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Volume 28
Number 3A (72)
Marcin WOCH
Politechnika Śląska, Instytut Informatyki
Summary. This article presents tools designed to help administrators and
developers to optimize and monitor performances of SQL Server 2000 or SQL Server
2005 for Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
Keywords: SQL Server 2000, SQL Server 2005, Microsoft Dynamics NAV,
Navision Attain, SQL Server Profiler, Client Monitor, Session Monitor, Index Tuning
Wizard, Database Tuning Advisor.
Streszczenie. Artykuł prezentuje narzędzia dla projektantów systemu oraz administratorów, które usprawniają monitorowanie pracy serwera oraz optymalizację
Słowa kluczowe: SQL Server 2000, SQL Server 2005, Microsoft Dynamics
NAV, Navision Attain, SQL Server Profiler, Client Monitor, Session Monitor, Index
Tuning Wizard, Database Tuning Advisor.
1. Introduction
Microsoft Dynamics Nav is an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system which covers
all areas of company’s activities: accountancy, sales, receivables, purchase, payables, CRM,
manufacturing, inventory, etc [12].
Navision system can run on two different servers: Microsoft Navision Database Server
and Microsoft SQL Server [12]. To an end user there is no difference but SQL Server option
M. Woch
for Navision offers more scalability and tools that help improve system performances then
native database. In this article SQL Server option for Navision is described.
2. Architecture Overview
Microsoft Dynamics NAV can run on Microsoft SQL Server [2], which is integrated with
C/SIDE (Client/Server Integrated Development Engine). New versions of Navision support
both SQL 2000 and SQL 2005 server. However, much better performances are achieved on
2005 version [12].
Fig. 1. MS SQL Server Option for MS Dynamics NAV architecture
Rys. 1. Architektura opcji MS SQL Server dla MS Dynamics NAV
3. Administration Tools
This chapter contains guidelines on tools that are used to optimize performances.
Windows applications like Event Viewer or System Monitor, system commands and WMI
language are very useful but because of many publications available they are not described in
this article. For the same reason SQL Server tools are presented only in respect of their
cooperation with Navision.
Administrator’s tools in Microsoft SQL Server optimization for …
3.1. SQL Profiler
SQL Profiler is a graphical tool that allows system administrators monitor events in an
instance of SQL Server. Data about each event can be captured and saved to a file for a later
analysis. SQL Profiler should be used to monitor only events in which an administrator is
interested with. Too many events being monitored add overhead to the server and slow down
all processes. SQL Profiler can be used to [1]:
monitor the performance of a server instance,
debug T-SQL statements and stored procedures,
identify slow-executing queries,
test statements in a development phase,
troubleshoot problems by capturing events on a live system and replaying them on a test
audit and review an activity that occurred on a server instance.
Researches of new FIND functions (introduced in version 4.0 SP1) performed in SQL
Profiler show:
FINDSET used to modify data does not improve performances in comparison to FIND
FINDSET used to modify data results with table locking,
FINDLAST and FINDFIRST should be used only to find exactly one record. In
combination with NEXT statement it deteriorates server performances when compared to
FIND/NEXT functions. These functions should not be used with combination with
3.2. Trace logs
Trace logs contain detailed information about report server operations. They contain
redundant information recorded in other log files plus additional one not otherwise available.
Logs are located at \Microsoft Navision SQL Server\<SQL Server Instance>\Reporting
Services\LogFiles directory. There are three types of log files:
ReportServerService_<timestamp>.log – trace log for the Report Server Windows service
and Web service,
ReportServerWebApp_<timestamp>.log – log for Report Manager,
ReportServer_<timestamp>.log – log for server engine.
Trace logs can be viewed in any text editor and contain:
system information – OS version, number of processors, RAM,
Reporting Services component and version information,
M. Woch
events logged,
low resource warnings,
inbound and summarized outbound SOAP envelopes,
HTTP header, stack trace and debug trace information.
3.3. ODBC
Performance information can also be collected by SQL Server ODBC driver. ODBC
driver can profile two types of performance data [1]:
long-running queries,
driver-performance data – these statistics can be written to a file or retrieved programmatically by a pre-defined structure SQLPERF.
Each application process gets its own copy of ODBC driver. After a driver opened
a profiler log it does not close it until the driver is unloaded by Driver Manager. It usually
happens when an application closes or tracing is stopped by a user, all the environment
handles related to the driver instance are released.
3.4. Index Tuning Wizard and Database Tuning Advisor
Index Tuning Wizard and Database Tuning Advisor help the administrators select and
create optimal indices, views, indexed views and partitions [5, 7]. Index Tuning Wizard is
a SQL Server 2000 tool when Database Tuning Advisor has been introduced in SQL Server
They both analyze physical implementations of databases and a workload which is a set
of T-SQL command executing against databases to be tuned. They use T-SQL scripts, trace
logs and trace tables as in input during tuning process.
3.5. Navision Debugger
Debugger is integral part of Navision system. It helps check, correct or modify the code
to improve an application.
The general term in debugging concept is a breakpoint which is a mark set on a statement
[11]. When the program reaches that mark the debugger intervenes and suspends execution
until user’s instruction. When in a code there is no breakpoint activated then the application
will run as normally even if the debugger is active.
Navision debugger provides two types of active breakpoints:
run-time error – active debugger will stop execution when encounters an error,
Administrator’s tools in Microsoft SQL Server optimization for …
user breakpoint – a user can set up a breakpoint which will stop execution when encountered.
Fig. 2. Example of active and disabled breakpoint
Rys. 2. Przykładowy breakpoint aktywny i pasywny
Navision Debugger can be used to find a logical error. In that situation it allows execute
one C/AL command at a time. To run the debugger in that mode Tools, Debugger,
Breakpoint on Triggers option must be active.
To activate the debugger a user should choose an option Tools, Debugger, Active. It can
also be started from the command line running the command: fin.exe debug.
Fig. 3. Debugger Interface
Rys. 3. Interfejs debuggera
M. Woch
The debugger interface provides special menus, windows and dialog boxes [11]. The Call
Stack box displays the stack of active functions calls. The Variables window shows all
variables used in the current and previous statements grouped as local and global ones. Watch
window (not presented in Fig. 3) is used to monitor variables of special interest. Variables
from Variables window can be dragged and dropped into Watch window for more thorough
review. Output form displays information related to debugging.
During debugging all the information about breakpoints is stored in virtual table Breakpoints (2000000059). This table keeps records about an object used, trigger line, and code no.
Breakpoints from table 2000000059 are also stored in NaviBP.xml file located in user’s
Application Data. This can help run Navision with certain information about stored
breakpoints: fin.exe breakpoints=<path to NaviBP.xml>.
3.6. Code Coverage
Code Coverage tool is useful to test the application. Code Coverage can be started from
menu Tools, Debugger, Code Coverage and then button Start or by use of C/AL function
CODECOVERAGELOG. The functionality shows the objects for which the code has been
executed and logged during the process. It also displays the code that has been logged during
the process for a selected object.
Fig. 4. Code Coverage and Code Overview windows
Rys. 4. Code Coverage oraz Code Overview
Red lines were not executed during transaction, black lines were executed. Only the
executable code is marked on the left side of the window.
Administrator’s tools in Microsoft SQL Server optimization for …
Code Coverage is widely used in finding so called ‘dead code’, which is a code never
used in the transactions.
3.7. Session Monitor
This tool is used to locate clients causing performance problems. The Session Monitor
window is refreshed automatically. Refreshment time is set up by a user.
The functionality tells which clients are connected to the server and the current load of
the server. The most active sessions in terms of physical I/O should be investigated first.
A user can also list the sessions by a memory usage. Session Monitor also gives information
about CPU usage, clients waiting for locks held by other users, and clients who placed the
locks. The information is given in fields Blocked, Blocked by Connection ID, Blocked by
User ID, and Blocked by Host Name.
3.8. Activity Log
This tool provides information about time used by certain operations. Time can be
measured by using a stopwatch or by some helper objects [1].
Fig. 5. Activity Log
Rys. 5. Activity Log example
The window contains:
activity status,
date and time of start and finish of the activity,
total time of the activity,
number of operations within the activity,
average time of each operation,
session ID.
M. Woch
Menu Activity, Table Size provides information about which tables were involved in
activity and how many records were added or deleted from each table.
3.9. Client Monitor
The Client Monitor is the most important tool used to monitor Navision performance and
troubleshoot locking problems. It can also be used to identify incorrect server calls or indices
and filters used. Client Monitor is available from version 3.10 onwards.
Client Monitor for SQL Server option provides many options to be monitored like SQL
statements, execution plan, server statistics, etc.
Fig. 6. Client Monitor Setup
Rys. 6. Ustawienia Client Monitor
Client Monitor retrieves data about operations performed for monitored activity. All
activities are logged after pressing Start button and before the Client Monitor was stopped.
There is huge number of information retrieved so it is good practice to reduce monitored
Administrator’s tools in Microsoft SQL Server optimization for …
Fig. 7. Client Monitor
Rys. 7. Client Monitor
The window displays transaction number, tables affected by an operation, time of
operation, number of records in table before Client Monitor was started, filter used and
a function. Each function used by the Client Monitor [11] has its equivalent in C/AL code
according to Table 1.
Table 1
Functions Calls in the Client Monitor
C/AL Function
Function in Client Monitor
FIND/NEXT(‘-’) – lookup FlowField
CALCSUMS – sum FlowField
M. Woch
Client Monitor cannot be used to monitor temporary tables because they do not involve
server calls. Is Code Coverage was started then C/AL Code button displays code for stored
Client Monitor also displays information if a server call has locked the data. Data can be
exported to Microsoft Excel and analyzed for example in pivot table.
Fig. 8. Example of Pivot Table
Rys. 8. Przykład tabeli przestawnej
Client Monitor can be used to see if there are any locks which prevent concurrent tasks
from being executed at the same time. The Client Monitor has to be run on all the computers
involved in the test.
The window Client Monitor (Multi-User) contains information about the transactions
potentially blocked by other users. COMMIT statement means that a server call is waiting to
be completed. If any deadlock has occurred then SQL Error field would not be blank. These
lines are marked red and bold.
Administrator’s tools in Microsoft SQL Server optimization for …
Fig. 9. Client Monitor (Multi-User)
Rys. 9. Client Monitor (Multi-User)
In the example two concurrent users try to read the same record from Customer table and
the sessions were deadlocked. When the deadlock occurs one transaction is continued while
other is aborted.
The Client Monitor gives some hints which keys and filters used should be checked and
replaced in order to speed up a server query.
Fig. 10. Client Monitor (Key Usage)
Rys. 10. Client Monitor (Key Usage)
This window shows queries with filters that do not use proper keys. The key being used is
shown in fields Good Filtered Start of Key and Key Remainder. Inefficiently filtered fields
are displayed in field Key Candidate Fields. SQL Server always proposes a single-value field
as a key or a filter. A developer should focus only on large and fast growing tables in
a database and then decide whether follow the Client Monitor’s suggestion.
M. Woch
On SQL Server sometime a function NEXT can generate separate query on a server
instead of using data stored in the cache. The Client Monitor also contains a tool that can help
locate such C/AL code.
Fig. 11. Client Monitor (Cache Usage)
Rys. 11. Client Monitor (Cache Usage)
Window lists only problematic NEXT calls. The solution of the problem is to change
cache size or modify the C/AL code.
3.10. Object Cache
Object Cache is used on a client computer to store in the memory the objects retrieved
from the server. In standard Navision the total size of all objects is about 20 MB. It is
recommended to set it up at least as 1 MB. The more objects are being used during a client
session the more memory should be reserved as an Object Cache. According to researches the
average client session should have allocated about 5 MB as an Object Cache. For C/AL
developers this amount should be increased at least up to 10 MB.
4. Abstract
Administrators daily routines in terms of system performance are: tracing bottlenecks and
slow performance issues, finding their sources and optimizing them. Administrator’s tools
presented in this article assist them to improve their systems work.
It is crucial to design properly the architecture of a server, a database and an application.
Statistics show that incorrect project of an application can cause 80% - 90% of performance
Administrator’s tools in Microsoft SQL Server optimization for …
problems. The design phase should regard future database usage, planned data growth,
coding plans as important as customer expectations.
Microsoft Business Solutions Navision 4.0 Course: 8404B Installation and Configuration
Training. Microsoft Corporation, 2004.
Dupont-Roc P., Gatchalian R., Serrano D.: Microsoft Dynamics NAV 4.0 Hardware
Guide. 2006.
Muhlbaher H.: Optimizing Dynamics NAV on SQL Server - Application. 2007.
Muhlbaher H.: Optimizing Dynamics NAV on SQL Server - Infrastructure. 2007.
Raheem M., Sonkin D., D’Hers T., LeMonds K.: Inside SQL Server 2005 Tools. Addison
Wesley Professional, Boston 2006.
Woody B.: Administrator’s Guide to SQL Server 2005. Addison Wesley Professional,
Boston 2006.
Rankins R., Jensen P., Bertucci P.: Microsoft SQL Server 2000. Księga eksperta. Helion,
Gliwice 2003.
Bieniek D., Dyess R., Hotek M., Loria J., Machanic A., Soto A., Wiernik A.: Microsoft
SQL Server 2005 Implementation and Maintenance, Self Paced Training Kit. MSPress,
Redmont 2006.
Nielsen P.: SQL Server 2005 Bible. Wiley Publishing, Inc.. Indianapolis 2007.
Thomas O., McLean I.: Optimizing and Maintaining a Database Administration Solution
by Using Microsoft SQL Server 2005. Microsoft Press, Redmont 2006.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 5.00 Application Designer’s Guide. Microsoft Corporation,
Redmont 2007.
Woch M.: MS SQL Server Optimization for MS Dynamics NAV. ZN Pol. Śl. Studia
Informatica Vol. 28, No. 2 (71), Gliwice 2007.
Microsoft Business Solutions – Navision SQL Server Option Resource Kit. 2004.
Microsoft Business Solutions – Navision Application Benchmark Tool 1.00. 2004.
Recenzent: Dr inż. Paweł Kasprowski
Wpłynęło do Redakcji 3 sierpnia 2007 r.
M. Woch
Microsoft Dynamics NAV współpracuje z bazą natywną, a także z serwerami MS SQL
w wersjach 2000 oraz 2005 (od wersji 4.0 SP1). Prawidłowa administracja serwerem bazodanowym oraz aplikacją pozwala na optymalizację zapytań oraz manipulację danymi [12].
Rutynowe prace administratora serwera oraz systemu Navision obejmują między innymi
śledzenie logów, pilnowanie blokad, zmianę parametrów wraz ze wzrostem bazy danych,
optymalizację zapytań [12].
Istnieje szereg parametrów oraz narzędzi, które pozwalają monitorować pracę systemu.
Narzędzia te pozwalają monitorować zarówno pracę serwera bazy danych, np. SQL Profiler,
jak ich samej aplikacji, np. Client Monitor.
W codziennej pracy związanej z optymalizacją systemu Navision najczęściej używanymi
narzędziami są Client Monitor oraz Session Monitor. Client Monitor pozwala na śledzenie
kodu C/AL aplikacji, który powoduje lub może powodować spowolnienie procesów, a także
blokady. Session Monitor natomiast służy do analizowania bieżących sesji użytkownika.
Umożliwia on wskazanie pewnych „wąskich gardeł”, związanych z nieprawidłowym ustawieniem systemu (Cache), a także ze sprzętem (RAM, procesor).
Liczba dostępnych narzędzi dla administratorów jest bardzo duża. Oprócz opisanych
narzędzi należy wspomnieć Navision Application Benchmark Tool, który jest używany do
pomiarów wydajności systemu Navision, a także wbudowanych w SQL Server analiz dyskowych, analiz cache, statystyk, flag 1204 oraz 3605, widoków, tabel i poleceń systemowych
(fn_virtualfilestats, sysprocesses, DBCC SQLPERF(WAITSTATS)) itp.
Wszystkie te narzędzie są niewątpliwie bardzo przydatne w rękach wprawnego administratora, jednak najważniejszym elementem wpływającym na pracę całego systemu jest
odpowiedni projekt. Nieprawidłowo zaprojektowana baza danych oraz aplikacja powodują
nawet do 90% spadek wydajności. Im późniejsza faza trwania projektu, tym modyfikacje
i przebudowa systemu stają się coraz trudniejsze i kosztowne.
Marcin WOCH: Politechnika Śląska, Instytut Informatyki, ul. Akademicka 16,
44-100 Gliwice, Polska, [email protected].