Download Warszawa a przepływy ludności związane z zatrudnieniem

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City- Region
Example of Warsaw and Poland
Przepływy ludności związane
z zatrudnieniem:
Na podstawie badania
Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego
Alicja Papierowska
Wydział Badań i Analiz
Centrum Komunikacji Społecznej
Styczeń 2010 r.
12 Polish Metropolises
36% GDP of Poland
22% of population
25% of working population
40% of working in services
16% of working in hotels
65% of students
Commuters to Warsaw for work
(in % of all workers, municipalities of origin)
Data about commuters
• 2,3 million people commuted to work outside their
i.e. 25% of all workers (2006)
• 167 thousand daily commuters to Warsaw, 13
times more than in the
other direction.
• Commuters to Warsaw for work live mainly in
villages and small towns around Warsaw
Commuters out of Warsaw work in the
surroundings but also in other big cities
Counties of origin of commuters to Warsaw
Commuters out of Warsaw (counties of
Commuters from and to Warsaw
(wojwodship of origin or destination)
Commuters from
Commuters to
• centre of a functional labour market
- Working in Warsaw, paying taxes and spending
earnings outside Warsaw (Warsaw driver of
part of a network of metropolises:
- Mainly high quality services (Warsaw source of
knowledge and innovation?)
Warsaw’s cooperation at cities
region level
• no administrative structure for the
metropolitan area
• no metropolitan statistics
• no systematic statistics about functional
• Some kind of metropolitan planning by the
Mazovia region
Warsaw’s cooperation at cities
region level
• one governmental police structure for the whole
metropolitan area
• Joint ticket for public transport, cofinanced
by municipalities within the metropolitan area
• Commuter trains cofinanced by municipalities
within the metropolitan area
• Association of municipalities within the
metropolitan area
Polish government plans
(Poland 2030)
• Polarisation- diffusion model: combine
competitiveness with territorial
• Polish metropolises drivers of
development of Poland
Preconditions of success:
internationally competitive metropolises
internationally well connected metropolises
internally well connected metropolises
good accessibility of the metropolises within
functional areas
good human and social capital
good quality of urban and metropolitan space
good quality of metropolitan planning and
Urgent needs
• investments in rail and road infrastructure and its
modernisation ( 2km motorways pro 100 thsd
inhabitants, 21% of rails allow a speed above
investments in IT infrastructure
metropolitan and functional flow statistics
metropolitan area authority for joint planning,
implementation and management (law under
strengthening social capital (multilevel governance
and partnerships
investments in the quality of metropolitan space
social innovation and inclusion
economic innovation and promotion
Thank you
Franz Thun
Mayor’s Office
Warsaw City Hall
[email protected]