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C1 Revision
Topic 1
The fundamental ideas in chemistry
The periodic table of elements
• Everything is made from elements
• The periodic table of elements shows us metals (left)
and non-metals (right)
• Each element has a symbol… Sodium is ‘Na’ and Carbon
is ‘C’
• Each group has similar chemical properties
• A particle of an element is
called an atom e.g. a carbon
atom, a sodium atom
• Atoms have the same
amount of positive and
negative charges so they are
Type of sub-atomic particle Relative charge
+1 (positive)
0 (neutral)
-1 (negative)
Mass number
Atomic number
• Elements in the periodic table are arranged in order
of their atomic number
• atomic number = number of protons
• No. of protons = no. of electrons (protons and
electrons cancel each other’s charges out)
• The mass number = no. of protons + neutrons
• No. of neutrons = mass no. – atomic no.
Arrangement of electrons
• Electrons are arranged around the nucleus of
atoms in shells
• The first shell can hold up to 2 atoms
• The second shell can hold up to 8 atoms
• The third shell can hold up to 8 atoms
• Then the fourth shell fills up
Arrangement of electrons
Electrons and the periodic table
• Elements in the same group all have the same
number of electrons in their outer shell
• This means that they share similar properties
• Group 1 elements all have 1 electron in the outer
shell – they are all very reactive
• Group 0 elements (noble gases) have full outer
shells – they are unreactive
Group 1 – alkali metals
• Lithium, sodium and potassium all react violently
with water
• They form salts which are alkaline in pH
Lithium + water  lithium hydroxide + hydrogen
Sodium + water  sodium hydroxide + hydrogen
potassium + water  potassium hydroxide + hydrogen
Forming compounds
• When atoms of different types of elements join
together they form ‘compounds’
• Sometimes atoms react by transferring electrons – this
happens when metals react with non-metals and forms
• Metals lose electrons and become positive ions (+)
• Non-metals gain electrons – negative ions (-)
• These ions are attracted to each other and form an
ionic bond
Ionic bonds
Forming molecules
• Sometimes atoms react by sharing electrons – this
happens when non-metals react with non-metals
• This is called covalent bonding
Chemical formulae
• This tells us the number of atoms in a compound
or molecule
- 1 x Carbon, 4 x Hydrogen
- 2 x Hydrogen, 1 x Oxygen
- 1 x Magnesium, 2 x Chlorine
- 1 x Calcium, 1 x Carbon, 3 x Oxygen
- 2 x Iron, 3 x Oxygen
- 4 x Carbon, 11 x Hydrogen, 1 x Oxygen
Chemical equations
• These show us the reactants (the substances we start
with) and the products (the substances made)
calcium carbonate  calcium oxide + carbon dioxide
CaCO3  CaO + CO2
• The equation is balanced – the same number of atoms
are going in and are coming out of the reaction
• The total mass of the products formed in a reaction is
equal to the total mass of the reactants
Topic 2
Limestone and building materials
• Limestone is a rock made mainly of calcium carbonate
• It was formed from the remains of animals millions of
years ago and can be quarried
• Limestone can be heated with clay to make cement
• Cement is mixed with sand to make mortar
• Cement is mixed with water, sand and crushed rock to
produce concrete
• Heating limestone breaks it down – this is thermal
Calcium carbonate  calcium oxide + carbon dioxide
CaCO3  CaO + CO2
• Buildings made of limestone are damaged by acid
• When this happens, carbon dioxide is given off
• Carbon dioxide turns limewater cloudy
• The carbonates of magnesium, copper, zinc, calcium
and sodium can be thermally decomposed too
• They always form a metal oxide and carbon dioxide
Magnesium carbonate  magnesium oxide + carbon dioxide
MgCO3  MgO + CO2
Uses of calcium oxide
• When limestone is thermally decomposed it
produces calcium oxide
• When calcium oxide is added to water it produces
calcium hydroxide
• Calcium hydroxide can be filtered to produce
• Calcium hydroxide is an alkali. It can be used to
neutralise acids. It is used by farmers to neutralise
acidic soil, and to neutralise acidic industrial gases.
Topic 3
Metals and their uses
Extracting metals
• Metals are found in the Earth’s crust
• They are often chemically combined with
other elements – this is called the ore
• Whether it is worth extracting a metal
depends on:
1. How easy it is to extract it from its ore
2. How much metal the ore contains
Transition metals
Extracting metals
• The way we extract a metal depends on its place in
the reactivity series
Most reactive
Least reactive
Carbon reduction
• A more reactive metal will displace a less reactive
metal from its compounds
• Many metals combine with oxygen – carbon will
also displace less reactive metals from their oxides
when heated with them
Metal oxide + carbon  metal + carbon dioxide
Lead oxide + carbon  lead + carbon dioxide
2PbO + C  2Pb + CO2
• Iron ore contains iron combined with oxygen
• Iron is extracted using carbon reduction
• It is heated in a blast furnace
Iron (III) oxide + carbon  iron + carbon dioxide
• Iron straight from the blast furnace still contains some
impurities (it is about 96% iron) – it is very brittle and is
called cast iron. It can be used to mould different
• Removing the impurities gives us pure iron – this is too
soft for most uses
• To make iron useful we can add small amounts of
other elements
• A metal that is mixed with other elements is called
an alloy
• Steel is an alloy of iron
• Carbon steel contains between 0.03% and 1.5%
Low carbon steels are easily shaped
High carbon steels are very strong
• Iron with chromium and nickel makes stainless steel
• Aluminium is a very low density metal
• It can be alloyed with other elements to make it
very strong
• It cannot be extracted from its ore by carbon
reduction because it is more reactive than carbon
• It is extracted using electrolysis instead – an electric
current is passed through molten aluminium oxide
at high temperatures to break it down
• Electrolysis is very expensive because lots of energy
is needed – this is why we recycle aluminium
• Titanium is very strong and has a very high melting
• It is used for jet engine parts, replacement hip
joints and as nuclear reactor parts
• It cannot be reduced using carbon because it is
more reactive
• It is reduced using sodium or magnesium, but this
process is very complicated and has lots of steps,
which means the titanium is very expensive
• Pure copper is a good conductor of electricity, does
not react with water and can be shaped easily
• Copper can be removed from its ore by smelting
• This involved heating it in a furnace:
Copper (I) sulfide + oxygen  copper + sulphur dioxide
• The copper produced is purified using electrolysis
• This involves passing an electrical current through a
copper solution
• Copper-rich ores are running out
• New methods are used to extract copper from low
grade ores
• Phytomining – using plants to extract copper
• Bioleaching – using bacteria to extract copper
• 20% of our copper comes from bioleaching
More alloys
• Bronze = copper + tin
this is tough with resistant to corrosion (used to make
• Brass = copper + zinc
this increases the strength of copper but is still
malleable (used to make musical instruments)
• Gold can be alloyed to increase its strength
• There are over 300 aluminium alloys with different
Topic 4
Crude oil and fuels
Crude oil
• Crude oil is a fossil fuel that was formed millions of
years ago from the remains of sea creatures
• It is a dark, thick liquid containing a mixture of lots
of different chemical compounds
• We separate the different compounds by fractional
• This involves separating the different fractions
depending on their boiling points
Crude oil
• Crude oil contains compounds made of only
hydrogen and carbon – hydrocarbons
• Most of the hydrocarbons are alkanes
• The general formula for alkanes is CnH(2n+2)
• Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons because they
are full – no more bonds can be made
Methane Ethane
Properties of hydrocarbons
Chain length:
Boiling point:
(how easily it flows):
(very runny)
(very thick)
(tendency to turn into gas):
(how easily it burns):
Fractional distillation of crude oil
• When hydrocarbons are burned in air they release
energy – this ‘oxidises’ the hydrogen and the carbon in
the fuel (oxygen from the air is added)
• This is called complete combustion
Propane + oxygen  carbon dioxide + water
C3H8 + 5O2  3CO2 + 4H2O
• The carbon dioxide released can cause global warming
• Incomplete combustion happens when there is not
enough oxygen – carbon monoxide (CO) is produced
instead of carbon dioxide (CO2) – this is a poisonous gas
Pollution from hydrocarbons
• Fossil fuels contain sulfur
• When they are burned it releases sulfur dioxide
• This is a poisonous gas that causes acid rain
• High temperatures inside car engines can cause
nitrogen and oxygen to react forming nitrogen oxides
• These are poisonous and can trigger asthma and cause
acid rain
• Diesel engines can release particulates – these are tiny
particles of carbon released into the air – these can
cause global dimming
Cleaner fuels
• A catalytic converter can be fitted to a cars exhaust
to reduce the amount of carbon monoxide and
oxides of nitrogen released
carbon monoxide + nitrogen oxides  carbon dioxide + nitrogen
• In power stations, sulfur dioxide can be removed
from waste so it isn’t released into the atmosphere
• Sulfur impurities can also be removed from fuels
before combustion
• Fossil fuels are running out – an alternative is biofuels
made from plant or animal products
• Biodiesel is made from oils from plants
• It produces less pollution than diesel
• Using land for biodiesel plants instead of food crops
could cause problems
• Ethanol is made from fermented sugar cane
• Ethanol can be mixed with petrol to save money
• Ethanol still gives off carbon dioxide when burned, but
the sugar cane plant absorbs CO2 for photosynthesis
Topic 5
Other useful substances from crude oil
• After fractional distillation of crude oil, we are left
with lots of less useful long-chain hydrocarbons
• Long-chain hydrocarbons can be broken down in a
process called cracking
• This involves heating the fraction until it vapourises
then passing it over steam or a hot catalyst
Cracking hexane
(800°C + hot catalyst)
Hexane  butane + ethene
C6H14  C4H10 + C2H4
Testing alkanes and alkenes
• Bromine water reacts with alkenes and
forms a colourless solution
Unsaturated hydrocarbon + bromine water 
colourless solution
• The double bond opens up and reacts
• Bromine water remains orange in
Saturated hydrocarbon + bromine water 
orange solution
• The hydrocarbon cannot make any more
bonds and doesn’t react
• Hydrocarbon molecules can be used to make
• Small molecules are called monomers
• Lots of monomers joined together make polymers
Chloroethene monomers
A section of poly chloroethene (PVC)
A repeating unit of poly chloroethene (PVC)
New polymers
• New plastics with special properties are being
• Dental fillings, waterproof fabrics and light sensitive
plasters are made with special polymers
• Smart polymers such as shape memory polymers
‘remember’ their original shape and will return to it
when heated e.g. stitches closing a wound using
body heat
Plastic waste
• Many polymers are not biodegradable – this means
microorganisms cannot break them down
• New biodegradable polymers have been developed
using starch and plant products that
microorganisms can break down
• This reduces the amount of plastics in landfills
• This is the type of alcohol found in
alcoholic drinks
• Its formula is C2H5OH
• Ethanol can be made by fermentation of sugar from
plants with yeast
Glucose (sugar)  ethanol + carbon dioxide
C6H12O6  2C2H5OH + 2CO2
• Ethanol can also be produced by reacting ethene (from
cracking crude oil) with steam
• A catalyst is used to speed up the reaction
Ethene + steam  ethanol
C2H4 + H2O  C2H5OH
Topic 6
Plant oils and their uses
Vegetable oil
• Some fruits, seeds and nuts are rich in oils that can
be extracted
• The plant material is crushed and the oil is removed
by pressing or distillation
• Water and other impurities are removed
• Vegetable oils provide nutrients and have a high
energy content
• They are important foods and can be used to make
Vegetable oil
• Vegetable oils contain hydrocarbons
• Unsaturated oils with C=C bonds can be detected
using bromine water – they decolourise it
Unsaturated oil + bromine water  colourless solution
• Vegetable oils have higher boiling points than water
• Foods can be cooked at higher temperatures than
by boiling
• Food cooks faster and has different flavours
• Food cooked in vegetable oil releases more energy
when it is eaten (increased calorie content)
• Oil does not mix with water
• An emulsifier is a special molecule that can be used
to mix them and create an emulsion
• Emulsions include ice cream and mayonnaise
• Without an emulsifier, the oil and water would
separate out into layers
Topic 7
Changes in the Earth and its atmosphere
Structure of the Earth
Crust: thin and
Mantle: flowing
Core: mixture
of nickel and
(inner core =
outer core =
• The Earth is made up of many layers
• The Earth is surrounded by the atmosphere
Tectonic plates
• The crust and mantle are broken up into large pieces
(tectonic plates)
• They move a few centimetres per year due to
convection currents in the mantle
• Earthquakes are caused when plate boundaries meet
and push together
The modern atmosphere
• The Earth’s atmosphere
has been the same for
about 200 million years
The early atmosphere
• There are lots of theories
• One suggests that there was intense volcanic
activity about 4.5 billion years ago when the Earth
• This released carbon dioxide, water vapour and
nitrogen gas – this formed the first atmosphere
• The water vapour condensed and fell as rain, this
formed the first oceans
• When life evolved plants released oxygen
• The amount of oxygen in the atmosphere increased
and animals could evolve
• Most of the carbon dioxide from the Earth’s early
atmosphere has been taken up by plants, which were
eaten by animals, which were turned to sedimentary
• This means that most of the carbon is ‘locked’ in rocks
and in fossil fuels
• Carbon dioxide also dissolved in oceans
• Over the past 200 million years the amount of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere has not changed much
The carbon cycle
• Using fossil fuels is increasing the amount of carbon
in the atmosphere again