agents); AID --a05 a06 Dr. Raj Sunderraman 54 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (8) Get names of customers who have the same discount as that of any (one) of the customers in "Dallas" or "Boston". SQL> select cname from customers where discnt =any (select discnt from customers where city = ’Dallas’ or city = ’Boston’); CNAME ------------Allied ACME Basics Dr. Raj Sunderraman 55 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (9) Get cid values of customers with smaller discounts than every customer from "Duluth". SQL> select cid from customers where discnt <all (select discnt from customers where city = ’Duluth’); CID ---c006 Dr. Raj Sunderraman 56 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL The general form of exists and not exists predicates: exists (sub-select) not exists (sub-select) Dr. Raj Sunderraman 57 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (10) Get names of customers who have placed an order through agent "a05". SQL> select c.cname from customers c where exists (select * from orders x where c.cid = x.cid and x.aid = ’a05’); CNAME ------------Tiptop Basics Dr. Raj Sunderraman 58 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL An equivalent SQL query without exists predicate: SQL> select c.cname from customers c, orders x where c.cid = x.cid and x.aid = ’a05’; Dr. Raj Sunderraman 59 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (11) Get cid values of customers who have placed an order for both "p01" and "p07". SQL> select cid from orders x where pid = ’p01’ and exists (select * from orders where cid = x.cid and pid = ’p07’); CID ---c001 c001 c006 c006 Dr. Raj Sunderraman 60 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL An equivalent SQL query without exists predicate: SQL> select x.cid from orders x, orders y where x.pid = ’p01’ and x.cid = y.cid and y.pid = ’p07’; Dr. Raj Sunderraman 61 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (12) Get names of customers who do not place orders through agent "a05". SQL> select c.cname from customers c where not exists (select * from orders x where c.cid = x.cid and x.aid = ’a05’); CNAME ------------Allied ACME ACME Dr. Raj Sunderraman 62 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL Two alternate solutions (using not in and <>all): SQL> select c.cname from customers c where c.cid not in (select cid from orders where aid = ’a05’); SQL> select c.cname from customers c where c.cid <>all (select cid from orders where aid = ’a05’); Dr. Raj Sunderraman 63 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (13) Too many ways to write an SQL query!! Get city names of customers who have placed an order for "p01". SQL> select distinct city from customers where cid in (select cid from orders where pid = ’p01’); SQL> select distinct city from customers where cid =any (select cid from orders where pid = ’p01’); Dr. Raj Sunderraman 64 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL SQL> select distinct city from customers c where exists (select * from orders where cid = c.cid and pid = ’p01’); SQL> select distinct city from customers c, orders x where x.cid = c.cid and x.pid = ’p01’; SQL> select distinct city from customers c where ’p01’ in (select pid from orders where cid = c.cid); Dr. Raj Sunderraman 65 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL Union and For All Queries – Syntax for union: (sub-select) union (sub-select) (sub-select) union all (sub-select) – No direct equivalent for division operation. Dr. Raj Sunderraman 66 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (1) Get cities in which customers or agents are located. SQL> select city from customers union select city from agents; CITY -------------------Dallas Duluth Kyoto New York Newark Tokyo Dr. Raj Sunderraman 67 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL The following will not eliminate duplicates: SQL> select city from customers union all select city from agents; CITY -------------------Duluth Dallas Dallas Duluth ... 11 rows selected. Dr. Raj Sunderraman 68 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (2) Get cid values of customers who place orders with ALL agents in "New York". Get cid values of customers such that (the set of agents from "New York" through whom the customer has NOT placed an order) is EMPTY. SQL> select c.cid CID from customers c ---where not exists c001 (select * from agents a where a.city = ’New York’ and not exists (select * from orders x where x.cid = c.cid and x.aid = a.aid)); Dr. Raj Sunderraman 69 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (3) Get aid values of agents from "New York" or "Duluth" who place orders for ALL products priced over one dollar. Get aid values of agents from "New York" or "Duluth" such that (the set of products priced over one dollar that the agent has NOT ordered) is EMPTY. SQL>select a.aid AID from agents a --where (a.city in (’New York’,’Duluth’)) and a05 not exists (select p.pid from products p where p.price > 1.00 and not exists (select * from orders x where x.pid = p.pid and x.aid = a.aid)); Dr. Raj Sunderraman 70 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (4) Get cid values for customers who order ALL products ordered by customer "c006". Get cid values of customers (call them C) such that (the set of products ordered by customer "c006" and NOT ordered by the customer C) is EMPTY SQL> select cid CID from customers c ---where not exists c001 (select p.pid c006 from products p where p.pid in (select pid from orders x where x.cid = ’c006’) and not exists (select * from orders y where y.pid = p.pid and y.cid = c.cid)); Dr. Raj Sunderraman 71 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL A variant is: SQL> select cid from customers c where not exists (select z.pid from orders z where z.cid = ’c006’ and not exists (select * from orders y where y.pid = z.pid and y.cid = c.cid)); Dr. Raj Sunderraman 72 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (5) Get pid values of products that are supplied to all customers in "Duluth". Get pid values of products such that (the set of customers from "Duluth" to whom the product is NOT supplied) is EMPTY. SQL> select pid PID from products p --where not exists p01 (select c.cid from customers c where c.city = ’Duluth’ and not exists (select * from orders x where x.pid = p.pid and x.cid = c.cid)); Dr. Raj Sunderraman 73 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL Aggregates/Group By/Having SQL supports count, sum, avg, max, min functions. Name count sum avg max min Dr. Raj Sunderraman Argument Type any (can be *) numeric numeric char or numeric char or numeric Result Type numeric numeric numeric same as argument same as argument Description count of occurrences sum of arguments average of arguments maximum value minimum value 74 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (1) Get total dollar amounts of all orders. SQL> select sum(dollars) from orders; SUM(DOLLARS) -----------9802 Dr. Raj Sunderraman 75 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (2) Get total quantity of product "p03" that has been ordered. SQL> select sum(qty) TOTAL from orders where pid = ’p03’; TOTAL ---------2400 Dr. Raj Sunderraman 76 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (3) Get total number of customers. SQL> select count(cid) from customers; COUNT(CID) ---------5 Alternate solution: SQL> select count(*) from customers; COUNT(*) ---------5 Dr. Raj Sunderraman 77 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (4) Get number of cities in which customers are based. SQL> select count(distinct city) from customers; COUNT(DISTINCTCITY) ------------------3 If distinct keyword was not used, we would get an incorrect result: SQL> select count(city) from customers; COUNT(CITY) ----------5 Dr. Raj Sunderraman 78 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (5) Get cid values of customers who have a discount less than the maximum discount. SQL> select cid from customers where discnt < (select max(discnt) from customers); CID ---c001 c003 c004 c006 Dr. Raj Sunderraman 79 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (6) Get pids of products ordered by at least two customers. SQL> select p.pid from products p where 2 <= (select count(distinct cid) from orders where pid = p.pid); PID --p01 p03 p05 p07 Dr. Raj Sunderraman 80 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (7) Null Values and Aggregate Operations: SQL> insert into customers (cid, cname, city) values (’c007’, ’Windix’, ’Dallas’); 1 row created. SQL> select * from customers where discnt <= 10 or discnt > 10; CID ---c001 c002 c003 c004 c006 CNAME ------------Tiptop Basics Allied ACME ACME CITY DISCNT -------------------- ---------Duluth 10 Dallas 12 Dallas 8 Duluth 8 Kyoto 0 Newly created row not in result! Dr. Raj Sunderraman 81 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL SQL> select * from customers where discnt is null; CID CNAME CITY DISCNT ---- ------------- -------------------- ---------c007 Windix Dallas Newly created row is in result. Dr. Raj Sunderraman 82 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL All aggregate functions discard null values before evaluation. Get average discount value for customers. SQL> select avg(discnt) from customers; AVG(DISCNT) ----------7.6 This discarded the null value before calculating average. Dr. Raj Sunderraman 83 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL Group By/ Having clauses select [distinct] expression {, expression} from tablename [corr_name] {, tablename [corr_name]} [where search_condition] [group by column {, column}] [having search_condition] • Group By clause is used to form groups of rows of a resulting table based on column values. Aggregate operations work on groups and not whole table. • Having clause is used to eliminate certain groups from further considerations. Dr. Raj Sunderraman 84 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (1) For each (aid,pid) pair get the sum of the orders aid has placed for pid. SQL> select pid, aid, sum(qty) TOTAL from orders group by pid, aid; PID --p01 p01 p02 p03 p03 ... ... AID TOTAL --- ---------a01 3000 a06 1800 a02 400 a03 1000 a05 800 12 rows selected. Dr. Raj Sunderraman 85 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (2) Get agent name, agent id, product name, product id, together with total quantity each agent supplies of that product to customers "c002" and "c003". SQL> select aname, a.aid, pname, p.pid, sum(qty) from orders x, products p, agents a where x.pid = p.pid and x.aid = a.aid and x.cid in (’c002’, ’c003’) group by a.aid, a.aname, p.pid, p.pname; ANAME ------------Brown Otasi Brown AID --a03 a05 a03 PNAME ------------razor razor pencil PID SUM(QTY) --- ---------p03 1000 p03 800 p05 2400 Note: The where clause is evaluated before groups are formed. Dr. Raj Sunderraman 86 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (3) Get product ids and total quantity ordered for each product when the total exceeds 1000. SQL> select pid, aid, sum(qty) TOTAL from orders group by pid, aid having sum(qty) > 1000; PID --p01 p01 p05 AID TOTAL --- ---------a01 3000 a06 1800 a03 2400 Dr. Raj Sunderraman 87 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (4) Get pids of products that are ordered by at least two customers. SQL> select pid from orders group by pid having count(distinct cid) >= 2; PID --p01 p03 p05 p07 Dr. Raj Sunderraman 88 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL Full Select Statement Syntax Subselect General Form: select [all|distinct] expression {, expression} from tablename [corr_name] {, tablename [corr_name]} [where search_condition] [group by column {, column}] [having search_condition] Full Select General Form: Subselect {union [all] Subselect} [order by result_column [asc|desc] {, result_column [asc|desc]}] The order by clause comes at the end and is used to sort the result of a query based on column values. Dr. Raj Sunderraman 89 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL Conceptual Order of Evaluation of a Select Statement 1. First the product of all tables in the from clause is formed. 2. The where clause is then evaluated to eliminate rows that do not satisfy the search condition. 3. Next, the rows are grouped using the columns in the group by clause. 4. Then, Groups that do not satisfy the search condition in the having clause are eliminated. 5. Next, the expressions in the select clause target list are evaluated. 6. If the distinct keyword in present in the select clause, duplicate rows are now eliminated. 7. The union is taken after each sub-select is evaluated. 8. Finally, the resulting rows are sorted according to the columns specified in the order by clause. Dr. Raj Sunderraman 90 SQL – Structured Query Language QUERYING IN SQL (1) Get names and ids of customers and agents along with total dollar sales for that pair. Order the result from largest to smallest total sales. Also retain only those pairs for which total dollar sales is at least 900.00. SQL> select c.cname, c.cid, a.aname, a.aid, sum(o.dollars) from customers c, orders o, agents a where c.cid = o.cid and o.aid = a.aid group by c.cname, c.cid, a.aname, a.aid having sum(o.dollars) >= 900.00 order by 5 desc; CNAME ------------Allied Tiptop Tiptop Dr. Raj Sunderraman CID ---c003 c001 c001 ANAME ------------Brown Otasi Smith AID SUM(O.DOLLARS) --- -------------a03 2208 a05 1440 a01 900 91 UPDATES IN SQL SQL – Structured Query Language UPDATES IN SQL Database Updates (insert, delete, update) General Syntax: insert into tablename [(column {, column})] [values (expression {, expression})] | [Sub-select] delete from tablename [corr_name] [where search_condition] update tablename [corr_name] set column = expression {, column = expression} [where search_condition] Dr. Raj Sunderraman 93 SQL – Structured Query Language UPDATES IN SQL (1) Insert into the orders table. SQL> insert into orders values (1111,’sep’,’c003’,’a05’,’p02’,500,1000); 1 row created SQL> insert into orders (ordno, month, cid, aid, pid) values (1107, ’aug’, ’c006’, ’a04’, ’p01’); 1 row created. Dr. Raj Sunderraman 94 SQL – Structured Query Language UPDATES IN SQL SQL> select * from orders; ORDNO ---------1011 1012 MON --jan jan CID ---c001 c001 AID --a01 a01 PID QTY DOLLARS --- ---------- ---------p01 1000 450 p01 1000 450 ... ... 1111 sep c003 a05 p02 500 1000 1107 aug c006 a04 p01 17 rows selected. Note the two rows that were inserted in previous slide. Dr. Raj Sunderraman 95 SQL – Structured Query Language UPDATES IN SQL (2) Create a new table "swcusts" with same fields as customers and insert rows from "customers" table with city field equals "Dallas" or "Austin". SQL> select * from customers; CID ---c001 c002 c003 c004 c006 c007 CNAME ------------Tiptop Basics Allied ACME ACME Windix CITY DISCNT -------------------- ---------Duluth 10 Dallas 12 << Dallas 8 << Duluth 8 Kyoto 0 Dallas << 6 rows selected. Dr. Raj Sunderraman 96 SQL – Structured Query Language UPDATES IN SQL SQL> create table swcusts ( cid char(4) not null, cname varchar(13), city varchar(20), discnt float); Table created. SQL> insert into swcusts select * from customers where city in (’Dallas’,’Austin’); 3 rows created. Dr. Raj Sunderraman 97 SQL – Structured Query Language UPDATES IN SQL SQL> select * from swcust; CID ---c002 c003 c007 CNAME ------------Basics Allied Windix Dr. Raj Sunderraman CITY DISCNT -------------------- ---------Dallas 12 Dallas 8 Dallas 98 SQL – Structured Query Language UPDATES IN SQL (3) Increase the percent commission by 50% for all agents in "New York". SQL> update agents set percent = 1.5 * percent where city = ’New York’; 2 rows updated. SQL> select * from agents; AID --a01 a02 a03 a04 a05 a06 ANAME ------------Smith Jones Brown Gray Otasi Smith Dr. Raj Sunderraman CITY PERCENT ------------ ---------New York 9 Newark 6 Tokyo 7 New York 9 Duluth 5 Dallas 5 << old value = 6 << old value = 6 99 SQL – Structured Query Language UPDATES IN SQL (4) Delete all agents from "New York". SQL> delete from agents where city = ’New York’; 2 rows deleted. SQL> select * from agents; AID --a02 a03 a05 a06 ANAME ------------Jones Brown Otasi Smith Dr. Raj Sunderraman CITY PERCENT -------------------- ---------Newark 6 Tokyo 7 Duluth 5 Dallas 5 100 SQL – Structured Query Language UPDATES IN SQL (5) Delete all agents who have total orders of less than $600. SQL> delete from agents where aid in (select aid from orders group by aid having sum(dollars) < 600); 1 row deleted. SQL> select * from agents; AID --a03 a05 a06 ANAME ------------Brown Otasi Smith Dr. Raj Sunderraman CITY PERCENT -------------------- ---------Tokyo 7 Duluth 5 Dallas 5 101 ADDITIONAL FEATURES OF SQL SQL – Structured Query Language ADDITIONAL FEATURES OF SQL Views • Views are dynamic windows into the database. • Views provide users with different views of the database. • A view may include columns from different tables and also may include derived information such as aggregates. • A view has a name and to a user it appears exactly as if it were a table. • Views provide a mechanism to limit access to sensitive data by providing the users to see only a part of the information. CREATE VIEW view-name [(col-list)] AS select-statement DROP VIEW view-name Dr. Raj Sunderraman 103 SQL – Structured Query Language ADDITIONAL FEATURES OF SQL SQL> CREATE VIEW dallas_cust AS select * from customers where city = ’Dallas’; View created. SQL> select * from dallas_cust; CID ---c002 c003 CNAME ------------Basics Allied Dr. Raj Sunderraman CITY DISCNT -------------------- ---------Dallas 12 Dallas 8 104 SQL – Structured Query Language ADDITIONAL FEATURES OF SQL SQL> CREATE VIEW tot_sales_per_agent AS select agents.aid, aname, sum(dollars) TOT_SALES from agents,orders where agents.aid = orders.aid group by agents.aid,aname; View Created SQL> select * from tot_sales_per_agent; AID --a01 a02 a03 a04 a05 a06 ANAME TOT_SALES ------------- ---------Smith 1400 Jones 180 Brown 4228 Gray 450 Otasi 2144 Smith 1400 Dr. Raj Sunderraman 105 SQL – Structured Query Language ADDITIONAL FEATURES OF SQL Indexes Indexes are mechanisms to speed up retrieval of data. CREATE [UNIQUE|CLUSTER] INDEX index-name ON table-name (column-list) DROP INDEX index-name • unique index will ensure that two different rows do not have the same value under the indexed columns • clustered index will ensure that rows with same values are kept next to each other on disk CREATE CREATE CREATE CREATE CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cust_index ON customers(cid); UNIQUE INDEX agent_index ON agents(aid); UNIQUE INDEX prod_index ON products(pid); UNIQUE INDEX ord_index ON orders(ordno); CLUSTER INDEX month_index ON orders(month); Dr. Raj Sunderraman 106 SQL – Structured Query Language ADDITIONAL FEATURES OF SQL Tips to increase query efficiency In general, we can speed up queries by changing it so that it • Reads fewer rows • Avoids a sort, sorts fewer rows, or sorts on a simpler key • Reads rows sequentially rather than non-sequentially Dr. Raj Sunderraman 107 SQL – Structured Query Language ADDITIONAL FEATURES OF SQL • Filter is the term used for conditions in the WHERE clause. • Importance of table order in the from clause of a select statement with filters. Tables with filters should appear first. • Rewrite a join through views. • Do not sort if the sort key (or any part of it) is not indexed. • Provide indexes for join attributes • Use UNION instead of OR condition • Rebuild indexes after many updates • Avoid correlated subqueries • Avoid difficult regular expressions in the LIKE operation • Use temporary tables to speed queries Dr. Raj Sunderraman 108 SQL – Structured Query Language ADDITIONAL FEATURES OF SQL Transactions create table account ( account_no integer; owner char(20), balance float, primary key (account_no)); insert into account values (1111,’Smith’,500); insert into account values (1112,’Smith’,600); i.e. Customer "Smith" has two accounts; Account 1111 with balance 500 Account 1112 with balance 600. To qualify for a loan, a customer must have at least $1000 in all of his accounts. Dr. Raj Sunderraman 109 SQL – Structured Query Language ADDITIONAL FEATURES OF SQL Process I (Transfer Money) s1: update account set balance = balance - 400 where account_id = 1111; s2: update account set balance = balance + 400 where account_id = 1112; Process II (Credit Check) t1: sum = 0.0; t2: select balance into :b where account_id = 1111; t3: sum = sum + b; t4: select balance into :b where account_id = 1112; t5: sum = sum + b; t6: if (sum < 1000) DENY LOAN else AUTHORIZE LOAN; The execution sequence: s1;t1;t2;t3;t4;t5;s2;t6 will result in a DENY LOAN situation, which is erroneous. Dr. Raj Sunderraman 110 SQL – Structured Query Language ADDITIONAL FEATURES OF SQL • Transaction System ensures such problems do not arise. • A transaction is a set of statements which are guaranteed to execute as a whole without interference from the effects of other transactions. • Locking mechanism is employed by the system. • A transaction begins with a BEGIN WORK statement • A transaction ends with either COMMIT WORK or ROLLBACK WORK statement. BEGIN WORK LOCK TABLE account UPDATE account SET WHERE account_id = UPDATE account SET WHERE account_id = COMMIT WORK; Dr. Raj Sunderraman balance = balance - 400 1111; balance = balance + 400 1112; 111 SQL – Structured Query Language ADDITIONAL FEATURES OF SQL Triggers • An SQL Trigger is a mechanism that automatically executes a specified set of SQL statements when a triggering event occurs on a table. • Basically, a trigger consists of a triggered event and a triggered action. • The triggering event may be one of INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE • The triggered action may be one of INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, EXECUTE PROCEDURE Dr. Raj Sunderraman 112 SQL – Structured Query Language ADDITIONAL FEATURES OF SQL General Syntax of SQL CREATE TRIGGER statement: CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name {INSERT ON table_name | DELETE ON table_name | UPDATE OF column_name ON table_name} [REFERENCING NEW AS name OLD AS name] {FOR EACH ROW | BEFORE | AFTER} (Action List); Dr. Raj Sunderraman 113 SQL – Structured Query Language ADDITIONAL FEATURES OF SQL (1) Enforcing Referential Integrity Constraint. Upon deleting a customer record, automatically delete all orders for that customer from the orders table. CREATE TRIGGER del_cust DELETE ON customers REFERENCING OLD AS pre_del FOR EACH ROW (DELETE FROM orders WHERE cid = pre_del.cid); Dr. Raj Sunderraman 114 SQL – Structured Query Language ADDITIONAL FEATURES OF SQL (2) Creating an Audit Trail. Each time someone updates the quantity of a particular product, make an entry in a log file of this update along with the name of the person doing the update and the date of update. CREATE TABLE log ( pid varchar(3), username char(8), update_date date, old_qty integer, new_qty integer); CREATE TRIGGER upd_prod UPDATE OF quantity ON products REFERENCING OLD AS pre_upd NEW AS post_upd FOR EACH ROW (INSERT INTO log values (pre_upd.pid,USER,CURRENT, pre_upd.quantity,post_upd.quantity)); Dr. Raj Sunderraman 115 SQL – Structured Query Language ADDITIONAL FEATURES OF SQL (3) Implementing Business Rules: Rule: NO single update SHALL increase the total quantity of all products in stock by 50% or more. CREATE PROCEDURE upd_prod_1() DEFINE GLOBAL old_qty INT DEFAULT 0; LET old_qty = (SELECT SUM(quantity) FROM products); END PROCEDURE; CREATE PROCEDURE upd_prod_2() DEFINE GLOBAL old_qty INT DEFAULT 0; DEFINE new_qty INT; LET new_qty = (SELECT SUM(quantity) FROM products); IF new_qty > 1.5 * old_qty THEN RAISE EXCEPTION -746, 0, "Update Not Allowed"; ENDIF END PROCEDURE Dr. Raj Sunderraman 116 SQL – Structured Query Language ADDITIONAL FEATURES OF SQL CREATE TRIGGER upd_prod UPDATE OF quantity ON products BEFORE(EXECUTE PROCEDURE upd_prod_1()) AFTER(EXECUTE PROCEDURE upd_prod_2()); Note: If a trigger fails, INFORMIX automatically rollbacks all changes. Dr. Raj Sunderraman 117 SQL – Structured Query Language ADDITIONAL FEATURES OF SQL Catalog • The system catalog contains a wealth of information about the database structure. • Information such as names of tables, their columns, who owns them, names of views, view definitions, indexes, constraints, stored procedures, etc. are commonly found in catalog tables. • This information is stored in special tables (called catalog tables). • Some catalog tables are: – systables – syscolumns – sysindexes – sysusers Dr. Raj Sunderraman 118 SQL – Structured Query Language ADDITIONAL FEATURES OF SQL systables tabname char(18) tabid integer owner char(8) ncols smallint nrows integer created date tabtype char(1) ; T = table, V = view sysusers username char(8) usertype char(1) ; D = DBA, R = resource, C = connect syscolumns colname char(18) tabid integer colno smallint coltype smallint ; 0 = CHAR, 1 = SMALLINT, ... Dr. Raj Sunderraman 119 SQL – Structured Query Language ADDITIONAL FEATURES OF SQL select tabname, tabid from systables where owner = ’RAJ’; select colname from syscolumns where tabid in (select tabid from systables where tabname = ’customers’); Dr. Raj Sunderraman 120 SQL – Structured Query Language ADDITIONAL FEATURES OF SQL Other Useful Commands: INFO TABLES lists all tables owned by you INFO COLUMNS FOR customers lists all columns for customer table INFO INDEXES FOR customers lists all indexes for customers table INFO STATUS FOR customers lists status info for customers table (owner, no. of rows, no. of columns, date created etc.) Dr. Raj Sunderraman 121 SQL – Structured Query Language ADDITIONAL FEATURES OF SQL Security and Sharing Three levels of database privileges: • Connect Privilege: allows users to query and modify tables (if they have authority to). • Resource Privilege: in addition to connect privileges, allows users to create new tables, indexes, etc. • DBA Privilege: highest level; grant privileges; create database; drop database; create user-ids; The DBA grants privileges as follows: GRANT connect TO smith; GRANT resource TO jones; Dr. Raj Sunderraman 122 SQL – Structured Query Language ADDITIONAL FEATURES OF SQL Table-level privileges: GRANT [select|insert|delete|update(col-names)] ON table_name TO [user|PUBLIC]; REVOKE [select|insert|delete|update(col-names)|ALL] ON table_name FROM [user|PUBLIC]; Examples: grant select on customers to public; grant insert on orders to jones; grant update(quantity) on products to jones,smith; revoke all on customers from jones; Dr. Raj Sunderraman 123 APPLICATION PROGRAMMING SQL – Structured Query Language APPLICATION PROGRAMMING Embedded-SQL (E-SQL) • Use a high-level programming language (Host Language) such as C, Pascal, COBOL etc. to develop applications. • Embed SQL commands within the high-level language programs to access the database. • Need a mechanism to communicate values between database server and high-level program environment. • Special variables (called host variables) are defined in the program for this purpose. • Precede these special variables by a colon (:) when used in a SQL statement. • All the power of the host language can be used to develop applications. Dr. Raj Sunderraman 125 SQL – Structured Query Language APPLICATION PROGRAMMING Declaring host variables and using them: EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; char cid[5],cname[14],city[21]; float discount; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; ... ... scanf("%s",cid); EXEC SQL select cname into :cname from customers where cid = :cid; ... ... scanf("%s%S%S%f",cid,cname,city,&discount); EXEC SQL insert into customers values (:cid,:cname,:city,:discount); Dr. Raj Sunderraman 126 SQL – Structured Query Language APPLICATION PROGRAMMING Indicator Variables: integer variables which are used to indicate if a null value is fetched from the database or stored into the database. EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; float cust_discount; char cid[5]; short int cd_ind; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; To check if the value fetched from database is Null or not: EXEC SQL select discnt into :cust_discount:cd_ind from customers where cid = :cust_id; if (cd_ind == -1) printf("Customer discount is Null\n"); else if (cd_ind == 0) printf("Customer discount is not Null\n"); Dr. Raj Sunderraman 127 SQL – Structured Query Language APPLICATION PROGRAMMING To store a null value into the database: cd_ind = -1; EXEC SQL update customers set discnt = :cust_discount:cd_ind where cid = :cust_id; Dr. Raj Sunderraman 128 SQL – Structured Query Language APPLICATION PROGRAMMING SQL Communications Area (sqlca): • Immediately after the Database Server executes an embedded SQL statement, it reports the status of the execution in some variables defined in sqlca. • An important field in the sqlca structure is SQLCODE. The Database Server returns a value of 0 if the execution was a success; a value of 100 if no more data or not found; a negative values if error. • To include the sqlca definition, the following must appear early in the program. EXEC SQL INCLUDE sqlca; Dr. Raj Sunderraman 129 SQL – Structured Query Language APPLICATION PROGRAMMING Use of sqlca.sqlcode variable to check for error: void insert_customer() { printf("Type in Customer Id: "); scanf("%s",cid); printf("Type in Customer Name: "); scanf("%s",cname); printf("Type in City: "); scanf("%s",city); printf("Type in Discount: "); scanf("%f",&discount); EXEC SQL SET TRANSACTION READ WRITE; EXEC SQL INSERT INTO customers VALUES(:cid,:cname,:city,:discount); if (sqlca.sqlcode < 0) { printf("\n\nCUSTOMER (%s) ALREADY PRESENT\n",cname); EXEC SQL ROLLBACK WORK; return; } EXEC SQL COMMIT; } Dr. Raj Sunderraman 130 SQL – Structured Query Language APPLICATION PROGRAMMING Selecting more than one row using cursors: void print_customers() { EXEC SQL DECLARE c2 CURSOR FOR SELECT cid, cname, city, discnt FROM customers; EXEC SQL SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY; EXEC SQL OPEN c2; EXEC SQL FETCH c2 INTO :cid,:cname,:city,:discount; while (sqlca.sqlcode == 0) { cid[strlen(cid)] = ’\0’; cname[strlen(cname)] = ’\0’; city[strlen(city)] = ’\0’; printf("%6s%15s%15s\t%f\n",cid,cname,city,discount); EXEC SQL FETCH c2 INTO :cid,:cname,:city,:discount; } EXEC SQL CLOSE c2; EXEC SQL COMMIT; } Dr. Raj Sunderraman 131 SQL – Structured Query Language APPLICATION PROGRAMMING Delete and Update using cursors: Delete all customers from the customers table who live in ”Duluth” and have made no orders: Without cursor: EXEC SQL delete from customers c where c.city = ’Duluth’ and not exists (select * from orders o where c.cid = o.cid); Dr. Raj Sunderraman 132 SQL – Structured Query Language APPLICATION PROGRAMMING With Cursor: EXEC SQL declare del_cust cursor for select cid from customers c where c.city = ’Duluth’ and not exists (select * from orders o where c.cid = o.cid) for update of cid; ... ... EXEC SQL open del_cust; EXEC SQL fetch del_cust into :cust_id; while (sqlca.sqlcode <> 100) { EXEC SQL delete from customers where current of del_cust; EXEC SQL fetch del_cust into :cust_id; } Dr. Raj Sunderraman 133 SQL – Structured Query Language APPLICATION PROGRAMMING Recursive Query: SQL> create table employees ( eid integer, mgrid integer); SQL> select * from employees; EID MGRID ---------- ---------2 1 3 1 4 2 5 2 6 4 7 6 Given a employee, print all the employees who work under that employee at all levels. Dr. Raj Sunderraman 134 SQL – Structured Query Language APPLICATION PROGRAMMING EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; int eid, a; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; EXEC SQL INCLUDE sqlca; main() { int newrowadded; exec sql create table answer( a integer not null, primary key (a)); /* Cursor for employees at next level (Initial answers) */ exec sql declare c1 cursor for select eid from employees where mgrid = :eid; /* answer(X) if employees(X,Y) and answer(Y) */ exec sql declare c2 cursor for select eid from employees,answer where mgrid = a; /* Cursor to print the answers */ exec sql declare c3 cursor for select a from answer; Dr. Raj Sunderraman 135 SQL – Structured Query Language APPLICATION PROGRAMMING Recursive Query Continued: Get initial answers using Cursor c1: printf("Type in employee id:"); scanf("%d",&eid); exec sql open c1; exec sql fetch c1 into :a; while (sqlca.sqlcode == 0) { exec sql insert into answer values (:a); exec sql fetch c1 into :a; } exec sql close c1; exec sql commit work; Dr. Raj Sunderraman 136 SQL – Structured Query Language APPLICATION PROGRAMMING Recursive Query Continued: Repeatedly process Cursor c2: do { newrowadded = FALSE; exec sql open c2; exec sql fetch c2 into :a; while (sqlca.sqlcode == 0) { exec sql insert into answer values (:a); if (sqlca.sqlcode == 0) newrowadded = TRUE; exec sql fetch c2 into :a; } exec sql close c2; } while (newrowadded); exec sql commit work; Dr. Raj Sunderraman 137 SQL – Structured Query Language APPLICATION PROGRAMMING Recursive Query Continued: Print results from answer table: printf("Answer is\n"); exec sql open c3; exec sql fetch c3 into :a; while (sqlca.sqlcode == 0) { printf("%d\n",a); exec sql fetch c3 into :a; } exec sql close c3; exec sql commit work; exec sql drop table answer; exec sql commit work; }/*end of main*/ Dr. Raj Sunderraman 138 SQL – Structured Query Language APPLICATION PROGRAMMING Assignment 1 1. Define the customers-agents-products-orders database in INFORMIX. 2. Populate the tables with the sample rows using the insert statement. 3. Write SQL queries for the following: 3.1. Get all (cid,aid,pid) triples for customer, agent, product combinations that are all in the same city. 3.2. Get all (cid,aid,pid) triples for customer, agent, product combinations that are all not in the same city (any two may be in the same city but not all three). 3.3. Get all (cid,aid,pid) triples for customer, agent, product combinations such that no two of which are in the same city. 3.4. Get cities of agents booking an order from customer ”c002”. 3.5. Get product names of products ordered by at least one customer based in ”Dallas” through an agent based in ”Tokyo”. 3.6. Get pids of products ordered through any agent who makes at least one order for a customer in ”Kyoto”. 3.7. Get all pairs of pids for agents who live in the same city. Dr. Raj Sunderraman 139 SQL – Structured Query Language APPLICATION PROGRAMMING Assignment 2 1. Implement the triggers discussed in the notes in Informix. 2. Write SQL queries for the following: 2.1. Get cids of customers who did not place an order through agent ”a03”. 2.2. Get cnames of customers who have the largest discount. 2.3. Get cids of customers who order all products. 2.4. Get pids of products ordered through agent ”a03” but not through agent ”a06”. 2.5. Get pnames and pids of products that are stored in the same city as one of the agents who sold these products. 2.6. Get aids and anames of agents whose names begin with the letter ”N” who do not place orders for any product in ”Newark”. 2.7. Get cids of customers who order both ”p01” and ”p07”. 2.8. Get names of agents who place orders for all products ordered by customer ”c002”. 2.9. For each agent taking an order, list the product id and the total quantity ordered by all customers from that agent. 2.10.Get aid values of agents not taking orders from any customer in ”Duluth” for any product in ”Dallas”. 2.11.Get cid values of customers who make orders only through agents ”a03” or ”a05”. Dr. Raj Sunderraman 140 SQL – Structured Query Language APPLICATION PROGRAMMING This slide intentionally left blank. Dr. Raj Sunderraman 141