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4.3 – Triangle Congruence by
By Andy Neale
What are ASA and AAS?
• ASA and AAS are both ways to prove that
two triangles are equal.
• ASA stands for Angle-Side-Angle.
• AAS stands for Angle-Angle-Side.
ASA Postulate
This means that if, in a triangle, the measures of an angle,
a segment that is adjacent to that angle, and the other
angle adjacent to that segment are congruent to those
corresponding angles and sides of another triangle, then
the two triangles are congruent. This always has to be in
the order of angle, then side, then angle.
ASA in a picture
Triangle ABC is
congruent to triangle
A’B’C’ by ASA.
Angle A is congruent
to angle A’, segment
AC is congruent to
segment A’C’, and
angle C is congruent
to angle C’.
Can you use ASA?
Using what we have learned already about
congruent angles, there is a way to prove that
triangle NML is congruent to triangle NPO.
Solution to the example
• Angle MNL is congruent to angle PNO because vertical angles are
• Segment NM is congruent to segment NP (this is given).
• Angle M is congruent to angle P (this is also given).
• Therefore, triangle NML is congruent to triangle NPO by the ASA
AAS Theorem
This means that if, in a triangle, the measures of an angle,
another angle, and the segment adjacent to that angle
(but not between the two angles) are congruent to
those corresponding angles and sides of another
triangle, then the two triangles are congruent. This
always has to be in the order of angle, then angle, then
AAS in a picture
Triangle ABC is
congruent to triangle
A’B’C’ by AAS.
Angle B is congruent
to angle B’, angle A
is congruent to
angle A’, and
segment AC is
congruent to
segment A’C’.
Can you use AAS?
Using what we have learned already about
congruent angles, there is a way to prove that
triangle SRP is congruent to triangle QRP.
Solution to the example
• Angle S is congruent to angle Q (this is given).
• Angle SRP is congruent to angle QRP, because of the definition of
an angle bisector.
• Segment RP is congruent to segment RP by the reflexive property of
• Therefore, triangle SRP is congruent to triangle QRP by AAS.
You should now understand the ASA
postulate and the AAS theorem, what they
mean, and how they work.
Hopefully this helps for anybody who needs
it to study.