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Lesson Check Four
File name: 8ss4
Marks: /40 marks
Section A: Multiple Choice - ______/10 marks
Section B: True and False - _______/10 marks
Section C: Definitions - _______/5 marks
Section D: Short Answer - _______/15 marks
ASSIGNMENT TOTAL: _______/40 marks
Section A - Multiple Choice (10 marks)
Read each of the following questions below and then choose the BEST answer by
highlighting your choice. Each question is worth one mark.
1. Which of the following statements is the best definition of Humanism?
A philosophy that encourages the ancient and classical subjects.
A philosophy that outlaws progress of any kind.
A philosophy that admires how people have established hierarchies in society.
A philosophy that focuses on humans and their values, interests, and welfare.
2. Michelangelo’s best known sculpture, which was a good example of Humanist
ideals, was the sculpture by this name.
3. The ideas handed down by the Greek and Roman civilizations were referred to as
____________ thinking, while the developing ideals in the 1400s and 1500s were
known as ___________ or ___________ thinking.
Humanist / Renaissance / classical
classical/ Renaissance / Humanist
ancient / medieval / modern
modern / medieval / ancient
4. Why are The Code for a Long Life and Wisdom and the Ten Commandments
Both are primary codes of values that provide guidelines for people’s personal
One code comes from the First Nations, while the other comes from Christian and
Judaic faiths.
Both codes of conduct and conscience are very strictly followed within the
Islamic faith.
Both codes are Humanistic, with absolutely no focus or attention paid to religious
5. What is the main difference between classical thinking and the Humanist
Humanist thinking focuses on religious references, whereas classicism focuses on
the individual.
Humanist thinking was only a passing phase, whereas classicism has remained
until today.
Classical thinking was only a passing phase, whereas Humanism has remained
until today.
Classical thinking focuses on religious references, whereas Humanism focuses on
the individual.
6. Which of the statements below is the best example of Humanism?
Political and religious influences are equally important.
Classical times were far superior to the medieval age.
People can achieve great thinking through learning.
The common good is not something individuals should consider.
7. Which of these actions is an example of acting on behalf of the common good?
buying a new pair of summer sandals
voting in the provincial election
completing all your homework assignments
reading a popular sports magazine
8. What did Civic Humanists believe?
That everyone in society deserved equal rights in the eyes of the law.
That responsible citizen should become literate and educate themselves.
Those academic subjects such as mathematics are more important than the arts.
Renaissance thinking was old-fashioned, too traditional, and outdated.
9. Which of the following groups of people would most likely have been
Renaissance Humanists and thinkers?
architects, artists, and teachers
kings, nobles, and lords
priests, monks, and Popes
queens, nuns, and noblewomen
10. What happened in a humanist education?
Students study one-on-one with assigned tutors rather than in a classroom.
Teachers educate the ‘whole child’ rather than focusing only on the traditional
Literacy was not encouraged because there were not enough textbooks for all the
Most young people trained to become part of both the aristocratic and religious
Section B - True and False (10 marks)
Read each of the ten statements. If the statement is true, place T in the space. If it is
false, place an F in the space and then rewrite the statement to make it true. Each
question is worth one mark. An example has been given to help you get started.
The Medici family was so well-loved and admired in Florence that,
surprisingly, they had no enemies.
This statement is false because the Medici did have their critics in
society and they did have enemies.
1. Leonardo da Vinci is best known for his Renaissance sculpture, David,
which was a good example of Humanist ideals.
2. In the Anishinabe society, there was a spiritual group, known as the
Midewewin that created the Code for Long Life and Wisdom.
3. Many classical ideas taken from the Greek and Roman civilizations were
modified and presented to society using different perspectives. In essence,
these ideas were ‘reborn’ during the Renaissance.
4. Humanism and the Renaissance encouraged people to be skilled in many areas. For
example, a man was encouraged to know how to read, speak well in public, ride a horse,
identify the stars in the sky by name, and speak a foreign language.
5. The individual was not the primary focus of Humanism.
6. A good modern example of acting in the interests of the common good
would be to buy yourself a new MP3 player.
7. During the Renaissance, people witnessed the positive changes in society
that were brought about by thinkers and philosophers who shared their theories
and thoughts.
8. Education today reflects the Humanist ideal of trying to educate the ‘whole
child,’ meaning the mind, body, and soul of the person, not just the mind.
9. To support the various forms of the arts during the Renaissance, many wealthy rulers
and nobles acted as patrons, who sponsored various artists in their endeavors.
10. The idea of having patrons is an outdated concept. Today, governments
support the arts. There are no longer individuals acting patrons for
the arts.
Section C - Definitions (5 marks)
Using your own words, write definitions for the given terms and phrases in the space
provided. Each definition will be worth one mark. An example has been given to help
you get started.
clergy – people ordained to perform religious services for their communities
1. consensus - <
2. rhetoric - <
3. aqueducts - <
4. civic - <
5. democracy - <
Section D - Short Answer (15 marks)
Answer the questions below USING COMPLETE SENTENCES (otherwise marks will
be deducted). The value for each is in the brackets at the end of the question.
What does it mean when we refer to someone as being a “Renaissance
man” or a “Renaissance woman?” (1 mark)
2. Humanists believed that one individual could do much to benefit society
for everyone (the common good). Do you agree or disagree with that
idea? Provide one reason or example to support your opinion. (2 marks)
3. In Workbook Four, you compared the Code for Long Life and Wisdom
to the Ten Commandments. Explain one similarity and one difference
between these two codes of value. (2 marks)
4. Even today, many people believe that more citizens should do more for
the common good or collective benefit of society. Explain three things
that an individual today could do to support the common good or the
collective benefit of society. (3 marks)
Explain why Humanist thinkers promoted literacy and wanted as many
people as possible to learn to read and write? (1 mark)
Define ‘philosopher.’(1 mark)
7. Read each of the following four statements in the left-hand column. If the
statement is an example of classical thinking, write the words ‘classical
thinking’ in the right hand column next to that statement. If the statement
is an example of Humanist thinking, write the words ‘Humanist
thinking’ in the right hand column next to that statement. An example has
been given to help you get started. (4 marks)
Type of thinking
Example: The earth, not the sun, is
the center of the universe.
Classical thinking
It is important for people to have a
curious, open, and questioning mind.
A belief in God or a creator is allimportant. Nothing else in life is
People should strive to discover the
truths of life for themselves by using
their powers of reason.
Being a responsible citizen means
educating yourself.
9. Why did Humanist thinking discourage people from ‘wasting their time?’
(1 mark)