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Belen Charnichart, Isabel Sandberg, Anna Trejo, Denisse Yeverino
 Slayer of the Minotaur
 National hero of Athens
 Grandson of the King of Troezen
 Mother was Princess Aethra
 Father was Poseidon
 Thought to be son of King Aegeus of Athens
 Defeated Procrustes
 Became King after his father’s death
 The Banquet
 Theseus travels to Athens to meet his father, King Aegeus
 He was hailed as a hero by the Athenians
 Invited to the palace for a banquet
 Hostess was his father’s new wife, Medea
 Medea served Theseus poisoned wine
 Aegeus saves Theseus (recognizes the sword he left him)
 Theseus was recognized as the heir to the throne
 The Minotaur
 Theseus became one of the sacrifices for the Minotaur
 Fell in love with Princess Ariadne, daughter of King Minos
 Ariadne gave Theseus a ball of thread (labyrinth)
 Theseus killed the Minotaur
 Used the thread to find his way out of the Labyrinth
 Left Ariadne and set sail for Athens
 Nothing is impossible (labyrinth and minotaur)
 Love can lead to tragedy (father’s death)
 Creature of Nightmare: Minotaur
 The Devil Figure: King Minos
 Star-Crossed Lovers: Ariadne and Theseus
 The Magic Weapon: The Ball of Thread
 “Theseus.” Encyclopedia of Greek Mythology. Web. 7 Apr. 2015
 Lowe, Alice, and Arvis Stewart. “Theseus.” Greek Gods and
Heroes. El Paso: Simon and Schuster. 127-138. Print.