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1. What do plants need to stay alive?
Sunlight, water, carbon dioxide
2. How do plants get water and food?
water though the roots and make own food using sunlight and carbon
3. How do roots help plants to stay alive?
Roots take up water and nutrients from the soil- the roots do not take
the soil just the nutrients.
4. What is the job of the stem?
Stem moves the food, water and nutrients throughout the plant.
5. A spore is a cell in a seedless plant that can grow into a new plant.
6. Name two seedless plants. Ferns and mosses
7. How does a seedless plant make new plants?
They make spores.
8. A spore needs light, nutrients and water.
9. Describe a spore.
Spores grow inside a tough spore case. The case protects the spores
from too much heat and or too little water. When the spore case
opens the spores are released and drift through the air and then settle.
10. Name two seeds you can eat. Rice/Beans
11. Name two roots that you can eat. Carrots/Beets
12. Name two stems you can eat. Celery/Asparagus
13. Explain Photosynthesis.
Plants use energy in sunlight to make food from water and carbon
14. What happens when water and carbon dioxide combine?
It makes plant sugar.
15. How do chloroplasts make food from plants?
Chloroplasts take in energy from the sun and combine water and
carbon dioxide to make plant sugars
16. Where do leaves get carbon dioxide gas for photosynthesis?
Carbon dioxide enters through tiny holes on the bottom of leaves
called stomata
17. Veins in leaves have two jobs.
Move water into each leaf and carry water from roots to the stem
18. Where do plants get energy?
19. What is happening during respiration in a plant?
Cells take in oxygen and give off carbon dioxide
20. Photosynthesis takes place only in the daytime.
21. Respiration takes place during the day and night.