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Bayesian Classification Using P-tree
 Classification
– Classification is a process of predicting an
unknown attribute-value in a relation
– Given a relation, R(, A1, …, An, C),
where ki’s are the structural attribute
A1, …, An, C are attributes and
C is the class label attribute.
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bSQ, Ptree technology
• Given an unclassified data sample (no C-value present), classification predicts the C-value for
the given sample and thus determine its class.
 There are two types of classification techniques
– Eager classifier: Build a classifier from training sample ahead of classifying a
new sample.
– Lazy classifier: No classifier is built ahead of time, training data is used
directly to classify new sample.
 Stream Data: comes continuously or in fixed time intervals.
– E.g., weather data for a particular area or images taken from a satellite within
fixed intervals.
Preparing the data for Classification
 Data Cleaning
– Involves the handling of noisy data and missing values.
– Noise could be removed or reduce by applying "smoothing" and missing values
could be replaced with most common or some statistically determined value.
 Relevance Analysis
– In the given data not all its attributes are relevant to the classification task.
– To reduce the task of classification these attribute should be identified and
remove from classification task.
 Data transformation
– Data can be generalized using a concept hierarchy from low level to high level.
– For spatial data, values of different bands are continuous numerical values.
• We may intervalize them as high, medium, low etc. using the concept hierarchy.
Bayesian Classification
A Bayesian classifier is a statistical classifier, which is based on
following theorem known as Bayes theorem:
Bayes theorem:
Let X be a data sample whose class label is unknown. Let H be a
hypothesis (i.e., X belongs to class, C). P(H|X) is the posterior
probability of H given X. P(H) is the probability of H, then
P(H|X) = P(X|H)P(H)/P(X)
Where P(X|H) is the posterior probability of X given H and P(X) is the
probability of X.
Naïve Bayesian Classification
 Given a relation R(K, A1..An, C) where K is the structure attribute and Ai and C are
feature attributes. Also C is the class label attribute.
 Each data sample is represented by feature vector, X=(x1..,xn) depicting the
measurements made on the sample from A1,..An, respectively.
 Given classes, C1,...Cm, the naive Bayesian Classifier will predict the class of
unknown data sample, X, to be class, Cj having the highest posterior probability,
conditioned on X
• P(Cj|X) > P(Ci|X), where i  j. (called the maximum posteriori hypothesis),
 From the Bayes theorem:
P(Cj|X) = P(X|Cj)P(Cj)/P(X)
– P(X) is constant for all classes so we maximize P(X|Cj)P(Cj). If we assume equal
likelihood of classes, maximize P(X|Cj) otherwise we maximize the whole product.
– To reduce the computational complexity of calculating all P(X|Cj)'s the naive assumption
of class conditional independence of values is used.
Naïve Bayesian Classification
Class Conditional Independence:
 This assumption says that the values of the attributes are conditionally
independent of one another. So, P(X|Cj)=P(X1|Cj)*..*P(Xn|Cj).
 Now the P(Xi|Cj)’s can be calculated directly from data sample.
Calculating P(Xi|Cj) from P-trees:
P(Xi|Cj) = sjxi/sj
where sj = # of samples in class Cj and
sjxi = # of training samples of class Cj, having Ai-value xi.
These values can be calculated by:
sjxi = RootCount [ (Pi(xi) ^ (PC(Cj) ],
sj= RootCount [ PC(Cj)]
Non-Naive Bayesian Classifier (Cont.)
 One problem with Non-Naïve-Bayesian P-tree classifiers:
If the rc(Ptree(X))=0 then we will not get a class label for that tuple.
Whole tuple
X2 … Xk-1 Xk Xk+1 … Xn
 It could happen if the whole tuple is not present in the training data
 Solution (Partial Naïve): So in that case we can divide the whole tuple into two parts
separating one attribute from the whole tuple. e.g.
Whole tuple
Separated tuple
X2 … Xk-1 Xk Xk+1 … Xn
X2 … Xk-1 Xk+1 … Xn
P(X|Ci)=rc[Ptree(X’) ^ PC(Ci)] * rc[Pk(Xk) ^ PC(Ci)]
 Now the problem is how to select the attribute Xk
 One way to use the information gain theory.
 Calculate the info gain of all the attributes Xi
then Xk is the one having lowest information gain
Information Gain
Let C have m different classes, C1 to Cm
The information needed to classify a given sample is:
I( = -(i =1..m)[pi*log2(pi)]
where pi=si/s is the probability that a sample belongs to Ci.
A, an attrib, having values, {a1...av}. The entropy of A is E(A) = (j=1..v i=1..m sij/ s ) * I(s1j..smj)
I(s1j..smj) = -i=1..m pij*log2(pij)
where pij=sij/Sj is the probability that a sample in Ci belongs to Ai
Information gain of A: Gain(A) = I( - E(A)
si = rc(PC(ci)
Sj = rc(PA(aj)
sij = rc( PC(ci) ^ PA(aj) )
Performance of Ptree AND operation
Performance of Classification:
Comparison Performance for 4 classification classes
time (ms)
Tim e Required Vs Bit Num ber
bit num ber
IG Use
Performance of Classification:
Classification success rate comparisons
Comparison of techniques
Siginificant Bits
IG Use - Proportion of the number of times the information
gain was used for successful classification.
Performance in Data Stream Application
 Data Stream mining should have the following criteria
It must require a small constant time per record.
It must use only a fixed amount of main memory
It must be able to build a model at most one scan of the data
It must make a usable model available at any point of time.
It should produce a model that is equivalent to the one that would be obtained by the corresponding
database-mining algorithm.
– When the data-generating phenomenon is changing over time, the model at any time should be upto-date but also include the past information.
 Data Stream mining Using P-tree
– It must require a small constant time per record.
• P-tree require small and constant time.
– It must use only a fixed amount of main memory
• Ok for P-tree
– It must be able to build a model at most one scan of the data
• To build the P-tree only one scan is required
– It must make a usable model available at any point of time.
• Ok for P-tree
– It should produce a model that is equivalent to the one that would be obtained
by the corresponding database-mining algorithm.
• Any conventional algorithm is also implementable with P-tree
– When the data-generating phenomenon is changing over time, the model at
any time should be up-to-date but also include the past information.
• Ok for P-tree