Download Chinese and Western Combinations Gemini (Horse) Month

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"Reflect" Mercury, Air, Mutable
"Concerned" Yin-Positive Metal
Characteristics: Self-Righteousness, Heroism,
Intelligence, Morality,
Uneasiness, Criticism,
Tastelessness, Duty, Quick- Indecisiveness,
Wittedness, Cynicism, Constancy, Self-Deception,
Performance, Dexterity, Impatience, Superficiality,
Glibness, Flexibility, Perspicacity, Versatility
This combination has an excellent sense of humor and perhaps more than anything is
exceedingly generous and caring. Added to this fine mixture is an individual with a lot
of talent. The Gemini-Dog lives up to both sides of this combination and in so doing
puts a new twist to both. The Gemini in this combination remains friendly and
talkative. People can count of them to be responsible and do things right. The
kindhearted aspect of the Gemini-Dog has the potential to go too far and weigh down
the lighthearted portion. They need to keep the problems of the world, the
neighborhood and themselves in perspective in order to be happy. This combination
tends toward the intellectual and the active. Any success they achieve will be done by
hard work and following the book strictly. Not only are they moral individuals, they are
selfless when it comes to helping others. They can frequently be found heavily
involved in charity work. As would be expected from the Gemini element, they are fine
communicators and can be quite entertaining.
Romance: They may not sell their soul for the person they love, but they sell
everything else. Their lover is perfect in every way. Given this perspective, it is clear
that this combination needs someone who is loyal and dedicated to them. If they do
not have such a person, they are inclined to flights of fancy where they actually do get
in their cars and go to the airport. They need an anchor at home. Operas and romantic
Broadway musicals have probably been written about the Gemini-Dog. They are the
lead character in every romance ever written and they wrote the music too.
Relationships: Leo and Libra-Rabbits are also good picks for this combination, as are
Libra or Aquarius-Tiger, or Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Pisces-Rams and
Dragons. Loyalty is paramount to them. Excellent romantic picks for the Gemini-Dog
are Aries, Leo and Aquarius-Horses.
Family Life: Their creative character takes the form of a taste for good art and classic
design. They love their home, if it is in the right location, and they love their family.
While responsible family members, they also see them as a built in audience for their
shows; those tend to be comedic, but can be dramatic as well. Gemini-Dogs are
drawn to nature and aesthetics. They prefer a home where there are ample forests
and streams as part of the surroundings. A connection with Mother Nature is very
important to them and their well-being. The big city, with its pollution and crowds but
nothing green to be found, disquiets them.
Likelihood: There is a huge element of drama surrounding this combination and
people actually listen to their existential tales and feel the pain. The Gemini-Dog is a
traveling circus coupled with a drive-in theater. The tendency toward the aesthetic
follows the Gemini-Dog into a profession. The performing arts are fine for them, either
as a director or performer. They were born to act and perhaps the dramatic-comedy is
best suited to them. Professions in the visual arts, including decorating or antiques are
also possibilities.
Famous Gemini/Dogs: Judy Garland, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Gilda Radner.