Download Sexual Dysfunctions Impotence Symptoms of erectile dysfunction

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Sexual Dysfunctions
Sex plays an important role in shaping human lives, for sustained harmony and well-being. The
sexual excitement refreshes the body, mind and contributes to the mental growth. It influences
every cell, organ, physical and chemical process, including the nervous system.
Sexual activity needs complete concentration and relaxation. It should not be performed in
haste. Sexual dysfunctions are more common with modern age people because of faulty
lifestyle, over-occupied schedule and paradox dietary patterns
Impotence means inability to maintain erection for penetration or an erection without
sufficient rigidity for vaginal penetration. If it happens regularly, may ruin both the partners.
Symptoms of erectile dysfunction
• Erectile dysfunction from the very beginning, but it is rare.
• Erection is normal but fails on one or more occasions in between normal activity.
• Dysfunction is continuous and serious form with poor prognosis .
A man with erectile dysfunction has either a problem getting an erection or difficulty
maintaining one. This usually interferes with sexual activity by preventing penetration during
Erectile dysfunction can occur suddenly or gradually. Some men slowly lose the firmness of
their erections or how long the erections last. In other men, especially those whose impotence
is largely caused by psychological factors, the problem may occur unpredictably and can
improve at any time. Despite their difficulties with erections, men with impotence often
continue to have normal orgasm and ejaculation.
Your doctor will perform a general physical examination, including an examination of your penis
and testes, to look for evidence of underlying medical problems. Your blood may be tested for
blood sugar (to rule out diabetes), cholesterol and levels of certain hormones.
Occasionally, a doctor may order additional tests, such as a nocturnal penile tumescence study.
This is a way to assess how often you get erections while you sleep. A Doppler ultrasound of the
blood vessels in the penis is another test that will occasionally show a cause for poor erections.
Causes of erectile dysfunction
• Psychological illness like depression
• Tiredness and fatigues
• Alcohol abuse
• Therapeutic use of estrogens
• Paralysis
• Parasymphethetic nerves by drugs
• Diabetes
• Abuse or misuse of the sexual organism.
• Anxiety
• Glandular deficiencies
• Infectious diseases
Erectile Dysfunction And Yoga
Erectile dysfunction, also called impotence, means that a man's penis doesn't get hard enough to
have intercourse. The man cannot get or maintain an erection (Erectile dysfunction is not the
The major causes of erectile dysfunction include:
Vascular (blood vessel) disease - Because erections are caused by the buildup of blood in
the shaft of the penis, poor blood flow in the penis can result in problems with erections.
Damage to blood vessels can be caused by hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis) or
damage to blood vessels from trauma. Vascular disease is believed to be the most
common medical cause of erectile dysfunction.
Nerve damage (neuropathy) - Nerves must be working normally for a man to be able to
get and keep an erection. Nerve damage can result from diabetes, multiple sclerosis,
prostate surgery or damage to the spinal cord.
Psychological factors - Sexual problems sometimes are caused by psychological issues
such as depression, anxiety, guilt or fear. At one time, psychological factors were thought
to be the major cause of erectile dysfunction. Doctors now know that physical factors are
present in most men. However, embarrassment or "performance anxiety" can make a
physical problem worse. Erectile dysfunction caused only by psychological causes is found
most commonly in young men.
Medications - Many medications cause problems with sexual function, including drugs
prescribed for high blood pressure, depression, heart disease and prostate cancer.
Hormonal problems - Abnormal levels of certain hormones, such as testosterone, thyroid
hormone and a pituitary hormone known as prolactin, can interfere with erections and
sex drive (libido). This is an uncommon cause of erectile dysfunction.
There are many effective treatments for erectile dysfunction. Currently, the most popular
option is sildenafil (Viagra), which is taken in pill form on an empty stomach about one
hour before sexual activity. It works in approximately 70 percent of men. (It is less
effective in men with neurological causes of erectile dysfunction such as prostate surgery,
diabetes and spinal-cord injury.) Sildenafil can cause minor side effects such as flushing
and headache, but it has been shown to be safe in most men, including those with heart
disease. Psychological therapy such as counseling, behavioral therapy or couples' therapy
can be effective in men whose impotence is caused primarily by psychological factors.
Yoga considers that most diseases are due to insufficient life force, either in the body as a
whole, or a blockage of life force to one part of the body.
When the whole body has lowered life force, the result is a lowered vitality level, poor
health and susceptibility to infection
Yoga provides one of the best means of self-improvement and attaining one's full
Kanda means a bulbous root, a knot. The Kundalini sleeps above kanda (the place near the navel
where the nadis unite and separate). It gives Mukti (emancipation) to the yogins and bondage to
the fools. He who knows her knows yoga.
1. Sit on the floor with the legs stretched straight in front. Bend the knees, widen the thighs,
bring the feet towards the trunk until the heels are close to the perineum and keep the
knees on the floor. The position is similar to Baddhakonasana.
2. Hold the right foot with the right palm and the left foot with the left palm.
3. With the help of the hands, draw the feet up towards the trunk, invert the ankle, pull the
knees and thighs, and place the heels and the outer sides of the feet against the navel and
chest. To start with the feet are likely to slip down. Practice the pose for a few weeks,
holding the feet firmly against the chest.
Release the hands, and either stretch the arms straight and rest the back of the hands on
the knees or join the palms in front of the chest. Keep the back erect and stay I n the pose
for about 30 seconds with deep breathing.
Advanced pupils may raise the hands, palms together, above the head. Then try to join
the palms behind the back and balance: this is the most difficult part of the asana.
Hold the feet with the hands, lower them to the floor and rest.
As the pelvic and other joints of the legs are rotated it takes a long time to master the
Sarvanga Asana or the shoulder stand
1. Lie in a supine position with your palms on the floor close to the body and toes touching.
2. Inhale and simultaneously lift both your legs without bending the knees.
3. Now, putting pressure on both your palms, lift your body as much as possible. Try to keep it
4. Keep at it for a few seconds and then return to the original position by first bending your knees
and then slowly lowering your body back to the floor.
The benefit of this posture is that it reverses the blood flow influencing its flow into the tissues,
cells and organs.
Supine head knee posture
1. Sit upright with your legs straight in front.
2. Fold your right leg at the knee and place the heel firmly placed under left thigh.
3. Take a deep breath and bend down over your left leg as you slowly exhale. Grab the toes with
your fingers and bring your head as close to the knee as possible.
4. Stay in the pose for a while and then restore your body back to the original position.
5. Do not bend your knee at any time.
This pose is very effective in that it enhances the working of the reproductive organs.
Every muscle below the navel is exercised. The pose cures stiffness in the hip, knee and ankle
joints. It restores sexual energy and controls sexual desires.
The asana also exercises the Svadhisthana Chakra (the hypo gastric plexus) and the Manipuraka
Chakra (the solar plexus), thus helping proper digestion.
It awakens Kundalini shakti which enters the mouth of sushm. It
stimulates blood circulation making the body energetic and the mind
peaceful. This asana curves rheumatism, arthritis, constipation; piles
excite is good for reducing fat on arm, stomach and thighs.
Inhaling slowly through the nostrils bring right hand to the back. Bend it at the right elbow
and then raise the back of the palm up towards the neck. In this process the back of the
palm is pressed against the spine. The fingers of the right hand face upwards.
Now raise left hand upwards bending at the elbow and put the left palm on the left
shoulder. Then, first try to touch the fingers of the left hand with the right hand. If there is
any difficulty in touching the fingers to some individuals, they should try as much as
possible and then stay there.
Try to raise the elbow of the left hand straight upwards (with the lock). Breathe normally.
This is a Gomukhasana.
Retain this locked position for about 30 sec. You can either hold the posture while the
breath is held or you can try holding the posture while breathing gently through the
nostrils. If you choose to breath, then hold the posture for thirty seconds to a minute.
While releasing the posture, loosen the grip on the fingers and then unlock the fingers
gradually. Then slowly bring both the hands on the thighs and rest.
Vajrasana makes the body exceptionally strong and healthy. Vajra means
thunderbolt in Sanskrit. During this asana, feel the sensations in the body as
you move them. Do the Movement slowly and in a relaxed manner. Inhale
and exhale slowly. While drawing the abdominal region inwards and
expanding the chest, focus the attention on these body parts. The way the
muscles move must be felt. Relax before, during and after the yoga posture.
With knees, ankles and big toes touching the ground, take a kneeling position.
One should sit on the heels and place palms on the knees.
The Spine should be erect and breath should be deep.
Draw the abdominal region inside and expand the chest.
Mandukasana or the Frog pose is suitable for improving the flexibility of
the legs especially the thigh muscles. This yoga posture gets its name from
Sanskrit word Manduka means frog; the person performing it resembles
Frog thus the name Mandukasana.
Take the posture of Vajrasana, fold your palms into fists and place them next to your
While Exhaling, gradually bend forward without raising your hips and rest the abdomen
and fists over the thighs.
Retain the posture for some time and while inhaling, return to normal position and relax.
Supta" means "asleep" in Sanskrit. "Supta Vajrasana" is lying
down supine in Vajrasana.The importance of Supta Vajrasana lies
in the fact that it exerts pressure on the utero-abdominal and
genitourinary organs. This gives a better muscular tone and
brings in a fresh supply of blood to the abdominal viscera,
particularly to the kidneys, liver, pancreas and bowels. It
stimulates the adrenal glands through pressure in the small of
the back. In the final position, the muscles of the spine,
abdomen, pelvis, thighs and legs are stretched fully which tones
them up.
Sit in Vajrasana.
Lean back slowly from the waist with the support of your elbows till your head, shoulders
and back touch the ground in easy stages without raising your knees from the floor or
changing the position of the legs.
Allow your back to come close to the ground and lie supine.
Cross the arms and place the palms beneath the opposite shoulders so that the crossed
wrists serve as a cushion for the head.
Keep the knees together and touching the ground.
Close your eyes.
Catch hold of the ankles and return slowly to the starting position in the reverse order
with the help of the elbows.
While doing any asana, it is very important to be alert and be conscious of what
we are doing. Concentration and relaxation play a vital role in the practice of
yoga. Padmasana is also called kamalasana, which means lotus. The form of the
legs while performing this asana gives the appearance of a lotus. It is the best
asana for contemplation.
For padmasana sit in the Dandasana (staff pose) with spine straight and legs extended in
front of you.
Then fold the right knee, put the right ankle on to the left thigh, and then pulls the left
ankle over the folded right leg and places it on the right thigh.
Take hold of both feet and ease them further in toward your groin, aiming for a balanced,
symmetrical position.
The head, neck and spine must be straight in Padmasana. Place the hands on the knees
with the fingers depicting the holy sign, as in Chin or Jnana Mudra.
Close the eyes and concentrate on your normal breathing. Sit in this posture as long as
you can.
Siddhasana is known as the posture of an enlightened personality. In
Sanskrit 'Siddha' refers to a person who is spiritually enlightened. This is
one of the classic meditative postures. It is generally practiced for its
spiritual values.
Sit on the floor.
Keep your legs stretch straight in front.
Bend your left leg while holding the left heel.
Place it near the perineum.
Place the back of the hands on the knees so that the palms face upward.
Join the thumb and tip of index finger of each of the hand.
While doing the whole activity keep your spine erect.
Put your neck low so that the chin touches the lower part of throat.
How yoga helps in erectile dysfunction
Certain asanas are highly effective for potency. These as asanas are Dhanurasana, Sarvangasana,
and Halasana and Matsyasana. Bandh are beneficial too in case of sexual debility.
Home remedies for erectile dysfunction
Drugs are hardly effective in impotence, useless and may be dangerous. Diet can play vital role
in sexual potency. Fresh fruits diet such as grapes, oranges, apples pear peaches pineapple and
melons are quite effective. After one week of fruits diet, one should start balanced diet of
seeds, nuts, and grains, vegetables. More focused should be given to rejuvenative foods such as
whey, soured milks, particularly made from goat’s milk millet, garlic, honey, vegetable oils and
brewer’ yeast. Some specific foods may act like panacea for impotency patients.
Garlic is the most important food for such patients. It is natural and harmless
aphrodisiac. It is highly useful for sexual debility and impotency patients. Garlic enables
the person to gain sexual vigour.
Onion is good aphrodisiac food, increases libido and strengthens the reproductory
Carrot +honey + half boiled egg increases the sex stamina as it helps to release sex
hormones and strengthen the sexual plexus.
The root powder of lady’s finger along with milk and misri enhances sexual vigour.
Dried dates are highly beneficial for increasing sexual power.
Black raisins are useful for restoration of sexual vigour if it taken in the proportion of 30
grams of raisins with 200 ml of milk, three times a day.
Proper massage all over the body is highly beneficial in the treatment of impotence as it
revives the muscular vigour.
Cold hip bath for 7-10 minutes in the morning or evening is good for proper erection.
Erectile dysfunction at old stage
Sexual potency depends upon good physical, mental health as well as your attitude. Having these characteristics,
one may continue sex even in the late stage of life.
What is sexual arousal?
Sexual arousal happens by stimulated touch, gentle massage, soothing environment, sight and smell and from
thoughts; nerve impulses that adjust hormone levels and control muscles and arteries. All these helps to right flow
of blood to penis and make it firm.
Erectile dysfunction precautions
The patient should avoid smoking, alcohol, tea, coffee, and all processed, canned, refined and denatured foods,
especially white sugar and white flour and products made there from.
Disclaimer: This column just shares the columnist's passion for yoga which is
ideally learned under the guidance of an expert.