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Western Astrology has originating roots at least as far back as Babylonia and is historically
based on Ptolemy’s work, the “Tetrabiblos”, from the 2nd century. This system of assessing
the cosmos has been practiced for thousands of years in Arabia and Europe. Western
Astrology uses the “tropical” ecliptic coordinate system, and thus the constellations are
based on the path of the Sun as seen from Earth. The constellation where the Sun was
located at your birth conveys the encodings that drive your will and personality.
Sun in Gemini
The Basics
Gemini is the third sign of the 12-sign 360º Zodiac
(the band of constellations as seen from earth).
Thus, Gemini represents the third stage or cycle of
life: it is here seeking contextual, informational and
social connections to evolve the mind.
Gemini is one of four signs that is “mutable” in
nature (not “cardinal or “fixed”): thus, you as
Gemini embody mutable functionality.
Gemini is one of three signs that imbues the qualities of the element of “air”: thus, you as Gemini
embody the characteristics of air.
About your Mutable nature: (from Astrologer Susan Miller) “The Mutable signs prepare for change
into the next season. This makes the people of this group highly adaptable, flexible and
communicative. Throw a curve to a Mutable sign and they can turn on a dime, coming up with
solutions faster than you can bat an eye. Mutable signs are restless and embrace change. They
are the most resourceful of all the signs, and thus, they make much from little. They are highly
detail-oriented, but should take care not to get so wound up in tiny particulars that they lose sight
of the whole.”
About your Gemini encoding: (from
Astrologer Susan Miller) “Gemini's need for
stimulation can not be overstated. Highly
intellectual, Gemini needs news and
information like oxygen. Being an Air sign,
Gemini enjoys the exchange of ideas with
others - this is no loner. The sound of a
phone's dial tone is as comforting to
Gemini as the sound of a mama's
heartbeat to a baby ...being an adaptable
Mutable sign, Gemini's mind is always going
at the speed of light. They can put various
pieces of information together in a
multitude of ways, and this makes them
quite good at figuring things out, be they
instructions to the VCR, the facts of a
murder case, or the intricacies of the Congressional budget. Gemini can change their position as
quickly as they assimilate new information, remaining at all times objective...Their adeptness at
handling several things at once can lead them to assume too much responsibility. At that point
they can become scattered or begin to procrastinate. If they stay focused, they can accomplish
more in a day than most of us do in a week.”
Just as the flowers of spring enthusiastically drink in water and sunlight, so do you as
Gemini excitedly drink in information. Your drive is to connect and learn, and your function
is to expand and evolve the mind.
Gemini Affirmation from Astrologer Elizabeth Jones
My mind is open and spacious so that I may perceive the highest truth possible for me
at this time.
I honor the power of my words and use them wisely.
I am flexible, adaptable and open to learn new experiences and ideas.
I listen with care and attentiveness.
When the whole of these qualities and patterns are recognized, accepted and allowed to
express and evolve naturally, you are optimally aligned with your intrinsic authentic
nature. This is when maturation will emerge and you will be able to
shine your light with ease.