Download Other Organic Compounds

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Atom or group of atoms responsible for specific
properties of organic compounds
a. Functional groups site of chemical reactivity
b. Functional group have same chemical
reactions wherever it is found
c. Similar functional groups = same properties
d. Alcohols
1) Organic compounds that contain one or more
hydroxyl groups
2) Hydroxyl = OH
3) General formula is R–OH
4) Nomenclature
a) Name the parent compound
i. Find longest chain of C atoms w/hydroxyl group
ii. 1 OH group = drop – e of alkane name, add –ol
iii. 2+ OH group = name alkane, add suffix
indicating OH group(-diol = 2, triol = 3, tetraiol =
b) Number carbon atoms in chain – OH lowest
number possible
c) Insert position numbers – place number of OH
group before parent alcohol
d) Punctuate
i. #s separated w/comma
ii. # and word separate w/hyphen
e) Examples
i. What is this structure?
ii. What is this structure?
2,3 - butanediol
iii. What does the structure 2-butanol look like?
iv. What does ethanol look like?
5) Characteristics of Alcohols
a) Higher boiling points than alkanes
b) Soluble in water b/c of hydrogen bonding
c) Less soluble as they get larger
d) Used as alternative fuels
e. Alkyl Halides
1) One or more halogens are replacing H atom(s) in
a hydrocarbon
2) General formula R–X
3) Nomenclature
a) Find longest chain of C’s w/halogen – name
b) Add prefix (fluoro- , chloro-, bromo-, iodo- )
i. More than one kind – put alphabetically
ii. More than one of same kind – put di- , tri- , etc.
c) # chain so halogens have smallest numbers
d) Insert position numbers
e) Punctuate
What is the name of this structure?
f) Examples
What is this structure called?
What does the structure
1,2,3,4-tetrabromobutane look like?
4) Properties
a) Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
b) Freon-11 and Freon-12
i. Odorless, nontoxic, nonflammable, very stable
ii. Used as refrigerants
iii. 1985 production peaked at 700 million kilograms
iv. Attacks ozone
i) Solar radiation breaks them down into free Cl
Cl + CClF2
ii) Cl attacks O3, making it O2
Cl + O3
ClO + O2
iii) Cl atoms eventually regenerate
ClO + O
Cl + O2
iv) Also Cl atoms to destroy thousands of ozone
v) Countries signed Montreal Protocol
c) Tetrafluoroethene (Teflon)
i. C2F4
ii. High melting point (325◦C)
iii. Nonstick surfaces
f. Ethers
1) Organic compounds where 2 hydrocarbons are
bonded to same oxygen atom
2) General formula R–O–R’ (R’ – can be same
hydrocarbon or different one)
3) Nomenclature
a) Name compound – ether will come at the end
b) Put names in alphabetical order
c) If names are the same use prefixes di, tri, etc.
d) Leave spaces between words
e) Examples
What is the name of the following structure?
Diethyl ether
What is the name of the following structure?
Dicyclopentyl ether
What does ethyl propyl ether look like?