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How to get into the
Your 8 Step Guide to Health and Wellbeing
By Barbara Bourke, Nutritionist, (Adv. Dip. Of Nutrition)
"The Constant, Conscious Pursuit of Living Life to
its Fullest Potential."
1) Foreword______________________________________ 3 to 4
2) Introduction___________________________________ 5 to 6
3) Weight loss___________________________________ 7 to 11
A Healthy Weight is the Cornerstone to Wellness
4) Water________________________________________12 to 18
Water….The Liquid of Life
5) Elimination___________________________________19 to 27
Health and Disease Starts in the Digestive Tract
6) Liver Support and Detox______________________28 to 32
The Major Organ of detoxification
7) Lifestyle Choices______________________________33 to 38
You can Change your Life…when you Change your Mind
8) Nutrition______________________________________39 to 43
Do you Eat to Live or Live to Eat?
9) Exercise______________________________________44 to 50
Is at the Heart of Good Health
10) Supplements________________________________51 to 65
Enhance the Value of our Daily Food
11) Stress, Serenity, Spirit_______________________66 to 75
The Missing Link to Wellness
12) Conclusion__________________________________ 76
13) Websites URL's______________________________77 to 80
14) Copyright and Disclimer______________________80
Chapter 1
We are living in an age where information is only a click away. With so many people having
access to the internet it is easy today to be enlightened on many subjects including diet and
weight loss, fitness, health, wellbeing and self-improvement.
There are millions of websites advertising, advising and selling products in regards to health
and wellbeing
I was curious to see how many people worldwide searched for wellness on the internet. I
“goggled” the word “wellness” (this was in 2009) and found around 96,500,000 related
websites. Statistics has shown, that on an average, the global monthly search volume for the
keyword “wellness” was around 5,000,000.
This would mean that every month over 5,000,000 people worldwide used the keyword
“wellness” in their search to find information or products to improve their health and wellbeing.
(Google search engine results only).
You can see with around 96,500,000 websites advertising all aspects of wellness the “surfer”,
literally and figuratively speaking, has as array of choices right at their finger tips.
Internet, books, magazines, e-books….. Information overload comes to mind and with so much
advice available it can become a little confusing. It is important to get it right, especially when it
comes to your health and wellbeing.
So why should you trust me? How is this e-book different to others? To be honest I don’t know,
as most of them I have not read. However, I can assure you that the information contained
within these pages is the result of 40 years of personal and professional experience. I have
travelled the path of trial and error and learnt many lessons, at times the hard way.
With this e-book and the 8 step guide, I am committed to making your search for wellness as
easy as possible.
As a young woman I did not have a clue about nutrition. I did not know the difference between
carbohydrates, proteins or fats, never mind vitamins, minerals or trace elements; those where
foreign words to me. Then again, we all have to start somewhere.
My first introduction to exercise came through a dear friend of mine, way back in 1977, who
was a great believer in weight training. This was my starting point and everything happened
from there.
This took me into the world of exercise so much so that I owned and managed my own fitness
centre, competed in several body building competitions and even achieved a 2nd prize trophy.
From there on the health bug never left me. I spent all my time reading and improving my
knowledge about health and wellbeing. Along the way I met many fascinating people, as I
learnt and absorbed new information.
After years of self-taught knowledge I finally studied for my nutrition diploma and after
completion, I opened my own practice in 2006.
To make a long story short, my journey into health and wellness started way back then and here
I am today writing this e-book and passing on my knowledge.
As long as we are alive, we learn. Every day there is something new, but what we do and how
we use new information is up to us. I know I will be learning until I die as it is an important tool
to keep the mind active and the body healthy. Gaining knowledge is one step, putting it into
action is another. With this book you can do both….LEARN AND ACT!!!
I felt it was necessary to tell you a little bit about myself and how I started. It might be of help
to you knowing what I am writing about is mostly because I have done it, lived it and I have
learnt from it.
It is not about me - it is about how I can help YOU to achieve the best YOU can be. Will it be
easy? Probably not. It comes down to”
Anything worthwhile doing, is worth doing well.
When it comes to your health and wellbeing it is definitely worth doing well.
Congratulations! You have already taken a huge step by purchasing this
e-book. Now continue on your journey into health and travel the road to wellness. I am here to
help you.
Before we go to the next Chapter let me point out that all the
websites mentioned in this e book are compiled in Chapter 13
"Website URL's" at end of this e book. This will make it
easier for you to find them again for additional reading.
At the time of writing all mentioned websites where active.
Chapter 2
Let me explain why I called this e-book
“How to get into the Wellness Zone”
Your 8 Step Guide to Health and Wellbeing.
To achieve total Wellness and to get into the “Wellness Zone”, a holistic approach is essential.
This must encompass the body, mind and spirit. True, a large part of this e-book is dedicated to
the body, as this is my field of expertise. However, we know that one is not exclusive to the
other and we need to deal with the totality of our being to attain lasting health.
I have given the title a lot of thought. I found guidance on how to compile this e book by
associating each letter with a health subject.
So I decided to use the letters in W-E-L-L-N-E-S-S for its structure.
W= Weight Loss/Water and Hydration
E = Elimination/detoxification
L = Liver Support/Detox
L = Lifestyle Changes
N = Nutrition
E = Exercise
S = Supplements
S = Stress, Serenity, Sprit
As you can see there are 8 letters in the word WELLNESS and those are our 8 steps.
So there you have it. Those are the subjects we will discuss and I am sure they will guide you
along your path to improved health and wellbeing.
Let's have a look at the number 8. What are the properties of this number? What is its
symbolism and meaning? A few are listed here.
In Chinese culture the number 8 reflects good fortune, prosperity, success, happiness and
In Buddhism the number 8 is seen in the lotus flower with its 8 petals.
In mathematics the symbol of the infinity is represented by an 8 laid down.
It expresses the totality of the universe and the beginning of new life.
It also represents determination, continuation, and repetition.
We have to agree that determination, repetition and perseverance is required in order to succeed
whatever the goals might be.
It looks like we are in good hands in choosing the number 8 as our guide in successfully
reaching our health and wellness goal.
I asked myself – “Health and Wellness”- is there a difference between those two words? Does
health mean the same as wellness?
I found the following on the internet:
Health and wellness are not synonyms. Health refers simply to a physical body being free
from diseases, but wellness is an overall balance of your physical, social, spiritual,
emotional, intellectual, environmental, and occupational well-being. Wellness is a
lifestyle and is not an end to be achieved. Wellness means that one strives for balance
throughout his whole life. On the other hand, health would be that a person wants to lose
weight and lower blood pressure. Once he does this, he is considered healthy. Health is a
goal one can achieve while wellness is a dynamic concept that continues for a lifetime.
I am not saying that the writing in this e-book will magically make all your health concerns
disappear. However, with the help of this e-book and your commitment, it will guide you in the
right direction.
Should you be on medication you must never ever take yourself off them without the consent of
your doctor? However, you need to be aware that when you achieve better health and wellbeing,
some medications might be able to be reduced. As you go along with this program your body,
in its wisdom, begins repairing and this will lead to better health. In those cases it is advised to
check your medications status with your doctor.
Are you ready? Let’s get started on our journey to
I will not address specific diseases, chronic or degenerative disorders in this e-book. It is a
general guide on how you may achieve wellness and stay well. There is some in-depth
alternative self-help information for those people who are interested. You will find such a
website (with all the other websites) at the end of this e book.
Alternatively, see a competent health practitioner if you need more comprehensive advice for
your specific condition.
Chapter 3
“W”= Weight loss
A Healthy Weight is the
Cornerstone to Wellness
eight loss and water/hydration need to share the spotlight as both are very important to
health and wellbeing.
We must understand that a healthy weight is a significant part in feeling and being well. Why
should we aspire to be in a healthy weight range?
Obesity increases the risk of…
Heart disease
Type 2 diabetes
Some cancers
Birth defects
Early death
If the above are not good enough reasons to lose those extra kilos here are some more:
Looking good means feeling great and it is empowering
It can improve energy levels
It will promote healthy aging
Lowers your blood sugar
Reduces cardiovascular risk
Reduces the risk of developing diabetes
Improves sex life and fertility
And it fun seeing those pounds melt away
Where do you carry your excess fat? Around the hips and thighs, or around the waist and upper
Excess fat in either place generally spells trouble.
A fat deposit in the lower part of the body (gynecoid type) is often harder to move. Estrogen
and progesterone are the dominant hormones. After menopause estrogen and progesterone
levels decrease and this often promotes upper body fat distribution in woman.
A high blood level of testosterone generally encourages fat deposits around the waist and upper
body (android type). This relates to an increased danger of cardiovascular diseases, type 2
diabetes and hypertension.
Why is this so? Abdominal fat goes straight to the liver before being circulated to the muscles.
This interferes with the clearing of insulin form the blood stream as well as altering the
metabolism of lipoproteins, which could cause cholesterol problems. If you are in this category
read about syndrome X also called metabolic syndrome.
The PowerPoint presentation on Weight loss has more information.
A healthy weight zone is important, but it needs to be looked at in combination with your frame
size. How much of your body weight is fat and how much is lean body mass is another
important aspect. The body mass index (BMI) compares a person’s weight to height - it does
not measure the percentage of body fat. The waist to hip ratio will tell you what body shape you
have, either pear or apple shape.
With the below websites you can have some fun calculating and finding out what it all means
for you. Here you can find calculators for assessing many different aspects of
your health including: basal metabolic rate, body mass index (BMI), ideal weight, waist to hip
ratio, and calories burned.
To calculate your body shape
You have just read why a healthy weight zone is important for your health and wellbeing. Now
you probably want to know the how to achieve this.
For this I would recommend you watch my
Weight loss PowerPoint presentation.
Nonetheless, I would like to discuss diets here for a moment. The meaning of the word diet
(from the Collins Dictionary)
“The food that a person or animal regularly eats, or a special allowance or selection of
food to control weight for health reasons”.
“Diet” is not a dirty word. It is all about perception. Let’s make yours a positive one. Losing
weight is not about starving yourself. It is all about eating smarter and healthier. Sure, there are
some rules we need to follow and some restrictions are indeed necessary. Eating the wrong
foods and too much of it, is the most likely reason for weight gain in the first place. True, some
medications, low thyroid function, stress and hormonal imbalance can have an impact on
weight gain. Having said that do not make it an excuse, because more often than not it is simply
a matter of eating too much food and the wrong kind of food.
Have a look at the plan below.
Here are some simple eating guidelines.
Every mouthful of food in excess of your requirements acts as a poison to the system.
Stop eating before you are totally satisfied, because it takes some time for your stomach
to receive the signal of fullness from your brain.
Eat most of your concentrated starchy carbohydrates at breakfast.
For a quick start weight loss cut out all starches and sugars.
The smallest meal of the day should be the evening meal, because the digestive powers
are at the lowest level in the evening. Therefore a considerable amount of the food eaten
at this time will be stored as fat in the body.
Drink the correct amount of water - 30 ml for each kg of body weight (more in hot
weather or when exercising)
Exercise is important.
Reduce your stress or how you react to stress if you want to lose weight.
Have a plan - get support and think health rather than weight loss.
If you already have a favorite weight loss program go right ahead. The main objective is to lose
weight the healthy way -no crash diets. I am not very fond of diet shakes as a meal replacement,
as they do not teach you to eat healthily. A protein shake as a snack is great. If you should
decide to go on one of these meal replacement diets, then only use them for a short time as a
“kick start”.
I will introduce two diet programs to you. One is a very effective "ketogenic" carbohydrate
(starches) restricted healthy diet and the other is called the “Exchange System”. You can try
either of them, but do not mix them. Only one system at the time or it will not work.
The Keto Slim is a weight loss program I mostly use in my clinic. It is now called the "Shake it
Professional Weight Management Program". You received the older version "The Keto Slim"
Booklet as one of your downloads.
See for this new version.
The new name "Shake it Professional Weight Management Program" is one and the same. It
just has a new name, new look, more recipes and some new products; but the principal is the
same. Please remember when I write about the "Keto Slim" weight loss program it is
synonymous with the "Shake it" Weight Management Program.
Much will be the same; however, some supplements and recipes have changed. Within
Australia and New Zealand this system is a practitioner line weight loss program and you need
to see a Naturopath or other certified Health Practitioner if you would like to purchase the
supplements mentioned. Alternatively you can order them through my clinic by going to For information and the purchase of all
metagenics supplements including the shake it program products you need to send me an e mail.
However, you will find some useful information on their website as well
I will explain this and alternate options of supplements in the "Your 8 Steps Guide to Health
and Wellbeing" Manual.
The Exchange System is one of my earlier weight loss plans I used in my practice and at times I
still do.
While studying nutrition I learnt about the Exchange System in the text book “Perspectives in
Nutrition (fifth edition) by Gordon Wardlaw and Margaret Kessle.
The exchange system was originally developed to help people with diabetes and other chronic
It works by way of choosing a number of foods from the different recommended food groups.
These can be adjusted to suit the individual and the choice amount of calorie intake. With some
minor modifications (mainly by eliminating cakes and other sweets) I used the exchange system
and its structure for my weight loss program.
If you would like to find out more about this system Google the words "Exchange Diet
You have the choice of either program. The “Shake it" and the "Exchange System" (both are
part of your download bonuses)
Chapter 4
“W”= Water and Hydration
Water…The Liquid of Life.
ater is imperative to life. Next to oxygen it is the most important substance for sustaining
Without oxygen it is estimated that it takes about 3 to 4 minutes before brain cells start to
die. For each minute your brain does not receive oxygen, your chances of living get
reduced by 10%
Without water you my last about 3 days, if you're lucky.
Without food you can stay alive much longer. Apparently prisoners of war have survived
2 months without food. Generally 2 weeks would be about the maximum survival range.
Obviously, the more you weigh the more you have to give. This might be one positive
aspect of excess weight.
This shows us how important water is not only for health but more importantly, for our survival.
To read more about the importance of water in the body see
But what should we drink? Coffee, tea, wine, beer, soft drinks all can add to your daily fluid
intake, but are these good choices? Coffee and alcohol will actually dehydrate your body.
Therefore, I need to stress the point that when I am speaking of fluid intake, I mean clean, pure,
unadulterated and fresh water.
Before we go into what kind of water is best, let’s have a look at what functions water performs
within our body.
60 to 70 % of our body weight is water - about 40 liters.
Lean tissue mass contains 73% water, adipose tissue about 20%
Water carries nutrients into the cells and toxins out
Is a solvent for many chemical compounds and a lubricant
Is a medium where many chemical reactions can occur
Contributes to temperature regulation
2/3 is intracellular fluid 1/3 extracellular fluid
Under normal conditions we need about 30 ml of water for every kg of body weight
Your body will be better hydrated if your muscle mass is high
Now that you have got an idea why we need water, let's talk about what kind of water. Not all
water is the same. Most of us might know that our tap water is not the best, with all the added
chemicals. Water should be free of water born disease, but this is not always the case either.
Drinking tap water is like drinking a chemical cocktail.
Some of the below website information is rather technical. It is just to demonstrate that it is hard
to find a good healthy source of fresh clean water.
The World Health Organization (WHO) website has all the information you ever want to know
about chemical hazards in drinking water.
What about bottled water? In the USA the FDA is responsible for bottled water safety.
Even when bottled waters are covered by the FDA's rules, they are subject to less
rigorous testing and purity standards than those which apply to city tap water.
Bottled water is not included in “The Australian Drinking Water Guidelines” these are regulated
by The Australia New Zealand Food Authority (FSANZ).
The (FSANZ) sets the minimum standards for all types of bottled water. These regulations are
set out in the Food Standards Code.
The primary Standard is 2.6.2 "Non-alcoholic Beverages & Brewed Soft Drinks",
Labeling and Other Information Requirements (Standard 1.2),
Contaminants and Residues (Standard 1.4),
Other regulations also include microbiological and processing Requirements and the Food
Safety regulations.
The Australasian Bottled Water Institute (ABWA) has their own code of practice as well as
their website.
I am not saying you need to read all the above information (you can of course if this is of
interest to you), I included those websites to show you how much goes into regulating, testing
and labeling our drinking water and other beverages.
Looking at the above, apparently stringent regulations, there is still a lot of room for error. Read
this information about “Bottled Water Pure Drink or Pure Hype” from the “Natural Resource
Defense Council”
Who and what do you believe? Perhaps bottled water is not what the manufacturer would like
us to believe. Don’t forget, it is a million dollar industry and a lot of money is being made. In
addition, all those empty plastic bottles will add to global pollution. However, I still believe
drinking bottled water (except for the pollution aspect) it is a better choice than tap water.
So tap water and maybe even bottled water are not living up to being a safe and healthy choice
when it comes to our daily water. Where do we go from here?
There are many water purification systems on the market and many claims are being made. My
belief is that a good filter should not only remove contaminants like bacteria, viruses, arsenic,
pharmaceutical drugs, hard metals and radioactive material etc. but hard inorganic minerals as
I have even heard of organic water. What is organic water? People who write this do not know
their basic chemistry and are just trying to cash in on the health trend “organic”. Clean fresh
water is just H2O nothing else. Consisting of 2 parts hydrogen and 1 part oxygen, this is pure
water. And it does not contain a carbon molecule therefore, in the chemical sense, it cannot be
called organic. Organic in agriculture means growing produce without chemical fertilizers and
poisonous sprays. Where does organic water fit in?
Which kind of water should we drink?
HARD WATER: is high in minerals, in an inorganic form and other impurities. They can
accumulate in and between the cells and precipitate conditions like arthritis, kidney and
gallbladder stones, hardening of the arteries, elevated cholesterol levels, constipation and many
others. Basically all bottled water is hard water. We need to get minerals in an organic and
colloidal form from our food or as a colloidal mineral supplement made from plant sources. All
in nature works harmoniously and the plants prepare the earth elements for man, by converting
inorganic mineral into its organic form. If this was not so we could just ingest our minerals
directly from the earth and not from food. (Ref 1)
BOILED WATER: It does kill bacteria, but this causes it own problem. Dead bacteria
accumulate in the water and this can cause further bacterial growth. It does not however,
remove the hard inorganic minerals.
RAIN WATER: is soft water meaning low in minerals. This would be the best choice of water,
if it was not for the pollution in the air. As the water falls back down to earth it also collects all
those impurities making rain water not such a great choice. On the other hand rain water will
also pick up minute amounts of ionic mineral elements from the air, this being a positive aspect
of rain water.
FILTERED WATER: There are many filters on the market, but generally filters tend to take out
heavy solid substances, but do not remove bacteria and viruses and inorganic minerals.
Decaying matter on the bottom of the filter can provide the soil for further growth.
DE-IONISED WATER: a resin bed used in this process of purification can become a breeding
ground for bacteria and viruses. It does take out the inorganic minerals.
ALKALINE WATER: at the time of writing “alkaline water” is still a buzz word. Alkaline
water is supposed to be the best as it alkalizes the body. Because of our lifestyle and a
westernized diet many individuals today have a rather acidic system, but drinking alkaline water
alone will not reverse this (read more about alkalizing in the "Lifestyle" chapter). You can make
alkaline water by just adding some sodium bicarbonate or potassium citrate. However, making
alkaline water through water ionization or electrolysis is different to the above mentioned
method. Alkaline water is produced as water passes through membranes, separating the acid
element from the alkaline. Alkaline water produced this way is high in antioxidants. The acid
water produced through this process can then be used as an antibacterial cleaner for external
uses. These alkaline water purification units are very expensive and the ongoing cost of filters
also needs to be taken into account.
(Ref: "The Ionic Body" by Dr. Douglas Jesse)
DISTILLED WATER: is odorless, colourless and tasteless. Reverse osmosis is great as well,
however, a lot of water is lost in the process of osmosis. Dr Allen E. Banik in his book “The
Choice Is Clear” writes:
In nature distillation happens continuously. In nature, water in evaporation is so fine that
your eyes cannot perceive it and it is drawn up into the clouds. Then it falls as rain
keeping the earth form being parched and burned.
The water distillation process copies nature.
As water reaches boiling point it removes all solids, which are left behind in the stainless steel
bowl. The steam cools and the pure water drips back into a storage container. The electricity
cost is minimal with about 7 cents for one liter of distilled water.
I have been drinking distilled water since 1996 and I am not about to change. I have not had any
ill health drinking distilled water and neither have any of my family and friends who love it and
been drinking distilled water for many years as well.
I have heard the arguments about distilled water being dead water, mineral deficient, it rots your
teeth, and probably some other misconceptions. I believe they are all persistent myths and
misleading. What about leaching minerals out of the cells? Minerals once absorbed, become
part of the cell structure and cannot be drawn out again and make you mineral deficient.
What distilled water can do however is to draw lodged minerals out from between the cells. The
job of water is to carry those dislodged mineral and other toxins and remove them from our
blood and carry nutrients into the cells. If water already contains any kind of solids (might they
be inorganic minerals, chemicals or pollutants), then it has lost some of its ability to do so.
Water is called the universal solvent. This capacity of water is important in protecting the body
from many age related conditions like arthritis, kidney and gallbladder stones, hardening of the
arteries, cholesterol, constipation and probably others.
Pure water needs to be just that - H20. To energize water, pour the water in a glass jar, close the
lid shake it hard for a minute or two, then leave it sitting in the sun for a few hours. The shaking
will help release the oxygen and the sun will do the energizing. To re-mineralize your pure
water just add some colloidal plant minerals. Fill up a bottle with water, add the plant minerals
and drink your mineralized water throughout the day (more information on minerals or download the e book by Judie Barbour "Organic Plant Derived
Minerals….My Story
One word about the pH of distilled water. It might be a perfect pH, but only for a short time.
When exposed to the environment it absorbs pollutants from its surroundings and becomes
slightly more acidic. I have tested different kinds of water with a pH meter and distilled water is
still in a good pH range, much better than most bottle or tap water. However, any water treated
with an alkalizer will change the pH.
Minerals are important for maintaining body functions. A big misconception is the belief that
water counts as part of our daily intake for minerals. In reality we would need to drink a
truckload of water in order to receive a substantial amount of minerals.
I also believe that minerals in water are not very easily absorbed anyway and not balanced in
their composition, often too high in calcium and sodium for example. Calcium and other
elements can actually lodge itself between the cells and if not eliminated properly, can be part
of calcification problems as we age. You might have heard that people drinking hard water
(high in minerals) have fewer heart problems. Well, I don’t know if I believe this. I believe it to
be the opposite and I would rather get my minerals from other sources, in an organic form.
Water as a carrier of mineral for plants is important. Plants use minerals from water and soil to
convert them, through the process of chelation, rendering them into the organic form.
My last word about water is fluoridation. It is a health hazard in more ways than one. See for more information. One very nasty health hazard is that fluoride is
displacing iodine in the body and is highly damaging to the thyroid gland. Many people are
already iodine deficient see or see to purchase Dr. Brownstein’s book or DVD.
For more information on pure water and the book “The Choice is Clear” by Dr. Allen E. Banks
can be found on this website
Chapter 5
“E”= Elimination
Health and Disease Starts in
the Digestive Tract
limination, detoxification, cleansing and purification are all words used for the process of
removing toxins from our body. We all have heard the saying “You are what you eat”.
However, we need to broaden this saying to:
“You are what you eat, you are what you assimilate, you are what you eliminate"
In a perfect world, eating a perfect diet and leading a perfect lifestyle, the need for
detoxification and cleansing would probably not arise. Detoxification happens naturally in
healthy bodies, but it can only occur when we stop and break the cycle of re-intoxication.
Eating healthier foods including lots of fresh vegetable and some fruit, using less toxic products
around the house and for personal hygiene, drinking cleaner water without chemicals and
exercising in fresh air, will all help. We will address all of these and more in this e book.
However, we do not live in a perfect world and as hard as we might try to live a healthy life,
cleansing our body once in a while is imperative.
Our liver metabolizes and breaks down toxins, making them more water soluble for excretion.
Toxins are carried by the blood stream and lymphatic system to the organs of elimination - the
kidneys, the bowel, the lungs and the skin. What if the liver and the organs of elimination are
over-burdened with excess toxins? Our body knows best and in its infinite wisdom will store an
excess of toxins where it can do the least harm. Where do we store toxins; mostly in our fat
tissue. This is the reason why we sometimes can feel unwell when we lose weight. Fat released
from the fat cell carry with them the stored toxins and both are dumped into the blood stream.
Toxins stored in our body as well as the release from fat tissue can provoke symptoms like:
Muscle aches and pain
extra mucus production
A coated tongue
flu-like symptoms
constipation and/or diarrhea
loss of energy
Toxins are produced within our body through the process of metabolism including chemicals
and hormones as well as microorganisms like viruses, bacteria, and fungus and their byproducts. External toxins we receive from our environment, our diet and lifestyle. See figure 1
From "Metagenics" detox booklet
What is the correct and healthy way to rid the body of excess waste products? There are certain
rules which make detoxing more successful. The first course of action is the bowel. A clean
bowel means less stress on the liver. If we do not clean the bowel first and move right on to a
liver cleanse then part of the rubbish from our bowel will be reabsorbed back into the blood
stream and back again to the liver. Often, after a bowel cleanse, the liver can take care of itself
as the burden from re-pollution from the bowel has be lifted.
During a cleanse:
Drink plenty of water to help your kidney and bowel functions
Eat a healthy nutrient rich diet including raw foods and plenty of fibre for the bowels and
nutrients to support the liver.
Reduce stress and get plenty of rest and sleep
If necessary you might need some digestive enzymes to help the breakdown and
assimilation of food.
See the detox phase of this wellness program as a positive adventure, helping your body
to clean and heal itself.
BOWEL CLEANSE: Remove or Weed Phase
A "purge" is a great way to start your bowel cleanse, as it will eliminate some of the build up in
the digestive tract. An Aloe Vera drink or herbs like cascara and Senna or magnesium sulphate
(Epsom Salts) all help. Epsom Salts or magnesium sulphate is not very well absorbed from the
digestive tract (therefore you cannot overdose on magnesium). This is the reason why it is so
great for flushing out the intestines. The magnesium sulphate works as a laxative, usually within
hours, rather than having to wait over night. Epsom Salts is recommended for the purge, but not
for people with impaired kidney function.
You will be guided through a thorough bowel cleanse in the "Your 8 Step Guide to Health and
Wellbeing" Manual.
An imbalance in the ratio between beneficial microorganisms and detrimental microorganisms
in the body is known as Dysbiosis.
Candida is yeast, which is normally found within our digestive tract and is normal.
However, when it changes into the fungal form it can do damage to the walls of the
digestive tract. As it bores itself into the lining it releases poison and can be a trigger for
causing the leaky gut syndrome. Once entered into the blood stream it is very likely to
produce widespread health problems. Candida is not our only problem. Parasites,
viruses, bacteria and other unfriendly microorganisms and their byproducts cause
similar problems throughout the digestive tract and within the body.
Next: for 3 weeks take a high dose of Lugol’s Solution this will destroy the Candida and other
Lugol’s is an iodine solution containing 10% potassium iodide and 5% iodine. It was first
developed by French physician Dr. Jean Lugol in the 1820s, hence the name (more about
Lugol’s later). I believe it is one of the best Candida eradicators there is. For our purpose of
cleansing, it needs to be taken in a high enough doses - 6 drops 4 times a day in a little herb tea
(away from anti-oxidants) or even in a little milk, as this will disguise the taste. After 3 weeks
on Lugol’s, should you still have fungal or bacteria problems you could try essential oils of
oregano, clove, and thyme. Thrush in the mouth can be dealt with by making a MMS solution
and swirling it around in your mouth for up to 20 minutes. The procedure is explained in the
handout with the product.
Next: Now that Lugol’s has killed off a large portion of overgrowth it is time for herbs like
Black walnut, Wormwood, Pau D’arco and Olive leaf extract powder to do the rest. It is
probably a good idea to alternate microbial herbs as this allows the destruction of a wide range
of different microorganisms.
Another option is MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) acidified with citric acid. It is over 200
times stronger than stabilized oxygen preparations. However, it does not stay in the digestive
tract very long and gets absorbed readily into the blood stream. That’s where its power and its
strength lay, as it is keeping the blood free of the nasties, it destroys affected blood cells. You
could say its strength could also be called its weakness. It kills off quickly and nausea can be
experienced. As it is a strong oxidant (that is the action of eradication of microorganisms) it is
important to alternate MMS and take it on a rotation program alternating with other anti21
microbial. Walter Last’s information on how to take MMS now also includes the oral
absorption and the un-acidified method. MMS in any form is a potent killer of all kind of
unfriendly microorganisms known to man.
MMS might not be everybody’s cup of tea and it has had, for whatever reasons,
some bad publicity. Many of us do not understand enough about chemistry and
biochemistry and we believe taking MMS or sodium chlorite might do us some
harm. With his background in bio-chemistry Walter Last has the scientific
knowledge and through his thorough research he appreciates and understands the
action and interactions of sodium chlorite and our body. His writing will put you at
ease in using a product like MMS and value its health giving benefits.
In 2003 the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code was changed to permit the
use of sodium chlorite acidified with citric acid or other food acids for antimicrobial
surface treatment of meat, poultry, fish, fruit and vegetables.
I highly recommend reading Walter Last’s Website as new information and
recommendations and new findings will be updated when necessary. At time of
writing June 2012) Walter has included new articles about Kerosine, Turps and
After you have done the 3 weeks on Lugol's solution and maybe another 2 weeks or so on a
different parasite cleanse. What is next?
NOTE: If you are not sure or would like some additional information on rotating antimicrobials send me an e mail [email protected]
Renew Or Feed And Seed Phase: The human body, consists of about 1013
(10,000,000,000,000 or about ten trillion) cells. It carries about ten times as many
microorganisms in the intestine. The metabolic activities performed by these bacteria resemble
those of an organ, leading some to compare gut bacteria to a "forgotten" organ.
You can see how important good gut bacteria are to our health. Consequently, we need the pre
and probiotics. Prebiotics are the food for probiotics and the good bacteria.
They are important for the fermentation process within the large intestine.
Nowadays we mostly get our probiotics as a dietary supplement of live organisms. Probiotics
consist of yeast or bacteria, especially lactic acid bacteria. Naturally fermented foods are lactic
acid ferments and also help reestablish healthy gut bacteria (we will discuss ferments later).
Taking probiotics is like sending an army into the battle fields of your intestines to fight the
army of bad bugs. It is a war of the microorganisms so to speak. But these army guys need food
for strength; in come the prebiotics.
Bad bug, good bug. Let the good guys win
Typically, prebiotics are carbohydrates (such as oligosaccharides), but the definition
does not preclude non-carbohydrates. The most prevalent forms of prebiotics are
nutritionally classed as soluble fiber. To some extent, many forms of dietary fiber
exhibit some level of prebiotic effect. With a
diet low in fibre we are not getting the food needed for healthy microorganisms to grow
and our microflora will become unbalanced. Pre and probiotics work hand in hand.
There is controversy on when it is best to take a probiotic. I agree taking it with a meal.
You can also take it with your "Green" drink, as it contains some prebiotic naturally
(more about "Greens" later), especially if you take a powder.
The most important good bacteria are, the Lactobacillus (also called lactic acid bacteria) family
residing more in the small intestine and the bifidobacteria family in the large intestine. Together
they look after the health of our microflora.
Therefore, I find it important to take a probiotic throughout the whole duration of cleanse, not
just in the feed and seed phase. You might kill some of the good guys with the methods of
“weeding”, but many will survive.
Besides reestablishing the gut microflora with beneficial microorganisms we also need to repair
and renew the lining of the digestive tract. This is important as it will seal and heal. Glutamine
and colostrum are great nutrients for doing this job. Colostrum is very central for the health of
the immune and the digestive system. The Immune System comprises all structures and
processes that are involved in defeating the attempts of environmental forces to overrun, destroy
or gain control of any part of the body. Did you know that about 70% of our immune system is
found in the digestive tract? It is called GALT (Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue) and store T
and B lymphoid tissue. Protecting and supporting the immune system is obviously of paramount
It is also important to take a good multivitamin/mineral complex as zinc, selenium and iodine
are other beneficial nutrients for the health of the digestive tract. Alternatively, you may benefit
by adding colloidal minerals to your diet.
What else is important for the health of the digestive tract?
Make sure you are never constipated. Being constipated will add to the burden of
detoxification and increase compacted matter along the walls of the bowel. Have enough
fibre with plenty of water for healthy microflora and bulk of the stool (or you become
constipated). When the diet lacks bulk the colon (large bowel) narrows and its
contractions become more powerful. This increases the pressure on its walls. Compacted
matter does not happen overnight it is a lifelong gradual buildup. This can cause
constipation, putrefaction, hardening crusts that make the bowel wall inflexible, cause reabsorption of gasses into the bloodstream, and can lead to diverticulitis and other
inflammatory bowel conditions and bowel cancer.
A home enema once to twice a year or a professional colon cleanse could be of great help
as well.
The squatting position when having a bowel movement will increase the efficiency of
defecation, as it empties the bowel more completely. A foot stool will help with this, as it
reflects the squatting position.
To find out your bowel transit time do the following:
o After a corn free period of at least one week, eat 2 tablespoons of corn kernels at
any convenient meal time. It can be frozen, tinned or off the cob and can be
prepared any way you like it as long as you consume at least 2 tablespoons of corn.
o Record the meal time on your calendar and abstain eating any corn until the test is
o Record bowel movements on your calendar and note when there is any visible corn
in the stool. Continue to do this until there is no more corn visible.
o Calculate the number of hours from the time you consumed it until the time you
last eliminated it.
o Normal time should be between 17 and 24 hours.
Slanted board exercises (page 32) will increase bowel movement and encourages the
repositioning of organs back into their rightful place.
Correct breakdown and digestion of food is important for a successful elimination/detox
Digestion starts in the mouth. Amylase is a carbohydrate digesting enzyme found in the
saliva, therefore chew your food well and eat slowly.
For the breakdown of food in the stomach Hydrochloric acid is needed for enzyme
activation. The digestive juices need to be extremely acidic with a pH ranging between
1.5 to 3.5. Signs of possible hydrochloric acid deficiency are: heartburn, indigestion, and
discomfort after eating, or food lying heavily in the stomach and anemia.
The food, now called chyme, needs to be alkalized. Alkaline digestive juices form the
pancreas and bile from the gallbladder enters the duodenum to balance the acidic chyme.
Pancreatic digestion continues in the upper part of the small intestine the duodenum. Here
the partially degraded food combines with enzymes and digestive juices from the
pancreas, which also contains a large amount of sodium bi-carbonate. If you do not get
enough enzymes from your food the pancreas will need to produce them. This adds extra
stress on the organ.
Additional enzymes might not be needed with uncooked food. We will discuss enzymes
and digestion further in the Supplement chapter.
Slanted Board exercises, stimulating the bowel.
Massaging with your fist or a tennis ball up the ascending, across the transverse and down the descending colon will
promote additional stimulation to the bowel. Do this while you are lying down flat on the board or other hard surface.
These exercises where first recommended by Dr Bernard Jensen, who was a great natural therapist and iridologist.
Chapter 6
"L"= Liver Support and
The Major Organ of Detoxification
The Speed Or Release Phase
his last phase is to enhance the livers ability to speed up the release of toxins more
As I have stated before, the skin, bowels, lungs and kidneys are the organs of elimination.
However, the liver is the organ of detoxification. The Liver is a complex organ and plays a key
role in metabolism. It participates in functions associated with the Cardiovascular System,
Digestive System and Excretory System.
A healthy liver and proper liver function are imperative to good health. Part of its role in
digestion is the production of bile, which is stored in the gallbladder and exported into the
Fat metabolism is another important metabolic function. The liver does not only burn fat, but
also drains excess fat into the bile to be passed out through the intestine. A healthy liver is
perfectly capable of performing these tasks efficiently. However, there are some experts
agreeing that fatty liver problems are on the rise, as the liver is over-burdened and therefore
sluggish in its role of detoxification and fat elimination. Problems arise through incorrect
lifestyle, diet and pollution of any kind. As you have seen before (page 25) toxins can
accumulate by way of internally produced toxins or taken in from our external environment.
Also many of our over-processed foods do not contain adequate enzymes, especially lipase.
Lipase in our food is mostly lost through the process of pasteurization. Excessive fructose used
in food and drink manufacturing is also a contributing factor.
Below are some indications of fatty liver.
You will probably be overweight, especially in the abdominal area and might have
problems losing weight
Elevated blood levels of Cholesterol and tryglycerides
Syndrome X (see the Weight loss Power Presentation)
You either have or are on the verge of Diabetes 2
You might feel tired and low on energy
You may also have problems with your immune system (either over or underfunctioning).
In an article the "Gastroenterological Society of Australia" (GESA) states the following:
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a
common disorder that now affects up to one third of
the adult population. It is increasingly common in
To read the in-depth article
With so many jobs to do day in day out, 24 hours a day, it needs help and support more than
ever. There are many substances which are toxic to the liver and the liver might need some help
to detoxify itself.
Let's have a quick look on how the liver is accomplishing such a complicated and important job
as detoxification.
The liver's detoxification mechanism includes:
Filtration of the blood
Formation of bile
Phase 1 detoxification reactions
Phase 2 detoxification reactions
Filtration of the blood: Almost 2 liters of blood passes through the liver every minute. When
the liver is functioning properly it can detoxify about 90 % of bacteria and other toxins found in
the blood. If the detoxification process is not optimal those toxins and bacteria etc will be
allowed back into the general circulation.
Formation of bile: Each day the liver manufactures about 1 liter of bile. Bile released from the
gallbladder can absorb toxic substances to be eliminated through the digestive system.
Phase 1 detoxification process: This process occurs in the liver itself. As the "unclean" blood
enters the first lobe of the liver an enzyme system called "cytochrome P450 (a combination of
about 50 different enzymes) activates and begins a step by step breakdown of toxins. This
system either neutralizes, making it water soluble, and so rendering toxins less harmful, or it
breaks them down into an intermediate form.
A shortage or slow action of the P450 enzymes causes a buildup of dangerous toxins within the
liver, thus lessening the livers detoxification ability. The activity of the cytochrome P450
system can also be influenced by genetics. The more efficient this system works the faster the
liver can break down toxins with less harm to the individual. Making the phase 1 system
working efficiently is only useful if the phase 2 system is also working well. If this is not the
case and the phase 2 system fails to further breakdown those toxins and eliminate them,
accumulation in the second lobe of the liver will result.
Phase 2 detoxification process: This process involves what is called the "conjugation process".
Enzymes in the liver attach small chemicals to the toxins. There are essentially six phase 2
detoxification pathways, depending on which toxins need to be neutralized: glutathione
conjugation, amino acid conjugation, methylation, sulfation, sulfoxidation, acetylation and
glucuronidation. These reactions are protective steps, turning them into less harmful compounds
and easier to be excrete through the urine or bile.
We will have a closer look at nutrients and supplements later on in the appropriate chapters.
So how can we make the job of detoxification easier for our liver?
First of all eat a healthy diet. Eliminate toxic producing foods and drinks. A raw food fast
without any proteins or cooked foods for a few days will not only give the digestive
system a needed break, but will also reduce the burden on the liver. Eating a raw food
diet (we will discuss this in our nutrition chapter) will help eliminate the buildup of
residue proteins and other toxins in cells.
Drinking an adequate amount of water is important as the kidneys are responsible for
eliminating the toxic waste products of protein in the form of urea.
Secondly, examine your lifestyle. Do you get enough sleep? Do you take drugs or drink
too much alcohol? Do you handle chemicals a lot? Have you done a bowel cleanse? How
much stress do you have in your life?
If you have lot of meat and fats in the diet causing digestive problems, then a
liver/gallbladder flush might be called for. This will be explained in the "Your 8 Step
Guide to Health and Wellbeing" Manual.
We have to finish our chapters on detox with a few words about the gallbladder, as well as the
kidneys, lungs and skin - our other systems of detoxification and elimination.
The Gallbladder: Gallstones are collections of cholesterol, bile pigment or a combination of the
two, which can form in the gallbladder or within the bile ducts of the liver. Gallbladder action is
controlled by the hormone cholecystokinin, which contracts the gallbladder and forces bile into
the common bile duct. When stones form in the gallbladder and become large enough to
become lodged in the bile duct inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis) can occur. If a
stone gets imbedded in the pancreas duct it can cause inflammation of the pancreas
(pancreatitis). This obstruction is not only bad for the organs itself, but it also hinders the bile
and/or digestive juices form the pancreas entering the small intestine. This causes an array of
digestive problems. A blockage of the bile to the intestine can also cause a rise of bilirubin in
the blood, resulting in jaundice (since the bilirubin can't escape into the bile for excretion).
If gallbladder stones in the gallbladder cause problems frequently, medical doctors suggest a
removal of the gallbladder. This in itself can cause many health problems after surgery, as fat
digestion is often insufficient.
You can read about a "Gallbladder Flush" at the end of the "Your 8 Step Guide to Health and
Wellbeing" Manual.
The Kidneys: Our liver makes toxins more water soluble and the kidneys filter the blood of
those toxins. The Kidneys have many functions including maintaining fluid, electrolyte and pH
balance of our blood. We can help our kidneys by making sure our colon is clean and the liver's
detoxing system is working efficiently. Another very important step we must take is alkalizing
our body. Eating enough greens, some fruit, raw and steamed vegetables will get you on the
right track. Greens like Wheat and Barley grass, Spirulina, Chlorella and Alfalfa are great
alkalizers, as well as Potassium citrate and Sodium bicarbonate. Drinking plenty of fresh clean
water is imperative.
The Lungs: We might not always have a choice of the air we breathe, but we do have a choice
by not adding to the pollution through smoking. Deep breathing and exercise will help with
clearing the lungs. If we have the opportunity to go up in the mountains or breathe fresh sea air
we are doing our lungs a big favour.
The Skin: The skin is an important elimination organ. Through sweating we can eliminate a
good amount of toxins. Saunas and steam rooms are notable for removing toxins. In addition,
dry skin brushing assists with blood circulation, bringing blood and toxins closer to the surface.
This process aids the removal of dead skin cells, making it easier for the skin to breathe. Make
sure your skin is dry (best before your shower) and brush towards the heart. A hot and cold
shower at the end will also improve circulation to the skin.
For the benefits of skin brushing see
Chapter 7
"L"=Lifestyle Choices
You Can Change Your Life…
When You Change Your Mind
ctually, this whole e book is all about lifestyle choices and lifestyle changes. Ask yourself
if your lifestyle choices are beneficial to your health or might they lead to disease? What
do I need to change? Lose weight, drink more water, eat healthier food, reduce alcohol
intake, stop smoking, reduce stress, exercise more etc? We all can find areas of our lives which
we are able to improve. By just making one positive change at a time we are taking steps to a
healthier future. Of course there are no guarantees in life, but perhaps we have a much better
chance to protect ourselves against chronic diseases.
There is a rapid rise in non-infectious disease globally. Since 1998 alone, non-infectious
diseases are estimated to have contributed to almost 60% of deaths in the world and 43% of the
global burden of disease. It is obvious an increase like this is detrimental to the health of the
human race, but is also burden to our social and economical wellbeing as well. Our own health,
as well as the health of a nation starts with the individual. We can rise to this challenge and we
can make a difference. By adopting a healthier lifestyle we are not only helping ourselves, but
being part of a healthier nation and contributing to the decrease of the social and economical
load and the cost of healthcare.
Four of the most prominent non-infectious diseases are linked by common preventable risk
factors related to lifestyle. These are cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease and diabetes. The risk factors involved are tobacco use, unhealthy diet and
physical inactivity.
Coronary heart disease affects 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women.
Stroke affects 1 in 6 of all Australians.
Cancer affects 1 in 3 men and 1 in 4 women.
Osteoporosis affects 1 in 2 women and 1 in 3 men.
Adult-onset-diabetes affects 1 in 13 men and 1 in 15 women.
Wrong lifestyle choices will lead to an acidic body and declining health
To protect ourselves and offset the onslaught of chronic disease, alkalizing and balancing our
pH is elementary and quite possibly the missing link to better health and wellbeing.
I was going to write about alkalizing our body in the "Nutritional" chapter. But then I came to
think that laying the blame on only the food we eat would not paint the whole picture.
Sure an excess of acidic forming food is a large part of the problem, but stress, breathing
polluted air, and drinking chemical laden water is also part of this predicament.
Negative thought patterns and emotions, or any burden in your life, whether it be physical,
mental or emotional, can also add up to increased acid production.
Therefore, it is imperative to make lifestyle changes including; balancing excess acidity by
alkalizing the body, monitoring emotions and replacing negative thought patterns with more
positive ones.
Contact Judie with your question and for emotional help with Bach Flowers, you can also order
your very own self-help CD’s
A weakness/blockage in the oxidative energy metabolism can also be a cause, because of the
overproduction of lactic acid, causing acid accumulation. This can only be fixed by removing
the cause. That cause may be systemic Candida, allergies due to leaking gut, wrong diet for
body type (blood type diet), and accumulation of metabolic and toxic waste products inside the
cells. This program takes a big step towards fixing this cause.
What is pH and acid/alkaline balance?
A vital aspect to wellness is the importance of pH (Potential of hydrogen) balance - the measure
of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. Our body contains approximately 70 % water.
Measuring the pH of our body fluids can give us a good indication of the working of our
internal environment.
There is no conflicting information about what the pH of the blood should be. On the other
hand, the pH of the urine and saliva is not as clear cut, many people have different opinions.
And there are different ways and opinions on how to alkalize the body as well.
I believe, that both the urine and saliva pH should be between 6.3 and 6.8 (a pH of 7 is neutral).
This is what I learnt while studying "Ionictherapy" - a principle developed by a Dr. Jessie in
Australia, which is based on "The Biological Theory of Ionisation" by Dr. Carey Reams.
This is a slightly acid state and it has been found that all physiological functions within the
body operate at optimal efficiency at this pH level. Either way, too acid or alkaline, will upset
the internal homeostasis (balance, equilibrium) of the body. Diseases flourish if the pH is
unbalanced for a long time.
How does food affect our acid/alkaline balance?
When you eat a Big Mac with chips, maybe a piece of cake with some ice cream and wash it all
down with coffee, tea or coca cola, the body will scream "help, help, give me some alkalizers
quickly to neutralize all this acid or I will be in trouble".
The body in its wisdom will release alkalizing minerals (minerals "mop" up the acids and pass
them out through the urine), to counterbalance and reestablish homeostasis. Over time this will
make us mineral deficient. If the acid load is too great then excess acids will also quickly be
shuffled into tissue, including fat tissue, (this will add to the toxic load in tissue and cells) for
storage, as well as being passed out through the urine. These measures are necessary to keep the
pH of the blood in a narrow range between 7.35 to 7.45. If the blood pH moves too far either
side of this fine line, a life threatening situation can occur.
Generally, eating less starches, sugars and unhealthy, depleted and processed foods as well as
reducing alcohol, soft drinks, coffee and fast foods will keep us on a more even keel.
Increasing your intake of green leafy vegetables and greens like barley and wheat grass, alfalfa,
spirulina and chlorella, plant minerals, potassium citrate and sodium bicarbonate all are helpful
with alkalizing and balancing your pH.
Practicing some of the recommendation in the last chapter about "Stress, Serenity and the
Spirit" will be of benefit as well.
The emphasis is not only on alkalizing our body, but more importantly achieving the correct pH
balance. A balanced pH (or as close as possible, as it might not be feasible to attain and stay at
the perfect pH) will ensure that all metabolic functions run smoothly. A pH between 6.3 and 6.8
are the magic numbers and your guide when monitoring your progress.
However, if you have any kind of chronic health problems you might need to alkalize your
body longer and stay in a higher alkaline range (above pH 7) for an extended time.
At times you might even have to go on a 60 to 80% alkaline diet for a while if the pH is not
shifting with the above suggestions. However, a general health diet as recommended in the
"Your Guide to Wellness" booklet (one of your bonuses downloads) is good advice.
Don't be discouraged if you cannot achieve the perfect pH, as this might not be possible. Your
guide is your body, be kind to it and learn to listen to its language. A feeling of wellbeing, with
less illness and symptoms, more energy and a positive outlook on life are all signs your body
will show you as it journeys into better health. It might not happen overnight, but alkalizing
your body encourages wellbeing and needs to be part of a holistic lifestyle changing program.
Below is a broad list of acid and alkaline forming foods. For a more comprehensive list see
ACID FOODS: eggs, lentils, peas, cheese, all nuts except almonds and brazil nuts, all meats,
chicken and seafood, breads, all grains except millet and buckwheat
ALKALINE FOODS: (most fruits and vegetables) tofu, soybeans, millet, brazil nuts,
almonds, coconuts, buckwheat, lima beans, potatoes, vegetable broth, melons, cucumbers,
celery, dates, carrots, raisins, turnips, spinach, apricots, parsley, fruit and vegetable juices, figs,
watercress, pineapple, cabbage, grapefruit, tomatoes, peaches, apples, bananas, lettuce,
watermelon, sprouts, strawberries, radishes, squash, mushrooms, sweet, potatoes, pears, etc.
Neutral Foods: Butter, cream, cow's milk.
How to test your urine and saliva pH?
It is advised to get some pH test papers in a range of 4 to 9 or at least 5.5 to 8
See this website their testing strips have a range
of pH 4 to 9, but you might find cheaper ones somewhere else.
You can test using the method below, which is a more economical way to test. It might not be
as precise as well as being more cumbersome to use than test strips.
Instead of using pH strips you may use turmeric or possibly just some curry powder. Dissolve a
teaspoon of the powder in half a liter of methylated spirits or rubbing alcohol, shake and let it
settle to produce a yellow solution. However, in an alkaline solution it becomes a ruby red, it
changes color right at a pH of 6.8, the pH that urine and saliva should be most of the time. To
make a test pour some of the yellow solution into a test tube or a small glass, add a few drops of
urine or saliva, if it turns red then what was added had a pH greater than 6.8, if it stays yellow
then the pH is still acid and less than 6.8.
For more information on the above testing method and acid/alkaline information see
When to test your pH: There are different opinions as to when and what time of the day to
test. Generally, the urine will be more acidic in the mornings and tends to be more alkaline in
the afternoon. I believe testing about 2 ½ to 3 hours after a meal is a good time. I recommend
testing more or less at the same time of the day and maybe write down the results so you can
monitor your pH changes. Perform the pH test on your urine and saliva at least once a day.
Positive Lifestyle changes encourage wellbeing and affect our lives on a physical, mental,
emotional and spiritual level
Sometimes we take better care of a loved one, an animal, our investments or even our home,
than we take care of ourselves. As long as nothing goes wrong all is well with the world.
However, once symptoms appear disease has already moved through the different levels of our
The dotted line represents our consciousness; this is our state of awareness. Below the line are
the various levels making up the totality of the whole human being. At any level, disease or ill
health, can develop but it is only at the conscious level where we physically encounter it as
symptoms. This is the level where we experience pleasure and pain.
What about the levels below the dotted line?
Trauma and stress might occur on the mental or emotional level, which does not always shows
itself as physical symptoms right away. Nevertheless it has interrupted our energy pattern
weakening our organism and eventually physical symptoms can develop.
Looking after our wellbeing physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually is the only way to
feel totally at "home" within our body.
We have to take responsibility for your own health; it rests in our hands. There are no
permanent answers to be found in medication or surgery. It is not the responsibility of a doctor
or natural health practitioner to get you well again. It is your duty to look after yourself and love
and respect yourself. Only then can a health practitioner assist you with guidance and advice.
By taking responsibility for your own health you will also contribute to health globally.
With this e book nothing is stopping you. You have already taken the first step, don’t stop now.
Chapter 8
Do You
You Eat To Live
Or Live To Eat?
e all know we have to eat to live, but are your food choices slowly killing you?
The bar of chocolate, piece of cake, the great hamburger, or whatever makes your taste
buds jump for joy, will give you a feeling of wellbeing….at least for a short while anyway.
So let's not dwell on what we should not eat, but rather what we should. Foods for health and
wellbeing do not need to provoke a picture of bland and boring cuisine with lettuce leaves and
carrot sticks as its main course.
It has been established that under-eating enhances longevity and over-eating, any food above
your needs, acts like a poison in your body. I also don't believe you need to become a vegetarian
in order to be healthy. To be truthful, being a vegetarian requires very careful meal planning to
receive all the necessary nutrients.
So what is healthy nutrition?
We are all different and grew up in different cultures and backgrounds, which shaped our eating
habits. The blood type diet also has made quite a stir since it was first publicized. The argument
is that people with different blood types might do better, health-wise, when eating according to
their blood type, A, B, AB, or O. Therefore there is not one diet to fit all.
However, having said that, there are rules, which are essential to any eating plan you chose to
follow. A healthy diet needs to be nutritionally sound and contain all of the essential amino
acids, vitamins, minerals, trace minerals and enzymes.
Macronutrients, like carbohydrates, proteins and fats contain calories and it is imperative that
those calories come from healthy choices. A calorie from bread made with organic wholemeal
flour has more or less the same energy value as a calorie from bread made from white,
bleached, sprayed with pesticide flour, which not only is deprived of fiber, vitamins and
minerals, but will use your precious stored minerals for its own digestion, so you are losing out
twice. It is not a big stretch to recognize the importance of organic whole grain versus nutrient
depleted white flour and its products.
I also endorse proteins like fish, lean meat (preferably from an organic butcher) free range
chickens and eggs as well as organically grown legumes.
Essential fatty acids like omega 3, 6, and 9 are important for many metabolic functions and
should be in a ratio of 2, 1 and 1.
You can find more information on carbohydrates, proteins and fat in the PowerPoint
We now have established that whole grains, legumes, lean proteins and essential fatty acids are
the basic start to a nutritionally sound eating plan. What about vitamins, minerals and enzymes?
Vegetables, green leafy vegetables, fruits and sprouts of all kinds, contain a considerable
quantity of those essential nutrients.
If you would like to find out what is in our food and what is not then go to the website below
and learn about food standards
Most countries have a food standard code. In Australia and New Zealand we have "The
Australian/New Zealand Food Standard" code, the governmental institution of FSANZ (Food
Standard of Australia and New Zealand). They are responsible for the development and
administration of this code. It lists requirements for foods such as additives, food safety,
labeling and GM (genetically modified) foods.
Here you can also access a nutritional food panel calculator. You have to add a recipe for
example omelet
Reading the information on the above website however, leads to more questions.
How accurate is the nutritional evaluation and calculation of our produce. Taking into account
that our soil is depleted and that inorganic fertilizers and pesticide sprays alter the food we
grow? Can we trust the nutritional panel we are presented with? And even if it would be an
accurate depiction of the nutritional value, you might not be absorbing those nutrients because
of poor breakdown and assimilation within the digestive tract.
What about the safety standard code? What might be safe for one person might not be so for
another, depending on the ability to detox those harmful additives in our food.
By now you might be discouraged and frightened to eat anything at all, even if you try to do
your best it might not be enough. Do not despair. There are always healthy options to increase
the value of your diet without breaking the bank or needing to take an array of nutritional
We will talk more about supplementation and "Greens" in the supplement chapter, but perhaps I
should mention one nutritional food supplement now. It is called a "Superfood" as it contains
over 100 essential nutrients, is inexpensive and should be consumed by everybody every day.
These are the "Greens", spirulina, wheat grass, barley grass, alfalfa and chlorella. By adding
these to your daily nutritional regime will give you nourishment you otherwise might be lacking
in your diet, plus assist with alkalization. See it as a safeguard, an additional protection against
nutritional depletion you might encounter by eating a westernized diet, even if it is a relatively
healthy one.
I believe most of us are familiar with a food pyramid. I believe the modern food pyramid is
outdated, as it favours the overuse of high starch carbohydrates like bread, pasta, rice, potatoes
and the like.
The food pyramid below takes a much more sound approach to health and wellness.
This pyramid advocates a low sugar, fruit and starches diet. Losing weight depends on reducing
these. However, even healthy, slim people benefit from the elimination of sugar, fruit sugar and
simple carbohydrates like white flour and their products. This interesting article by Walter Last
brings home the danger of sweets, especially in combination with starches
I have mentioned that eating a raw food diet for a few days, helps with the detoxing program.
Nothing can be heated above 40 degrees as this will destroy enzymes and possibly other
nutrients as well.
Basically, it is a 2 to 5 day food plan only eating raw foods. Allowed are blended vegetables
(using fresh clean water), some fruits 1 or 2 (pieces a day) and additionally diluted vegetable
juices, including plenty of leafy greens. Do not overuse vegetables like carrots, beetroot and
other root vegetables in your juices; instead include a lot of greens and leafy vegetables. A little
bit of apple added to the juice is ok. You also can have a green drink made from the
"Superfood" greens spirulina, wheat and barley grass, chlorella and alfalfa.
Juices need to be diluted as a high influx of nutrients without fibre can upset the digestion and
floods the blood stream with an excess of sugar.
This eating plan will encourage the body to release built up proteins and toxins and gives the
digestive system a little break.
Do a complete basic raw food regime once or twice a year on its own or as part of the program
which you will find at the end of the "Your 8 Step Guide to Health and Wellbeing" Manual.
Some more ideas for a healthy diet
Include a good amount of raw food in your diet as well as sprouts. Sprouting makes
legumes and seeds more alkalizing as the minerals are released in the process
(fermentation does the same).
Only use whole grains not refined products.
Whenever possible eat organic foods.
Most legumes can be sprouted. By starting the sprouting process, minerals will be
released and become more easily absorbed.
Nuts and seeds soaked overnight are easier to digest.
Always steam vegetables and do not over-cook them.
Use good oils like extra virgin cold pressed olive oil or flaxseed oil for salads. Many of
the other supermarket oils are over-refined, coloured and deodorized to make them
pleasing to our senses.
Use coconut oil for cooking
Butter is always better than margarine.
The least processed your food, the better.
Bake and cook your own meals and don't rely on meals from the supermarket freezer or
bought cakes and biscuits.
Eat about 2 pieces of fruit a day.
Drink water instead of soft drinks.
Reduce alcohol, coffee and tea maybe to one drink a day. Herbal teas and coffee
substitutes are another healthier option.
Reduce or eliminate sugary foods.
Rather under-eat than over-eat and consume 6 small meals rather than 3 large ones.
Make your evening meal the smallest of the day and eat at least 2 hours before bedtime.
Don't drink with meals.
Include garlic daily if possible. It is generally health promoting and in particular
beneficial for the digestive tract), the immune system and also the cardiovascular system
(it is a great sanitizer and destroys many unfavorable and detrimental microorganisms).
I would like to stress two points. Firstly, we all need a little treat sometimes. Just remember it
is not what you eat sometimes that counts but what you eat most of the time. This means an
occasional treat is great to keep up your spirit and is part of a balanced lifestyle. Just don’t
overdo it.
Secondly, even the best foods might be bad for you if it is not bio-compatible with your
chemistry at the time. Get tested for allergies; eliminate them and fast track your way to better
health and wellbeing. It takes the guess work out as you will be given a list of foods you can
eat. See for more information.
Chapter 9
"E"= Exercise
Is At The Heart Of Good
s I mentioned in the beginning of this e book I became really interested in nutrition when I
owned my fitness centre in Sydney, Australia. Exercise was my beginning - my first steps
to better health and wellbeing and my route to becoming a nutritionist.
Exercise and nutrition is like the hand and glove. You need good nutrition for energy and
muscle growth, and to get the best results from your exercise program. Even today I will always
include exercise in my daily routine, at least 4 to 5 times a week.
There are many reasons why we should exercise, but we will find even more reason why we
shouldn't. Let's face it many of us would rather not do it if we only could get away with being a
couch potato, but still reaping the benefits of an exercise program. Well, let me tell you there is
no way you can do that.
You might have heard the saying "If you rest you rust". This could not be more precise and to
the point if you neglect to move your body. And I don’t mean to walk to the fridge to get a
chocolate bar or a beer. It does not include getting up from the office chair to get another cup of
coffee. It means MOVING…, walking, jogging, jumping anything which increases your heart
rate and blood and lymph flow.
Imagine your arteries carrying blood around your body passing through the smallest capillaries
on its way to tissue and cells. Here, the blood delivers the nutrients it carried and picks up
toxins. The veins continue the work by delivering those toxins to the organs of elimination.
Imagine oxygen rushing into your lungs reaching the deepest areas of your alveoli's, exchanging
carbon dioxide with oxygen.
Imagine speeding up your metabolism as your body's temperature increases, using energy to
keep up with the demands of the extra work. These and other benefits will only take place
effectively, when you move your body to a point, where breathing becomes more laboured and
heart rate increases. Click here to calculate your maximum heart rate
Remember, if you cannot talk or whistle while exercising you are working out too hard.
Increase intensity slowly.
The above is achieved through cardiovascular and aerobic training.
Weight training is an anaerobic exercise, meaning without oxygen. It is used in non-endurance
sports to promote strength, speed and power and is muscle building.
Anaerobic exercise relies on energy sources that are stored in the muscles and, unlike aerobic
exercise, is not dependent on oxygen from (breathing) the air. Only short burst exercises like
sprinting and weight training use this energy supply. Lactic acid is the by-produced of this
process and this creates "The Burn" the individual feels after a sprint or weight lifting.
Even performing aerobic exercises (using oxygen) will eventually switch over to this source.
Say, you go for a run and after a few minutes you are out of breath and no way in the world can
you carry on. Meaning, your lungs are no longer capable of supplying enough oxygen to the
muscles. For a little while longer you will be able to go on using anaerobic energy, but this is
short lived before even this source is depleted. Deep breathing will restore oxygen, your lungs
recover, and you are able to continue your run.
A combination of both aerobic and anaerobic training is central to overall fitness.
Let's have a look at some benefits exercise can make in your life:
Reduces the risk of dying prematurely.
Reduces the risk of dying prematurely from heart disease.
Reduces the risk of developing diabetes.
Reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure.
Helps reduce blood pressure in people who already have high blood pressure.
Reduces feelings of depression and anxiety.
Helps control weight.
Helps build and maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints.
Helps older adults become stronger and better able to move about without falling.
Promotes psychological well-being.
Speeds up your metabolism, even hours after exercise and burns calories
Makes your muscles more insulin sensitive
The pancreas needs to produce less insulin and levels drop, less insulin in the blood to
convert sugar to fat
Reduces the amount of fat deposit and reduces food intake
Gets cortisol levels down (stress and inflammation increase cortisol levels) - Excess
cortisol more visceral fat
There might even be less risk of developing some cancers.
Perhaps it is time you included exercise in your daily life. The benefits are wonderful.
Maybe you would like include the whole family. Kids, especially these days, need to learn
about the benefits of exercise. Implementing a fitness program in one’s life can never be too
early. Growing up within a family who keeps fit gives any child the advantage of better health
and wellbeing, now and in the future. More than ever in our modern society, kids are not
spending enough time outdoors, breathing fresh air, eating health promoting food and
participating in an exercise program. This is shown in alarming statistics of how many children
slowly slide into the weight range of obesity.
In the United States alone, over thirty per cent of the children studied from ages six to
nineteen are considered overweight. Fifteen per cent of those overweight in the study,
were also listed as obese.
High blood pressure and diabetes are just two serious health problems that often show up
with obesity in a child. Conditions like these are now treated with medications which
until recently had only been used in adults.
Studies of child obesity statistics show that individuals who are considered overweight as
children will, most likely, face obesity as adults.
The New England Journal of Medicine states:
Obese children under three years of age without obese parents are at low risk for obesity
in adulthood, but among older children, obesity is an increasingly important predictor of
adult obesity, regardless of whether the parents are obese. Parental obesity more than
doubles the risk of adult obesity among both obese and nonobese children less than 10
years of age.
Isn't it high time we took steps to change this? Exercise and improved nutrition is always the
first step to take. Make it fun and you will find your kids might just think it is cool to eat well
and exercise - maybe not as much a playing video games, being in front of the computer or
watching the latest TV programs – but as with everything in life, balance is the key word. Give
your kids time for both.
To find something which is fun as well as get you fit is not always easy, particularly if you want
to involve the whole family.
Here are some ideas you could incorporate in your daily busy lifestyle.
Find time to walk in the park, encourage the kids to have a sprint to see who is the fastest,
toss a ball, play cricket
Keep track of who completed their fitness tasks and reward them
Make every Saturday (or any other day of the week) a health and fitness day.
Let the kids find ways of exercising and alternate their ideas.
Put together a simple, easy aerobic class. Put a few songs together and make it fun by
including a few jumps, leg lifts, and simple arm and leg coordinated moves and stretches.
Perhaps go and watch a video or exercise class to get some ideas.
Find books or videos in the library, which teach kids about health and fitness.
Sports people can be a great inspiration; however, often we might hold these people in
too high regard. If they fall from grace, (as some do), then the positive aspect of their
endeavors might be lost and are not the helpful influence we hoped.
Need more ideas? Click here
If you already a member of a fitness centre then you probably won't need my help. Just make
sure your fitness program includes weight training and cardiovascular exercises as well as some
However, if you do need a hand with an exercise program here are some fitness tips.
Let's start with the heart or your cardiovascular, aerobic workout.
Cardiovascular exercise like walking or a combination of walking/jogging; depending on
your fitness level.
Riding a pushbike with some parts of your ride going uphill.
Get yourself some aerobic exercise videos.
There are many fold-up exercise machines for home use on the market. As long as they
encourage arm and leg movement, meaning you move your whole body, then they are ok.
Skipping rope for a few minutes at the time. After each few minutes go down on the floor
and do some pushups (with knees on the floor) or sit ups. This could be called "interval"
training. You perform both cardiovascular and muscle building exercises. Do this routine
for as long as possible. Workup to 30 minutes.
Watch a 10 minute video for a step workout
Aerobic or cardiovascular exercise could be anything you like doing as long as your heart rate
increases to at least 60 to 80 percent of your resting heart rate. To calculate your target heart
The above exercise suggestions raise your cardiovascular fitness, for heart, circulation and lung
Next find out what you can do to increase muscle strength.
Muscle strength is very important, especially when you get older. So why should you train with
weights? Why is muscle strength and tone important?
Weight Management: By gaining muscle strength and tone you will contribute to a
more efficient metabolism.
Strength and Balance: Gaining strength will support your joints and together with your
muscles will increase their functions including balance, flexibility, stamina and injury
prevention. As we get older muscle mass declines naturally, but weight training will let
you keep your vital muscle mass much longer. A toned body always looks younger and
Bone Strength and Density: Losing weight by only counting calories and without
muscle building exercise can produce a decline in muscle and bone mass and density. I
always recommend that healthy weight loss should including a weight bearing exercise
program. Bone strength is achieved through muscles and tendons applying force on the
attachment points to the bone, stimulating growth.
Boost Wellness, Immunity and Sleep: Regular exercise tends to improves sleep
patterns. Moderate exercise and good sleep both enhance immune function. Put it all
together with weight training and you'll do well. Muscle tissue is an important storage for
amino acids. When we get sick the immune system might have to use those stored amino
acids to fight invaders. You will do much better with a toned and strong body than one
with a high ratio of fat to muscle mass.
Muscle tissue is denser
than fat tissue, meaning
you might weigh the
same but look slimmer.
You can get yourself a few hand-weights, dumbbells, and work your upper body, chest, back,
shoulders and arms and your legs.
Click on the link below to watch a 20 minute video. This video is great and easy to follow. You
might want to have lighter and some heavier dumbbells ready. As you get stronger you might
need to increase your weights. You are asked to do 15 repetitions for each exercise. It is a whole
body workout.
How much time should you spend exercising?
A good start would be about 30 to 40 minutes at least 4 times a week. You could even divide
the time by doing some 15 to 20 minutes in the morning and the rest later in the day. You could
try some aerobics in the morning and some weights later in the day, or visa versa. Another
option would be to alternate aerobics with weight exercises; day 1 aerobics, day 2 weights and
so on.
Don't forget some midsection exercises. Abdominal muscles are important as the midsection
balances your whole body. An abdominal and lower back routine will make sure you
midsection is strong, toned and up to the job of keeping you tall and upright.
For more exercise ideas you can do at home, see the website and click on the one which
interests you.
Always stretch when your muscles are warmed up, otherwise you might pull a muscle.
Stretching is more important after you exercise (weight training or cardiovascular) as the
muscles are thoroughly warmed up by then; this is called a "cool down". However, if you feel
like stretching before you start exercising, warm up for a few minutes first by either walking or
use a treadmill.
Find out how many calories you burn doing your favorite activities. Enter your weight, then
enter the number of minutes you do of each different activity. Click on "Calculate" at the
bottom of the form for your personal report.
How long does it take to lose a pound doing your favorite activity?
No more excuses; start exercising today so all of your tomorrows will find you healthier,
slimmer, more energetic, stronger and toned. Exercise increases your wellbeing physically,
mentally and emotionally.
Chapter 10
"S"= Supplements
Enhance The Value Of Your
Daily Food
et's talk supplements. Is it necessary these days to supplement your food intake with
nutritional supplements? The simple answer is YES.
I don't believe we can get every nutrient we need from our food any longer. We might be able to
live on a diet with sub-standard amounts of the nutrients, but how well and how long until it
leads to ill health? We know that modern farming and artificial fertilizers unbalance and deplete
our soils. Simply put, if the plant does not get nutrients neither will those who eat them. This
goes down the food chain as the animals we consume are also eating depleted food sources. As
we have discussed in previous chapters faulty digestion can also impact on how much we
actually absorb.
Confusion over which supplements to take is increasing, as more and more nutritional
supplements are being manufactured. Almost from one week to the next you can find a new and
different product on the shelves of a Health Food store. They are all promising to heal, help and
give back what your body is missing. Practitioners, these days are bombarded by companies
selling their products. Constantly we need to attend seminars to stay on top of health news and
learn about the latest products.
Is it any wonder all of us are getting bewildered entering the jungle of supplements?
Natural nutritional supplements can be of help for many disease conditions, as well as
enhancing your health and wellbeing.
People who have switched sides from going to a doctor and taking different medications to a
natural way of healing might be disappointed if natural preparations are not as fast acting as the
pills prescribed by their orthodox practitioner. We all want a quick fix, but quick fixes are not
the answer as they mostly work on the symptoms and not the cause.
You might hope by taking a capsule, liquid or a powder, all your health problems disappear and
symptoms will vanish; this is seldom the case. Therefore have patience, be persistent and
remember health starts form the inside out. Incorporate the 8 steps to wellbeing in your life and
you will be on the right track.
I cannot know what your needs are as I don't know you and I have no idea about your medical
history. Consequently, my supplementation advice needs to be general so that anybody can
The supplements below are central in the “8 Step Guide to Health and Wellness" Manual. More
on those and how to incorporate them in the wellness program is explained in the Manual.
GREENS: My pet nutritional supplement is a combination of greens. Greens like spirulina,
wheat grass, barley grass, alfalfa and chlorella have long been used to improve nutritional
balance and restore nutritional deficiencies. There are called the "Superfoods". Additionally, I
might include a multi vitamin/mineral supplement when I treat clients in my practice.
Below find information on the health benefits of greens
Spirulina ( blue-green algae)
• Algae are the first life-forms on earth. Supplies that burst of primal essence that
manifested when life was in its birthing stages. Exists on the edge between the plant and
animal kingdoms.
• More chlorophyll than any other food, except wild blue green algae and chlorella. Higher
sources of pure protein, beta carotene, and nucleic acid (for repairing DNA) than any
animal or plant food.
• Nurturing, tonifying, useful in overcoming deficiencies
• Used by those with weakness and poor assimilation - easy to digest and absorb.
• The protein is predigested, especially good for people with digestive problems
• It benefits those with problems resulting from excessive consumption of animal protein
• Good for over weight, diabetes, hypoglycemia, cancer, arthritis or similar degenerative
• 10 to 15 grams/day reduces cravings for animal protein.
• 20 grams of spirulina might be equivalent to several ounces of meat due to superior
• ½ gram is often effective in controlling sugar cravings.
• Protects kidneys from prescription medication.
• Slightly salty flavor, cooling.
• The blue/green colour of spirulina (phycocyanin) is known for its astringent effects, a
drawing together. In the brain it draws together amino acids for neurotransmitter
formation, increasing mental capacity.
• One of the richest sources of GLA (Gamma linolenic acid) also contains omega 3
• The cell walls are composed entirely of mucopolysaccharides and contain complete
digestible nutrients, instead of indigestible cellulose.
• Good for fast energy needs of the exercising person and athlete.
Wheat and Barley Grass
• Barley is a little easier digested than wheat grass
• Just behind the Spirulina in chlorophyll and vitamin A
• Protein levels are 20% - about the same as meat.
• Can pick up more than 90 minerals out of the estimated 102 found in rich soil.
• Unique digestive enzymes not available in such concentration in other foods.
• High in anti-oxidant enzyme SOD and the special P4D1 and the chlorophyll all of which
increase anti-inflammatory properties.
• Grasses are more cooling and quicker cleansing than spirulina.
• Strong digestive action. Traditional uses include the treatment of arthritis, bruises, burns,
cancer, constipation, emphysema, gangrene, rheumatism. More recent application:
hypertension, cholesterol, anemia, hepatitis, obesity, diabetes, peptic ulcer,
hypoglycemia, fatigue, hemorrhoids, prostate difficulties, premenstrual symptoms,
muscle debility, toxins form heavy metals.
• External use: a cloth soaked in the juice or a poultice of crushed grass pulp, as well as
taken internally, will hasten healing.
• Alfalfa means “The Father of all Foods”. The Arabs claim it improves their health and
• Has a deep rooting system capable of extending 25 feet in the soil, extracting valuable
minerals often not found in other plants.
• High in minerals and vitamins especially, calcium, potassium, silica, magnesium, vitamin
B, A, E, D, C, and K.
• It contains 8 enzymes for proper food assimilation.
• It aids stomach ailments, gas, pain, ulcerative conditions, and pain and stiffness of
• High in iron and just enough copper for its absorption.
• Fat burning and normalizes digestion.
• May also help in eliminating retained water.
• A source of complete protein. 18.0 % protein equal to beef. Good for vegetarians.
• Contains the nine essential amino acids.
• It contains pectin a digestive enzyme, protecting the cell, especially from radiation.
• Effective buffer of too acid condition in the digestive tract.
• Helps digest animal proteins.
• Is a head remedy for conditions such as itchy scalp, irritable eyes and sniffly nose of
hayfever sufferer’s chronic catarrh of the throat and the acid taste of the tongue in older
• Helps people who react badly to insect stings and bites.
Some cautions for Alfalfa:
• Alfalfa may increase the risk of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) - due to the
Canavanine content of Alfalfa.
• People using Warfarin should not use Alfalfa (due to the high Vitamin K content, which
could interfere with the intended anticoagulant effects of Warfarin).
• Women should not consume excessive quantities of Alfalfa during Pregnancy (due to the
ability of the Stachydrine content of Alfalfa to stimulate the Uterus)
• Little less protein, just a fraction of the beta carotene, more than twice the nucleic acid
and chlorophyll than spirulina
• The tough cell wall has been found to bind heavy metals, pesticides, and carcinogens and
carries them out of the body safely.
• The cell walls contain polysaccharides, which have anti tumor and immune enhancing
properties, and strengthen our own cellular structure.
• Chlorella growth factor (CGF) offers superior quality of RNA/DNA
• Chlorella is the least cooling, most cleansing and tonifying of all algae and safe for
• Chlorella Growth Factor improves growth patterns in children, maintaining health in old
age, healing injuries and is of help in degenerative conditions like Alzheimer, sciatica,
seizures, multiple sclerosis, nervousness and other nerve disorders, as it contains
pytochemicals helping to rebuild nerve damage.
• CGF promotes normal growth of cells, but not the growth process of tumor cells.
• The protein is predigested and helps smooth out blood sugar imbalances.
• Highest levels of omega 3 of all the algae
REFERENCE: “Healing with Whole Foods” by Paul Pitchford
Plant Derived Minerals: Why do we need minerals and trace minerals? What are their
functions? Minerals are required for regulating cell function and for providing structure to cells.
Minerals are initiators and they regulate and control every organ and function in our body. This
means they set in motion essential reactions and they have vital roles in bone formation, muscle
contractions, blood formation, and energy production. Proteins cannot be assembled and
vitamins cannot be metabolized if there is a shortage of the necessary minerals. Therefore, they
can truly be called the spark of life. In our stressful times we need them even more than ever, as
a stressed body depletes nutrients and especially minerals, at a faster rate.
Taking a vitamin/mineral supplement is a great first step. However, you will only get a fraction
of minerals and trace minerals - maybe 10 to 16 or so, but what about the rest? That’s why I
believe taking a colloidal plant derived mineral supplement is the best to restore tissue mineral
levels. A good product should contain at least over 70 plant derived minerals and those are the
ones our body can easily absorb. Hard inorganic minerals are for the soil, which, once
integrated into the plant life will render them organic, those are best for our body.
Plant derived minerals harvested from ancient compost, are the purest form and the most natural
food supplement. Over time, starting millions of years ago, glaciers and other earth movements
buried large quantities of earth matter and those are today's source of important minerals and
trace minerals. We have to be thankful that a great nutritional supplement like plant derived
minerals is available - it takes the guess work out of balancing your mineral intake. This is not a
manmade product, but made by Mother Nature and Mother Nature always knows best.
Enhance your life and rediscover your spark for life by complementing your healthy diet with
this kind of natural supplement. Read Judie's e book "Organic Plant Derived Minerals…My
Story" or see
Potassium Citrate and Sodium Bicarbonate
As explained in the "Lifestyle" chapter alkalizing is fundamental to health. The greens
mentioned above, plant minerals, potassium citrate and possibly sodium bicarbonate, help
alkalize and balance the pH of your body.
Lugol's Solution: This preparation has been around since 1826. The name comes from its
originator Jean Guillaume Auguste Lugol (1786 - 1851) a French doctor. He suggested that his
iodine solution could be used to treat tuberculosis.
Lugol's Solution is an iodine preparation containing 10 % Potassium Iodide and 5% Iodine in
purified water. This unique combination and strength make it an ideal candidate for
supplementing iodine and also for killing microbes, Candida and other microorganisms in the
digestive tract and the blood stream. This is the first step to start the elimination process.
To stimulate the thyroid take 2 to 3 drops a day, this will encourage better thyroid function.
Iodine is the main trace mineral for health of the thyroid. Lugol’s solution contains about, 6.5
mg of molecular iodine/iodide per drop. However for long-term supplementation of iodine
adding 1 teaspoon of Kelp powder to your "Green" drink (or any other way you like to take it),
is recommended. Alternating Lugol’s and Kelp for iodine supplementation is advised, by using
Kelp for a month or longer and then you might use the Lugol’s solution again. Too much iodine
can over-stimulate the thyroid, so watch out for hyperthyroid symptoms such as fast pulse and/
or fast heartbeat, outbreaks of sweat, or any kind of overstimulation. Cut down the iodine or
leave away for a few days and watch your symptoms.
Iodine used to be added to bread and other manufactured foods, however, it was replaced by
bromide as iodine was believed to accumulate in the body and become toxic. Excessive
amounts of bromide are now being ingested with our daily bread. Bromide is not only toxic to
the body, but it also replaces iodine. Most people are iodine deficient these days.
Everyone should read this great article by Walter Last
Magnesium: Is another mineral many people a deficient in. We always hear about calcium and
how important it is to take huge amounts for the health of our bones. Sure, calcium is important,
but without Magnesium or being deficient in magnesium (and other important synergistic
nutrients like vitamin D, vitamin K, Boron, Manganese, zinc and the correct amount of
phosphorous) in the blood, calcium will not be absorbed into the cells and tissue and instead
builds up in between the cells. This increases the risk of build up and can lead to conditions like
stiffness, arthritis, inflexibility and bone tissue breakdown. Cells are getting depleted of calcium
as it builds up in tissue outside the cells.
I believe magnesium chloride (as magnesium oil), is superior as it can help with the production
of hydrochloric acid it the stomach. As we get older hydrochloric acid production decreases.
Magnesium chloride, as magnesium oil, is unique as it can be absorbed transdermally, meaning
the skin absorbs the oil and carries it directly to the tissue where it is needed without having to
go through the digestive process. This will help with pain, stiffness and cramps when rubbed
onto the affected areas and is soothing to the nervous system. Magnesium oil is not really a oil,
but is so called because of its oily feel.
Read the article
MMS or Miracle Mineral Solution: You either like it or you don’t. I gather that many people
would rather not take it as the associated nausea is not very pleasant. At some stage nausea will
happen as the MMS is doing its job of detoxification. MMS is one of the most potent
antimicrobial killers including viruses, bacteria, parasites and other microorganisms. Since
MMS works primarily in the blood stream it is there that it works best. MMS passes through the
digestive tract and enters the blood stream rather quickly, consequently not killing off
everything. The oral absorption method might be a better choice to use MMS. Oral absorption
gets the MMS right into the blood stream bypassing the digestive tract.
Read more
Olive Leaf Extract: is called "Nature's Protector" and is recognized as a natural alternative to
antibiotics. It is effective against a wider range of opportunistic microorganisms like bacteria,
viruses, fungus, yeast, moulds, and parasites. It is beneficial for people with a compromised
immune system. It has been shown to reduce cholesterol and benefits the heart and arteries, due
to its antioxidant qualities. It can be used as an alternative if you don't feel comfortable with
taking MMS. For anti-microbial actions in the blood stream MMS is the best, but olive leaf will
act longer in the digestive tract destroying invaders. MMS and Olive Leaf can be taken together,
not at the same time, but in the same day. This way you have increased anti-microbial
protection in both the blood and digestive tract.
Pau D arco Extract can be used the same way Olive leaf extract is used. It is an antimicrobial
and will boost the immune system. There are many studies done how it is effective in cancer
Colostrum: Is an immune enhancer. It helps prevent digestive complaints, improves athletic
performance and muscle growth and accelerates wound healing. It is most helpful in
autoimmune diseases and Leukaemia.
Research has shown that Colostrum has powerful natural immune and growth factors that bring
the body to a state of homeostasis - its powerful, vital natural state of health and well being. It
also enables us to resist the harmful effects of pollutants, contaminants and allergens.
Bovine Colostrum is used as a therapeutic agent because its constituents are almost identical to
those present in human Colostrum.
Colostrum does not cause allergic reactions like cow’s milk can. However, some caution may
be advised for extreme sensitivities to cow's milk.
Colostrum is a powerful support during detoxification.
It works well together when mixed with "Greens" and added to organic plant minerals.
Together with the amino acid L-Glutamine it also has strong healing properties in the digestive
Probiotics: You have read about probiotics and prebiotics in the chapter about elimination. It
might be helpful to recap this information a little.
With our elimination program our aim is to kill off the bad bugs in the digestive tract and blood
stream and importantly, replace them with the good bugs. Look for the strongest product on the
marked, containing the highest amount of organisms, around 35 billion is splendid. Eating
yoghurt is great, but you might not get enough good bacteria. Any naturally fermented food is
great, but making it yourself is time consuming.
Want to learn more about ferments?
You could also try this website for a fermented drink called "B. E. Wholegrain Liquid". They
also have a distributor in the USA.
If you buy a probiotic from the Health Food store or Chemist check the label to see if it
contains, what is called a prebiotic. A prebiotic is none digestible food fibre, stimulating the
growth and activity of good bacteria and is the food the probiotic needs to grow on. Typical
carbohydrates contain prebiotics. Oligofructose like inulin and others are the most prominent
Taking a probiotic with meals containing fiber will make the probiotic active and more
Digestive Enzyme: Digestive enzymes have also been discussed in the previous chapter on
Basically, digestion begins in the mouth. Chewing starts the production of amylase which is a
carbohydrate digesting enzyme. The stomach produces gastric juices, chiefly containing
hydrochloric acid, pepsin, rennin, and mucin. Gastric juices need to be acidic. From the
stomach partially digested food (now called chyme) enters into the first part of the small
intestine; the duodenum. The alkalizing digestive enzymes from the pancreas render the chyme
less acidic.
Enzymes are specialized protein molecules. Enzymatic reactions happen in your body 24/7,
without those reactions there is no life.
In essence there are three different kinds of enzymes.
Metabolic Enzymes: Found in our organs, bones, blood and cells. Their job is to repair tissue
and grow new cells. All organs and glands need the help of enzymes to function properly.
Digestive Enzymes: Are secreted by our salivary glands, stomach, pancreas and small intestine.
Food Enzymes: Exist in the raw food we eat. Eating foods rich in enzymes (all whole,
uncooked food, or only heated below 40 degree), will lessen the burden on the body to produce
The following are the more commonly known digestive enzymes:
lipase — breaks down fats
protease — breaks down proteins
cellulase — breaks down fiber
amylase — breaks down starch
lactase — breaks down dairy products
sucrase — breaks down sugar
maltase — breaks down grains
The cellulase enzyme is not present in humans and therefore we cannot break down fibre (or
cellulose). Cellulose is an un-branched Polysaccharide Carbohydrate composed of linked units
of Glucose. It is a form of insoluble Dietary Fiber, very important to intestinal health.
Lipase is one of the enzymes most often inadequate in our diet. Low fat diets, heated oils and
packaged and processed foods are part of the problem. When oils and fats are heated and foods
are processed most of the lipase is destroyed. Avocadoes and fresh coconuts are one of the few
foods we still get a good amount of lipase from. Read this interesting article by Walter Last: However, any packaged processed food is devoid of
enzymes. Enzymes are also important for the detoxing process, especially in the liver in phase 1
and phase 2. Click here if you would like to learn a little more about this process.
If you feel you might benefit from a digestive enzyme supplement try one of the following.
You can buy hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes supplements either form the Health Food
Store, chemist or from the internet, or as a "Wellness Club" member from my clinic Holistic
Health Mackay. I use metagenics practitioner line of products, but you need to contact me for
product information and/or purchase
You could also try the following:
You may mix lemon or lime juice, or cider vinegar, in addition to magnesium chloride with a
protein meal. The food acid reacts with the magnesium chloride to form hydrochloric acid and
magnesium citrate, or acetate. In this way you provide all of the key ingredients to activate
digestive enzymes: acidity, magnesium and chloride ions.
Use about one to two tablespoons of lemon or lime juice but less of vinegar, and half a teaspoon
of magnesium oil (magnesium chloride). As the food acids tend to be metabolized, this
combination does not normally make the body acid. You may further stimulate the digestion by
drinking half a cupful of a bitter herb tea after the meal. Bitter ingredients are especially helpful
for the liver.
However, those who do not produce enough stomach acid also do not make enough sodium
bicarbonate to neutralize an increased amount of acid in the duodenum. While the stomach
content needs to be acid, the content of the small intestines needs to be alkaline; otherwise
nutrients are not properly absorbed. Therefore, it is advisable to take half a teaspoon of sodium
bicarbonate in liquid about 2 hours after a small meal, and 3 to 4 hours after a large meal with
flesh food or other proteins.
Fresh (not canned) pineapple juice is rich in bromelain which aids digestion by breaking down
protein. Having a small glass, or some fresh pineapple, with a meal rich in protein can assist
I do not generally advocate drinking with meals as it dilutes the digestive juices. Drink about ½
hour before meals or about 1 hour after.
Multi Vitamin/Mineral Supplement: It can't hurt taking one of those every day with a meal,
to safe-guard your intake of sufficient vitamins and minerals. You obviously do not get a whole
spectrum of minerals and other nutrients, but it is great for the important vitamins like A, the B
group, C (you might need more than it is contained in a multi vitamin/mineral preparation) D,
E, K. Often they also include other nutrients like antioxidants and herbs. Make sure the one you
get is high in B vitamins. B vitamins are important for metabolic function and required for a
healthy nervous system. The B group vitamins are prominent co-factors (also called coenzymes) helping enzymes perform chemical reactions.
Many enzymes require co-factors (also called co-enzymes or
a substrate) to become active and speed up reactions.
Vitamins, especially the B group contain organic molecules
the enzymes need
Lipoic Acid (often called Alpha Lipoic acid): Lipoic acid is a sulfurous compound that is
considered sufficiently "essential" to be worthy of classification as a Vitamin of the "B" group
in modern orthomolecular circles - Lipoic acid would have been classified as a Vitamin except
for the fact that it can be synthesized within the human body.
Lipoic acid is a potent antioxidant. The antioxidant effects of Lipoic acid occur at a dosage level
of 25 - 50 mg per day. For preventative purposes the range is between of 250 - 750 mg per day.
It has been found to increase energy levels in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) patients by
supplementing 500 - 800 mg per day.
It is beneficial for diabetes by supplementing with 300 - 1,200 mg per day), alleviating several
aspects of Diabetes Mellitus (including Diabetic Retinopathy).
Ref: In-Tele-Health © 2006 (from Hyperhealth Pro CD-ROM)
Lipoic acid has many health benefits and it counteracts many toxic substances. It might be of
help in protecting our cells and chelating toxic minerals like mercury, cadmium, arsenic and
aluminum out of our body.
As an antioxidant Lipoic acid protects the liver and assists with the detoxification process. All
these characteristics make it important in our 8 step wellness program. I always include Lipoic
acid in my liver detox program.
Milk Thistle Extract: Health benefits are mainly due to the active constituent silymarin in
Milk Thistle. The content of silymarin in a Milk Thistle Extract is 85%, as opposed to a Milk
Thistle seed powder, which may contain very little of the active ingredient
It may reduce inflammation and protects against some cancers. Important metabolic function of
Milk Thistle include the reduction of cholesterol (it accelerates the removal from the liver).
Milk Thistle protects and helps to regenerate the liver. A liver detox program should always
include Milk Thistle extract for support and liver regeneration. Milk Thistle may also stimulate
the regeneration of the kidneys and protect against toxic effects of many poisons.
Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's): Essential fatty acids are omega 3 and 6 - these cannot be
constructed by our body and the diet needs to supply them. Omega 9 is also an essential fatty
acid (found in olive oil). It is necessary, yet non-essential as the body can produce a modest
amount by itself.
EFA's are vital to the many biological processes our body performs and not just in its role as a
fuel source.
The EFA's where first discovered in 1923 and were called Vitamin F.
The problem is that we get too much omega 6 to omega 3 and this is causing an imbalance and
increases the risk of inflammation. The ratio of Omega 6 to 3 should be 2 to 1, but it is more
like 15 to 1.
Omega 3 Oils (Alpha Linolenic Acid) a supersaturated fatty acid.
The omega 3 fatty acids have been playing a focal role in health for a while. I guess everybody
knows something about omega 3 fish oils by now.
Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA) is the principal Omega-3 fatty acid, which a healthy human will
convert into eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Body systems like
the skin, nervous, respiratory, sexual, musculoskeletal, immune, cardiovascular, digestive, all
benefit from Omega 3 fatty acids. It is important for eyes and are key constituents of Cell
Membranes keeping them flexible.
Omega 3 from plant sources or from animal sources; which is better?
Fish oils are known as marine lipids or marine omega 3 fatty acids. The term Fish Oils is also
used as a collective term for Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) and Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA).
Fish oils are a ready source of both DHA and EPA. Sources are Cod Liver Oil, Halibut Liver
Oil, Krill Oil, Menhaden Oil, Salmon Oil, Sardine Oil, and Shark Liver Oil.
Make sure you compare the percentage of DHA and EPA in the fish oils you buy. Amounts of
120 - 300 mg of DHA and 180 - 420 mg of EPA is ok, however there are higher dosages
available, especially in practitioner only lines.
Omega 3 from plants is not a ready source of DHA and EPA. An extra step in the conversion of
omega 3 to DHA and EPA within the body is needed.
Some experts believe that this conversion might not be very effective in some individuals and
they might not get enough DHA and EPA from plant sources. On the other hand others say this
is not so and prefer to obtain their omega 3 from plants.
Plant sources of omega 3 can be found in most seeds and their oils, as well as in greens like
spirulina, nuts and even in small amounts from chesses and beef (this depends on what the
animal was fed).
If you do not eat lots of cold water fish, like tuna, salmon, sardines or anchovies then you better
take your fish oil capsules daily. This will ensure that you get the important DHA and EPA in a
pure and bio-available form.
Omega-6 (Linoleic Acid) Polyunsaturated fatty acid
Linoleic Acid is the primary Omega-6 fatty acid. A healthy human with good nutrition will
convert linoleic acid into gamma linolenic acid (GLA). Diets rich in processed foods, sugar,
alcohol and Trans fats (found in margarine) and bad lifestyle choices will hinder the conversion
to GLA. Only in this form the body can use it for problems like PMS, skin conditions,
rheumatoid arthritis and it may improve diabetic neuropathy.
GLA has been found to be helpful, especially in women with PMS. An "Essential Fatty Acid”
supplement usually contains omega 3,6, and GLA. In the absence of omega 3 oils, GLA may
convert to arachidonic acid and promote inflammatory changes, so it is essential to take a
properly balanced ratio of these oils.
Overindulgence in our diet of omega 6, competes with omega 3 absorption, increases
inflammation and can cause an array of health problems.
A good balanced ratio of omega 3 and 6 can be found in flaxseeds and their oil and hemp oil.
Good sources of omega 6 are flaxseed oil, flaxseeds, flaxseed meal, hempseed oil, hempseeds,
grapeseed oil, pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, pistachio nuts, sunflower seeds (raw), olive oil, olives,
borage oil, evening primrose oil, black currant seed oil, chestnut oil, chicken.
To make a long story short, eating a diet including some nuts and seeds, their oils as well as
greens like spirulina, oily fish and/or fish oil capsules will ensure that you are getting the
correct ration of both omega 3 and 6.
A word of caution.
Most supermarket oils are heated and have no nutritional value. They are
actually poisonous to your body. The best are unrefined cold pressed extra virgin
olive oil and extra virgin coconut oil.
L-Cysteine: Glutathione is the most important tripeptide (made up of Cysteine, Glycine and
Glutamine) for liver detoxification.
Some researchers argue that Glutathione is not bio-available when supplemented orally as it
quickly breaks down into its individual constituent amino acids.
Possibly the best way to introduce Glutathione into the body is via L-Cysteine (or N-Acetyl
Cysteine) and possible L-Glutamine supplementation, as these nutrients contribute to the
endogenous production of Glutathione within the Liver.
However, cysteine is the most important one in this process as the other two are often not
missing in our diet. Cysteine also reduces the body's requirement of methionine (another
important liver detoxing amino acid).
N-Acetyl-Cysteine is regarded as the preferred and more active form of Cysteine.
Vitamin C: The importance of Vitamin C for the health of all body systems is very well
documented. It is one of the most important antioxidants and should be included in a liver detox
mix. This will prevent other constituents like L- cysteine from becoming oxidized before they
can be used by the body.
The following study of Vitamin C by:
Frei, B., et al. Ascorbate is an outstanding antioxidant in human blood plasma. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences USA. 86(16):6377-6381, 1989.
"Ascorbate is the most effective aqueous-phase antioxidant in human blood plasma and,
in humans ascorbate is a physiological antioxidant of major importance for protection
against diseases and degenerative processes caused by oxidant stress".
Liver Detox Mix: A supplement especially designed by Walter Last and myself to help detox
and support the liver. It needs to be taken with lecithin as this will help absorption, especially
the absorption of Milk Thistle. Stride into Health Liver Cleanse Mix contains Milk Thistle,
TMG (tri-methyl Glycine), Choline, Inositol, Alpha Lipoic acid, N-acetyl Cysteine, Sodium
Ascorbate and MSM.
Fibre Drink: I believe everybody should have some kind of fibre drink every day, preferably in
the afternoon (for a good bowel movement in the morning). Use any fibre combination or plain
psyllium and Flax seeds. Slippery Elm may also be used for additional fiber and for soothing
the digestive tract.
Antioxidants: Antioxidants are a diverse group of otherwise unrelated chemicals that combine
with Free Radicals (or other chemicals that release Free Radicals) that would otherwise attack
and oxidize molecules in the body. Most Antioxidants may retard various aspects of the Aging
Process, protect cells, counteract inflammation, protect the Skin from the damage induced by
UV-B Ultra-Violet Radiation, reduce the risk of developing Age-Related Macular Degeneration
and is important for some metabolic reactions.
You might like to google Astaxantins, as those are one of the strongest anti oxidants you can
In Conclusion: I must stress the point that there are thousands of natural health and wellness
enhancing substances available. May it be herbs, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, homeopathic
remedies etc; the list is long. Every practitioner has his or her own regime and modalities to
work with.
However, for the benefit of this 8 step wellbeing program, I have narrowed the list and have
selected, what I believe, are the fundamentals to this program.
Some people might be more nutrient depleted than others.
Nowadays many individuals seem to have sub-standard levels of vitamins and minerals. Many
experts believe that vitamin D, and minerals like magnesium, selenium, zinc, iodine and even
chromium are on top of the list.
If you have any long standing health problems you might have to seek the help of a health
practitioner for additional advice. Meanwhile starting on this wellness program will be a
foundation to building better health and wellbeing.
In "Your 8 Step Guide to Health and Wellbeing Manual" I will put supplementation in
NOTE: I also recommend to check out our website for new products
and information. You also will receive a bi-monthly newsletter with great health and wellness
articles and news (you can unsubscribe anytime you wish).
Chapter 11
"S"= Stress, Serenity, Spi
The Missing Link To Wellness
hat is the meaning of "Holistic Health? There are many definitions and the meaning may
depend on the beliefs of the individual. I have found some explanations on the internet
which resonated with my idea of "Holistic Health".
Holistic comes form the word "whole" or "complete"
That is, to look at the self from a whole (holistic) perspective and to understand the mind,
body and spirit connection and the importance of balancing all aspects of one's life.
Looking at human health as the wellbeing of the whole individual rather than the health
of its parts.
This rationalizes, in a few words, what whole books are devoted to, and what wellness is all
about. In short, take care of your body, mind and spirit. As the saying goes "healthy mind;
healthy body" or visa versa. As you have seen in the graph on page 37 disease does not merely
start on the physical level. Our daily stress, emotional and mental exhaustion will lower the
body's defence system, creating opportunities for disease. But what is considered spritual
"It is the recognition and ability to put into practice moral, spiritual or religious beliefs".
Stress: The term "stress" is short for distress, a word evolved from Latin that means "to draw or
pull apart." Why is stress hazardous to our wellbeing?
A little stress is healthy as is part of living.
As you can see in this picture we
need some stress in our lives in
order to function. Either sleeping
all day or being overly stressed is
not beneficial to health and
Let's consider a few important aspects on how excess or constant stress can affect wellbeing
Intense stress reactions are extremely beneficial when we need to temporarily deal with a
situation. This is called the fight or flight scenario, where we need the extra adrenaline
for survival.
Stressful stimuli activate stress centers in the brain, the Hypothalamus, producing and
releasing adrenaline.
The limbic system is called the emotional brain and is the major area dealing with stress,
emotion and memory. The Hypothalamus is part of the limbic system. Find out more
about brain and stress
This activates the HPA axis (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis) producing cortisol
from the adrenal gland. Creating a "Flight or Fight" response.
After this the HPA axis (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis) need to return to normal so
balance is achieved
Continued stress will not shut off this response
The HPA axis will first be hyperactive and when running out of steam becomes
hypoactive or under-active
Constant stress creates an inflammatory state and inflammation creates stress within the
Some symptoms and pathological changes include: anxiety, depression, mood changes,
sleep disorders, energy changes, cardiovascular and auto-immune diseases
Cortisol is a potent anti-inflammatory, anti-stress hormone and helps control immune
However, constant cortisol in the blood increases insulin resistance, kills brain cells and
depresses the immune system.
This shows a little is good, but a lot can be damaging. As the saying goes, stress is created
physically with our hands, by working too hard, mentally by our head through our ambitions,
but stress can also be created by our emotions.
Emotions are another word for feelings. Depending how we feel about a situation will
determine how we react. Although the psychological reactions to emotions, or feelings, may
differ for each individual, the internal physiological response however, is the same. Intense
emotions activate the stress response cycle.
There are many causes of stress including sickness and injuries. Having too much fun or even a
surprise party or any happy event can activate the stress centre in the brain.
We cannot escape stress. It will be with us until we die. We have to learn to manage stress
rather than trying to eliminate it completely from out daily life. Even if you would live like a
hermit on a deserted island you would still have stress. Trying to find food and shelter, being
exposed to extreme weather changes and no social interactions etc. are all stressful situations.
Stress is here to stay whatever your lifestyle might be, but you can minimize and counteract its
negative effects. This goes back to lifestyle changes, look at your life and see what you can
change to relieve the negative effect of stress.
This leads me to the next part; SERENITY.
Serenity: Calmness, stillness, inner peace, quietness, even temper, composure, tranquility are
only some definitions associated with being serene. If you look at your daily life how much
time would you be spending in a state of tranquility, being calm relaxed with not a worry on
your mind. I bet not much, if any.
For the sake of your wellbeing and sanity and for those around you, you need to indulge in
some "Me Time". This can mean a few minutes a day of total tranquility or a certain time set
aside every day for meditation.
Meditation and yoga have long been known to be the most powerful exercise for a peaceful
mind and body. They also teach deep (from the diaphragm), breathing. This in itself will relieve
stress as it slows down the heartbeat, leading to relaxation. We all have heard the saying "count
to ten and breathe deeply before reacting to a situation".
A tense mind will produce tense muscles. Muscle relaxation is a technique to help you let go,
unwind and release stiffness and tightness. You will find information on muscle relaxation
techniques on this website
Tai chi is another form of relaxation and easy exercise favored by many people, including the
elderly. Mind, body and spirit are all exercised simultaneously by this one ancient Chinese
health exercise plan.
Find out more
Below find an article by Paul Jerard about the health benefits of yoga and meditation.
How do you find tranquility and inner-peace? The answer is simple, but for the masses to
practice regularly, is another matter. The answer is taking a Yoga class.
Yoga contains many physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional, aspects for the holistic health of
mankind. Yet, how many really pro-active people do you know? If you visit a Yoga studio, Yoga
class, or an ashram, you will meet many people who take care of themselves.
Some of the more well known Yogic techniques are asana, meditation, pranayama, mantras,
mudras and bandhas, but there is a lot more to Yoga than techniques. It is the “Yoga off the
mat,” which causes life changing results. For example: Let’s look at meditation a bit closer.
Many people practice meditation in the morning or evening, when the rest of their family is in
bed. If you wake up early, the morning should suit you. However, if you go to bed late, then
meditate at night.
This is the easiest way to develop a regular routine, create a steady practice, and calm your
mind. It will take a few weeks to feel results, but they come from practice. What kind of results
can you expect from meditation?
Some of the many Yoga meditation benefits include: happiness, emotional stability, creativity,
and clear thought. You can also reduce stress, anxiety, moodiness, and depression, with a
regular meditation practice. There are many more benefits from meditation, which can be
measured on the physical and mental levels.
When you are not meditating, you can forgive others, give to others, be mindful, avoid judging
others, show loving kindness, and do not seek rewards. You will see that rewards will come
back to you, which is fine, but do not refuse loving kindness from others.
This is the Law of Karma. You perform an action and the universe responds with a reaction.
You accept the reaction. You help people and people help you. We do not have to hoard our
possessions, but we have a moral obligation to help those who need us.
Yoga and meditation have sometimes been accused of having self-indulgent practitioners by
religious fundamentalists. This is interesting because Yoga and meditation have practitioners
from every religion.
Self-indulgent materialism often occurs, when people are spiritually disconnected. Yet, Yoga
opens the spiritual connection to God, which will result in the unification of mind, body, and
So, how do you find tranquility and inner-peace? Forgive the foolish because it will do no good
to hate them, and it is a waste of energy. Give to those who need because giving is the greatest
reward in life. Become a “fountain” of loving kindness and good things will be magnetized to
Some will ask, “Why should you forgive, give, be mindful, or show loving kindness?” The
answer is: Because it is right; every religion agrees, and it is too much work to avoid helping
those who need it.
Article Source:
It is up to you to find a way to relax your body, mind and spirit - if you don't, then you are not
practicing "Holistic Health". It does not mean you need to do all or any of the above; however,
you need to do something. This can be as simple as a walk in the park, on the beach or just
around your garden. Gardening by itself can be very relaxing. Go to a movie, especially a
comedy, as a good laugh has been proven to relieve the pressures of stress. We should have a
good laugh every day. Laughing for 20 minutes a day may seems foreign to many of us, as
statistics show, on average we laugh only around 5 minutes a day. When was the last time you
had a good laugh?
Have you ever sat on your veranda or stood outside in the evening and looked at a cloudless sky
full of stars? Seeing the vastness of the sky above and imagining the universe beyond will be
humbling and bring into perspective that life is more than hassles and stress. We are all part of
this universe and have to play our role in it, but it is how we play it and how we let the play
affect us that matters. How we deal with situations and how we handle what life throws at us
every day. We have choices on how we react. Make sure your choices will be the right ones for
you and your health and wellbeing. Look at life as the glass being half full rather than half
empty. Having a positive attitude is an important element in finding serenity and lessening the
onslaught of stress.
Spirit: has many definitions including: The vital principle or animating force within living
beings, Incorporeal or ethereal consciousness, or plainly our Soul.
Spirituality: "Deep, often religious, feelings and beliefs, including a person’s sense of peace,
purpose, connection to others and beliefs about the meaning of life".
Spirituality is having meaning and direction in life. It involves development of positive morals,
ethics & values. Being healthy spiritually helps us to demonstrate: love, hope sharing and
caring, forgiveness, faith, hope, integrity, honesty, respect an appreciation of nature, value life,
demonstrate kindness, recognize individuality/self worth and having purpose in life.
Spirituality means different things to different people.
Religions have their own connotations for spirituality.
The words below were written by Jeffrey Palmer.
The following checklist has been designed to help determine whether your spiritual health is in
need of attention.
1. You find yourself more in agreement with negative points of view
2. You are easily irritated or agitated, small things annoy you.
3. Beliefs that once seemed impeccable seem to have let you down.
4. You feel drained or tired most of the time. Most of us are unaware of the health of our spirit
or life energy. We go about our daily business without ever giving a second thought to this very
vital part of our lives. For the majority of people, spiritual health is intangible, invisible the
notion of the spirit is purely an idea or abstract concept, not a thing that can be monitored and
measured easily like blood pressure or insulin levels. Yet our spiritual health is just as real and
important as any other measurement of our well being.
Lacking the modern devices and technology used to track physical illness, we must rely upon a
routine of self examination and introspection in order to gauge the health level of our spiritual
5. Hobbies and interests seem less enjoyable.
6. You relive past events trying to determine when things went wrong
7. Migraines and other ailments occur more frequently
8. When you should be relaxing, you feel uncomfortable and nervous.
9. There always seems to be a void in your life which must be filled.
Any or all of these issues may point to a serious need to address your spiritual health and well
being. Considering the important role which spiritual health plays in our overall sense of
happiness and fulfillment as well as the direct connection between spiritual wellness and
physical health it is unfortunate that more attention is not paid to this vital area.
When the spiritual self is injured, the mind and body suffer. Take some time to examine your life
path, your beliefs and expectations. Consider practicing meditation or other relaxation
techniques to reduce stress and anxiety. Make a point of self evaluating the strength of your
spirituality and take steps to connect or reconnect with the sense of wonder and mystery of life.
Examine your beliefs. Are your beliefs working for you? Is it possible that the beliefs that you
have held for so long are actually damaging your spirit?
Of course it is. We often inherit the beliefs of our ancestors, community and cultures. Many
times these beliefs simply are not compatible with what we intrinsically know to be true. The
resulting inner conflict can result in a sort of spiritual flu, an illness which we carry often for a
lifetime and we can never seem to shake. No matter how good things may seem to be going, we
always feel a certain kind of emptiness. Examine your beliefs and your entire belief system. Do
not be afraid to throw out any beliefs which feel at all uncomfortable. Your spirit will thank
Article Source:
Here are my last words of wisdom.
Wisdom and spirituality go hand in hand. Deeper searching for the meaning of life and our part
in it, must lead to more wisdom. Could we have been born with knowledge and wisdom, even if
it is on the subconscious level? Consider for a moment the possibility of the eternal life of the
soul. Wouldn't we then carry within us the knowledge of many lives? None of us knows for
sure - we are all just hoping that there is more to life than what we perceive as being our reality.
We all need some kind of belief, hopes and the possibilities for an unseen world where
everything is perfect, because no perfection can be found in this world. Or perhaps this
imperfection is the absolute to refine the soul and teach the human spirit lessons. Lessons can
only be learned by highs and lows in our life. More so through hardship and disappointment as
this gives us the power to rise above and become stronger and wiser. Therefore, if we have
learned throughout many lifetimes we might have been born with knowledge and wisdom only
to be told and be re-educated within our society to unlearn and fit in with the norm.
Regardless, of what your beliefs are. Remember, this is your life - here today - the now, make
the best of it and don't waste it. Don't just live in the physical realms, but strive higher and
deeper as you search for the meaning of your life. Make a conscious effort in accepting your
spiritual being as a part of your life. Include your spirit, your soul, in your search for health and
I would like to finish this chapter by introducing a book to you. It was written by a very dear
friend of mine, Peter O. Erbe, who sadly passed away in 2006.
I first met Peter in 1974 and my then husband and I became very good friends. I have spent so
much of my life talking, listening and learning from him. Many discussions happened in his
garden, where friends would meet on a Sunday afternoon, having coffee and cake. We would
share stories and converse about life on earth and the possibility of "heaven", whatever heaven
means. He had faith in god as the universal energy, the power and all there is. He reasoned and
accepted it as truth if god is all there is then we must be part of god.
I took this photo only weeks before he passed away. It was a
Sunday and I had my last afternoon in the garden with him.
For some reason that day more friends than usual gathered
around and it was a perfect day.
On the physical level he certainly was not perfect. Actually his imperfections played part of
why he died too young. He was not even 70 years of age. He died of a heart attack which
possibly could have been prevented had he concentrated a bit more on his health. We could also
look at it from a metaphysical aspect; his life here on earth had come to and end and his soul
needed to move on.
However, spiritually he was a "Searcher". A large part of his life was dedicated to finding
answers and unveiling the elusions, which stop us from seeing within. He had a strong
personality and he never ever let go of his search, not only for the meaning of life, but more
importantly how we can tap into our spiritual being and become "whole".
He was looking for enlightenment. He would not take for granted what he was reading and he
would research and meditate upon before making it his truth.
Peter's book was born out of this eternal and honest search and everything written was
essentially the result of his pursuit for answers.
While Peter was writing his book I witnessed changes in him. Often he would speak of
guidance he received while writing and at times words would just flow through him
materializing through his fingers and on the computer screen and answers would come when he
most needed them.
Therefore, his book was a personal journey, learning and believing along the way that important
changes are going to happen to mankind and to the world as we know it. We need to be ready
for these transformations, which require us to face and change our perception, how we see
ourselves and the world around us. Essentially we have to wake up and see without the veil of
the ego obstructing our sight.
We live in a world of polarities, neither site to be called good or bad.
On a personal level we need to embrace all of us not just what is good about us, by doing this
we bring both polarities into balance. On a universal level there exists a worldwide "Global
Thoughtform"; this gives each individual the power and opportunity to change the world.
Reincarnation (or Metempsychosis), the power of the "Law of Supply" and by understanding
"True Perception" we discover our ability of self-reliance. All of this and much more is what
Peter had to come to realize and with his book he is passing this wonderful truth on to you.
Read the book with an open mind and heart and hopefully you will find some answers as well
and by looking within find your own "God I Am"
After his parting from this earth my ex husband Volker and his wife Lee inherited his books and
the rights to re-release them. "Stride into Health" is now proudly adding Peter's book to their
product list.
We all believe this book needs to be out there as so many people can benefit from his writing.
For more information and/or to purchase his book
Chapter 12
ow that you have read this e book, are you ready for a new beginning? Are you ready for a
healthier life? Are you ready for the 8 Steps to Health and Wellbeing? Are you ready for
all of your tomorrows?
I have written this e book in the hope that my words will help motivate you and start you on a
more fulfilled life. The more health and wellbeing you achieve, the happier you will be. If you
feel better and stronger, if you have total wellness, you will feel at "home" in your body with a
sense of "wholeness". This translates into more enthusiasm for life, which in turn will not only
benefit you, but those around you as well. It might just be contagious enough to inspire others
to follow your lead.
Positive feelings lead to positive actions, bearing positive results.
Go ahead inspire yourself and others.
Of course I cannot promise this e book will help you eradicate all your health problems, it is not
a magic bullet and it might just be too much for you to undertake. Nevertheless, it is a great
start and now it is up to you to contemplate if you are ready to take your first of eight steps to
Imagine a healthier, happier more energetic you, armed with more power to offset the negative
and health defeating aspect of our modern life.
Success starts with the first step, with each stride bringing you closer to your goal.
Go on, you have nothing to lose, but everything to gain
You can change your life….when you change your Mind
Chapter 13
Websites for Additional Reading
Reading and Information
At the time of writing all websites mentioned here, were live and active, and the information was relevant to this book. I
cannot guarantee and I apologize if this might not be so in the future.
Google Key words tool
What is the difference between health and wellness?
Assessing many different aspects of health
To calculate your healthy weight zone
To calculate your frame size.
To calculate your lean body mass
US Navy formula to calculate how much fat you are carrying
YMCA formula to calculate how much fat you are carrying
Calculate your body mass index
What is your body shape?
How much fat are you carrying? This calculator is based on the U.S. Navy formula.
How much fat are you carrying? This calculator is based on the YMCA formula.
Do you have more mass than your heart can handle?
Calculate how many calories your body needs to burn to function properly.
Use this tool to determine your healthiest weight.
This calculator uses standard tables to calculate your frame size.
Increasing your lean mass while reducing your fats is the key to looking great.
Do you have a higher risk of heart disease because of your shape?
The Shake it weight management program (Keto Slim)
The importance of water in the body
The World Health Organization (WHO) website on drinking water hazards.
Information on bottled water
Australian drinking water guidelines
The primary standard is 2.6.2 "Non-alcoholic beverages & brewed soft drinks”
Labeling and other Information requirements (Standard 1.2),
Contaminants and residues (Standard 1.4),
The Australasian Bottled Water Institute (ABWA) has their own code of practice
"Drink or Pure Hype”- Natural Resource Defense Council
Water and minerals
Water Fluoridation
Iodine Article
To purchase Dr. Brownstein’s book or DVD.
"The Choice is Clear” by Dr. Allen E. Banks
How to do an Enema
More information about Enemas
MMS article
Good bacteria works like another organ
The "Gastroenterological Society of Australia" (GESA)
Lifestyle and disease statistics
Foods according to blood type
Australian and New Zealand Food Standards
Health danger of sweets
For allergy testing
Calculate your maximum heart rate
Statistics on child obesity
Ideas on how to involve the family in fitness
Watch a 10 minute video for a step workout
To calculate your target heart rate
20 minute exercise Video
Abdominal and lower back exercises
How many calories do you burn doing your favorite exercise?
How long does it take to lose a pound doing your favorite activity?
Magnesium Chloride (Magnesium oil) article
Learn more about ferments
To buy the fermented drink B. E. Wholegrain Liquid
Lipase article
Liver phase 1 and 2 information and detoxification
Organic Plant Minerals
Judie's E book
Alkalizing information
To buy pH Test Strips
Judie’s Hypnotherapy and Bach Flowers:
Alkaline/acid food list
Brain and Stress
Muscle relaxation techniques
Tai chi is another form of relaxation and easy exercise
Article source: Article by Paul Jerard
Article source: Article by Jeffry Palmer
To buy the book “God I Am" by Peter O. Erbe
For comprehensive information on how to heal yourself by Walter Last
Benefits of skin brushing
Barbara's Practitioner line of Products
This Electronic book is published and © Copyright 2010 Barbara Bourke.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the
copyright holder(s). However if you would like to copy anything please ask me as I probably won't say no.
The aim of this e-book and the wellness manual as a guide is to provide information on wellbeing and health
improvement. We cannot accept any legal responsibility for any problem arising from experimenting with these
methods. For any serious disease, or if you are unsure about a particular course of action, seek the help of a
competent health professional.
Every effort has been made to provide accurate and helpful information. No guarantees are made where
information within this e book has been written by other authors. If you choose to rely on the information
supplied it is at your own risk.