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Date: ______________ Hour:________________
Causes of the War from Chapter 16:
1. The Missouri Compromise admitted California to the Union as a free state but contained many compromises
with slavery for other areas to keep the South happy and not fearful.
2. The Kansas Nebraska Act broke the Missouri Compromises solution to slavery in Louisiana Territory of no slaves
north of the 36,30 line by allowing Popular Sovereignty or allowing the people of those territories to vote.
3. The Dred Scot Case made many abolitionist furious and caused John Brown to turn Bleeding Kansas more red
with blood from the Slave Supporters he killed.
4. John Brown’s Raid on Harper’s Ferry turns John Brown into a martyr for the cause of abolition of slavery.
5. The Election of Lincoln in 1860 was final straw that breaks the camel’s back that causes the South to secede.
6. List the States that Secede from the Union:
7. The firing on Ft. Sumter in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina and Lincoln mobilizing troops caused the last four
states of Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee to secede.
Turning Points of the Civil War
8. The Battle of
showed The Union that The Confederacy would not easily be beat
and that this war was going to be a lot bloodier than anyone had imagined.
9. Battle of Antietam was the
day of the war and it gave President Lincoln the
public relation’s ability to sign the ____________________ _____________________ which freed all slaves in
the South.
10. Lee’s failure to win this three day battle in Pennsylvania helped lead to the defeat of the South, What is this
11. When General Grant and Sherman captured _______________________ Mississippi on July 4 1864 it meant that
The United States had total control of the Mississippi River as a means of re-supply from Europe.
12. Control of the Mississippi River and a total blockade of the South was all a part of Admiral Farragut’s
______________ Plan to not allow any re-supply or economic activity in the South.
13. President Lincoln said “With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to
see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who
shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and
lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.” This closed his short 3 paragraph Second Innaugural
Address. Basically, he said that when the war is over we will make The South our ____________ and help them.
14. The burning of Atlanta and Sherman’s March to the Sea from Atlanta to Savannah destroying everything in his
army’s path was all a part of Grant and Sherman’s ______________________ War Plan.
15. With resources totally gone, and his army totally surrounded around Richmond, Virginia General Robert E. Lee is
forced to surrender at ______________________ Court House.
16. When _________________ ___________________ ______________________ shot President Lincoln at Ford’s
Theatre on Good Friday 1865 General Lee said the following, “ The South has just lost her best friend.” This
means that Lee understood that South would have been fairly treated during The Reconstruction Era that
followed the Civil War had Lincoln lived. His death meant that those in the North who wanted to punish the
South could not be stopped.
Date: ______________ Hour:________________
Leaders of the Confederacy (Confederate States) South
17. __________________ ________________ was the President of The Confederate States of America.
18. Robert E. Lee was the _______________________ __________________________ of the Army of Northern
Virginia; and the South’s main commander and best general.
19. Stonewall Jackson was Lee’s ______________ _____________________ man. Lee’s military strategy suffered
greatly after Jackson was accidentally shot to death by his own mean during the Battle of Chancellorsville.
Leaders of the Union (United States) North
20. President Abraham Lincoln was very involved in military ______________________ during the war and
approved highly of Farragut’s Anaconda Plan and Grant’s idea of total warfare or “Making them holler to
21. George B. McClellan was ___________________ twice by Lincoln as Lincoln went through seven generals to
command the Army of the Potomac or the North’s largest army.
22. Lincoln finally chose General ____________________ ___ ______________________ to command the Army of
the Potomac because Lincoln believed he would track down Lee’s army and fight his army until Lee surrendered.
23. General William Tecumseh Sherman was chosen by General ______________________ to command the Army
of Tennessee in order to gut the South by capturing Atlanta and destroying the breadbasket of the South which
was located in a narrow area between Atlanta and Savannah Georgia on the coast, this was total war.
Strengths and Weakness of the North and South
Poor military leaders and war strategy
by Army Generals until Lincoln comes
up with __________________. The
South is fighting most of the war in
the south so they fight hard to defend
their homeland.
Many in the north did not want the
war and opposed the draft.
Very few factories, railroads, bridges,
tunnels, canals, and telegraph lines.
The South also had no navy to stop the
Anaconda Plan, they spent the entire war
trying to develop one, the South never
caught up with the North's Navy.
The South also did not have the stockpile
of military weapons, equipment,
uniforms, shoes, horses that the North