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International Congress on Esoteric Astrology – Århus
28-29 June 2008 Arr: Holger Stavnsbjerg
”Spiritual Astrology, Kabbalistic Cycles & the Tree of Life”
v/Derek Seagrief
The Kabbalistic Tree of Life is a Tree of Light, and blends
well with the doctrine of Spiritual Astrology as the Science
of Light & Energy Relationships.
The different Worlds on the Tree start with the Upper
Triad of Spirit, also known as the Triad of Destiny, composed
of the Spheres 2-3-6 (Chockmah-Binah-Tiphareth).
Translated into astrological terms this becomes the
relationship between Uranus-Saturn-Sun, with the
mysterious invisible 11th.Sphere, Daath, linked with Pluto at
its center.
The next Triad is that of the Soul Triangle, revealed in the
interplay between Spheres 4-5-6 (Chesed-GeburahTiphareth) or the Love-Will polarity on the Tree. The planets
governing this Triad are Jupiter-Mars-Sun.
The third Triad of the Ego, connected with Spheres 7-8-910 (Netzach-Hod-Yesod-Malkuth) brings together our feeling
life (7), Venus, our mental body (8), Mercury and physical
body (10), the Earth, with Sphere 9 –Yesod, governed by the
Moon, dominating the center of the Ego Triad.
These three Triangles also involve a series of Pathways that
reveal a wonderful formula for integration between EgoSoul-Spirit. Many examples of individuals & their horoscopes will be used to illustrate these Kabbalistic themes.
Derek has been working daily with the disciplines of
Spiritual Astrology, Kabbalah, Tarot & Psychosynthesis for
almost 30 years. This lecture is a practical & creative
working synthesis of how these teachings can be applied to
the modern Seeker. Come and be inspired by a fresh
approach to the Eternal Mystery Traditions.
Leader of “The School of Living Kabbalah”
Email: [email protected]