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Characteristics of Japanese drug market
and recommended strategy for Korean
Only 2% growth of Japanese drug market is
expected towards 2010.
a) Japanese government’s budget deficit amounts to
$8trillion in return for bolstering long economic
b) Accumulated government debt requires Japanese
Health Care Scheme save $10billion until 2011.
c) Japanese drug prices are under strict government
d) Japanese government resorted to sharp reduction
of drug prices, such as 8% price reduction once
every two years, low price of new drugs, additional
price reduction of patent-expired drugs, additional
price reduction of drugs which surpassed expected
Pre-requisite for the entry to
Japanese market
1) Preparing at least 2 new products which have unique medical
2) Showing lessons of how Japanese drug makers succeeded in US
a) Takeda:
b) Eizai
Anti-hypertensive ‘Olmetek’
Anti-clotting ‘prasugrel’
d) Astellas Pharmaceuticals
Alzheimer drug ‘Aricept’
Anti-ulcer ‘Pariet’
c) Daiichi-Sankyo
Prostate cancer drug ‘Luprondepo’
Anti-ulcer ‘Prevacid’
Immune suppression drug ‘Prograf’
Over active bladder drug ‘Vesicare’
3) Korean drug makers have to strengthen in-house drug research to
produce two products.
Critical mass for annual R&D budget: $100mil
Advised critical mass for the
initial product marketing in Japan
1) Lessons of Santen Pharmaceutical’s
retreat from US market in 2004.
Annual Sales: $50mil
Annual financial loss: $20mil
Numbers of MRs:150 persons
2) Korean drug makers have to attain
sales of $100mil to maintain 150 MRs in
Japan in the same token.
Procedures for the entry to
Japanese market
1) First: Starting from simple-licensing
2) Second: Joint sales & promotion
a) Product for niche market requires 150 MRs
b) Product for mass market requires 1000 MRs
Korean maker’s MRs: 150 persons
Japanese maker’s MRs: 850 persons(Co-promotion)
e.g.: Eizai’s Aricept promotion in US
Eizai:500 MRs
Pfyzer: 3000 MRs
Step-by-step entry
Example of Eizai’s US entry
1) First step: ‘Aricept’
2) Second step: ‘Pariet’
Small promotion by Eisai itself assisted by
Pfyzer’s strong co-promotion
Expanded full promotion by Eizai in
collaboration with Janssen’s co-promotion
3) Third step: ‘E-7389’
Eizai intends independent promotion & sales by
Partnering with Japanese drug
Korean makers need Japanese partners for
both development and marketing.
Keys for deciding good partner
1) Franchise of Japanese makers
2) Synergies in products between Korean and
3) Take friendship approaches instead of
confrontation style
4) Cross-licensing
5) Cooperation in international clinical trials
6) Success of Joint Venture depends on case-bycase
Entry to Japanese generic market
Japanese generic market is starting to
expand, but its market share is still very
The share of generic in Japan is only 16%
compared with that of 50% in US.
Japanese consumer still put priority on
quality and show strong brand royalty.
Big market share of Japanese generic
products would take years probably until
Recommendation for Korean generic
maker’s entry to Japanese market
1) Critical mass for a generic maker in Japan
will become annual sales of $1billion in the
medium term future.
Heated price competition will inevitably lead to
heavy M&As.
2) Advice to Korean generic makers
a) Try to achieve critical mass of $1bil by making
b) Collaborate with Sandoz or Indian drug makers
as well as with major Japanese generic mfrs.
Recommendation for the entry to
Japanese market
1) Establish good relations with doctors by furnishing
useful information on drugs.
2) Specialized MR system is being in fashion in Japan.
3) Establish good relations with one of the 3 biggest
wholesalers(Suzuken, Alfressa, Kuraya-Sanseido)
4) Keep in mind that drug prices decrease by 8%
once every two years.
5) Sales decrease less sharper than in the US after
patent expiration.
6)Orphan drugs make big fortunes in US, but not in