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Laboratory 6: Sedimentary Rock Identification
1. Separate rocks into groups of detrital (clastic) and non-clastic . Non-clastic
includes Biochemical (bioclastic), and chemical (inorganic) Please note that
limestones can be described as chemical if the calcite precipitated directly from
water or as biochemical if the calcite was precipitated out of the water by
organisms such as clams or corals.
2. Biochemical are either carbon-based (a form of coal) or made of calcium
carbonate, which can be identified with the acid test.
3. Use the chart on page 118 of your lab book or the chart on the back to identify the
4. For each identified mineral, prepare an index card with the following information
a. Name of rock
b. Texture (if clastic, what size sediment)
c. mineral composition
d. sedimentary environment of rock formation
e. any other important identifying characteristics