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Digestion System
Digestion- process of breaking
down foods into forms that the
body can use.
Digestive system- group of organs
that breakdown food into
3 Functions of The digestion
First- it breaks down food into
molecules the body uses
2nd- the molecules are absorbed into
the blood and carried throughout the
3rd- wastes are eliminated from the
Step of the Digestive System
Step #1- You take food into your
Step #2- You swallow the food and it
goes into the esophagus
Esophagus- short tube that carries
food from mouth to stomach
Step #3: The food goes down the
esophagus to the stomach.
Stomach- is a bag-like organ
shaped like a J
Step #4: The food goes from the
stomach to the small intestine.
Step #5
The food goes from the small
intestine to the large intestine.
Absorption- is the process by which
nutrients molecules pass through the
wall of you digestive system into
your blood.
The food your body can not use
collects in the large intestine as
2 kinds of digestion
Mechanical-physically breaking
down food
ex: chewing
Chemical-chemically breaking
down food,
ex: enzymes in your saliva, acid in
Digestion juice help break down
the food
From three places- (Chemical
LiverPancreasSmall intestine
Liver- produces digestive juice called bile
Bile- juice made by the liver, that helps
break down fats
Gallbladder- organ under the liver that
stores bile.
Pancreas- produces digestive juices to
further breakdown food
Small intestine
is like a coil
Stretches to be 6 or 7 meter long
Most digestion takes place in the
small intestine
Large intestine
Stores unused solid substances after
water is removed.