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Artemis and Apollo
The god and godess of hunting.
Born on the island of Delos when their mother was looking for a place to
have labor.
Teamed up together to kill Tityus who was trying to rape their mother, Leto.
Tityus was then punished in Hades.
Zeus’es wife Hera, tried to prevent Leto’s birth of Apollo and Artemis.
Their aunt, Themis, tried to act like their caretaker and fed them god foods
like ambrosa and hectar.
Artemis is the mistress of animals .
Artemis is also the protector of all living things.
She is also know as Potnia Theron.
Daughter of Zeus and Leto.
Helped her mother give birth to Apollo.
Shot Gration during the was of gods/goddeses.
Shot the daughters of Nobe because she had more kids than her mother did.
Killed Cornis after she was unfaithful to her brother.
The virgin godess and a protector figure for the women in child birth.
Godess of the hunt and moon.
Uses the arrows to punish people who wrong her and to relieve women in
Wears a crescent moon on her head sometimes.
Killed the sons of Nobe.
His lover Cornis cheated on him.
Never married but had more than a dozen children.
God of the sun and hunt.
March, Jenny. Classical Mythology. paperback . none. UK: Cassell, 1998. Print.
Mabry, Rob. "Greek Gods-Artemis and Apollo." Ezine, 2010. Web.
15 Jan 2011.
Coffey, Melissa. "Artemis." N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Jan 2011.