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Levels of Biological
Organization Of Life
Just like stair steps…
There are different LEVELS to how one
living thing is made, as well as where it
fits into this world.
The arrangement of specialized parts
within a living thing is sometimes
referred to as levels of organization.
We will discuss the levels from least
complex to most complex!
Levels of Biological Organization
The various levels of
organization include:
atoms, molecules,
organelles, cells, tissues,
organs, organ systems,
organisms, populations,
ecosystems, and the
Molecular Level: Atoms (molecules)
Atoms are The smallest
non-living unit to build a
living thing. Atoms are
made of matter like, carbon,
hydrogen and oxygen
 Molecules the smallest
particle of a substance
that retains all the
properties of the
substance and is
composed of one or more
•Organelles are small parts that do
different jobs for the cell “Tiny
Example - nucleus
Cellular Level
The cell is the smallest
unit of biological
organization that
biologists consider alive.
 All true cells are
surrounded by a plasma
(cell) membrane, carry
out complex chemical
reactions, and are at
least potentially capable
of self reproduction.
tissue is a group
of distinct and
similar cells that
carry out a specific
set of functions.
Organ is a groups of
tissues organized
together to carry out a
particular set of
 Organs typically have
several kinds of tissue.
 Organs in animals are
composed of a number of
different tissue types.
For example, the
System is a groups of organs
that work together to carry
out broad sets of functions.
For instance system in
humans is the digestive
Some of the organs in the
digestive system are the
stomach, liver, small
intestine, pancreas.
The organism
is sum of
all cells, tissues, organs
and organ systems makes
an organism.
There are multi-cellular
organisms in that are made
of many highly specialized
cells which cannot exist
independently of other cells
in the organism.
A population is A group of
the same type of organisms, all
living together in the same
 For example, all the bull
frogs in a pond can be
considered a population of
bullfrogs. Typically
populations are subdivided
smaller groups: a pack of
wolves, pride of lions, colony
of ants.
A pack of wolves
A community is all
the populations of
different species
living and
interacting together
in one area. (e.g. all
the species in a
Ecosystem (Biomes)
Ecosystem is a
distinguishable groups of
species and the abiotic
(non-living) components
of the environment with
which the living
creatures interact.
Examples of ecosystems
include forests, prairies,
Rain forest
Biosphere is the region, below,
and above the Earth's surface
where life exists. Living things
can be found well into the
atmosphere, the deepest parts
of the ocean, and at least in
some areas, microbes live in
rock several kilometers below
the surface of the earth. (life
supporting portions of Earth
composed of air, land, fresh
water, and salt water.