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Society, Community, Association and Institution
Sociologists like other scientists have technical vocabulary. Without a technical
language, scientific communication becomes cumbersome and inefficient. Hence, it is
important that in Sociology words like Society, Community, Association and Institution be
clarified and rendered precise.
Man is a social animal by both nature and necessity.
Definition –
1. MacIver – Society is a system of usages and procedures, of authority and mutual aid,
of many groupings and divisions, of controls of human behaviour and liberties. This
ever changing complex system which we call society is a web of social relationships.
2. C.H. Cooley – Society is a complex of forms or processes each of which is living and
growing by interaction with the others, the whole being so unified that what takes
place in one part affects the rest.
3. L.T. Hobhouse – “Tissues of relationships”
Society as an Abstract and Concrete Term
In abstract terms – a network of relationships between people or between groups.
In concrete terms – a collection of people or an organisation of persons
Three Views
1. Society as a Unity (Analogy of Organism)
Sociology is a consensus system
2. Society as a Multiplicity (Analogy of Machine)
Sociology is a Coercive system
3. Society as a Process
Sociology is an Interactive system
Elements of Society
1. Likeness
2. Difference
3. System of Stratification
4. Social Relations
5. Inter-dependence
6. Cooperation
7. Conflict [MacIver – Society is cooperation crossed by conflict]
8. Competition
9. Accommodation and
10. Assimilation
Society is a Process not a Product [It is becoming and not a being – MacIver]
Types of Society
1. Mechanical and Organic Solidarity [Durkheim]
Mechanical – solidarity of resemblance; Simple Division of labour; Repressive laws
and Primitive societies.
Organic – Solidarity develops out of differences; Complex division of labour;
Restitutive laws and Modern Societies.
2. Militant and Industrial Society [Spencer]
Militant – Compulsory Cooperation; Individuals exists for the sake of the State
Industrial – Voluntary cooperation; State exists for the sake of the Individuals
3. Folk and Urban Society [Redfield]
Folk – isolated, homogenous, traditionally organised
Urban – high population density, heterogeneous, formalised system of local govt.
Development of Society
1. Auguste Comte - Three stages
Theological or Fictious Stage [Priests and military]
Metaphysical or Abstract Stage [Churchmen and Lawyers]
Positive or Scientific Stage [Industrial administrators and Scientists]
2. Morgan - Three stages
Savagery [Fishing/ Bow and arrow/ Fire]
Barbarism [Domestication of animals and Cultivation] and
Civilisation [Alphabet and writing]
3. Marx - Five Stages
Primitive Communism
Ancient Society [Master - slaves]
Feudal Society [Lords- Serfs]
Capitalist System and
The word comes from two Latin words – com means together and munis means to
1. MacIver – Community is a group of people who live together, who belong together,
so that they share, not ties of particular interest but a whole set of interests, wide
enough and complete enough to include their lives.
2. Kingsley Davis – Community is the smallest territorial group that can embrace all
aspects of social life.
Characteristics of a Community
A group of people, Territorial Character, Common Culture, We-Feeling, Division of
Labour into specialised and interdependent functions, Particular Name, Wider ends.
Types of Communities
1. Primitive Vs Civilized
2. Rural Vs Urban
Changing Concept of Community
Lifestyle Communities – Osho Community
Borderline Communities – Monastery, Prison
Global Community
Introduction – Three ways people try to fulfil their ends – act independently, through
conflict, through a company or some cooperative basis.
Association is a group organized for the pursuits of an interest or group of interests in
MacIver – An association is an organisation deliberately formed for the collective pursuit
of same interest or set of interests, which its members share.
Bogardus – An association is usually working together of people who wish to achieve
certain purposes.
Kinds of Associations
1. Political Associations – BJP, Congress Party
2. Religious Associations – Arya Samaj
3. Students Association- ABVP, NSUI
4. Labourers Association – All India Trade Union Congress
5. Professional Associations – Indian Medical Association
6. Economic Associations – Hotel Owners’ Association
7. International Associations – YMCA, The Rotary Club
Essential Elements of Association
Concrete Form, Established, Aims and Objectives, Voluntary Membership
1. Lester F. Ward – Institution is a means for the control and utilization of the social
2. L.T. Hobhouse – The whole or any part of the established and recognised apparatus
of social life.
W.G. Sumner – An institution consists of a concept [idea, notion, doctrine and interest] and
a structure [a framework or apparatus]
Five Basic Institutions
A social Institution is a complex. It is an integrated set of social norms organised around the
preservation of a basic social value. Sociologists often reserve the term Institution to
describe normative systems that operate in five basic areas which may be designated as the
primary institutions.
1. Family – in determining kinship
2. Government – in providing for the legitimate use of power
3. Economy – in regulating the distribution of goods and services
4. Education - In transmitting knowledge from one generation to the next
5. Religion - In regulating our relations to the supernatural
Types of Institutions
1. E.W. Burgess – Four fold Classification
a. Cultural Institutions
b. Economic Institutions
c. Recreational Institutions and
d. Social Control Institutions
2. W.G. Sumner – Crescive and Enacted Institutions
Crescive - Institutions developing gradually through the process of accretion [State]
Enacted – those appearing as a result of conscious and rational effort [College/Bank]
Functions of institutions
1. Manifest
2. Latent
According to Talcott Parsons, social control is the main function of the social institutions.
Dr. Sam J. Abraham
M: 09413706290
Email: [email protected]