Download Administration Guide

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Version 3.0
Ref: ALB.3.0.0.LBCG.10.050207
LiveBackup Administ rator’s Companion
For Microsoft Windows® 2000 Server or Windows Server 2003
Atempo retains all property rights concerning the documentation of LiveBackup software.
Your right to copy the LiveBackup software documentation is limited by the legislation on copyright.
Copies or adaptations without Atempo’s prior written consent are forbidden by law and constitute a
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This documentation is provided “as is” without any warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied,
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Atempo and Atempo’s logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Atempo.
All brand or product names mentioned in this guide are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective companies or organizations.
Copyright © 2007 Atempo. All rights reserved.
AES encryption/decryption © copyright 2002 Dr. Brian Gladman, Worcester, UK. All rights
The free distribution and use of this software in both source and binary form is allowed (with or
without changes) provided that:
distributions of this source code include the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
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This software is provided 'as is' with no explicit or implied warranties in respect of its properties,
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© Copyright 1995-1998 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler.zlib.h -- interface of the 'zlib' general
purpose compression library version 1.1.3, July 9th, 1998.
LiveBackup Administrators Companion Guide
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Introduction to LiveBackup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
LiveBackup components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
What’s new in LiveBackup 3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Using this guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Using the LiveBackup documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Overview of the printed documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Documentation conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Using the online help. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Customer Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Chapter 2
LiveBackup architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Comprehensive data and software protection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Mirroring and versioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Self-service data and software recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Fast performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Real-time protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Central administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Chapter 3
LiveBackup Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Running the LiveBackup Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
The console window. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Main menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Main toolbar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Console tree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Details pane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Chapter 4
Gathering server information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Getting server properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Monitoring server throughput. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Getting server alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Generating activity reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Clients Activity report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Space Consumption report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Data Profile report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Operations Performed report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion Guide
Chapter 5
Managing LiveBackup Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Managing the server’s activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Adding servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Adding client licenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Managing the shared database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Compacting the server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Protecting the LiveBackup vault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Third-party application backup and restore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Backup using a third-party application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Restore using a third-party application backup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Example: Time Navigator backup and restore of the LiveBackup vault . 56
Vault Management Wizards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Back up the server vault. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Restore the server vault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Work with backup tasks in progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Work with restore tasks in progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
COM automation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Chapter 6
Configuring clients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Creating clients and groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Create groups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Create groups automatically. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Create groups manually . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Add clients to a group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Create clients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Create clients automatically . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Create individual clients. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Working with clients and groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Rename a client or a group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
View client or group information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Delete clients or groups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Move clients among groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Configuring protection properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Edit name and comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Specify the level of file protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Define which types of files to protect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Define discardable data types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Tips on masks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Allocate storage space for protected files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Configure data aging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Configure user access through feature lockdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Set an expiration date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Enable auto-creation within a group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Chapter 7
Managing clients. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Managing clients’ connection to the server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Stop and resume connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Re-initialize a client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Managing data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Change the database location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Launch the data aging process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Migrate files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Redirecting clients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Transferring clients between servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Export clients from LiveBackup Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Import clients into a new LiveBackup Server. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Generating client activity reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Chapter 8
Working with client recovery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Checkpoints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Requesting client checkpoints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Creating recovery images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Before you create an image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Create a universal boot image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Generate a system image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Pushing a system rollback to the client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Chapter 9
Securing information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Configuring user privileges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Server administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Client administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Encryption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Chapter 10 Managing storage space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Compression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Redundancy elimination. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Data aging. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Schedule times to process aged data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Archiving systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
Connect LiveBackup to LiveArchive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion Guide
Work with connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Manage data transfer tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Troubleshoot archive tasks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Chapter 11 Administering LiveBackup from a remote location187
Installing the remote console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
System requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Install the remote console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Managing the LiveBackup Server from a remote console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Appendix A File type macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Application Development Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Compressed or Encoded Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
E-mail Inboxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Graphics Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Internal Discardable Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Local temporary directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Microsoft Office documents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Microsoft System Restore Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
My Documents folder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Recycle Bin directories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Start menu applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Streaming audio/video files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Temporary download directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Temporary Internet directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Text files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Appendix B LiveBackup Alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
LiveBackup Server Alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Compact alerts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Disk space alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Export/Import alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Encryption alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Licensing alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Redirection alerts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Replication alerts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Shared database alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Vault Management alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
SQL Server alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Third party backup/restore process alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Upgrade alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
LiveBackup Client Alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Automatic creation alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Change database location alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Connection alerts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Data aging alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
Expiration alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
File migration alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Replication alerts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Remote Rollback alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
System imaging alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
Archiving Alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Appendix C LiveBackup maintenance messages . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Vault Backup Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Vault Restore Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Third Party Vault Backup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Third Party Vault Restore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
Export . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Import . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
SQL 2005 migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Appendix D Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion Guide
Introduction to LiveBackup
LiveBackup provides centralized storage management and administration of distributed
data on desktop and laptop workstations throughout the enterprise. It provides the most
effective and timely recovery of data and systems distributed on these computers by
Providing continuous, immediate file backups, for the most reliable recovery of the
most recent data or system changes.
Enabling users to simply roll back to a previously working state whenever they have
problems with their system.
Enabling users to perform a complete, bare-metal system recovery in case of a
disaster such as hard drive failure or computer theft.
LiveBackup protects the user's data by replicating changes to a network server. This process
occurs as a background task on the client computer, with no individual post-installation
client setup necessary. Once replicated, this data can be recovered easily at the client
computer using Explorer context menus or the Recovery Assistant, an interview-style
wizard accessible from the Windows System Tray. Users can recover an entire copy of a lost
file, backed up by the process of mirroring, or can revert to a previously saved version of a
file, saved by the process of versioning. They can restore their data safely, with little effort
and no LAN administrator intervention. LiveBackup also takes system management
flexibility a step further, allowing users to roll back their system files while their document
files remain intact.
The communication between the LiveBackup Client copying files and the LiveBackup
Server storing them is virtually seamless. LiveBackup functions at the file system level––
any changes to files are transmitted quickly to the server when the computer is connected to
the LAN, or opportunistically when the computer is only intermittently connected, as is the
case with a portable computer. This continuous nature means that the most recent backup is
always available. It also means that network performance will not suffer, as backups are
streamed to the server on a real-time basis, instead of in bulk.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
LiveBackup components
Atempo LiveBackup consists of the following components:
LiveBackup Server: LiveBackup Server stores and manages distributed data in your
enterprise. It contains a storage server, which uses Microsoft® SQL Server 2000 or
2005 to store each client computer’s complete set of files in its own individual
database. It also includes a LiveBackup Console, which is a Microsoft® Management
Console snap-in that enables you to fine-tune client configurations, secure data,
manage storage, set up users, track statistics and alerts, generate reports, and manage
aged data. Although you as the administrator do not have to intervene for client file
recovery, you can determine which recovery options are available to LiveBackup
Client users. The LiveBackup Server maintains ultimate control.
LiveArchive: LiveBackup supports a connection to LiveArchive, which is a longterm file archiving system that enables you to off-load your major storage needs from
LiveBackup Server to a secondary storage server. LiveArchive tracks the archived
files and makes them available for recovery should the client computer need them.
LiveBackup Client: LiveBackup Client executes all operations on each individual
client computer. It transmits data to the LiveBackup Server for storage and tracks file
changes as they are made. It also enables users to recover individual files, roll back
their system, save system checkpoints, and request system images.
LiveBackup Express: LiveBackup 2.9x and later supports a User Document Only
protection version called LiveBackup Express. This version offers an alternative for
those administrators who are not interested in full system protection. If you have
purchased the Express version, then all disaster recovery, system rollback, remote
rollback, and system imaging features are disabled in both the LiveBackup Server and
LiveBackup Client. Features available in each version of LiveBackup are outlined in
the table below.
Express Full
User documents protection
System data and application components protection
Local and remote system rollback
Disaster recovery
File migration
Feature lockdown
Introduction to LiveBackup
What’s new in LiveBackup 3.0?
In addition to a number of fixes and optimizations, LiveBackup 3.0
Eliminates the differentiation in treatment of user documents versus system files
under Full System Protection mode. This enables LiveBackup to save storage space
by eliminating redundant user document files as well as system files, and it simplifies
protection management for you. In User Document Only protection mode, such as
that offered by LiveBackup Express, there are no changes. LiveBackup will only
protect your user document data as before.
Supports any combination of Full and Express licenses. The LiveBackup Console
enables you to manage each license class separately. See “Adding client licenses” on
page 40.
Automatically creates a dynamic checkpoint daily, at 4:00 AM local time (or as soon
after as possible). This feature ensures that you always have a recent client checkpoint
available for system rollback. For more information, see “Checkpoints” on page 142.
Improves the data aging process by aging all data equally, rather than aging only user
document data as in previous versions. Data aging is now defined by Continuous and
Extended protection windows that provide more flexibility in configuring what data
will be recoverable for how long. See “Data aging” on page 172.
Enables you to redirect client accounts from one LiveBackup Server to another. See
“Redirecting clients” on page 127.
Enables you to transfer client accounts and protected data from one LiveBackup
Server to another. See “Transferring clients between servers” on page 130.
Enables you to perform a LiveBackup Client Disaster Recovery procedure using a
system image that has been saved to a network drive. To accomplish this, LiveBackup
provides a new boot media wizard based on Windows PE with network driver
support, as well as an improved Disaster Recovery utility for the client. See “Create
a universal boot image” on page 146.
Extends storage encryption to all file types, thereby improving security.
Supports Microsoft SQL Server 2005. If you want to upgrade an existing Microsoft
SQL Server 2000 and LiveBackup Server installation to use Microsoft SQL Server
2005, see the “Upgrade” chapter in the LiveBackup Installation and Setup Guide.
Notifies you of connection, expiration, and/or storage issues on the LiveBackup
Client. See “Chapter 2: Protecting your data” of the LiveBackup Client User Guide.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Using this guide
This Administrator’s Companion guide consists of the following chapters, which include the
information necessary to manage and administer LiveBackup Server in your enterprise.
This chapter, which you are now reading, provides an overview
of LiveBackup and the LiveBackup documentation.
Chapter 1: Introduction
This chapter provides an overview of features and
technical reference information on how LiveBackup protects your data through transmission
and storage.
Chapter 2: LiveBackup architecture
Chapter 3: LiveBackup Console This chapter describes how to run and use the
LiveBackup Console, which is a Microsoft Management Console® (MMC) snap-in. You
will learn how MMC is organized and about some of its standard features.
This chapter describes how to get information
about LiveBackup Server from the LiveBackup Console. You will learn how to get server
properties, track statistics, respond to alerts, and generate activity reports.
Chapter 4: Gathering server information
Chapter 5: Managing LiveBackup Server This chapter describes how to use the
LiveBackup Console to manage LiveBackup Server. You will learn how to manage the
server’s connection, add client licenses, maintain the database log, manage tasks, and
configure the shared database. Finally, you will learn how to manage the LiveBackup vault
of information by backing all client databases at once, and restoring them when necessary.
Chapter 6: Configuring clients This chapter describes how to create and configure
clients and groups. You will learn how to add, remove, and rename the clients that will be
protected by LiveBackup Server, and you will also learn how to configure each client or
group’s protection properties.
This chapter describes how to manage clients after you
have created and configured them. You will learn how to manage active clients and their
connection to the LiveBackup Server, and you will learn how to manage the data stored by
large user communities. You will also learn how to redirect client accounts from one
LiveBackup Server to another, as well as how to export client accounts from one server adn
import into another. Finally, you’ll learn how to view reports on clients or groups.
Chapter 7: Managing clients
Chapter 8: Working with client recovery This chapter describes how to create bootable
media and recovery images for LiveBackup Clients to use during a disaster recovery, how
to request a client checkpoint, and how to push a system rollback to a client.
Introduction to LiveBackup
This chapter explains how LiveBackup secures your
enterprise’s vital information. You will learn how to set up LiveBackup to provide user
access to particular LiveBackup Client features and to prevent unauthorized access to your
data from others. You will also learn about LiveBackup encryption features, including how
to configure storage and transport encryption.
Chapter 9: Securing information
Chapter 10: Managing storage space This chapter explains how LiveBackup stores so
much data using so little disk space. It also describes how to set up data aging, so you can
delete older versions or off-load them to a backup site for long-term storage.
Use this chapter to
learn how to install and set up LiveBackup to be administered at a site remote from where
the LiveBackup Storage Server and/or your LiveBackup Clients are installed.
Chapter 11: Administering LiveBackup from a remote location
This appendix defines the file type macros LiveBackup
includes to help you customize user document and discardable data types.
Appendix A: File type macros
Appendix B: LiveBackup Alerts This appendix describes all LiveBackup Server and
Client alerts, and explains the actions you should take in response to each particular
Appendix C: Maintenance messages This appendix defines messages pertaining to
server maintenance, such as backup, restore, and SQL upgrade.
Appendix D: Glossary
This appendix defines terms used throughout this manual.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Using the LiveBackup documentation
LiveBackup includes a comprehensive documentation set that explains the crucial concepts
behind LiveBackup as well as procedures for accomplishing specific tasks. You can use
both the printed and online aids described below.
Overview of the printed documentation
LiveBackup Installation and Setup Guide: Provides an overview of LiveBackup plus all
the information you need to get LiveBackup up and running in your enterprise.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion: Provides both reference and step-by-step
information necessary for the administrator to set up LiveBackup Server, manage client
computers, track statistics, generate reports, and respond to alerts.
LiveBackup Client User Guide: Provides complete details on how LiveBackup Client
protects data and how to recover a file, folder, or an entire system.
LiveArchive User Guide: Provides complete details on how to install and configure
LiveArchive and LiveBackup to transfer and store aged data from LiveBackup.
Documentation conventions
Throughout the printed documentation, the following conventions are used to help you
understand the information presented.
Used for
File names
Menus, commands, dialog box options, and text that must be typed as
“in quotes”
References to other sections within the same printed guide
References to other sources of information and new terms in the text
DOS commands
Click the primary mouse button once
Click the secondary mouse button once
Click the primary mouse button twice quickly
Introduction to LiveBackup
Using the online help
After installing LiveBackup, online help is available for both LiveBackup Server and
LiveBackup Client. Context sensitive help is also available.
To view the help for LiveBackup
In LiveBackup Console, click the Help menu and choose Help on LiveBackup
Servers. Or click the Help button in the toolbar.
To view help in LiveBackup Client
Right-click the LiveBackup tasktray icon and select Help.
Customer Support
If you have a problem that you can’t solve given the information in this user guide, check
the Help on LiveBackup Servers.
If you don’t find an answer in this documentation, then see the Atempo Knowledge Base,
located on the Atempo Web site at
If you need further assistance, Customer Support is available subject to either the terms of
your maintenance agreement or Atempo's support policies.
For the US and APAC, email to [email protected] or call 310-302-7285
For Europe, email to [email protected] or call + 33 1 64 86 83 83
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
LiveBackup architecture
The LiveBackup storage management system delivers the capabilities organizations need to
meet their storage management challenges. This section describes LiveBackup’s
Comprehensive data and software protection, including
Integrated mirroring and versioning
Self-service data and software recovery
Efficient data storage
Minimal performance impact
Central administration
LiveBackup provides these capabilities using advanced storage management technology
that ensures the highest level of protection for valuable data. Designed for the enterprise,
LiveBackup can support even the largest networks, provided there is adequate hardware and
proper system configuration. Best of all, LiveBackup helps reduce the impact of user errors
and hardware and software failures on business operations.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Comprehensive data and software protection
LiveBackup provides unparalleled protection for data, application, and system files,
including your entire operating system, whether it resides on desktop workstations or laptop
computers. Its comprehensive protection integrates both versioning and mirroring.
Mirroring and versioning
LiveBackup provides comprehensive data protection by making an exact copy of
information from desktop computers and laptop computers on the LiveBackup Server. This
process is called mirroring. Recovery of mirrored information is fast and easy––the user
simply performs a file recovery operation that restores the mirror copy from the LiveBackup
LiveBackup augments mirroring with a versioning capability that maintains an audit trail of
all changes to specified files, so users can roll back to previous file versions if the current
versions are damaged. Versioning is particularly effective in minimizing the impact of failed
software installations or upgrades that render an application or even the operating system
unusable. The user can recover by simply rolling back to the previously operating version
LiveBackup architecture
of the system. Versioning is also useful in recovering information that a user has
unintentionally altered. For example, if a user overwrites a document file by forgetting to
rename it before saving it, he or she can simply roll back to the previous version of the file,
effectively undoing the mistake.
LiveBackup versioning automatically checkpoints all Windows system files and the registry
at each system boot as well as daily, at 4:00 AM (or as soon after as possible). In addition,
both the administrator and the user can initiate a checkpoint of the operating system at any
time, such as immediately prior to installing an application update. You, as the
administrator, select which directories and file types to version automatically as well as the
number of versions to be stored.
The first time versioning is activated, LiveBackup stores a copy of the current version of
each specified file. This baseline copy of versioned files is compressed by LiveBackup
Client before sending it to the LiveBackup Server for both transmission and storage
efficiency. Each time a change is made to any of the specified files, LiveBackup saves a trail
of the changes so that the user can roll back to a previous version if desired. Because
LiveBackup stores only the changes for each version rather than the entire file, it is storage
Self-service data and software recovery
LiveBackup offers four types of recovery:
File recovery Your users can recover individual files through the easy-to-use
LiveBackup graphical user interface. He or she simply selects the file to be recovered
from a list that can be organized in a variety of ways. The user can choose particular
versions of any protected file, and then recover this version to its original or an
alternate location.
Folder recovery
System rollback In this case, although the operating system boots successfully, the
user is experiencing application or operating software anomalies that are typically the
result of a lost, overwritten, or corrupted file. This problem could be caused by a
variety of actions, such as a failed software installation. To recover, the user can roll
back to a previously working operating system configuration quickly and easily.
True bare-metal disaster recovery
Recover all files in any folder from a given date and time.
In this case, the user cannot boot the operating
system. The LiveBackup Client user recovers by using the disaster recovery media
provided by the LiveBackup Administrator. This media is created using the System
Image Wizard. This disaster recovery process restores the system and all of its files
to full operation.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Because of the ease of recovery, users can recover data and software on their own. The
LiveBackup Recovery Assistant guides the user through each step of the recovery process.
Fast performance
LiveBackup includes advanced capabilities that enable it to provide a high level of
protection while minimizing the impact on network performance and server storage
requirements. These features include
Incremental, block-level backup LiveBackup protects large files with minimum
impact on network load by incrementally backing up only changed blocks of data.
Continuous rather than scheduled protection
Redundancy elimination To decrease the total amount of storage space required,
LiveBackup saves only one copy of each unique file in the storage database. For
example, even if all your client computers have Microsoft Office installed, only one
copy of the application will be stored, thus saving many megabytes of storage space.
By mirroring and versioning data
on a continuous basis, LiveBackup levels network loading due to the random nature
of user file operations. This leveling allows LiveBackup to provide a high level of
protection without significantly impacting network performance.
To minimize both network traffic and storage capacity
requirements, LiveBackup compresses backup information and eliminates duplicate
copies of files and blocks.
Real-time protection
Unlike traditional enterprise storage management systems, LiveBackup performs
continuous, real-time mirroring and versioning of data. For example, each time a user saves
a file, LiveBackup quickly and automatically mirrors the contents of that file or generates a
record of the changes made since the last save. The unique continuous mirroring and
versioning capability protects data more completely than conventional periodic mirroring or
LiveBackup real-time mirroring and versioning operates even while a laptop computer is
disconnected from the network. The backup information is stored on the local disk of the
laptop in a cache folder until the computer is reconnected to the network by either dial-up
or a physical connection. At that time, the information is synchronized with previous backup
information stored on the LiveBackup Server for that laptop.
LiveBackup is able to provide continuous, real-time protection because of its tight
integration with the computer’s file system. This integration allows LiveBackup to provide
complete protection, even for files that may remain open during the entire computer session.
LiveBackup architecture
LiveBackup backs up the file each time a file I/O operation—such as a save—occurs that
changes the file’s contents. This ability is inherent in the design of LiveBackup, and unlike
conventional storage management products, does not require an additional open files agent.
Central administration
To help minimize the costs of system administration, LiveBackup enables you to manage
storage from a centralized console. The LiveBackup Console is a snap-in to the Microsoft
Management Console available with Windows Server. From the console, you can
administer all of the LiveBackup Clients.
You can also remotely deploy LiveBackup Clients to any workstation, or laptop computer
connected to the LAN using scripting or an intranet installation. Or you can deploy client
software automatically using any other Electronic Software Distribution package.
As the figure below shows, LiveBackup is based on modern client/server architecture.
LiveBackup Client and Server communicate over the network using the HTTP protocol and
XML DOM technology.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
The client software currently runs on Windows 2000 Professional and Windows XP
Professional or Home Edition platforms. LiveBackup agents are implemented as file system
filters below the application level to provide broad continuous support across all
applications. Client operation is fully automatic and requires no user intervention to protect
and manage client data. The user gets involved only when he or she needs to restore a
previous version of a file, recover an inadvertently deleted file, or restore the system to a
previously working state. The administrator can limit user access to LiveBackup features
through feature lockdown.
The LiveBackup Server runs on Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, Advanced Server, or
Windows Server 2003 Standard or Enterprise edition. It maintains all storage management
information in an embedded Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or 2005 database. The server
includes an operator’s console consisting of Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snapins.
LiveBackup Server is tightly integrated with the Windows operating system. The
LiveBackup Console is a snap-in to the Microsoft Management Console and uses Windows
administrative features such as feature lockdown and domain hierarchies. In addition,
LiveBackup operates through the Windows security model, including access control,
password protection, and encryption through Microsoft Crypto API Encryption.
LiveBackup Console
The LiveBackup Console is a Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that includes
all of the administrative tools you need to manage LiveBackup in your enterprise. If you are
familiar with Windows Server and SQL Server, then this interface should be very easy for
you to learn, as it is modeled after these standards. If not, this section provides a brief
overview of how LiveBackup functions within MMC to get you started quickly.
In this chapter you will learn about
Running the LiveBackup Console
The console window
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Running the LiveBackup Console
You can run the LiveBackup Console directly, or you can run MMC and add the
LiveBackup snap-in to it. Adding LiveBackup to MMC as a standalone snap-in is useful if
you want to manage all your snap-ins, such as SQL Enterprise Manager, from the same
console window.
You must install LiveBackup Server before you can run the LiveBackup Console.
For more information, see the LiveBackup Installation and Setup Guide.
To run the LiveBackup Console
Login to Windows Server with administrative privileges.
Click Start and point to Programs. Point to Atempo LiveBackup Console and click
LiveBackup Console.
The LiveBackup Console window appears.
LiveBackup Console
To add the LiveBackup snap-in to MMC
Run Microsoft Management Console: C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\MMC.EXE.
Click the Console menu and click Add/Remove Snap-in.
The Add/Remove Snap-in dialog box appears.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
In the Standalone tab, click the Add button.The Add Standalone Snap-in dialog box
In the Available Standalone Snap-ins list, click LiveBackup Servers, and then
click Add.
Repeat the previous step for each snap-in you want to see in this instance of MMC.
Click Close. LiveBackup Servers appears in the Add/Remove Snap-in dialog box.
Click OK.
LiveBackup Servers and any other snap-ins you added appear in the Microsoft
Management Console window.
LiveBackup Console
The console window
The Console window consists of four main areas:
Main menu
Main toolbar
Console tree
Details pane
Main menu
Main toolbar
Console tree
Details pane
Main menu
The Console menu contains options that control the MMC window. These options are not
specific to LiveBackup. For more information, click the Help menu.
See Also
Microsoft Management Console Help
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Main toolbar
These tools enable you to manipulate the Console.
Back: Moves focus in the console tree back to the last selected item.
Forward: Moves focus in the console tree forward, after Back has been selected.
Show/Hide Console Tree: Toggles the display of the console tree.
Export list: Exports columns in the console to a text file.
Refresh: Refreshes the contents of the details pane.
Help: Displays Help on LiveBackup Servers. For more information on using help, see
“Using the online help” on page 7.
Console tree
The console tree organizes the LiveBackup administrative tools.
The console tree provides access to the following tools:
Statistics: Displays information on network traffic (throughput), disk space usage,
and the number of operations performed.
Alerts: Displays warnings and other messages that require administrator intervention.
Clients: Lists all clients and groups and provides tools for creating, configuring,
organizing, and managing clients and their data.
Stopped Clients: Lists clients that are stopped and no longer transferring files to the
LiveBackup Server.
Feature Lockdown: Lists all LiveBackup Client users and enables you to assign
them the appropriate access to LiveBackup Client.
Server Tools: Provides tools for maintaining the LiveBackup Server, including
licensing, backup, and database settings.
LiveBackup Console
Data Aging: Enables you to configure how to handle older versions of the data that
is stored in the LiveBackup Server.
Reports: Generates reports on data, space consumption, and clients activity, and
creates an invoice to justify cost and charge back for LiveBackup services.
To access any of the tools, click the + sign to expand it and view its contents in the Console
tree and the details pane. If the tool is the final object in a hierarchy, then information
appears in the details pane, such as a list of clients or alerts.
To act on any of the tools, click the tool, and then click the Action menu; or right-click the
tool and select an option from the context menu that appears.
At any time, you can right-click the tool or object and select Help for more information.
Details pane
The details pane displays the contents of the selected Console tree object. The following is
an example of the details pane displaying Server Tools\System Settings objects.
You may want to refresh the contents of the details pane: right-click an object in the window
and click Refresh, or click the object, and then click the Refresh button in the toolbar, or
press the F5 key.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Gathering server information
From the LiveBackup Console, you can gather information about all of LiveBackup
Server’s operations.
In this chapter, you will learn about
Getting server properties
Monitoring server throughput
Getting server alerts
Generating activity reports, including Data Profile, Space Consumption, Clients
Activity, and Operations Performed reports.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Getting server properties
You can view properties on any LiveBackup Server to determine its status and version.
To view server properties
Expand LiveBackup Servers.
Right-click servername and click Properties.
The LiveBackup Server Properties dialog box appears.
This dialog box contains the following information about the selected server:
LiveBackup Server Name: The name of the LiveBackup Server Computer.
Status: The status of the LiveBackup Server, which may be any of the
Active LiveBackup Server is running.
Stopped by administrator Stop was selected from the Server’s Action menu
in LiveBackup Console.
Stopped by maintenance LiveBackup Server is performing some
maintenance task. See Maintenance, below.
Stopped due to insufficient disk space LiveBackup Server has been stopped
because there is insufficient disk space. If you have increased the disk space
available, you may try to manually restart the server. “Managing the server’s
activity” on page 38.
Gathering server information
Maintenance: Whether maintenance tasks are running, and if so, which ones.
When a maintenance task, such as backup or client export is running, no other
maintenance tasks may be launched until it completes. Maintenance tasks may
be as follows:
Blank (no text) No maintenance tasks are running. LiveBackup Server is
ready to accept any maintenance task.
Vault Backup is in progress LiveBackup Server is performing a vault backup
using the Vault Backup Wizard. See “Protecting the LiveBackup vault” on
page 47.
Vault Restore is in progress LiveBackup Server is performing a vault restore
using the Vault Restore Wizard. See “Protecting the LiveBackup vault” on
page 47.
Vault Restore has been aborted A vault restore has been aborted by the
administrator. You may need to reinstall LiveBackup Server. See LiveBackup
Alerts for further information on the failure, and check “Vault Management
alerts” on page 213.
Vault Restore has failed A vault restore has failed. You may need to reinstall
LiveBackup Server. See LiveBackup Alerts for further information on the
failure, and check “Vault Management alerts” on page 213.
Ready for external cold backup LiveBackup Server is preparing for a cold
backup by a third-party application such as Time Navigator. See “Third-party
application backup and restore” on page 48.
Ready for external warm backup LiveBackup Server is preparing for a warm
backup by a third-party application such as Time Navigator. See “Third-party
application backup and restore” on page 48.
Ready for external hot backup LiveBackup Server is preparing for a hot
backup by a third-party application such as Time Navigator. See “Third-party
application backup and restore” on page 48.
Ready for external vault restore LiveBackup Server is preparing for a vault
restore from a third-party application such as Time Navigator. See “Thirdparty application backup and restore” on page 48.
Client import is in progress LiveBackup Server is importing client accounts
from another LiveBackup Server. See “Import clients into a new LiveBackup
Server” on page 134.
Client import is being aborted LiveBackup Server is in the progress of
terminating a previous client import task. See “To cancel an import” on
page 138.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Ready to export client(s) LiveBackup Server is preparing to export client
accounts to another LiveBackup Server. See “Export clients from LiveBackup
Server” on page 130.
Ready for SQL Server upgrade LiveBackup Server is preparing its database
for an upgrade to Microsoft SQL Server 2005. See Chapter 7 in the LiveBackup
Installation and Setup guide.
LiveBackup upgrade is in progress LiveBackup Server is upgrading itself to
the next version. See Chapter 7 in the LiveBackup Installation and Setup guide.
Hardware: Information about the server computer, including Processors
count, Processor type, Physical memory, and Platform.
Software: Information about the required software installed, including the
version of Windows the computer is running, the version of SQL Server that is
installed, and the selected SQL Server language.
Click Close.
Monitoring server throughput
From Monitoring in the Console, you can get the net inbound and outbound traffic through
the LiveBackup Server. This traffic is the result of clients mirroring file and system changes
to the LiveBackup Server for database storage and LiveBackup Server replicating a
requested file or system back to the client for recovery.
Gathering server information
To view data throughput
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Expand Monitoring, and then click the Throughput.
Inbound throughput displays both Network traffic and Data traffic; outbound
throughput displays Data traffic only. Network traffic represents the real rate of data
transfer over the network, which is the actual size of data that LiveBackup is sending.
Data traffic includes all redundant Windows and application files, representing what
would be the rate of storing data in the LiveBackup Server in the absence of
compression and redundancy elimination. By comparing the Network and the Data
traffic curves, you can see how much storage space and network bandwidth is saved
by LiveBackup's storage optimizations.
Inbound: Displays the current rate of file transfer to the server in kilobytes per
Inbound history: Graphs the rate of file transfer to the server over an extended
period of time.
Outbound: Displays the current rate of file transfer from the server to the
clients in kilobytes per second.
Outbound history: Graphs the rate of file transfer from the server to the clients
over an extended period of time.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Getting server alerts
Alerts inform you when operations need to be performed, and when those operations have
been completed. All alerts require some form of administrator intervention. All LiveBackup
alerts appear both in the Event Viewer, and under the Event Viewer section of Alerts in the
LiveBackup Console. Alerts may relate to the LiveBackup Server, LiveBackup Client, or
Atempo LiveArchive. Note that you must be logged in with local administrator privileges to
view alerts.
See also
For more information on using the Event Viewer, including how to clear, save,
and copy log files, as well as delete or close and alert, see the Event Viewer
Help by right-clicking the Event Viewer node and choosing Help.
For definitions of specific alerts and information on how to resolve to them, see
“LiveBackup Alerts” on page 205.
To review incoming alerts
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Expand Alerts, and then expand Event Viewer.
Expand LiveBackup Alerts.
Gathering server information
All incoming alerts appear in the details pane with the following information:
Type: The severity of the alert: Error, Information or Warning.
Date: The date the alert occurred.
Time: The time at which the alert occurred.
Source: LiveBackup Alerter.
Category: A classification of the alert by its source: Client Services, Vault
Backup/Restore, SQL Server, Archive Dispatcher, LB IIS Application
Event: An internal number identifying the alert.
User: Always N/A.
Computer: The name of the LiveBackup Server computer.
To learn more about the alert, right-click it and then choose Properties.
Generating activity reports
LiveBackup enables you to generate the following reports on an individual client, a group
of clients, or an entire server.
Clients Activity report: View detailed information on clients' group membership,
database size, last user, last checkpoint, and last version.
Space Consumption report: Determine the average growth of storage use over a
given amount of time.
Data Profile report: Collect information on the files, types, and versions that exist in
the LiveBackup storage databases. This information includes the total amount of
protected data and the disk space used on the server to protect it. You can use this
report to see how much disk space any client or server is consuming and the
percentage of protected data on a per file type basis.
Operations Performed report: View the number of file recoveries, rollbacks, and
image requests that LiveBackup Server has processed per client since each client's
installation and connection to LiveBackup Server.
The remainder of this section describes how to use these reports.
To print any displayed report, from the File menu, click Print.
To sort data, click the column headings.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Clients Activity report
The Clients Activity report provides detailed information on clients' group membership,
database size, last user, last checkpoint, and last version. You may generate this report on
all clients or on clients within a particular group.
To view a Clients Activity report
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
You can generate this report on the entire server, a client group, or any one client.
Click Reports.
Expand Clients. Right-click the group for which you want to view
activity, point to All Tasks, and then click Reports.
Expand Clients. Right-click the client for which you want to view
activity, point to All Tasks, and then click Reports.
Click Clients Activity.
The Clients Activity report appears with the following information:
ID: The internal numeric code assigned to the client.
Name: The client's name.
Group: The LiveBackup group of which the client is a member.
DB size: The size of the client's database in MB.
Gathering server information
Last checkpoint: The date of the most recent system checkpoint created on the
Last file version: The date of the most recently file version on the client.
Encryption: The level of encryption applied to data in transmission to the
client: 128-bit, 40-bit, or Off.
Last user: The name of the last user logged on to the client computer, if
Client version: The version number of the LiveBackup Client application
installed on the client's computer.
Expires: Displays the date on which the client account will expire or has
expired. If the client is set to never expire, this cell is blank.
Space Consumption report
The Space Consumption report charts the average growth of data over a given amount of
time and calculates when the server will run out of disk space if growth continues at the
current rate.
To generate the Space Consumption report
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
You can generate this report on the entire server, a group of clients, or any individual
Click Reports.
Group: Expand Clients. Right-click the group for which you want to view
space consumption, point to All Tasks, and then click Reports.
Client: Expand Clients. Right-click the client for which you want to view
space consumption, point to All Tasks, and then click Reports.
Click Space Consumption.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
The Space Consumption Report appears displaying information about how the
database has grown since its creation.
To change the interval, from the drop-down list, select the time interval over which
you want to view space consumption. The chart updates with information depicting
how the database has grown over the given time. No activity is depicted as a broken
line in the growth chart.
If you are viewing a report on the entire server, check the current total size of all
databases at the bottom of the report.
Data Profile report
The Data Profile report collects information on the files, types, and versions that exist in the
LiveBackup storage databases over a given range of dates. This information includes the
total amount of protected data and the disk space used on the server to protect it. You can
use this report to see how much disk space any client or server is consuming and how that
disk space is being allocated on a per file type basis.
To generate a Data Profile report
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
You can generate this report on the entire server, a group of clients, or any client.
Gathering server information
Click Reports.
Group: Expand Clients. Right-click the group for which you want to view a
data profile, point to All Tasks, and then click Reports.
Expand Clients. Right-click the client for which you want to view a
data profile, point to All Tasks, and then click Reports.
Click Data Profile.
LiveBackup gathers the requested data profile information on the selected clients and
displays it in a detailed report.
This report includes both Summary information and Data Details. Both sections are
described in detail, below.
If any clients are excluded from the report, then their names are listed in red below
the Summary section. A client may be excluded if its database is being moved, or if
it is detached or busy.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Summary in the Data Profile report displays the size of the total protected data and provides
information about storage savings.
Protection type: Either Full system or User document. This parameter displays only
for reports on a single client.
Total protected data: The actual size of the data stored for the selected group, server,
or client. This amount is equal to the size of all file versions on the selected systems
themselves, before compression or redundancy elimination is applied.
In client's storage: The actual size of data stored in client databases. This
value includes all version information, as well.
In shared storage: The actual size of data stored in the shared database.
Storage space used: The total storage space used to store the protected data
represented by Total protected data, using compression and redundancy elimination.
Client's storage used: The total storage space used to store the protected data
in client databases.
Shared storage used: The total storage spaced used to store the protected data
in the shared database. This value includes all version information, and appears
for reports on the entire server only.
Net storage savings: The number of megabytes of storage space saved by protecting
data using LiveBackup rather than copying all data to a separate backup device. This
value appears for reports on the entire server only.
Client's storage savings: The storage space saved by using LiveBackup. This
value is equal to the Total protected client's data minus the client's storage used.
Shared storage savings: The storage space saved by using LiveBackup. This
value is equal to the Total protected shared data minus the shared storage used.
It appears for reports on the entire server only.
Current protected data: The total size of the protected client data, not including
version information. The size of each protected file is counted once for the most
recent version.
Number of files: The number of files protected.
Number of versions: The total number of versions available for recovery.
Gathering server information
Data Details
Data Details in the Data Profile report displays information about protected files, including
the size of the protected data, the space consumed, and details on all file types on the
File type: The file extension for which details are given.
% of total protected data: The percentage of total protected data by file type.
Protected data size: The total size of all protected file versions of the given type,
which is the size on the original computer before LiveBackup compression and
redundancy elimination is applied.
Incremental factor %: The percentage of storage space saved using incremental
versioning. This calculation does not include space saved by file or block SIOS or by
% of protected data in shared storage: The percentage of the protected data of the
given type that is stored in the shared database.
Unique Files: Number of different files of the given type.
Versions: Total number of versions of files of the given type.
Operations Performed report
The Operations Performed report displays the number of file recoveries, rollbacks, and
image requests that LiveBackup Server has processed per client since each client's
installation and connection to LiveBackup Server.
To view the operations performed report
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
You can generate this report on the entire server, a group of clients, or any client.
Click Reports.
Group: Expand Clients. Right-click the group for which you want to view
operations, point to All Tasks, and then click Reports.
Client: Expand Clients. Right-click the client for which you want to view
operations, point to All Tasks, and then click Reports.
Click Operations Performed.
The Operations Performed report appears with the number of file recoveries,
rollbacks, and image requests that LiveBackup Server has processed for the total
server as well as per client since each client's installation and connection to
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
LiveBackup Server.
The following information appears. Click the column headings to sort.
ID: The internal numeric code assigned to the client.
Name: The name of the client for which the operation was performed.
Group: The name of the group of which the client is a member.
File recovery: The number of individual file recoveries performed (including
0-length files and local recoveries) plus the number of individual files within
each folder that were recovered using the Recovery Assistant. This total does
not include files recovered as a result of a system rollback.
Rollbacks: The number of System Rollbacks performed.
Images generated: The number of disaster recovery images generated in the
Managing LiveBackup Server
From the LiveBackup Console, you can view and control all of LiveBackup Server’s
In this chapter, you will learn about
Managing the server’s activity
Adding servers
Adding client licenses
Managing the shared database
Compacting the server
Protecting the LiveBackup vault
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Managing the server’s activity
The LiveBackup Server is almost always running, during which time it is managing your
clients and their data. However, the LiveBackup Server may also be stopped. When it is
stopped, no data may be transferred to the LiveBackup Server, and under certain conditions,
no data may be retrieved from it for recovery, either. You can determine the current status
of LiveBackup Server from Server Properties. To learn how to view server properties and
server status, see “Getting server properties” on page 24.
The LiveBackup Server is stopped under the following conditions:
During a Vault Backup, if the Cold backup option is selected. In this stopped state,
you can still restore files from the server to the LiveBackup Client.
When the Shared Database runs out of disk space. In this case, restoration is available.
When you manually stop the server, which again allows file restoration.
During a Vault Restore, in which case data may not be transferred to or from the
server. The LiveBackup Server resumes automatically when restoration is complete
and IIS is restarted.
When the server is seriously damaged, which again prevents data transfer to and from
the server. To fix this problem, you must reinstall the LiveBackup Server.
To stop or resume the server
Expand LiveBackup Servers.
To temporarily terminate the server, right-click servername and select Stop server.
An X appears in the lower-right corner of the server icon:
To resume server activity, right-click servername and choose Resume server.
The server icon returns to its active state:
Managing LiveBackup Server
Adding servers
You may manage as many LiveBackup Servers as you want from one LiveBackup Console.
Additional servers enable you to manage more clients and provide more disk space for your
backups. The LiveBackup Server computer must be within the same domain or a trusted
domain of the computer on which you are working to add it to the LiveBackup Console.
To add a server to the LiveBackup Console
On the computer from which you want to manage several LiveBackup Servers, run
the LiveBackup Console: Click Start and point to Programs, then point to Atempo
LiveBackup Console and click LiveBackup Console.
Right-click LiveBackup Servers and click Connect to server.
The Login to LiveBackup Server dialog box appears.
In the Server name box, type or select the name or IP address of the computer where
you installed LiveBackup Server.
If you changed the default port of IIS for the LiveBackup Server, make sure you type
the new port in this box as well. For example, lbserver:777.
Click OK.
A new node for the server you added appears in the LiveBackup Console. You can
now create clients to be managed by the new LiveBackup Server.
See also
“Create individual clients” on page 86 and “Configuring protection
properties” on page 95.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Adding client licenses
LiveBackup limits the number of clients you may create based on the number of licenses
you have. LiveBackup supports a mix of both Full and Express licenses. If you need
additional client licenses, you may purchase them from Atempo and receive a new Full and
or Express license code that is good for the total number of licenses of the class you
purchased. You must enter the license code in LiveBackup Console to make the number of
clients that you create compatible with the terms of your license agreement.
If you are running in a mixed license mode, then make sure that any client management you
perform keeps you within your license agreement. For example, you may not move Express
clients to a group configured for Full protection, or change the client protection to Full
unless additional Full license seats are available. If you attempt these types of operations,
LiveBackup displays an error message and prevents it.
To add client licenses
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Expand Server Tools, and then click System Settings.
Right-click Licensing and select Add Licenses.
The Licensing dialog box appears.
You will see the following details:
License class: Either Full, which includes system protection, or Express,
which includes data protection only.
Number of seats: The number of client accounts allowed under the specified
license class.
Used seats: The number of existing client accounts. This number may not
exceed the Number of seats.
License type: The type of license: Regular, which does not expire, or
Evaluation, which remains active for 30 days, be default.
Managing LiveBackup Server
Expiration date: The date on which the license will expire. After expiration,
LiveBackup will continue to protect data, but no recovery options will be
To change from an evaluation license to a full license, or to add seats, click the Enter
license code button.
The License Code dialog box appears.
In the License code box, type your LiveBackup license number, and then click OK.
To remove all licenses of a particular class, click the appropriate row in the Licensing
table, and then click Remove licenses.
In the confirmation message that appears, click Yes. Once all licenses are removed,
another message appears. Click OK.
To change a particular client’s license, modify its protection level under Client
Properties. This procedure will be allowed only if you have sufficient license seats
available to accommodate the change. See “Specify the level of file protection” on
page 97.
In the Licensing dialog box, click Close.
See Also
For information on purchasing additional licenses, contact Atempo Sales at, email [email protected], or call 888-352-9140 (US)
or 33 1 64 86 83 00 (Europe).
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Managing the shared database
LiveBackup stores protected files in SQL databases. Each client’s unique files are stored in
an individual client database. If identical files are located on more than one client, then
LiveBackup stores one copy of each redundant file in the LiveBackup shared database. Only
full versions are saved to the shared database; incremental versions are saved in the client
If two identical files that meet all the criteria for sharing are sent to the server
simultaneously, then LiveBackup will store the file sent first in Shared Database and the
second in the individual client database. LiveBackup handles the situation in this way
because two identical files may not be written to the same database at the same time.
Although you set the initial location for this shared database during installation, later you
can expand that location to additional drives and configure which file types are stored there.
In this section, you will learn how to
Configure which files types to include in the shared database
View properties on the shared database
Expand the shared database to another drive
To configure which file types to include in the shared database
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Expand Server Tools, and then click System Settings.
Right-click Shared Database, and then select Shared Files.
Managing LiveBackup Server
The Shared Files dialog box appears.
In the New shared file type box, type the extension assigned to those file types you
want to save in the shared database, and then click Add.
To remove a file type from the shared database, thereby allocating it to the individual
client databases, select the file type from the Store the following file types in the
shared database list, and then click Remove.
To restore the original shared database file settings, removing those types you added,
and restoring those types you removed, click the Reset to Factory Default button.
When you have finished setting up the shared file list, click OK.
To view properties on the shared database
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Expand Server Tools, and then click System Settings.
Right-click Shared Database, and then select Properties.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
The Shared Database Properties dialog box appears.
The Properties describe the three files that comprise the LiveBackup shared database.
All three files are required for the database to function properly. If any are lost, then
all protected data is lost.
Primary: The Primary database file contains information about database
startup, file versions, and blocks of user data, but contains no actual data.
Rather, the Primary Database File is an index of LiveBackup protected files.
Secondary: The Secondary database file contains all of the actual data stored
by LiveBackup.
Transaction Log: The Transaction Log file records all transactions and the
database modifications made by each transaction.
Review information about each file.
Current size: The current size of the shared database file, in MB or GB, as
Drive: The volume label and drive letter where the shared database file is
Available space: The free disk space on the specified drive.
Status: The expansion status of the shared database: Exists (complete),
Queued, or In Progress.
If the server is running out of free space on the drive where the shared database is
located, you can expand the database to multiple drives. Click Expand DB.
The Expand Database dialog box appears: see the procedure below.
To update the shared database properties, click Refresh.
When you have finished viewing shared database properties, click Close.
Managing LiveBackup Server
To expand the shared database to another drive
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Expand Server Tools, and then expand System Settings.
Right-click Shared Database, and then click Expand Shared Database.
The Expand Shared Database dialog box appears.
From the Expand shared database to list, select the drive to which you want to
expand the shared database.
Click OK.
LiveBackup expands the shared database to the drive you selected. Check progress in
the Shared Database Properties dialog box as described in “To view properties on the
shared database” on page 43.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Compacting the server
If the server computer starts running dangerously low on disk space, you can decrease the
disk space consumed by the server by compacting all client and shared databases.
Compacting the databases removes the gaps in the database that are created when files are
deleted by the Data Aging process. In addition, surplus space allocated to the database, but
never used, is released. LiveBackup calls SQL Server to merge these gaps, move them to the
end of the database file, and then release this chunk of empty space. By removing these gaps,
disk space is freed for the operating system to use in creating new client databases,
extending existing client databases, and otherwise storing additional file information.
When you initiate this task, LiveBackup begins compacting as soon as possible. If it
encounters heavy activity with any database, such as archiving, it will skip the problem
database and move on to the next. LiveBackup skips problem databases to make the
compaction process faster, more reliable, and more efficient.
Use the compaction process only when the server is running low on disk space, and not as a
matter of routine. After compaction, the database will need to extend again when new data
is saved. This process could result in fragmentation at both the file system level and the
database level. Although fragmentation may be fixed using the Windows defrag utility and
SQL Server utilities, it is advised that you avoid this situation altogether. If you make sure
the server has ample free disk space, you should never need to use compaction, thereby
decreasing the risk of fragmentation.
LiveBackup compacts the client transaction logs during data aging, and it
compacts server databases after data aging.
To compact the server
Expand LiveBackup Servers.
Right-click servername, and select Compact.
In the confirmation message that appears, click Yes.
A message appears informing you that the compaction will begin as soon as the server
is available.
Click OK. An alert will appear when compaction is complete. See “Getting server
alerts” on page 28 and “Compact alerts” on page 206.
Managing LiveBackup Server
Protecting the LiveBackup vault
The LiveBackup Server vault is a group of SQL databases containing all of your clients'
protected data. LiveBackup supports three procedures for backing up and restoring the
LiveBackup Server vault as follows:
Third-party vault backup
Vault Management Wizards
COM automation
You can also transfer client account information and/or protected data to another
LiveBackup Server, or redirect a client account to a new LiveBackup Server. For more
information, see “Redirecting clients” on page 127 and “Transferring clients between
servers” on page 130.
Before performing backups using any of the available methods, you should
periodically check the SQL database consistency using Microsoft SQL Server’s
DBCC. This will ensure that the backups you create will later be viable for restore.
For more information on checking the database, see Microsoft SQL Server Books
Third-party application backup
LiveBackup provides a number of scripts that can be integrated with your existing thirdparty backup software, such as Atempo Time Navigator, Veritas Backup Exec™, Brightstor
ARCServe, or even NT Backup. LiveBackup scripts integrate with either a file backup agent
with support for full, incremental, and differential backups, or a SQL backup agent with
support for full and differential backups. Using this method, you can schedule the backup
process and automate backup and recovery. You can also take full advantage of your thirdparty software's automatic tape changing features. For more information, see “Third-party
application backup and restore” on page 48.
Vault Management Wizards
The Vault Management Wizards are LiveBackup’s internal tools for backing up and
restoring the LiveBackup Server vault. Accessible from the LiveBackup Console, they are
simple to use and straightforward, and provide stable backups that can be restored at any
time. Using the Vault Management Wizards, you can back up to disk, tape, or SQL device.
The Vault Management Wizard backs up all data to a single file. This file can then be easily
backed up using third-party backup applications or by simply copying to a tape. Note that
these wizards are fully manual: you cannot schedule or automate backups. There is also no
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
support for automatic tape changers. For more information, see “Vault Management
Wizards” on page 61.
COM automation
LiveBackup provides a COM object for LiveBackup Server backup and status as well as
restore and status. This COM object is easily incorporated into custom scripts, which you
can then use to automate and schedule full backups. You can integrate the COM object into
Visual Basic scripts and customize options such as location, device and, timeout periods. To
use the COM object effectively, you must be familiar with Visual Basic or Java scripting
techniques and be prepared to spend some time setting them up manually. For more
information, see “COM automation” on page 72.
Third-party application backup and restore
You can backup and restore the LiveBackup Server vault using any third-party backup
applications such as Atempo Time Navigator, Veritas Backup Exec™, Brightstor
ARCServe, or even NT Backup. LiveBackup scripts integrate with either a file backup agent
or a SQL backup agent, and enable you to schedule the backup process and automate backup
and recovery or perform it manually. You can also take full advantage of your third-party
software's automatic tape changing features.
LiveBackup provides scripts that integrate with either a file agent or a SQL agent in a
backup application. When you choose which type of backup to use, keep the following
information in mind:
SQL Agent
Enables warm backups. Although the LiveBackup Server will be inaccessible for
maintenance tasks and client backup during the backup procedure, the LiveBackup
Client can still provide file recovery.
Enables full and differential backups of LiveBackup databases.
Differential backups may be up to 10 times faster and save you 10 times the disk space
of full backups.
May not be available in all third-party backup applications.
Managing LiveBackup Server
File Agent
Enables cold backup. LiveBackup Server will not be available for administration,
client backup, or client recovery during the backup procedure.
Enables full, incremental, and differential backups.
Widely available in third-party backup applications, and more backup options may be
Note that for either agent, the backup and restore process could be lengthy, depending on
the amount of data in the LiveBackup vault. You should allocate an appropriate amount of
time. For this reason, scheduling and automating backup and restore may be your best
option, if your backup application supports pre- and post- job commands. If not, you can run
either backup or restore manually.
Backup using a third-party application
You can configure your third-party backup application to back up the LiveBackup vault
using the application's SQL or File Agent on a schedule you select.
If your third-party backup application does not support customization with a pre- and postbackup commands, you may still back up using their file or SQL agents, but you must run
the backup manually. You cannot schedule or automate the process.
To configure automated third-party backup
Determine your backup set. The backup set differs whether you are using file or SQL
File backup: The file backup set must include the location of your client
databases, as well as your LiveBackup system and shared databases, for
example, D:\LBDATA\*.* and E:\LIVEBACKUP DATABASES\*.*. If you are not
sure what folders and files to include, then run BIN\GetBackupList.bat from
the LiveBackup installation folder. This file will gather the names of the files
and folders to include in the backup set and output them to the text files
BackupFileList.txt and BackupFolderList.txt. Note that you must also exclude
the LiveBackup database files LBBACKUP_DATA.MDF and
LBBACKUP_LOG.LDF from the file backup set. If you do not exclude these files
during backup, you will need to do so during restore.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
SQL backup: The SQL backup set must contain all of the LiveBackup Client
and shared databases. These databases are named LBShared, LBSystem, and
LBDB1. .. LBDBn. You must exclude the following databases:
In your backup application, create a new backup job. 1
Specify the backup set as determined in step 1.
In the backup job properties, instruct the application to run the following precommand.
For file backup:
For SQL backup:
These files will prepare the LiveBackup Server for backup by verifying the backup
set, stopping the server, and detaching all databases (file backup only).
© Veritas
Managing LiveBackup Server
In the backup job properties, instruct the application to run the following postcommand:
For file backup:
For SQL backup:
These files will attach all databases and resume LiveBackup Server.
Finally, set a schedule for your backup job. It is recommended that you schedule
backup weekly during off hours, when there is limited network traffic, and the
LiveBackup Server is not busy performing other maintenance tasks such as data
Once the backup job is running, you will be able to check status in the backup
application, and check status in the LiveBackup Console (which will be locked for all
other activity), as well as the Application Log in the Windows Event Viewer.
To run a manual backup with a third-party application
Prepare LiveBackup Server for the ensuing backup by running the following file:
For file backup:
For SQL backup:
This prologue script will determine the backup set, stop the server, and detach all
client databases. This step must complete before continuing with the next step. Check
status in the LiveBackup Console. Completion is posted in the LiveBackup Console
with the message “Server prepared for external backup.”
Run your third-party backup application and run a backup of the appropriate set, as
defined below:
File backup: The file backup set must include the location of your client
databases as well as your LiveBackup system and shared databases, for
example, D:\LBDATA\*.* and E:\LIVEBACKUP DATABASES\*.*. If you are not
sure what folders and files to include, then run BIN\GETBACKUPLIST.BAT from
the LiveBackup installation folder. This file will gather the names of the files
and folders to include in the backup set and output them to the text files
exclude the LiveBackup database files LBBACKUP_DATA.MDF and
LBBACKUP_LOG.LDF from the file backup set. If you do not exclude these files
during backup, you will need to do so during restore.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
SQL backup: The SQL backup set must contain all of the LiveBackup Client
and shared databases. These databases are named LBShared, LBSystem, and
LBDB1. . . LBDBn. You must exclude the following databases:
Wait for the backup to complete. You can check status using your backup
application's standard method.
After backup completes, you can attach databases and resume LiveBackup Server
functionality. To do so, run the backup epilogue file as follows:
For file backup:
For SQL backup:
Check status in the LiveBackup Console. When this step completes, as indicated in
the LiveBackup Console by the message “External backup complete, server
resumed,” the LiveBackup Server will be ready for normal operation again.
Restore using a third-party application backup
You can configure your third-party backup application to restore a previous backup of the
LiveBackup vault using the application's SQL or File Agent. You can restore to the existing
LiveBackup Server computer or a new server that meets the system requirements.
If your third-party backup application does not support custom restore with a pre- and postrestore commands, you may still restore using their file or SQL agents, but you must run the
restore manually. You cannot schedule or automate the process. You can restore to the
existing LiveBackup Server computer or a new server that meets the system requirements.
If the server name of the new LiveBackup Server is not the same as the original server, then
LiveBackup Clients will be unable to connect to the new LiveBackup Server. You have
three choices for solving this problem:
The simplest solution is to redirect the client accounts to the new server name. To
learn how, see “Redirecting clients” on page 127.
Managing LiveBackup Server
You can also manually modify the server connection parameters:
If the clients are connected to the server using its IP address, then change the IP
address on the new server to the IP address of the original server.
If the clients are connected using the DNS name, then configure DNS server to point
the original address to the new LiveBackup Server.
See Also
For information on installing Microsoft SQL Server and LiveBackup Server,
see the LiveBackup Installation and Setup guide.
To configure automated third-party restore:
Make sure the computer is clean of any installations of LiveBackup and SQL Server.
Install SQL Server.
Install LiveBackup Server. The version of LiveBackup Server must be the same as
the version referenced in the backup set.
After installing LiveBackup Server, make sure IIS is not started, and do not configure
data aging or client auto creation.
Run your third-party backup application and configure the restore set. The restore set
differs whether you are using the file or SQL agent: 1
© Veritas
File agent: The file restore set must include all client database files as well as
all LiveBackup system and shared database files, for example, D:\LBDATA\*.*
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
and E:\LIVEBACKUP DATABASES\*.*. You must also exclude the LiveBackup
database files LBBACKUP_DATA.MDF and LBBACKUP_LOG.LDF from the file
backup set.
You must copy all files to the exact same location as they were on the original
SQL agent: The SQL restore set must contain all of the LiveBackup Client and
shared databases. These databases are named LBShared, LBSystem, and
LBDB1. . . LBDBn. You must exclude the following databases:
In the restore job properties, instruct the application to run the following precommand.
For file agent:
For SQL agent:
These files will prepare the LiveBackup Server for data restoration.
In the restore job properties, instruct the application to run the following postcommand:
For file agent:
For SQL agent:
These files will attach all databases and resume LiveBackup Server.When ready,
launch the restore. You can check status in both the LiveBackup Console and the
backup application. You can also review the Application Log in the Windows Event
If storage encryption was enabled on the version of the LiveBackup vault that you are
restoring, LiveBackup does not restore those encryption settings with the vault. This
exclusion enables you to secure your data from an authorized restoration. To recover
data from the restored databases, you must reconfigure the server encryption after
restoration completes. If you do not restore the encryption settings, you will not be
able to access any encrypted data. See “To configure server encryption” on page 167.
Managing LiveBackup Server
To run a manual restore with a third-party application
Make sure the computer is clean of any existing installations of LiveBackup and SQL
Install SQL Server.
Install LiveBackup Server. The version of LiveBackup Server must be the same as
the version referenced in the backup set.
After installing LiveBackup Server, make sure IIS is not started, and do not configure
data aging or client auto creation.
Prepare LiveBackup Server for the ensuing restoration by running the following file:
For file agent:
For SQL agent:
This step must complete before continuing with the next step. Status is indicated in
the LiveBackup Console. Completion is posted in the LiveBackup Console with the
message “Server prepared for external restore.”
Run your third-party backup application and configure the restore set. The restore set
differs whether you are using the file or SQL agent:
File agent: The file restore set must include all client database files as well as
the LiveBackup system and shared databases, for example, D:\LBDATA\*.* and
E:\LIVEBACKUP DATABASES\*.*. You must also exclude the LiveBackup
database files LBBACKUP_DATA.MDF and LBBACKUP_LOG.LDF from the file
backup set.
You must copy all files to the exact same location as they were on the original
SQL agent: The SQL restore set must contain all of the LiveBackup Client and
shared databases. These databases are named LBShared, LBSystem, and
LBDB1. . . LBDBn. You must exclude the following databases:
When ready, launch the restore. You can check status in both the LiveBackup
Console and the backup application. You can also review the Application Log in the
Windows Event Viewer.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Wait for the restore to complete.
After the restore completes, attach databases and resume LiveBackup Server
functionality. To do so, run the restore epilogue files:
For file agent:
For SQL agent:
Check status in the LiveBackup Console. When this step completes, as indicated in
the LiveBackup Console by the message “External backup complete, server
resumed,” the LiveBackup Server will be ready for normal operation again.
If storage encryption was enabled on the version of the LiveBackup vault that you are
restoring, LiveBackup does not restore those encryption settings with the vault. This
exclusion enables you to secure your data from an authorized restoration. To recover
data from the restored databases, you must reconfigure the server encryption after
restoration completes. If you do not restore the encryption settings, you will not be
able to access any encrypted data. See “To configure server encryption” on page 167.
Manually reset the Feature Lockdown configuration on client accounts. To learn how,
see “Configure user access through feature lockdown” on page 111.
Example: Time Navigator backup and restore of the LiveBackup vault
You can back up and restore the LiveBackup vault using Atempo Time Navigator. An
overview is provided below. For detailed instructions, consult the Time Navigator
Back up the LiveBackup vault using Time Navigator
To use Time Navigator to backup the LiveBackup vault, you must have installed the SQL
Application component and created an SQL Application on your Time Navigator Server.
Make sure that you can connect to the LiveBackup Server: right-click the SQL Application
icon in Time Navigator Administration Console, and select Restore & Archive Manager.
Once you have established that connection, you can cancel, and configure the backup.
Managing LiveBackup Server
Make sure the LiveBackup backup scripts are located in a a local directory on the
LiveBackup Server computer. By default, you can find these scripts in
Run Time Navigator Administration Console.
On the SQL Application, create a new strategy for the LiveBackup vault backup. In
the Create Strategy dialog box, click the Advanced tab.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Under Commands, in the Preprocessing box, type the path to the pre-backup
script you copied in step 1: SQLPREBACKUP.BAT
In the Postprocessing box, type the path to the post-processing script you
copied in step 1: SQLPOSTBACKUP.BAT
For more information on other required options, refer to the Time Navigator
Configure the Backup Class with the appropriate exclusions.
Select the LiveBackup/MSSQL application.
From the Backup menu, select Class.
In the class list window you will see at least one class, which will be the
root of the LiveBackup installation.
Select that class, and then click Edit. The Define Backup Class dialog
box appears.
Managing LiveBackup Server
On the Filters page, in Exclusions, specify the following databases to
exclude from backup:
Click OK.
To begin the backup, right-click the strategy on the SQL Application icon and run
Full Session Now.
You can monitor the backup process in LiveBackup Console. See “Work with backup
tasks in progress” on page 70.
Restore the LiveBackup vault from Time Navigator
Review instructions about third-party vault restore in “Restore using a third-party
application backup” on page 52.
Make sure the computer is clean of any installations of LiveBackup and SQL Server.
Install SQL Server.
Install LiveBackup Server. The version of LiveBackup Server must be the same as
the version referenced in the backup set.
After installing LiveBackup Server, make sure IIS is not started, and do not configure
data aging or client auto creation.
Prepare LiveBackup Server for the ensuing restoration by running the following
preprocessing script:
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Run Time Navigator and launch Time Navigator Restore & Archive Manager from
the SQL Application platform icon.
Under Depth of Field, select the Activated check box, and then specify the time
frame for the restore. The databases that existed at the selected time will appear in the
tree control.
In the tree view, specify which databases to restore: select the check boxes beside the
LiveBackup databases LBDB1 to n, LBShared and LBSystem. Do not select
Synchronize the databases to each restore the same backup instance.
Right-click the Synchronizer object in any one of the LiveBackup databases,
and then click Instances.
The Instances window, which contains a list of all the backup versions of the
database, appears.
Click the instance that you want to restore, and then click Synchronize
The tree view displays all the databases that existed at the selected time.
Restore the databases LBDB1 to LBDBn, LBShared and LBSystem to their original
location: From the Restore menu, select Run.
When the restore is complete, run the post-processing script:
You can monitor progress in the LiveBackup Console: see “Work with restore tasks
in progress” on page 71.
Manually reset the Feature Lockdown configuration on client accounts. To learn how,
see “Configure user access through feature lockdown” on page 111.
Managing LiveBackup Server
Vault Management Wizards
Using LiveBackup’s Vault Management features, you can back up and restore the entire
LiveBackup Vault--client, system, and shared databases. If the server computer were to
encounter a disaster, you could then reinstall the server and restore your clients' data.
You can back up the LiveBackup Server and all of your clients' protected files to a tape, files,
or SQL Server Backup Device. From this backup, you can restore the clients, shared, and
system databases in case of a server emergency. You may use multiple backup devices of
the same type to speed up the backup and restore process. This option applies to Tapes or
Files, but not SQL Server Backup Devices.
When you restore the LiveBackup vault, all data within LiveBackup Server will return to
the exact state of the backup, but data on your client computers will not change. This current
data on the LiveBackup Clients will immediately begin to resynchronize with the server
once the restoration is complete, fully updating the LiveBackup Server with the most recent
data from the clients. Interim versions created between the restored backup and the current
data will not be available.
In this section, you will learn how to
Back up the server vault
Restore the server vault
Work with backup tasks in progress
Work with restore tasks in progress
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Back up the server vault
You can back up the LiveBackup Server and all of your clients’ protected files to a tape or
alternate drive using the Vault Backup Wizard.
Make sure that you have enough disk space before you begin backing up the vault to a file.
Free disk space should accommodate the size of your client, shared, and system databases.
Note that no temporary files are created during the backup process.
If you are backing up to disk, and you anticipate that the backup file size will exceed 4 GB,
you must back up to an NTFS disk or partition. FAT32 disks have a 4 GB file size limit.
If you are backing up to tape, it is recommended that you use the LiveBackup Tape option
rather than the SQL Server Backup Device option, even if you have a tape set up as a SQL
Backup Device. LiveBackup is optimized for its own tape backup, which will process faster
than the SQL Device tape backup.
If you are backing up to multiple files, use the LiveBackup File option rather than the SQL
Server Backup Device option.
To learn more about SQL Server Backup Devices, see the SQL Server Books
Online. Go to Administering SQL Server\Backing up and restoring databases,
and in particular, see the chapter and topic Managing Backups\Backup Devices.
To back up the server vault
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Expand Server Tools.
Right-click Vault Management and select Vault Backup Wizard.
Managing LiveBackup Server
The Welcome page of the Vault Backup Wizard appears.
Read the Welcome page, and then click Next.
The Choose Backup Device page appears.
Click one of the following locations where you want to save the backup file:
Disk file(s): Saves the backup in a file on a local or network drive.
Local tape(s): Saves the backup on a tape. If you select this option, then in the
Timeout box, type the number of hours (1-72) that you want LiveBackup to
wait for a tape change before aborting the backup process.
SQL Server backup device(s): Saves the backup to a device set up by SQL
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Click Add. In the Choose Backup Device dialog box, choose the device or type the
path to the device.
How you choose the device depends on the type you selected:
File: Type the full path and file name of the backup file, or click the ellipses
button and select the path.
Tape: Select the tape from the drop-down list. It will appear in the format
SQL Server backup device: Select the name of the device from the dropdown list.
Click OK.
The device you selected appears in the device list of the Choose Backup Device page.
Click a backup device in this list, and then click Next.
Managing LiveBackup Server
The Choose Operating Mode page appears.
For the most consistent and stable results, you should stop LiveBackup Server during
the backup process.
To stop it, click Cold. The LiveBackup Server will suspend backup service to the
client PCs during the vault backup process; clients will resume automatically once
the backup is complete.
Otherwise, click Hot. The LiveBackup Server will continue to process backup
requests from client PCs while vault backup is running.
Click Next. The Summary page appears.
To begin backing up the vault, click Finish.
To check on the status of the backup task, look in the details pane. To update the
status, click the Refresh button in the toolbar.
You can find more information on the messages that appear in “LiveBackup
maintenance messages” on page 231.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Restore the server vault
If the client databases become corrupt or lost, you can restore them all from a previous
backup using the Vault Restore Wizard.
You can restore to the existing LiveBackup Server computer or a new server that meets the
system requirements.
If the server name of the new LiveBackup Server is not the same as the original server, then
LiveBackup Clients will be unable to connect to the new LiveBackup Server. You have
three choices for solving this problem:
The simplest solution is to redirect the client accounts to the new server name. To
learn how, see “Redirecting clients” on page 127.
You can also manually modify the server connection parameters:
If the clients are connected to the server using its IP address, then change the IP
address on the new server to the IP address of the original server.
If the clients are connected using the DNS name, then configure DNS server to point
the original address to the new LiveBackup Server.
To restore the server vault
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Expand Server Tools.
Right-click Vault Management and select Vault Restore Wizard.
The Welcome page of the Vault Restore Wizard appears.
Read the Welcome page, and then click Next.
Managing LiveBackup Server
The Choose Source Device page appears.
Click the location where the backup was saved: Disk file(s), Local tape(s), or SQL
Server backup device(s).
If you select Local tapes, then in the Timeout box, type the number of hours
(1-72) that you want LiveBackup to wait for a tape change before aborting the
restoration process.
To choose the backup file, click Add. Then in the Choose Backup Device
dialog box, click the ellipses browse button.
The Backup Device Location dialog box appears.
Choose the path to the backup file, and then click the backup file name. Click OK to
return to the Choose Backup Device dialog box.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Click OK to return to the Choose Source Device page, containing the file you
In the Restore From list, click that file name, and then click Next.
The Select Restore Location—LiveBackup Vault page appears.
Choose the location to which you want to restore the LiveBackup vault:
Click either Restore the client databases to their original locations, or click
Restore all client databases to the following location, and then type the path in the
box below, or click the Location button and choose the path from the Clients
Databases Location dialog box.
Click Next.
Managing LiveBackup Server
The Select Restore Location—Common Database page appears.
Choose the location for the restored shared and system database files.
Click either Restore the common databases to their original location, or Restore
the common databases to the following location, and then type the path in the box
below or click the Location button and choose the path from the Common Database
Location dialog box.
The Vault Restore Wizard Summary page appears.
Before you begin restoring the LiveBackup Vault, you must stop IIS: Click Start and
point to Programs. Point to Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Services
Manager. Expand servername, right-click Default Web Site, and then select Stop.
To begin restoring the vault, click Finish.
A message appears informing you that the LiveBackup Console treeview will be
inaccessible during the restoration. Click OK to close the message.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Status appears in the details pane of the LiveBackup Servers node. To update the
status, connect to the server, and then press F5. When restoration completes, the
console tree becomes available again, and an alert appears under Alerts\Event
Viewer\LiveBackup Alerts list when restoration completes.
Restart IIS: Click Start and point to Programs. Point to Administrative Tools, and
then click Internet Services Manager. Expand servername, and then right-click
Default Web Site, and select Start.
If storage encryption was enabled on the version of the LiveBackup vault that you are
restoring, LiveBackup does not restore those encryption settings with the vault. This
exclusion enables you to secure your data from an authorized restoration. To recover
data from the restored databases, you must reconfigure the storage encryption after
restoration completes. See “To configure storage encryption,” on page 167.
Manually reset the Feature Lockdown configuration on client accounts. To learn how,
see “Configure user access through feature lockdown” on page 111.
See Also
“Vault Management alerts” on page 213
Work with backup tasks in progress
You can view status on or abort the backup process.
For more information on the status messages that appear under Vault Management, see
“LiveBackup maintenance messages” on page 231.
To view the status of a vault backup task
To check on the status of the backup task, look in the details pane. To update the
status, click the Refresh button in the toolbar.
To cancel a vault backup task
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Expand Server Tools.
Right-click Vault Management and select Abort.
In the confirmation message that appears, click Yes.
A message appears informing you that the current task is being canceled.
Click OK.
Managing LiveBackup Server
Work with restore tasks in progress
You can view status on or abort the vault restoration process.
For more information on the status messages that appear under Vault Management, see
“LiveBackup maintenance messages” on page 231.
If you cancel a vault restoration task in progress, then your client databases will
not be completely restored, and LiveBackup Server will not function properly.
To recover from this situation, you must reinstall LiveBackup Server and run
the Vault Restore Wizard again.
To cancel a vault restoration task
Right-click servername, and then click Abort.
A warning message appears.
To abort the restoration process, click Yes. To continue restoration, click No.
To view the status of a vault restoration task
Right-click the LiveBackup Servers node, and then click Connect to server.
Look in the details pane to view the status of a restoration task. Periodically press F5
to update the status. The remainder of the console tree remains unavailable until
restoration completes.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
COM automation
If you are or have access to a Windows programmer who is familiar with COM objects, you
can create scripts to run vault backup, restore a vault backup, get backup and restore status,
or abort a backup or restore task.
The COM object LBAdmin.Vault exposes five methods:
Runs vault backup with the parameters specified.
long Operation,
BSTR DestType,
BSTR Destinations,
long ColdBackup,
long Timeout,
Operation: The type of backup. 0-full backup.
DestType: The device to which the backup is written. “Disk”-disk file; “Tape”-tape
Destinations: The location to which the backup is written. e.g. ‘TAPE0’, or
‘C:\backup1.bin’. If you want to back up to multiple devices at the same time, then
list all of the devices, separated by commas, such as ‘Tape0’, ‘Tape1’, ‘Tape2’
ColdBackup: The type of backup. 0-hot backup (default); 1-cold backup.
Timeout: The number of hours to wait for a tape change before aborting the process.
Return Values
Set Vault=CreateObject ("LBAdmin.Vault")
Vault.RunBackup 0,"Disk","'C:\Backup.bin'",0,1
Managing LiveBackup Server
If the Vault Backup task fails for any reason, LBAdmin.Vault will display an
exception error message.
Displays the status of the Vault backup task in progress.
Return Values
long (0-not running; 1-running)
Set Vault=CreateObject ("LBAdmin.Vault")
There are only two valid backup statuses: running or not running. If the backup
procedure fails, then the this status method will report only that it is not running.
Progress (i.e. number of databases backed up) is not available.
Restores a vault backup with the parameters specified.
long Operation,
BSTR SrcType,
BSTR Sources,
BSTR ClientsDBDir,
BSTR SharedDBDir,
long Timeout,
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Operation: The type of restoration. 0-restore.
SrcType: The device from which the backup is restored. “Disk”-disk file; “Tape”tape device.
Sources: The location from which the backup is restored. e.g. ‘TAPE0’ or
‘C:\backup1.bin’ If you are restoring from multiple devices at the same time, then list
all of the devices, separate by commas: ‘Tape0’, ‘Tape1’, ‘Tape2’
ClientsDBDir: Location to which the client databases are to be restored. Empty by
SharedDBDir: Location to which the shared database is to be restored. Empty by
Timeout: The number of hours to wait for a tape change before aborting the process.
Return Values
Set Vault=CreateObject ("LBAdmin.Vault")
If the Vault Restore task fails for any reason, LBAdmin.Vault will display an
exception error message.
Displays the status of the vault restoration task in progress.
Return Values
long (0-not running; 1-running; 2-aborted; 3-failed)
Managing LiveBackup Server
Set Vault=CreateObject ("LBAdmin.Vault")
This version of the GetRestoreStatus method does not indicate the need for tape
changes. You must manually insert the tapes when required.
Cancels the current backup or restore task.
Return Values
Set Vault=CreateObject ("LBAdmin.Vault")
To get the status of the AbortBackupRestore method, run GetBackupStatus or
GetRestoreStatus any time after aborting the task.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
In addition, this object supports the following properties:
BSTR Server
Owned by object, default value is “(local)”.
Used by any method to establish connection with particular LiveBackup Server.
Owned by LiveBackup Server.
Represents timeout in hours of waiting for an operator action such as insertion of the next
tape. This property specification affects the next method called; it does not apply to current
tasks. This property is read-write: The value you specify here is used only if you omit the
timeout parameter from the backup or restore methods. If the timeout parameter is specified
in the RunBackup or RunRestore methods, then the parameter specified in the parameter
overrides the property specification.
Set Vault=CreateObject("LBAdmin.Vault")
Configuring clients
From Clients in the console tree, you can add and configure the workstation and laptop
computers that you want LiveBackup to protect from accidental file loss. For each client
computer that you add, LiveBackup creates a Microsoft SQL database for storing the client's
In this chapter, you will learn about
Creating clients and groups
Working with clients and groups
Configuring protection properties
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Creating clients and groups
The first step in protection of computers on your network is to create groups, and then add
those client computers you want to protect to the groups in the LiveBackup Console. When
you add the computer, LiveBackup creates a database to store that computer’s files and sets
up necessary connections to the client computer. Each computer you add is a client of
LiveBackup Server.
Before you create groups and add clients, you should analyze your company's needs and
group computers by their protection requirements. Since you can create groups within
groups, you may also choose to group clients first by department, and then by protection
requirements—whatever meets your needs. After your determine those needs, create all the
client groups and configure their protection properties. Then you can add clients to those
groups, and the clients will inherit the protection properties set for the group.
This section describes how to create groups and clients.
See Also
LiveBackup Deployment Guide at
Create groups
Before you add clients, you should either configure LiveBackup to create groups
automatically and/or create the groups in which the client computers will be located. This is
an easy way to add multiple clients with identical protection configurations, because all
clients inherit the protection configuration of their group. Likewise nested groups may
inherit the protection configuration of their parent group. When you change the
configuration of the group, the change applies to all client members and subgroups.
Each individual client and group is identified by this group hierarchy, with a full compound
name of [email protected]. By identifying clients using their full
compound name, LiveBackup enables you to give clients the same name as long as they are
located in different groups.
Modifications to Storage and Auto-Creation properties are inherited from the
group to the subgroup, but do not apply to existing clients. Storage properties may
be configured independently for each client.
Configuring clients
In this section, you will learn how to
Create groups automatically
Create groups manually
Add clients to a group
Create groups automatically
LiveBackup can create groups automatically with the default protection configuration.
To create groups automatically, first you must configure LiveBackup to accept these
requests. On the Client Account Creation Policies dialog box, make sure the Create groups
automatically check box is selected. See “Create clients automatically” on page 81.
Then when you install the LiveBackup Client software, specify the group as well as the
client in the Client Name page of the Installation Wizard. You can do this by typing both the
client name and the group name as follows: [email protected].
You can also specify this group name during Web installations by sending a link to the full
group and client name specification as part of the Web URL as follows:
See Also
“Chapter 5: Installing LiveBackup Clients” in the LiveBackup Installation and
Setup Guide.
Create groups manually
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Right-click Clients or any group to which you want to add a group, and point to New.
Click Group.
The New Group dialog box appears.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
In the Group name box, type a unique name describing the group you want to add.
This name may identify the type of protection you are configuring, such as Full
Protection, or it might represent a company department, such as Accounting.
Note that the group name must not contain the characters @ (“at” symbol) or .
(period). The group name may be up to 50 characters, but the full compound group
and client name must not exceed 255 characters.
In the Comment box, type a description and details about the group you are creating.
This information may include the type of clients contained within the group, client
users and contact information. You may type up to 4,000 characters.
You can now configure advanced protection properties, or you can create the group
with the properties inherited from its parent group.
To view or set protection properties for this client, click the Advanced button.
LiveBackup displays the Group Properties dialog box, in which you can
configure protection. To learn how, see “Configuring protection properties” on
page 95
To create the group with the default properties, click OK.
You can now add individual clients to the group. Each client that you create within
the group will inherit all of the settings you configured for the group.
Add clients to a group
You can add clients to a group both automatically and manually. To learn how to add clients
automatically, see “Create clients automatically” on page 81.
To learn how to add clients manually, see “Create individual clients” on page 86.
Once installed on the client computer, LiveBackup will protect all clients that you added
using the protection settings of the group.
Configuring clients
Create clients
You can create clients one at a time before installing them, or you can enable LiveBackup
to create clients automatically upon first connection to the LiveBackup Server. If you
configure LiveBackup in this manner, then you do not have to create all the clients in the
LiveBackup Console before installing them.
In this section, you will learn how to
Create clients automatically.
Create individual clients.
Create clients automatically
When you set up LiveBackup for the first time, you can create all the clients you plan to
protect with LiveBackup manually. However, you can also set up LiveBackup to create
clients that are installed after your initial setup automatically.
After you install LiveBackup on a client computer and reboot, that client will attempt to
connect to the LiveBackup Server immediately. You can configure LiveBackup Server to
create an account for that client as soon as it tries to connect, specify in which group the
account will be created, and you determine when client replication begins.
If you do not configure LiveBackup to create clients automatically, then when a connection
is attempted, LiveBackup Server will reject the client and post an alert. You can then create
the client manually, if you wish.
By default, clients that have been deleted are blacklisted and refused for auto-creation.
To create clients automatically, you must first configure groups to enable clients to be
created automatically within them and specify when those clients will begin replication.
You can then configure LiveBackup to automatically create clients within specified groups.
In this section, you will learn how to
Enable client auto-creation within a group
Configure LiveBackup to create clients automatically
Exclude a client from auto-creation
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
To enable client auto-creation within a group
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Expand Clients.
Right-click the group that you want to configure and select Properties.
Click the Auto-Creation tab.
If you want this group to inherit the settings applied to its parent group, make sure the
Inherit these properties from the parent group check box is selected. This is the
default selection. All other options in the properties sheet become disabled, and the
parent properties apply.
If you want to customize properties for this particular group, clear the Inherit these
properties from the parent group check box, and proceed to step 6.
To enable clients to be created automatically within this group, clear the Deny autocreation requests to this group check box.
In the Client activation area, select when to begin copying files from the
automatically created client to the LiveBackup Server. Select one of the following
Start immediately after auto-creation: Begins copying files to the
LiveBackup Server as soon as the client database is created. Select this option
if you expect only a few clients to be replicating simultaneously, and therefore
have no concerns about network traffic or performance.
Configuring clients
Start at specific time: Begins copying files at the time and date you specify.
Select this option to delay replication to off-peak days and/or hours such as
weekends or the middle of the night.
Start in: Begins copying files so many hours after the client account has been
created. Select this option if you want to delay replication by only several hours
or so.
Do not start: Does not copy files to the LiveBackup Server. Select this option
if you want to manually launch replication for the client by selecting Activate
from its action menu.
Click OK.
To configure LiveBackup to create clients automatically
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Expand Server Tools, and then click System Settings.
Right-click Client Account Creation Policies, and then click Configure.
The Client Account Creation Policies dialog box appears.
Select the Enable automatic client account creation check box.
To create new groups that are specified during client installation, select the Create
groups automatically check box.
If a new group name is specified during client installation, then LiveBackup will
create both the group and the client.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
To rename a client whose default name already exists in LiveBackup Server, select
the Resolve duplicate client names check box.
If the client that is being created has the same full compound name as an existing
client account, then the new client will have a ~X appended to its name, where X is
replaced with a number.
If the client that is being created has no group name specified, and another client
account with the same name already exists and has not yet been initialized or was
reinitialized, then the new client will attach to the existing account. See “Re-initialize
a client” on page 118.
To create clients within a specified group, select the Enable auto-creation for clients
that do not specify a group check box. Then in the Place such clients in the
following group box, specify the name of the group in which you want to create these
clients: click Choose, and then select it from the Select Group dialog box.
Note that this option applies only to clients that attempt to connect to the LiveBackup
Server without a group specification. The group name may be specified during client
Note also that the group you specify here must be configured to accept automatic
client creation. See “To enable client auto-creation within a group” on page 82
Click OK.
Once a newly installed client tries to connect to the LiveBackup Server, LiveBackup
creates the client account on the server. The client will begin copying files at the time
specified in the Auto-Creation page of the Group Properties.
To disable auto-creation, clear the Enable automatic client account
creation check box.
To begin replication of a pending client, right-click the client and choose
Configuring clients
To exclude a client from auto-creation
To improve security, you may want to prevent LiveBackup from creating particular clients
automatically. By default, manually created clients and deleted clients are excluded from
auto-creation. To prevent automatic creation of specific clients, you can prepare a list of
clients refused for auto-creation.
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Expand Server Tools, then click System Settings.
Right-click Client Account Creation Policies, and then click Configure.
The Client Account Creation Policies dialog box appears.
Beside the Blacklisted clients list, click Add.
The Select Client dialog box appears.
Type or select the name of the client that you do not want LiveBackup to
automatically create upon connection. Make sure you type the full compound client
name, including group and client as follows: [email protected].
Click OK.
If you want to remove any clients from the blacklist, thereby allowing them to be
automatically created, press Ctrl and click each client account that you want to
remove, and then click Remove.
In the Client Account Creation Policies dialog box, click OK.
Once a client is deleted, it will be added to the blacklisted clients list
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Create individual clients
You can add each client in your network individually to the LiveBackup Server. Although
this process may take a while, adding the clients individually enables you to configure
unique protection settings for each client. See “Configuring protection properties” on
page 95.
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Right-click Clients or any group to which you want to add a client, and point to New.
Click Client. The New Client dialog box appears.
In the Client name box, type the name of the computer you want LiveBackup to
protect. You may give the client any name that helps you identify the computer. This
name may be the same as the NetBIOS computer name, or any other name you
choose. Note that the client name must not contain the characters @ (“at” symbol) or
. (period).
The client name you enter will be appended to the group name to create the full
compound name with the format [email protected]. Each
individual client and group name must not exceed 50 characters, and the compound
name must not exceed 255 characters.
In the Comment box, type a description and details about the client you are creating.
This information may include the type of client computer, location, client users, or
contact information. You may type up to 4,000 characters.
You can now configure advanced protection properties, or you can create the client
with the properties inherited from its parent group.
To view or set protection properties for this client, click the Advanced button.
LiveBackup displays the Client Properties dialog box, in which you can
configure protection. See “Configuring protection properties” on page 95.
To create the client with the group properties, click OK.
LiveBackup adds the client to the LiveBackup Console with a Activating status, and
then creates a database to store the client's files as soon as possible. The client icon
appears disabled until the client connects to the LiveBackup Server.
Configuring clients
Working with clients and groups
After clients and groups are created, you can work with them in standard ways: rename,
delete, and view properties. In this section you will learn how to
Rename a client or a group
View client or group information
Delete clients or groups
Rename a client or a group
You can rename a client or a group for any reason. LiveBackup tracks the name changes and
resolves any potential conflicts.
Renaming clients is particularly useful when used in conjunction with the File Migration
Wizard to redeploy a corrupt or lost LiveBackup Client computer.
See Also
“Migrate files” on page 121.
To rename a client
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Expand Clients.
If the client that you want to rename is a member of a client group, click the group to
which the client belongs.
All clients display in the details pane.
Right-click the desired client, and then point to All Tasks. Click Rename.
The Rename Client dialog box appears.
In the New name box, type a new name for the client.
Click OK.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
To rename a group
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Expand Clients.
If the group that you want to rename is a member of another group, expand that group
as well.
Right-click the desired group, and then point to All Tasks. Click Rename.
The Rename Group dialog box appears.
In the New name box, type a new name for the client.
Click OK.
View client or group information
You can view details and protection configuration of the client or group. Details appear as
soon as you select the Clients node in the LiveBackup Console. A client’s protection
configuration appears in its Properties page.
You can also modify the view of the Clients details pane to display clients either by group
membership hierarchy (the default), or in a plain list. Viewing individual clients may be
helpful in locating a specific client or applying a command to multiple clients within
different groups.
To view client or group details
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Click Clients.
The details pane displays all groups and clients located in the root group with
information about the client account on the LiveBackup Server, the LiveBackup
Client computer, and the LiveBackup Client software. The following details may
Configuring clients
appear. To modify this list, see “To customize client details” on page 91.
Client account information:
Name: The name of the client account, or the name of the group.
Type: Client or Group.
Group name: When displayed in All Clients mode, this column displays the
name of the group to which the client belongs. See “To view all clients” on
page 92.
Used space: The size of the data currently occupying the client database.
Allocated: The amount of disk space currently used by the client database,
including temporary disk space used for database processing.
ID: An internal code by which LiveBackup identifies the client or group.
Status: Blank, Creating database, Stopped, Activation pending, Activating,
Creation failed, Redirecting, Redirected, or Incompatible version.
Blank If the Status column is blank, then the client database is created and the
server is ready to back up the client’s data.
Stopped Either the client or server was manually stopped by the
administrator, or there’s a problem to address. See “Getting server alerts” on
page 28.
Activation pending The client has been added to LiveBackup, but database
creation is delayed due to the auto-creation settings in Group Properties. See
“To enable client auto-creation within a group” on page 82.
Activating LiveBackup is in the process of creating a client database.
Creation failed LiveBackup failed to create the client. Check Alerts to
determine why. Delete the client, fix the problem noted in Alerts, and then
recreate it. See “Getting server alerts” on page 28.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Redirecting: LiveBackup is in the process of redirecting the client account to a
new server. See “Redirecting clients” on page 127.
Redirected: The client account has been redirected to a new LiveBackup
Server. This account is accepting no more data, and may be deleted. See
“Delete clients or groups” on page 93.
Incompatible version: The version of the LiveBackup Client software is
incompatible with the LiveBackup Server. You must update the client
software. To learn how, see the LiveBackup Installation and Setup Guide.
Expires: Displays the date on which the client account will expire or has
Comment: Information about the client or group that the LiveBackup
Administrator entered in the Comment area of Properties.
LiveBackup Client computer information
Last user: The name of the last user who logged in to the client computer.
Version: The version of LiveBackup Client installed on the specified client
Operating system: The version of Windows running on the client computer.
Client state: The state of LiveBackup Client on the computer: Active, Inactive,
Paused, Auto-paused, Cache out of space, Conserving cache space, or Scan
Cache size: The amount of disk space allocated to the client cache folder. The
size of the files in the cache folder may grow to this size.
Cache in use: The total size in megabytes of files in the local client cache
Files in cache: The number of files in the LiveBackup Client cache folder.
Cache location: The full path to the cache folder on the LiveBackup client.
Server address: The name and port of the LiveBackup server computer to
which LiveBackup Client is backing up files. If the client account is being
redirected, then both the original and the target server names appear here.
Alarm: Whether the LiveBackup Client has encountered a critical error.
Computer name: The name of the client computer.
Last connection: The time of the client's last connection to LiveBackup
Configuring clients
LiveBackup Server receives updated details from each LiveBackup Client hourly.
The Allocated and Used Space columns are updated once daily. To see current
values for a specified client, click the Refresh button in the Storage page of Client
To customize client details
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Click Clients.
The details pane displays all groups and clients located in the root group. Status
information about client account on the LiveBackup Server and the client computer
and the LiveBackup Client software appear.
Right-click Clients, point to View, and then click Choose Columns (Windows 2000)
or Add/Remove Columns (Windows XP or Server 2003).
The Add/Remove or Modify Columns dialog box appears.
In the Hidden columns list, click the detail that you want to view, and then click Add.
The detail moves to the Displayed columns list. Repeat for each detail you want.
In the Displayed columns list, click any detail that you want to hide, and then click
Remove. The detail moves to the Hidden columns list. Repeat for each detail to hide.
To adjust the order in which the details appear, click a detail in the Displayed
columns list, and then click Move Up or Move Down.
When you have finished, click OK. LiveBackup Console will display columns for
each detail you selected in the order you chose.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
To view client or group properties
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername. Click Clients.
Right-click a client or group name and click Properties.
The Properties page appears.
When you have finished viewing properties, click OK.
See Also
For more information on the Properties that appear, see “Configuring
protection properties” on page 95.
To view all clients
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Click Clients.
From the View menu, select All Clients.
All clients appear in alphabetical order in the details pane. To determine each client's
group membership, see the Group column.
To revert to the default view, from the View menu, select By Group.
To search for a client
While in All Clients view (see above), type the first letter of the client's name. Focus
will move to the first client in the list with that initial letter. You can then scroll to find
the specific client you want.
Configuring clients
Delete clients or groups
You can delete clients or groups, but before you delete a group, you must delete all clients
within it.
When you delete a client, you delete its entire database from LiveBackup. The client will no
longer be protected, all saved system checkpoints and versions will be lost, and the client
will no longer be able to back up files to the LiveBackup Server. For all these reasons, do
not delete a client until you are absolutely sure that it has either encountered an
unrecoverable error, such as a corrupt database, or it no longer needs LiveBackup
Once a client is deleted, it will be refused for automatic client creation.
To delete a client
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Click Clients, and then expand the group to which the client belongs.
Right-click the client you want to remove, and then point to All Tasks. Click Delete.
A confirmation dialog box appears.
Click Yes.
The client and all of its protected files are removed from the LiveBackup storage
To delete multiple clients, press Ctrl as you click each one. Right-click the
last client, and then click Delete.
Once a client is deleted, it will be refused for automatic client creation.
To delete a group
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Click Clients.
Right-click the group you want to remove, and then click Delete.
A confirmation dialog box appears.
To delete the group, click Yes.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Move clients among groups
You can move a client from one group to another, or you may move the client out of a group
and make it standalone. You may want to move a client if you want to delete all clients in
the group but one, or if you want to change protection settings.
To move a client from one group to another
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Click Clients.
All groups and standalone clients currently protected by LiveBackup appear in the
details pane.
In the details pane, double-click the group containing the client you want to move.
All client members appear in the details pane.
Right-click the client or group that you want to move and point to All Tasks.
Click Move to.
The Select Group dialog box appears.
Select the group to which you want to move the chosen client.
The moved client will inherit the protection configuration of that group for all pages
in which the inherit check box is selected, except the Storage page. Storage settings
are not inherited.
Click OK.
To move more than one client or group, press Ctrl as you click each one.
Right-click the last object, and then click Move to.
You can also move a group using this same procedure. The group inherits
the protection configuration of the parent group for all pages in which the
inherit check box is selected.
Configuring clients
Configuring protection properties
When you create a client group, you can configure how LiveBackup will protect the files on
each client within that group. You can add comments, choose drives and file types to protect,
allocate storage space, configure data aging and configure default user access. You may also
enable clients to be created automatically within a particular group, and customize when
those clients will begin replication.
By default, clients will inherit the properties of their group. However, you can modify the
protection configuration in the Properties of each group, and/or customize the properties
assigned to any particular client at any time after creation.
Each LiveBackup Client queries the server for any properties changes every time it connects
to the LiveBackup Server. This connection will occur at least every 5 minutes. If changes
have been applied, then LiveBackup Client will rescan protected drives on the client
computer. Files that have already been cached will not be affected, but all new files will
adhere to the updated settings.
This section describes how to modify properties as follows:
Edit name and comments
Specify the level of file protection
Define which types of files to protect
Define discardable data types
Allocate storage space for protected files
Configure data aging
Configure user access through feature lockdown
Set an expiration date
Enable auto-creation within a group (groups only)
All of these protection settings are specified in the Properties page of a group or client.
See Also
“To view all clients” on page 92.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Edit name and comments
The General page of Client or Group Properties specifies the name of the client or group and
provides a place for you to type a description and details about it.
To edit name and comments
Display properties as described in “To view client or group properties,” on page 92.
Make sure the General tab is selected.
In the Group name or Client name box, type the name you want use to identify this
Beneath the name box, you will see the client or group's full internal name. This name
is a combination of the individual client name and the parent group's name as follows:
[email protected]. For example, a client named “John” that is
located in the “Outside Sales” group under the “Sales and Marketing” parent group,
has a full compound client identification as John@Outside Sales.Sales and
Marketing. You can use this name to help locate the client.
In the Comment box, type any information you want to provide about the client or
group. This information may include the type of client computer, location, client users
and contact information. You may type up to 4,000 characters.
Click OK.
If you are viewing a client's properties, you cannot change the name of the client.
To learn how, see “Rename a client or a group” on page 87.
Configuring clients
Specify the level of file protection
The Protection page of the client or group Properties specifies which drives are protected on
the client computer, and whether all files or only user document files will be protected.
If you set User Document Protection, then neither full system rollbacks nor
disaster recovery will be available to the protected client(s).
To specify the level of protection
Display properties as described in “To view client or group properties,” on page 92.
Click the Protection tab.
To inherit the settings applied to the parent group, make sure the Inherit these
properties from the parent group check box is selected. This is the default
selection. All other options in the properties sheet become disabled, and the parent
properties apply.
If you want to customize properties for this particular client or group, clear the
Inherit these properties from the parent group check box, and proceed to step 4.
In the Protect the following drives on this computer list, select the check box beside
each client drive you want LiveBackup to protect. When selecting the drives that you
want to protect on a group of computers, select the superset of drives.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Select the type of protection you want to provide the client.
Full System Protection: Protects the entire client system, with the exception
of discardable data.
User Document Protection: Protects only those file types that you create, such
as DOC (Word), TXT (Notepad), BMP (Paintbrush), and any other file types
that you define as user documents. Define these document types on the
Protected Data page. See “Define which types of files to protect” on page 98.
Click OK.
Define which types of files to protect
Under Full System protection, LiveBackup protects all your clients’ files, except those files
that are excluded from protection in the Discardable Data page. However, under User
Document Protection, LiveBackup protects only those files defined as user documents.
LiveBackup defines user documents as any files you create on the client computer, as well
as any files located in the My Documents folder on the client computer.
On the Protected Data page, you may define your own user document types for LiveBackup
to protect under User Document Protection mode. You can define protection masks for
individual files, file types, or entire folders and subfolders.
If you have Full System Protection enables, the Protected Data page contains no
configurable options, as all data will be protected equally.
To define protected file types
Display properties as described in “To view client or group properties,” on page 92.
Click the Protected Data tab.
Configuring clients
If you have Full System Protection enabled, the following page appears:
All data is protected. See “Specify the level of file protection” on page 97.
If you have user document only protection enabled, such as the protection provided
by LiveBackup Express Client, then you can define specific file types to define as
user documents. The following Protected Data page appears.
To inherit the settings applied to the parent group, make sure the Inherit these
properties from the parent group check box is selected. This is the default
selection. All other options in the properties sheet become disabled, and the parent
properties apply.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
If you want to customize properties for this particular client or group, clear the
Inherit these properties from the parent group check box, and proceed to step 4.
The Predefined macro types list displays the default folders and file types that
LiveBackup protects as User Documents. For definitions of these macros, see “File
type macros” on page 193.
If you don't want a default type protected, clear its check box. This type will no longer
be protected when User Document Protection is selected
To protect any other file type under User Document Protection, type its mask into the
New mask box, and then click Add.
LiveBackup adds the mask to the Other file and directory masks list and protects it
when you select User Document Protection. See “Tips on masks” on page 103.
To remove a custom type from protection, select its mask in the Other file and
directory masks list, and then click Remove.
Files of this type will no longer be protected under User Document Protection;
however, any existing backups of this file type will remain in LiveBackup storage
until archived or deleted by data aging.
After you have finished adding and removing User Document types, click OK.
If you accidentally define a file type as both a User Document type and a
Discardable Data type, then the Discardable Data type takes precedence,
and files will be excluded from protection.
Configuring clients
Define discardable data types
LiveBackup defines file types that are excluded from protection as discardable data. This
discardable data consists of files that are completely unnecessary for full system backups,
including Windows temporary files that are recreated at boot time, such as swap files, and
cached files from the Internet. It also includes local temporary directories, the Windows
Recycle Bin, and temporary download directories.
Most files that LiveBackup defines as discardable may be protected by changing settings in
the Discardable Data Properties page. However, data that LiveBackup defines as internal
discardable data will never be protected, and you may not alter this setting.
On the Discardable Data page, you can define other file types as discardable; however, make
sure the types of files you define as discardable are truly unnecessary, such as
temporary files created by the operating system or an application;
large files that change often, but do not need to be versioned, such as log files;
custom temporary folders, such as C:\TEMP\*.*;
screen saver configuration files that write out the same file repeatedly;
large backup or archive files that you do not want to protect, such as Ghost (*.gho) or
*.iso images, which LiveBackup includes as discardable data by default;
and any other files you are sure are unnecessary for mirroring and versioning.
Discarding such files will save disk space on the LiveBackup Server and diminish network
Designating any file types other than the defaults as discardable data could
prevent a full system recovery on the client.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
To define discardable data
Display properties as described in “To view client or group properties,” on page 92.
Click the Discardable Data tab.
To inherit the settings applied to the parent group, make sure the Inherit these
properties from the parent group check box is selected. This is the default
selection. All other options in the properties sheet become disabled, and the parent
properties apply.
If you want to customize properties for this particular client or group, clear the
Inherit these properties from the parent group check box, and proceed to step 4.
The Predefined discardable data list displays the default folders and file types that
LiveBackup excludes from protection. These files are never backed up, and therefore
are unavailable for recovery. For definitions of these macros, see “File type macros”
on page 193. To protect any of the types or locations marked as discardable data, clear
the check box beside the type. LiveBackup will then protect this type under Full
System Protection.
Internal discardable data refers to permanent discardable data; therefore,
you cannot clear this check box.
To exclude another file type or location from protection, type it into the New mask
box, and then click Add. LiveBackup adds the mask to the Other discardable data
list and excludes it from all backups. See “Tips on masks” on page 103
Configuring clients
To protect a type previously defined as discardable, select the mask in the Other
discardable data list, and then click Remove.
LiveBackup will now protect files that meet the mask criteria you removed.
After you have finished adding and removing Discardable Data types, click OK.
If you define a file type as both a User Document type and a Discardable
Data type, then the Discardable Data takes precedence, and the file will be
excluded from protection.
Tips on masks
A mask is a string of characters that represents a group of files or file locations. You can use
a mask to represent groups of files that you want to protect or discard from protection in the
Protected Data or Discardable Data pages of Client or Group Properties.
Masks are case insensitive. A mask is created with wildcards and system environment
variables. A wildcard is a character that is used to represent one or more characters.
An asterisk (*) takes the place of zero or more characters.
A question mark (?) takes the place of a single character.
Wildcards are useful for representing a group of specific file types. For example, *.tmp
represents all temporary files that have a tmp extension, regardless of their file names.
A system environment variable is a string consisting of environment information, such as a
drive, path, or file name, associated with a symbolic name that can be used by Windows. In
masks, the environment variables should be enclosed in percent signs. For example,
%windir%\*.tmp represents all temporary files in the system folder, including subfolders.
Only System environment variables will take effect in the masks; User environment
variables will not be interpreted.
See Also
For more information on wildcards and system environment variables, see
Windows Help.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
You can use wildcards and system environment variables together to represent groups of
files. For example:
To represent all files of a particular type, regardless of location use *.ext. For
example, for Word document files, use *.DOC
To represent the Windows directory, use %WINDIR%. For example, to discard a log
file folder LOGS in the Windows directory, use %WINDIR%\LOGS\*
To represent a folder that you may want to protect or discard, use C:\foldername\*.
For example, to discard all files in a custom temporary folder named MyTemp, use
To represent only files that have an extension, use *.* For example, C:\MyTemp\*.*
represents all files in the folder including subfolders that have extensions.
To represent all txt files with the file name beginning with a, the last letter b, and 2
characters between a and b (file length 4 characters), use *\a??b.txt
To represent a default discardable data folder named “discardable” that can be placed
anywhere on the client’s system, use */discardable/*. Client users can create this
folder and locate any files that they don’t want to protect within it.
Allocate storage space for protected files
Each client’s backup files are stored in the LiveBackup Storage Server, which uses SQL
databases to manage the client information. You can specify how much disk space is
allocated to each of the clients as soon as it is created, how the disk space increases when
necessary, and what the maximum space limit will be.
Note that during the initial replication of clients, performance is enhanced by significantly
increasing the default initial size and grow increments of the client databases. By increasing
these sizes, you limit the amount of time SQL Server needs to spend modifying databases,
thereby improving overall performance.
Plan initial database sizes and growth increments carefully. If you decide to increase the
default initial size, then the client replication may proceed more smoothly, but client
creation will take longer. The incremental growth size also has performance effects: If set
too low, then file fragmentation results. This fragmentation slows down overall
performance. If set too high, you may waste disk space. Experiment with the best settings
for your organization’s needs.
Configuring clients
It is critical that you determine storage requirements before creating clients and adding
groups. When you first create a client, it inherits storage properties from its group. However,
later changes to the group configuration do not apply to the client. Therefore, if you want to
change the storage settings on an entire group, you must configure the group and each client
You can define storage information on the Storage page of Client or Group Properties.
To allocate storage space
Display properties as described in “To view client or group properties,” on page 92.
Click the Storage tab.
If you are working with an existing client, click Refresh to view the most current
values. LiveBackup will update the storage values displayed.
For a new client, set Client database size properties:
The Allocated size box displays the amount of disk space currently used by the
client database, including temporary disk space used for database processing.
When you first create a group or client, this option is called Initial size.
The Used space box displays the size of the data currently occupying the client
database. The maximum value of the used space is specified in the Maximum
size box.
The difference between the Allocated space and the Used space is the space
currently free within the database.
This option does not appear when the client or group is first created.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
In the Maximum size box, type the maximum amount of disk space that the
client may consume. The client's backup data can consume the amount of space
you allocate here, but cannot exceed it. The default is 16384 MB. (16384/
1024=16 GB)
If you are configuring properties for an entire group, you may also specify the
following storage properties:
You can define the size at which all client members will be created in the
Initial size box.
As the database grows, the LiveBackup Server can increase the amount of disk
space allocated to it until it reaches the maximum size. In the When the
database gets full increase its size by box, type the number of additional
megabytes to allocate to the database.
From the Store this database on list, select the LiveBackup Server drive
where you want to create new client databases. Client databases will be created
on the selected drive in the same folder that was specified during the
LiveBackup Server setup for saving system databases.
After you have finished allocating space and database storage options, click OK.
Configure data aging
Since LiveBackup continuously tracks each client’s data, versions of some files, such as
documents you edit frequently, may build up quickly. This buildup can waste valuable disk
space. To help you manage your disk space while also safeguarding user’s data, you can
either delete these older files, or you can off-load them to LiveArchive. When you archive
data, you save it on a secondary system for long-term storage, while still keeping it available
for recovery when needed. You can choose if and when files should be either deleted or
archived on a per-client or per-group basis.
The Data Aging Properties page enables you to set these options. To configure Data Aging,
you specify two protection windows: Continuous and Extended.
The Continuous protection window specifies how long every version of every file and
all checkpoints will be available for recovery. By default, it is five days. This means
that if you have data aging enabled with the default settings, you will always have a
minimum of five days worth of versions of every protected file and all checkpoints
available for immediate recovery.
The Extended protection window extends the number of days for which some
versions and checkpoints will be retained and therefore recoverable past the
Continuous protection window. This data thinning enables some versions to be
recoverable over the extended time frame, but ages unnecessary redundant versions
Configuring clients
and checkpoints. You can define the Extended protection window by days, weeks,
and months.
For example, if you accept the default configuration of Continuous and Extended protection
windows, then you will have 65 additional days of available versions over the Continuous
protection window. That is 7 days + 4 weeks (28 days) + 1 month (30 days) = 65 days of
Setting the Data Aging properties for each client only establishes parameters
for the future archiving or deletion of older versions; it does not perform this
function automatically. To launch data aging, see “Launch the data aging
process” on page 120 and “Schedule times to process aged data” on page 173.
To configure data aging
Display properties as described in “To view client or group properties,” on page 92.
Click the Data Aging tab.
To inherit the settings applied to the parent group, make sure the Inherit these
properties from the parent group check box is selected. This is the default
selection. All other options in the properties sheet become disabled, and the parent
properties apply.
If you want to customize properties for this particular client or group, clear the
Inherit these properties from the parent group check box, and proceed to step 4.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
To delete or archive this client's older data, make sure the Enable data aging check
box is selected. This is the default selection.
In the Continuous protection window box, type the number of days for which you
want to retain all data for recovery. LiveBackup will not age any versions during this
protection window.
By default, the Extended protection window box enables data recovery for 60
additional days. To modify this time period, click Configure.
The Extended Protection Window dialog box appears.
Select the check boxes beside the time frame you want define, and then type the
desired values. The time frames you select here are also cumulative. Note that this
total Extended protection window is in addition to the Continuous protection window,
during which no versions or checkpoints will be aged.
In the Keep at least one version/checkpoint per day spin box, select the
number of days that you want LiveBackup to retain at least one version of each
file and/or one system checkpoint. The most recent version from each day will
be retained, while all others will be aged.
In the Keep at least one version/checkpoint per week spin box, select the
number of weeks that you want LiveBackup to retain at least one version of
each file and/or one system checkpoint. The most recent version from each
week will be retained, while all others not retained by your daily window will
be aged.
In the Keep at least one version/checkpoint per month spin box, select the
number of months that you want LiveBackup to retain at least one version of
each file and/or one system checkpoint. The most recent version from each
month will be retained, while all others not retained by your daily or weekly
windows will be aged.
Configuring clients
The Total Extended protection window width is at least box displays the number
of days that at least one version or checkpoint will be available per day for recovery,
cumulatively based on your selections. This extended protection window is in
addition to the continuous protection window, during which all versions of all data is
available for recovery.
Click OK.
From Older versions should be list, choose whether you want data that has aged to
the version you selected in the previous steps to be either deleted or archived to the
storage server of your choice.
To delete older versions, select the Deleted option.
To archive older versions, select the Archived to option, and then select the
named connection to the archive server on which you want to store aged
When you have finished setting up data aging options, click OK.
To archive files, you must have at least one output buffer in LiveBackup. If you
do not, then a message appears prompting you to create one. Click Yes, and then
create archive buffers. See page 110.
In the data aging process, you may archive files only if you have Atempo
LiveArchive installed, and you have configured a connection between
LiveBackup and LiveArchive. LiveArchive may be installed on the same
computer as LiveBackup or any other computer in or out of the LiveBackup
domain. To learn about the setup requirements, see the LiveArchive User Guide.
If you have not installed or set up LiveArchive, then you will not have the option
to archive older versions, only the option to delete them.
If you have installed an archive server, but the Archived to list is empty, then you
have not yet connected the LiveBackup Server to LiveArchive. You need to make
this connection: Expand Data Aging. Right-click Connections to LiveArchive,
and then click New Connection. Follow the instructions in the wizard to complete
the connection.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
To create archive buffers
To archive files, you must have at least one output buffer in LiveBackup. If you do not, then
a message appears after configuring data aging prompting you to create one.
Click Yes in this message to display the Create Archive Buffers dialog box.
This dialog box lists all existing archive buffers and their status.
To add a buffer, click Add.
In the New Archive Buffer dialog box, select the Buffer type Output, and then
select the drive on which you want to save the buffer. Click OK. The buffer you added
appears in the Create Archive Buffers dialog box.
Create an Input buffer. Repeat the previous step, but select the Input option button.
Click OK.
See Also
LiveArchive User Guide
Configuring clients
Configure user access through feature lockdown
The Feature Lockdown page of Client or Group Properties enables you to assign a default
user access level to each client. All users who log into this computer will have at least the
access rights assigned to the client in the Feature Lockdown page of Client Properties.
You may also impose additional restrictions and grant additional rights on a per-user basis.
See “Configuring user privileges” on page 161.
To lock down feature access to LiveBackup Client
Display properties as described in “To view client or group properties,” on page 92.
Click the Feature Lockdown tab.
The Feature Lockdown page appears.
To inherit the settings applied to the parent group, make sure the Inherit these
properties from the parent group check box is selected. This is the default
selection. All other options in the properties sheet become disabled, and the parent
properties apply.
If you want to customize properties for this particular client or group, clear the
Inherit these properties from the parent group check box, and proceed to step 4.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
From the User will be list, select the privileges that you want to give all users who
log into the client computer:
LiveBackup Client will protect the files on the selected client
computer, but users will have no access to control or recovery functionality.
No access
Users may recover data files or entire folders using the Recovery
Assistant or the Windows Explorer context menus, configure performance
settings, save a system checkpoint, and request an image of a client system to
perform a disaster recovery. Users may not perform a system rollback, roll
back operating system or application folders, configure update or pause or
resume file versioning at any time.
Power users have all the rights of Users as well as privileges to
roll back the system to a previously working state, roll back operating system
and application folders, configure notifications, and disable or enable the
client-server connection. Users may not configure update or pause and resume
file versioning at any time.
Super user
Power user
Users have full access to all features in LiveBackup Client.
Click OK.
Any features to which the user has not been granted access through feature
lockdown will be unavailable and therefore dimmed in LiveBackup Client.
Set an expiration date
The Expiration page of Client or Group Properties enables you to select a date on which the
client will expire. Expired clients are stopped: no new versions are created and no local or
remote recovery operations are available.
To set an expiration date
Display properties as described in “To view client or group properties,” on page 92.
Click the Expiration tab.
Configuring clients
The Expiration page appears.
If you want this client or group to inherit the settings applied to its parent group, make
sure the Inherit these properties from the parent group check box is selected. This
is the default selection. All other options in the properties sheet become disabled, and
the parent group properties apply.
If you want to customize properties for this particular client or group, clear the
Inherit these properties from the parent group check box, and proceed to step 4.
By default, clients never expire. If you want to set an expiration date, click the At
specific date option button, and then select the date on which the client will expire
from the calendar drop-down. The Expiration date is based on the server date and
Click OK.
Enable auto-creation within a group
The Auto-Creation page of Group Properties enables you to create clients automatically
within the selected group once they attempt connection to the LiveBackup Server. It also
enables you to specify when such clients should start copying their files to the LiveBackup
Server for protection. These properties are available for groups only, not clients. To learn
how to select options in this page, see “To enable client auto-creation within a group” on
page 82.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Managing clients
You can manage data and connections on a per-client basis.
In this chapter, you will learn about
Managing clients’ connection to the server
Managing data
Redirecting clients
Transferring clients between servers
Generating client activity reports
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Managing clients’ connection to the server
When a LiveBackup Client is logged on, has a physical or dial-up connection to the
LiveBackup Server, and is transferring files, its connection is Active. This Active connection
status is the most common status. However, there are times when a single or even all clients'
connections are stopped. An individual client is stopped, and no data may be transferred to
it, in the following situations:
The client exceeds the maximum amount of storage space allocated in the server.
The client runs out of log space on the LiveBackup Server.
The LiveBackup Administrator has manually stopped the client.
You will be alerted to these conditions in Alerts.
When the client is stopped, no data may be transferred to the client database, but data may
be retrieved from it. To resume client activity, fix any problems indicated by alerts, and then
resume the client manually.
All clients' connections are stopped when the server is stopped. Once the server resumes, all
previously active clients will resume as well.
A client's connection may also be blocked. This condition is indicated by the stopped status
as well; however, when a client is blocked, no data may be transferred in or out of the client
database. This condition is the result of internal database activity, such as Change Database
Location or Data Aging. When LiveBackup finishes processing the database, it will resume
In this section, you will learn how to
Check clients’connection status
Stop and resume connections
Re-initialize a client
See Also
“Managing the server’s activity” on page 38 and “LiveBackup Alerts” on
page 205.
Managing clients 117
To check clients’ connection status
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Click Clients.
The details pane displays status information on all clients. To learn about the different
statuses that may apply, see “To view client or group details” on page 88.
To see only those clients whose connection to the server is suspended, click Stopped
Stop and resume connections
To stop a client’s connection
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Click Clients.
If the client you want to stop is a member of a group, double-click that group.
To temporarily terminate a client's connection to the server, right-click the client and
click Stop. The Status column of the client details is Stopped.
The LiveBackup Server will accept no data from the client until it is resumed.
To resume a client’s connection
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Click Stopped Clients.
To resume a client's connection and file transfer to the server, right-click the client
and click Resume. The Status column is blank, indicating that it is active.
If the client has been stopped due to some problem such as running out of
allocated server storage space or an overloaded system log, you will not be
able to resume the client until the problem has been fixed. See “LiveBackup
Alerts” on page 205.
You can also resume a client's connection from its shortcut menu under the
Clients node.
To stop or resume more than one client, press Ctrl as you click each client,
and then right-click the last client and click Stop or Resume.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Re-initialize a client
LiveBackup identifies each client computer using a globally unique identifier (GUID). A
different GUID is assigned to each client computer, thereby maintaining the security of your
LiveBackup data. The GUID is a computer and system specific identifier, so the same GUID
may not be used on two different computers or on the same computer after reformatting the
system volume.
If the GUID becomes corrupt, possibly through an accidental registry key deletion or an
uninstall and reinstall of LiveBackup Client, LiveBackup Server will no longer be able to
communicate with the LiveBackup Client. This problem results in a failure of the
LiveBackup Client to connect to LiveBackup Server, and a server alert indicating
“Initialization failed for client.”
If you encounter this problem, you should re-initialize the client account to restore the
client's connection. When you re-initialize a client account, LiveBackup clears the GUID it
uses to identify an individual client computer.
Note that during the time that the GUID is cleared, the client's icon in the LiveBackup
Console will be disabled, with a grayed look. As soon as the client sends its GUID back to
the server, the client is initialized, and its icon becomes enabled.
To re-initialize a client
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Click Clients.
If the client you want to re-initialize is a member of a group, double-click that group.
Right-click the client and point to All Tasks. Click Re-initialize.
In the confirmation message that appears, click Yes.
When re-initialization is complete, a message appears. Click OK.
To re-initialize more than one client, press Ctrl as you click each client.
Right-click the last client, and then click Re-initialize.
Managing clients 119
Managing data
Although LiveBackup optimizes file storage, the number of gigabytes of client data that is
protected by backups to LiveBackup Server can be enormous. All of this client information
is stored in SQL databases: one database per client. To help manage the data stored in each
client database, LiveBackup lets you
Change the database location: Moves the client database from one disk to another,
which is useful if you upgrade your LiveBackup Server with more storage space.
Launch the data aging process: Either deletes files or moves them to the archive
server of your choice, depending on the client’s configuration.
Migrate files: Copies selected files from one client database to the client(s) of your
The remainder of this section describes how to access and use these tools.
Change the database location
When you installed LiveBackup Server, you chose the drive where you wanted to save all
of the LiveBackup Client databases. You can later move an individual database to another
drive, which is useful if you upgrade the LiveBackup Server with more disk space. This
procedure may also be necessary if the drive where you saved the client’s database runs out
of disk space.
When you move a client’s database to another drive, the full database file
specification, including subfolders, moves with it. For example, if you chose the
default location, C:\LBDATA during the installation, and then decided to move a
client’s database to the D:\ drive, it will be stored in D:\LBDATA.
To change the location of a client database
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Click Clients.
If the client whose database location you want to change is a member of a group, click
that group to display its client members.
Right-click the client you want to modify and point to All Tasks. Click Change
Database Location.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
The Change Client Database Location dialog box appears.
From the Select a new drive for the client list, click the drive on which you want to
store the client's backup files.
Click OK.
In the confirmation message that appears, click OK.
LiveBackup will move the client’s database to the selected location as soon as the
server is available. Once moved, a message appears under Alerts: see “Change
database location alerts” on page 222.
Launch the data aging process
If a client database nearly reaches its maximum capacity, you can launch the data aging
process, which either deletes or archives older data. To launch this process, you must have
configured the client for data aging: see “Configure data aging” on page 106. You can also
schedule times to automatically age data. To learn how to schedule times to age data, see
“Schedule times to process aged data” on page 173.
To launch data aging now
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Click Clients.
If the client whose files you want to archive is a member of a group, double-click that
group to display its client members.
Right-click the client and point to All Tasks. Click Age Data Now.
If this option is disabled, then the client is not configured for data aging: see
“Configure data aging” on page 106.
A message appears indicating that data aging is about to begin. Note that the data
aging process could be lengthy, depending on the size of your database. To continue,
click Yes.
Managing clients 121
In the confirmation message that appears, click OK.
Rather than waiting for the regularly scheduled archive task, the client's files that are
eligible for data aging are either deleted or begin transferring to the archive server as
soon as the LiveBackup Server is available.
To age data for multiple clients, press Ctrl as you click each client. Rightclick the last client, and then click Age Data Now.
Migrate files
LiveBackup’s File Migration Wizard enables you to move protected files from a client’s
database to any other, including back to itself. This process is for maintaining files from an
old computer system when you purchase a new one.
For example, suppose you are replacing your existing computer with a new Windows XP
system. Leave the old computer as it is. Set up the new client, including the operating system
and all applications. Install LiveBackup Client and allow the client to replicate to the server.
Then migrate files from the old computer to the new system. You can now use the new
computer with all your valuable data in place, and then delete the old client database from
LiveBackup Server.
The File Migration Wizard is also invaluable in replacing a lost computer. For example,
suppose LiveBackup Client is installed on a laptop computer, which has been fully
replicated to the LiveBackup Server. Then the computer is lost on a business trip. Although
you may restore the data from the LiveBackup Vault, you must restore it to a computer with
the same name as the original, lost computer.
To solve this problem, rename the original laptop computer client in the LiveBackup
Console: see “Rename a client or a group” on page 87. Then obtain a new laptop computer,
give it the same computer name as the lost computer, and install LiveBackup Client. Create
this new client in the LiveBackup Console and allow its data to fully replicate as if it were
a new installation. Finally, use the File Migration Wizard to copy files from the original
client’s database (the computer that was lost) to the new database. After all files have been
restored, you can delete the original client’s database.
Although you may select an expired client account as the target of migrated files,
LiveBackup will not migrate files until the client expiration date is updated to a
future date.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
To migrate files from one client to other clients
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Click Clients.
If the client whose files you want to migrate is a member of a group, double-click that
group to display its client members.
Right-click the client and point to All Tasks. Click File Migration Wizard.
The File Migration Wizard appears.
Read the overview of the File Migration Wizard, and then click Next.
The Choose Target Computer page appears.
Managing clients 123
In the Clients list, click the client computer to which you want to copy files.
Click Next.
The Choose File Types page appears.
In the Available file types list, select the check boxes beside only those file types that
you want to copy.
You may Select all or Clear all check boxes by clicking those buttons.
Click Next.
The Choose Folders page appears.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
In the Available folders list, expand the drive and folders, and then select the check
boxes beside those protected folders that you want to copy.
All files of the type you selected in the previous page, that are also located in the
folders you select here, will be copied to the client computers of your choice.
Click Next.
The Choose Migration Type page appears.
Managing clients 125
Decide which files to migrate and where you want to save them:
To migrate only existing protected files, select the Migrate only existing
protected files check box. This option ignores previously deleted files and
migrates only those protected files that currently exist on the source client
Now decide where you want to copy the files that will be migrated onto the
target computers. Select one of the following options:
To copy all files, including their full paths, into a new My Migrated Files
folder, select the Place all files in a My Migrated Files folder on the client.
To overwrite existing files of the same name and location in this folder, select
the Overwrite existing files in the My Migrated Files folder option.
To replace existing files on the target client computer, while placing all others
in the My Migrated Files folder, select the Overwrite existing files, place all
others in the My Migrated Files folder option. To overwrite existing files of
the same name and location in this folder as well, select the Overwrite existing
files in the My Migrated Files folder check box.
To copy all files into the same location as in the original client, select the
Overwrite existing files, create new folders as necessary option. All existing
files will be overwritten if possible.
Click Next.
The Name the Migration Task page appears.
In the Type a brief description for this migration task box, type text by which you
want to identify this task. Information about this migration task will be labeled with
this description.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
If you want to be notified about the progress of this migration task, make sure the
Display status alerts in the Event Viewer check box is selected. Event Viewer alerts
display by default.
Click Next.
The Summary page appears.
To begin migrating files, click Finish.
LiveBackup copies the selected files to the computers you chose, which then
replicates the files back to the client databases on the LiveBackup Server.
To cancel a migration task in progress, right-click the source client, point to
All Tasks, and then click File Migration Wizard. In the message that
appears, click No.
Managing clients 127
Redirecting clients
Redirecting clients is the process of changing the clients connection from one LiveBackup
Server to another. You may want to redirect clients if
You are changing servers, for example from an evaluation to a production
server, and you want to replicate existing clients from scratch, rather than
moving their data with them.
The name of the LiveBackup Server changed, for example after a Vault Restore
to a new computer. See “Protecting the LiveBackup vault” on page 47
LiveBackup also automatically redirects clients when you transfer them to another server
using the Export and Import functionality. See “Transferring clients between servers” on
page 130.
You can redirect clients from the LiveBackup Console, or you may redirect them from the
command line on each client computer, if the console is inoperable or unavailable. For
redirection to complete, auto-creation must be enabled on the target computer. See “Create
clients automatically” on page 81.
When a client is redirected, a new account for that client is created on the target LiveBackup
Server. Once activated, the client sends a message to the LiveBackup Client computer to
stop communication with the previous server and begin communication with the new server.
The client account on the original server remains intact, but does not accept any new data
from the client computer. You may delete the client later, after redirection is complete. See
“Delete clients or groups” on page 93.
To redirect a client from LiveBackup Console
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Click Clients.
If the client that you want to redirect is a member of a group, double-click that group
to display its client members.
Right-click the client(s) or group, and then point to All Tasks. Click Redirect to
another server.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
The Client Redirection dialog box appears.
In the Target server name box, type the name of the LiveBackup Server computer
to which you want to redirect this client account. You can use any of the following
formats, as long as the format you choose is recognizable by the LiveBackup Client
computer for connection:
NetBIOS name: servername
URL: http://servername or https://servername
IP Address
In the Destination group name box, type the name of the group in which you want
to place the client account. By default, the client account will be placed in a subgroup
of the root Clients node named by the original server name.
If you want to maintain the group hierarchy, then select the Preserve original group
hierarchy inside the destination group check box. The group hierarchy will be
For example, if the client name was President and was originally located in the
Corporate group on ServerA, then when redirected, it will be placed on the
ServerA\Corporate Group. Its compound name will be
[email protected].
Click OK.
LiveBackup Server begins redirecting the client account to the new target server you
specified. While redirection is in progress, the client will no longer send data to the
original server, but will continue to cache data locally. Target and destination server
information appears in the Server Address column of the Client details pane at this
time. See “View client or group information” on page 88.
When LiveBackup Client successfully connects to the new server, a client account
will be created based on this server’s auto-creation policies and the client computer
will begin sending data to the new server. You can check LiveBackup Alerts in the
Event Viewer for status.
Managing clients 129
The original client account will be stopped, and it will display a status of Redirected.
You can now delete the client. See “Delete clients or groups” on page 93.
To cancel a redirection
You can cancel any redirection in progress.
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Click Clients.
If the client is a member of a group, double-click that group to display its client
Right-click the client with a status Redirecting, and then point to All Tasks. Click
Cancel Redirection.
In the confirmation message that appears, click Yes.
To redirect a client from the client computer
If some clients cannot be redirected using LiveBackup Console, they may be redirected
individually from each LiveBackup Client computer using the command line.
On the command line (Start\Run) type the following:
<LiveBackup installation folder>\cliredirect.exe /
server="target_server_name" /group="destination_group_name"
Required. The name of the LiveBackup Server to which you want to
redirect the client. This name must be a valid URL will a prefix of http:/
/ or https://
Optional. The name of the group in which the client will be placed. This
parameter may be empty or omitted. If not specified, then the client
account will be created according to the target server’s auto creation
policies. See “Create clients automatically” on page 81.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Transferring clients between servers
You can transfer one or more clients from one LiveBackup Server to another. You may want
to transfer clients to a new LiveBackup Server in the following situations:
You want to consolidate several smaller LiveBackup Servers into one larger, more
powerful server.
An employee changes location, and you want his/her LiveBackup data protection to
follow them to that location and server, without the need to re-replicate.
The complete transfer process includes an export phase from the original server, a manual
file copy, and then an import phase on the new server. During the time that the export is in
progress, LiveBackup Console is in maintenance mode, and not functional until complete.
The remainder of this section decribes how to
Export clients from LiveBackup Server
Import clients into a new LiveBackup Server
Export clients from LiveBackup Server
Export clients as the first phase in transferring them to a new LiveBackup Server. To
complete the export, you will need to:
Export clients
Manually copy the data files to the new server
Resume LiveBackup Console
The following procedure describes these steps in detail.
To export clients in preparation for transfer
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Click Clients.
If the client that you want to redirect is a member of a group, double-click that group
to display its client members.
Right-click the client(s) or group, and then point to All Tasks. Click Export clients.
Managing clients 131
The Export Clients wizard appears.
Read the Welcome page, and then click Next.
On the Redirect Clients page, choose the location to which you want to export the
To redirect the clients to a new LiveBackup Server, make sure the Redirect
selected clients check box is selected. If you only want to export the shared
databases or group structure, and you do not want the client computers to
connect to the new server, you can clear this check box, and then click Next.
You can always redirect the LiveBackup Clients later: see “Redirecting
clients” on page 127.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
If you want to redirect clients, then in the Target server name box, type the
name of the LiveBackup Server computer to which you want to redirect client
accounts. You can use any of the following formats, as long as the format you
choose is recognizable by the LiveBackup Client computer for connection:
NetBIOS name: servername
URL: http://servername or https://servername
IP Address
In the Destination group name box, type the name of the group in which you
want to place the client account. By default, the client account will be placed
in a subgroup of the root Clients node named by the original server name.
Click Next.
Review the list of clients that will be exported, and then click Finish.
Wait. After LiveBackup completes the export, it displays a status dialog box. This
dialog box contains the following information:
Files: The names and locations of the files that you must manually copy or
move to the new LiveBackup Server computer.
Clients: A list of the clients that have been exported.
Managing clients 133
Summary: The number of clients, files, and total file size exported.
You will need this information to complete the client transfer. To save it, click Save
as, and then specify a location for the text file.
To print it, click Print.
When you have finished, click Close.
Copy the specified files to the new LiveBackup Server.
On the original LiveBackup Server’s Console, right-click the servername, and then
click Resume after export.
In the confirmation message that appears, click OK.
All exported clients retain a status of Redirecting in the LiveBackup Console. If you
choose not to transfer clients now, you can manually resume them: right-click the
Redirecting clients, and then click Cancel Redirection.
You can now import the client into your new LiveBackup Server.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Import clients into a new LiveBackup Server
After you have exported one or more clients from one LiveBackup Server and copied the
necessary files as described in “Export clients from LiveBackup Server” on page 130, you
are ready to import them into the new LiveBackup Server.
During the import process, you will
Import clients using the Import Clients Wizard
Wait for the import process to complete, and then refresh the console
Delete the clients from the original LiveBackup Server
These steps are described in detail, below.
To import clients and complete transfer
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Expand Server Tools.
Right-click Vault Management, and then click Import clients.
The Import Clients Wizard appears.
Read the Welcome page, and then click Next.
Managing clients 135
On the Location of Client Files page, select the location where you copied client files
after the export. These files contain the clients protected data.
Click Add, and then select the location of the database files for clients you want
to import.
If you want to import only client account information, and no actual data, leave
this list empty. If you do this, LiveBackup displays a confirmation after you
click Next.
To skip any clients that encounter errors during the import process, select the
Do not import a client in case of any warnings check box.
Click Next.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
On the Location of Common Files page, select the location where you copied the
shared and system databases, which contain data that is shared among the clients you
are importing.
To import the clients’ group structure, select the Import the group structure
check box. If you leave this check box cleared, then all clients will be imported
into the same folder, which you can specify in the next page of this wizard.
To import data that is shared among the clients you are importing (the Shared
database), select the Import the contents of the shared database check box.
Click Browse, and select the location where you copied shared data during the
export phase.
Click Next.
Managing clients 137
On the Destination Group Name page, specify the name of the group into which you
want to import the clients.
To keep the group name specified during export, select the Use the group
name specified for clients redirection during export option.
To specify a new group name, select the Specify the group destination name
now option, and then type the name into the box below.
Click Next.
Review the information on the Summary page, and then click Finish.
LiveBackup imports the client accounts and data that you have chosen. If the import
group already exists on the target server, then it will be updated with the protection
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
properties of the imported group.
If the same named LiveArchive Connections do not exist on the target server, then
data aging will be disabled for any clients configured to archive to using these
When complete, an alert appears. Check the Event Viewer for status.
When the import is complete, you can delete client accounts from the original
LiveBackup Server. See “Delete clients or groups” on page 93.
To cancel an import
While an import is in progress, you can abort it.
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand Server Tools.
Right-click Vault Management, and then click Abort import.
Managing clients 139
Generating client activity reports
LiveBackup enables you to create the following reports for each LiveBackup Client:
Clients Activity report: View detailed information on clients' group membership,
database size, last user, last checkpoint, and last version.
Space Consumption report: Determine the average growth of storage use over a
given amount of time.
Data Profile report: Collect information on the files, types, and versions that exist in
the LiveBackup storage database. You can use this report to see how much disk space
any client is consuming and the percentage of protected data on a per file type basis.
Operations Performed report: View the number of file recoveries, rollbacks, and
image requests that LiveBackup Server has processed since each client's installation
and connection to LiveBackup Server.
You can generate reports directly from a Client under the Clients node: Right-click the
client for which you want to generate a report, point to All Tasks, and then point to Reports.
Click Clients Activity, Space Consumption, Data Profile, or Operations Performed.
These reports were described in detail earlier in this guide. For more information, see
“Generating activity reports” on page 29.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Working with client recovery
LiveBackup Client can perform a System Rollback or a Disaster Recovery to return the
client computer to a previously working state.
You may create recovery images for a client computer to restore its system in the event of a
disaster, and you may also push a system rollback to a client to restore its system
In this chapter, you will learn about
Requesting client checkpoints.
Creating recovery images.
Pushing a system rollback to the client.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Recovery images are created from client checkpoints. LiveBackup client creates these
checkpoints on every client computer covered by full system protection. It creates these
checkpoints every time the client computer is restarted, at 4:00 AM local time, if the
computer is idle, and when the client user requests one using the Save System Checkpoint
A checkpoint contains the files required to restore a particular LiveBackup Client system. It
represents a snapshot of the client system at a particular point in time. There are two types
of checkpoints: Static, which contain all available client files and require Windows to
restart; and Dynamic, which contain most of the files required to restore the client, and do
not require you to restart Windows. LiveBackup creates at least one Automatic Dynamic
checkpoint daily, at 4:00 AM local time, when the computer is idle. If the computer is not
available for a checkpoint at 4:00 AM, then LiveBackup creates a checkpoint as soon as
possible after that time. Although Dynamic checkpoints usually contain the files necessary
to restore the system successfully, it is recommended that you use Static checkpoints
whenever possible.
If a checkpoint contains exceptions, this state is indicated beside a checkpoint name in the
selection screens. You may view a list of missing files by clicking the View exceptions
button beneath the list. LiveBackup creates Static checkpoints with exceptions in the
following situations:
LiveBackup has detected an abnormal shutdown; therefore, this checkpoint may have
missing or outdated files. In this case, LiveBackup cannot detect which files are
The LiveBackup Client user skipped the boot-time backup, which prevents
LiveBackup from capturing all modified files. In this case, LiveBackup can capture a
list of missing files.
LiveBackup detects pending operations prior to shutdown. This situation may be due
to an incomplete software installation, and therefore may have produced a checkpoint
that represents an unstable state of the system. LiveBackup cannot detect which files
are missing in this situation.
LiveBackup fails to get the boot-time backup list from driver. LiveBackup cannot
detect which files are missing in this situation.
The delayed backup list file, DELAY.TSK, located in the LiveBackup Cache folder
is corrupt. This file is required to build the complete system checkpoint. LiveBackup
cannot detect which files are missing in this situation.
LiveBackup fails to complete the boot-time backup due to a read failure or cache
overflow. In this case, LiveBackup can capture a list of missing or outdated files.
Working with client recovery
LiveBackup does not finish processing the boot-time backup due to unexpected
shutdown. In this case, LiveBackup can capture a list of missing or outdated files.
Requesting client checkpoints
You as the administrator can request that LiveBackup Client create a checkpoint of a given
active client or group of clients. You cannot request a checkpoint of a stopped client. If the
client computer is otherwise unavailable (turned off, not connected, etc.) at the time of the
request, then LiveBackup will post the request as soon as the computer is available. The
request will be fulfilled as soon as LiveBackup Client is able.
To verify that the checkpoint was created successfully, run the Clients Activity report. See
“Clients Activity report” on page 29.
To request a client checkpoint
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Expand Clients.
Right-click the client or group and point to All Tasks. Click Request checkpoint.
The Request Checkpoint dialog box appears.
In the Description box, type a label for the checkpoint you want to create.
Click OK.
In the confirmation dialog box that appears, click Close.
LiveBackup sends a request to the selected clients to create a checkpoint.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Creating recovery images
Recovery images are required for performing a full disaster recovery on a given client. An
image is a complete, exact copy of a client's hard drive(s), including all files and boot sector
information. An image may be generated from any available system checkpoint. See
“Checkpoints” on page 142.
To use an image to recover a client system, you must have a boot image. LiveBackup lets
you create standard boot floppies or bootable CD/DVD system images. For more flexibility,
you may create a universal boot image, which is based on Windows PE (Windows
Preinstallation Environment). You can use the universal image to boot any Windows system
to launch Disaster Recovery.
You can also use Windows Remote Installation Services to boot the client computer and
load Disaster Recovery from the network. For more information, see the Knowledge Base
If a client requests a recovery image, a message appears under Alerts in the LiveBackup
Console. The Alert contains information about the LiveBackup Client that sent the request
and when the request was made. See “System imaging alerts” on page 231.
After you generate the image, any user may use it with the LiveBackup Disaster Recovery
procedure to completely restore a corrupt or lost system.
If you want to copy the Disaster Recovery image to a CD-ROM, you must use your
CD image creation software. LiveBackup does not write data to a CD-ROM.
See Also
For more information on performing a Disaster Recovery on the client
computer, see “Chapter 5: Recovering your system” in the LiveBackup Client
User Guide.
Before you create an image
Before you attempt to create a system image, review the following important notes:
LiveBackup Express does not support disaster recovery or system rollback.
Drive data must be physically present in the drive's partition. Some encryption
software, compression programs such as Doublespace, and recovery software change
Working with client recovery
the manner in which data is placed on the disk or change the data itself, which
prevents LiveBackup from restoring the data properly.
The System Image Wizard does not support ATAPI ORB devices.
The System Image Wizard does not support USB Flash Memory Devices for Disaster
Recovery media booted using boot floppies, rather than universal boot media.
When creating a system image on a DVD or CD, the following process is
The recommended method is to create bootable images (no separate boot disk)
using the Automatic driver set, which is the default.
If you cannot load the system using the bootable image, or if the image drive is
inaccessible after boot, then use a Universal Boot Disk for system boot.
If both of these methods fail, then create a separate boot disk based on the same
checkpoint with a different driver set, and then try again.
When creating a system image on a USB HDD, create and locate all non-bootable
images on the USB HDD, and then use a Universal Boot Disk for booting the system.
For dynamic volumes, LiveBackup can create disaster recovery images of Basic and
Simple volumes. It does not support Spanned or Redundant (mirrored or striped)
If the client's disk type is Spanned or Redundant and the system is no longer
functioning properly, you can try to restore the system using the Recovery Assistant’s
System Rollback, instead of Disaster Recovery.
You can determine the client’s configuration as follows:
Double-click the Administrative Tools folder in the Control Panel.
Double-click Computer Management.
Expand Storage, and then click Disk Management.
Check the Type column beside the drive for your disk's configuration, either
Basic, Simple, Spanned or Redundant.
“Chapter 5: Recovering your system” in the LiveBackup Client User Guide
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Create a universal boot image
LiveBackup enables you to create a single boot image from which you can create bootable
CDs or DVDs to launch Disaster Recovery on any LiveBackup Client computer. This boot
image is based on Windows PE (Windows Preinstallation Environment), which provides a
light version of Windows that can be used to load the operating system for recovery.
To this boot image, you may add all drivers, such as network drivers, available in the
LiveBackup vault, as well as custom tools that you can run before the disaster recovery
process. If you want access to multiple custom tools, you should place them all in a single
parent folder on the LiveBackup Server. The tools themselves may be in individual
subfolders of this parent folder. By booting from this media, you can restore a LiveBackup
Client system image located on a local hard drive, removable media, or a network drive.
Note that if you restore from a local hard drive, this particular drive or volume (depending
on the reformat/repartition option) will not be restored.
Although each client system still requires its own system image for data recovery, you will
not need to create boot media for each client.
To create universal boot image
Click Start, point to Programs, and then Atempo LiveBackup Console. Click
Disaster Recovery Boot Media Wizard.
The Welcome page of the Disaster Recovery Boot Media Wizard appears.
Read the Welcome page, and then click Next.
Working with client recovery
The Include Additional Drivers page appears.
If you need to include network drivers to connect to the LiveBackup Server for a
Network Disaster Recovery, you can have LiveBackup search for them here.
If you do not need to add drivers, select No need to add specific drivers.
If you want to add network drivers, select Add specific drivers from the following
LiveBackup Server, and then select the name of the LiveBackup Server computer
from the Server name list.
LiveBackup will search all protected files for any network drivers not included on the
standard Windows PE image, and will add these drivers to the boot image.
Click Next.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
The Add Custom Tools page appears.
If you would like to add custom tools to boot image, you can add them here. These
tools will be available on the client computer before the disaster recovery process
begins. You may run any EXE program.
If you want to add custom tools to the boot image, type the path to the tools into the
Specify the location of the tools that you want to include in the boot image box,
or click Browse and select the path.
Since you are allowed to specify only one path, it is recommended that you copy all
tools into one folder, such as DRTools, and then specify this location. The entire
folder with subfolders containing the tools will be copied to the boot image, so you
will have access to them all.
Click Next.
Working with client recovery
The Provide Comments or Instructions page appears.
In the Comments box, type any instructions for the user to complete the disaster
recovery successfully. For example, specify what tools should be run and how, and/
or specify the location of the system image to be restored.
Click Next.
The Select the Image Type and Target Folder page appears.
First select the type of boot image you want to create.
To create a bootable CD or DVD, select the ISO 9660 file for burning to CD/
DVD option. The image will be saved with an ISO extension.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
To save the boot image files into a folder, from which you can later copy them,
select the Set of files in subfolder for copying onto the bootable media
Then type the path where you want to save the universal boot image into the
Save image files in the following location box. By default, the image will be
saved to
Click Next.
The Summary page appears.
Review your options, and then click Finish.
LiveBackup creates the universal boot image in the location you selected and displays
progress during the process.
You can cancel the image creation by clicking Cancel, and then clicking Yes in the
confirmation message that appears.
When the image generation completes, the message “The boot image was
successfully created” appears. You can now burn the ISO image to a CD or DVD,
which you can later use to launch disaster recovery on any LiveBackup Client
Working with client recovery
Generate a system image
You can create system images using the System Image Wizard from a client’s shortcut menu
in the LiveBackup Console. Before you take the time to generate a recovery image, review
the information in “Before you create an image” on page 145, “Checkpoints” on page 142,
and “Create a universal boot image” on page 147.
To generate a system image
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Expand Clients.
If the client is a member of a group, double-click that group to display its client
In the details pane, right-click the client and point to All Tasks. Click System Image
The System Image Wizard appears.
Read the Welcome page, and then click Next.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
The Select a System Checkpoint page appears.
The System checkpoints list displays all available checkpoints, including the date and
time each was created, the Windows operating system included in the checkpoint, a
comment describing the name or manner in which the checkpoint was created, and
the type of checkpoint. In addition, an icon displays the status of the checkpoint.
Static checkpoints that include all files, display a green check. Dynamic or static
checkpoints that contain exceptions, display a yellow check.
If you want more information on a checkpoint with exceptions, select it in the list, and
then click the View exceptions button. See “Checkpoints” on page 142.
Click the checkpoint of which you want to create a disk image, and then click Next.
The Choose Image and Boot Media Types page appears.
Working with client recovery
Choose the media types you want to use to boot and store the recovery image files.
From the Image media list, select the media on which you will copy the
recovery image. The size of each media type appears beside the media name.
The System Image Wizard creates the image files no larger than the specified
If you want to create only a boot disk, then select None.
If you selected a CD or DVD type from the Image media list, then you have
the option of making the media bootable. To do so, select the Make image
bootable ISO9660 format check box. If you plan to perform a network
disaster recovery, make sure this check box is cleared.
If you want to create boot disks, then from the Boot disk type list, select the
format in which you want to create the disks: 3.5" 1.44 MB Floppy CD/DVD.
To choose the type of drivers to use on a bootable disk, click the Advanced
options button.
In the Advanced Options dialog box, click the drivers you want to use, and then
click OK. You have the following options:
Minimum drivers set: Includes the minimum set of drivers possible for
booting Windows.
Automatic (recommended): Includes the recommended set of drivers
required for booting Windows. This option is the default.
Full drivers set: Includes all the drivers that are available in the
Click Next.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
The Select Target Directories page appears.
Select location and encryption options:
In the Image files will be written to box, type the path where you want to
save the image file, or click Browse and select it from the Browse for Folder
dialog box.
If you want to secure the client's recovery image with key file encryption, then
select the Encrypt the image files check box.
In the Encryption. KEY file will be written to box, type the full path to
where you want to save the key file, or click Browse and select it from the
Browse for Folder dialog box.
See Also
“Encryption” on page 165.
If you are creating the image file directly on the selected removable media,
then select the Prompt after each individual file in the set is finished check
box. If you choose not to select this option, then individual image files will be
saved in subfolders of the path you chose.
Click Next.
Working with client recovery
The Comments page appears.
In the Comments box type any information your want to include with the recovery
image, and then click Next.
The System Image Wizard Summary page appears.
Click Finish. The System Image Generator begins creating the recovery images. A
progress indicator appears during creation.
Follow any prompts that appear on your screen.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Pushing a system rollback to the client
The Remote Rollback Wizard enables you to order a LiveBackup Client computer to roll
itself back to a selected checkpoint. As a result, you can repair malfunctioning computers
without time-consuming troubleshooting and without relying on the user.
To roll back a client computer, you must post a rollback task to that computer. The client
then has a brief amount of time to cancel the task, if necessary. In addition, you may cancel
the rollback task before it gets to the client.
See Also
For more information on System Rollback, including how to accept or reject a
remote rollback request, see “Chapter 5: Recovering your system” in the
LiveBackup Client User Guide.
To post a rollback task
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Click Clients.
If the client that you want to roll back is a member of a group, double-click that group.
Right-click the client name and point to All Tasks. Click Remote Rollback Wizard.
The Remote Rollback Wizard appears.
Read the Welcome page, and then click Next.
Working with client recovery
The Select a System Checkpoint page appears.
Click the version of the client system you want to restore. If you want more
information on Dynamic checkpoint, which may contain exceptions, then click the
View exceptions button. See “Checkpoints” on page 142. Click Next.
The Select Fault-tolerance Mode page appears.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
A fault-tolerant rollback cancels the system rollback task if the client does not have
enough free disk space to store all the files necessary for update before rolling back
the system.
Click one of the following:
Safe. Rollback will proceed only if conditions allow for proper error
Forced. Rollback will proceed even under sub-optimal conditions
Click Next.
The Remote Rollback Wizard Summary page appears.
Click Finish.
LiveBackup Server sends a message to the client to rollback the client system to the
checkpoint you selected. It may take several minutes for the message to reach the
client. Once it does, the LiveBackup Client's user will have two minutes to cancel the
automatic rollback.
You will be notified of the rollback's status under Alerts: See “File migration alerts”
on page 227.
Working with client recovery
To cancel a pending rollback task
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Click Clients.
If the client that you want to cancel is a member of a group, double-click that group.
Right-click the client name and point to All Tasks. Click Remote Rollback Wizard.
In the confirmation message that appears, click Yes. LiveBackup cancels the remote
rollback task and posts an alert.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Securing information
LiveBackup secures your company’s data from loss, snooping, and theft. LiveBackup
Security is based on the Windows domain security model. Within this model, LiveBackup
allows you to configure the following security measures to protect your data:
Configuring user privileges
The remainder of this chapter describes these security measures in more detail, including
procedures for providing users access to LiveBackup Client recovery features.
Configuring user privileges
LiveBackup secures your organization’s files using Windows user security model. Security
restrictions are imposed on both the LiveBackup Server and the LiveBackup Clients.
To add, change, or learn more about User Accounts, see the Windows Computer
Management or Active Directory Users and Computers utilities.
Server administration
To administer LiveBackup Server, the user requirements depend on the type of computer in
the domain where you have installed LiveBackup Server—member or domain controller. To
administer LiveBackup Server on a member computer, you must have local administrative
rights on that computer. To administer LiveBackup Server on a domain controller, you must
have domain administrative rights.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Client administration
One way LiveBackup secures LiveBackup Client computers’ files is by locking out features
through privileges assigned to clients and/or individual users. When each computer is added
to LiveBackup as a LiveBackup Client, you can assign it a default user access level. To learn
more about configuring this access, see “Configure user access through feature lockdown”
on page 111. All users who log in to the LiveBackup Client computer will have at least the
access rights assigned to the client as follows:
No access
Power User
Super User
Recover files/folders
Tune performance
Configure notifications
Disable/enable connection
Protect files
Pause/resume versioning
Configure update
In addition, the administrator may assign each user individual access privileges. These users
will have the same access on every LiveBackup Client computer. If a user is granted
individual privileges, then when s/he logs into a LiveBackup Client computer, then s/he
receives whichever privileges (user or client) are greater.
For example, if a LiveBackup Client has granted User access, and the user who logs into the
computer has Power User privileges, then that user will be given Power User access to that
particular LiveBackup Client computer. Users who were not granted individual access will
have only the default User access assigned to the client.
Each time someone logs into a LiveBackup Client or Server, LiveBackup checks his or her
user name and grants privileges and/or imposes restrictions on access, depending on the
rights you assign. If LiveBackup does not recognize the user name, then the user is given the
default access selected in Client Properties. This model ensures that non-LiveBackup users
cannot perform file recoveries or system rollbacks, while also guaranteeing valid users the
recovery access they need, and administrators the control they require.
Securing information
Regardless of the access rights assigned to the user logged into a LiveBackup Client
computer, the client computer’s files will always be backed up to the server. Any
LiveBackup User may restore files on any LiveBackup Client computer; however, files can
be restored only to the client computer from which they were backed up.
To add users to LiveBackup
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Expand Feature Lockdown to display the LiveBackup User Groups.
Right-click one of the following groups to which you want to add a user:
Users: These users may recover individual user document files or folders using
the Recovery Assistant or the Windows Explorer context menus, configure
performance settings, create a checkpoint, and request an image of a client
system to perform a disaster recovery. They may not perform a system
rollback, roll back operating system and application folders, configure update,
disable or enable the server connection, or pause or resume file versioning at
any time.
Power Users: These users have all of the privileges of Users as well as the right
to perform a system rollback, roll back operating system and application
folders, configure notifications, and disable or enable the client-server
connection. They may not configure update or pause and resume file
versioning at any time.
Super Users: These users have full access to all features in LiveBackup Client.
Click Add Users and Groups.
The Add Users and Groups dialog box appears.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
From the Look in list, select the domain from which you want to add users. All groups
that belong to the selected domain appear in the Names list.
To show individual users in the domain you selected, click Show Users. All
individual users and groups that belong to the selected domain appear.
In the Names list, press Ctrl and click the names of the users or groups you want to
assign to the LiveBackup group, and then click Add. Or type the names separated by
semicolons directly into this list.
Click OK.
To remove users from a LiveBackup user group
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Expand Feature Lockdown to display the LiveBackup User Groups.
Click the group from which you want to remove a user––Super Users, Power Users,
or Users.
Right-click the user you want to remove and click Remove.
Securing information
To safeguard the client's data, LiveBackup encrypts user document files during several
stages of transmission and storage.
Transmission: You can configure LiveBackup to encrypt files during both
transmission to the LiveBackup Server for backup and transmission back to a
LiveBackup Client computer for recovery. LiveBackup uses 128- or 40-bit cipher
encryption for this protection, which prevents undesired access to the files during
transmission (known as snooping the wire). The encryption is performed by the
Microsoft Base or Enhanced Cryptographic Provider using the RC4 method. By
default, transport encryption is enabled. You can choose the level of encryption to
apply to data during transport.
Storage: LiveBackup encrypts all data that is stored in the LiveBackup Storage Vault.
This encryption prevents unauthorized access to clients’ files. You can configure the
particular encryption algorithm that LiveBackup uses from System Settings in the
LiveBackup Console.
Stored files are encrypted using a key, which is generated from the encryption
password entered during encryption configuration. Configuring encryption is
described on the following page.
In addition to this encryption protection, all LiveBackup Client files are stored in SQL
Server databases, where they are protected by user access restrictions.
System Image: Using the System Image Wizard, you can create a full image of any
LiveBackup Client computer that has been protected with Full System Protection. To
prevent this image from being created and then restored to an unauthorized computer,
you have the option of encrypting the system image itself. The encryption is
performed with ©Dr. Brian Gladman’s implementation of the 128-bit key AES
(Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm, which generates an encryption key
during system image creation. To use this encrypted image during disaster recovery
to restore a LiveBackup Client computer, you must provide the encryption key to
unlock the image. See “Creating recovery images” on page 144.
If you created a system image using a version of LiveBackup prior to 2.92, then
this image was encrypted using RC6 encryption. This image is not compatible
with a boot disk created by LiveBackup 2.92 or later. To learn how to decrypt
this image so you can use it in a disaster recovery procedure, see the
Knowledge Base at
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
To configure transport encryption
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Expand Server Tools, and then click System Settings.
Right-click Encryption and select Encrypt Data Transmission.
The Encrypt Data Transmission dialog box appears.
To encrypt data that is being sent from the LiveBackup Client to the LiveBackup
Server for storage, or back to the client for restoration, select the Enable transport
encryption check box. To disable transport encryption, clear this check box.
If you enabled transport encryption, select the level of encryption to apply:
Flexible mode: Allows both 128-bit enhanced encryption as well as 40-bit
base encryption to be applied to data during transport to and from clients.
Strict mode: Applies 128-bit cipher to all data during transport. Data is
encrypted using the RC4 method supported by the Microsoft Enhanced Crypto
Provider. If LiveBackup client computers do not support this encryption, then
they will not be able to send data to the LiveBackup Server, or retrieve it for
recovery. No data on these clients will be protected. LiveBackup Clients prior
to version 2.91 will ignore the advanced encryption settings and continue
transferring data using 40-bit encryption.
Legacy mode: Applies 40-bit cipher to all data during transport. Data is
encrypted using the RC4 method supported by the Microsoft Base Crypto
Click OK.
Securing information
To configure server encryption
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Expand Server Tools, and then click System Settings.
Right-click Encryption and select Encrypt Server Data.
The Encrypt Server Data dialog box appears.
To enable storage encryption, select the Encrypt data in storage check box.
From the Provider list, select the cryptographic service provider that you want to use
to encrypt user data stored by LiveBackup server.
From the Method list, choose the specific encryption algorithm you want to use.
In the Key length box, type the number of characters in the encryption key.
To create the key, you must specify a password. Type the password and then type it
again to confirm it in the boxes provided.
You will need this password to restore the encryption configuration as the last step of
a vault restore.
Click OK. If you enabled storage encryption, then all new data will be encrypted. If
not, then the options you set are saved until you do enable encryption.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Make a note of all your encryption settings. If you later have any
problems with encryption, you must re-enter these values exactly as you
did the first time.
Once you have configured encryption settings, you will not be allowed to
modify them. You may only enable or disable storage encryption.
See Also
“Protecting the LiveBackup vault” on page 47.
To disable storage encryption
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Expand Server Tools, and then click System Settings.
Right-click Encryption and select Encrypt Server Data.
The Encrypt Server Data dialog box appears.
Clear the Encrypt data in storage check box.
Click OK.
All data that is already encrypted in the server remains encrypted, while all future data
stored in the server will not be encrypted.
Managing storage space
LiveBackup can store the vast amounts of backup data associated with very large user
communities. This data is stored in SQL databases––one database per protected client, plus
a shared database that stores identical files located on more than one computer. LiveBackup
provides the following means of decreasing the total amount of storage space required,
while still fully protecting all of your clients' files and keeping them available for recovery.
Redundancy elimination
Data aging
Archiving systems
In this chapter you will learn about the compression and redundancy elimination that
LiveBackup uses to decrease overall storage needs. You will also learn how to delete files
once they reach a certain age. Finally, you will learn about the LiveArchive snap-in for
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
LiveBackup Client compresses all data before it is transmitted to the LiveBackup Server for
storage. Data is compressed using a deflation algorithm, which is a variation of LZ77
(©Lempel-Ziv 1977). This algorithm replaces duplicate instances of data with a pointer.
This pointer is in the form of a pair (distance, length). Distances are limited to 32 kilobytes,
and lengths are limited to 258 bytes. Using this compression algorithm, compression rates
range from 2:1 for executable files to as much as 100:1 for bitmap files, with an average rate
of 4:1 across all data types.
See Also
Ziv J., Lempel A., “A Universal Algorithm for Sequential Data Compression,”
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 337-343.
See Also
“DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification” available at ftp://
Managing storage space
Redundancy elimination
LiveBackup eliminates redundant files or redundant parts of files by examining each file on
the client and server before saving it in the LiveBackup Storage Server.
There are three methods of redundancy elimination, Incremental Versioning, File SIOS and
Block SIOS (Single Instance Object Storage).
During Incremental Versioning, LiveBackup Client examines a file to determine if a copy
is already saved on the server. If so, it examines the file for changes, and then sends only the
changed portion of the file to the LiveBackup Server. Because LiveBackup stores only the
changes for each version, it is storage efficient.
During File SIOS, LiveBackup Server examines the first parcels of all files (as defined by
LiveBackup Client as well as in the Shared Files dialog box in LiveBackup Console) that
are received from the client. These files would be stored in the LiveBackup shared database.
If an exact copy of the file already exists on the LiveBackup Server in the shared database,
then the client does not send the remainder of the file to the server. Only full versions are
saved in the shared database; incremental versions are saved in the client database. Using
this process, only one copy of any individual file is ever stored on the LiveBackup Server in
the shared database at one time. File SIOS doesn't affect client databases.
During Block SIOS, LiveBackup Server examines all files (system and data) to determine if
any identical data block (8000 bytes of data) already exists on the LiveBackup Server in the
applicable client database or the shared database. Using this process, only one copy of any
block is ever stored in a database at one time. Both shared and client databases are affected
by Block SIOS; there is no cross-database Block SIOS.
This process of redundancy elimination saves a significant amount of disk space on the
server, particularly space used for storing Windows and application system files. In
addition, this process decreases your network traffic, since fewer files are transmitted from
the client to the server.
See Also
“Managing the shared database” on page 42.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Data aging
Once LiveBackup accumulates many versions of a particular file, you may want to delete
the older versions or off-load them to a secondary storage device to free space for more
recent data storage. By default, LiveBackup enables data aging on all clients and deletes
files that meet the aging criteria. However, you may also archive them to Atempo
LiveArchive, if you have it installed and have configured data aging for archiving.
If you choose to archive files during the data aging process, please see the documentation
provided with your archiving software.
To set up data aging in LiveBackup, you must complete the following tasks:
Determine which versions are eligible for data aging, which was described in
“Configure data aging” on page 106
Schedule times to process aged data
Connect LiveBackup to LiveArchive
Manage data transfer tasks
The remainder of this section describes each of these steps and provides procedures for
completing them.
Managing storage space
Schedule times to process aged data
Now that you have set up which files are to be agedas described in “Configure data aging”
on page 106, you can schedule times to perform the data aging task. Since you may want to
transfer large quantities of data at one time, you should schedule this task for times that
LiveBackup Server is either idle or lightly loaded, such as on weekends or late at night.
You can also archive any individual client’s data on demand. See “Launch the data
aging process” on page 120.
To schedule archive times
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Expand Data Aging, and then click Schedule.
Right-click Schedule, and then click Configure.
The Schedule Data Aging dialog box appears.
Make sure that the Enable scheduler check box is selected. It is selected by default.
In the Start time box, type or select the time of day at which you want to begin the
scheduled data aging. By default, LiveBackup launches data aging at 12:00 AM.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Choose how often you to launch the data aging process, which deletes or archives
files, depending on your configuration.
By default, this task is scheduled every week on Saturday. To schedule it every
other week, select 2 in the Every x weeks box; for every month, select 4 in this
box, and so on.
Then select the check boxes beside the days of the week on which you want the
task performed. To perform the task daily, select every check box.
Select the Duration of the data aging task. In the Allow this task to run for a
maximum of box, choose the number of hours for which the data aging will proceed.
By default, LiveBackup runs data aging for 54 hours, from midnight on Friday until
6:00 AM Monday.
When the duration is reached, data aging will be suspended until the next scheduled
Click OK.
If LiveBackup has not completed archiving data from all scheduled clients
during the scheduled time, then it will complete the client database on
which it is currently working. During the next scheduled archive task,
LiveBackup will begin with the client database where it left off the previous
To temporarily disable the scheduled task, clear the Enable scheduler check
box. The scheduled task will be suspended until you reselect this check box
and click OK again.
Managing storage space
Archiving systems
In addition to deleting aged files to free storage space, LiveBackup can archive them to a
secondary server for long-term storage. To archive files, LiveBackup supports the
LiveArchive system.
Using LiveArchive, you can transfer files from LiveBackup to either tape or disk, and then
you can retrieve them as necessary using the LiveBackup Client’s Recovery Assistant.
Simply install the LiveArchive system on any Windows Server. Then set up data aging as
described in “Configure data aging” on page 106, but select Archive rather than Delete.
Finally, connect LiveBackup to the archive system and set up your archive devices.
In this section, you will learn about
Connect LiveBackup to LiveArchive
Manage data transfer tasks
Connect LiveBackup to LiveArchive
To move data from LiveArchive to LiveBackup for long-term storage, you must provide a
way for the two systems to communicate with each other. You can make the connection
between the two systems and configure archiving. In this section, you will learn how to
Make a connection to LiveArchive
Work with connections
Make a connection to LiveArchive
You can link LiveBackup to LiveArchive through server connections. To establish and
manage these connections, use the Connections to LiveArchive object under Data Aging
in LiveBackup Console.
To make a connection to a LiveBackup Server
Run the LiveBackup Console.
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Expand Data Aging.
Right-click Connections to LiveArchive, and then click New connection.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
The New LiveArchive Connection wizard appears.
Read the Welcome page, and then click Next.
The LiveArchive Computer page appears.
In this page, you can establish a connection from LiveBackup to the LiveArchive
Server. Type the computer name where LiveArchive Server is installed, or click
Browse and select it from the Browse for Computer dialog box.
Click Next.
Managing storage space
The Destination Storage page appears.
Select a storage type. The media listed are those configured for storage by the
LiveArchive Server you chose. In the Where do you want to store the archived
data? list, click the media on which you want to store archived data from
LiveBackup, and then click Next.
The Timeout Values page appears.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Data transfer between LiveBackup and LiveArchive may be time-consuming. Select
a timeout value for these operations. After the timeout value is reached, the archiving
process is suspended, and LiveArchive sends an alert to LiveBackup.
In the Archiving tasks will abort if they run longer than box, select the timeout
value for transmitting data from LiveBackup to LiveArchive Server. The data
transmission will be aborted after the number of hours you select has elapsed.
In the Retrieval tasks will abort if they take longer than box, select the timeout
value for transmitting data from LiveArchive Server to LiveBackup for recovery. The
data transmission will be aborted after the number of hours you select has elapsed.
Click Next.
The Name and Description page appears.
You may now identify the connection you just created.
In the Type a unique name for this connection box, specify the name that refers to
this connection in the connections list and in LiveBackup alerts.
If you have any more comments to add, type them into the Enter a description for
the connection box.
Click Next.
The New LiveArchive Connection wizard Summary page appears.
Click Finish.
The connection to LiveArchive is now established, and LiveBackup may begin
archiving files as configured from Client Properties and Data Aging in the
LiveBackup Console: see “Configure data aging” on page 106.
Managing storage space
Work with connections
Once a connection is made, you can work with it in the following manner:
Get properties: view information you configured when you made the connection.
Verify: make sure the connection is working properly.
Disable: temporarily prevent the connection from being used.
Delete: remove the connection, because the archive server or storage is no longer
To get properties on a LiveArchive connection
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Expand Data Aging, and then click Connections to LiveArchive.
For each connection in this list, the following information appears:
Connection Name: name you assigned to the connection in the LiveArchive
Connection wizard.
Enabled: whether the connection is enabled for data transfer, Yes or No.
Server Name: name of the LiveArchive computer to which this connection
Storage Type: type of storage that the LiveArchive Server is using to store
archived files, either Folder or Removable.
Storage: name of the storage being used to store archived files.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
To get more information on a particular connection, right-click it and choose
A properties sheet appears containing the information above, plus data transfer
timeout settings, destination, and any additional descriptions of the connection.
When you have finished reviewing properties, click OK.
To edit LiveArchive connection properties
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Expand Data Aging, and then click Connections to LiveArchive.
Right-click a connection, and then choose Properties.
A properties sheet appears.
On the General page, modify the Connection name and Description.
Click the Timeouts tab.
In the Archiving tasks will abort if they run longer than box, select the timeout
value for transmitting data from LiveBackup to LiveArchive Server. The data
transmission will be aborted after the number of hours you select has elapsed.
In the Retrieval tasks will abort if they take longer than box, select the timeout
value for transmitting data from LiveArchive Server to LiveBackup for recovery. The
data transmission will be aborted after the number of hours you select has elapsed.
Click the Destination tab.
In the Computer name box, type the name of the LiveArchive Server to which you
want to age data.
From the Type of storage drop-down list, select Folder or Removable storage.
In the Storage device box, type the name of the storage you want to use for aged data.
Click OK.
Managing storage space
To verify a connection
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Expand Data Aging, and then click Connections to LiveArchive.
Right-click the connection you want to check, and then select Verify. One of the
following messages may appear:
The connection is OK.
This connection is not valid. The archive server cannot accept requests.
This connection is not valid. The specified storage is disabled on the archive
This connection is not valid. The specified storage reports a hardware error.
This connection is not valid. The specified storage is out of disk space.
This connection is not valid. There's no storage of the specified type on the
archive server.
This connection is not valid. There's no valid storage of the specified type on
the archive server.
This connection is not valid. The specified storage is not present on the archive
This connection is not valid. The archive server does not support storage of the
specified type.
Failed to check connection parameters.
Click OK.
To disable a LiveArchive connection
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Expand Data Aging, and then click Connections to LiveArchive.
A list of all connections appears.
Right-click the connection you no longer want to use and click Disable.
A confirmation message appears.
Click OK.
LiveBackup stops using this connection to transfer files, but saves the connection's
When you want to enable the connection for data transfer again, right-click it and
select Enable.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
To delete a LiveArchive connection
Before continuing with this procedure, note that removing a connection
removes all connection settings. You will never again be able to use this
connection to archive or retrieve files. All data archived using this connection
will be inaccessible until another connection to that LiveArchive Server is
created. Make sure you also reconfigure any LiveBackup Clients you have
configured to use this connection for its archived files. See “Configure data
aging” on page 106.
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Expand Data Aging, and then click Connections to LiveArchive.
A list of all connections appears.
Right-click the connection you want to remove and click Delete.
In the confirmation message that appears, click Yes.
Manage data transfer tasks
Once your connection from LiveArchive to LiveBackup is set up, you must configure how
data will be transferred between the two systems. This data transfer is managed by archive
buffers. To configure data transfer, you must add the buffers to manage input (data restored
from LiveBackup) and output data (data sent to LiveBackup).
This section describes how
To add a buffer and configure data transfer to and from LiveBackup
To delete a buffer
To view archiving tasks and status
To Troubleshoot archive tasks
Managing storage space
To add a buffer and configure data transfer to and from LiveBackup
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Expand Data Aging.
Right-click Buffers, and then point to New; click Archive Buffer.
The New Archive Buffer dialog box appears.
From the Buffer type area, choose how you want this buffer to be used:
Input: Use this buffer to restore data from the archive system for recovery.
Output: Use this buffer to transfer data to the archive system for long-term
To store and restore files from LiveBackup, you must set up both input and
output buffers.
From the Place archive buffer on disk list, select the drive on which you want to
store temporary files created during data transfer.
If you need to disable the selected buffer for data transfer, clear the Allow archive
system to use this buffer check box.
Click OK.
Multiple buffers enable different archiving tasks to run simultaneously;
therefore, set up at least two input and two output buffers.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
To delete a buffer
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Expand Data Aging, and then click Buffers.
Right-click the buffer you want to remove, and click Delete.
To view archiving tasks and status
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Expand Data Aging, and then click Buffers.
A list of buffers appears.
For each buffer, the following detailed task information appears.
ID: The name of the buffer handling the task. LiveBackup automatically
assigns this ID when you add the buffer.
Enable: Whether this buffer may be used for archiving tasks, either True or
State The current status of the buffer, which may be one of the following:
Ready Buffer is ready to send or receive data.
Managing storage space
Preparing The task is being processed by LiveBackup Server.
Waiting The task is waiting to be accepted by LiveArchive.
The task is being processed by LiveArchive.
Pending The archiving task either failed or was terminated. You may retry
sending data as described in “To retry sending data” on page 186.
Error Either the archive became corrupt or there are system problems, such
as the buffer cannot create or attach to the database. You must clear the buffer
as described in “To clear a buffer” on page 186.
Aborting The task is canceled as a result of selecting Abort from its Action
Locked LiveBackup Server is waiting for LiveBackup Client to retrieve data
from the archive.
Busy Waiting for input from either LiveBackup Server or the archiving
Type: How the buffer is used, either
Restores data from the archive system for recovery.
Transfers data to the archive system for long-term storage.
Client Name: The name of the LiveBackup Client that either has requested
data for restoration, or has data to backup to the archive server.
Archive Connection: The name of the connection being used for the archive
Started at: The time at which the file transfer began.
To refresh this screen, click the Refresh button in the toolbar.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Troubleshoot archive tasks
If you encounter any problems with an archive task, you can retry sending the data. If this
fails, you can either abort the task or clear the buffer handling the task.
You should retry if the archive data does not complete transfer within the timeout specified
in the archive connection. If archiving does not complete within the timeout period, then
LiveArchive suspends archiving and sends an alert to LiveBackup, and the buffer displays
a pending status.
You should abort a task if you need to stop it for any reason. Note that aborting a task may
take some time to complete.
You should clear a buffer when its State is Error. This state indicates a serious,
unrecoverable error. When you clear a buffer, the buffer becomes disabled, its State changes
to Ready, and the task is canceled. All information contained within the buffer is deleted.
To retry sending data
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Expand Data Aging, and then expand Buffers.
Right-click the buffer in the Pending state, and then click Retry.
To clear a buffer
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Expand Data Aging, and then expand Buffers.
Right-click the buffer handling the task you want to cancel, and then click Clear.
The archiving task is canceled and all associated data is deleted.
To abort an archiving task
Expand LiveBackup Servers, and then expand servername.
Expand Data Aging, and then expand Buffers.
Right-click the buffer handling the task you want to cancel, and then click Abort.
The buffer’s State changes to Aborting, and within a few minutes, the archiving task
is canceled.
After aborting an archive task, the corresponding buffer changes to the Pending
Administering LiveBackup
from a remote location
You may administer LiveBackup Server from any computer that is a member of the same or
trusted Windows domain as the LiveBackup Server.
This remote administration capability enables you to troubleshoot problems from home or
on the road.
In this chapter, you will learn about
Installing the remote console.
Managing the LiveBackup Server from a remote console.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Installing the remote console
To manage LiveBackup Server from a remote location, you must install the LiveBackup
Console on the computer from which you want to perform the administrative tasks. This
installation procedure will install Microsoft Management Console with the LiveBackup
snap-in and Microsoft Data Access Components. It will not install the LiveBackup Storage
Server components, such as the SQL databases.
System requirements
The computer on which you install the Remote Console must meet the following
Hardware requirements
Intel Pentium® Pro 200 or AMD Athlon processor or higher
5 MB hard disk space
Software requirements
Windows 2000 Professional, Windows 2000 Server or Advanced Server, Windows
Server 2003 Standard or Enterprise edition, or Windows XP Professional
Internet Explorer 5.01 (5.5 or higher recommended; 5.5 included)
MMC 1.1 (1.2 included)
MDAC 2.1, SP1 (2.5 included)
HTML Help update (for help viewing, included)
Computer membership in the same domain or trusted domain of the LiveBackup
Administrative rights on the LiveBackup Server computer, as well as on the local
Windows Installer 2.0
Administering LiveBackup from a remote location
Install the remote console
If you are upgrading the Remote Console, make sure that you uninstall the old
version before installing the new one.
Login to the computer using a domain account that has local administrative
Insert the LiveBackup Disc 1 CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.
In the Welcome to the LiveBackup Installation Wizard screen, click Next.
In the Select Component Type screen, select Install LiveBackup components, and
then click Next.
In the Install LiveBackup screen, click Install LiveBackup Console.
In the Prerequisites Check screen, make sure all prerequisites are installed, and then
click Next.
The LiveBackup Console installation begins.
Read the Welcome screen and click Next.
In the License Agreement screen that appears, select I accept the terms in the license
agreement, and then click Next.
To install LiveBackup Console, click the down arrow beside LiveBackup Console,
and then choose This feature will be installed on local hard drive.
To install only the console for remote management, make sure the LiveBackup Server
will not be installed. Click the down arrow beside LiveBackup Server, and the
choose This feature will not be available.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Click Next.
In the Destination Folder screen that appears, choose the location where you want to
install LiveBackup. By default the console is installed to
To change this location, click Change, and select a path.
Click Next.
In the Ready to Install the Program screen, click Install.
When the installation completes, click Finish.
Administering LiveBackup from a remote location
Managing the LiveBackup Server from a remote
Administering LiveBackup Server remotely is almost identical to administering it directly.
Just make sure that your remote computer is a member of the same domain or trusted domain
as the LiveBackup Server, and that you have local administrative privileges on the server
computer. You can then run the remote console.
To run the remote console
Click Start and point to Programs. Point to Atempo LiveBackup Console and click
LiveBackup Console.
In the Login to LiveBackup Server dialog box, type the name or IP Address of the
LiveBackup Server you want to administer, and then click OK.
The LiveBackup Console starts up.
You can use the remote console exactly as if it were on the LiveBackup Server
computer. Minor differences are noted below.
If you create a system image, it is placed on the computer's file system from
which you are running remotely, not the LiveBackup Server file system.
If you create a system image from the remote console and the data stored on
the LiveBackup server was encrypted, then make sure that the cryptoprovider selected in the Encryption dialog box exists on both the
LiveBackup Server computer and the remote console computer. See
“Encryption” on page 165.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
File type macros
To easily protect groups of file types as user documents or exclude them as discardable data,
LiveBackup includes an extensive set of macros. Select these macros on the Client
Properties Protected Data and Discardable Data pages. The following predefined macro
types are available:
Application Development Files
Compressed or Encoded Files
E-mail Inboxes
Graphics Files
Internal Discardable Data
Local temporary directories
Microsoft Office documents
My Documents folder
Recycle Bin directories
Start menu applications
Streaming audio/video files
Temporary download directories
Temporary Internet directories
Text files
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Application Development Files
C++ Include Files
C++ Source Files
Category files
Common Database Files
Crystal Reports
Definition Files
Help Source
Image Files
Interface Definition Files
Java Files, J#
Macro Files
File type macros
Other files
Policy Files
Resource files
Script Files
Source Control Files
Subsystem files
SQL Scripts
Visual Basic
Web Files
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Compressed or Encoded Files
E-mail Inboxes
Microsoft Outlook
Lotus Notes
Graphics Files
Three dimensional
VRL (VRML virtual reality
modeling language)
DWG (Autocad R12, 14)
DWF (Autodesk Drawing Web
DXF (Autocad Drawing
Exchange R12, 14)
DGN (Intergraph Standard File
TCW (TurboCAD for
Windows Drawing)
FP3 (FloorPlan 3.0)
Digital camera
FPX (FlashPix file), KDC (Kodak Digital Camera)
AIS (Adaptive Information
ATT (AT&T Group 4)
BMP (Windows/OS2
CAL (CALS Raster)
CPR (Knowledge Access)
CUT (Dr. Halo)
File type macros
DBX (Databeam)
DIB (Windows Bitmap)
FAX (Fax Type)
GED (Wincat)
GIF (Compuserve)
ICO (Windows Icon)
IFF (Amiga ILBM)
IMG (Gem Paint)
KFX (KOFAX Group 4)
LBM (Amiga ILBM)
LSR (SR files)
MAC (MacPaint)
PCD (Kodak Photo CD)
NIF (Navy Image file format)
PBM (Portable Bitmap)
PGM (Portable Bitmap)
PCX (PC Paintbrush)
PDW (HiJaak Draw)
PPM (Portable Bitmap)
PNG (Portable Network
PNM (Portable Bitmap)
RGB (Silicon Graphics RGB)
PSD (Photoshop)
RAS (Sun Raster)
SBP (IBM Storyboard PIC)
RLC (Image Systems)
RLE (Windows Bitmap)
TGA (Truevision)
SGI (Silicon Graphics RGB)
SUN (Sun Raster)
XPM (X-Windows Pixelmap)
TIF (Tagged Image File)
XBM (X-Windows Bitmap)
XWD (X-Windows Dump)
CLT (CGM Metafile)
CGM (CGM Metafile)
GEM (Gem Metafile)
HGL (HP Plotter 7475a)
P10 (Tektronix Plot 10*)
PGL (HP Plotter 7475a)
Plotter 7475a)
AI (Adobe Illustrator)
CDR (CorelDRAW 3-7)
CLP (Windows Clipboard)
CMX (Corel Metafile
DRW (Micrografx Draw)
EMF (Enhanced Windows
EPS (Encapsulated
IGF (Inset Graphics)
PCL (HP LaserJet II)
PICT (Macintosh Resource
Format PICT)
PCT (Macintosh PICT1,
PIX (Inset PIX)
PS (Postscript Level 2)
SSK (Smart Sketch)
WMF (Windows Metafile)
WPG (WordPerfect)
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Internal Discardable Data
LiveBackup cache folder
*.RBSRS: LiveBackup temporary files created during file, folder, and system
Applog directory, containing the spy driver data under
Windows print spooler:
Windows icon cache:
Windows font cache:
Windows 9x swap file
Windows NT swap file:
Terminal Services Client cache: *\MICROSOFT\TERMINAL SERVER CLIENT\CACHE\*
Registry log files, including:
File type macros
Local temporary directories
Local settings, as represented by the following language versions:
English, French
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Microsoft Office documents
Office Publisher
File type macros
Microsoft System Restore Points
All system backup files created for system recovery by Windows XP and Windows Server
2003 operating systems, defined as follows:
My Documents folder
All files in the My Documents folder, regardless of type. This protection includes the
following international versions of the My Documents folder:
Recycle Bin directories
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Start menu applications
This macro represents all files associated with an application in the Start menu.
Every application in the Start menu claims certain file extensions as “their” files, for which
they are the default editor. Some obvious examples are BMP’s association with Paintbrush,
and TXT’s association with Notepad.
However, some applications create associations with file types that are not so obvious. For
example, Lotus Notes is associated with NJF files and Adobe Photoshop is associated with
8BF files through a plug-in. Since these extensions are associated with a Start menu
application, they are included in this Start menu applications macro. However, these file
extensions do not represent user document types.
Because many applications associate file extensions that are not user document types, the
Start menu applications macro is excluded by default on the Protected Data page of Client
Note that most user document types are covered by other available macros, including
Microsoft Office documents, Text files, and Graphics files. By selecting these macros as
protected data, your important document files should be protected. In addition, if you are
running in user document protection mode, make sure to add any custom file types you want
protected to the Protected Data page of Client Properties. See “Define which types of files
to protect” on page 98.
Streaming audio/video files
Apple QuickTime
M4A, M4B, M4P
Real Audio
Real Jukebox
669, AS, CDA, DSM, FAR, IT, M3U, MID, MOD, MP3, MP2, MP1, MTM, PLS, S3M,
File type macros
Windows Media
Temporary download directories
Temporary Internet directories
Netscape: *\NETSCAPE\*\CACHE\*
Microsoft Internet Explorer:
English, German, French, Italian,
Swedish, Polish, Portuguese, and
Text files
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
LiveBackup Alerts
This appendix contains a complete list of alerts that may appear and how you should respond
to them. Note that an alert may indicate a problem that requires a resolution, or it may report
the status or condition of a client or server.
This chapter covers alerts relating to the following:
LiveBackup Server Alerts
LiveBackup Client Alerts
Archiving Alerts
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
LiveBackup Server Alerts
Compact alerts
Alert 335:
Compaction has finished.
Report: The compaction process launched by selecting Compact from the
servername node is now complete. Some disk space should have been freed.
Disk space alerts
Alert 300:
Drive driveletter has only xx% free space.
The specified LiveBackup Server drive is almost out of disk space.
Solution: Create space by adding server storage, or free some space by running
data aging and/or compacting the database. See “Data aging” on page 172 and
“Compacting the server” on page 45.
Alert 348: Internal SQL Server database is full. For more information, see the
SQL Server log.
Problem: Some of the internal SQL Server databases (such as Tempdb, MSDB,
etc.) used by the SQL server have run out of disk space. LiveBackup Server cannot
operate in such conditions; therefore it stops running.
Solution: Check the SQL Server logs to determine the exact problem with disk
space. Once enough disk space is available, you can restart LiveBackup Server: run
LiveBackup Console, right-click the LiveBackup servername, and then click Resume
Export/Import alerts
Alert 355: The client export task completed with n error(s) and n warning(s).
LiveBackup Server functionality has resumed successfully.
Report: LiveBackup exported the selected clients, encountering the number or
errors and warnings reported in this alert. Detailed errors and warning messages
appear in the details pane of the Vault Management node. LiveBackup Server is now
fully functional.
LiveBackup Alerts
Alert 356: The client import task completed with n error(s) and n warning(s).
LiveBackup Server functionality has resumed successfully.
Report: LiveBackup imported the selected clients, encountering the number or
errors and warnings reported in this alert. Detailed errors and warning messages
appear in the details pane of the Vault Management node. LiveBackup Server is now
fully functional.
Alert 357: The client import task terminated abnormally as requested by
username. LiveBackup Server functionality has resumed successfully.
Report: The LiveBackup Administrator aborted the client import task in progress.
The client import did not complete successfully, but LiveBackup Server functionality
has resumed. You can run the Import Clients wizard again at any time.
Alert 358: The client import task terminated abnormally because of an internal
error. LiveBackup Server functionality has resumed successfully.
Report: LiveBackup failed to import the selected clients due to an internal error.
Check the Vault Management node for details about this error and suggestions for
next steps. Also check the SQL Server logs for details. Make sure the LiveBackup
Server status is active and no other maintenance tasks are running, and then try the
import again.
Encryption alerts
Alert 515: A data block could not be encrypted in the database of the client
Problem: The encryption parameters are invalid. This problem could be the result
of the Crypto Provider being removed from the computer, data corruption in SQL,
encryption key corruption, or an attempt to recover data that was restored from the
Vault Restore Wizard, but was originally encrypted.
Solution: Make sure that the Crypto Provider is installed, and then reconfigure
encryption, taking care to use exactly the same settings as you did during the original
configuration. See “Encryption” on page 165.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Alert 514: A data block could not be decrypted in the database of the client
Problem: There was an internal error during the encryption or decryption
procedure. This problem could be the result of the Crypto Provider being removed
from the computer, data corruption in SQL, or an attempt to recover data that was
restored from the Vault Restore Wizard, but was originally encrypted.
Solution: Make sure that the Crypto Provider is installed, and then reconfigure
encryption, taking care to use exactly the same settings as you did during the original
configuration. See “Encryption” on page 165
Alert 322: Storage Encryption was enabled on date/time by user domain/
Report: The specified user has selected Encrypt stored data in the Encrypt Server
Data dialog box. All user data stored in LiveBackup will be encrypted from now on.
Alert 323: Storage Encryption was disabled on date/time by user domain/
Report: The specified user has cleared Encrypt stored data in the Encrypt Server
Data dialog box. All user data that is already encrypted in the server remains
encrypted, while all future user data stored in the server will not be encrypted.
Alert 324: Transport Encryption was enabled on date/time by user domain/
Report: The specified user has selected Enable transport encryption in the
Encrypt Data Transmission dialog box. All data that is being sent to the LiveBackup
Server for storage, or back to the LiveBackup Client for restoration, will be encrypted.
Alert 325: Transport Encryption was disabled on date/time by user domain/
Report: The specified user has cleared Enable transport encryption in the
Encrypt Data Transmission dialog box. Data that is being sent to the LiveBackup
Server for storage, or back to the LiveBackup Client for restoration, will no longer be
LiveBackup Alerts
Alert 321: Encryption parameters are invalid or corrupt. Reconfigure encryption
with original settings.
Problem: There is a problem with the settings in the Encrypt Server Data dialog
box or with the encryption key that was generated from these settings. These
problems result in either the prevention of encryption in the future, or the inability to
restore encrypted data.
Solution: Reconfigure encryption, taking care to use exactly the same settings as
you did during the original configuration. See “Encryption” on page 165.
Alert 519:
The data received from the client clientname cannot be decrypted.
Problem: LiveBackup Server cannot decrypt some data sent by the specified
client. This problem could be the result of corrupt data, problems with the encryption
provider, or problems within the transport encryption component.
Solution: If you see this error, check the encryption settings. If transport
encryption is not required, you may also try disabling this feature. If you continue to
see this alert, then contact Atempo Customer Support and make sure you have the
LiveBackup Server's SQL Logs ready to send.
Licensing alerts
Alert 320: License violation. Requested recovery operation or client creation is
rejected because the number of license seats is insufficient to provide required
protection mode for all existing clients. To enable normal operation, add required
license seats.
This alert appears in the following situations:
LiveBackup Server refused a recovery operation because it is in the license
violation state.
LiveBackup Server refused a client management operation, such as move or
add because it would result in a license violation.
Solution: You must purchase a LiveBackup license to continue use. Obtain a valid
license from Atempo, and then enter the code under Server Tools\System
Settings\Licensing. See “Adding client licenses” on page 40.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Alert 352: License violation is detected after the full or partial vault restore. To
enable normal operation, add required license seats.
Problem: The full or partial vault restore resulted in license violation. Due to this
violation, LiveBackup Server has locked down its functionality.
Solution: You must purchase a LiveBackup license to continue use. Obtain a valid
license from Atempo, and then enter the code under Server Tools\System
Settings\Licensing. See “Adding client licenses” on page 40.
Alert 353: License violation is detected after adding or removing licenses. To
enable normal operation, add more license seats.
This alert appears in the following situations:
The LiveBackup Administrator has removed licenses that are being used by
current client accounts, and are therefore required.
The LiveBackup Administrator has added an insufficient number of license
seats to provide required protection to all existing clients.
Due to this license violation, LiveBackup Server has locked down its functionality.
Solution: You must purchase a LiveBackup license to continue use. Obtain a valid
license from Atempo, and then enter the code under Server Tools\System
Settings\Licensing. See “Adding client licenses” on page 40.
Redirection alerts
Alert 354: Client clientname successfully redirected to the server target
Report: The specified client account has been redirected to the specified server.
LiveBackup Client has connected to the specified server and is now replicating data.
The original client account has a status of Redirected, and is no longer accepting data.
LiveBackup Alerts
Replication alerts
Alert 521: Data corruption has been detected. Server has received a corrupted
data block from the client clientname.
Problem: The specified LiveBackup Client sent data with an incorrect CRC,
which the LiveBackup Server cannot accept.
Solution: If this alert occurs frequently, then contact Atempo Customer Support.
You may also attempt to run LiveBackup Client's restore database program,
restordb.exe, which you can find in the LiveBackup Client program folder.
Alert 516: Data corruption has been detected on the way from client to
LiveBackup Server.
Problem: LiveBackup Server cannot read the data sent from a LiveBackup Client
computer. This problem may be the result of a bad or unstable connection between
the LiveBackup Server and LiveBackup Client computers.
Solution: If this alert appears infrequently, it likely does not require any response.
However, if many of these alerts appear in the Event Viewer, you should try to
remedy the problem. Check network connections between the LiveBackup Client and
Server computers. First use the LiveBackup Server Connectivity Test utility from the
client. If this utility reports a problem, then check all hardware and software
connections, and then restart the LiveBackup Client computer. If you continue to see
this alert frequently, then contact Atempo Customer Support.
Alert 522:
The LiveBackup Server failed to use the Microsoft XML component.
Problem: LiveBackup Server requires Microsoft XML to transfer data. This alert
appears if there is a problem with the Microsoft XML component on the server.
Solution: Try to fix or update the Microsoft XML component using Microsoft's
tools. If the problem persists, contact Atempo Customer Support
Alert 523:
The LiveBackup Server failed to process data received from the client.
Problem: LiveBackup Server cannot process some data from the specified client.
This problem may be due to corruption during data transport, a logical error in the
client, or some other unknown reason.
If this alert occurs frequently, then contact Atempo Customer Support.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Alert 525:
Failure using a LiveBackup component.
Problem: This internal error indicates a problem with one of LiveBackup Server's
COM objects. You can try to repair the LiveBackup Server installation.
If this alert occurs frequently, then contact Atempo Customer Support.
Alert 526: A corrupted data block is detected in the database of the client
Problem: The specified client is attempting to restore some data, but the
LiveBackup Server detected that a block within that data may be corrupt. This
problem may be due to hardware problems on the LiveBackup Server.
Gather information about the problem and attempt to resolve it:
Check the storage on which the client database is located.
If the storage has no errors, then check the LiveBackup Client database
in SQL Server using Microsoft SQL Server's DBCC command. For
details, see SQL Server Books online.
If the problem persists, contact Atempo Customer Support.
Shared database alerts
Alert 306:
Shared database is full.
Out of space on the drive where LBSYSTEM_DATA.MDB or
Solution: Add server storage. You can get more information about the Shared
database by checking shared database settings: see “Managing the shared database”
on page 42.
Alert 304:
Transaction log of Shared database is full.
Out of space on the drive where LBSYSTEM_DATA.MDB or
is stored.
Solution: Add server storage. You can get more information about the Shared
database by checking shared database settings: see “Managing the shared database”
on page 42.
LiveBackup Alerts
Vault Management alerts
Alert 400:
Vault Backup successfully completed on date/time.
Report: The Vault Management task to back up the server vault has completed
Alert 420:
Vault restore completed successfully on date/time.
Report: The Vault Management task to restore the server vault has completed
Alert 431: Vault Backup successfully backed up only x of y databases on date/
time. The rest of the databases were inaccessible and not backed up. See the SQL
Server Log for details.
Report: The Vault Management task to back up the server vault to a specified
location successfully backed up the number of databases indicated. The remainder of
the databases were skipped because they were unavailable at the time the backup was
performed. For details on which databases were skipped and why, see the SQL Server
Log in the SQL Enterprise Manager.
Alert 430:
LiveBackup vault restore failed. Check the SQL Server Log for details.
Problem: The Vault Management task to restore the server vault failed. This
failure may be the result of an error or the result of the LiveBackup Administrator
aborting the task.
Solution: Open SQL Enterprise Manager and check the SQL Server Log’s “Vault
Management Wizard” message. First, resolve the problem as described by SQL
Server. Then reinstall LiveBackup Server, and finally run the Vault Restore Wizard
Alert 410: Error: Vault Backup task of date/time failed. Check the SQL Server Log
for details.
The Vault Management task to back up the server vault failed due to an
Solution: Open Microsoft SQL Enterprise Manager and check the SQL Server
Log’s “Vault Management Wizard” message. Resolve the problem described in this
message, and then run the Vault Backup Wizard again. If you have trouble resolving
the problem with the assistance of SQL’s information alone, you may contact
Customer Support.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Alert 411: The administrator has aborted the task to back up the LiveBackup
Server vault. No data has been backed up.
Problem: The LiveBackup Administrator aborted the task to back up the
LiveBackup Server vault. No data was backed up.
Solution: To back up the data, run the Vault Backup Wizard again. See “Back up
the server vault” on page 62.
Alert 432: The administrator has aborted the task to restore the LiveBackup
Server vault. Client databases have not been fully restored. You may need to
reinstall LiveBackup Server and run the Vault Restore Wizard to restore full
Problem: The LiveBackup Administrator aborted the task to restore the
LiveBackup Server Vault.
Solution: To restore the client databases, reinstall the LiveBackup Server and
then run the Vault Restore Wizard again. For instructions on reinstalling, see the
LiveBackup Installation and Setup Guide. For details on restoring, see “Restore the
server vault” on page 63.
SQL Server alerts
Alert 359: The LiveBackup Server functionality restored after Microsoft SQL
Server upgrade.
LiveBackup Server completed the internal processing required to finalize
the upgrade of SQL Server. LiveBackup Server functionality is resumed.
Third party backup/restore process alerts
LiveBackup enables you to backup and restore the LiveBackup data vault using third-party
tools such as Atempo Time Navigator and Veritas Backup Exec. During the backup and
restore process, the LiveBackup Console is locked; therefore, you can view alerts on
progress and/or problems in the Windows Event Viewer application log, under the
LiveBackup Alerter heading. The following alerts may appear.
Alert 441:
Vault backup preprocessing started.
Report: Backup preprocessing was successfully launched. The LiveBackup Server
will be stopped for backup.
LiveBackup Alerts
Alert 442:
Vault backup preprocessing successfully completed.
Report: Backup preprocessing completed successfully. All server activity is
stopped, and the databases are now ready to be backed up by the third-party
application of your choice.
Alert 443:
Vault backup postprocessing started.
Report: Backup postprocessing was successfully launched. The LiveBackup
Server will resume.
Alert 444:
Vault backup postprocessing completed successfully.
Report: Backup postprocessing completed successfully. LiveBackup Server
functionality is now resumed.
Alert 445:
Vault restore preprocessing started.
Report: Restore preprocessing was successfully launched. The LiveBackup Server
will be prepared to restore the data vault.
Alert 446:
Vault restore preprocessing completed successfully.
Report: Restore preprocessing completed successfully. The LiveBackup Server is
now ready to restore the data vault.
Alert 447:
Vault restore postprocessing started.
Report: Restoration has completed and restore postprocessing was successfully
launched. The LiveBackup Server will now be resumed.
Alert 448:
Vault restore postprocessing completed successfully.
Report: Restore postprocessing completed successfully, and LiveBackup Server
functionality has resumed.
Alert 434:
Vault backup preprocessing: could not detach at least one client
Problem: The preprocessing step initiated by an external backup failed to detach
a client database. Detaching the database is required to enable the LiveBackup vault
to be backed up as a set of files using file agent of the backup tool. This problem may
occur in case of database corruption or if the LiveBackup Server appears to be under
heavy load, which is possible if IIS was started. Note that the backup set created may
contain a corrupted client database or may be missing some client databases.
Check the database, and if necessary, run another backup.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Alert 473:
Vault backup preprocessing failed.
Problem: The backup preprocessing step failed. No data has been backed up, and
the LiveBackup Server might be in an inoperative state. This problem may be due to
a hardware error that caused database corruption.
Solution: To resolve this problem, first check the databases. Then manually
launch backup preprocessing, and then try the overall backup process again. If it fails
again, contact Atempo Customer Support.
Alert 449: Failed to execute vault backup preprocessing. Vault backup could not
be executed at this moment.
Problem: The backup preprocessing step has failed, so the LiveBackup Server was
not prepared for backup, and no data has been backed up. The LiveBackup Server
might be busy with some internal activity such as data aging or compaction.
Solution: Wait until these server processes complete, and then run vault backup
again. Make sure to schedule backup at a different time than data aging.
Alert 454: Failed to execute vault backup preprocessing. An incomplete or failed
backup/restore session is detected.
Problem: The backup preprocessing step did not start because the LiveBackup
Server is not ready. This problem may be cause by the failure of a previous backup or
Solution: To resolve the problem, check the LiveBackup Server for any backup or
restore activity. If there is any activity, wait for it to complete, and then try again. If
not, repeat the entire backup process.
Alert 435:
Vault backup postprocessing: could not attach at least one client
Problem: The backup file agent's postprocessing step failed to attach a client
database. This problem may occur if a database appears to be corrupted, deleted, or
locked as a file by some application. The likely cause is that the postprocessing step
was launched manually before backup has completed.
Solution: To fix this problem and enable the database to reattach, make sure the
third-party backup application is not running. If it is running, wait until it has finished
and then try again. If it is not running, try to execute the postprocessing step manually
once more. If the problem cannot be resolved, then the client computer represented
by this database will no longer be protected by LiveBackup Server.
LiveBackup Alerts
Alert 438:
Vault backup postprocessing failed.
Problem: The backup postprocessing step failed. Although the backup probably
succeeded, the LiveBackup Server is now in an inoperative state. This failure occurs
if some important LiveBackup files are locked by a third-party application.
Solution: To resolve the problem, make sure that the third-party backup
application has finished and no longer has any LiveBackup files locked. Then
manually launch the backup postprocessing again. If it fails again, contact Atempo
Customer Support.
Alert 453: Failed to execute vault backup postprocessing. Another backup/
restore session is detected or the previous restore has failed.
Problem: Although the vault backup might have completed successfully,
postprocessing failed to start, so the LiveBackup Server is still inoperative. The
process failed because the LiveBackup Server was not ready, possibly because
another backup/restore process is running or the previous restore session did not
finish successfully.
Solution: To resolve the problem, check the LiveBackup Server for any backup or
restore activity. If there is any activity, wait for it to complete. If you find that the
previous restore has failed, then repeat the entire vault restore procedure.
Alert 439:
Vault restore preprocessing failed.
Problem: The restore preprocessing step failed, and the LiveBackup Server is in
an inoperative state. This failure occurs if some important LiveBackup files are
locked by a third-party application.
Solution: To resolve the problem, make sure that the third-party backup
application has finished and no longer has any LiveBackup files locked. Then repeat
the entire restoration procedure, including reinstallation of the SQL Server and
LiveBackup Server software. If it fails again, contact Atempo Customer Support.
Alert 450: Failed to execute vault restore preprocessing. Vault restore can be
performed only on a fresh LiveBackup Server installation.
Problem: The restore process failed to start because the LiveBackup Server you
are restoring to does not represent a fresh installation of the application.
Solution: Reinstall the SQL Server and LiveBackup Server software. Stop IIS, do
not enable auto-creation in LiveBackup Console, and then try to restore the vault
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Alert 452: Failed to execute vault restore preprocessing. An incomplete or failed
backup/restore session is detected.
Problem: The restore preprocessing step initiated by an a third-party application
was not started because the LiveBackup Server is not ready. This problem may be the
result of attempting to restore to an existing (not new) LiveBackup Server installation,
or because a previous backup or restore did not complete successfully.
Solution: To resolve the problem, first make sure you are working with a fresh
installation of LiveBackup Server. If so, check the LiveBackup Server for any backup
or restore activity. If there is any activity, wait for it to complete, and then try again.
If not, repeat the entire restore process.
Alert 440:
Vault restore postprocessing failed.
Problem: The restore postprocessing step failed, and the LiveBackup Server is in
an inoperative state. This failure occurs if some important LiveBackup files are
locked by a third-party application.
Solution: To resolve the problem, make sure that the third-party backup
application has finished and no longer has any LiveBackup files locked. Then repeat
the entire restoration procedure, including reinstallation of the SQL Server and
LiveBackup Server software. If it fails again, contact Atempo Customer Support.
Alert 436:
Vault restore postprocessing: could not attach at least one client
Problem: The file agent's restore postprocessing failed to attach a client database.
Since the LiveBackup databases were restored as files, they must be reattached to the
LiveBackup Server to reestablish protection. This problem may occur if a database
appears to be corrupted, deleted, or locked as a file by some application. The likely
cause is that the postprocessing step was launched manually before restore had
completed. Another possible cause for this problem is if the database file has not been
restored because it was excluded from restore, omitted from the backup set, or failed
during restoration. It may also have been restored to an incorrect location.
Solution: To resolve this problem, check the restore set, and then repeat the entire
restoration procedure, including reinstallation of the SQL Server and LiveBackup
Server software. After restoration, make sure all files have been restored to their
original locations, as specified in the BackupFileList.txt file.
LiveBackup Alerts
Alert 451: Failed to execute vault restore postprocessing. Installed LiveBackup
Server version (version stamp) differs from the saved one (version stamp). Vault
restore failed.
Problem: The restore process failed to complete because the version saved in the
LiveBackup Server backup is different from the installed version you are restoring to.
Solution: Reinstall the SQL Server and LiveBackup Server software, and then try
the vault restore again.
Alert 455: Failed to execute vault restore postprocessing. The preprocessing
step has not completed successfully.
Problem: The LiveBackup Server did not resume after the vault restore, because
the LiveBackup Server is not ready. This problem may be cause by the failure of a
previous backup or restore.
Solution: To resolve the problem, check the LiveBackup Server for any backup or
restore activity. If there is any activity, wait for it to complete, and then try again. If
not, repeat the entire restore process.
Alert 456: Failed to execute vault backup/restore preprocessing because the
database of the client clientname is being moved.
Problem: The backup or restore preprocessing step failed to start because
LiveBackup Server in the process of moving a client database.
Wait for the database move to complete, and then try again.
Alert 457: Failed to execute vault backup/restore preprocessing because a
server upgrade is running.
Problem: The backup or restore preprocessing step failed to start, because a
LiveBackup Server software upgrade is in progress.
Wait for the upgrade to complete, and then try again.
Upgrade alerts
Alert 362: LiveBackup Server version V1 services clients between version V2 and
version V3 and supports the upgrade of clients between version V4 and version V5.
Report: This alert appears after upgrading LiveBackup Server. It informs you of
the versions of LiveBackup Client that the current version of the server supports, as
well as what versions of the LiveBackup Client can be upgraded.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
LiveBackup Client Alerts
Automatic creation alerts
Alert 312: Client CompoundClientName was automatically created. Replication
will begin in XX hours.
Report: The specified client has been created with the settings you specified in the
Auto-creation page of the Group Properties dialog box. See “Create clients
automatically” on page 81.
Alert 313: Client clientname: Activation delay period has expired. Client will begin
Report: LiveBackup automatically created the client and has waited the
predetermined amount of time before replicating. The client will now start copying
files to the LiveBackup Server for storage. See “Create clients automatically” on
page 81.
Alert 314:
Client clientname: Auto-creation failed. Database could not be created.
Problem: LiveBackup has attempted, but failed to create the specified client using
the settings specified in the Client Account Creation Policies dialog box. There may
not be enough free disk space.
Solution: Check the amount of free disk space on the drive specified in Storage
Properties. Free some disk space on the specified drive, delete the client account, and
then wait for auto-creation to begin again.
Alert 337: Client account CompoundClientName was automatically created.
Permission to replicate granted on date/time.
Report: LiveBackup created the specified client in the specified group. The client
started copying files at the specified date and time.
Alert 338: Client account CompoundClientName was automatically created for
client clientname. Permission to replicate granted on date/time.
Report: LiveBackup created an account for the specified client with the specified
name and group. The name of the account name differs from the client name because
a duplicate client account already existed. The client started copying files at the
specified date and time.
LiveBackup Alerts
Alert 345:
Authorization of client clientname refused. Client is blacklisted.
Report: LiveBackup did not create the specified client because the client is
Alert 339: Client account CompoundClientName was automatically created.
Replication must be allowed manually.
Report: LiveBackup created the specified client in the specified group. To start
replication, right-click the client, and then click Activate.
Alert 340: Client account CompoundClientName was automatically created for
client clientname. Replication must be allowed manually.
Report: LiveBackup created an account for the specified client with the specified
name and group. The name of the account name differs from the client name because
a duplicate client account already existed. To start replication, right-click the client,
and then click Activate.
Alert 341:
Authorization of client clientname refused. Client account not found.
Problem: LiveBackup did not create the specified client either because autocreation was disabled globally, or disabled for the selected group.
Solution: To create the client, you can enable automatic client creation, or create
the client manually. See “Create clients” on page 81.
Alert 342:
Authorization of client clientname refused. Client account already
Problem: LiveBackup did not create the specified client because a duplicate name
already exists.
Solution: Either rename the client, or allow LiveBackup to resolve duplicate
names automatically. See “Rename a client or a group” on page 86 and “To enable
client auto-creation within a group” on page 82.
Alert 343:
Authorization of client clientname refused. Group not found.
Problem: LiveBackup did not create the specified client because the group in
which you chose to create the client does not exist.
Solution: Create the group manually or enable LiveBackup to create groups
automatically. See “Create groups” on page 78.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Alert 344:
Authorization of client clientname refused. Ambiguous client account
Problem: LiveBackup did not create the specified client because no group was
specified and duplicate clients already exist.
Alert 346:
Create the client manually. See “Create clients” on page 81.
Authorization of client clientname refused. Compound name is too
LiveBackup did not create the specified client because the full compound
name of the client, which includes all parent groups, is more than 255 characters.
Shorten the names of the parent groups. See “Rename a client or a group”
on page 86.
Alert 360: Client account clientname was automatically created in the default
group for client clientname because the original compound name is too long.
Permission to replicate granted on date.
Report: The client account was created automatically, but not in the requested
group, because the compound name was too long. Rather, the client account was
created in the group specified in the Client Account Creation Policies dialog box.
Alert 361: Client account clientname was automatically created in the default
group for client clientname because the original compound name is too long.
Replication must be allowed manually.
Report: The client account was created automatically, but not in the requested
group, because the compound name was too long. Rather, the client account was
created in the group specified in the Client Account Creation Policies dialog box. To
begin replication, right-click the client and select Activate.
Change database location alerts
Alert 318:
Client clientname: Change Database Location task has completed.
Report: LiveBackup moved the specified client’s database to the drive you
selected in the Change Database Location dialog box.
Alert 319:
Client clientname: Change Database Location task failed.
Report: LiveBackup did not move the specified client’s database to the drive you
selected in the Change Database Location dialog box.
LiveBackup Alerts
Connection alerts
Alert 351: Two potentially different LiveBackup clients are attempting to access
the client database compound client name. This may result in a database conflict.
Problem: LiveBackup Server identifies each client computer by a unique
hardware identifier code. If it detects that different client IDs are attempting to access
one database, then this alert appears. This alert may or may not signify a real problem.
In the following situations, a second ID may be generated for a single client:
Hardware was changed on the computer, and then changed back to its original
Several disaster recovery procedures were run on this computer, each using
different checkpoints with different IDs.
In each of the these cases, there is no problem.
However, this alert may also signify that two different computers are attempting to
access a single database. This problem is likely caused by cloning.
Solution: If after examining the information provided in the alert, you determine
that this is the problem, then do the following on each LiveBackup Client computer:
Close all LiveBackup applications.
Stop all LiveBackup services, including wengine.exe and amnt.exe.
Run REGEDIT, and delete value of the following registry key
Then, on the LiveBackup Server computer, perform the following steps:
Delete the specified client database. To learn how, see “Delete clients or
groups” on page 91.
Enable LiveBackup to automatically create new databases. To learn how, see
“Create clients automatically” on page 81.
Finally restart the client computers. LiveBackup will recreate each client database
and begin replication again.
Alert 309:
Authorization failed for client clientname.
Problem: The specified client is attempting to access the LiveBackup Server, but
the LiveBackup Server cannot find the client in its database.
Solution: If the client is valid, add it to LiveBackup. See “Create individual
clients” on page 84.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Alert 310:
Initialization failed for client clientname.
Problem: The client is attempting to access the LiveBackup Server, but the server
does not recognize the client by name. This failure may be due to a corrupted registry
file on the client, or uninstallation and reinstallation of LiveBackup on the client
Solution: To restore the connection, re-initialize the client. See “Re-initialize a
client” on page 118.
Data aging alerts
Alert 326: Client clientname: Age Data Now task to delete data completed
successfully on date/time.
Report: The archiving task that you launched by selecting Age Data Now from a
client’s shortcut menu is now complete. Eligible data was deleted.
Alert 327: Client clientname: Age Data Now task prepared data for transfer to the
archive system on date/time.
Report: The archiving task that you launched by selecting Age Data Now from a
client’s shortcut menu has successfully transferred data from the client’s database to
a temporary database. It will now begin transfer to the archive system. All client
activity is now resumed.
Alert 329: Client clientname: Age Data Now task successfully transferred data to
the archive system on date/time.
Report: The archiving task that you launched by selecting Age Data Now from a
client’s shortcut menu is now complete. Eligible data was archived.
Alert 328: Client clientname: Age Data Now task failed. No data was processed
on date/time.
Report: The archiving task that you launched by selecting Age Data Now from a
client’s shortcut menu did not complete successfully. None of the eligible data was
Alert 330: Client clientname: Age Data Now task failed to transfer data to the
archive system. All data has been deleted on date/time.
Report: The archiving task that you launched by selecting Age Data Now from a
client’s shortcut menu failed. All data that would have been archived has now been
LiveBackup Alerts
Alert 331: Client clientname: Age Data Now task completed successfully on date/
time. No data was archived because there was not enough data for archiving.
Report: If the size of the temporary database prepared for transfer is less than 5-10
MB, then data will not be removed from storage or transferred to the archive server.
This alert appears only if you have selected Older versions should be archived. If
you select Older versions should be deleted, it will always be deleted, regardless of
Expiration alerts
Alert 352:
Client clientname is expired.
Problem: The expiration date assigned in the specified client's properties has
passed. The client is now stopped: no new versions will be created and no local or
remote recovery operations are available.
To restart the client, you must modify the date in the Expiration page of
Client Properties. See “Set an expiration date” on page 108.
File migration alerts
Alert 302: Data migration task task description completed with success on client
LiveBackup's File Migration Wizard successfully transferred files to the
Alert 303: Data migration task task description completed with failure on client
LiveBackup's File Migration Wizard failed to transfer all of the selected
files to the specified client.
Check the UDM.LOG file on the LiveBackup Client for details. First,
make sure that the destination client is on and has a connection to the LiveBackup
Server. See “Managing clients’ connection to the server” on page 116. Then make
sure there is enough free disk space on the destination client to receive the files.
Finally, retry the data migration task. See “Migrate files” on page 121. If this message
appears again, then it is likely that some of the files were skipped because they were
encrypted, corrupt in the LiveBackup database, or prevented from transfer due to
security settings.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Replication alerts
Alert 317: Client clientname: An initial system checkpoint was created
The client has finished copying all of its files to the server, the client has
been restarted, and a checkpoint has been created. As a result, the System Rollback
Recovery Assistant on the client and the System Image Wizard on the server will be
enabled. Note that this alert will appear only for clients with Full System Protection
Alert 203:
Client clientname: Insufficient space on cache drive for filename.
Problem: There is not enough disk space in the client’s cache folder to store a
particular file before transferring it to the server. Until this problem is fixed, no
system checkpoints will be saved.
Solution: Go to the client computer and free some disk space or exclude the
problem file from protection. See “Define discardable data types” on page 99.
Alert 200:
Client clientname: Error restoring local database.
This serious alert indicates that the client database on the server is
Solution: Delete the client from the LiveBackup Server and then create it again.
See “Delete clients or groups” on page 91 and “Create individual clients” on page 84.
Alert 301:
Client clientname database is near capacity.
Problem: The specified client has less than 10% of its maximum allocated space
left in the database. File backups will continue until the client has reached its database
size limit as indicated in the Storage tab of the client’s Properties.
Solution: You can either allocate more server storage space for the individual
client, or you can archive files. See “Allocate storage space for protected files” on
page 102 and “Data aging” on page 172.
Alert 305:
Transaction log of the client clientname database is full.
Problem: The log file in which LiveBackup information is written and stored is
full. No more of the client’s files will be backed up to the LiveBackup Server.
Solution: Free some disk space, and then manually resume the client. See “Stop
and resume connections” on page 117.
LiveBackup Alerts
Alert 307:
Client clientname database is full.
Problem: This alert may be generated as a result of the following problems. Check
the SQL Server Log and the Windows Event Log to determine the cause, and then
resolve the situation as described below.
The client database has reached its maximum space as specified in its Storage
The drive where the client database is located has run out of disk space.
While archiving the client, there was an overflow of the archive database. This
situation may be detected as an overflow of the client database.
For the above problems, do the following:
Allocate more storage space for the client, and then manually resume the client.
Free up some disk space, and then manually resume the client.
You can manually resume the client to resolve the problem.
See “Allocate storage space for protected files” on page 102 and “Stop and resume
connections” on page 117.
Alert 349: Client clientname: LiveBackup Server has detected that the client local
database is inconsistent with its database on the server. LiveBackup Server
initiated the database synchronization.
Report: The local database is not synchronized with the LiveBackup Server,
possibly due to a power failure or unexpected system restart. LiveBackup Server
detects this situation and automatically initiates synchronization of the client. As a
result, the RestorDB.exe utility will be automatically started on the client computer.
Alert 350: Client clientname: LiveBackup Server has detected that the client local
database is inconsistent with its database on the server. Protection stopped.
Problem: For the second time in a one week period, the local database is not
synchronized with the LiveBackup Server. The first time it happened, LiveBackup
Server automatically attempted to sync the databases. This auto-synchronization may
be performed only once a week. LiveBackup generates this alert once a day for a
week, until the auto-synchronization is performed again.
Solution: To sync the databases sooner, run RestorDB.exe (located in the
LiveBackup installation folder) on the client manually.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Remote Rollback alerts
Alert 210:
Task to roll back to date has been delivered to the client clientname.
Report: The rollback task is now at the client computer. The LiveBackup Client's
user has two minutes to cancel the task, after which the rollback will begin
Alert 211:
Client clientname has been successfully rolled back to date.
The client computer has been rolled back to the checkpoint you selected.
Alert 212: Task to roll back client clientname to date is aborted. Not enough space
on client's hard drive for fault-tolerant rollback.
Problem: If you chose to roll back the client with the fault tolerant option, and the
client had limited disk space, you will see this alert.
Solution: To complete the rollback task, you must free some disk space on the
client computer and then post the rollback task again.
Alert 213: Task to roll back client clientname to date has been aborted by the
interactive user.
The user on the LiveBackup Client has chosen to cancel the rollback
See the client computer's user for more information.
Alert 214: Task to roll back client clientname to date/time completed. Some files
were skipped.
Report: The client computer has been rolled back to the checkpoint you selected;
however, LiveBackup failed to restore one or more files. Skipped files are listed in
the SysUnrl.log file, located in the LiveBackup Client cache folder.
System imaging alerts
Alert 209:
Client clientname: Request system image from checkpoint date/time.
Client has requested a system image using the Request System Image
Solution: Generate a recovery image of the client. See “Generate a system image”
on page 150.
LiveBackup Alerts
Archiving Alerts
Any alerts that reference LiveArchive or the archiving system should appear only if you
have configured LiveBackup to archive files. For details on archiving alerts, see the
LiveArchive User Guide.
If you do not have LiveArchive installed, then LiveBackup is configured improperly. Make
sure LiveBackup is configured to delete aged data rather than archive it. See “Data aging”
on page 172.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
LiveBackup maintenance
This appendix contains a complete list of maintenance messages that may appear and if and
how you should respond to them. Note that a maintenance message may indicate a problem
that requires a resolution, or it may report the status or condition of a client or server.
These messages appear in the details pane of either the Vault Management node or the
servername node.
This chapter covers maintenance message regarding
Vault Backup Wizard
Vault Restore Wizard
Third Party Vault Backup
Third Party Vault Restore
SQL 2005 migration
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Vault Backup Wizard
LiveBackup Server started Vault Backup.
Report: LiveBackup is in the process of backing up using the Vault Backup
Wizard. No other maintenance tasks are available.
Vault Backup completed successfully.
Report: LiveBackup backed up the vault using the Vault Backup Wizard. Full
LiveBackup Server functionality has resumed.
Vault Backup failed because of an internal error.
Problem: LiveBackup Server encountered an internal error that has prevented it
from completing the backup. The error might be caused by database corruption, a
heavy load on the LiveBackup Server computer, or a failure of the output device.
Solution: Check the SQL Server log, and resolve any issues found. Then make
sure there is sufficient free space on the target drive, and make sure the device is
working properly.
Restart LiveBackup Console, and then run the backup again.
If the problem persists, call Customer Support.
Vault Backup aborted by an administrator.
Report: LiveBackup stopped the vault backup at the administrator’s request.
LiveBackup Server functionality has resumed.
LiveBackup maintenance messages
Vault Restore Wizard
LiveBackup Server started Vault Restore.
Report: LiveBackup is in the process of restoring using the Vault Restore Wizard.
No other maintenance tasks are available.
Vault Restore completed successfully.
Report: LiveBackup restored the vault using the Vault Restore Wizard. Full
LiveBackup Server functionality has resumed.
Vault Restore failed because of an internal error.
Problem: LiveBackup Server encountered an internal error that has prevented it
from completing the restore. The error might be caused by database corruption, a
heavy load on the LiveBackup Server computer, or a failure of the input device.
Solution: Check the SQL Server log, and resolve any issues found. Make sure the
input device is working properly.
Restart LiveBackup Console, and then run the restore again. It it fails, then uninstall
and reinstall LiveBackup Server, and then try again.
If the problem persists, call Customer Support.
Vault Restore aborted by an administrator.
Report: LiveBackup stopped the vault restore at the administrator’s request.
LiveBackup Server functionality has resumed.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Third Party Vault Backup
Vault backup pre-processing started.
Report: LiveBackup has successfully started the pre-processing steps required for
vault backup.
Vault backup pre-processing completed successfully.
Report: LiveBackup has successfully completed the pre-processing steps required
for vault backup. The LiveBackup Server is stopped, and its databases are ready to be
backed up by a third-party backup application.
Vault backup pre-processing failed.
Problem: The backup preprocessing step failed. No data has been backed up, and
the LiveBackup Server might be in an inoperative state. This problem may be due to
a hardware error that caused database corruption.
Solution: To resolve this problem, first check the databases. Then manually
launch backup preprocessing, and then try the overall backup process again. If it fails
again, contact Atempo Customer Support.
1003 Failed to execute vault backup preprocessing. Vault backup could not be
executed at this moment.
Problem: The backup preprocessing step has failed, so the LiveBackup Server was
not prepared for backup, and no data has been backed up. The LiveBackup Server
might be busy with some internal activity such as data aging or compaction.
Solution: Wait until these server processes complete, and then run vault backup
again. Make sure to schedule backup at a different time than data aging.
1004 Failed to execute vault backup preprocessing. Vault backup could not be
executed at this moment.
Problem: The backup preprocessing step has failed, so the LiveBackup Server was
not prepared for backup, and no data has been backed up. The LiveBackup Server
might be busy with some internal activity.
Solution: Wait until these server processes complete, and then run vault backup
again. Make sure to schedule backup at a different time than data aging.
LiveBackup maintenance messages
Vault backup pre-processing: could not detach at least one client database.
Problem: The backup file agent's preprocessing step failed to detach a client
database, which is required for the database to be backed up as a set of files. This
problem may occur if a database appears to be corrupted, deleted, or locked as a file
by some application. This problem also may occur if the server is under heavy load,
which is possible if IIS has been started.
Solution: Note the resultant backup as suspicious because it may be missing a
client database or contain a damaged client database. If there is any problem, run the
backup again.
Vault backup post-processing started.
Report: LiveBackup has successfully started the post-processing steps required
after vault backup.
1011 Vault backup post-processing completed successfully. LiveBackup
functionality is resumed.
Report: LiveBackup has successfully completed the post-processing steps
required after vault backup. LiveBackup Server is fully functional.
Vault backup post-processing failed.
Problem: The backup postprocessing step failed. Although the backup probably
succeeded, the LiveBackup Server is now in an inoperative state. This failure occurs
if some important LiveBackup files are locked by a third-party application.
Solution: To resolve the problem, make sure that the third-party backup
application has finished and no longer has any LiveBackup files locked. Then
manually launch the backup postprocessing again. If it fails again, contact Atempo
Customer Support.
Vault backup post-processing: could not attach at least one client database.
Problem: The backup file agent's postprocessing step failed to attach a client
database. This problem may occur if a database appears to be corrupted, deleted, or
locked as a file by some application. The likely cause is that the postprocessing step
was launched manually before backup has completed.
Solution: To fix this problem and enable the database to be reattached, make sure
the third-party backup application is not running. If it is running, wait until it has
finished and then try again. If it is not running, try to execute the postprocessing step
manually once more. If the problem cannot be resolved, then the client computer
represented by this database will no longer be protected by LiveBackup Server.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Vault backup post-processing: could not attach at least one client database.
Problem: The backup file agent's postprocessing step failed to attach a client
database. This problem may occur if a database appears to be corrupted, deleted, or
locked as a file by some application. The likely cause is that the postprocessing step
was launched manually before backup has completed.
Solution: To fix this problem and enable the database to be reattached, make sure
the third-party backup application is not running. If it is running, wait until it has
finished and then try again. If it is not running, try to execute the postprocessing step
manually once more. If the problem cannot be resolved, then the client computer
represented by this database will no longer be protected by LiveBackup Server.
Third Party Vault Restore
Vault restore pre-processing started.
Report: LiveBackup has successfully started the pre-processing steps required for
vault restore.
Vault restore pre-processing completed successfully.
Pre-processing is complete. LiveBackup Server is ready for the vault
Vault restore pre-processing failed.
Problem: The pre-processing required for vault restore has failed. LiveBackup
Server is not functional Some critical LiveBackup files are locked by an external
Solution: Reinstall SQL Server and the reinstall LiveBackup Server. Run the
Vault Restore again. If the problem persists, contact Customer Support.
Vault restore pre-processing failed.
Problem: The pre-processing required for vault restore has failed. LiveBackup
Server is not functional. The error may be because LiveBackup Server is busy with
another task such as data aging or compaction.
Solution: Reinstall SQL Server and the reinstall LiveBackup Server. Run the
Vault Restore again. If the problem persists, contact Customer Support.
LiveBackup maintenance messages
1304 Failed to execute vault restore pre-processing. Vault restore can be
performed only on a fresh LiveBackup Server installation.
Problem: You must restore the LiveBackup vault to a fresh installation of
LiveBackup Server. This error occurs if you try to restore to an existing LiveBackup
Server installation.
Solution: Reinstall SQL Server and the reinstall LiveBackup Server. Stop IIS, and
make sure that client auto creation is disabled. Then run the Vault Restore again.
Vault restore post-processing started.
Report: LiveBackup has successfully started the post-processing steps required for
vault restore.
Vault restore post-processing completed successfully.
Report: Post-processing is complete. LiveBackup Server functionality has
Vault restore post-processing failed.
Problem: The post-processing step initiated by a third-party vault restore has
failed. LiveBackup Server is not functional. Some critical LiveBackup files are
locked by an external application.
Solution: Make sure the third-party backup completed properly and does not have
any files locked. Then manually launch the post processing again. See “Restore using
a third-party application backup” on page 52. If the problem persists, contact
Customer Support.
1313 Failed to execute vault restore post-processing. The installed version of
LiveBackup Server versionnumber differs from the saved one versionnumber. Vault
restore failed.
Problem: You must restore the LiveBackup vault to a freshly installed
LiveBackup Server of the same version number as the Server from which it was
backed up. This error appears if the version numbers do not match.
Solution: On the target computer, reinstall SQL Server, and then install the
version of LiveBackup Server from which the vault backup was made. Run the vault
restore again.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
LiveBackup Server started preparing for the export
Report: LiveBackup is preparing to export the selected clients, but has not yet
finished this preparation. No other maintenance tasks are allowed.
LiveBackup Server is prepared successfully for the export.
Report: LiveBackup Server is ready to export clients. You should begin copying
files. See “Export clients from LiveBackup Server” on page 130. The server will
remain non-functional until you choose Resume.
1802 LiveBackup Server failed to prepare for the export because of an internal
Problem: The LiveBackup server detected an internal error that has prevented it
from completing the preparation stage. The error might be caused by database
corruption or a heavy load on the LiveBackup Server computer. LiveBackup Server
is in an inoperable state.
Solution: Start or refresh LiveBackup Console. Resume functionality: Expand
LiveBackup Servers; right-click the servername node, and then click Resume after
If the LiveBackup Server has a Stopped status, then resume it. If it does not resume
right away, check the SQL error log for the possible details.
Once the server has an Active status, make sure there are no external processes
running on the LiveBackup Server computer, and then run the Export again.
If the problem persists, call Customer Support.
1803 LiveBackup Server failed to prepare for the client export because an internal
task could not be stopped.
Problem: LiveBackup attempted to stop an internal process, but it did not stop
within the prescribed timeout period. The error might be caused by database
corruption or a heavy load on the LiveBackup Server computer. LiveBackup Server
is in an inoperable state.
Solution: Start or refresh LiveBackup Console. Resume functionality: Expand
LiveBackup Servers; right-click the servername node, and then click Resume after
If the LiveBackup Server has a Stopped status, then resume it. If it does not resume
right away, check the SQL error log for the possible details.
LiveBackup maintenance messages
Once the server has an Active status, make sure there are no external processes
running on the LiveBackup Server computer, and then run the Export again.
If the problem persists, call Customer Support.
1804 LiveBackup Server failed to prepare for the client export because a required
database could not be detached.
Problem: LiveBackup failed to detach a database within the prescribed timeout
period. The error might be caused by database corruption or a heavy load on the
LiveBackup Server computer. LiveBackup Server is in an inoperable state.
Solution: Start or refresh LiveBackup Console. Resume functionality: Expand
LiveBackup Servers; right-click the servername node, and then click Resume after
If the LiveBackup Server has a Stopped status, then resume it. If it does not resume
right away, check the SQL error log for the possible details.
Once the server has an Active status, make sure there are no external processes
running on the LiveBackup Server computer, and then run the Export again.
If the problem persists, call Customer Support.
1805 LiveBackup Server could not detach a system database databasename.
Preparation for client export is still in progress.
Report: LiveBackup failed to detach the specified system database within the
prescribed timeout period. The error might be caused by database corruption or a
heavy load on the LiveBackup Server computer. LiveBackup continues to prepare for
the client export.
1806 LiveBackup Server could not detach a database databasename belonging
to a client clientname. Preparation for client export is still in progress.
Report: LiveBackup failed to detach the specified client database within the
prescribed timeout period. The error might be caused by database corruption or a
heavy load on the LiveBackup Server computer. LiveBackup continues to prepare for
the client export.
1810 LiveBackup Server is in the process of resuming after having completed the
client export.
Report: LiveBackup Server has started to resume after export, but is not yet
complete. Wait.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
LiveBackup Server has now resumed.
LiveBackup Server has resumed after export and is now fully functional.
LiveBackup Server failed to resume after export because of an internal error.
Problem: LiveBackup encountered an internal error that prevented it from
resuming after export. The error might be caused by database corruption or a heavy
load on the LiveBackup Server computer. LiveBackup Server is in an inoperable
Solution: Check the SQL error log, and resolve any problems found. Then restart
or refresh LiveBackup Console and resume functionality: Expand LiveBackup
Servers; right-click the servername node, and then click Resume after export.
If the problem persists, call Customer Support.
1813 LiveBackup Server failed to resume after export because of a failure while
attaching LiveBackup system databases databasename from the file filename.
Problem: LiveBackup failed to attach the specified system database. The error
might be caused by database corruption, a heavy load on the LiveBackup Server
computer, or the database files in the wrong location. LiveBackup Server is in an
inoperable state.
Solution: Make sure the database files exist in the correct location. Then check the
SQL error log, and resolve any problems found. Finally, restart or refresh LiveBackup
Console and resume functionality: Expand LiveBackup Servers; right-click the
servername node, and then click Resume after export.
If the problem persists, call Customer Support.
1814 LiveBackup Server could not attach a database databasename belonging to
the client clientname from the file filename.
Problem: LiveBackup failed to attach the specified client database. The error
might be caused by database corruption, a heavy load on the LiveBackup Server
computer, or the database files in the wrong location. The Resume after export
command is still running.
Solution: Make sure the database files exists in the correct location. Then check
the SQL error log, and resolve any problems found.
LiveBackup maintenance messages
LiveBackup Server could not attach several client databases.
Problem: LiveBackup failed to attach several client databases. The error might be
caused by database corruption, a heavy load on the LiveBackup Server computer, or
the database files in the wrong location. The Resume after export command is still
Solution: For details on which databases are affected, see message 1814,
described above. Make sure the database files exists in the correct location. Check the
SQL log, and resolve problems.
LiveBackup Server started preparing for the client import.
Report: LiveBackup is preparing to import clients, but has not yet finished this
preparation. No other maintenance tasks are allowed.
LiveBackup Server is prepared successfully for the client import.
LiveBackup is ready to import clients. No other maintenance tasks are
1502 LiveBackup Server failed to prepare for the client import because of an
internal error.
Problem: LiveBackup Server encountered an internal error that has prevented it
from completing the preparation stage. The error might be caused by database
corruption or a heavy load on the LiveBackup Server computer. No other
maintenance tasks are available.
Solution: Abort the import: Expand LiveBackup Servers; right-click the
servername node, and then click Abort import.
If the LiveBackup Server has a Stopped status, then resume it. If it does not resume
right away, check the SQL error log for the possible details.
Once the server has an Active status, make sure there is no external processes running
on the LiveBackup Server computer, and then run the Import again.
If the problem persists, call Customer Support.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
1503 LiveBackup Server failed to prepare for the client import because an internal
task could not be stopped.
Problem: LiveBackup attempted to stop an internal process, but it did not stop
within the prescribed timeout period. The error might be caused by database
corruption or a heavy load on the LiveBackup Server computer. No maintenance tasks
are available.
Solution: Start or refresh LiveBackup Console. Abort the import: Expand
LiveBackup Servers; right-click the servername node, and then click Abort import.
If the LiveBackup Server has a Stopped status, then resume it. If it does not resume
right away, check the SQL error log for the possible details.
Once the server has an Active status, make sure there is no external processes running
on the LiveBackup Server computer, and then run the import again.
If the problem persists, call Customer Support.
LiveBackup Server started finalizing the client import.
Report: LiveBackup is finalizing the client import. No other maintenance tasks are
1511 LiveBackup Server finalized the client import. LiveBackup Server
functionality has resumed.
Report: LiveBackup finalized the client import. Full server functionality has
1512 LiveBackup Server failed to finalize the client import because of an internal
Problem: LiveBackup Server encountered an internal error that has prevented it
from completing the finalization stage. The error might be caused by database
corruption or a heavy load on the LiveBackup Server computer. No other
maintenance tasks are available.
Solution: Abort the import: Expand LiveBackup Servers; right-click the
servername node, and then click Abort import.
If the LiveBackup Server has a Stopped status, then resume it. If it does not resume
right away, check the SQL error log for the possible details.
Once the server has an Active status, make sure there is no external processes running
on the LiveBackup Server computer, and then run the Import again.
If the problem persists, call Customer Support.
LiveBackup maintenance messages
1513 The client import terminated abnormally because of an internal error.
LiveBackup Server functionality has resumed.
Problem: LiveBackup Server encountered an error that has prevented it from
completing the import. The error might be caused by
database corruption
heavy load on the LiveBackup Server computer
missing files required for import
insufficient rights to the files required for import
Solution: Check the SQL Server log, and resolve any issues found. Then make
sure all files required for import are in the correct location. If they are, make sure that
these files have the full permission for the account that SQL Server starts on behalf
of (usually the local system account).
Make sure there are no external processes running on the LiveBackup Server
computer, and then run the import again.
If the problem persists, call Customer Support.
1514 The client import is aborted by the request of username. LiveBackup Server
functionality has resumed.
Report: The import was aborted by the specified user. Server functionality has
1520 LiveBackup Server started importing the group structure from folder
foldername into the group groupname.
Report: LiveBackup Server started importing the group structure from the files in
the specified folder into the specified target group.
1521 LiveBackup Server finished importing the group structure from folder
foldername into the group groupname.
Report: LiveBackup Server finished importing the group structure from the files
in the specified folder into the specified target group.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
1522 LiveBackup Server failed to import the group structure from folder
foldername into the group groupname because of an internal error.
Problem: LiveBackup Server encountered an internal error that has prevented it
from completing any process. The error might be caused by
database corruption
heavy load on the LiveBackup Server computer
missing files required for import
insufficient rights to the files required for import
invalid file types: the specified files are not LiveBackup database files
invalid file version: the specified files are not from a LiveBackup 3.0 database
No other maintenance tasks are available.
Check the SQL Server log, and resolve any issues found.
Abort the import: Expand LiveBackup Servers; right-click the servername node,
and then click Abort import.
Then make sure all files required for import are in the correct location. If they are,
make sure that these files have the full permission for the account that SQL Server
starts on behalf of (usually the local system account).
Make sure there are no external processes running on the LiveBackup Server
computer, and then run the import again.
If the problem persists, call Customer Support.
1523 LiveBackup did not import the group structure because this option was not
Report: Because the user did not select the option to import the group structure in
the Import Clients Wizard, LiveBackup did not perform this import.
1524 LiveBackup failed to import the group structure because the source files
were not found at the specified location path.
Problem: LiveBackup Server did not import the group structure because it could
not find the source files for the group structure in the specified location.
Solution: Abort the import: Expand LiveBackup Servers; right-click the
servername node, and then click Abort import.
Then make sure all files required for import are in the correct location. If they are,
make sure that these files have the full permission for the account that SQL Server
starts on behalf of (usually the local system account).
LiveBackup maintenance messages
Make sure there are no external processes running on the LiveBackup Server
computer, and then run the Import again.
If the problem persists, call Customer Support.
1525 LiveBackup failed to import the group structure located at path because of
an incompatible product version. The version of LiveBackup that is installed is
versionnumber whereas the files were imported from version versionnumber.
Problem: Clients must be imported into a LiveBackup Server with the same
version number as the Server from which they were exported. This error appears if
the version numbers do not match.
Solution: Abort the import: Expand LiveBackup Servers; right-click the
servername node, and then click Abort import.
Update LiveBackup Server to the most recent version on both server computers. Run
the export and then the import again.
1526 LiveBackup Server started importing the group structure from folder
foldername into the group defined during the export.
LiveBackup Server is importing the group structure as requested.
1527 LiveBackup failed to import the group structure located at path because the
source files designated for import do not contain information about the destination
Problem: The specified files do not contain information about the group structure.
This error can occur if the target group name was not explicitly defined in the Import
Clients Wizard.
Solution: Abort the import: Expand LiveBackup Servers; right-click the
servername node, and then click Abort import.
Then run the Import Clients Wizard again, and make sure to define the target group
1530 LiveBackup Server started importing the shared data from folder
LiveBackup Server is importing shared data as requested.
1531 LiveBackup Server finished importing the shared data from folder
Report: LiveBackup Server imported the shared data from files in the specified
folder as requested.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
1532 LiveBackup Server failed to import the shared data from folder foldername
because of an internal error.
Problem: LiveBackup Server encountered an internal error that has prevented it
from completing any process. The error might be caused by
database corruption
heavy load on the LiveBackup Server computer
missing files required for import
insufficient rights to the files required for import
invalid file types: the specified files are not LiveBackup database files
invalid file version: the specified files are not from a LiveBackup 3.0 database
No other maintenance tasks are available.
Check the SQL Server log, and resolve any issues found.
Abort the import: Expand LiveBackup Servers; right-click the servername node,
and then click Abort import.
Then make sure all files required for import are in the correct location. If they are,
make sure that these files have the full permission for the account that SQL Server
starts on behalf of (usually the local system account).
Make sure there are no external processes running on the LiveBackup Server
computer, and then restart LiveBackup Console and run the Import again.
If the problem persists, call Customer Support.
1533 LiveBackup did not import shared data because this option was not
Report: Because the user did not select the option to import shared references in
the Import Clients Wizard, LiveBackup did not perform this import.
1534 LiveBackup failed to import shared data because the source files were not
found at the specified location path.
Problem: LiveBackup Server did not import the shared data and references
because it could not find the source files for the shared data in the specified location.
Solution: Abort the import: Expand LiveBackup Servers; right-click the
servername node, and then click Abort import.
Then make sure all files required for import are in the correct location. If they are,
make sure that these files have the full permission for the account that SQL Server
starts on behalf of (usually the local system account).
LiveBackup maintenance messages
Make sure there are no external processes running on the LiveBackup Server
computer, restart LiveBackup Console, and then run the import again.
If the problem persists, call Customer Support.
1535 LiveBackup failed to import the shared data located at path because of an
incompatible product version. The version of LiveBackup that is installed is
versionnumber whereas the files were imported from version versionnumber.
Problem: Clients must be imported into a LiveBackup Server with the same
version number as the Server from which they were exported. This error appears if
the version numbers do not match.
Solution: Abort the import: Expand LiveBackup Servers; right-click the
servername node, and then click Abort import.
Update LiveBackup Server to the most recent version on both server computers. Run
the export and then the import again.
1536 LiveBackup Server cannot decrypt the source import files located in path
which contain N shared references. The encryption parameters are different. These
shared references will be skipped.
Report: Some of the shared references are encrypted using parameters that are
different than those specified on the target LiveBackup Server. LiveBackup Server
cannot decrypt these references, so they will be skipped. Some protected data may be
missing from the imported clients.
1537 Remaining references: X of all Y detected ones. Created Z new references.
Failed to copy N references because they already exist in target location path.
Report: This status message informs you of the total number of references (Y), the
number that still need to be imported (X), the number that have been created (Z), and
the number of references that failed to be imported because they already exist (N).
1540 LiveBackup Server started importing clients from the folder foldername into
the group groupname.
Report: LiveBackup Server is importing clients from the specified folder into the
specified group.
1541 LiveBackup Server finished importing clients from the folder foldername into
the group groupname.
Report: LiveBackup Server imported clients from the specified folder into the
specified group.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
1542 LiveBackup Server failed to import clients from the folder foldername into the
group groupname because of an internal error.
Problem: LiveBackup Server encountered an internal error that has prevented it
from completing any process. The error might be caused by
database corruption
heavy load on the LiveBackup Server computer
missing files required for import
insufficient rights to the files required for import
invalid file types: the specified files are not LiveBackup database files
invalid file version: the specified files are not from a LiveBackup 3.0 database
No other maintenance tasks are available.
Check the SQL Server log, and resolve any issues found.
Abort the import: Expand LiveBackup Servers; right-click the servername node,
and then click Abort import.
Then make sure all files required for import are in the correct location. If they are,
make sure that these files have the full permission for the account that SQL Server
starts on behalf of (usually the local system account).
Make sure there are no external processes running on the LiveBackup Server
computer, and then restart LiveBackup Console and run the Import again.
If the problem persists, call Customer Support.
1543 LiveBackup failed to import the client clientname from the folder foldername
because of an internal error.
Problem: LiveBackup Server encountered an internal error that has prevented it
from importing the specified client. The error might be caused by
database corruption
heavy load on the LiveBackup Server computer
missing files required for import
insufficient rights to the files required for import
invalid file types: the specified files are not LiveBackup database files
invalid file version: the specified files are not from a LiveBackup 3.0 database
Solution: The specified client will not be imported during this import operation.
After the import completes, export this client again, and then retry the import.
LiveBackup maintenance messages
1544 LiveBackup failed to import all selected clients because there are no
remaining licenses available.
Problem: You must have a sufficient number of licenses for all clients you are
importing. This message appears if there are no more licenses available.
Solution: Add licenses to the target server, and then run the import again. For
more information on licensing, see “Adding client licenses” on page 40.
1545 LiveBackup failed to import client clientname because of an incompatible
product version. The version of LiveBackup that is installed versionnumber whereas
the files were imported from version versionnumber.
Problem: Clients must be imported into a LiveBackup Server with the same
version number as the Server from which they were exported. This error appears if
the version numbers do not match.
Solution: The import process will continue to attempt to import other clients. To
fix, abort the import: Expand LiveBackup Servers; right-click the servername node,
and then click Abort import.
Update LiveBackup Server to the most recent version on both server computers. Run
the export and then the import again.
1546 LiveBackup failed to import the client clientname because it contains blocks
that are encrypted with an algorithm that is incompatible with the current encryption
Report: The specified client’s files are encrypted using parameters that are
different than those specified on the target LiveBackup Server. LiveBackup Server
cannot decrypt these files, so the client will be skipped.
1547 Importing clients from P: X client(s) detected in this folder; Y imported
successfully; Z failed to import.
Report: This status message informs you of the source folder location (P), the total
number of clients (X), the number that have been imported (Y), and the number that
have failed to be imported (Z).
1548 LiveBackup failed to import client clientname because there are no
remaining full licenses available.
Problem: You must have a sufficient number of the type of licenses required for
each clients you are importing. This message appears if there are no more full licenses
Solution: Add full licenses to the target server, and then run the import again. For
more information on licensing, see “Adding client licenses” on page 40.
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
1549 LiveBackup failed to import client clientname because there are no
remaining express licenses available.
Problem: You must have a sufficient number of the type of licenses required for
each client you are importing. This message appears if there are no more full or
express licenses available.
Solution: Add licenses to the target server, and then run the import again. For
more information on licensing, see “Adding client licenses” on page 40.
1550 After importing client clientname, it now contains N new unresolved
references to shared storage. Some file versions will not be available for recovery.
Problem: The specified client’s pointers to data in a shared database cannot be
resolved, which means that the client cannot find this data.
Solution: Versions of some files (that these pointers referenced) will not be
available for recovery.
SQL 2005 migration
For more information on the SQL 2005 migration, see the LiveBackup Installation and
Setup Guide.
1600 LiveBackup Server started preparing for the upgrade of Microsoft SQL
Server 2000.
Report: The preparation to upgrade to SQL Server 2005 has started, but not yet
finished. The server is inoperative.
1601 LiveBackup Server is prepared for the Microsoft SQL Server upgrade to
version 2005.
Report: The preparation to upgrade to SQL Server 2005 is complete. The server is
inoperative. Begin the Microsoft SQL Server upgrade process.
1602 LiveBackup Server started undoing the preparation for the Microsoft SQL
Server upgrade.
Report: The undo preparation to upgrade to SQL Server 2005 has started, but not
yet finished. The server is inoperative.
LiveBackup maintenance messages
1603 LiveBackup Server undid the preparation for the Microsoft SQL Server
upgrade. LiveBackup Server functionality is resumed.
Report: The undo preparation to upgrade to SQL Server 2005 is complete. Server
functionality has resumed.
1604 Microsoft SQL Server upgrade is complete. LiveBackup Server has started
the final required configuration.
Report: LiveBackup Server has started, but not yet finished the final steps for
upgrading SQL Server. The server is still inoperative until the process completes.
1605 LiveBackup Server has completed the final configuration required after
Microsoft SQL Server upgrade. Server functionality has resumed.
Report: LiveBackup Server has finished the final steps for upgrading SQL Server.
Server functionality has resumed.
1610 LiveBackup Server failed to prepare for the Microsoft SQL Server upgrade
to 2005 because an internal task could not be stopped.
Problem: LiveBackup attempted to stop an internal process, but it did not stop
within the prescribed timeout period. The error might be caused by database
corruption or a heavy load on the LiveBackup Server computer. LiveBackup Server
is in an inoperable state.
Solution: Start or refresh LiveBackup Console. Resume functionality: Expand
LiveBackup Servers; right-click the servername node, and then click Undo SQL
preparation for SQL Server upgrade.
Once the server has an Active status, make sure there is no external processes running
on the LiveBackup Server computer, and then run prepare for SQL upgrade again.
If the problem persists, call Customer Support.
1611 LiveBackup Server failed to prepare for the Microsoft SQL Server upgrade
to 2005 because of an internal error.
Problem: LiveBackup encountered an internal error that prevented it from
completing the upgrade preparation. The error might be caused by database
corruption or a heavy load on the LiveBackup Server computer. LiveBackup Server
is in an inoperable state.
Solution: Start or refresh LiveBackup Console. Resume functionality: Expand
LiveBackup Servers; right-click the servername node, and then click Undo SQL
preparation for SQL Server upgrade.
Once the server has an Active status, make sure there are no external processes
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
running on the LiveBackup Server computer, and then run Prepare for SQL upgrade
If the problem persists, call Customer Support.
1612 LiveBackup Server failed to undo the preparatory steps performed for the
Microsoft SQL Server upgrade to 2005 because of an internal error.
Problem: LiveBackup encountered an internal error that prevented it from
undoing the upgrade preparation. The error might be caused by database corruption
or a heavy load on the LiveBackup Server computer. LiveBackup Server is in an
inoperable state.
Solution: Check the SQL Server log, and resolve any issues found. Then start or
refresh LiveBackup Console and try again: Expand LiveBackup Servers; right-click
the servername node, and then click Undo preparation for SQL Server upgrade.
If the problem persists, call Customer Support.
1613 LiveBackup Server failed to complete the final configuration after SQL
Server upgrade because it failed to copy SrvSup80.dll from foldername to
Problem: LiveBackup Server failed to copy SrvSup80.dll to the proper location.
This error may be caused by
the corruption of the SrvSup80.dll file;
the OS account used to run SQL server does not have proper rights to the
specified file or folder;
heavy external or internal activity on the machine running LiveBackup Server.
LiveBackup Server still is in an inoperable state.
Try to copy SrvSup80.dll manually, and then restart LiveBackup
If the problem persists, call Customer Support.
1614 LiveBackup Server failed to complete final configuration after SQL Server
upgrade because of an internal error.
Problem: LiveBackup encountered an internal error that prevented it from
finalizing the upgrade. The error might be caused by database corruption or a heavy
load on the LiveBackup Server computer. LiveBackup Server is in an inoperable
Solution: Check the SQL Server log, and resolve any issues found. Then restart
LiveBackup Console. If the problem persists, call Customer Support.
In LiveBackup, the process of moving files from the LiveBackup Storage Server to the
LiveArchive Server for long-term storage. See also data aging.
block SIOS
A method for eliminating redundant blocks (8000 bytes of data) that saves only a pointer to
a block in a file rather than the entire block, if another copy already exists in the LiveBackup
Storage Server. This block may be located in the shared database or a client database.
In LiveBackup Client, versioned files are stored in a local disk cache temporarily until they
are copied to the server.
A computer that requests a service of another computer system or process (a server) and
accepts the server's responses. In LiveBackup, the client's files and data are backed up on
the server.
In LiveBackup, a software link using TCP/IP between a LiveBackup Client and LiveBackup
Server. A connection is required to transmit data between the client and server, and therefore
to protect data.
console tree
The left side of the Microsoft Management Console window in which specific LiveBackup
server nodes appear. Each node represents an object, container, or tool.
data aging
The process of managing older files in the LiveBackup databases, either by deleting them or
archiving them.
Distributed Component Object Model. A method of integrating distributed applications,
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
which work together to accomplish a single task on a network.
details pane
The right side of the Microsoft Management Console window in which information about
the node selected in the console tree displays. The details pane may contain objects, tasks,
or a Web page.
discardable data
Files that are excluded from LiveBackup protection. LiveBackup maintains a list of internal
discardable data that it treats as temporary files and excludes from protection. In addition,
the administrator can define any file as discardable for any given client or group.
A collection of computers in a Windows NT network that share a common directory
database. Domains are configured and maintained by the domain administrator.
The process of protecting files and data by changing them using an algorithm that makes
them indecipherable. LiveBackup employs Microsoft Crypto API to encrypt its data.
The characters following the period (.) in a file name. The extension is usually three
characters and always defines the file's type. Examples are DOC (Microsoft Word
documents), BMP (Windows Bitmap files), and TXT (ASCII Text files).
File Allocation table. A Windows file system.
file SIOS
File SIOS (Single-Instance Object Storage) is a method for eliminating redundant files that
saves only a pointer to a client file rather than the entire file, if another copy already exists
in the LiveBackup Storage Server. Using this process, only one copy of any file is ever
stored on the LiveBackup Server at one time.
A complete replica of a LiveBackup Client’s drive(s). The image may be used to restore the
files from a corrupt drive or a lost computer to a new computer.
internal discardable data
Files defined by LiveBackup as temporary. These files are not protected by LiveBackup
versioning or mirroring. Unlike all other files that are defined in LiveBackup as temporary
and discardable, these files are permanently unprotected–you may not change their status as
discardable data.
Local Area Network. A data communications network that is geographically limited,
allowing easy interconnection of terminals and computers within adjacent buildings.
A path that employs standard wildcards to filter data. Standard wildcards include * to
represent multiple characters, ? to represent a single character, and .\ to represent back one
Microsoft Management Console (MMC)
A tool for creating, saving, and opening other tools that manage hardware, software, and
network components in Windows NT, 2000, and 2003. LiveBackup functions as a snap-in
to MMC.
The process of copying and updating a backup file continuously as changes are made to the
The advanced file system used by Windows NT to store and organize files and segments on
a drive used for storage.
Power users
A user group defined by LiveBackup.
A computer that provides some service for other computers connected to it via a network.
The LiveBackup Server computer services requests to backup and recover its client’s
computer files.
See File SIOS.
A program functioning within Microsoft Management Console. LiveBackup Console is a
Super users
A user group defined by LiveBackup.
system files
All files other than those defined by LiveBackup as user document files or unprotected files
(discardable data).
LiveBackup Administrator’s Companion
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. A protocol for transmitting data over the
user documents
Files located in the My Documents folder and any files that you create, such as Microsoft
Office documents and Text files: see “File type macros” on page 193. These data files are
the only files protected when User Document Protection is assigned to any client.
A user group defined by LiveBackup.
The process of saving iterations of a file every time it is saved.
128-bit cipher 166
3-D files 196
3DS 196
40-bit cipher 166
669 202
client import 138
vault backup 70
vault restore 71
aborting tasks 186
Access files 200
accounts, clients 83
activate 84
activating 89
activation pending 89
active, server 24
clients report 35
reports 29, 139
server 38
Add Users and Groups 163
Add/Remove Columns 91
Add/Remove Snap-in 17
Adding 39
address, server 90
ADE 200
central 13
remote 191
server and client 161
ADN 200
ADP 200
Advanced Encryption Standard 165
advanced options 153
advanced properties 80, 86
Age Data Now 120
alerts 224
configure 106
AI 197
AIF 202
AIFC 202
AIFF 202
AIS 196
alarm 90
archiving 229
auto-create client 220
clients 220–228
compact 206
connection 223
data aging 224
database 222
disk space 206
encryption 207
export 206
import 206
licensing 209
migration wizard 126
redirection 210
Remote Rollback Wizard 228
reviewing 28
server 206–219
shared database 212
SQL Server 214
System Image Wizard 228
third-party backup 214
third-party restore 214
Vault Management 213
all clients 92
allocated 89
AMD Athlon 188
Apple QuickTime files 202
ARC 196
architecture 9–14
archiving 175
Age Data Now 120
alerts 229
configure 106
definition 253
ARCServe 48
ARJ 196
AS 202
ASF 203
ASX 203
ATT 196
AU 202
audio 202
authorization failed 223
alerts 220
configure 83
enabling within a group 82
groups 79
refusing 85
Automatic 220
AVI 203
B64M 196
backup 47
alerts 213, 219
canceling 70, 71
cold 65
hot 65
server 47
server vault 62
status 70, 71
Time Navigator 56
See also third-party backup/
restore 48
Backup Exec 48
BHX 196
Blacklisted clients 85
block-level backup 12
BMP 196
boot media 146, 152
Brightstor ARCServe 48
buffer 110
buffers 183
aborting 186
clear 186
deleting 184
troubleshooting 186
by group 92
definition 253
location 90
number of files 90
out of space 226
size 90
used 90
LiveBackup Client User Guide
CAL 196
File Migration Wizard 126
redirection 129
remote rollback 159
universal boot image
creation 150
vault management 70
cancel, vault management 71
CDA 202
CDR 197
CEL 203
CGM 197
change client group 94
change database location 119, 222
dynamic 142
exceptions 142
last 31
remote rollback 156
Remote Rollback Wizard 156
request 143
static 142
System Image Wizard 152
usage 11
choose columns 91
class, license 40
Clear 186
Client Account Creation Policies 83
Client ID 89
account creation 83
add to group 80
Age Data Now 120
alerts 220–228
archive 106
authorization failed 223
auto-create 83
change database location 119
change physical location 130
comments 86, 90
compound name 79
computer name 90
configuring 77–114
creating 81
automatically 81
manually 86
data aging 106
database 119
database error 93
database full 226
delete 93
details, customize 91
discardable data 101
duplicate names 84
expiration 112, 225
export 130
feature lockdown 111, 162
grouping 79
groups 78
help 7
import 134
licenses 40
managing 115–139
migrating files 122
move to 94
moving 94
name 86
new 86
out of space 119
properties 88
protection 97
protection properties 95–114
recovery 141–159
redeploying 121
redirect 127
refuse auto-create 85
re-initialize 118
rename 87
replication settings 82
reports 139
request checkpoint 143
resume 117
resume after export 133
search 92
security 162
see also groups
space 89
state 90
status 89
stop 117
storage 104
transfer 130
export 130
import 134
user document 98
version 31
view all 92
view by group 92
Clients Activity report 30, 35
Clipart files 200
cliredirect.exe 129
CLP 197
CLT 197
CMX 197
code, license 41
cold backup 65
boot image 148
clients 86
groups 80
System Image Wizard 155
compact 46
alerts 206
how to 46
compressed files 196
compression 170
Doublespace 144
rates 170
computer name 90
Connect to LiveArchive Server
wizard 176
Connect to server 39
alerts 223
archive 109
client 116
disabling 181
last 90
making 175–178
properties 179, 180
removing 182
server 39
verify 181
connections to LiveArchive
deleting 182
disabling 181
enabling 181
properties 179, 180
verify 181
console tree 20
context sensitive help 7
continuous protection 12
continuous protection window 106
conventions 6
CPR 196
automatic 81
client 86
clients 81
groups 78
creation failed 89
CSV 200
current protected data 34
custom temporary folders 101
custom tools 148
CUT 196
data aging 106, 172
alerts 224
buffers 109, 182
choosing files 173
connections 109
connections to
LiveArchive 175
launching 120
protection windows 106
schedule 173
setting up 172
verify connection 181
Data Profile report 32
data traffic 27
data transfer 182
alerts 222
backing up 62
client full 226
compact 46
encryption 165
error 93
expanding 45
full 206, 212, 213
local 226
location 119
location, client 106
management 119
restore 66
see also shared database
shared 42, 212
shared properties 43
DB size 30
DBX 196, 197
DCOM 253
Default Web Site 70
default, shared files 42
client 93
group 93
buffers 184
connections 182
destination group name 128, 132
details pane 21
backup 63
restore 67
DGN 196
DIB 197
DIF 200, 202, 203
digital camera file types 196
connections 181
disaster recovery 151
boot media 146
Disaster Recovery Boot Media
Wizard 146
discardable data 101
disconnected clients 116
discrete protection 106
disk space
alerts 206
compact 46
data profile 32
insufficient 226
out of 119
report 31
Disk Space Consumption 28
DOC 200
DOCM 200
about 3
conventions 6
Event Viewer 28
help 7
other guides 6
DOCX 200
domain 161, 254
membership requirements 188
users 163
DOT 200
DOTM 200
DOTX 200
doublespace 144
download folder 203
DQY 200
drivers set 153
change 119
protected 97
DRW 197
DSM 202
duplicate client names 84
DV 203
DWF 196
DWG 196
DXF 196
dynamic checkpoints 142
ED6 197
EDS 197
e-mail files 196
EMF 197
enabling, connections 181
encoded files 196
Encrypt Data Transmission 166
Encrypt Server Data 167
alerts 207
algorithm 167
Clients Activity report 31
conflicts 144
disabling 168
key 167
key for system image 154
provider 167
remote console 191
storage 165, 167
system image 165
transmission 165, 166
Enterprise Manager 16
environment variable 103
EPS 197
Event Viewer 28
Excel files 200
Expand Shared Database 45
client properties 112
license 41
Expires 90
expires 225
export alerts 206
export clients 130
Express license 40
extended protection window 106
FAR 202
FAT, definition 254
fault-tolerance 158
FAX 197
LiveBackup Client User Guide
feature lockdown
add users 163
client properties 111
users 163
file agent 49
File Migration Wizard 122
cancel 126
computers 122
description 125
failed 225
file types 123
locations 124
overwrite options 125
show alerts 125
target computers 122
file SIOS, definition 254
See also redundancy
FilePostBackup.bat 51, 52
FilePostRestore.bat 54, 56
FilePreBackup.bat 50, 51
FilePreRestore.bat 54, 55
data profile 32
development 194
encryption 165
excluding from protection 101
migrating 122
redundant 171
shared 42
too large 226
types 194–203
files in cache 90
Firefox, Mozilla 203
Flexible mode 166
FLI 203
FP3 196
FPX 196
fragmentation 46
Frontpage files 200
full license 40
GCA 197
GED 197
GEM 197
GetBackupList.bat 51
GIF 197, 203
Gladman, Brian 165
globally unique identifier 118
GRA 200
Graph files 200
graphics files 196
adding clients 80
auto-create 79
auto-creation 113
changing 94
comments 80
creating 78, 79
automatically 79, 83
manually 79
data aging 106
delete 93
discardable data 101
enable auto-creation 82
expiration 112
feature lockdown 111
LiveBackup Users 163
move to 94
name 80
protection 97
protection properties 95–114
redirected 128, 132
rename 87, 88
storage 104
user document 98
view by group 92
GUID 118
GZ 196
hardware 26
hardware requirements, remote
console 188
help 7, 28
HGL 197
hot backup 65
HQX 196
HST 196
ICA 197
ICO 197
IDX 196
IFF 197
IGF 197
IGS 196
start 69
stop 69
before creating 144
booting 146
create 144
create rules 151
definition 254
encryption 165
generating 155
location 144, 154
media 153
request 228
System Image Wizard 151
IMG 197
import alerts 206
import clients 134
import clients, abort 134
inactive clients 116
inbound 27
incompatible version 90
incremental factor % 35
Infopath 200
initialization failed 223, 224
initialization, re-initialize
clients 118
input buffer 110, 183
installing, remote console 189
internal discardable data 102
internal discardable data types 198
Internet folders, temporary 203
Internet Information Services 69
IQY 200
ISO 9660 file 149
ISO9660 153
IT 202
iTunes 202
JPEG 197
JPG 197
KDC 196
location 154
storage encryption 167
System Image Wizard 154
KFX 197
knowledge base 7
LA1 202
LAR 202
last connection 90
last user 31, 90
LAV 202
LAVS 202
LBBackup_Data.mdf 49, 51, 54, 55
LBBackup_Log.ldf 49, 51, 54, 55
LBData 119
LBM 197
LBSetup 189
Legacy mode 166
Lempel-Ziv 170
alerts 209
change 41
clients 40
code 41
details 40
remove 41
LiveArchive 175
LiveArchive connection
making a connection 175
verify 181
LiveBackup Alerter 29
LiveBackup Client, see clients
LiveBackup Console
console tree 20
details 21
locked 69
Main toolbar 20
overview 15
refresh 21
running 16
see also remote console
LiveBackup Server
see server
local administrator 188
local temporary directories 199
database, client 106
LiveBackup Console 190
files, excluding 101
full 226
shared 212
transaction 44
Login to LiveBackup Server 39, 191
Lotus Notes files 196
LQT 202
LSF 203
LSR 197
LSX 203
LZ77 170
LZH 196
M1V 203
M3U 202
M4A 202
M4B 202
M4P 202
MAC 197
discardable data 102
user documents 100
macros 193–203
MAD 200
MAF 200
MAG 200
Main menu 19
Main toolbar 20
maintenance 25
MAM 200
MAQ 200
MAR 200
MAS 200
mask 103
discardable data 102
user documents 100
MAT 200
MAV 200
MAW 200
MDA 200
MDAC 188
MDB 200
MDE 200
MDN 200
MDT 200
MDW 200
MDZ 200
MED 202
media, System Image Wizard 152
MES 202
metafiles 197
Microsoft Base Crypto Provider 166
Microsoft Enhanced Crypto
Provider 166
Microsoft Management Console
Microsoft Office files 200
Microsoft Outlook files 196
Microsoft SQL Enterprise
Manager 16
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 77
Microsoft System Restore
Points 201
MID 202
MIM 196
mirroring 10, 12
adding servers 17
Main menu 19
running 17
MNY 200
MOD 202
Money files 200
Monitoring 26
MOOV 202
MOV 202
move to 94
Mozilla 203
MP1 202
MP2 202
MP2V 203
MP3 202
MPA 203
MPD 200
MPE 203
MPEG 203
MPG 203
MPP 200
MPT 200
MPV2 203
MPW 200
MPX 200
MTM 202
My Documents folder 201
My Dr Boot Images 150
My Migrated Files 125
named connection 178
LiveBackup Client User Guide
net storage savings 34
Netscape 203
Netscape files 196
network drivers 147
network traffic 27
domain 163
archive buffer 110
client 86
group 79
new archive buffer dialog box 183
New Image folder 150
New LiveArchive Connection
Wizard 175
NIF 197
NOD 196
Notes files 196
Nprotect 201
NSF 196
NT Backup 48
NTF 196
Office files 200
Office Publisher 200
online help 7
Opera 203
operating system, client
computer 90
Operations Performed report 35
OQY 200
OS Version 26
OST 196
outbound traffic 27
Outlook files 196
output buffer 110, 183
P10 197
password 167
PBM 197
PCD 197
PCL 197
PCT 197
PCX 197
PDW 197
PGL 197
PGM 197
Physical memory 26
PIC 197
PICT1 197
PICT2 197
PIX 197
Platform 26
PLS 202
PNG 197
PNM 197
policies, clients 83
POT 200
POTM 200
POTX 200
power users 162
adding 163
removing 164
PowerPoint files 200
PPA 200
PPM 197
PPS 200
PPSM 200
PPSX 200
PPT 200
PPTM 200
PPTX 200
primary database file 44
printing reports 35
Processor type 26
Processors count 26
Project files 200
advanced 80, 86
alerts 29
Auto-Creation 82
clients 88
connection 179, 180
data aging 106
expiration 112
feature lockdown 111, 163
inheritance 82
protection 97
server 24
shared database 43
storage 104
user document 98
protection 97
configuring clients 95–114
continuous 12
excluding files 101
properties 95–114
real-time 12
protection type 34
protection windows 106
PS 197
PSD 197
PST 196
PUB 200
Publisher 200
PWZ 200
QDAT 202
QPX 202
QT 202
QTP 202
QTS 202
QTX 202
QuickTime files 202
RA 202
RAM 202
RAM requirements 188
RAR 196
RAS 197
raster files 196
Real Audio files 202
Real Jukebox files 202
clients 141–159
disaster 151
Recycle Bin directories 201
redirect clients 127
alerts 210
redundancy elimination 171
refresh 21
buffers 185
shared database properties 44
Vault Backup Wizard 65, 70
re-initialize client 118
remote console
running 188, 191
system requirements 188
Remote Rollback Wizard 156–159
accepting, See the LiveBackup
Client User Guide
alerts 228
cancel 159
checkpoint 156
fault-tolerant 158
new task 156
removing, connections 182
client 87
group 88
replication settings 82
reports 29
clients 139
Clients Activity 30, 35
Data Profile 32
Operations Performed 35
printing 35
request checkpoint 143
automated third-party 52
manual third-party 55
Time Navigator 56
Vault Restore Wizard 66
restore status 70, 71
resume after export 133
resume clients 117
resume server 38
RGB 197
RJS 202
RLC 197
RLE 197
RMJ 202
RMM 202
RMP 202
RMX 202
pushing 156
remote, See Remote Rollback
RPM 202
RQY 200
LiveBackup Console. 16
MMC 17
RV 202
S3M 202
SAT 196
SBP 197
SC2 200
SCD 200
SCH 200
schedule data aging 173
screen saver files 101
SD2 202
search for a client 92
secondary database file 44
security 161–168
encryption 165
user privileges 161
Select Client dialog box 85
Select Group dialog box 94
activity 38
adding 39
address 90
alerts 206–219
backup 47
compact 46
consolidate 130
import clients 134
maintenance 25
properties 24
redirect clients 127
reports 29
restore 66
resume 38
resume after export 133
Statistics 26
status 24
stopped 38
transfer clients between 130
Server Tools
Licensing 40
Shared Database 42
Vault Management 62
SGI 197
Shared Database 42
alerts 212
expanding 45
include files 42
properties 43
restore to 68
stopped server 38
shared database
full 212
primary database file 44
redundancy elimination 171
secondary database file 44
transaction log 44
Shared Files 42
shared log 206, 212
full 212
SIOS, see redundancy elimination
SLK 200
snap-in 16
SNM 196
Software 26
software requirements, remote
console 188
allocated 89
client used 89
report on used 31
Space Consumption report 35–??
SQL Agent 48
SQL Enterprise Manager 16
SQL Server 2005 upgrade 214
SQL Server Backup Device 63
SQL Server language 26
SQL Server version 26
SQLPostBackup.bat 51, 52, 57, 58
SQLPostRestore.bat 54, 56
SQLPreBackup.bat 50, 51
SQLPreRestore.bat 54, 55, 59, 60
SSK 197
Start menu applications 202
state 90
static checkpoints 142
Statistics 26
backup 70, 71
buffers 184
client 88
connection 181
group 88
restore 70, 71
server 24
shared database expansion 44
Vault Backup Wizard 65, 70
vault management 70, 71
STM 202
stop clients 117
stop server 38
Stopped by Administrator 24
Stopped by backup 24
Stopped Clients 117
Stopped due to insufficient disk
space 24
storage 104
compression 170
data aging 172
encryption 165
LiveBackup Client User Guide
managing 169–??
redundancy elimination 171
redundant files 171
report 34
storage space used 34
streaming audio 202
streaming video 202
Strict mode 166
SUN 197
super users 162, 163
adding 163
removing 164
support 7
system environment variable 103
System Image Generator 155
System Image Wizard 151–155
alerts 228
before using 144
boot disks 152
checkpoint 152
comments 155
issues 144
location 154
media 152
System Image Generator 155
system image, see image
system recovery 151
system requirements, remote
console 188
System Restore Points,
Microsoft 201
System Settings
Client Account Creation
Policies 83
Encryption 167
Licensing 40
Shared Database 42
TAR 196
target server name 128, 132
task queue ??–186
buffers 184
TAZ 196
TCW 196
technical support 7
download folders 203
Internet folders 203
local directories 199
Recycle Bin 201
Terminal Services Client cache 198
text files 203
TGA 197
TGZ 196
third-party backup/restore
automated backup 49
automated restore 53
file agent 49
manual backup 51
manual restore 55
sql agent 48
Time Navigator 56
THMX 200
three-dimensional files 196
TIF 197
Time Navigator 56
To 184
tolerance 158
total protected data 34
transaction log 44
clients 130
transmission, encryption 165
transport encryption 166
tree, console 20
client or group 89
license 40
TZ 196
ULT 202
undo version 11
SQL Server 2005 214
user documents 121
USB Flash Memory Devices 145
used space 89
domain membership 188
last 90
local administrator 188
user documents 98
defined 256
migrating files 121
user groups 112
Users 112
adding 163
feature lockdown 163
server 161
UU 196
UUE 196
variable 103
Vault Backup Wizard 62
device 63
mode 65
overview 63
refresh 65, 70
status 65, 70
stopped server 38
summary 65
Vault Management
abort 70, 71
alerts 213
backup 62
restore 66
status 70, 71
Vault Restore Wizard 66
device 67
location 68
overview 66
shared database 68
stopped server 38
summary 69
vector files 197
verify connection 181
Veritas Backup Exec 48
version 32, 90
version, client 31
versioning 10
incremental factor % 35
video files 202
VOC 202
volumes, Windows 2000 145
VQF 203
VRL 196
VRML 196
WAV 202
WBK 200
wildcard 103
WinAmp files 202
window, protection 106
Windows 2000
administration tools 13
Windows Media files 203
Windows XP, upgrade to 121
WIZ 200
WMA 202, 203
WMF 197
Word files 200
WPG 197
XBM 197
XLA 200
XLC 200
XLD 200
XLK 200
XLL 200
XLM 200
XLSB 200
XLSM 200
XLSX 200
XLT 200
XLTM 200
XLV 200
XLW 200
XM 202
XPM 197
XSN 200
XWD 197
XXE 196
Z 196
ZIP 196