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NAYA – Native Plants Learning Garden – PLANT LIST
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Kinnikinnik
Description: Mat-forming evergreen groundcover (1 ft. by 10 ft. wide). Pinkish white, urn-shaped flowers appear in summer, followed by red
fruit that birds love. Uses: Medicinal; Ceremonial; Red berrieseaten by wildlife. Care: Sun/part sun, low summer water and well-drained soil.
Asarum Caudatum, Wild Ginger
Description: This low-growing (to 6") perennial groundcover, dark green heart-shaped leaves. Small, maroon 3-pointed flowers appear late
spring under the leaves. Leaves emit gingery scent when crushed. Habitat: Moist, shaded forests, from British Columbia to CA, east to ID and
western MT. Uses: Medicinal. Care: Needs moderate shade and humus rich acidic, moist soil. Spreads by rhizomes; poor drought tolerance.
Asclepias Speciosa, Showy Milkweed
Description: Perennial (2 - 3 ft) with scented two-tiered pink flowers in summer. It can be toxic to sheep, cattle and horses. It is most toxic
during rapid growth, but retains its toxicity when it is dried in hay. Uses: Attract butterflies, bees and other insects. They are essential host
plants for Monarch butterflies. Also used for food, chewing gum, shelter and it has a medicinal use. Care: Sun, moderate-regular water.
Cammassia Leichtlinii, Great Camas
Description: Bulbous perennial (2-3ft.) with long, narrow leaves and tall blue flowers in spring. The Chinook name is “Kamas”, taken from
Nootka tribe that called it Chamass. Uses: Edible; Medicinal; Attract birds/butterflies. Care: Likes moist soil, less watering after blooming.
Dryas octopetala, Mountain Avens
Description: Mt. Avens has white/cream flowers from spring to summer. Seed heads are snowy white tufts, emerging in late summer; dark
green foliage is evergreen. Found in higher elevations but also thrives in lower elevations. Care: Needs sun, low water, and well-drained soil.
Limnanthes Douglasii, Douglas Meadowfoam
Description: Meadowfoam is a low growing herbaceous winter annual, adapted to poorly drained soils. Limnanthes means marshflower and
the common name "Meadowfoam" arose due to the appearance, at full bloom, of its solid canopy of creamy white flowers. Limnanthes
douglasii, commonly known as poached egg plant and Douglas' meadowfoam. It has white flowers with a yellow centre, hence the name, and
lime green foliage; forms a low spreading carpet of fragrant golden and white blooms that will grace the front of the border, rockery or path
edging growing to a height of approximately 10cm. Uses: The oil from meadowfoam seed has unique chemical properties making it one of the
most stable vegetable oils known. Attracts hoverflies to the garden to eat aphids; is well loved by bees. Care: A hardy annual, it is self-seeding.
Mahonia Aquifolium, Oregon Grape
Description: Tall Oregon Grape is Oregon’s state flower. It is an erect, evergreen shrub, 3-10 feet high. The new growth is often coppercolored, the flowers are bright yellow & fragrant; berries ripen in summer and are dark blue. Uses: Berries are sour but edible; Root is highly
medicinal. Makes a great partial screen or low hedge, good for hedgerows; attracts pollinators. Care: Sun-shade, low water, well-drained soil.
Oxalis Acetosella, Wood Sorrel
Description: The leaflets are made up by three heart-shaped leaves, folded through the middle. The stalk is red/brown, and during the night or
when it rains both flowers and leaves contract. It flowers for a few months during the spring, with small white flowers with pink streaks. Red
or violet flowers also occur rarely. Uses: Edible; Medicinal; Flowers attract birds/butterflies. Care: Grows in moist conditions.
Penstemon Serrulatus, Cascade Beardtongue
Description: This plant has brilliant blue/purple flowers. It grows in both coastal and mountain areas in OR, WA, AK, and Canada BC.
Uses: Flowers attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Care: Penstemons need a sunny area, regular watering and well drained soil.
Ribes Sanguineum, Red-Flowering Currant
Description: Red-flowering currant produces numerous small flowering spurs on multiple thornless stems. It grows at a moderate rate up to 10
ft. and develops an upright to spreading forms. Numerous 2-6 in long, nodding clusters of 5-25 flowers appear in March to June. Flowers are
composed of pink to deep red tubular fused sepals & small protruding red to white flower petals. Blue-black berries hold about 20 seeds each,
mature in early to mid summer. Thin orange-tinted bark turns gray-brown and peels from older stems. Uses: Provides early spring nectar for
hummingbirds & butterflies. Berries are tart & considered suitable for jam, jelly, pie, juice or syrup. This species has been investigated for
medicinal anti bacterial and anti viral properties and is used in currant fruit breeding programs to confer resistance to anthracnose, powdery
mildew & currant stem borer. Care: Water during 1st and 2nd years until established.
Sedum spathulifolium, Broadleaf Stonecrop: Description: This plant has two kinds of stems, sterile stems which produce only rosettes of
leaves, and fertile stems which produce flowers. In leaf all year, flowers in June and July. Uses: Groundcover; Edible; Medicinal. Care: Grow
in semi-shade (light woodland) or no shade. It requires dry or moist soil and can tolerate drought.
Spiraea betulifolia var. lucida, Birch-leaf Spirea: Description: Compact shrub to 3 ft. Soft white flower clusters appear in spring. This small
shrub has stunning red to purple fall color. Uses: Sun/part sun, low to moderate water, well-drained soil.
Map & Plant List Compiled by PSU Senior Capstone students, “Environmental Education Through Native American Lenses” Spring 2009