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What was Roman Literature Like?
• Roman literature was inspired a lot by Greeks.
They inspired poems and stories and other
things. One poet, named Horace, using Greek
models wrote satires that made fun of human
Patrick Nguyen
Patrick Nguyen
• Like the Greeks, the Romans enjoyed plays,
especially ones that were humorous. Most of
the plays were influenced by Greek comedies
and tragedies. Some famous play writers were
Ceneca, Plautus, and Terence. Ceneca wrote
plays about tragedy while Plautus and Terence
wrote humorous plays. Plautus and Terence
usually wrote plays for religious festivals.
Patrick Nguyen
• One thing I think is cool is the fact that if a
general lost a battle, the general was to take
out his sword and turn it on himself or seek an
honorable death at the hands of the enemy.
What was roman art like?
Answer 1
Jordan Turner
Answer 2
• They focused on gods and goddesses, in
addition to philosophers and politicians
Jordan Turner
Dywane wade the best shoot guard in
Jordan Turner
Chelsea Farmer
The Romans ate three meals during a typical
day. The first meal (breakfast) was called the
"lentaculum." It was usually eaten around
sunrise and consisted of bread and maybe
some fruit. The next meal (lunch) was called the
"prandium". The prandium was a very small
meal eaten around 11 AM. The main meal of
the day was the "cena." It was eaten in the
Roman men and women, like other indo-Europeans,
originally seem to have worn a large piece of wool,
wrapped around theselves. After they met people from
Greece and Egypt, around 200BC, they began to wear
linen tunics under their wool robes, which was more
comfortable. On their feet, both men and women wore
leather sandals, or leather boots in cold weather. In
their hair, women wore wooden hairsticksor wooden
combs, which they could use to comb their hair. For
fancy occasions Roman men always continued to wear
their wool robes over their tunics.
- Taylor , Katie
, & JoJo
In roman they had many spirits
they worshipped. The spirits were
once a god or goddess. The still
honored them as they passed
away and thought that the dead
god/goddesses still ruled over
Roman Spirits
Romans had over a thousand gods
they believed the spirits were their
guardians over everything and kept
them safe
The Romans opinion on gods were they
were supposed to keep evil out and always
protect the romans from wrong doing and
they romans worshipped them and believed
that they were protected
Something extra :
One of Romans known sports is boxing
which was a popular sport during the
whole period during republic as well as
an empire.
Roman Art
By Pavan
What Roman art like?
• Roman art refers to the visual art made in
Ancient Rome and in its territories of the
Roman Empire . Roman art includes
architecture, painting, sculpture and mosaic
What Roman Art like?
• Roman art grows out of Etruscan art, and at
first it is a lot like Etruscan art. Because of this,
it has a close relationship to Greek art as well.
Roman art as a type of its own really gets
going around 500 BC with the beginning of
the Roman Republic.
ANTHONY:What was Roman Art
Answer 1: Roman art was
considered Classical Art.
Answer 2: Roman Art includes
architecture, painting, sculpture,
and mosaic work
The Broncos won the Super Bowl
The stuff they built to make like cranes compass and
roads they used science to figure out how to make it
They used roman science to make weapons to win wars
What else that I like in this world
The soldiers that defend are country