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Population Density - the number of organisms in a certain area
Producers - plants; organisms that produce their own food; first level of a food
Consumers - animals that eat producers or other consumers.
Herbivore - animals that eat the producers; called First-level consumers
Carnivore - animals that eat other animals; called Second-level consumers
Omnivore - animals that eat both producers (plants) and consumers (animals)
Decomposer - organisms that break down tissue of dead organisms; examples
include mushrooms and bacteria. (Nitrogen Cycle)
Food Chain - a model that shows the flow of energy from one organism to the
next as food is consumed up the chain. Always starts with the sun, then
producers, then consumers, and ends with decomposers.
Food Web - the relationships between many different food chains in an
Energy Pyramid - A pyramid that shows the amount of energy available to pass
from one level of a food chain to the next. Producers are at the bottom because
there is more of them. The number of consumers gets less as you get to the top
of the pyramid but their size increases.