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[ DOI: 10.22068/IJEEE.11.3.276 ]
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Applicability Improvement and Hysteresis Current Control
Method Simplification in Shunt Active Filters
H. Heidarzad Moghaddam*(C.A.) and M. Salimi*
Abstract: Hysteresis current control method is widely used in Pulse Width Modulation
(PWM) inverters because of simplicity in performance, fast control response and good
ability in limiting peak current. However, switching frequency in hysteresis current control
method with fixed bandwidth has large variation during a cycle and therefore causes nonoptimal current ripple generation in output current. One of basic problems in implementing
hysteresis current control is its variable switching frequency that causes sound noise and
increase in inverter losses and also high frequency current components injection to the
source current. In this paper, a fixed frequency hysteresis current controller is proposed for
grid connected inverters. In the proposed approach, the required bandwidth of the controller
is calculated according to system parameters. Also, the derivative of the reference current is
eliminated to solve the problems associated with practical implementation of the converter.
Finally, a shunt active filter has been used for removing the current harmonic components
generated by non-linear loads. Proposed method is simple to perform and reliable, and also
has been simulated in MATLAB software environment.
Keywords: Harmonic Spectrum, Hysteresis Bandwidth, Optimized Hysteresis Bandwidth,
Simplified Hysteresis Bandwidth, Shunt Active Filter.
1 Introduction1
Because of power electronics development in recent
years, use of nonlinear loads in electric distribution
network has increased significantly. Often, these types
of loads consist of diode or transistor rectifier and are
used vastly in speed controller of DC and AC motors,
uninterruptible power supply, battery charger and else.
In fact these types of loads use energy but at the price of
harmonic current generation (These loads consume
energy at expense of harmonic generation) [1, 2].
Current harmonics existence in distribution power
network causes voltage waveform distortion at the Point
of Common Coupling (PCC). Power quality distortion
especially the voltage and current harmonic cause
increase in losses of lines, decrease in power factor and
resonance creation in power system. Also,
instrumentation systems, and communication and
control equipments are possibly affected by ElectroMagnetic Interference (EMI) of high frequency
harmonics [3]. For this reason, quality has high
Iranian Journal of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, 2015.
Paper first received 08 Mar. 2015 and in revised form 14 Apr. 2015.
* The Authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering,
Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran.
E-mails: [email protected] and [email protected].
importance with regard to the energy generation and
In conventional power systems, LC passive filters,
because of their high efficiency and relatively low cost,
are used to remove network current harmonics and also
power factor correction.
However, network impedance has major effect on
operation procedure and also, there is a possibility of
series and shunt resonance with load and power supply
when using these filters. To overcome these problems
using shunt Active Power Filters (APF) has been
discussed and in recent years many researchers have
investigated aforementioned subject [4-8].
Shunt Active Power Filters (APF) consists of one
Voltage Source Inverter (VSI). Although it is common
to use the voltage control or current control or both of
them to control inverters but, usually, use of current
control is preferred to other controlling methods to
control shunt Active Power Filters (APF) because this
filter is used for load current harmonic correction. There
are three common methods to control current of a
voltage source inverter in shunt active power filters as
follows [9-12]:
1-Linear current control
2-Digital current control
3-Hysteresis current control
Iranian Journal of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 3, Sep. 2015
[ DOI: 10.22068/IJEEE.11.3.276 ]
Downloaded from at 11:39 IRDT on Monday May 15th 2017
Hysteresiis current coontrol methodd is vastly used
because of simplicity
in implementatioon. In additiion,
use of hysteresis current control methood has increaased
because its control loop current respoonse is desiraable
and also systtem parameteer changing dooes not affectt its
response [13].
Unfortunnately, nowaadays, variaable switchhing
frequency annd its change in
i a certain innterval have been
known as asppects of hysterresis current control
Change in inverter switching frrequency cauuses
decrease in longevity
of semiconductoors switches, and
noise and low
w order harmoonic generatioon.
Use of paassive heavy filters
in inverrter output andd/or
increase in switching
freqquency can prrevent low orrder
harmonic injjection to neetwork but it is obvious that
these filters are very exppensive and also increasee in
switching frrequency cann increase invverter switchhing
To overccome these prroblems manyy research pappers
have been presented [114-17]. Tentti and Malissani
proposed hysteresis
currrent controll method with
schedulable width using Phase Lockked Loop (PL
[14], but usse of PLL with
passive big
b filter cauuses
instability prroblems. In addition to lonng time transiient
states, it is possible
that PLL becomees instable. Bose
calculated hyysteresis widthh to fix switchhing frequencyy in
induction motors
[15]. Although, in this methhod
previous prroblems weere solved, but calculaated
hysteresis wiidth is not acccurate enoughh and also neeeds
relatively lonng time for caalculation. Theerefore, it cannnot
be used in reeal time appliccations.
Bandwidtth was calcculated in papers [16, 17],
exactly. Unnfortunately, reference current
appears in these equattions [18]. Although,
equations haave been veriffied with impplementation and
also simulatiion studies, but
b it is obvious that usee of
differentiatorr in electronnic circuit caauses noise and
instability problems. For
this reeason, use of
differentiatorr in indusstrial appliccations is not
In this paper,
a new method for hysteresis wiidth
calculation iss proposed. Inn this method,, hysteresis wiidth
equation is simplified so that
use of diffferentiator is not
necessary. Inn practice, rem
moving differeentiator improoves
application and simplifiees hysteresis current conntrol
method in shhunt active filtters.
To provee the accuracyy of proposedd method, acttive
shunt filter (cascade)
- which
is discuussed in the next
section - hass been simulaated with MA
2 Shunt Acctive Filters
Main part of shunt actiive filters, shoown in Fig. 1, is a
voltage sourrce inverter that
is conneccted to DC side
capacitor. Cuurrent harmonnic compensattion is perform
with harmonnic componennt injection by shunt acttive
filter at the Point of Coommon Coupling (PCC), and
therefore, neetwork harmonnic componennt is removedd. In
this way, poweer quality in aforemention
ned system iss
In a shuntt active filteer to achiev
ve harmonicc
staandards, power switches woork in range off kHz; for thiss
reaason switchingg losses play vital role in shunt filters..
ounded rating of power sem
miconductors (100 A< I <
00 A) and higgh level of sw
witching lossees have led too
usee of shunt acctive filter inn cascade con
nfiguration too
inccrease maximuum system ouutput power [19].
Use of twoo shunt filters improves compensation
ocedure significantly. In ssuch system, each inverterr
orks in a diffeerent switchinng frequency. In this case,,
thee inverter neaar to the load works in low
wer switchingg
freequency and has to compensate reactiv
ve power forr
Several methhods have beeen proposed to detect thee
currrent harmonnic componennts which mo
ost importantt
onees are categorrized as follow
Fast furrier traansform.
2-IInstantaneous reactive poweer theory.
Synchronous reference
axiss theory.
In this paperr, inverters refference signalls of filter aree
callculated by use of instantanneous reactive power theoryy
[3]]. Based on ussed reference signals, shun
nt active filterr
is able to com
mpensate reacctive power, remove loadd
currrent harmoniic and balancce network. In
n this methodd
insstantaneous coomponents off power p(t) and q(t) aree
useed to calcuulate referencce signal. Instantaneouss
mponents of active
power pp(t) and reactiive power q(t))
aree defined as foollows:
p(t ) = Vα (t ).iα (t ) + Vβ (t ).i β (t )
q(t ) = Vα (t ).iβ (t ) − Vβ (t ).iα (t )
hich, in abovee equations p(tt) and q(t) incclude DC andd
C componentss. DC compoonents are rellated to mainn
mponents of active
and reaactive powers and also AC
mponents are related to harrmonic compo
With regardd to compenssating main component
acttive power by
b inverter ((1) and curreent harmonicc
mponent by innverter (2), innverter side cu
urrents can bee
pressed as:
g. 1 Shunt Activve Power Filterrs (APF).
Heidarzad Moghaddam
& Salimi: Appllicability Imprrovement and Hysteresis Cuurrent Control Method …
[ DOI: 10.22068/IJEEE.11.3.276 ]
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Fig. 2 Source of reference cuurrent.
⎡ ia1 ⎤
⎢ ib ⎥ =
⎢ 1⎥
⎢⎣ ic1 ⎥⎦
2 ⎢ −1
3 ⎢ 2
⎢ −1
⎣ 2
⎡ ia 2 ⎤
⎢ ib ⎥ =
⎢ 2⎥
⎣⎢ ic 2 ⎦⎥
2 ⎢ −1
3 ⎢ 2
⎢ −1
⎣ 2
3 ⎥.
2 ⎥ (V 2 + V 2 )
⎥ α
3 ⎥
Vβ ⎤ ⎡ 0 ⎤
⎡ α
− Vα ⎦⎥ ⎢⎣ q (t ) ⎥⎦
g. 3 Current control
loop inn conventionall active powerr
filters (a), Single phase
half bridgge grid connected inverter (b).
3 ⎥.
2 ⎥ (V 2 + V 2 )
⎥ α
3 ⎥
V β ⎤ ⎡ p (t ) ⎤
⎡ α
− Vα ⎦⎥ ⎢⎣ q (t ) ⎥⎦
where, in above
equatioons q (t ) is DC componnent
related to reaactive power, ~p ( t ) and q~ (t ) are harmoonic
components of active annd reactive poowers. In Figg. 2
block diagram
m of referencce signal geneerator for inveerter
(1) and (2) arre shown.
o Improved Hysteresis Current
3 Control of
If inverteer null point coonnected, conntrol of hysteresis
current uses three similar controllers
per phase. One arm
of inverter annd its related controller are shown in Figg. 3.
When line current is grreater (lower)) than refereence
current deterrmined with hysteresis width,
inverterr is
switched so that current is
i decreased and
a remains in
i a
fixed range continuously
g. 4 Voltage and current inn hysteresis current
To exactly analyze thhis, consider inverter A
nnected to nettwork, which is shown in Fig. 3.
Fig. 4 showss the voltage and current waveforms
hyssteresis current control method. When
currrent gets to the lower boound of referrence current,,
witch A is tuurned on to increase currrent. Currentt
inccrement whichh is shown in the figure as Ia causes thee
currrent to get to the upper bouund and switcch A is turnedd
on at this instannt. By ignoringg reactor resisstance, below
uations in tim
me interval bbetween t1 an
nd t2 can bee
written as follow
Irranian Journaal of Electrical & Electronicc Engineeringg, Vol. 11, No. 3, Sep. 2015
[ DOI: 10.22068/IJEEE.11.3.276 ]
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It is assumed that, Vc1 = Vc2 = VDC/2.
di +
1 ⎛ VDC
− Va ⎟
(Vc1 − Va ) =
A+ is on : a =
La ⎜⎝ 2
1 ⎛V
= − (Vc 2 + Va ) = − ⎜ DC + Va ⎟
La ⎝ 2
From geometric design of Fig. 4 and considering
that reference current during switching time intervals is
almost linear, below equations can be written:
A− is on :
d + *
(i a − i a ).t1 = 2δ
d − *
(ia − ia ).t 2 = −2δ
t1 + t 2 = Ts =
where, in above equations index δ is hysteresis width
and index fs is switching frequency.
By summing Eqs. (7) and (8) and substituting in
Eqs. (5), (6) and (9), we have Eq. (10):
t 2 − t1 =
di a* ⎤
2 La ⎡ 1
dt ⎦
(V DC . f s ) ⎣ L a
By subtracting Eqs. (7) and (8) and substituting in
Eqs. (5), (6) and (9), we have Eq. (11):
4δ −
t 2 − t1 =
2 fs La
di a*
By use of Eqs. (10) and (11), hysteresis width can be
written for phase A as below Eq. (12):
V DC ⎡ 4 L2a ⎛ Va dia* ⎞ ⎤
⎢1 − 2 ⎜
8 f s La ⎢ V DC
La dt ⎟⎠ ⎥
In applications related to shunt active filters,
reference current can be considered as sum of reactive
current components. So if Va=Vmsin(wt), references
currents can be written as below Eqs. (13), (14) and
ia* = iq* + ih*
iq* = I q Cos wt
ih* = I hs 2 Sin(2wt ) + I hc 2 Cos(2wt) + I hc3Cos(3wt ) + ...
To compensate high frequency harmonic
components, it is clear that switching frequency of
harmonic compensator (APF2) should be greater than
switching frequency of reactive compensator (APF1).
Considering the fact that increase in switching
frequency leads to decrease in maximum output power
of inverter, cascade compensation is vastly used in
practical applications. In this system which is shown in
Fig. 5, the task of filter (1) is reactive current
component compensation and its switching frequency is
1 kHz approximately.
Fig. 5 Shunt filter (cascade).
In practice, low switching frequency in inverter
leads to higher output power. The task of filter (2) which is a high frequency inverter- is harmonic
component compensation and it works around 10 kHz.
It is obvious that because inverter (2) operates in high
frequency, its output power is much less than maximum
output power of inverter (1).
Recent equations show that switching frequency of
inverter (necessary time for current increase or
decrease) is a function of DC capacitor, coupling
reactor, network voltage and hysteresis width. Since DC
side voltage and coupling reactor are almost constant, it
is evident that by changing voltage of network during
one cycle, in hysteresis current control with fixed width,
switching frequency cannot be constant.
In other words, considering change in network
voltage, hysteresis width should be modified so that
inverter switching frequency remains constant. This
means that in hysteresis current control method with
constant frequency, hysteresis width cannot be constant.
Reactive and harmonic component separation will
improve system’s general operation significantly.
Equations (3) and (6) show that output current rises and
fall times depend on coupling reactor. With regard to
relatively fast change of current in filters (1) and (2), to
create current controllability in hysteresis method, the
inductance value of coupling reactor should be selected
relatively small. From Eqs. (5) and (6), it can be
concluded that decrease in the value of coupling reactor
leads to increase in slop of reactor current changing.
Usually, the inductance value of coupling reactor is
selected about 100 µΗ in practical applications.
In cascade compensation, Eq. (12) can be written for
inverters (1) and (2) as below Eqs. (16) and (17).
δ1 =
VDC ⎡ 4 L2a
⎢1 − 2
8 f s La ⎢ VDC
⎛ Va
⎜⎜ − I q sin wt ⎟⎟
⎝ La
V DC ⎢ 4 La
δ2 =
⎢1 − 2
8 f s La ⎢ V DC
⎛ Va
+ 2 I hs 2 w cos( 2 wt ) − ⎟
⎜ a
⎜ 2 I w sin( 2 wt ) + ...
⎝ hc 2
Heidarzad Moghaddam & Salimi: Applicability Improvement and Hysteresis Current Control Method …
⎥ (17)
[ DOI: 10.22068/IJEEE.11.3.276 ]
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It is clear that due to different switching in inverter
I hs 2 , I hc 2 , I hs 3 , I hc 3 , ... << I q
In this system because of very small value of La,
both value of di q
and di h
compared to va/La can
be ignored (in applications related to shunt active filters
and use of cascade configuration). For this reason,
hysteresis width in applications related to shunt active
filters can be simplified as below Eqs. (19) and (20):
δ =
4 L2
V DC ⎡
⎢1 − 2 a
8 f s La ⎢
⎛ Va
⎝ La
⎡ 4V 2 ⎤
δ = DC ⎢1 − 2a ⎥
8 f s L a ⎣ V DC ⎦
Equation (20) show that hysteresis width changes
according to change in Va until the frequency is fixed. In
new method, calculation of hysteresis width has been
expressed based on (20); Hysteresis width is regulated
according to Va changing so that low frequency
distortion of Va is optimized in output current
4 Simulated System
New proposed method for hysteresis width
calculation is simulated in this section. Main part of
system is two voltage source inverters with IGBT
switches which are directly connected to network by
coupling reactors. Neutral point of network is connected
to midpoint of inverters’ DC link so zero sequence
power can be transferred between network and inverter.
A Three phase rectifier with one RL load was used to
implement a nonlinear load.
Switching frequency of inverter (1) was 1 kHz
approximately, and it has the task of compensating the
main component of load reactive power. Current
harmonic components of load are compensated by
inverter (2) and its switching frequency is 10 kHz
The controller of inverter DC link is shown in Fig. 6.
It can be seen that this controller is implemented by a
simple PI. In this system, first voltage of DC link is
compared to reference value.
Fig. 6 DC link controller.
Fig. 7 DC link stabilizer (a), PI controller (b).
Fig. 8 Final generated reference current in filter (1).
Based on generated error value, PI controller
calculates necessary active power so that DC voltage
link is bounded in a fixed value under switching losses
and steady state losses of circuit switches. To improve
optimal operation of system, reference voltage level of
DC link capacitors is selected 800 volt.
Although, DC link controller can fix total voltage of
DC side, but after a few cycles, the voltages of
capacitors C1 and C2 relative to each other are severely
unbalanced. To balance the voltage of capacitors C1 and
C2, PI controller is used as shown in Fig. 7(b). This
controller based on voltage unbalance level of two
capacitors, adds security component to three phase
reference currents which is shown in Fig. 8. The final
generated reference current is applied to hysteresis
current controller which its width is calculated by Eq.
(20). In this equation, it is assumed that the values of
VDC, L and fs are constant. In this equation because only
network voltage is variable, necessary circuit to
implement the hysteresis width controller will be very
simple. Simulation parameters have been shown in
Table 1.
Iranian Journal of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 3, Sep. 2015
[ DOI: 10.22068/IJEEE.11.3.276 ]
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Table 1 The innformation of simulation
DC linkk capacitors (c1,c
, 2)
Couplinng inductors (La, Lb, Lc)
mental frequencyy
DC linkk voltage reference
DC linkk voltage controoller KP
DC linkk voltage controoller KI
DC linkk voltage balanccer KP
DC linkk voltage balanccer KP
1000 μf
1000 μH
50 Hz
800 V
preevious sectionn has been simulated wiith Simulink//
ATLAB. Fig. 9 which show
ws this controlller’s outputs,,
is the changing procedure off hysteresis width
of filterr
(1)) and (2) in phhase A. outpuut currents of filters
(1) andd
(2)) have been shhown in Fig. 10. To verify
y the accuracyy
of (20), frequenncy spectrum
m of filters’ output
witth two fixed hysteresis w
width method and methodd
bassed on (20) have
been deppicted in Fig. 11. A singlee
phaase full bridge rectifier witth resistive- in
nductive loadd
is considered ass the nonlineear load. Its resistor
is 400
m and inductoor is 0.01 H.
In hysteresis current contrrol with fixed width, outputt
currrent includess a large am
mount of ripp
ple and moree
portant thann it, its haarmonic com
mponents aree
disstributed in a large area which in prractice makess
filttering difficullt. In method based on (20), it is shownn
thaat harmonic coomponents offten concentraate around thee
integer productss of one frequeency.
Fig. 9 Hystereesis width changge in filters (1) and (2).
g. 11 Output cuurrent frequenccy spectrum off filters (1) andd
(2). Conventionall method withh fixed width A-2 and B-2,,
oposed new metthod A-1 and B
Fig. 10 Outpuut current of filteers (1) and (2).
5 Simulation Results
To analyyze operation of new proposed method for
calculating hysteresis
banndwidth, desccribed system
m in
g. 12 Controllerr response and D
DC side stabilizzer.
Heidarzad Moghaddam
& Salimi: Appllicability Imprrovement and Hysteresis Cuurrent Control Method …
[ DOI: 10.22068/IJEEE.11.3.276 ]
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Fig. 13 Generaal performance of shunt activee filters.
Fig. 14 dynam
mic response of the proposed coontrol system.
In Fig. 14
1 the dynam
mic response of the propoosed
control systeem is illustrateed. In this figgure, initial vaalue
of the load current is asssumed to bee zero. Then, at
t = 0.04 s a nonlinear
loadd is connectedd to the system
m. It
is clear that in
i spite of steep variation off the load currrent
from zero too nominal value, the propoosed controlleer is
completely stable with verry fast dynamiic response.
6 Conclusiion
In this paaper, hysteressis current conntrol strategy for
use in shuntt active filterss is simplifiedd and optimizzed.
New proposed method is simple and has bellow
advantages inn practical appplications:
1-There are
a no noise annd instability problems in new
proposed method
due to removingg the derivattive
2-New prroposed methhod is simple and practicaal to
implement because most parameters
in hysteresis wiidth
equation cann be assumed constant.
As can be seen in new
w proposed method,
frequency was
fixed annd harmonic components of
output current are improvved as compared to classical
meethod (constannt bandwidthh).Because off this reason,,
theere is a posssibility for uuse of this method
as ann
proach with high
efficiencyy and also sim
mple to controll
thee current of shunt active fi
filters. Proposed method inn
this paper can bee used for inddustrial applicaation and alsoo
in shunt active filters
with casscade connecttion.
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Haleh Heidarzad Moghaddam was
born in Astara, Iran, in 1989. She
received the B.Sc. degree in electrical
engineering from the Islamic Azad
University (IAU) of Lahijan, Lahijan,
Iran, in 2012 and, and the M.Sc. degree
in power engineering from the Islamic
Azad University (IAU) (Science and
Research Branch) of Ardabil, Ardabil,
Iran, in 2015.
Mahdi Salimi was born in Ardabil,
Iran, in 1979. He received the B.Sc. and
M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering
from K.N.T University of Technology,
Tehran, Iran, in 2000 and 2002,
respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in
power electronics from the Islamic
Azad University (IAU) (Science and
Research Branch), Iran, in 2012. Since
2003, he has been with IAU, where he is currently an
Assistant Professor with the Department of Electrical
Engineering. His research interests include power electronics,
control engineering, and renewable energy.
Heidarzad Moghaddam & Salimi: Applicability Improvement and Hysteresis Current Control Method …