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Exam Review: The Aftermath, Cold War, Peace Movement, French /
English Relations
Day 1
Yalta Conference- Held in February 1945. Meeting between the heads
of government in United States, United Kingdom, and Soviet Union, to
discuss the reorganization of Europe post WWII. Beginning of tension
between US & USSR.
Berlin Wall- After WWII Germany was split into two. West Germany
controlled by Britain, France, and the United States, later became an
independent state. East Germany was controlled by the Soviet Union,
and became a communist state. These two sides drew the line in Berlin
and this wall became a symbol of the Cold War.
Blocs- Groups of allied countries. During the Cold War, the United States
and it’s allies dominated the West, while the Soviet Union and its
satellite states dominated Eastern Europe and parts of Asia.
Iron Curtain- Term coined by Winston Churchill PM of Britain during
WWII. Was a physical boundary (Berlin Wall) between the two different
sides in Europe. Was a symbol of the two different ideologies and
government types after WWII.
SCAP (Supreme Commander of Allied Powers)- Position held by
Douglas MacArthur during allied control of Japan at the end of WWII.
Changed Japanese Constitution and end to Imperialism in Japan.
United Nations- Intergovernmental organization established in 1945
following the end of WWII. This was a replacement for the ineffective
League of Nations. Originally included 51 Countries, and now there is
193. Objective is to maintain international peace, promote human
rights, and provide humanitarian aid during famine, natural disaster,
and armed conflict.
The Baby Boom- After WWII conditions in Canada (economically and
in terms of the age of population) were right for young people to have
children. Between 1949 and 1959 the Canadian population went up
nearly 30% with all of the babies being born.
Day 2
Espionage- Secret intelligence gathering. Generally associated with one
country spying on a potential or actual enemy primarily for military
purposes. Common during the Cold War
Defect- To switch political allegiance from one country to another. Most
well known defector during the Cold War was Igor Gouzenko. He
switched his allegiance from the Soviet Union to Canada.
Mutual Deterrence- The theory that having huge stockpiles on bombs
would create a “peaceful,” stable situation in which countries would not
attack each other out of fear of massive retaliation.
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)- Intergovernmental
military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty signed in 1949.
Collective defence strategy whereby each member states agree to
mutual defense in response to an attack from a non-member. Canada is
a member.
Gouzenko Affair- Igor Gouzenko worked for Soviet military
intelligence. He defected to Canada in 1945, and revealed a vast Soviet
spy network operating in Canada, Britain, and the United States. His
claim was that the Soviets were doing this in preparation for WWIII.
Most spies were Canadian and American born and had been leaking
information about Atomic Bombs to the Soviets. United States began to
stockpile their bombs in order to defend themselves…Start of Cold War.
Space Race- Grew out of the Cold War between the United States and
the Soviet Union, the most powerful nations after World War II. For a
half-century, the two superpowers competed to be the best in the field
of space exploration. The race began because both countries wanted to
be able to fire weapons across the ocean, put satellites into space to spy
on each other, and to show scientific excellence by putting a man on the
Cold War- A struggle that began after World War II, when the United
States and Soviet Union emerged as rival superpowers. The Cold War
was a war of words and ideas rather than a “hot war” that involved
active combat.
Warsaw Pact- In 1954, NATO members voted to allow West Germany
to join the alliance and rearm. In response, the Soviets created an
alliance of countries to mirror NATO. These countries met in Warsaw,
Poland to sign the pact, which was similar to the NATO agreement of
mutual aid if a member was attacked.
Proxy War in Korea- After WWII and the evaporation of the Japanese
Empire they lost control of Korea. North Korea was controlled by the
Soviets, who set up a communist government. South Korea was
occupied by the United States, who wanted free elections and
democracy. North Korea attacked South Korea in a proxy war -- a war
fought by one country (North Korea) but for and in the interests of
another (Soviets). North Korea was winning the war so the United
States got the UN involved. Canada sent 27 000 soldiers to protect South