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The Islamic Religion
History Final Paper
Submitted By:
Zakar Dolsey
Wise History
Professer Koluwajuyemi
Fall Semester
September 29, 2012
Center for Leadership, Academic and Student Success
Clark Atlanta University
Atlanta, Georgia
The Islamic faith began in Mecca and now reaches people all over the world. According
to B.A. Robinson “About 23 percent of all people on Earth follow Islam.”1 Islam is the second
largest religion in the world and steadily growing. The word Islam means “living in total
harmony with God.”2 The people that turn to Islam are very religious and in tuned with their
faith. One who converts to Islam is called a Muslim and these Muslims believed in progressive
revelation, the existence of angels and the doctrine of “The day of judgment”. The Holy book
known as the Qur’an guides Muslims in everyday life. In addition to the Qur’an the Hadith and
the Shari’a were developed to govern the Islamic Empires and inspired many Islamic schools of
Islam began in the sixth century in Mecca, the prophet Muhammad who initiated the
religion was born about 570 C.E. “Muhammad was middle-sized, did not have lank or crisp hair,
was not fat, had a wide round face, wide black eyes, and long eyelashes.”3 As he grew up he
became set on virtues and he went to the mountains to meditate for this was the only place he
could get away from worldly things and distractions. This is where he got his enlightenment
from Allah. An angel came to him and asked him to read a scroll and Muhammad replied that he
could not. The angel then is said to have opened his chest and put the scroll in his heart. This
scroll holds the scriptures of the Holy Qur’an. All Muslims believe that the Qur’an is perfect
because it is Allah’s words as well as all believing that Muhammad is his last and greatest
B.A. Robinson, “Islam: The Second Largest World Religion and Growing,” Ontario Consultants, (Accessed September 20, 2012).
2 C.T.R Hewer, Understanding Islam: An Introduction, (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2006), 4.
3 Carl Ernest, Following Muhammad: Rethinking Islam In The Contemporary World, (Chapel Hill & London: University of
North Carolina Press), 73.
Islam is split up between two groups, the Sunni and the Shi’ite Muslims. This spilt
resulted from Muhammad’s death. The different groups both held dissimilar beliefs regarding to
who would rule after Muhammad’s death. The Shi’ites believe only blood should rule after
Muhammad and the Sunni believed anyone worthy enough could take charge. The Shi’ites
makes up only about ten percent of the followers of Islam. According to Religious Tolerance
“Their leaders promote a strict interpretation of the Qur'an and close adherence to its teachings.”4
This then lead them to separate and began the era of the rightly guided Caliphs. Caliphs are
religious leaders that were elected after Muhammad’s death. There were only four rightly guided
Caliphs and after them the era of the rightly guided Caliphs ended and the next was not
appointed but placed himself as a Caliph. The Shi’ite Muslims are mostly located in Iran and the
larger group the Sunni Muslims mostly in Northern and Eastern Africa, and parts of Asia like
India and Indonesia.
The life of a Muslim is based on the Islamic holy book called the Qur’an which means
“literally, the recitation.”5 Muhammad’s primary message was that Allah is the one and only
God. According to C.T.R Hewer he is beyond our understanding and beyond our ability to speak
accurately about God.” The Qur’an also holds the Hadith that is a collection of traditions and
sayings of Muhammad. “The traditions and sayings are regarded as the Sunnah (lived example)
of Muhammad.”6 The Qur’an is a critical piece of Muslim everyday life, it deals with every
aspect of life from personal relationships, state relationships, and how to worship and serve
Allah. These traditions are still practiced today all over the world. The Qu’ran and the Hadith
B. A Robinson, “Religious Tolerance” Last modified March 21, 2012, (Accessed September 20, 2012).
5 John Kaltner, Islam: What Non- Muslims Should Know, (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2003), 4.
B. A. Robinson, “Religious Tolerance” Last modified March 21, 2012, (Accessed September 20, 2012).
outline situations that apply to numerous circumstances and inform Muslims on how to deal with
each situation.
The duty of being a Muslim comes with many obligations. In the words of John Kaltner
“Muslims should hold on to the “rope of Allah” in order to maintain their unity.”7 The Muslims
had a set belief system that is constant. The five pillars mapped out a Muslims life. First a
Muslim would have to recite the shahadah which is the Islamic creed that there is no other God
but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet. The next would be the salat which means prayer five
times a day. Each time of day is required a prayer. A Muslim should pray during the morning,
noon, afternoon, sunset and night. Third on the five pillars is the giving of alms. Muslims greatly
believed in good deeds and this is expressed in the Hadith. The fourth would be fasting from dust
to dawn during the month of Ramadan and last the Hajj which is the pilgrimage to mecca that
should be accomplished at least once in a Muslims life. This is one of the greatest events for a
follower of Islam because it is unique to only this Islam this type of tradition.
Islam is a distinct religion because it tolerates other religions and even gives people in its
own Islamic Empires freedom of religion. This is because choosing Islam is not forced upon
anyone. It is taught and it is up to one to submit to the will of god. According to Abdul Baloch
“Basic human rights are the essential part of Islamic constitution.”8 The Muslim also believed
that Jesus was born and that his birth was miraculous as well as being the Messiah and that he
restored people back to life through God. They also tolerated the Jews Torah as well. Since these
religions all focus on one God. Today Islam is not seen as the same tolerating religious group
and more so seen as a hate group based on holy war. This is an extreme irony because the
John Kaltner, Islam: What Non- Muslims Should Know, (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2003), 76.
Abdul Ghafoor Baloch, “Ideas of Revernce of World Religion in Islamic Philosophy,” Interdisciplinary Journal of
Contemporary Research In Business, (May 2012),
Islamic religion was supposed to be the perfection of all other religions. As well as believing in
The creation of Islam would not be if it were not for Muhammad. It has been written by
Carl Earnest that “The importance of the prophet Muhammad for the Islamic tradition is
incalculably greater than one might suppose…9 Before going into detail background information
on Muhammad is vital. Muhammad was born in 570 C.E throughout his young life he was raised
by his grandfather and other family members. Muhammad held a reputable status and became an
above average business man. Around 610 Muhammad began receiving revelations from Allah
through Gabriel. From Gabriel we get the Koran Muhammad is special because he is a founder
of a religion most would try to make themselves seem greater than what one truly is but
Muhammad did not. Muhammad holds a lot of importance to the Islamic faith. It is very clear
what his purpose was and written in the Qur’an 21:107 it says. “We only sent you as a mercy for
creation.”10 The result of Muhammad being sent is Islam. Though Allah has always existed Islam
was meant to be brought about by Muhammad for all mankind.
The Islamic faith has greatly influenced our society today more in the East than the West.
The uprising of the (BMM) Black Muslim Movement led to a great increase in the Black urban
areas. According to Religious tolerance “One driving force was a rejection of Christianity as the
religion of the historically oppressing white race.”11 The leader of this movement was Wallace
Fard who built the first temple in Detroit Michigan. Then after that the second temple was built
Carl Ernest, Following Muhammad: Rethinking Islam In The Contemporary World, (Chapel Hill & London: University of North
Carolina Press), 73.
10 Carl Ernest, Following Muhammad: Rethinking Islam In The Contemporary World, (Chapel Hill & London: University of North
Carolina Press), 78.
B. A. Robinson, “Religious Tolerance” Last modified March 21, 2012, (Accessed September 20, 2012).
in Chicago where many other uprising of Islam began in the Black urban communities. This era
was during the time Blacks began to fight for their freedom to vote and to gain equality. The
Black Muslim Movement was on the front line of this fight. One of the main figures associated
with the Black Muslim Movement is Malcolm X who was a great spokesperson and influenced
others to join the movement which attributed to gaining Blacks their freedom to vote and
equality. Out of the millions that go on the Hajj, 10,000 of them are Americans yearly. The
religion of Islam is still flourishing and still being practiced today even more greatly. More so
greater than ever it is evident because 23% of the world follow Islam and is the second largest
followed religion. Today it is seen as radical and touristic through the actions of select groups of
followers. The Islamic Empires still hold the same beliefs and traditions. The religion and
government of the Islamic Empires are still one and the revelations still hold fast to the
The Islamic Religion is a faith that was built on peace. Granting harmony with Allah as a
family added with the link between religion and law so that no man or women will not know
their place in the world because they will know their God Allah and follow Muhammad in his
footsteps all the days of their life. This religion on the rise will be around for much longer to
come because of their virtue and tradition. The legacy of this religion is one of great faith and is
still not complete. Islam with surely be around for generations because of its undeniable truths.
Muhammad peace be upon him is still held at a high level. Today it is evident that Islam has not
lost its step and continues to hold fast. It will continue to teach and inspire others to believe in
more than just the things of the world and grab on to a solid foundation and a religious family for
those who are lost. The nation of Islam is an elite religion a may be on top of the world if it
continues to grow at the rate it is today.
Earnest, Carl. Following Muhammad. Chapel Hill; North Carolina: North Carolina Press,
Amyn, Sajoo. Muslim ethics: Emerging vistas. London; New York: Tauris Publishers in
association with the Institute of Ismaili Studies, 2004).
Hewer, C. T. R. Understanding Islam: An Introduction. Minneapolis: Fortress Press,
Kaltner, John. Islam: What Non- Muslims should know. Minneapolis: Fortress Press,
Robinson, B. A. “Religious Tolerance” Last modified March 21, 2012. (Accessed
September 20. 2012.)
Falahi, Fahad. ProQuest: The prophet Muhammad. Islamabad Pakastan: International
Islamic University.
Rev Davis G. W. Islam and the Kuran: The Old and New Testament. The University of
Chicago Press, June 1890.
Baloch Ghafoor, Abdul. “Ideas of Revernce of World Religion in Islamic Philosophy.”
Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business. (May 2012):