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Nick Malik
CAEAP – Center for the Advancement of the EA Profession
2014 Workshop and Plenary
Goal: To build consensus on what the result should be and how the
deliverables will achieve it.
Discuss Persona Driven Design
Consensus on the Goal for the
Career Path Deliverables
Collaborative session on Personas
Collaborative session on Measures
Build value proposition for the CP
Selection of primary and secondary
Create measures of success for
primary and secondary persona
2014 Workshop and Plenary
What is it?
Customer-centric design process designed to help ensure that the
deliverables will be valued by the intended customers
Build consensus on
the goal
Outline all personas
Select primary and
secondary personas
Develop measures of
success for primary
Clear organizational alignment
Measures are used to clarify decisions about
level of detail and viewpoint for artifacts
2014 Workshop and Plenary
A description of a fictional person who represents a single
member of the target audience for a product or service.
Personas are personal. They are like a person, with a name,
gender, age, history, likes and dislikes, and goals. They have a
reason for using your product.
2014 Workshop and Plenary
Example Persona:
Describe this person (role, employment,
likes/dislikes, personal goals / wishes)
• 4 year employee, hires for IT
department only, 9 months in role
• Uses job boards to search for resumes
by keyword (usually job title)
• Compares similar job descriptions /
experience descriptions to her listing
• No engineering or systems experience
• Wants to move to HR generalist role
• Rewarded by finding people the hiring
manager will like.
How does she learn about the product?
• Hiring manager sends her a copy of the
CP guide and instructs her to use the
job description included.
Why does she need this product?
• Job description draws good candidates
• Less work than creating one herself
• Credibility with Hiring manager
How does she try the product?
• Copies Job description & sample
screening questions from CP Guide and
edits into company standard template.
Reviews with hiring manager and posts.
Why not use a competitor? (differentiation)
• Hiring manager trusts an FMO
• References from other companies
• IT HR association endorses it
How does she buy the product?
• Positive feedback from hiring
manager(s) and applicant(s) that the job
description is well developed
• Adds CP-guide led JD into company
standard template library.
Describe the process of using this product
• Hiring manager sends recruiting request
• Read FEAPO document
• Pull job description out and incorporate
into listing. Get sign off from h/m
• Develop screening interview questions
from capabilities listed.
How does she tell others about it?
• Shares guide with colleagues.
• Mentions it to peers on professional
social media (LinkedIn) or at a
2014 Workshop and Plenary
In this exercise, we will discuss the value proposition of the
Career Path deliverables
Brainstorm. No right or wrong answers.
Write, on a post-it, the following sentence:
<<role>> wants or needs <<desire>>
and uses the guide because <<value prop>>
Place the post it on the white chart
Group the post-it notes by similarity of value proposition
2014 Workshop and Plenary
What value propositions are the most compelling?
Which “roles” are most likely to adopt the product? (change)
(Primary and Secondary)
As a room, select 2-4 value propositions as “best examples” for
the rest of the exercise.
2014 Workshop and Plenary
Describe this person (role, employment,
likes/dislikes, personal goals / wishes)
How does she learn about the product?
Why does she need this product?
How does she try the product?
Why not use a competitor? (differentiation)
How does she buy the product?
Describe the process of using this product
How does she tell others about it?
2014 Workshop and Plenary
A measure of success is an indicator that a customer is finding
value in the use of the product.
Look for places where the results delivered or goals achieved are
measurably different because of the product
Example measures for the iPod (vs. the Walkman)
Spend more time listening, less time fiddling with songs / tapes / music
Gain control over which songs, in which order, I listen to (without mix tapes)
Music goes anywhere because music player is light and hassle free
Looking cool to my friends because of futuristic design
2014 Workshop and Plenary
Write three measures of success for our primary persona on
post-it notes
Add them to the white board
Group by similarity
We will read the measures aloud
Vote by show of hands to indicate which are the “best”
(All will be captured in the notes)
2014 Workshop and Plenary
We believe that the primary customers for this product is:
We believe that the value proposition for this product is:
We believe that the best measures of success are:
2014 Workshop and Plenary