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honors BIOLOGY
Unit 2 Ch. 34-38
 Lab Materials: Pill Bug Lab:
choice chambers, pill bugs, soft brushes, terrarium, recovery terrarium, filter paper for choice
chambers, petrie dishes for transfer, wash bottle, wall clock, class chart, Beta splendens, fish bowls, mirrors, graph
paper. Foraging Lab: supplies in west cabinet, thermometers, cold packs, scissors, Dixie cups,
Print Work:assign.sheet,  labs: Pill Bug & Foraging, The Guano Ring, So Cleverly Kind test, , short answer
CHAPTER thirty four:
day 1:
day 2:
day 3:
CHAPTER thirty five:
day 4:
day 5:
day 6:
day 7:
day 8:
day 9:
day 10:
day 12:
day 13:
day 14:
“The biosphere“
Hand back tests, go over.
DUE: Notes over obj. 34.3, 34.5 - 7’
Lecture: Biotic & abiotic factors, aquatic biomes.
DUE: Notes over obj. 34.8’’-34.17
DUE: Activities Online: Web Process of Science: How Do Abiotic Factors Affect Distribution of Organisms?
Adaptations to Biotic and Abiotic Factors, Aquatic Biomes, Terrestrial Biomes
Lecture: Biotic & abiotic factors, terrestrial biomes, global water cycle.
Review Aquatic and Terrestrial biomes:
Activity: Use the posters to summarize the characteristics of the biomes presented. Allow 10 min
DUE: Online submissions for Ch. 34 (Key Concepts Quiz, Activities Quiz, Post-Test)
DUE: Notes: 35.2, 35.4 -11
Extra Credit Opportunity: “The Guano Ring” pertains to FAPs, due test day, read/answer questions included in
packet/turn in, 3pts test category, due test day
Lecture: FAP, Learning, imprinting, social learning, problem-solving
Fixed Action Pattern (not learning, innate): Greylag goose: (german translated to Italian, watch first 3 minutes):
Konrad Lorenz Imprinting experiment:,
Duckling imprinted on puppy:
Social Learning: Dolphin bubbles:
Problem-solving chimp
DUE: Notes: 35.12, 14
Lecture: Foraging, communication, courtship rituals
Sage Grouse:
Prairie Chickens:
Male birds:
Moonwalk bird:
DUE: Read and Know!: 20.1-3 and “rules.”
Do: “Foraging Strategy” lab 20.2, 3 (Single Prey, Mixed Prey)
DUE: Foraging Lab 20.1- 20.3 questions and Questions for review.
Do: Lab 20.4, 5 “Designing an Experiment” and “Performing the Experiment and Interpreting the Results”
DUE: “Foraging Lab” correct/turn in.
DUE: Notes 35.18-20, 22.
Lecture: territoriality, agonistic behavior, dominance hierarchies, altruism.
Extra Credit Opportunity: “So Cleverly Kind an Animal” pertains to altruism, read/answer questions included in
packet/turn in, 3pts test category, due test day
Do Lab: “Animal Behavior” 19.1, 2 OR 3 (Pill Bugs OR Betas)
DUE: Lab 19.1, 2 or 3 and Questions for review
Do: Lab 19.2 or 3 “Designing an Experiment” (Pill bugs OR Betas)
Do: Lab 19.4 “Performing the Experiment and Interpreting the Results”
DUE: Animal Behavior lab, correct, turn in.
DUE: Online Submissions: Ch. 35 (Key Concepts Quiz, Activities Quiz, Post-Test)
Ecology Test 1 Ch. 34, 35.
See objective sheets for study topics, use “Campbell” site for sample questions (“Test Yourself”)
Mrs. Loyd 
[email protected]
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side two
CHAPTER thirty six:
day 1:
DUE: Notes 36.2-5.
Lecture: Density and dispersion patterns, life tables, exponential growth, logistic growth, limiting factors.
day 2:
Lab: A Yeast Population Study
day 3:
DUE: Notes 36.6-7, 9-11.
Video: “Populations and Communities” program #24, 30min.
Lecture: “boom-and-bust” cycles, r- and K-selection, human population growth, age structures, ecological footprint.
day 4:
Activity: Web Process of Science: Techniques for Estimating Population Density and Size
Investigating Survivorship Curves, Human Population Growth, Analyzing Age-Structure Diagrams
Activity: What is your Ecological Footprint?
day 5:
Lab: Estimating population size?
CHAPTER thirty seven:
day 6:
day 7:
“communities & Ecosystems“
DUE: Online submission for Ch. 36 (Key Concepts Quiz, Activities Quiz, Post-Test)
DUE: Notes 37.2, 6, 8-13
Lecture: Competition, mutualism, predation, herbivory, parasites,
Activity: Web Process of Science: How are impacts on Community diversity Measured?
Interspecific Interactions, Food Webs
DUE: Notes 37.8-13
Lecture: trophic levels, food chains, Relative abundance vs. species richness, keystone species, succession,
invasive species.
day 8:
DUE: Notes 37.14-17
Lecture: “matter cycles, energy flows”, primary productivity, energy pyramid.
day 9:
DUE: Notes: 18-21
Lecture: Carbon cycle, Phosphorus cycle, Nitrogen Cycle.
Activity: Web Process of Science: Primary Succession, Energy Flow and Chemical Cycling
How do Temperature and Light Affect Primary Production?, Energy Pyramids
day 10: Video: “Ecosystems and the Biosphere” program #25, 30 minutes
Activity: Web Process of Science: Carbon Cycle,Nitrogen Cycle, Water Pollution from Nitrates
CHAPTER thirty eight:
day 11: DUE: Online submission for Ch. 37 (Key Concepts Quiz, Activities Quiz, Post-Test)
DUE: Notes 38.2, 3, 4’’,14,15.
Video: “The Human Factor” program #26, 30 min.
Lecture: Threats to biodiversity, pollution, biological magnification, restoration ecology, sustainable development.
Web Activity Connection:
Madagascar and the Biodiversity Crisis
Fire Ants: An Introduced Species
DDT and the Environment
How Are Potential Restoration Sites
Web Activity
Conservation Biology Review
Web Activity Process of Science:
day 12: DUE: Online submission for Ch. 38 (Key Concepts Quiz, Activities Quiz, Post-Test)
Ecology Test 2 Ch. 36-38
See objective sheets for study topics, use “Campbell” site for sample questions (“Test Yourself”)
Mrs. Loyd 
[email protected]
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