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The Third Reich
By Ty & Bud
Who was in charge of the concentration camps during World
War II?
Who was Hitler’s personal aid?
Who was the highest ranking Nazi official?
Who commanded the German navy?
What happened to people of the third Reich after the war?
Why did Hitler require the third Reich?
Works Cited
Who was in charge of the concentration camps during World
War II?
Heinrich Himmler
Said to be one of the most important people under the
Third Reich. In 1929, he was appointed leader of the
Schutzstaffel (SS) and was in charge of keeping the
concentration camps running. He organized the mass
murder of Jews. He increased the size of the SS to about
52,000 members. He kept the slave trains organized and
running all over Europe. He then created the “Death’s
Head” SS which were Hitler’s’ personal bodyguards
and the Deaths Head were in charge of the
concentration camps.
Then Himmler was put in charge of the German military facing the US Then was
switched to Fighting the Red Army (Russians). However, unable to hold off the
advancing allies, Himmler decided he needed to speak to the allies about making
peace. On April 28th 1944, Hitler found out about Himmler’s plot of peace and
ordered his arrest. Himmler ran and took on a disguise as a village policeman in
England. He was found by a British officer and before they could interrogate
him, He swallowed a committed suicide by swallowing a cyanide capsule and
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Who was Hitler’s personal aid?
Born in 1894 in Alexandria, Egypt;
Rudolf Hess Hitler’ personal aid to
be. During the First World War is
when he got evolved in war he
enrolled into the German military.
In 1917, he got promoted to
Lieutenant and started flying for the
fighter squadron 35. November 9,
1923 he teamed up along side
Hitler and they tried to take over
the Bavarian government. Having
failed him and Hitler were
imprisoned in Landsberg. In the
year of 1933 when the Nazis came
to power, Hess was promoted to
Minister and he became one of the
members of Hitler’s cabinet. He
became Hitler’s so called deputy or bodyguard. After being by Hitler’s
side for about a year, he took a solo plane ride to Scotland. Almost
immediately after arriving he was taking a prisoner of war by the
British military. After being imprisoned he was in prison until the end
of the war. After the war he was in the Nuremberg trials and then was
in prison in Berlin. He died by committing suicide in 1987. He went
from being in the war fighting on the front line to being beside Hitler in
most of his speeches.
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Who was the highest ranking Nazi official?
Hermann goring was a very decorated
fighter pilot during World War I. He joined the
Nazi partying 1923 after hearing a speech from
Hitler, and was able to get into the high ranks of
Nazi power. In 1933 when Hitler became chancellor
of Germany, Goring was chosen to be the
commander in chief of the Luftwaffe (Nazi Air
Force) and second command under Hitler. Also he
was the director of the Nazi four year economic
plan. Goering was the first person to send police
force to take care of the “Jewish Question”. As the
Nuremburg trails commenced, Goring was the highest ranking official tried at
the trials on accounts of (crimes against peace, war crimes, crimes against
humanity, and conspiracy to commit crimes). He was sentenced to death and the
night before his execution, He committed suicide.
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What happened to people of the third Reich after the war?
After the war some members of the Third Reich were sent to the
Nuremburg trials and sat in front of some allied judges. About twenty
two high official Nazis were sent to these trials all being tried for
murder and other crimes that took place during world war one and
two. Out of those twenty two Nazis some were in the third Reich such
as Rudolf Hess and Herman Goring were tow in the Third Reich.
Twelve of Nazis were hung after being sentenced. Goring was
sentenced to be hung but he committed suicide the night before
leaving a suicide note saying: "I would have no objection to getting
shot," then he goes on to say that being hung was not appropriate for
a ma of such high rank. Hess was sentenced to life in prison and served
several amount of years before he committed suicide at the age of 93.
So even though some people were of such high rank they still were
caught and sent to trials.
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Why did Hitler require the third Reich?
The Third Reich was another name
for the Nazi State. After World War I, the
Nazi regime fell and was forgotten until
in 1933 when Hitler was elected
chancellor, he brought back the Nazi
power with his great speeches and
marches he was so decorated in. Then he
elected. Hitler elected leaders to help run.
For his first goal he got the education, the
laws, and the economy all under Nazi
control. Mostly, they used extensive propaganda to lure the public into their
appeal. Upon the death of the German president in 1934, Hitler took over his seat
and had all of the Third Reich swear loyalty to him. Hitler then created the
Fuehrer which was the name of the leaders of the head of the Nazi State. Then he
created the SS which were his personal body guards. The Third Reich got more
diverse as it progressed into more branches of leadership to have the ultimate
goal of making the world live by the Nazi Rule. Hitler depended on the Third
Reich to deliver his message and help go through with his plans.
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Who commanded the German navy?
The First commander in chief of the German navy was Erich
Raeder. After retiring and sentenced to prison for life, their had to be a
new chief of the Navy. That would be Karl Doenitz. Karl was the leader
of the German u- boats that were used to be sneaky and blow up
allied ships from under the water. U- Boats were the Germans main
Sea weapon that killed thousands of allied troops. After the war Karl
was sent to the Nuremburg Trials and served a ten year sentence
before dying in 1981. Doenitz said: "Politicians brought the Nazis to
power and started the war. They are the ones who brought about
these disgusting crimes, and now we have to sit there in the dock with
them and share the blame!" (5/27/46)
Defendants Karl Doenitz (left), Erich Raeder
(center), and Baldur von Schirach under guard in the defendants' dock
at Nuremberg.
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Works Cited
"Louis Bülow." The Holocaust: Rudolf Hess Hitler's Deputy.
2007. 8 November, 2007\
Defendant Rudolf Hess in his prison cell. November 24, 1945. National Archives and
RecordsAssociation. October 25, 2007. November 8,
Adolf Hitler, Wilhelm Frick, and Hermann Goering wave to a torchlight parade in honor
of Hitler's appointment as chancellor. Behind Goering stands Rudolf Hess. United
States Holocaust Memorial Museum. January 30, 1933.
November 8, 2007
Nuremburg Trials. University of Missouri- Kansas City School of Law.
November 8, 2007
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. October 25, 2007. United States Holocaust
Memorial Museum. November 8, 2007.
Defendants Karl Doenitz (left), Erich Raeder (center), and Baldur von
Schirach under guard in the defendants' dock at Nuremberg. Harry S. Truman
Library. October 25, 2007. November 8, 2007
“Heinrich Himmler” Oct 25, 2007.USHMM. Nov7, 2007
“Hermann Goring” Oct 25,2007. USHMM. Nov 7, 2007
“Third Reich Overview” Oct25, 2007.USHMM Nov7, 2007
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