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Queen of ____________________
1. Who was Hera’s husband, and what did Mother Earth give her
as a wedding present?
2. Why did Zeus often sneak down to earth? How did Hera feel
about this?
3. What creature did Hera find Zeus with? What was it really?
4. What did Hera do with the cow after Zeus gave it to her?
5. Who freed Io? How?
6. Why is the bed of the river Inachos dry?
7. What did Hera send to chase the cow?
8. How did Hera make sure her servant, Argus, was never
god of ____________________
1. Who were Hephaestus’ parents?
2. Why did Zeus kick Hephaestus out of Mt. Olympus?
3. Where did Hephaestus land, and what happened to him there?
4. What did Hephaestus build to help him walk?
5. What did Hephaestus make for Mt. Olympus?
6. Who was Hephaestus’ wife? How did she feel about him?
7. Where did Hephaestus work? What did he do?
goddess of ____________________
1. Who were Aphrodite’s parents? Where did she come
2. Why did Zeus choose a husband for Aphrodite? Whom
did he choose?
3. What did her husband make for her? Why was this a
4. Who was Aphrodite’s son? What did he do?
5. Why wasn’t Aphrodite pleased with her husband? Who
would she rather have been married to?
god of ____________________
1. What did Ares look like and act like?
2. Who was his constant companion?
3. What did Eris have and what would she do with it?
4. What did Ares like to do?
5. What would he do when he was wounded?
6. How did the other gods feel about Ares?
goddess of ____________________
1. Who was Athena’s father? What happened to her mother?
2. How was she born?
3. Who was Athena’s constant companion? What did they do
4. What did Athena do in times of peace?
5. What did Athena do to her student, Arachne? Why?
6. How did Athena win the Greek City from her Uncle Poseidon?
7. What was wrong with Poseidon’s gift?
8. What did they Greeks name the city?
god of ____________________
1. What was Poseidon like?
2. Who did Poseidon marry? Where did they live?
3. Who was Amphitrite’s son? What did he look like?
4. What did Poseidon do when he wasn’t at home?
5. What happened on the island of Delos?
god of ____________________
1. Why did Zeus send Apollo away?
2. Who guarded the oracle? What had the oracle warned
3. How did Apollo win the oracle of Delphi?
4. What was Mount Parnassus like before Apollo won the
5. What was Mount Parnassus like after Apollo won the
god of ____________________
1. Who was Artemis’ father? What wish did he grant for Artemis?
2. What happened to Actaeon when he saw Artemis bathing?
3. How were Artemis and her twin brother, Apollo alike? What did they do to Niobe’s children?
What did they eventually do to Niobe?
4. To whom did Artemis one promise her hand in marriage? What did he and his brother do to
5. What did Otus do to Ares?
6. How did Apollo & Artemis trick the two brothers into killing themselves?
7. Who was the only god Artemis ever favored? What was he good at?
8. What did Apollo do to Orion? Why?
9. What did Artemis & Apollo do with Orion after he died so that he would always be
god of ____________________
1. Who were Hermes’ parents? Where was he born and why?
2. What was Hermes like as a child? What did he do to Apollo’s cows?
3. What did he invent? What did he use to make it?
4. Why did he tell his mother he had stolen the cows?
5. How did Hermes soothe Apollo’s anger when he found out two of his cows
were missing?
6. What job did Zeus give Hermes? Why?
7. How did Hermes escape punishment for killing Argus? What did the gods have
to do if they found him innocent?
god of ____________________
1. Why didn’t mortal mention Hades’ name? What did they call him instead?
2. Why did family put a coin under the tongue of a loved one who died?
3. Who was Hades’ wife? What was she like?
4. How did Persephone come to rule the underworld?
goddess of ____________________
1. Who was Persephone’s mother? How did her mother feel about her?
2. What was Persephone like as a child?
3. What happened to her when she was gathering flowers one day?
4. What did Persephone long for in the Underworld?
5. What happened on earth after Persephone left?
6. What did Demeter do when she realized her daughter had been kidnapped?
7. Why did Persephone have to return to the Underworld? How long did she have
to stay there each year?
8. What did Demeter do so that mankind would not starve while her daughter was
god of ____________________
1. Who was Dionysus’ father? Who was his mother, and how was she different?
2. What did Hera make Semele do to Zeus? Why was this so bad? What happened
to her?
3. What was the most solemn oath of the gods?
4. How did Zeus save her unborn son, Dionysus?
5. What happened to Dionysus after he was born? Why?
6. What did Dionysus invent?
7. What happened to Dionysus as he slept alone on the beach? How did he save
8. What happened to the sailors?
9. Who gave up her throne for Dionysus? Where did she sit?
10. What did Dionysus want before seating himself in his throne? How did Zeus grant
his wish?