The Ecology, Impacts, and Control of Crassula helmsii Clare E. Dean
... A major focus of research regarding non-native invasive plants is to understand what ecological variables (abiotic and biotic) increase or decrease the likelihood that a non-native plant species will become invasive, and to determine whether invasion has a negative impact on native plant species. Cr ...
... A major focus of research regarding non-native invasive plants is to understand what ecological variables (abiotic and biotic) increase or decrease the likelihood that a non-native plant species will become invasive, and to determine whether invasion has a negative impact on native plant species. Cr ...
Ecology and ecosystem impacts of common buckthorn (Rhamnus
... related Frangula caroliniana (Walt.) Gray (synonym R. caroliniana) (Stewart and Graves 2004). The rapid growth potential of R. cathartica may be due to its photosynthetic capacity. R. cathartica had the highest percent nitrogen in its leaves throughout the growing season when compared to P. serotina ...
... related Frangula caroliniana (Walt.) Gray (synonym R. caroliniana) (Stewart and Graves 2004). The rapid growth potential of R. cathartica may be due to its photosynthetic capacity. R. cathartica had the highest percent nitrogen in its leaves throughout the growing season when compared to P. serotina ...
Competitive interactions for shelter between
... Nassau grouper, we first needed to determine whether fish were spending time closer to (or further from) shelter than would be expected by chance during the initial isolation period. We could then do the same for the interaction period and compare the results to determine whether presence of the pot ...
... Nassau grouper, we first needed to determine whether fish were spending time closer to (or further from) shelter than would be expected by chance during the initial isolation period. We could then do the same for the interaction period and compare the results to determine whether presence of the pot ...
Competitive interactions for shelter between invasive Pacific red lionfish and native Nassau grouper.
... Nassau grouper, we first needed to determine whether fish were spending time closer to (or further from) shelter than would be expected by chance during the initial isolation period. We could then do the same for the interaction period and compare the results to determine whether presence of the pot ...
... Nassau grouper, we first needed to determine whether fish were spending time closer to (or further from) shelter than would be expected by chance during the initial isolation period. We could then do the same for the interaction period and compare the results to determine whether presence of the pot ...
Grosholz et al. 2009
... to eliminate invasive Spartina from this region. By quantifying the full extent of the changes being brought about by the Spartina invasion, as well as knowing the mechanisms underlying the changes, we hope to assist resource managers in determining when, where, and how eradication of Spartina will ...
... to eliminate invasive Spartina from this region. By quantifying the full extent of the changes being brought about by the Spartina invasion, as well as knowing the mechanisms underlying the changes, we hope to assist resource managers in determining when, where, and how eradication of Spartina will ...
invasive ecology of exotic old world bluestem
... an OWBG invaded coastal prairie; 4) Examine whether ecosystem function differs between areas dominated by OWBG vs. native coastal prairie; and 5) Characterize the germinable soil seed bank of an OWBG invaded coastal prairie. Herbicide treatments of imazapyr, glyphosate, and imazapyr + glyphosate wer ...
... an OWBG invaded coastal prairie; 4) Examine whether ecosystem function differs between areas dominated by OWBG vs. native coastal prairie; and 5) Characterize the germinable soil seed bank of an OWBG invaded coastal prairie. Herbicide treatments of imazapyr, glyphosate, and imazapyr + glyphosate wer ...
Caulerpa - Oregon State University
... Caulerpa taxifolia is native to northern Australia, the Indian Ocean, the east African coast, the western Pacific, Indonesia and the southwest Pacific, Hawaii, and the Caribbean. The potential for Caulerpa to invade the Gulf, southern Atlantic, and California coasts is high, due to its ability to to ...
... Caulerpa taxifolia is native to northern Australia, the Indian Ocean, the east African coast, the western Pacific, Indonesia and the southwest Pacific, Hawaii, and the Caribbean. The potential for Caulerpa to invade the Gulf, southern Atlantic, and California coasts is high, due to its ability to to ...
Ready or Not, Garlic Mustard Is Moving In: Alliaria
... success of invasive species, more recent work on the growth rate of native and introduced populations of garlic mustard, and on the expression of inducible and constitutive defenses, does not support EICA, at least in garlic mustard (Bossdorf et al. 2004a, Cipollini et al. 2005). In fact, Bossdorf a ...
... success of invasive species, more recent work on the growth rate of native and introduced populations of garlic mustard, and on the expression of inducible and constitutive defenses, does not support EICA, at least in garlic mustard (Bossdorf et al. 2004a, Cipollini et al. 2005). In fact, Bossdorf a ...
Worst case scenario - Mark A. Hixon
... These potential direct and indirect effects are illustrated in Fig. 2, which shows greatly simplified interaction webs on undisturbed reefs vs. reefs with both human and lionfish impacts, typical of the Caribbean region. The left-hand web shows the normal trophic cascade that indirectly benefits cor ...
... These potential direct and indirect effects are illustrated in Fig. 2, which shows greatly simplified interaction webs on undisturbed reefs vs. reefs with both human and lionfish impacts, typical of the Caribbean region. The left-hand web shows the normal trophic cascade that indirectly benefits cor ...
International Trade and Invasive Alien Species International
... 1. Invasive alien species (IAS) – species which may be introduced into new ecosystems via intentional or unintentional introductions – are a major threat to biological diversity. In many cases, they can also have devastating consequences for human health, agricultural productivity and trade. The ec ...
... 1. Invasive alien species (IAS) – species which may be introduced into new ecosystems via intentional or unintentional introductions – are a major threat to biological diversity. In many cases, they can also have devastating consequences for human health, agricultural productivity and trade. The ec ...
Problem Analysis: Effects of Invasive Species on Species at Risk in
... importance of the interactions. In doing so, we also tracked some of the key knowledge gaps and research questions that surround these interactions. We also discuss the importance of extension needs and opportunities both nationally and globally. Rather than an exhaustive account of all interactions ...
... importance of the interactions. In doing so, we also tracked some of the key knowledge gaps and research questions that surround these interactions. We also discuss the importance of extension needs and opportunities both nationally and globally. Rather than an exhaustive account of all interactions ...
Indo-Pacific lionfish are larger and more abundant on invaded reefs
... introduced ranges are rarer, but those we have found show a similar pattern (e.g. Indian mongoose: Simberloff et al. 2000; coypu: Guichón et al. 2003). There are several non-mutually exclusive explanations. Lack of exploitation or low predation mortality in the introduced range could favour the evo ...
... introduced ranges are rarer, but those we have found show a similar pattern (e.g. Indian mongoose: Simberloff et al. 2000; coypu: Guichón et al. 2003). There are several non-mutually exclusive explanations. Lack of exploitation or low predation mortality in the introduced range could favour the evo ...
Invasive Plants: Ecological and Agricultural Aspects
... occurred ever since life first appeared on the Earth. While invasions typically engender thoughts of noxious creatures colonizing in real time, evolution also produces invaders – genes and phenotypes invade, as do the ecological properties, processes, rules and dynamics that accompany them. Invasion ...
... occurred ever since life first appeared on the Earth. While invasions typically engender thoughts of noxious creatures colonizing in real time, evolution also produces invaders – genes and phenotypes invade, as do the ecological properties, processes, rules and dynamics that accompany them. Invasion ...
Invasive alien species in protected areas
... EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Invasive alien species (IAS) are found in all taxonomic groups and virtually every ecosystem type, in any region of the world has been affected to some extent. Biological invasions by alien species are now considered one of the main factors in the loss of biodiversity worldwide. I ...
... EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Invasive alien species (IAS) are found in all taxonomic groups and virtually every ecosystem type, in any region of the world has been affected to some extent. Biological invasions by alien species are now considered one of the main factors in the loss of biodiversity worldwide. I ...
Ocinebrellus inornatus_Duckwall_2009
... France, O. inornatus also displays a second reproduction period in autumn. This extended reproduction period gives them a higher resistance to seasonal environmental effects. After a development period of three weeks ...
... France, O. inornatus also displays a second reproduction period in autumn. This extended reproduction period gives them a higher resistance to seasonal environmental effects. After a development period of three weeks ...
Invasive Alien Species: A Toolkit of Best Prevention and
... economic impact of invasive species in terms of increased production costs, lost production, loss of ecosystem services, human health etc. ...
... economic impact of invasive species in terms of increased production costs, lost production, loss of ecosystem services, human health etc. ...
CONTENTS - Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk project (HEAR)
... costs, lost production, loss of ecosystem services, human health etc. ...
... costs, lost production, loss of ecosystem services, human health etc. ...
A Toolkit of Best Prevention and Management Practices
... economic impact of invasive species in terms of increased production costs, lost production, loss of ecosystem services, human health etc. ...
... economic impact of invasive species in terms of increased production costs, lost production, loss of ecosystem services, human health etc. ...
A Toolkit of Best Prevention - Invasive Species Specialist Group
... economic impact of invasive species in terms of increased production costs, lost production, loss of ecosystem services, human health etc. ...
... economic impact of invasive species in terms of increased production costs, lost production, loss of ecosystem services, human health etc. ...
Invasive Alien Plants and their Management in Africa
... THE introduction of species to new environments outside of their natural home ranges carries significant risks. Invasive alien species are major drivers of biodiversity loss. As such, their continuing spread is undermining the ecological, social and economic well-being of entire regions. They can al ...
... THE introduction of species to new environments outside of their natural home ranges carries significant risks. Invasive alien species are major drivers of biodiversity loss. As such, their continuing spread is undermining the ecological, social and economic well-being of entire regions. They can al ...
Monitoring Marine Invasive Species in Mediterranean Marine
... Marine invasions in general have been under-studied and most countries have little IAS information available and limited or no formal programmes to collect information in MPAs (see Annexes 1 and 2). Furthermore, information is in many cases generated by research projects with short-term funding and ...
... Marine invasions in general have been under-studied and most countries have little IAS information available and limited or no formal programmes to collect information in MPAs (see Annexes 1 and 2). Furthermore, information is in many cases generated by research projects with short-term funding and ...
invasion of smooth brome into north american tall
... surrounding a cordgrass patch (<25%, 25–50%, 50–75%, and >75%) on the percent change in cordgrass area……………………………………………………………………….…………....15 Table 3.1 Mixed model results for percent germination of seeds. Type III test for fixed effects indicate if significance was met for fixed factors (e.g. habita ...
... surrounding a cordgrass patch (<25%, 25–50%, 50–75%, and >75%) on the percent change in cordgrass area……………………………………………………………………….…………....15 Table 3.1 Mixed model results for percent germination of seeds. Type III test for fixed effects indicate if significance was met for fixed factors (e.g. habita ...
Review of non-native species policy: report of the Working
... When non-native species become invasive they can transform ecosystems, and threaten native and endangered species. All terrestrial and marine natural and semi-natural habitats are affected. Invasive non-native species also damage economic interests, such as agriculture, forestry and infrastructure, ...
... When non-native species become invasive they can transform ecosystems, and threaten native and endangered species. All terrestrial and marine natural and semi-natural habitats are affected. Invasive non-native species also damage economic interests, such as agriculture, forestry and infrastructure, ...
Native species behaviour mitigates the impact of
... habitat-forming invasive species can elicit behavioural changes in native fauna. Although native species frequently co-occur with habitat-forming invasive species (Crooks 2002), there are many examples of native faunal species being less abundant within habitat-forming invasive species compared to u ...
... habitat-forming invasive species can elicit behavioural changes in native fauna. Although native species frequently co-occur with habitat-forming invasive species (Crooks 2002), there are many examples of native faunal species being less abundant within habitat-forming invasive species compared to u ...
Predicting invasion in grassland ecosystems: is exotic
... some ecosystems may be particularly vulnerable to invasion, such as those with low diversity or high levels of disturbance, grazing, introduction of exotic species, or human activity (Crawley, 1987; Davis et al., 2000; Sax & Brown, 2000; Shea & Chesson, 2002; Rejmanek, 2003; Seabloom et al., 2006; M ...
... some ecosystems may be particularly vulnerable to invasion, such as those with low diversity or high levels of disturbance, grazing, introduction of exotic species, or human activity (Crawley, 1987; Davis et al., 2000; Sax & Brown, 2000; Shea & Chesson, 2002; Rejmanek, 2003; Seabloom et al., 2006; M ...
Invasive species
An invasive species is a plant or animal that is not native to a specific location (an introduced species); and has a tendency to spread, which is believed to cause damage to the environment, human economy and/or human health.One study pointed out widely divergent perceptions of the criteria for invasive species among researchers (p. 135) and concerns with the subjectivity of the term ""invasive"" (p. 136). Some of the alternate usages of the term are below:The term as most often used applies to introduced species (also called ""non-indigenous"" or ""non-native"") that adversely affect the habitats and bioregions they invade economically, environmentally, and/or ecologically. Such invasive species may be either plants or animals and may disrupt by dominating a region, wilderness areas, particular habitats, or wildland-urban interface land from loss of natural controls (such as predators or herbivores). This includes non-native invasive plant species labeled as exotic pest plants and invasive exotics growing in native plant communities. It has been used in this sense by government organizations as well as conservation groups such as the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the California Native Plant Society. The European Union defines ""Invasive Alien Species"" as those that are, firstly, outside their natural distribution area, and secondly, threaten biological diversity. It is also used by land managers, botanists, researchers, horticulturalists, conservationists, and the public for noxious weeds. The kudzu vine (Pueraria lobata), Andean Pampas grass (Cortaderia jubata), and yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis) are examples.An alternate usage broadens the term to include indigenous or ""native"" species along with non-native species, that have colonized natural areas (p. 136). Deer are an example, considered to be overpopulating their native zones and adjacent suburban gardens, by some in the Northeastern and Pacific Coast regions of the United States.Sometimes the term is used to describe a non-native or introduced species that has become widespread (p. 136). However, not every introduced species has adverse effects on the environment. A nonadverse example is the common goldfish (Carassius auratus), which is found throughout the United States, but rarely achieves high densities (p. 136).