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Invasive Species in Canada
Use the information from environment Canada below to answer
the following questions (type directly into the word document below
each question). Use full sentences and put answers in your own
1) What is the difference between a native and alien (or
introduced) species? (2 marks)
A native species is a plant or animal that naturally inhabits an area.
An introduced species is a species that did not end up in an area
naturally, but instead was introduced either accidentally or on
purpose through human immigration.
2) What is the difference between an alien species and an alien
invasive species? (2 marks)
An alien species is a species is a species of plants or animals that
become adapted into its new environment and fits well in to the
ecosystems food chain meaning it can find food and is food as well
as being evenly matched to counter species. An alien invasive
species however is a introduced species that has no natural
predators, this can cause large populations from out of control
reproducing as well as becoming invasive, meaning that the
species takes advantage of their new habitat through competition,
predation, disease and parasitism, and habitat alteration.
3) Invasive species are a huge threat to biodiversity. What is the
only threat to biodiversity that is bigger than invasive species? (1
The only threat to biodiversity that is of a larger danger than
invasive species is human activity.
4) Why do most introduced species not become invasive? Give 2
reasons (2 marks)
Most introduced species do not become invasive because many
species take a long time to adapt and do not have a large
population. Also many introduced species have predators and are
not at the top of the food chain.
5) What are the three factors that enable invasive species to
thrive? (1.5 marks)
A factor that helps enable invasive species to thrive is preditation,
by using their advantages as predators, some invasive species are
able to hunt without problem and protect themselves when
needed. Another factor that helps invasive species to thrive is
competition, some species are able to destroy another species
habitat if they want to set up camp there as well as take food or
offspring for their dinner. Invasive species are also able to
reproduce quicker as their population grows because of
predication and competition.
6) What are the three categories of impacts invasive species can
have? Give an example of each. (3 marks)
Invasive species can have many affects on the ecosystem, they
can decrease biodiversity through predication and competition, this
can later lead to endangered species and even species
extinctions. Am example of this is the Brown Tree Snake who was
first introduced to an island by the name of Guam after World War
Two, The snake has largely endangered the islands ecosystem
and is also responsible for the extirpation of eight species of birds,
three species of lizards and two species of bats.
Another impact invasive species have had is economically through
control and management costs, for example each year a species
of insects named the Emerald Ash Borer cost millions to control
and eradicate.
Invasive species an also negatively impact businesses and
productivity, decrease jobs and money coming into the country. An
example of this is the Comb Jellyfish. It is natively found in North
and South America, it was exported to the black Sea in ship
balletast water. Science it was discovered in 1992, it has single –
headedly caused the collapse of the entire anchovy fishery, an
industry once worth millions of dollars per year.
7) Find the list of invasive species specific to BC in the information
below. Pick ONE plant or animal and research the following
information on the Internet:
The American Bullfrog
a) Where in BC is this invasive species found? (1 mark)
Lower mainland and Southern Vancouver Island
(Source –
b) How is it thought to have been introduced? (1 mark)
Imported to BC for the farming of frogs legs as a gourmet food
(Source –
c) What sorts of damage has it caused (list at least 3). (1.5 marks)
American Bullfrogs are responsible for eating many native frog
species as well as displacing native frogs from their habitat that they
invade through completion. The American Bullfrogs population is
constantly growing due to the fact that they breed earlier than other
native frogs, meaning that they get first pick at the perfect hiding
spot for the 20,000 eggs the female lay, not only do they produce so
many eggs but American Bullfrogs live an average of 10 years.
Combined with their advantages in predication and competition,
American Bullfrogs can cause a large amount to damage between
(Source –
8) What are the two main categories of “pathways” to introduce
species? Give an example of each. (2 marks)
There are two main categories of “pathways” to introduce species
to a new area, Aquatic Species Pathways and Terrestrial Species
Pathways. Aquatic species can be transported through shipping,
recreational and commercial boating, live bait and food fish,
aquariums, and water divisions. Terrestrial species are introduced
through cargo transport, horticultural planting, accidental release,
and fire wood movement.
9) Read about the many different pathways that are responsible for
moving invasive species. How can an individual HELP to combat
these pathways? Give at least two examples. (2 marks)
There are many ways in which an individual can help decrease the
amount of invasive species brought over through Aquatic species
pathway or Terrestrial species pathway. One thing an individual can
do is to always check their boat and fishing equipment for invasive
species before and after fishing. They could also drain water holding
compartments such as live wells, bait well and bilge.
To avoid terrestrial invasive species, an individual could check and
clean belongings like boots for mud and plant debris. Another idea
could be to avoid cleaning near waterways as any invasive species
can spread through water to a new area downstream.
It is always a good idea to check if an animal or plant is on a invasive
species list before buying or relocating animals or plants to a new
area. Also during camping or vacationing it is a good idea to collect
would at the new area for a fire or, if bringing wood from home, to
inspect the wood for invasive insects of diseases as firewood is one of
the main pathways for moving invasive species. All of these actions,
big or small help contribute to the decrease of invasive species.