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My name is Maria Guadalupe Aguilera. In Spanish, the name Maria means- bitter sea
the name Guadalupe means- river of black stones. Aguilera means one who came from, or lived
near the area where eagles nested. My personality does not fit my given name. I am the opposite
of bitter. I’m loud talkative and laugh a lot.
In the American Astrology my sign is Gemini and my symbol is the twins. Gemini are
extremely independent. Gemini will not be pinned down by anyone or any rules. Gemini are
masters of communication. The change and freedom are extremely important to Gemini, they
will never let anyone dictate them, they are extremely independent and freedom is essential to
their mental well being In the Chinese Astrology my sign is a rat. They say that the Rat is very
social and has many friends. They also say that the family is important to the Rat. They say that
the Rat people are easily angered and love to gossip. Personally I do agree with what they say
about the Rats, because I have all these qualities stated above.