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Saptarishis Astrology
The Best
Ancient Indian Astrology Classes Times
e proudly present a fantastic new magazine called AIAC Times which is a must read for every
beginner and advanced student of this science. Though they are based out of Chicago they have the
flavor of classical Indian astrology embedded within them. Following articles are some selections
from the AIAC Times (now in its sixth volume). “AIAC” stands for Ancient Indian Astrology Classes.
Published on Scribd the Full Moon each month since December 30, 2009, the subject matter of the e-zine is
organized in nine columns (one for each graha). Our writers are Ishana, Kavali, Surasa and Amarnath (pen
names). It is also available for free download at the Saptarishis Astrology book store under the Astrology
Magazines Section.
Ancient Indian Astrology Classes
Chicago, IL
If you are in Chicago and would like to meet them on their free events, you are most welcome to join their
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Jupiter’s Column (from Vol IV) - Graha Sambandha
2. Suns Column (from Vol V) – Swearing In Charts
Moons Column (from Vol III) - Vowels and Planetary States
4. Venus’ column (from Volume I) - The seventh from Venus
Mercury’s column (from Volume IV) - The New Year [2010-2011]
6. Mars’ column (from Volume I) - Health Chakra
7. Saturn’s column (from Volume II) - Objections to Astrology
Jupiter’s Column
(From Volume IV)
Graha Sambandha
riendship among planets has been a very popular subject in astrology. What is exactly the basis behind the
relationship between planets and how do we derive it? Why certain planets are termed friends and some
termed enemies to a planet? The Sanskrit word for relationship is termed – “Sambandha” and in this
column we will look at the relationships between Grahas.
Graha Sambandha can be of two types –
1) Naisargik Sambandha [Permanent/Default Relationship]
This is the relationship between Grahas as Nature/God has destined it to be. There is a verse in Brihat
Parasara Hora Shastra which gives us a clue into this relationship.
् ख-ाधीधमार्
ं ु पाः।
िऽकोणात ात
यःु तग
ु िरपवाे समाोभयलक्षणाः॥५५॥
trikoNAt svAt-sukha-svAntyadhIdharmAyuHsvatuMgapAH|
suhR^ido ripavashcAnye samAshcobhayalakShaNAH||55||
The below explanation is found in Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra’s Translation by GC Sharma, Vol 1
55. Natural Relationships: The lords of the signs which are the 4th, 2nd, 12th, 5th, 9th and the 8th from the Moolatrikona sign of a
planet and the Lords of the exalted sign of each planet are the friends of a particular planet. Lords of the signs other than these
are his enemies. The planets which have got the features of both (of a friend and of an enemy) are neutral to the said planet.
These should be taken as the natural relationships of the planets
Based on the above mentioned rules we arrive at the below table of planetary relationship.
This is what is accepted and all students of astrology accept this table as is. However, the motto of AIAC Times
has always been to delve into the root of every dictum and extract out the principle of a dictum given by Parasara
Why did Parasara rishi select the Mooltrikona signs of the grahas to determine the relationships between the
Why are the 2, 4, 5, 9, 12 signs from the sign in question considered for friendship among their lord?
What is the underlying reason behind this dictum?
To understand this theory and go to its very root we have to understand the concept of “Upachaya” houses.
The houses 3,6,10 and 11 are called Upachaya houses. These are the houses where one’s own desire and will makes
the maximum impact. Many astrologers call these houses the Houses of Free-will. However, why are Upachaya
houses considered houses of Free will? Let us see each house with respect to the first house –
Natural Rasi / Lord
Gender of Lord
Family, wealth
Courage, Siblings
Mother, assets
Saturn/Mercury/Sun/Jupiter Capricorn/Saturn
We see that in the natural order of the zodiac sign, the houses indicated by the lord of the signs which are Neutral
in gender become Upachaya houses.
Mercury is too flexible to have a gender and Saturn is too old and rigid to have one. However, does this have a
deeper significance? Courage and labor can be shown in area of life. Similarly, profession and gains are based on
our decisions and require hard work and persistence.
Neutral genders of planets indicate that God [or Nature] has given us the ability to modify those areas of life
based on our desire and will.
Thus, while determining “natural” friends, we should not look at the people who can be influenced. We should
look at those grahas which are destined to be a graha’s friend.
This is the reason why all sign Lords with the exception of the Upachaya lords are considered friends while
determining Naisargik Sambandha.
However, the question remains as to why one should select the Mooltrikona sign of the planet as the reference
point for this relationship calculation.
Mooltrikona sign is like the office of the grahas. Exaltation is like a function where the graha is the chief guest.
Own sign is like own house of the graha.
Now, someone is truly a friend who helps us when we need them. We need help most when we try to achieve
something, when there is a question of proving oneself. In workplace, in our own respective karma we face real
struggles of life and friends who stick with us then are truly our friends. This fulfils the condition – “A Friend in
need is a friend in deed”.
Astrologically, grahas except Sun and Moon and the nodes, all rule two signs each and thus taking sign based on
rulership only will lead to confusing results [as the sign which is left out may yield contradictory result compared
to the one taken into account]. If we consider exaltation, we become biased towards the strength of the planet; in
that case we should also consider the negation as debilitated state. Thus a neutral zone of Mooltrikona is selected
for this purpose.
Thus all rasi lords except the Upachaya lords and the Lord of the 7th rasi [Maraka] are considered friends to the
rasi lord [Mooltrikona sign]. This is the basis of the Naisargik Sambandha.
2) Tatkalin Sambandha [Temporary/Natal Relationship]. This kind of relationship is based on a particular
natal chart. Grahas placed in a chart become friends or enemies based on their respective positions. There
is a verse in Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra which gives us a clue into this relationship.
दशबाय सहज ााे पररम।्
ताले िमऽतां याि िरपवोऽऽ संिताः॥५६॥
dashabandhvAya sahaja svAntyasthAste parasparam|
tatkAle mitratAM yAnti ripavo.anyatra saMsthitAH||56||
The below explanation is found in Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra’s Translation by GC Sharma, Vol 1
Planets Sun etc. situated in the 10th, 4th, 11th, 3rd, 2nd or the 12th from another are mutual friends (or friends to that planet). If
they are situated in other than these places they act as his enemies.
Why did Parasara rishi mention that the planet placed in the 1st house will be friends to the planets placed in the
houses 2, 3, 4 and 10, 11, 12?
What is the underlying reason behind this dictum?
To understand Parasara’s dictum we need to understand the revolution of the Earth around the Sun. The day of
the sidereal winter solstice is a very important date called “Uttarayan” in the Vedic times. It denotes the
“upward” movement of the Sun with reference to the Earth. Similarly the sidereal summer solstice is called
“Dakshinayan” or “downward” movement of the Sun with respect to the Earth. It is believed that during
Uttarayan i.e. between Uttarayan to Dakshinayan, the Gods are awake and bestow their blessings on humanity.
However during Dakshinayan i.e. between Dakshinayan to Uttarayan, Gods sleep and thus are inactive.
Since Lagna is dependent on time of birth on a day, which in turn is dependent on Earth’s movement, the arc
between 10th house to the 4th house can be imagined as personal version of Uttarayan and Dakshinayan. Here, the
10th house is equated to the position of winter solstice and 4th house to the position of summer solstice.
Planets placed in the houses 10th to the 4th would thus act as temporary friends to planets in Lagna. Extending the
same logic, this can be applied to all the houses.
The below figure shows the Tatkalin Sambandha between planet placed in the Lagna and the planets placed in
the other houses.
Arc of Tatkalin friends to planet(s) in Lagna
Arc of Tatkalin enemies to planet(s) in Lagna
Sun’s Column
(From Volume V)
Swearing-in charts
he original premise of this month’s Sun’s column was to examine the effect of the Sun’s position
at the inauguration of U.S. Presidents on their presidential terms. There are many factors in
mundane astrology relating to the time for oath taking ceremonies. Of particular importance is
lagna, planets in lagna, Moon, planets in Kendra and trikona, panchang, and of course, the Sun, since it represents
the country’s head of state, its soul and expression. Below is a recommendation from Daivagya Acharya Shri
Ram’s Muhurta Chintamani, translated by G.C. Sharma, Sagar Publications:
The auspicious Muhurta for the Coronation of a king is when the Sun is in Uttaryana (moving towards the North
and is in the signs from Capricorn to Gemini), Jupiter, the Moon and Venus are not combust, Mars, the Sun, the Lord of the
Natal Ascendant, the Lord of the Present Dasha of the would-be-king and the Lord of the Janma Rasi or sign are endowed
with strength.
Also Chapter 18 of Time Tested Techniques of Mundane Astrology, M.S Mehta and A. Radhika, Vani
Publications contains a thorough discussion of the various factors with examples.
Regarding U.S. presidents, there is a limitation regarding the day of the inauguration. Since 1789 until the
passage of the 20th Amendment, presidential inaugurations were held on March 4 with some exceptions (i.e.
March 4 falling on a Sunday (4 times) and the deaths of Harrison, Taylor, Lincoln (assassination), Garfield
(assassination), McKinley (assassination) and Harding). No time was legislated for taking the oath of office on
March 4, however, it was traditionally done at noon or close to noon on inauguration day.
The 20th Amendment of 1933 set noon on January 20 (6 degrees Capricorn) as the beginning of the
presidential term and the ending of the prior term, and changed the inauguration day from March 4 (19 degrees
Aquarius), ostensibly to shorten the “lame duck” period between the outgoing and incoming administrations.
January 20 is five or six days after the Sun’s entry into Capricorn which is the beginning of Uttarayana or the
upward movement of the Sun. As cited above, Jyotish classics prescribe that coronations should take place during
Uttarayana, when the Sun is in the rasis from Capricorn to Gemini (roughly from mid-January to mid-July).
The source of the noon inauguration tradition is likely English history which is based on even earlier
tradition. For example, the coronation of William the Conqueror took place on Christmas day in 1066 at noon in
London. About two and half centuries earlier, Charlemagne was crowned in 800 on Christmas day, also at noon,
the time chosen by the court's astrologer. Interestingly, Christmas Day was about 9 degrees Capricorn in the
tropical zodiac.
Abhijit muhurta (8th muhurta of the day) is consideration one of the best muhurtas for oaths and
coronations of heads of state, the Sun’s particular province. It begins about 1 ghati (24 minutes) before Local
Noon Time (LNT) and ends 24 minutes thereafter (total 48 minutes) or approximately 11:25 am to 12:25 pm local
time. When the Sun first enters Capricorn, particularly if LNT is used, the Abhijit muhurta guarantees
placement of the Sun in the 10th house where it gets directional strength.
In addition to the above astrological criteria, the Sun’s relationship with Saturn (both are karakas of the
10th house of royalty) is important. The Sun rules the Kshatriya class (politicians and rulers). For both dates,
March 4 and January 20, the Sun’s dispositor is Saturn but for the March 4 dates, we have to also look at Rahu,
the co-ruler of Aquarius, keeping in mind that that Saturn’s caste is Sudra (workers) and Rahu’s caste is Chandala
(the opposition).
Unfortunately, I was unable to locate inauguration times for any presidents prior to Franklin Roosevelt
except for George Washington. (The inauguration times I have are courtesy of Astrologers Weekly.) However,
it turns out that these two presidents, Washington and Roosevelt, happen to be the most significant in regard to
the length of their presidential terms. George Washington is important because he was the first president (17891797), and served two four year terms, setting a precedent that was followed by all succeeding presidents until
Franklin Roosevelt, the 32nd president (1933-1945) who served the longest of any president (over three complete
terms) causing passage of the 22nd Amendment limiting presidents to two 8 year terms. For a more modern
comparison, the inaugurations of the most recent presidents, George W. Bush and Barak Obama are also
The question has been raised whether changing the U.S. inauguration day from March 4 to January 20 at
noon changed the country’s destiny from the original purpose of the founding fathers. An American astrologer
and occultist, Dan Sewell Ward, lamented moving the swear-in day from March 4 to January 20. He says
“Originally the dating of major events of the Republic was based on: July 4 (Independence Day), approximately
November 4 (Election Day), and March 4 for the presidential inauguration. The November day was varied
slightly in that Tuesday (ruled by Mars’ assertiveness) needed to be election day. The 4th day of these three
months (exactly one-third of a year apart) represents a grand trine, one of the most delightful and beneficial
aspects in astrology. It was good news for the nation as a whole....The change destroyed the grand trine...It is
noteworthy that the powers that be deemed it important to change the inauguration date. Apparently they had
more respect for astrology than one might have thought.”
An opposing argument could be made that the January 20 date is far better suited to the world power that
the U.S. would become. Compare the Sun’s position on March 4 at noon (in Aquarius in the 9th house where it is
a karaka) to the Sun’s position on January 20 at noon (in Capricorn in the 10th house where it gets dig bala). The
country grew from an isolationist agricultural-industrial power into the world’s greatest military power during
Franklin Roosevelt’s administration. Roosevelt’s first inauguration was on March 4, 1933. His second
inauguration was on January 20, 1937, when the 20th Amendment first went into effect.
Although set for March 4, 1789 as prescribed by the Confederation Congress, George Washington’s first
inauguration was delayed until Thursday, April 30, 1789 1:48:30 pm, New York City:
Left: George Washington Swearing the
Presidential Oath on the Masonic Bible
in 1789. Below: George Washington
Inaugural Bible.
The chart has Leo rising, one of the recommended lagnas for oaths. Lagna is ruled by exalted Sun in Aries which
is with Venus and Mercury in the 9th. The Sun is very strong in the chart followed by exalted Jupiter (8th house
ruler). This follows Mehta et al.’s recommendation that the 8th house have benefic aspects and the lagna lord be
stronger than the 8th lord. The Sun is in
Uttarayana and the week day was
Thursday, both positive. Saturn in its
own sign of Aquarius gets dig bala in the
7th and provides ballast to the shining 1st
house that we think of from that time in
history. Mars in the 8th in Pisces rules
both the Sun and debilitated Rahu in the
4th in Scorpio. Rahu has graha drishti on
both Mars and exalted Jupiter and the
once-rebels must deal with the shock of
letting go of England and forging their
new country’s identity. Saturn aspects the
Sun by both rasi and graha drishti (3rd
aspect) and aspects Rahu by 10th graha
aspect indicating a dry but stable
beginning for the new government and its
Washington wanted to serve without payment but finally accepted payment to avoid making the presidency
possible only for the wealthy. He turned out to be a skilled and fair administrator and only reluctantly agreed to
serve a second term.
George Washington’s second inauguration took place on the prescribed day, March 4, 1793, a Monday,
this time in Philadelphia, and
reportedly he took the oath
precisely at noon:
Sun is with lagna lord Mercury in
the 9th in Aquarius and on the
Rahu/Ketu axis. The Sun’s lord is
Saturn (karaka of the 8th)
debilitated in Aries and Saturn
aspects the Sun by rasi drishti.
Washington limited himself to
serving two four year terms. The
Sun’s co-lord Rahu (the opposition)
opposes the Sun by graha drishti.
In 1794, Washington ably took up
military command again to enforce
a whisky tax (Sun rules Rahu in
the 3rd, Mars in 10th in Pisces is
aspected by Jupiter in Scorpio in
the 6th). Moon and Jupiter are
together in the 6 house of service but Moon is debilitated. By limiting himself to two terms, Washington set a
precedent followed by every president until war-time President Franklin Roosevelt. At the end of his last term,
he was very happy to return to farming.
Jumping to the first inauguration of Franklin Roosevelt, the 32nd president:
Franklin Roosevelt and Herbert Hoover on inauguration
day, March 4 1933 during the procession to the Capitol.
he Sun (president) is in Aquarius in the 9th house with Venus and its lord Rahu (the opposition) all of
which are aspected by graha drishti by Jupiter (R) and Mars (R) in the 3rd. Saturn (karaka of the 8th –
longevity) is lord of the 8th and in its
own house and aspects Lagna lord
Mercury in the 10th. The country
was in the midst of the Great
Depression, fighting for survival. A
lot of things are about to happen and
bold steps will be taken (Sun is lord
of the 3rd, the house of courage).
Immediately upon taking office,
Roosevelt worked on relief programs
eventually creating the FDIC,
initiating budget reform, and the
first and second New Deals. By the
second half of his first term, due to
the success of his programs, he
gained much greater support from
Congress. Needless to say, he also
had many enemies (6th house ruler
Mars (R) with Jupiter (R) in the 3rd
house) including the war veterans in
a dispute over benefits and people opposed to the confiscation of privately owned gold. Though he suffered from
polio, he managed to keep his disability from public knowledge throughout his political career.
second inauguration, the first
under the 22nd Amendment, took
place on Wednesday, January 20,
1937, 12:29 pm, U.S. Capitol,
Washington DC:
The Sun is in Capricorn in the 10th
where it gets directional strength,
one of the classical positions for
oaths. The Sun is aspected by
Mars by 4th graha drishti, its only
aspect. The challenges facing him
included the growing threat of
Hitler and the isolationist attitude
of the nation (Moon in the 1st in
Aries, opposed by Mars in the 7th
and aspected by Rahu and Jupiter
in the 9 as well as Saturn in the 7 ). He secretly developed the country’s military arsenal (8th house Scorpio)
and forged a close relationship with Winston Churchill (Mars in the 7th). Finally, in 1940 he openly opposed the
Neutrality Acts by giving destroyers to Great Britain. He ran for an unprecedented third term and won by
appealing to popular isolationist sentiment promising to do everything he could to keep the country out of the
war. His third inauguration (not shown) took place on January 20, 1941, 12:03 EWT, U.S. Capitol, Washington,
DC. By December of that year, after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the country was at war with Japan and Nazi
For Roosevelt’s fourth and final inauguration, I could not find a recorded time, so the chart below uses the
“legal” time, January 20, 1945, noon, White House, Washington DC:
Sun’s ruler Saturn (R) is in the 3rd with
Rahu aspected by Mars, Mercury and Ketu
by graha drishti 7th aspect. Mars is both
lagna ruler and ruler of the 8th (likely not
recommended for oaths since you want
the ruler of the chart to be stronger than
the 8th house ruler). In addition, by shad
bala, Mars is the weakest planet in the
chart, and creates a lot of havoc. The Sun
in the 10th in Capricorn only has 5th graha
drishti from Jupiter (R) and no other
aspects. Roosevelt died of a massive brain
hemorrhage on April 12, 1945 during his
dasha, just shy of three months into his 4th term. Jupiter in this case provided the escape route afforded by death.
For application of these concepts to modern presidents, inauguration charts and short descriptions are
provided below for George W. Bush and Obama.
Sun’s lord Saturn (R) is in the 2nd with Jupiter (R) in Taurus and is aspected by Rahu (12th aspect). Ketu in the 9th
is only aspected by Rahu. Defense is weak (i.e. events of 9-11). Jupiter and Sun aspect the Sun by graha drishti
indicating initial money and popular support. 4th lord Moon in Scorpio in the 8th is MKS and debilitated, not
good for the happiness of the country.
Sun’s lord Saturn (R) in the 3rd. Communication mishaps, torture scandals hit the news. Rahu (opposition) is
strong in the 1st and Ketu (the defender) is now much stronger in the 7th. Mars is ruler of the 1st and 8th and is in
the 8th in Scorpio. Something is going to die – Hurricane Katrina in August 2005. 9th lord Jupiter in the 6th,
religious fundamentalism and its enemies.
In Chart below the ruler of the 10th in the 5th and the ruler of the 5th in the 10th shows a strong start for the
incoming administration, harmonious relationship between 5th house karma (splendor, intellect, creative energy)
and the 10th house (karma, authority, honor, government). 10th house contains Sun, Jupiter (debilitated), Mercury
(R) and Rahu. Lagna lord Mars in the 9th in Sagittarius is aspected by Rahu (12th graha aspect), assassination
attempts likely and have been reported. Again, as in George W’s first inauguration, 4th lord Moon is in Scorpio
in the 8th is MKS and debilitated. This time Ketu is in the 4th indicating a more detached attitude. The country is
still suffering from the housing and financial crises of 2007.
Moon’s Column
(From Volume III)
Vowels and Planetary States
arasara rishi writes in Grahavasthadhyay about Baaladi avasthas (states of the planets) etc. and states:
बमाद ् बालः कुमारोऽथ यवु ा वृाथा मृतः।
षडंशरै समे खेटः समे ज्ञेयो िवपयर्यात॥३॥
kramAd bAlaH kumAro.atha yuvA vR^iddhAstathA mR^itaH|
ShaDaMshairasame kheTaH same j.Nneyo viparyayAt||3||
Baala (infant), Kumara (adolescent), Yuva (youth), Vriddha (old) and Mrita (dead) are the five states of the
planets. Each zodiac sign is divided into 5 parts of 6 degrees each, and each part accorded a planetary state. The
states of the planets are assigned in the above-listed order for the odd signs and in reverse order for the even signs.
Odd signs
Even signs
फलं पादिमतं बाले फलाध च कुमारके ।
् त े च खम॥५॥
यूिन पूण फलं ज्ञेय ं वृ े िकं िचत मृ
phalaM pAdamitaM bAle phalArdhaM ca kumArake|
yUni pUrNaM phalaM j.NneyaM vR^iddhe kiMcit mR^ite ca kham||5||
The strength of the planets is determined based on the state of the planets set forth in the table above.
However, the table below shows the points of maximum exaltation given by Parasara rishi:
Point of Maximum Exaltation
Strength [?]
10 [Aries]
03 [Taurus]
28 [Capricorn]
15 [Virgo]
05 [Cancer]
27 [Pisces]
20 [Libra]
The above strength analysis of planets based on Baaladi avasthas doesn’t seem correct and is rather contradictory
based on the fact that the point of maximum exaltation for each planet should indicate the point of maximum
Now, we can surely assume that these rules should be applied excluding exaltation, mooltrikona, debilitation, and
own house zones. However, these rules then become confusing since we also have rules for friendly, neutral and
enemy houses.
Thus, the question remains how we can use the Baaladi avasthas? The connection is given with pancha swaras
(five vowels).
Let us understand the application of Baaladi avasthas and Pancha Swaras with respect to real cases.
Rahu, Ketu
The vowel “U” seems to be most appropriate for the native in the profession of the director. However, the vowel
“A” is also suitable for him as a film actor. The native, Allen Stewart Konigsberg, changed his name to Woody
Allen. The “oo” in Woody sounds like “u” and thus activates the Yuva avastha planets namely Sun and Jupiter.
For a Leo rising like Allen, it suits him perfectly.
In this case, it would seem that the vowel “E” would be the best choice for the native for the domains of
happiness and wealth. However as an actor and an international male sex-symbol, the vowel “O” is more
appropriate. The native, a Bollywood actor, was born as Farhan Abraham but changed his name to John Abraham
and success in the domain of films (Venus) as a macho image (Mars) was inevitable.
The vowel “A” alone would give this native utmost joy and happiness and “A” was certainly activated in his life
with his Guru Sri Ramakrishna. He wanted to be his Guru’s yogi messenger (Ketu), a celibate (Mars) and spread
his Guru’s mission and words to foreign lands (Rahu) – the only vowel that can satisfy all these is “I”. Born as
Narendranath, his Guru named him Vivekananda and the world knew him as a celibate monk with a mission.
His speech in Chicago, the city where I live in, made history at the Parliament of World Religions of 1893.
Parasara also wrote about a Dasa system based on the Pancha Swara. One can also bring consonants into the
equation to get even more insight into one’s life. Perhaps in another issue of AIAC Times I will discuss that
with you.
Venus’ Column
(From Volume I)
The Seventh From Venus
arasara rishi writes the following in Brihatparasarahorashastra’s Vargavivekadhyaya
ु पऽेु जायायाः समे भृगोः।
च गरोः
अम यािप माृौ ये तथा॥४२॥
putrasya ca guroH putre jAyAyAH saptame bhR^igoH|
aShTamasya vyayasyApi mandAnmR^ityau vyaye tathA||42||
For matters of the fifth house, one should study the fifth from Jupiter, for matters of the seventh house one should study the
seventh from Venus
For matters of the eighth house, one should study the eighth from Saturn, for matters of the twelfth house one should study the
twelfth from Saturn.
This apparently simple verse has a very deep meaning. For this issue, I will focus only on the relevance of
“seventh from Venus” in matters of the “seventh” house.
Before we go with this analysis, let us first visit the shloka that which Parasara gives us on the seventh house
(Brihatparasarahorashastra, Bhavavivekadhyaya).
जायामूयाणं च वािणं नवीक्षणम।्
मरणं च देह जायाभावािरीक्षयेत॥८॥
jAyAmadhvaprayANaM ca vANijyaM naShTavIkShaNam|
maraNaM ca svadehasya jAyAbhAvAnnirIkShayet||8||
From the seventh house one can judge spouse, travel, trade (perhaps business), vanishing from sight (or loss of sight) and
In the earlier verse, Parasara asks us to judge the seventh from Venus regarding matters of the seventh house.
However, one might get confused as to which signification of the seventh house one should refer to when looking
at the seventh from Venus. To get absolute clarity on this subject, one should refer to another very important
shloka from Brihatparasarahorashastra, Karakadhyaya
् च मातल
ु ः।
कुज तृतीयतो ॅाता बधु ात षे
् चमात प् ऽो
ु दाराः शब
ु ा समे॥२३॥
े ात पं
kujasya tR^itIyato bhrAtA budhAt ShaShThe ca mAtulaH|
devejyAt paMcamAt putro dArAH shukrAcca saptame||23||
One should see third house from Mars for brothers, sixth from Mercury for maternal uncles, fifth from Jupiter for children
and seventh from Venus for wife
This leaves without any doubt that Parasara rishi strictly asked one to analyze the seventh house from Venus for
A complete book can be written on the application of just the “seventh from Venus” part of the shloka given by
Parasara rishi. However, due to lack of time and space, we will deal with some well-known cases and in a tabular
study instead of clumsy and detailed charts.
7th from Venus
Mahatma Gandhi
Jupiter (R)
Devout partner who stayed
with him till her last breath
Shahrukh Khan
Jupiter (R)
One of the very few Bollywood
actors who has a very
supportive wife
George Washington
Jupiter (R)
Washington’s married life was
a solid one, untroubled by
Steve Jobs
Jupiter (R) + Ketu
Although Rahu afflicts Venus
in his case, the presence of
Jupiter in the seventh from
Venus confers that he actually
has a supportive partner who is
also a philanthropist
Marilyn Monroe
Saturn (R)
Her sorrow in relationship is
Pierce Brosnan
Saturn (R)
Lost his wife to ovarian cancer
Jude Law
Saturn (R)
Marriage broke, affairs broke as
Elizabeth Taylor
Unless one has detachment
(Ketu) in relationships, one
cannot have so many marriages
Mercury’s Column
(From Volume IV)
The New Year [2010-2011]
n March 16, 2010 2:32:00 hrs IST New Delhi, India, the world entered into the new era for this year.
This same time can be converted for different geographic locations around the world taking into
consideration their time difference with respect to the Indian Standard Time. For example, On March
15, 2010 16:02:00 hrs CST Chicago, USA, the new year began.
In this article, I will attempt to answer the question – “Why Chaitra Shukla Pratipad is considered to the start of
the New Year”?
For the western readers who are not familiar with the Hindu time-keeping system, Chaitra Shukla Pratipad is the
first day after the new moon in Sidereal Pisces sign.
The oldest reference of start of the New Year is found in Yajur Veda. Yajur Veda states that New Year begins
with the “Vasanta Ritu”. “Vasanta Ritu” is the spring season. Spring begins when Sun and Moon enters Pisces.
The day after the New Moon clearly indicates the start of the Spring Season.
However, why the season spring was selected for this should be interesting to note. More often than not, during
the new moon in Pisces, Venus would be exalted in Pisces and Mercury would be debilitated in Pisces. However,
it is in this month in which we see the activity in human beings increasing after the cold winter is over. Leaves
sprouting on trees and green starting to show up around brings in the message of a new beginning in our lives.
Let us now see how to predict the major world events this year. Considering Pisces to be the first house, we
should judge the world events by a progression scheme of a month a sign.
March 15 – 1 (aspect of
April 15
Although aspects of Rahu and
Ketu would indicate the
continuation of earthquake like
events, the aspect of retro
economy and hope for people.
In this way, one can predict the events for a year in general for the world. I had mentioned in AIAC Times
Volume III that I will write on how to predict on events from the Shukla Chaitra Pratipad chart. The above
method can used to predict on global events. I will discuss finer methods on this in subsequent issues of AIAC
Mars’ Column
(From Volume I)
Health Chakra
n the article “Indian Planetary Images and The Tradition of Astral Magic”, David Pingree writes –
I am providing the images of the manuscript for the reader’s reference below –
Pingree has actually ridiculed these manuscript pages of Kasinath’s Lagnachandrika as utter gibberish and the
method of casting the nakshatras as a misinterpretation of the manuscripts and equated it with superstitious
magical rituals.
He [Pingree] also mentioned
However, I do have a curious mind and wanted to dig a little deeper into the understanding of the graham
First with the limited collection of texts I have in my personal library here in Chicago, I wanted to find a
reference to this kind of chakras. Fortunately I did find one. Before I proceed with the details of the reference, I
thought I should mention again the probable dates of the authors of various texts that refer to these graham
Kasinatha Bhattacharya
Early 16th century CE
Early 12th century CE
Pandit Dhundriraj
15th century CE
A great classic called Jataka Bharanam written by Pandit Dhundiraj and has a similar and very interesting shlokas
on Graha-chakras, in this case Shani-chakra (the circle of Saturn).
On such Chakra is mentioned as Shani Chakra. The Sanskrit shlokas are given below
शभु ाशभु ज्ञानाथ शिनचबं िविलतेनराकारं िलखेबं शिनचबं तते।
वेिदतं फलं ताानवानां शभु ाशभु म॥१॥
shubhAshubhaj.NnAnArthaM shanicakraM vilikhyatenarAkAraM likheccakraM shanicakraM taducyate|
veditavyaM phalaM tasmAnmAnavAnAM shubhAshubham||1||
जक्षर्तो यऽ च कुऽ सं ं िमऽ पऽंु ूथमं िविदा।
चबे नराे ख जिधाि भािन ूवदेलािन॥२॥
janmarkShato yatra ca kutra saMsthaM mitrasya putraM prathamaM viditvA|
cakre narAkhye khalu janmadhiShNyAdvinyasya bhAni pravadetphalAni||2||
Draw a figure of a man. This form would be called Saturn’s (Shani) Chakra. The auspicious and inauspicious results faced
by the native will be judged by this chakra.
In the human figure drawn put all nakshatras from the birth nakshatra as detailed in the following verses. The effect of
transit Saturn should be predicted according to corresponding meaning associated with the human body organ which transit
Saturn occupies.
नराकारशिनचबे नक्षऽासमाह-
ु ।
ु े िलखेीिण यगु ं च गे
नक्षऽमेकं च िशरोिवभागे मख
ु म॥३॥
न ेऽे च नक्षऽयगु ं िदं भपंचकं वामकरे चत
narAkArashanicakre nakShatranyAsamAhanakShatramekaM ca shirovibhAge mukhe likhettrINi yugaM ca guhye|
netre ca nakShatrayugaM hR^idisthaM bhapaMcakaM vAmakare catuShkam||3||
The birth nakshatra should be put at the head of the figure, next three nakshatras would comprise of the mouth and the next
two in the genitals
Next two nakshatras would comprise of the eyes, five nakshatras in the heart region and four nakshatras in the left hand.
वामे च पादे िऽतयं िह भानां भानां ऽयं दिक्षणपादसंम।्
चािर ऋक्षािण च दिक्षणाे पाणौ ूणीतं मिु ननारदेन॥४॥
vAme ca pAde tritayaM hi bhAnAM bhAnAM trayaM dakShiNapAdasaMstham|
catvAri R^ikShANi ca dakShiNAkhye pANau praNItaM muninAradena||4||
Three nakshatras in the left foot, three nakshatras in the right foot and four nakshatras in the right hand
This has been mentioned by Devarshi Narada.
बमाक्षऽासेन शिननक्षऽफलम-्
रोगो लाभो हािनराि सौं बः पीडा संूयाणं च लाभः।
मे चबे माग र्गे कनीयं तैलोाीयगे ःु फलािन॥५॥
kramAnnakShatranyAsena shaninakShatraphalamrogo lAbho hAnirAptishca saukhyaM bandhaH pIDA saMprayANaM ca lAbhaH|
mande cakre mArgage kalpanIyaM tadvailomyAcchIghrage syuH phalAni||5||
The Nakshatra of Saturn (at birth and also in transit) when placed in various organs of the human body (also called Shani
Chakra) will cause the effects in the following ways –
Human body organ (position of Saturn at birth and
subsequently in transit)
Obtainment of Wealth
Left Hand
Left foot
Right foot
Right hand
The above mentioned rather insignificant five verses are from a humungous classic called Jataka Bharanam by
Pandit Dhundiraja which has been neglected by most jyotish scholars. Is this human figure called Saturn’s chakra
(Shanichakra) mentioned by Pandit Dhundiraja and earlier by Narapati and later by Kasinath a ridiculous
misinterpretation of the manuscripts as David Pingree suggests?If so, then why is the description of the human
body so precise in relation to the nakshatras? Also, why use nakshatras at all for this?
If the Saturn chakra knowledge is relevant, then can such chakras exist for other planets as well?
These questions will be answered in subsequent issues of AIAC Times that is a promise.
Saturn’s Column
(From Volume II)
Objections to Astrology
arold Washington Public Library’s astrology rack [6th floor, BF series] is one of my favorite places in
the city of Chicago. Not only do the astrology books hold my interest but I find the books against
astrology equally exciting. One such book which I found particularly interesting is entitled
“Objections to Astrology” [1975, Impact Series, Prometheus Books] by Bart J Bok. The book contains signatures
of 192 leading scientists including 19 Nobel Prize winners who unequivocally disavow astrology. Reading this
book was a real treat.
One of the very first things I was taught in jyotish [astrology] is to understand the three principles of Sthana,
Kala and Patra [place, time and individual background] when dealing with any issue in jyotish [astrology].
Many astrologers reading a book containing scientific arguments against astrology might become very angry or
disappointed. Such a reaction demonstrates a biased attachment to astrology proving that astrologers, like
practitioners of any profession on this planet, are human beings. However, the best astrologers have their
practice grounded in the three primary principles [place, time and individual background]. This gives them the
ability to analyze the problem with clarity because they can get into the shoes of the other person and see things
from that person’s perspective.
Below is an excerpt from “Objections to Astrology” discussing one of the key arguments the scientific
community poses against astrology.
Now, let me mention that the astrological community should understand and appreciate the fact that these
arguments are coming from the scientific community. Thus, any response to this gravity argument must be in
language that the scientists can understand. In communication between two such diverse groups as astrologers
and scientists, it makes sense that if the astrologers want to respond to the scientists’ arguments, it is up to the
astrologers to address the scientific principles involved.
The question of “how” planets influence us is an extremely relevant and scientifically well-founded question.
According to the “Theory of Universal Gravitation” formulated by Sir Issac Newton in 1687, all objects are
attracted toward other objects, due to a force called gravitation. This includes everything from subatomic particles
to massive stars and planets. The formula given for the gravitational force between two objects is F = GMm/R²
where F is the force between the two objects, M is the mass of one object, m is mass of the other object, R is the
distance between the centers of the two objects and G is an universal constant.
The scientists argue that such a force between Earth and other planets is too miniscule to affect people and things
on earth. Mentioned below are some issues regarding the arguments posed by the scientific community.
1) Neither the astrological community nor any known astrological text has laid claim to the fact that the
gravitational forces between the planets govern human life.
2) The quality of the gravitational forces between Mars and Earth and Jupiter and Earth (according to
accepted norms of physics) is the same, irrespective of the planets involved. However, in astrology these
planets and the energies associated with them are given completely diverse domains. Therefore, how can
the force or forces be gravity?
3) To make a bold statement, the scientific community has ignored a few scientific facts. The Universe
doesn’t collapse on itself due to the presence of dark matter [and dark energy], a principle which is still
not completely understood by scientists. Dark matter plays a very significant role in the theory of
gravitational forces.
4) It is not entirely true that physical planetary forces have no effect at all on life on Earth.
On the last point let me elaborate a little. In all astrological texts, Jupiter is has the status of a King or God. In
Vedic Astrology, Jupiter is called “Dev Guru”, the Guru of the Devas and is considered a natural benefic planet.
In the example below, modern science reinforces the astrological belief regarding Jupiter’s status as a benefic
planet without causing any contradiction.
This image above, taken on January 4 and 5, 2001, by the ion and neutral mass spectrometer instrument on the
Cassini spacecraft, makes the huge magnetosphere surrounding Jupiter visible in a way no instrument on any
previous spacecraft has been able to do.
Jupiter's magnetosphere is very special. It is the biggest thing in the entire solar system. Not only is it
big enough to hold all of Jupiter's moons, but the sun itself could fit inside. It goes all the way to Saturn.
More importantly, we humans owe our existence to Jupiter and its magnetosphere. The gravitational
force combined with its magnetosphere deflects the inflicting meteors towards the Earth [from Saturn’s
belts] and the harmful radiations to the Earth. No wonder, this failed star [Jupiter] is physically like a
God standing there and protecting Earth and its life forms.
The point is how did the scientists “assume” that the principles of astrology are based on planetary
“forces”? Could it be because an astrologer uses a chart based on planetary positions to interpret a
person’s destiny? In that case, any scientist uses a watch to see time. Would a scientist deduce that the
hands of the clock govern the principles of time? Probably not.
To elaborate, in 1998, I was troubled a lot by a question pertaining to astrology as we know it today.
What if in a few thousand years from now, something happened to the planet Mercury and it just
blasted into pieces?
In 2002, I watched a Hollywood movie called “Total Recall” and another question sprang up in my
mind. What would a horoscope of a Martian [or even a human born on Mars] look like?
I encourage my students to ask such questions. Such questions are not stupid, and if properly analyzed,
would shake the very foundation of jyotish as we know it today.
If something happens to the physical planet Mercury one day and it is shattered into pieces in space, all
humans will not cease to communicate. People on Earth will not suffer from memory losses nor cease
to learn new things. Borders and Barnes & Noble for sure will not stop selling books.
All things indicated by Mercury in classical astrology will not undergo any change. The question then is
“why” so? The answer is extremely simple. If the second hand in my wrist watch breaks, time is not
affected at all.
We should not be surprised at all by this reasoning. After all, we use latitude and longitude to denote
any place on Earth based on “imaginary” lines. All systems of astrology that use the lunar nodes utilize
“imaginary” points in space. Similarly, if the planet Mercury no longer existed, an “imaginary”
Mercury could still be plotted and charts with Mercury could still be drawn.
The point I am making is that it isn’t the physical planet Mercury that is influences us; it is the
predominant presence of “Mercurial” elements in us that influences us. The physical planet merely
plays the role of a hand of a 9-hand astrological clock [7 planets from Sun to Saturn and 2 nodes].
I will not answer the question as to how the element of Mercury is measured in us [humans] in this
article but will surely do so in subsequent articles in the e-zine series.
Now, if someone is born on Mars, what would be their horoscope and how could you predict from it?
For sure, the planet Mars would not be shown in their horoscopes, the factors of Sthana, Kala and Patra
[place, time and individual background] would change completely, and a blue-green planet called
“Earth” would be seen in the horoscopes of Martians.
Tabulated below are some “objections” raised in the book “Objections to Astrology” and my responses
to them.
No considerable gravitational force on humans
The 9-hand clock theory, no astrologer or
astrology book mentions gravitational forces as
an influencing factor. However, some factors are
evident and they do physically influence life on
Earth like Jupiter’s presence, Lunar tides, Sun
spots and comets.
Zodiacs move and the position of the stars Precession of the equinoxes in relation to the
change with respect to Earth
sidereal zodiac was explained centuries ago. The
factor called “Ayanamsa” exists to account for
this movement.
Twin Birth Challenge, Statistical Astrology One chart isn’t enough to know everything about
results etc.
someone. Divisional charts need to be cast to
determine ascertain differences in the lives of
individuals. Sthana Kala Patra [Place, Time and
Individual background] can never be forgotten as
principle factors in astrology.
Much more explanation is necessary on this topic and this issue will be dealt with subsequent issues.