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Pre-AP Biology Genetic Diseases Project
Due: December 6 (B-day) and December 7 (A-Day)
Objective: Research an assigned genetic disorder and present findings to the class through an electronic
presentation. This will count as a test grade!!!
You must include name and type of disorder, a Karyotype (chromosomal disorders) or Pedigree (DNAinherited disorders) of an affected person, how the disorder is inherited, the diagnosis and symptoms of the
disorder, the treatment and genetic counseling involved, life expectancy, current research about the disorder,
and graphics.
You must present your project in two forms in a 5-10 minute group presentation to represent your group’s
efforts. Everyone in your group must speak in the presentation.
Project Generalities:
1. 5-10 minute presentation (your choice of electronic delivery)
2. Credits from at least eight sources:
a. Internet (educational and legitimate websites only…NO WIKIPEDIA!!!!)
b. Books
c. Magazines
d. Periodicals
Presentation/Poster Requirements:
1. Name of disorder
2. Type of Genetic Disorder –( if you have been assigned a DNA-inherited disorder)-- is it autosomal, sexlinked, dominant, recessive, etc.?
3. Karyotype/Pedigree (see instructions above)
4. How it is inherited (Or, is it a random mutation that occurs?)
5. Diagnosis (How do doctors determine an individual is affected? This is DIFFERENT from symptoms)
6. Symptoms (What are characteristics of this disorder?)
7. Treatment (What are the ways that an individual’s symptoms can be treated?)
8. Life Expectancy (How long is a person who has this disorder expected to live?)
9. Current Research (What is currently being done to find out more/cure this disorder?)
10. Graphics related to the disorder. Keep all graphics accurate and appropriate.
11. Works Cited in MLA format – included in the electronic presentation.
Genetic Disorders Presentation Rubric
Name: ____________________________________________ Period: ________
1. Name of disorder
2. Type of Genetic Disorder
3. Karyotype or Pedigree
4. How it is inherited
5. Diagnosis
6. Symptoms
7. Treatment
8. Life Expectancy
9. Current Research
10. Graphics (in color)
11. Works Cited (minimum of 8 in MLA format)
12. Well-Planned and coherent
13. Stood and faced the class while presenting
14. Presented information, rather than read out loud
Total Grade
Genetic Disorders Presentation Rubric
Name: ____________________________________________ Period: ________
15. Name of disorder
16. Type of Genetic Disorder
17. Karyotype or Pedigree
18. How it is inherited
19. Diagnosis
20. Symptoms
21. Treatment
22. Life Expectancy
23. Current Research
24. Graphics (in color)
25. Works Cited (minimum of 8 in MLA format)
26. Well-Planned and coherent
27. Stood and faced the class while presenting
28. Presented information, rather than read out loud
Total Grade