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Metamorphic Rocks
Chapter 5
• Metamorphic rocks are rocks that have been
altered due to heat, pressure and/or chemical
• The original rock is called the parent rock
• The metamorphosed rock is known as the
daughter rock
Parent Rock Example
Daughter Rock Example
(May be igneous, sedimentary or
(Metamorphic rock)
Sandstone (Sedimentary)
Limestone (Sedimentary)
Granite (Igneous)
Metamorphic Rocks
• During alteration, rocks are re-crystallized
and new minerals may form from old
• Layering, or foliation,
within metamorphic rocks
appears when rocks
experience pressure in one
• Minerals align themselves
perpendicularly to the
direction of pressure
• Not all metamorphic rocks display foliation
Metamorphic Rocks
• There are two types of metamorphism:
– Regional
– Contact
• Regional metamorphism is widespread and
occurs during mountain-building events.
• Rocks in this area experience high heat and
high pressure.
Metamorphic Rocks
• Contact metamorphism affects rocks in
contact with liquid magma. These rocks
experience high heat but low pressure
Rocks & Minerals