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Weather and Climate Day 6
Warm Up
1. Name the 4 processes that lift air.
Air that has reached its water-vapor capacity is said
to be __________.
3. Which cloud type is a term that means “rainy
4. What clouds are associated with thunder and
5. At what percentage is WARM air
saturated? How does that change
when the air cools?
• Be sure to do quiz/test corrections if needed!
• How are your museum points coming along? Prioritize,
make sure you spend time with me after school if you
aren’t sure what to do!
• Study Guide due on THURSDAY! (Quiz grade!)
• Test on THURSDAY!
18.3 Cloud Types and Precipitation
What type of cloud is this?
18.3 Cloud Types and Precipitation
What type of cloud is this?
18.3 Cloud Types and Precipitation
What type of cloud is this?
• Today I will be able to analyze winds by:
• Explaining how wind is generated
• Use wind patterns to predict local weather
Key Points
• The ultimate energy source for most wind is solar radiation.
• Pressure differences generate winds.
• A steep gradient produces strong winds.
• The Coriolis effect affects wind direction.
• High-pressure systems are usually associated with
descending air, clear weather, and relatively dry conditions.
• The general movement of low-pressure centers across the
United States is from west to east.
• A sea breeze usually originates in the day and flows toward
• La Nina is associated with surface temperatures in the
eastern Pacific that are COLDER than average (this year)
Air-Pressure Demonstration
Watch the demonstration of gradients creating speed. Answer
the following questions on your warm up:
1.Which ramp setup do you think will cause the ball to roll the
2. Were you right? Which ramp set up caused it to move the
• Like the ramps, air pressure also forms gradients. Wind is air
that flows down the “slopes” of air pressure gradients.
What air pressure conditions do you think would favor faster
wind speeds? Steep or shallow gradients?
Air Pressure
• Air pressure is the pressure exerted by the weight of the
• Air pressure is exerted 3-dimensions – down, up, and
sideways. The air pressure pushing down on an object
exactly balances the air pressure pushing up on the
Factors Affecting Wind
Wind is generated by air pressure differences
Air flows from areas of higher pressure to areas of lower
Air is always trying get to a place with lower pressure.
• Solar radiation is the ultimate energy source for most
• The sun’s rays heat the earth unevenly, creating pressure
differences in the air around us.
• Three factors combine to control wind: pressure gradients,
the Coriolis effect, and friction.
1. Pressure gradient:
the amount of pressure change occurring over a given distance.
• Pressure gradients generates winds
• Remember the ramp? When would be have stronger wind
with a steep or gentle gradient?
• Steep pressure gradient produces strong winds.
The Coriolis Effect
• The Coriolis effect affects wind direction.
Remember the Coriolis effect from oceans?
How does it affect ocean currents in the Northern
 It deflects them in different directions for each
• In that same way, it affects wind direction!
• The Coriolis Effect and how it changes wind DIRECTION
3. Friction
Friction acts to slow air movement, which changes wind
Pressure Centers and Winds
Weather Forecasting
• Knowing that air pressure causes winds, how could that
help meteorologists predict global weather patterns?
• Scientists study pressure differences and use data to
predict where wind is taking weather!
• If scientists measure decreased pressure in Henderson,
how could that affect the weather?
 Wind would be stronger, and it could carry a storm.
Pressure Centers and Winds
Weather and Air Pressure
• Low pressure - Produces rising air in association with
cloud formation and precipitation. STORMY
• High pressure – Produces sinking air causing clear
weather, and dry conditions.
• What type of weather would you expect when there is a
high pressure system?
• High-pressure systems are usually associated with
descending air, clear weather, and relatively dry
Pressure Centers and Winds
Global Wind Patterns
• This system moves warm air toward high latitudes and cool
air toward the Equator.
• Non-Rotating Earth Model
• If the earth did not rotate, air at the equator would rise and move
straight towards the poles.
• Because our earth ROTATES wind patterns are broken up
into three main winds:
Trade winds
Polar Easterlies
Pressure Centers and Winds
Trade winds are a surface wind that blows between
the subtropical high and the equator.
2. Westerlies are the dominant west-to-east motion of the
3. Polar easterlies are winds that blow from the polar
high downward from east to west. These winds are not
constant like the trade winds.
The United States is most effected by Westerlies.
• Because of the Westerlies, the general
movement of low-pressure centers across the
United States moves from ______________ to
• What are the lines called that connect points of equal
• What are the lines called that connect points of equal
• What are the lines called that connect points of equal
• What is the map called that connects points of equal
Regional Wind Patterns
• Not all winds fall into the general patterns of Global
Winds. They can be determined on a more “regional”
scale, affecting a smaller area.
1. Land and Sea Breezes
• A sea breeze usually originates
during the day and flows toward
• At night, the wind will come from the
land and blow towards the sea.
Regional Wind Patterns
• Land and Sea Breezes
Remember from our OCEANS unit – WIND is one
of the first things you notice when you go to the
If you stand facing the water at 8:00 pm would the
wind hit you in the face or in the back?
Regional Wind Patterns
2. Valley and Mountain Breezes
• In the day, the air on the mountains is heated more
intensely than air on the valley floor.
• Because this warmer air on the mountain slopes is less
dense, it glides up along the slope and generates a
valley breeze.
• After sunset the pattern is reversed. It is warmer on the
valley floor and wind glides down.
Regional Wind Patterns
• Valley and Mountain Breezes
Wind Direction
• Winds are measured by speed and direction.
• A prevailing wind is one that has a constant speed and
• In the United States, in what direction does the wind blow
low pressure systems?
• From West to East across the continent.
El Niño
• In recent years, our planet has had some severe weather
that has been contributed to el Niño or la Niña.
• El Niño:
• El Niño is the name given to the periodic warming that occurs in the
central and eastern Pacific.
• This happens when the Pacific Ocean is heated more than usual.
• This disrupts weather patterns globally causing EXTREME weather
• A major El Niño episode can cause flooding in many parts of the
• The currents, wind, and moisure can be affected by el Niño.
• THINK: What sort of effect could El Niño have on oceans? How could
this impact humans?
La Niña
• La Niña
• This weather condition is the opposite of el Niño:
• La Niña occurs when the surface temperature in the Eastern
Pacific are COLDER than average.
• This also causes extreme weather patterns.
• This year we are experiencing La Niña – what are some weather
conditions that you’ve heard about on the news that might be
caused by la Niña?
Bottom Line
• Global climates can be explained if knowledge of global
winds and weather systems are applied.
Check In – Use Complete Sentences
What is the ultimate energy source for most wind?
Which FORCE generates winds?
A STEEP pressure gradient produces which type of
What part of the wind does the CORIOLIS EFFECT
What type of weather is associated with HIGH Pressure
systems? What about with LOW?
Low Pressure centers move across the US from
___________ to _____________ direction.
Explain the pattern of sea breezes.
Which phenomenon is associated with surface
temperatures in the eastern Pacific that are colder than
Study Guide Work Time
• Your study guide will be due on THURSDAY for a QUIZ
• Use this time wisely to work on the first 22 questions.
• My data shows that students who complete the study
guide and turn it in on time have 80% average on their
tests! Make this count!
Brownie Ticket
What is the ultimate energy source for most wind?
Earth’s rotation
Earth’s revolution
Solar radiation
The Coriolis Effect influences wind _________.
3. A sea breeze usually originates during the:
Evening and flows toward the land
Day and flows toward the land
Evening and flows toward the water
Day and flows toward the water
What are 2 weather conditions associated with HIGH
pressure systems?
2. Which force generates winds:
The Coriolis Effect
Pressure differences
Name the phenomenon that is associated with surface
temperatures in the eastern Pacific that are colder than
Warm up
What force generates winds?
The Coriolis Effect influences what property of winds?
The dominant type of global wind for the US is
_________________, and these move from _______ to
What weather conditions are associated with high
pressure? Low pressure?
Where do sea breezes originate?
Weather Fronts
• Today I will be able to:
–Describe the factors that
characterize air masses
–Analyze the development of
fronts when air masses meet
Weather Fronts
Key Points
• Air masses are characterized based on their temperature
and moisture
• Air masses pick up the characteristics of the land they go
• Ex: a cold, dry air mass that moves over warm, tropical waters will
become warmer and wetter
• Fronts are boundaries that separate air masses
• Warm fronts are shown by a line with semicircles
• Cold fronts are shown by a line with triangular points
• Along a front, warm air is always forced upward
• Along cold fronts, precipitation is generally heavy, but short-lived
Air Masses and Weather
• Weather patterns result from the movement of large
bodies of air called air masses
• Air masses are characterized by similar
temperatures and amounts of moisture at certain
• When air masses move, the characteristics of the air
mass change and the weather in the areas over which
they move changes
Starts off at 460C
Ends up at
Air Masses and Weather
• Example of air mass/weather interaction:
• A cold, dry air mass moves over warm, tropical
The air mass becomes warmer and wetter
The weather over those waters becomes colder and
You try…
• A warm, dry air mass moves over a cold, wet area
The air mass becomes ______________ and
The weather over that area becomes
____________ and ____________
When air masses meet… Fronts
• When two air masses meet, they form a front- the
boundary that separates the two
• There are 4 types of fronts
• Warm fronts
• Cold fronts
• Stationary fronts
• Occluded fronts
• Warm fronts
• Form when warm air moves into an area
formerly covered by cold air
• Shown on a weather map by a red line
with semi-circles pointing toward the
colder air
Warmer air
Colder air
• Warm front
• Warm fronts
• As the warmer, less dense air rises,
it cools
This produces clouds and frequent
• Warm fronts move slowly, so the
precipitation is light-to-moderate
over a large area for a long period
of time
• Cold fronts
• Form when cold, dense air moves
into an area formerly occupied by
warmer air
• Shown on a weather map by a blue
line with triangles pointing toward the
warmer air
Colder air
Warmer air
• Cold Front
• Cold Fronts
• Move much more quickly than warm
• Associated with heavy precipitation that
is short-lived
• Stationary Fronts
• Form when the flow of air is neither
toward the cold air mass, nor toward
the warm air mass
• The front does not move
• Shown by blue triangles on one side
and red semicircles on the other
• Gentle to moderate precipitation
• Occluded Front
• Forms when a cold front overtakes a
warm front
• Complex weather patterns
Check Ins
Air masses are characterized by what properties?
How do the properties of the land that air masses travel
over change the air mass? Give an example of this
What are the boundaries between air masses called?
What are the four types? What type of air is always
forced up?
Which (from #3) is associated with short-lived, heavy
Draw the symbols for each type of front.
Study Guide Work Time
• You have the rest of class to work on STUDY GUIDES or
• Use this time wisely
• If you work silently for 15 min, I will let you work with a
Brownie Ticket
1. A cold, dry air mass that moves over warm, tropical
waters will likely become ____and _______.
2. Along which type of front is the intensity of
precipitation generally heavy, but short-lived?
3. Along a front, which type of air is always forced
1.The distance north or south of the
equator is (latitude/longitude)
2. What type of front is associated with
heavy precipitation that is short lived?
3. What happens to a cold, dry air
mass that moves over warm, tropical
•Today I will be able to…
• Analyze the factors that affect
• Describe the different world
• Relate human activity to climate
Key Points
• The higher the elevation, the colder the climate
• The temperature of a body of water will influence the
temperature of the air above it
Global winds distribute heat and moisture around Earth
Vegetation affects climate by affecting temperature,
precipitation, and cloud formation
Dry climates have rates of evaporation that exceed rates of
When air sinks it compresses and warms
Volcanic eruptions can cause short-term changes in
Factors that Affect Climate
• Brainstorm: list at least 5 things that could affect the
climate of a region
• When examining factors affecting climate we look at
things that affect the two most important elements of
climate- temperature and precipitation
• The 6 main factors that affect climate are:
Water bodies
Global wind
Factors that Affect Climate
• Latitude
• As you travel farther from the equator, the intensity of the
sunlight decreases
• This means that: As latitude increases, temperature
Factors that Affect Climate
• Elevation
• The higher the elevation is, the
colder the climate
• Topography
• Features like mountains play an
important role in determining the
amount of precipitation an area
Factors that Affect Climate
• Water bodies
• Large bodies of water such as lakes and oceans have an important
effect on the temperature of an area because the temperature of
the water body influences the temperature of the air above it.
• Coastal cities have cooler summers and more mild winters than
inland cities
• WHY?
Factors that Affect Climate
• Global winds
• distribute heat and moisture around Earth.
• Vegetation can affect both temperature and the
precipitation patterns in an area.
• Vegetation influences how much of the sun’s energy is absorbed
and how quickly this energy is released- this affects temperature
• Transpiration: plants release water vapor from their leaves into the
air, so this affects precipitation
• Some plants release particles that can act as “cloud seeds”
• Bottom line: vegetation can affect climate by affecting
temperature, precipitation, and cloud formation
• 1. What is the relationship between elevation and climate
• 2. The temperature of a body of water influences
• 3. What force is responsible for the distribution of heat
and moisture around Earth?
• 4. What 3 climate elements can be affected by
World Climates
 The Köppen climate classification system uses
mean monthly and annual values of temperature and
precipitation to classify climates.
 Humid tropical climates are without winters
 Wet Tropical climates have high temperatures
and lots of annual precipitation
 Climates with mild winters have an average
temperature in the coldest month that is below
18oC but above -3oC.
 Climates with severe winters have an average
temperature in the coldest month that is below 3oC.
World Climates
A dry climate is one in which the yearly precipitation is not
as great as the potential loss of water by evaporation.
In a desert, wind creates the most erosion.
Erosion is a problem because there is no vegetation to hold
the soil in place.
Polar climates are those in which the mean temperature of the
warmest month is below 10oC
A glacier is formed when more snow falls than melts.
Natural Processes that
Change Climates
• Volcanic eruptions
• The presence of volcanic aerosols (ash, dust, and sulfur-
based aerosols) in the air increases the amount of solar
radiation that is reflected back into space. This causes
Earth’s lower atmosphere to cool.
• Ocean circulation
• Changes in ocean circulation also can result in short-term
climate fluctuations.
Natural Processes that Change Climates
• Earth’s motions
• Changes in the shape of Earth’s orbit and the tilt of Earth on its axis
are Earth motions that affect global climates long term.
Human Impact on Climate
• The Greenhouse Effect
• The greenhouse effect is a natural warming of both Earth’s lower
atmosphere and Earth’s surface from solar radiation being
absorbed and emitted by the atmosphere.
• Global Warming
• As a result of increased levels of carbon dioxide and other
greenhouse gases, global temperatures have increased. This
increase is called global warming.
Check in
• In complete sentences, answer the following…
5. How does volcanic ash in the Earth’s
atmosphere affect solar radiation and global
6. How would changes in the shape of Earth’s
orbit change the climate?
7. Describe a dry climate.
Brownie Ticket
Heat and moisture are distributed around Earth by ___.
a. Precipitation
b. global winds
c. rain shadows
d. vegetation patterns
Which of the following may cause long-term changes in climate?
Volcanic eruptions
Changes in the shape of
earth’s orbit
Changes in ocean circulation
Changes in solar output
Describe the relationship between vegetation and climate
Warm up 12/9
What is Relative Humidity?
Describe autumnal and spring equinoxes
Land heats and cools more _____ than water
Describe the greenhouse effect
Which of the following is NOT true of the relationship
between vegetation and climate:
Vegetation influences ocean currents
Vegetation influences cloud formation
Vegetation influences rates of solar absorption
Vegetation influences regional precipitation patterns
• Use this time wisely
• EVERYthing off of your desk except:
• Pencil
• Your study guide (I’m coming to collect it!)
• #37 – the answer is b.
Article Report
• When you finish, please do your article report. This will be
due FRIDAY (aka tomorrow)
Warm Up 12/10
• Use your notes from Unit 4 (Geologic Time) or your books (pgs
343 – 346, and 365) to answer the following questions:
1. In what type of rocks would you most likely find fossils?
2. What are fossils?
3. The footprint of a dinosaur is an example of what type of fossil?
4. During which era did dinosaurs live? (pg 365)
On a separate piece of paper:
1. Write at least 2 questions about dinosaurs or rocks for Dr. Britt
to answer later on today.
• Test Grades
• Article Reports are DUE!
• Warm Ups week 15 are DUE!
• Vocabulary for next week is posted. See me if you need a
copy of the words.
No Warm Up
• Turn in Study Guides
• Testing will begin as bell rings.
About Dr. Britt
• Earned a Bachelors degree in Geology
• Earned a Masters degree in Geology
• Earned a PhD (Doctorate) in Paleontology
• Today he will be talking to you about DINOSAURS!
• While he talks, be listening for the answers on your notes page.
Read through them NOW so you know what to listen for.
Brochure Work Time
• Use your books, notes, and any other resource to create
your brochures.
• This time is valuable. If you are not working I will make
something due before you leave today!
Brownie Ticket
Why are dinosaurs usually found in deserts?
2. What does the word “reconstructed” mean?
Dig up the bones
The position in which the dinosaur died
To put dinosaur bones back together
To identify the environment the dinosaur lived in
How do paleontologists find fossils?