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The Renaissance
September 2, 2015
Do Now
 After coming into class quietly, take out your World
History materials and turn to the Hey History!
 Pass back materials in Pick Up Box
Hey History
 Topic: Medieval Art vs. Renaissance Art – Compare
What we just learned/What we will learn
 During the Middle Ages, religion wielded great influence
over art, government and literature.
 Also, the Crusades spurred a revival in trade in western
 Towns and cities began to grow, nations formed strong
governments, and people started to challenge the
authority of the church
 Next, we will learn about developments in art, literature,
and thought marked European life, as well as new ideas
in religion that challenged the moral authority of the
Describing the Middle Ages
 In the Left Column: Using what we know about the
Middle Ages, write three or four facts/sentences
describing each area of the Middle Ages
 Include examples to back up facts
 In the Right Column: Next, write a brief prediction for
how you believe the Renaissance will be different
The Middle Ages
 The Roman Catholic Church dominated both spiritual and
political areas of life
 Art was dominated by religious icons
 Feudalism was the main political and social system;
Manorialism was the economic system
 Society consisted of three major social classes (nobles,
serfs, and clergy)
 Empires were ruled by emperors or kings who came to
power because it was their divine birth right.
Predicting Life in Renaissance
 Primary source vs. Secondary source
Predicting Life in the Renaissance
 Articulate what you perceive to be true
about life and thinking in the
Renaissance, especially those views that
were in direct contrast to the major
beliefs and practices of the Middle Ages.
 Record observations about each area in
your Graphic Organizer
How the Renaissance came about…
 What is a Renaissance?
 The Renaissance – or “rebirth” – was both a philosophical and
artistic movement and the era when that movement flourished
 What are the factors that led to the Italian Renaissance?
Ruins of the Roman Empire a reminder of their glory
Contact with the Byzantines
Knowledge of Arab and African achievements in Sci and Meds
Artistic awakening
Study of Greek and Roman Classics, leading to search for new
Closure – Exit Ticket
 Which two ancient civilizations influenced the Italian
Renaissance the most?
 One difference between life in the Middle Ages and
life in the Renaissance
 Using the beginning section of Chapter 6, Sec. 1,
Create a Graphic Organizer outlining the nature of
thought during the Italian Renaissance
 What did the major thinkers believe?
 What was considered important knowledge?
September 3, 2015
Do Now…
 After coming into class quietly, take out your world
history materials and turn to the Hey History! Section
of your binder
 Turn in your homework from last night into the Turn
In Box
Hey History!
 Topic: The Renaissance Man
1) Prediction: what do you think a “Renaissance man”
 Video
2) Is there anything you would add to your prediction
from before? Any modern-day examples you can
think of?
Describing the Renaissance…
 We do not have an exact year for the beginning and
the end of the Italian Renaissance, but we do know it
was an age of intellectual and artistic revival centered
in the classical antiquity of Greek and Roman
literature that began about 1350 A.D. and lasted until
1650 A.D.
 Today, you will explain the major aspects that defined
this period in the world…
Italian Renaissance “Slideshows”
 You will be creating a “slideshow” or “flipbook” describing
the Renaissance
 Need a Title Slide
 Each slide needs a title, content, and some type of illustration
 Topics to address:
causes and effects of this historical event
where it began and why
why it was successful
what it accomplished
how it was diffused throughout Europe
what the major differences were between the Italian Renaissance
and the Northern Europe Renaissance
 Quiz Grade – You will be graded on the following criteria:
 Required Elements
 You have the right number of slides, each slide has the right content
 Accurate Content
 Information is accurate from a credible source
 Text Elements
 Text is easy to view, read, and comprehend
 Graphics
 Pictures accurately relate to slides
 Exit Slips…
 3 things you learned about the Renaissance Era
 1 thing you still would like to inquire about?
No Homework…
September 4, 2015
Do Now…
 After quietly coming into class, take out your world
history materials
 Select a group member to go to the back of the room
and retrieve your slide show materials from the back
Finish Slide Shows
 13 minutes…
Describing the Renaissance…
 causes and effects…
 Rediscovery of classical Roman and Greek Literature
 Interest in the Humanism (focused on the individual) and secularism
(separation of church and state)
 Wealthy Italian cities
 Explosion of knowledge, ideas, art, etc.
 where it began and why
 Began in Italy in the 1300s after scholars started to take a more critical
approach to learning
 Works compared – what is more authentic?
 why it was successful
 Expansion of Greek and Roman dominant cultural identity
 Realistic features in art, scientific inquiry, and quest for knowledge
Describing the Renaissance…
 what it accomplished
 New techniques and scientific inquiry led to some of the greatest
 Greek and Roman ideas about education and government
permeated Italian culture, literature
 how it was diffused throughout Europe
 Passageways through the Alps
 The Printing Press
 what the major differences were between the Italian
Renaissance and the Northern Europe Renaissance
 Rest of western Europe vs. Italy
 English Lit. reached peak during NR; artists emulated their Italian
Renaissance Personalities
Jan van Eyck
Da Vinci
 Renaissance Personalities Chart and Outline Map
Further Discussion…
 Explain which artists you think had the biggest impact
on the era.
 Explain which artists you find the most fascinating.
 Where do you find most of the artists and writers
were located? Why do you think this is true?
Major Renaissance Artists
 Da Vinci
 Titian
 Brunelleshi
 Each group gets a Renaissance artist to research.
 Each group create a visual display (i.e., PowerPoint©, poster,
collage, storyboard) for its assigned Renaissance artist.
 Each group should research the artist’s life, style of art, specific
names of artwork, pictures of the artist’s works, and a
comparison of the artist’s work with Middle Ages style of art.
 Exit Ticket
 3 things I learned
 2 things I found interesting
 1 thing I must inquire about!
 Think about/Work on Renaissance Personality Visual