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Claire Speach
Mr. DeSain
Earth Science
June 6, 2011
Chapter 11 Review Sheet
1. How do you identify a mineral?
A) Color and streak
B) Luster and hardness
C) Density and cleavage
D) All of the above
2. What is the difference between a clastic sedimentary rock and bioclastic
sedimentary rock?
3. What is the mineral composition of vesicular andesite?
4. What is the chemical composition of Garnet and how many chemicals make it up
5. What are the two types of metamorphism and how are they different?
6. A non-vesicular rock with a glassy texture contains 30% Plagioclase feldspar, 5%
Biotite, 40% Pyroxene, 15% Amphibole and 10% Olivine. What is the name of
the rock?
A) Scoria
B) Granite
C) Basaltic glass
D) Diabase
7. What stages of the rock cycle does a metamorphic rock have to go through in
order to become an igneous rock?
8. What sedimentary rock is made of particles that are less than 0.0004 cm in
A) Conglomerate
B) Siltstone
C) Breccia
D) Shale
9. What mineral is made up of potassium, aluminum, silicon, and oxygen?
10. What are the steps to becoming a sedimentary rock?
1. D
2. A clastic sedimentary rock is made up of solid sediments, and a bioclastic rock is
made of living organisms or materials from organisms.
3. The mineral composition of vesicular andesite is plagioclase feldspar, biotite,
amphibole, pyroxene, and quartz.
4. Garnet is made up of iron, aluminum, silicon, and oxygen. The number of
chemicals that make it up is 20.
5. The two types of metamorphism are regional and contact. Contact is when older
rocks come in contact with magma of an intrusion or extrusion, and regional is
when an increase in temperature and pressure transforms older rocks to a series of
metamorphic rocks.
6. C
7. Melting and solidification.
8. D
9. Plagioclase feldspar.
10. Deposition, Burial, Compaction and/or Cementation.