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“Theseus and the Minotaur” Questions
Identifying Details
Restate the question in your answer, and be sure to use complete sentences.
1. What is the Minotaur? What is his role in the story?
2. What finally happens to King Aegeus?
Interpreting Meanings
Use RAPS to answer each question.
3. Does Theseus fit the traits of what a hero should be? (Refer to your epic
hero characteristics chart to help you answer this question)
4. Many mythic heroes, especially those in Greek and Roman mythology,
develop excessive pride, or hubris (hyoo’bris). This pride results in the
heroes’ downfall at the hands of the gods. At which point in the story
does Theseus show the first signs of excessive pride? What is the result
of his pride?
5. The theme is the author’s view about life and how people behave. What
do you think is the theme of this myth? Why?