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The Children's Cancer Society
The Children's Cancer Society
improve comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation offered to children and
provide support and assistance to their families to cooperate with doctors,
nurses and others who care for children, and to disseminate information about
The Children’s Cancer Society is a nationwide volunteer organization run by the
parents of children who have had or still have cancer. The Society’s main office is
located in Oslo. The Society consists of 14 regional associations. The regional
associations have independent boards that work voluntarily for the families of children
with cancer. Please contact the main office for the names of contact persons and
addresses of the regional associations,
or consult our website:
We have approximately 1600 family members and approximately 2600 support members
We initiate programs and activities together government authorities and hospitals to
improve the rights and conditions of children with cancer and their families
We work extensively with information about childhood cancer that we share with
families, kindergartens, schools and others
We own apartments near regional hospitals that are available to the families of children
being treated at these hospitals.
In 2011 83 % of our funds were used for this purpose.
cancer and the Children's Cancer Society to attempt to establish positive
cooperation with similar foundations when this seems suitable
Each year, about 180 children aged 0–18 in Norway develop some form of cancer.
Childhood cancer is categorized into three main groups. About the same number of
children exist in each group:
Children with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL),
Children with brain tumors
Children with solid tumors that can appear in many different organs of the body
Most children who develop cancer will face six months to many years of intense treatment
using chemotherapy foran seg. Some children will also need surgical treatment and radiation
The type of treatment depends on the nature of the cancer.
Even though cancer is considered a very serious illness – the chances of successful treatment
in children who have the most common types of cancer are good.
The Children's Cancer Society
About 180
children in Norway
develop cancer
each year – more
than 80% of them
The Children's Cancer Society's
major areas of commitment:
INFORMATION • We are constantly acquiring
and sharing information with the families of
children with cancer and their network of
family, friends, schools etc. We publish new
brochures, books and pamphlets that contain
practical information. The Society is always
searching for good books about children and
cancer so we can translate them into
their membership portal, Min Side, from our
webpage, which includes direct links to our
webshop. Our webshop contains selective
products that we sell to support our cause, or
for those who wish to donate to our different
programs or projects.
OUR CHILDREN • The Society's member
magazine is called Våre Barn (Our Children). It
is published twice a year and we are always
looking for good content. The magazine
contains reports from our regional associations,
in-depth articles and useful information for
families with children who have had or still
have cancer.
Society arranges various workshops each year:
an organizational workshop, a parent contact
workshop, a workshop for teachers of children
with cancer, family-based workshops for
people with children with late effects and for
people who have lost a child to cancer. We also
have an excellent collaborative relationship
with the Montebello Centre in Oslo that
arranges week-long courses for families with
children receiving treatment.
Our website is also full of useful information
on all our activities and the services and
assistance we offer. Our members can access
COLLABORATIONS • The Society collaborates
with the Norwegian Cancer Society and is a
member of the Norwegian Control Committee
for Fundraising. There are also many companies
The Children's Cancer Society
and individuals who willingly assist us in our
Society’s regional associations have an excellent
network of contacts with many child care
wards that treat our kids. Beside gatherings
arranged at the hospitals, the regional
associations have established a parent contact
service that is responsible for following up on
new families with children receiving treatment.
contact service also offers help and support for
families that have lost a child to cancer. The
Children’s Cancer Society wants to create a
nationwide program of this kind that can help
grieving families deal with this difficult process.
National and regional gatherings are organized
every year to reach out to grieving families. We
cooperate closely in this regard with care
professionals from the Norwegian Cancer
Society and the Centre for Crisis Psychology.
LATE EFFECTS • The Society puts great effort
into helping children and young people who
have undergone cancer treatment so they can
get better conditions for rehabilitation and
training. Even though medical treatment is
often successful, many children suffer from late
effects when treatment is over. In a
collaboration with the Øverby Competence
Centre, the Society published a DVD in 2011
that focused on the challenges faced by
children with late effects of brain tumor
YOUTH WORK • focus on progress and
activities for older children (14–18 years of age)
has increased in recent years. It is important for
young people to meet on common ground.
They should have a place to go so they can
meet kids their same age who know what they
are going through. We arrange a national
gathering every summer/autumn at which
young people with cancer can meet.
The Children's Cancer Society
You can help
us by becoming
a permanent giver:
If you want to support the
Society on a regular basis
without becoming
a member.
Different types of membership
FAMILY MEMBERSHIP includes parents
and the child with cancer. At least two people
with a family membership must live at the
same address. Parents at different addresses
must sign separate memberships. The membership fee is 250 kroner a year. This type of
membership has 3 options; Under treatment,
Finished treatment and Grieving members. We
have another group you can choose to participate in: The Late Effects Group. This is a
special offer directed at families with children
suffering late effects from cancer.
SUPPORT MEMBERSHIP is for those of you who
want to support work being done for children
with cancer. As a support member, you will
receive our member magazine - Våre Barn. The
The Children's Cancer Society
membership fee is 250 kroner a year. Companies can also join as support members by paying 1250 kroner a year.
PERSONAL MEMBERSHIP is for those of you
over 18 years of age who have had some form
of treatment for cancer as a child. The membership fee is currently 200 kroner a year.
The fees collected from this membership go
directly to activities at the regional association
to which you belong. You can join and pay
your membership fee at You can also sign us as a permanent giver here. You can also choose how
much you are willing to give, and how often.
Membership in the Children's Cancer Society
means joining a network of families who are
– or who have been – in the same situation.
The Society provides information, advice and
support during all phases of treatment of children who have had or still have cancer.
By becoming a member you will be helping
other families who have had or still have a
child with cancer. More members means more
credibility and more influence when we deal
with government authorities, the health sector
etc. More members means more resources at
a local, regional and national level.
If you have any questions about membership
or what the Society is up to, feel free to contact us.
Our contact information is found on the back
of this brochure.
What does
membership imply?
YOUR CONTRIBUTION MEANS SOMETHING • As a member you have a unique
opportunity to influence the lives and conditions of children with cancer and their families.
Please contact your regional association or get
in touch with the Children's Cancer Society
and tell us what is important to you. If your
child is seriously ill with cancer or is diagnosed
as healthy after treatment, if the child is a baby
or an adolescent – we want to help all children
with cancer in Norway. They have a right to a
good life, and each one is equally important
to us.
The Children's Cancer Society
Telephone: 02099
[email protected]
The Children's Cancer Society
Visitors' address: Øvre Vollgate 11, 0158 Oslo
Mailing address:Postboks 4, Sentrum, 0101 Oslo
Ent. Reg. No.: 985 550 999
in touch
with us!
The Society's main office is located in Oslo. The Society consists of
14 regional associations. These associations have independent boards
that work voluntarily for the families of children with cancer.
All our regional associations can be contacted by e-mail, or by phone 02099.
Agder (Øst og Vest).....................................
Hordaland / Sogn og Fjordane....................
Møre og Romsdal........................................
Oppland. . .....................................................
Troms og Finnmark......................................
Trøndelag (Sør og Nord)..............................
Østfold. ........................................................
The Executive Board ...................................
[email protected]
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